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Unread 04-06-2014   #1
Goluxas's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Wunder Bra vs Miss Mass

Creative juices got flowing today, so this is my first story in... fuck, like 3 years. It's a semi-sequel to Wunder Bra (BE, no growth, sorry guys), but its not necessary to have read that story to enjoy this one.

Let me know what you think!


"No way! I won't stand for it!" Miss Mass slammed her plate-sized hand on the table for emphasis, knocking over the other member's drinks with the force of it.

The white costumed man to her left, known as Justicar, shrugged up at her. "It's already been decided, Ellen. She's proven herself worthy of the Council many times over."

"Don't tell me what's already been decided, Jordan. The Council votes on its decisions, and I sure as hell was never asked about bringing Tits McGee aboard!" The young man in the red mask across from her, Matador, snickered behind his hand.

"She's right, Jordan," said Reginleif, a woman in a blue cape. Justicar raised an eyebrow. "...Not about 'Tits McGee.' I mean that there was no vote. The Council of Heroes thrives on order. We must be unanimous or we risk becoming weak."

"We're already weak, Victoria," Justicar explained with a sigh. "There's exactly four of us to watch over the entire east coast. We're simply stretched too thin to be picky about who we bring aboard. We can't rule someone out just because Ellen's got some hang-ups."

"Some hang-ups?" Miss Mass repeated incredulously, her frustration causing her to absently grow another several inches. "She's reckless and inexperienced, and doesn't have a lick of shame! She's an embarrassment!"

"Oh get off your high horse, Mass," Matador rolled his eyes. "I seem to remember someone else with little shame. Your first costume had a skirt, right?"

Miss Mass bristled. "That... that was a long time ago! Besides, my other points still stand."

Justicar patiently explained, "She's stopped bank robberies, saved jumpers, even put a 'roof' over New Metroville's stadium during the rain."

"What a roof!" Matador interjected.

"The point is," Justicar continued, ignoring Matador, "she may be inexperienced, but she's clearly capable. And when she joins we can help guide her, make her more... proper."

"If she joins, you mean," Miss Mass corrected. Justicar looked away, sheepishly, raising her concerns. "No, you didn't already..."

In answer, Justicar pressed the button on his intercom. "You can come in now, Wunder Bra."

A door at the end of the room slid open, and a beaming young woman in a red bustier and silver spandex bottom walked through, her long blonde hair done into a braid. She was somewhat shorter than the rest, especially Miss Mass, whose building frustration had scaled her up to nearly ten feet now.

Stricken by the uneasy atmosphere, Wunder Bra cautiously offered her introduction. "Um... I'm Wunder Bra, superheroine from New Metroville. It's an honor to be inducted to your Council of Heroes."

Miss Mass ignored her, and turned on Justicar. "You already brought her here? Without even consulting us?"

"Well, that's not entirely accurate," Justicar replied, scratching his head absently.

Confused, Miss Mass looked at Reginleif and Matador, who each refused to meet her gaze. Realization came upon her. "You asked them but not me?"

Reginleif rested a hand on hers. "I promise you, you were not intentionally excluded."

Justicar nodded, "After Matador and Reginleif agreed, I simply assumed you would as well. I thought you'd be thrilled by another woman on the team, especially one with powers so similar to your own."

Miss Mass's face darkened. "Her 'powers' are nothing like mine. Just a parlor trick more welcome in a strip club than on a peacekeeping force."

Wunder Bra had been shuffling her feet awkwardly till this point, but Miss Mass just struck a nerve. "Hey!" she shouted. Miss Mass glared at her from five feet up, cowing her resolve, but Wunder Bra pushed on. "I am not just a parlor trick, um, Miss Mass." She struggled not to add "big fan, by the way."

Miss Mass took a few long strides toward Wunder Bra, and leaned over her, intentionally casting her large shadow over the small girl. "Is that so?" she asked, derisively. Without looking away, she said to Justicar, "I'm still pissed you didn't ask me to begin with, but now that's it come this far anyway... I'll accept her on one condition."

Justicar began to reiterate that it wasn't up for debate, but Reginleif gave him a look and he thought better of it. "What condition?"

"I'm going to test her."

* * *

Shortly after, Miss Mass and Wunder Bra faced each other outside the hall of the Council of Heroes. Miss Mass had calmed down and reverted to her normal height, only slightly taller than Wunder Bra.

"You understand? All you have to do is overpower me. If you're actually more than a superpowered bimbo, you're in." Miss Mass explained with a sneer.

Though her nerves had her just on the brink of trembling, Wunder Bra nodded. "And when I do, you have to take back that bimbo comment," she shot back with more confidence than she felt. She was going up against one of the Council of Heroes, and the Miss Mass no less. My best chance, she thought, is to catch her before she's ready!

"Deal." Miss Mass signaled to the other heroes on the sidelines that they were ready.

Matador raised his hand in the air. "Alright then. Ready... Go!" A gunshot-like crack from his hand marked the start of the competition.

Immediately, Wunder Bra unclasped the cups of her bustier, exposing her small breasts to the air. Without skipping a beat, they began to swell and expand at a shocking rate, ballooning up as large as herself in less than a second, and not stopping there. Within moments, they were more than twice her height and she could feel the struggles of Miss Mass within her cleavage. Got her!

Miss Mass, enveloped by the breasts, had to give it to her. Her expansion was remarkably fast, and she'd been overtaken before she could even attempt to dodge. Though, extrapolating from the warm walls of flesh around her, even if she had dodged she would have simply ended up pressed beneath Wunder Bra's boobs instead of caught between them.

But, now it was her turn. Miss Mass pressed against both breasts and began to grow. She passed six feet, seven, ten. At fifteen feet her head burst out of the cleavage into fresh air and a welcome cool breeze. Planting her feet, she shoved the breasts apart and leaped backwards to freedom, her weight digging trenches into the dirt as she slid to a stop.

"You're quick, Bra, but you've gotta do better than that if you're gonna stop me!" Miss Mass taunted her opponent. Now free in the breeze, her power came easier to her. Inhaling calmly, she began to grow again. The trees of the forest that secluded their Council hall from the world shrank around her. Before long her head peeked above the 40 foot pines and her allies looked like mere dolls. Wunder Bra's breasts, which had been so massive before, now came up only to her knees and still they fell away. As her stance grew, trees too close to their battlefield began to topple as her legs and feet claimed that space for their own. She willed her growth to stop at 200 feet. The treeline ended at her knees, and Miss Mass could see for miles in every direction.

From down below, Wunder Bra arched her neck upward to marvel at the size of her opponent. Miss Mass's skintight green and black costume filled her vision. Just one of her boots was larger than Wunder Bra's entire person, including both of her 15 foot breasts. While she marveled at this scale, a shadow cast over her and she realized Miss Mass was reaching for her. Enormous hands cupped her boobs and lifted her bodily into the air. She flew past the tree line and up the length of Miss Mass's body, till she finally came to a stop level with a pair of breasts even more voluminous than her own.

"You see?" a booming voice asked from above, "Mine are bigger, everything's to scale, and I'm not exposing myself to the world."

Wunder Bra looked up at the massive face of her captor, defiantly. "You think I'm done?" she asked with a grin.

Miss Mass's own triumphant smile faded as she felt the weight in her hands increase. Wunder Bra's boobs quickly eclipsed her own, and excess boob flesh began to spill over her hands. Thinking fast, she let go of Wunder Bra's expanding tits and took a quick step back, uprooting even more trees in the process.

As she fell, Wunder Bra willed her breasts larger and larger. The look of shock on Miss Mass's face gave her renewed confidence, and she poured it all into her power. By the time the undersides of her boobs hit the trees, they had already tripled in size. She felt trees snap and flatten under their weight, and others uproot and get carried away on the crashing wave of her ever-growing breasts.

When she felt solid ground under her again, her breasts were large enough to put her eye-level with Miss Mass's full stature. For a brief moment, the surprise in Miss Mass's eyes met the triumph in Wunder Bra's.

And then she fell. Trying to back away from Wunder Bra's assault, Miss Mass failed to notice one breast had expanded over her foot, and her sudden attempt at movement made her trip backwards. Her long arms flailed, trying to keep balance, but to no avail. She landed hard on her back, crushing trees like blades of grass. The wind was knocked out of her and she laid there dazed for a moment.

A moment was all Wunder Bra needed. With one last push, her breasts grew in a massive spurt, completely covering Miss Mass under their bulk. She grew them more, and more, smothering her rival with their ludicrous weight. When she finally willed the growth to a stop, she judged that she was elevated at least 500 feet in the air. Trees scratched against her enormous nipples, the sensation causing them to become erect, and she heard the crashing of more trees in the distance as they forced their pink way through the canopy. Her breasts were so large she could no longer see the horizon, nestled into her own cleavage as she was.

Beneath her, she could feel the body of her rival, unbelievably large yet tiny compared to her. It was immobile. I did it! I won! Wunder Bra began to reverse the growth, to release the defeated superheroine.

Deep below, Miss Mass felt the crushing weight of the boobs pressing around her. The debris of broken trees scratched at her face, caught between her and the breasts. She grew so huge, so fast. I never expected another grower could hope to match me. Miss Mass frowned at the warm trap she was pinned beneath. But I won't lose!

Before Wunder Bra could revert more than few feet, she felt stirring from below. And suddenly she was lifting higher and higher. Being lifted, and absurdly high. Soon she saw the tips of titanic fingers poke above the horizon of her boob flesh and encroach toward her more and more. Her ascent ceased abruptly, just as the giant fingertips neared her body, in the middle of her enormous breasts.

From the ground, the other heroes gaped in awe. Miss Mass stood upright, impossibly huge, one hand clenched in a fist and the other raised far above her head, holding the entirety of Wunder Bra's gigantic breasts like a pair of tennis balls. And surprisingly, she was stark naked, her stretchable costume torn to shreds by the explosive rate of growth. Matador quickly took a picture while his friends were agape.

Wunder Bra felt herself descend till she was level with a smile sixty stories wide. From Miss Mass's perspective, the body on top of the breasts was smaller than ant, hardly more than a dot. "You put up a good fight, Wunder Bra, but when it comes to growth, I'm the best there is." Her voice was defeaning, shockwaves of her breath washed over Wunder Bra as she spoke.

"There's a reason you're the iconic growing superheroine," Wunder Bra muttered, knowing her tiny voice had no hope of reaching Miss Mass's ears. "But you've got competition now!" Gritting her teeth, Wunder Bra put everything she had into one last growth spurt.

Miss Mass blinked in surprise as the boobs she held grew so explosively they launched into the air. Their bounce was just enough to get them above her head, but that's all Wunder Bra needed. Before her eyes, Wunder Bra's boobs grew to the size of her head and beyond. They expanded past Miss Mass's head on both sides, and were soon more than double its size.

For a moment Wunder Bra floated, weightless, at the apex of her bounce. Her breasts had separated enough that she could see Miss Mass's titanic head between them. "This is it!" she screamed, and stretched her arms out against her breasts. "Cleavage Crush!"

With a blast like a sonic boom, Wunder Bra's 2500 foot breasts slammed together around Miss Mass's head. Nearby clouds were blown away by the shockwave. From the ground, it looked as if the two superheroines stood in a ring of sunlight.

Miss Mass weakly clawed at the breasts around her head, but the blow had been too much. Her head was spinning, and her balance failed. Miss Mass fell to her knees, then slumped to the ground, defeated. Three miles of naked, titanic woman stretched through the ruins of the forest, then rapidly began to shrink.

Wunder Bra took the cue, and shrank her boobs down as well. In a few minutes the two of them were back to their normal sizes, though Miss Mass was considerably worse for wear. Wunder Bra redid the clasp on her bustier, then ran over to make sure Miss Mass was okay.

She found Miss Mass in the bottom of a crater formed by the impact of one of her own boobs, standing dizzily and holding a hand to her head. Wunder Bra offered a shoulder, which she accepted with only slight reluctance.

Walking back to the others, Miss Mass admitted her defeat. "That was amazing, Wunder Bra. I haven't been forced to grow like that for ages, and yet you still managed to best me."

Wunder Bra was flattered, but said, "I was only able to catch you off guard. You still grew much bigger than I ever could."

"Than you ever have," Miss Mass corrected. "We can work on that."

Wunder Bra faltered a step. "You mean...?"

"Yep." Miss Mass stood tall, with some effort, and offered her hand. "Welcome to the team."

Last edited by Goluxas; 04-07-2014 at 06:06 PM. Reason: forgot to link original Wunder Bra story
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Unread 04-12-2014   #2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 1
Re: Wunder Bra vs Miss Mass

Really fun. Thanks for posting!
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