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Unread 09-09-2008   #1
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Little Women


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Unread 09-24-2008   #2
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Re: Anyone have this story?

Little Women
By Alice36

Alice knew would be different today. Her best friend, Terri, promised her that. After all, it was her birthday, and when pressed not to do anything big for her party, Terri said not to worry.
‘It won’t be a big deal,’ she said, chuckling slightly. Terri always did have a warped sense of humor, Alice thought to herself, but why would she laugh at that?
Alice decided to take her time today. She had the day off, so why rush? Terri’s party wasn’t for a few more hours, so she languished in bed. She arose slowly, catching her 5’10’ frame in her full-length mirror. Oh, I hope that there’ll be a few tall guys at the party, Alice thought, I’m tired of towering over men. Oh well.
Alice drew a hot bath and slunk into the tub, noticing that she’d have to shave her long legs again. She reached over for her leg cream and fumbled for her razor. Oh, bikini line or not to bikini line? Now you’re being a little too hopeful, Alice, aren’t you? No, you’re not, she thought, as Terri does have an outdoor hot tub. Better shave it, so you can look good in your new suit!
Alice made quick work of her legs, and as she dried off, looked longingly once again at her now clean legs and neatly trimmed pubic hair. Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! Now, where is that bathing suit....
Alice walked out of her apartment with a flair of her skirt, and had anyone been standing at the bottom of the stoop, they might have caught a glimpse of her new Brazilian cut bikini beneath her mini skirt. She had chosen a breezy blouse to go (barely) over the tiny matching top—she decided to be daring and just go for it. That’s what Cosmo had recommended, anyway, for special occasions.
Terri was putting the finishing touches on the birthday bash she had planned. Everything was ready for the blow out party she had planned for Alice. She’d invited a few close friends for what she planned as a ‘little’ birthday party: her best friend and ‘sister Wiccan’ Sally; Brad, a co-worker whom she’d seen a few times socially, and his tennis partner, Phil (whom she’d also seen socially!). Alice would round out the trio of couples, but then again, between her and Sally, things were bound to get out of hand!
‘Hi there, little one!’ Terri exclaimed as Alice walked in the door. ‘What a cute outfit! It looks like you’re about to fall out of it!’ Alice felt a bit self-conscious about that last comment—oh god, I hope I don’t look too slutty, she thought. The ‘little one’ comment missed her completely.
‘Oh, you know, I thought it would be easier to dress for a ‘pool’ party,’ Alice said nervously.
‘Oh, the hot tub, of course. I just thought we’d all go skinny dippin’ anyway,’ Terri said with a sly smile. Alice blushed slightly. ‘Just kidding! Gee, girlfriend, you’ve got to loosen up a bit!’
‘, anyone else here yet?’ Alice asked, trying to change the subject.
‘Nope, you’re the first. Why don’t you sit down while I fix you a drink.’ Terri said, trailing off to the kitchen.
‘Thanks. Diet!’ Alice yelled out to her. Alice noticed the party table, decked out with various foods, and noticed something odd. His and hers cupcakes instead of a birthday cake. That’s just like Terri, Alice thought, always thinking about calories and such. They look absolutely scrumptious, though. She looked over her shoulder, and not being noticed, swiped a little frosting off of a ‘girl’ cupcake just before Terri walked back in.
‘I see you’re being a naughty little girl again, Alice,’ Terri said. ‘Good for you.’ Terri thought to herself, as the frosting also had a trace of the potion that she and Sally had concocted....
‘Now Alice, you can’t have any more of that until all the guest arrive, or I’ll have to spank you!’ Terri said, teasing her friend.
‘Ok mom,’ Alice said, shaking her head like a ten year old. ‘I’ll be good.’ Alice took her diet soda from Terri and sat down on the couch. I hate being early to parties. She looked down at her outfit and straightened herself out so she’d look her cutest. There was a knock at the door.
‘Hey, Terri, the fun’s here!’ yelled Brad. Terri made a ‘yeah right’ look at Alice, who Terri noticed was busy retying her bikini top. Not yet, Alice, not yet! How much frosting did she snag?
Terri opened the door and in marched Brad and Phil, who each gave Terri a small hug and kiss. Brad looked at Phil, wondering if...nah, he wouldn’t, would he?
‘So, Alice, birthday girl...who gets to give you your birthday swats, eh?’ Brad said, trying to be the life of the party. ‘One to grow on, right?’ Terri smiled at the unknown irony of the statement.
‘Not you, that’s for sure,’ Terri said. ‘She’s all mine, you got it?’ She was of course teasing, but Alice gave a strange look.
‘Maybe your friend there could administer the tradition?’ Alice said, pointing to Phil. He straightened up.
‘If I must, I must,’ Phil chimed in. A nervous laugh was shared by all.
‘So...when does Sally arrive?’ Brad asked. He’d been interested in her ever since they met. Terri knew this, too, from the way he had stared at her the whole night on their double-date with Sally and her latest fling. Of course, he had no way of knowing that she swung both ways....
The chit-chat lasted for a few minutes until Sally swung the door to Terri’s place wide open.
‘So! Where is the little darling!’ Sally shouted, giving a wink to Terri. ‘Happy birthday, girl!’ Sally sensed something in the room was different. ‘Okay, who’s been licking the frosting?’ Alice was startled.
‘ did you know?’ Alice said, standing up. She didn’t notice that her sandals were slightly loose.
‘You know me better than that, Alice. I’ve got a ‘sixth’ sense for such things,’ Sally responded. ‘She’s already too cute despite such a small dose,’ Sally whispered into Terri’s ear. ‘I guess you’ll have to get an extra spanking today for such a digression,’ Sally said to Alice. Brad and Phil looked at each other with a slight knowing smile, wondering how wild things were going to get with these three lovely ladies.
‘So, shall we begin the party?’ Terri asked.
The party had been underway for about an hour when Terri decided to light the candles on the cupcakes. ‘Ok, everyone, time to sing ‘Happy Birthday’,’ she cried out. Everyone gathered around the table and sang off key, eagerly awaiting the blow out of the candles. Alice drew a deep breath and blew them out with one blow.
‘Now make a wish, Alice,’ Sally said. Alice quirked her face and made a quiet wish about Phil to herself, knowing that it probably wouldn’t happen. Terri began distributing the his and her cupcakes, noticing that there was one of the she-cakes missing. Panicking slightly, she looked around and saw that Phil had it in his mouth! Oh, no! thought Terri. This should get really interesting.
‘Hey, Terri,’ whispered Sally. ‘Phil got one of the special ones. I wonder—‘
‘I know, I know...but it will be interesting nevertheless. What’s done is done.’
‘Oooh my gawd—Terri, this cupcake is simply scrumptious! I’ve got to have another—‘ screamed Alice as she grabbed another cupcake. Terri didn’t figure she’d eat TWO of them.
‘Like you said, what’s done is done,’ Terri shrugged, finishing off her special cupcake.
‘I think I’ll save mine for later,’ Sally said, reclining on the couch quite amused with the turn of events.
‘I wanna dance...Phil, would you dance with me?’ Alice managed to get out as Terri put on some music. The two cupcakes were working their magick on Alice, who had struggled with her shoes to the point of kicking them off. Am I that drunk? she thought, or is Phil taller than I thought he was.
Sally watched in amusement from the couch as Brad and Terri danced together. Brad was completely oblivious to the fact that Terri was now a full 5 inches shorter, or that she was dancing in her underwear, her shorts now in a puddle on the floor. What a dip, Sally thought. I bet he thinks he’s so hot that she just had to drop her pants for him. Alice looked over at Terri, too, noticing her semi-clad friend and giggled. Then she looked down and noticed that her skirt, too, was around her ankles and that Phil was taller still.
‘Hey, perhaps it’s all the booze I had earlier, or just my imagination, but are you getting taller, Phil?’ Phil couldn’t hear Alice over the music, but he noticed that Alice had dropped her skirt and was practically falling out of her bikini. What a stud I am, he thought, giving himself a mental high-five. He looked down and noticed that his shorts were around his ankles too. I don’t remember dropping these—oh, Alice, you wild thing!
Phil was completely lost in watching Alice shed her clothes that he didn’t notice that his own shorts were on the floor. When he did notice, then look over at the ever shrinking Alice, he didn’t care...he thought she was so totally into him that she was now in her bikini and on her knees facing his bulging cock—wait a minute! She’s “Hey, what’s happening?” Phil yelled over the music. He looked over at Terri, who seemed to be about the same size as before, but Brad looked huge, as did Sally. And poor Alice... “Hey, Alice, look up!” he managed to say. Alice looked up, but the double-dose of magick cupcake was in full swing, and as she looked up, her top finally gave up on its shrinking owner, followed by her ever-growing bottoms. She stood about 4 feet tall to Phil’s 5 foot frame and was continuing to shrink.
“Hey! What the heck!” Alice yelled as she tried to cover her nakedness. Sally watched from the couch in amusement.
“Oh, did we mention the cupcakes are magical?” Sally said, grabbing the shrinking Alice by her arm. “Now come here for your birthday spanking!”
Alice struggled with the giant Sally, who seemed to be growing even bigger.
“No! Stop it!” Alice screamed as the giant Sally pulled the now 3 foot tall Sally over her thighs. Crack! came down the huge hand of Sally, who laughed at the squirming Alice.
“Now, just a couple of dozen to go!” Sally screamed in delight. Phil tried to come to rescue, but the cupcake had taken it’s full effect, leaving him just under 3 feet tall, a nuisance to the giantess. Alice’s double dose was kicking into high gear, and she passed the 2 foot mark with ease. Phil watched in shock as she stopped shrinking around 16 inches.
“You big bully!” Phil yelled at Sally as she brought her giant hand down onto Alice’s now red ass.
“Shut up, little one,” Sally said, “Or I’ll shrink you some more!” she added, slapping his diminutive butt.
Meanwhile, Terri was now reaching the 4 foot mark, looking up at Brad, who finally looked over at the scene on the couch. “What’s going on over there?” he asked Terri, who was now just slipping out of her clothes and reaching her target height of 34 inches.
“Oh, that,” Terri laughed, “Is a shrunken Alice and Phil. Sally and I are witches, and this is our ‘surprise’ for Alice’s birthday!” Terri looked up at Brad and yanked on his shorts. “Hey, I’m down here!” Brad looked down at his now shrunken dance partner and at first was confused, then he smiled.
“I must look huge to you right now,” he managed to say. Terri looked back with a “uh huh” look as she tried to pull his shorts down.
Back on the couch...
“OW!” Alice cried as the fourth slap came down on her fiery ass.
“You’ll be sorry for this!”
“Oh, you love it, Alice—you told Terri you always wanted to be a little doll—we just gave you your wish!” But Alice’s words were all too true, and she could feel a slight shift beneath her between swats. “We thought you might like a ‘magical’ evening with Phil—we know how you feel about him.” Sally looked down at the tiny Alice, then adjusted her blouse. Hey, I didn’t have a cupcake.
She set Alice aside. “Terri, what’s happening? I’m shrinking, but I didn’t have a cupcake!”
Terri looked over at the couch to see Sally shrinking. The rule of 3’s was taking over due to her particularly harsh treatment of Alice, but would it shrink her for 3 times as long or 3 times as short? Each cupcake would reduce its ingester to ? half their height for 3 hours...that would mean Sally could end up shrunken for that long, or, doing the math based on Alice’s double-dose...1” tall!
Terri tried to yell over at Sally to stop, but it was too late—the joo joo or whatever the heck it was was angered by Sally’s violence. The magick was supposed to be good, harmless fun, but Sally had a wicked streak. Terri watched as Alice lowered herself over the couch and into the arms of the 3 foot tall Phil, her head coming just below is crotch, but it didn’t seem to phase either of them at this point. Sally got up to run towards the table, and the antidote, but she tripped on her clothes. She looked back at Brad, but noticed that he was seemed taller. Shit, thought Terri, the rule of 3’s is working on her too.
Alice watched with amazement as her former tormenter was now 3 feet tall, 2 feet tall, her height, and rapidly shrinking towards the floor. Sally struggled with her now circus-tent sized-clothes and crawled out of the right sleeve of her blouse. She was just under a foot tall and still shrinking.
Brad gazed at the ever-shrinking Sally, then back at Terri as she slipped past the two foot mark. Since she had had one cupcake, she figured that she’d end up in the 4-5 inch range for the rest of the evening—still big enough to have some fun and bigger than Sally, who stopped shrinking at 1 ?” tall. She was going to have fun giving Sally a tiny spanking....
Alice released Phil and walked over to Sally. To Sally, Alice’s 16 inch framed seemed almost 100 feet tall to Sally. Alice picked her up with ease.
“So, Sally, what should I do with you?” Alice asked, turning over the tiny Sally in her left hand. “I know!” she screamed as her right hand came down on little Sally’s ass.
Meanwhile, Brad, who was still his full height, had made it over to Phil.
“So, pipsqueak, what are we going to do with all of these tiny babes?” Brad asked.
“I don’t know, Brad,” said the half-sized Phil. “But it looks like you’re in charge.” Brad surveyed the room before him: Phil, his tennis partner, was half his size and naked; Alice, the birthday girl, came up to about his knee in height; Terri and Sally were palm sized and pinkie-sized respectively. Hmmm...this could be fun. He was still a bit hungry, and decided to have another cupcake—grabbing one of the “special” ones, of course. Phil looked up at his friend, noticing that soon after the first bite, Brad was beginning to diminish slightly.
“Hey, could you get me one of those, too?” Phil whined, knowing that Brad didn’t like to share.
“Sure,” Brad said, lowering the last special cupcake towards Phil, then pulling it away and into his mouth at the last second. “Psych!” Brad managed to say with a full mouth. Phil made a darn gesture, figuring that two cupcakes would make him about Alice’s size.
Brad learned too late that the cupcakes contained the shrinking potion, as he reduced in size quickly. He figured this out as his normally tight shorts dropped around his ankles, revealing that he had come to the party commando-style. Alice and her tiny captives looked up to see Brad, naked from the waist down, slip through his shirt, reduced to a tiny 17 inch size.
“Oh, did I mention that those cupcakes contained the shrinking potion?” Phil said, towering over the now shrunk Brad. “Guess you’re not the ‘biggest’ guy in the room anymore,” Phil said with glee.
Alice returned her attention to her shrunken captives. Terri held Sally in her grip, giving her a fierce spanking, while Alice spanked Terri. It was quite rythmic. Then Brad and Phil walked over. Alice looked up at the biggest cock she’d ever seen, and it was attached to the guy she had the biggest crush on.
“Hi, little ladies,” Phil bellow. “Need anything?” Phil knew it was a corny line, but he said it with such glee. Alice looked over at Brad, who was her size, but he looked so small in comparison with Phil.
“Just you, Phil,” Alice said, dropping her shrunken former tormentors. Terri ran over to Brad, who looked big enough to her.
She held Sally up Brad, and his hardening cock was just a bit bigger than tiny Sally. She released Sally, who now hugged the horse-sized cock for dear life, since it was nearly 50 feet in the air in her scale. But what a view...she looked over at Alice and Phil. Alice’s head was just below Phil’s growing cock, which to Sally was a staggering 20 feet long. Brad decided to sit down, so as not to intimidate Terri too much, who was trying to crawl up his leg.
“So, you little witches, how long are we going to be like this?” Phil asked as Alice gripped the base of Phil’s cock.
Terri turned her attention to the giant and said, “Well, if I read the potion correctly, it should last several hours, but that was for normal ingestion. Sally and I may stay this way for a bit more than that, given Sally’s mistreatment of Alice. Hey, Brad, give her a tiny swat for me, will ya?”
Brad nodded at the the tiny woman, and turned his attention to Sally, who was struggling with his monster cock. He gave her ass a small flick with his finger.
“Owwwww!” screamed Sally. “Cut it out!” she cried, deciding to bite her new tormentor. To Brad, though, it was a tiny peck, and his cock responded with a slight twitch.
“I know what that was supposed to be, little woman, but at your size it felt pretty good!” Brad said, picking the tiny woman off his manhood. “Should I repay the nibble?” he said, holding Sally perilously above his open mouth, nearly 120 scale feet in the air.
“No, master, no!” Sally screamed. Master, Brad thought, I like the sound of that.
“Will you behave?” Brad asked.
“Yes, yes, I’ll do whatever you want!”
“Anything?” Brad mused. I want you to...make love to Terri!” Terri turned her head back at the giant Brad.
“What!?!” Terri yelled. Alice withdrew Phil’s cock from her mouth and looked over at the little Terri.
“Oooh, what a fun idea Brad,” Alice said. “I’d really like to see that!”
“NO!” Terri screamed, but Brad picked her up quickly. He set Sally down on Terri.
“Oh, yes, Terri, you deserve this!” Alice yelled. “Or do you want me to find your magick potion and make you smaller?” Terri thought about this, and feared getting any smaller.
“O—okay, whatever,” Terri finally said, looking down at the Sally between her legs. Sally started her tongue work on Terri, who at first hesitated, then relented. She was completely lost in ecstasy.
Meanwhile, Alice decided to look for the potion anyway with Phil’s help. “We can shrink them even further!” Alice said as Phil lowered the bottle from the kitchen counter. “That will serve them right!”
Terri had completely given in to Sally’s minstrations when Brad set them down on the glass coffee table. He stroked himself gently as he watched the shrunken party hosts writhe in pleasure when Alice appeared with an eyedropper.
“Shrink me, huh?” Alice said, emptying the contents of the eyedropper on Sally and Terri. Terri looked up as the deluge hit her.
“NO!” Terri screamed, but it was too late. She could feel the glass table top expand beneath her, as Sally continued her tongue bath. Brad and Phil watched in fascination as Terri and Sally got even smaller. Phil took the eyedropper from Alice.
“Enough! We’re going to need a microscope to watch them now!” Phil said.
“Or...” Brad said, pondering getting a bit smaller, “We could take a little more, too.” Terri looked across the expanse of the coffee table as she cleared what she thought was the 1 inch threshold. Sally is really tiny now if I’m this small.
“Oh, come on Phil, we’ve got to see them,” Alice pleaded. Phil, the tallest in the group, decided to take the first gulp. The reaction was swift, reducing him to half of Brad’s size.
“I can see them,” Phil said as he walked over to where Terri and Sally were last seen. Terri was about ? inch tall, and Sally was around 1/16 inch or so, but he was guessing at that. “I’ve got to get smaller...” Brad had joined him with a small swig, and now were under Alice’s shadow as she drenched them both with fluid.
Terri looked up at the giants above her. She picked up the tiny Sally, who finally came to appreciate the trouble their magick potion had brought upon them. Alice bent over and picked up the 2 inch tall (in scale) Terri and a 4 inch tall male (I think that’s Brad, Alice thought, squinting).
“My, my, how the table’s have turned!” Alice’s voice boomed down on the shrunken trio. “You’re soooo very cute at this size, and quite manageable.” She squinted harder to see the ? scale inch sized Sally, and could just make out her pert, little breasts. “Terri, give the little one TO ME!” Alice directed. Terri could do nothing but cooperate as she set Sally onto Alice’s erect nipple (as her hands were full). Alice dropped Terri into her other hand as Sally clung for dear life. “Phil, where are you?” Alice spotted the tiny Phil and clutched him into her free hand.
“What are you going to do with us?” Terri asked, hugging Brad’s knee for stability. Alice ignored her for the moment as she sat down, balancing the tiny Sally on her nipple.
“Why, nothing, silly...we’re all going to have fun. Sally, the little one, will pleasure my cock-sized nipples, as she is way too small for much else. Brad, you and Terri are going to put on a show for me, too...” Alice said, lying on her back. She set Terri and Brad on her massive stomach. “And Phil, my special little guy,” Alice said, moving Phil to the cavern that was her vagina, “you’re going to be very useful down here.”
Phil looked up at the freshly trimmed jungle that was Alice’s bikini zone. Her scent was intoxicating—obviously, she was enjoying her newly grown power over the him and the rest of the party goers. She nudged him into her outer lips, spreading her legs a little more.
“Now, Phil, see that ‘cock’-sized item in front of you? That’s my clit. At your size, you’re going to have to work at it, but I want you to go down like you’ve never gone down before!” Phil, sensing that disobedience could be fatal, obeyed, and took the head of Alice’s clit into his mouth. “Mmmmmm, just like that, Phil....ooooooh!”
Terri looked up at the moaning Alice, and at the distant sight of Sally, who was so completely lost in her own little world, riding Alice’s monster nipple for all she was worth. She looked up at Brad, whose cock was coming to life from the overpowering scent of Alice and the sight of Sally. He layed down in the bowl of Alice’s belly button, pulling Terri down on top of him.
“Well, I bet you never thought it would end up like this, did you?” Brad said, as he lowered Terri onto his raging hard on. At Terri’s size, he could only manage to slip about 2/3 rds of it into her tight pussy.
“Ooohhhh!” Terri screamed in delight, feeling herself lost in pleasure on the belly of a giantess—a belly that was grumbling from the work of the giantess’ tiny lover, Phil. Terri looked down Alice’s torso one last time to see Phil sucking the giant clit, with Alice doing all she could to stay still enough for the tiny lovers on her stomach, and her tiny nipple lover to hold on. It wasn’t easy.
Sally, infinitely tiny against the giantess Alice, straddled Alice’s nipple for all she was worth. She was extremely horny, and the sight that she had from her high vantage point kept her more so: Terri and Brad were struggling with their slight size differences as Phil licked and sucked her giantess. With each stroke of his mouth, Alice jiggled beneath her, sending wave after wave of pleasure to her tiny pussy. She climaxed once more as Alice lifted the eyedropper of potion to her mouth...she had to have Phil’s cock inside of her.
Alice placed the eyedropper in her mouth, at first carefully sucking on a small dose, so as not to shrink too much. At her size, it was impossible to judge how much of the magick potion would shrink her, and she still liked being in control of the rest of the group. She felt the first dose almost immediately, and with her ass firmly planted on the the glass table top, could feel her feet and shoulders slowly moving towards each other. She felt Brad and Terri getting a little bit heavier as she approached the 12 inch mark, but she still was a 72 foot tall giantess to them at this point. Sally looked a little bigger, but in scale was still a third of an inch to her. She was still too big, though, to receive much pleasure from the tiny man between her thighs, so she too another tiny sip...
Brad and Terri were oblivious to what Alice was doing, as they were quite lost in their lovemaking. Alice, Terri thought, really did know how to party after all. Terri relaxed her vaginal muscles some more and took in Brad’s huge cock even further to the point that she felt like she was going to split, when she looked up. The distance between Brad’s head and Alice’s breasts were closing in. She layed down slowly on her huge lover’s chest to whisper in her ear.
“Brad...look up. Talk about the mountains coming to Mohammad.” Terri joked. Brad craned his head to see what looked like a wave of breast-flesh slowly moving toward an imaginary shore, getting slightly smaller as it rode in.
Alice stopped shrinking around the 8 inch mark, as far as she could tell gauge, as Phil now looked just about the right size. She could feel the tiny Sally now, who was a scale ? inch to her 8 inch frame. To Brad and Phil, their one inch frames now seemed like 6 inches to Alice—just about right. She cupped her right hand over her left breast.
“Sally, hop into my hand,” Alice said lightly, fearing that any loud command would blow her off her perch. Sally, disappointed, did as the giantess commanded and hopped into her enormous hand. Alice set her down on her left. She then scooped up the tiny lovers from her stomach, and set them down next to Sally. Then she turned her attention to Phil. “Mmm, little man, you did such a good job on my giant clit,” Alice said, smiling wryly, “but it wasn’t quite enough to satisfy your giantess.” Phil looked up at the billboard-sized face wondering what would come next. “But first, some adjustments need to be made.”
Alice reached for the eyedropper, struggling with its new size, but managed to hold it in her arms. “Brad, sorry to interrupt your screwing, but please pull out of Terri and step aside.” Brad made a frown for his tiny lover, who seemed to be enjoying his immense cock, but fearing the wrath of the giantess, he pulled Terri off and walked away. “Such a good little man,” Alice said, “now open your mouth!” Brad again did as he was told, looking up into the eyedropper above. Alice squeezed the eyedropper, and Brad feared how small he would become with such a deluge. He didn’t know how much he swallowed, but as he was soaked, he knew he wouldn’t command his tiny one inch height for long. He felt the potion soak in quickly, and as he walked back to the half inch tall Terri, she was about 6 inches taller than he was and getting taller by the second. He looked down at Sally, who seemed to be getting taller, but he knew better. He watched as the Terri grew and grew in his eyes, and then he stopped. He turned around and looked into Sally’s eyes for the first time since the start of the party.
“Welcome to Liliput,” Sally said, kissing him madly. They both looked up at Terri, who seemed to be 50 feet or so above them. In comparison, Terri was to Brad and Sally as Alice was to Phil. It was quite convenient, and quite planned on Alice’s part.
“Terri, take care of the little ones, okay?” Alice commanded as she wrapped her huge fingers around Phil. “I’m going to take care of Phil.”
Terri watched as Alice spread her enormous legs and with her free hand, spread her cavernous pussy. Then she watched as Alice slid Phil feet first in between her hungry womanhood.
“Such a goooood little man,” moaned Alice. Terri turned her attention to her shrunken charges, and pondered what to do with them.
“Brad, Sally, I have a wicked idea,” Terri said, picking them up with her hands like they were dolls. “I always wanted anatomically correct dolls!” Terri could see that her once huge lover was still erect, and Sally was still more than wet from her perch atop Alice’s breast. Holding Sally in her left hand, she pushed Brad into Sally. Sally at first squirmed—she really preferred women, but she was under the power of another giantess. Brad wrapped his arms around Sally, and proceeded to make love to her. Then Terri sat down and spread her legs apart to set into motion part two of her wicked little plan. With Brad and Sally making love in her hands, she slowly lowered them feet first into her own cavernous vagina, which was still stretched out from her session with the once mighty Brad.
Alice looked down at Terri and noticed her achievement, as she could barely make out Brad and Sally’s heads sticking out of Terri’s pussy. Clever, Alice thought, I wish I’d thought of it. She returned her attention to carefully pushing and pulling tiny Phil in and out of her pussy, but it still didn’t seem to satisfy her. Another dose or two and Phil would be just the right size, but I wouldn’t be in complete control anymore—but then again, no one will be able to take any more of the potion, Alice thought. Hmmm....

Alice was enjoying her fun with Phil, who didn’t seem to mind his newly found position of living sex toy, but Alice wanted more. While holding Phil inside of her wet womanhood, she suckled from the giant eyedropper for the last time. She felt an immediate reaction, feeling herself being filled by a ‘growing’ Phil between her legs.
At first, Phil didn’t know what to make of the increased pressure he was receiving from Alice’s vaginal muscles, then he looked down the length of her legs. Her feet were moving closer and closer! She’s shrinking! And I’m still inside!
Alice had shrunken to about 4 inches when Phil was finally forced out with an audible ‘pop!’ She continued to shrink, looking down at her former tiny lover. Within seconds, they were at eye level, but Alice kept shrinking. Phil loomed taller and taller, until Alice was about ? inch tall.
“So, big boy,” Alice said coyly, “Want to help out a tiny woman in desperate need of a good fuck?” For Phil, she didn’t have to ask twice. Phil layed down on his back, and Alice straddled the now 12 scale foot giant. Slowly she lowered herself onto his mighty cock, taking in as much as she could.
Meanwhile, Terri was enjoying her squirming captive lovers. With each tiny thrust from Brad, Sally was pushed into the opposite wall of her now tightening pussy. The feeling was incredible—two really tiny people were making love inside of her, and as she lowered her right hand to rub her neglected clit, she savored every moment of the shrunken ecstasy. She looked over at Phil and Alice, noticing that the once scale 100 foot giantess was her size now, getting the full treatment from Phil. A passing thought occurred to her—what time is it? This table-top orgy had been going on for some time now, and the birthday potion was only good until midnight....
Phil never felt anything like least not since he was used as a human dildo. He completely filled the now smaller Alice, is cock only able to go 2/3 rds into his tiny lover. For Alice, she was finally getting enough. She’d always wanted a large man, and now she was fucking the biggest cock she’d ever had. With each downward stroke, she felt the mighty head of Phil’s rod ram into her cervix, hitting the hidden pleasure center over and over. She was completely lost in pleasure when Terri’s grandfather clock began to chime midnight.
Sally, while making love to Brad inside of Terri, was the first to notice the chiming clock. Midnight! The potion!
“Brad, we’ve got to stop...” Sally managed to say between pants, “we’re going to start growing!”
Brad took moment before he stopped thrusting. “What?”
“The potion stops working at midnight! We’ve got to get out, or Terri’s going to turn into one messy pumpkin! Terri! It’s midnight! Pull us out!”
Terri turned her attention to the tiny lovers deep within her. She focused her muscles on them, pushing them out onto her hand. They were covered in her love juices. “Hi there, welcome to the world!” She thought about giving them a little swat, to mimic birth, but thought again.
Alice looked down at her huge lover, who seemed to be stretching out on the glass table top. He’s growing? She didn’t notice any change in the size of his cock, so she must be growing too.
“Hey, Terri, what’s happening?” Alice called out, noticing that she too seemed to be growing.
“The potion only works on special days, and your birthday is over!” Terri called back. The feeling of growth was a relief for Terri, and noticed that everyone seemed to be growing at the same rate. Phil and Alice were totally lost in their lovemaking, but Brad and Sally had come apart. She picked them up again, but then decided that enough was enough. “Oh, poor little Ken and Barbi have come apart—I always suspected that Ken was gay.”
“Hey, not by a long shot,” Brad/Ken protested. “But I think Barbi has always had lesbianic tendencies.” Sally chuckled as Terri approached the one foot mark.
Terri sat down with the tiny couple in her hands and swung her legs over the table edge. “Pretty soon we’re going to get too big for this table!” She waited a few seconds then hopped down to the carpet below. She looked up at the two foot tall Phil still lost in his pleasure, growing quickly across the table. He seemed to about ready to come. Alice, too seemed ready to come, then something changed. Phil was still getting bigger, but Alice’s growth seemed to slowing.
“Sally, Alice isn’t growing anymore!” Terri called down. Her own growth put her well past the two foot mark, making Phil about 4 foot tall, but Alice seemed to stop around the 16 inch mark.
Alice felt Phil’s already huge cock seem to be getting bigger. He must be ready to come, she thought, as men tend to swell up a tiny bit more just before they come. She relaxed and tried to take him in, but he kept getting bigger! Alice looked up, and saw the four and half foot tall Phil, getting bigger by the second, but she had stopped growing! They began to climax together, but Alice could only take in the first few inches of Phil’s growing cock! He came violently, filling the now tiny Alice with shot after shot of hot come. She popped off of the now too-big head, dripping excessively, as Phil continued to come all over the tiny Alice. Alice looked down at the others—Brad and Sally were now well on their way to their full heights, as Terri and Phil were now.
The once-shrunken party goers looked down at the tiny Alice, only 16 inches tall, struggle in a puddle of sticky goo.
“What happened?!?” Alice shouted up at the giants and giantesses. “I thought we were supposed to grow back!”
“I don’t know, Alice. Sally, any ideas?” Terri asked.
“The only thing I can think of is your birthday wish, Alice.” Sally answered as Phil and Brad asked if they could shower. “You didn’t wish to be a doll, did you?”
Alice said no. Then it dawned on her. Her wish. “I can’t believe it. My wish,” Alice said.
“What was it?” Terri asked, bending over to see the shrunken woman.
“I wished to be Phil’s plaything! I never thought it would end up like this! How long does such a wish last?”
Terri turned to Sally. “Oh, about a year, I think. By then we could probably have a growth potion, but I think with the way this party went, we’d have to rent the SuperDome,” Sally said. “In the meantime, I guess you’ll have to cope. Or wait for another birthday party!”
Alice slumped over and tasted Phil’s cum for the first time. It would be an interesting year, that was for sure....

The End
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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Last edited by LK; 01-13-2013 at 10:58 AM.
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Unread 09-24-2008   #3
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Re: Anyone have this story?

Thanks buddy =)

Oh yeah and I guess while we're on the topic, do you have any other stories by this person? I remember reading this one from a long time ago and really liking it but I don't think I ever read anything else they did, if anything.

Last edited by Roarz; 09-24-2008 at 03:58 PM.
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Unread 09-24-2008   #4
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Re: Anyone have this story?

I *think* I do. Gimme time to check. Glad to be of service.
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Unread 11-15-2015   #5
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Re: Little Women

I'd like to see them as well.
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