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Unread 07-28-2019   #1
Process Fan
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Pool Sharks (Story, Man + Woman to Sharks)

It started as a poolside hook-up, but it's going to end up as a feeding frenzy...


Wes had been a little surprised to get invited to Jackie’s condo for her Memorial Day party; they were friendly enough, but not “come to my party” friendly. The true reason for his invite became pretty clear as soon as he arrived; a total stranger made a beeline for him before he could hand off the bottle of wine he’d brought, and had clung to him like a remora ever since.

It was a setup, one of the most blatant ones he’d ever seen – and the chronically-single Wes had been set up a lot. He appreciated the sentiment, but had come to realize that what the setter-upper was really saying was “Wes, you’re so boring! You should date my friend/cousin/co-worker, because she’s also very boring!”. The resulting relationships never lasted long; almost as soon as they came to be, they started drifting apart. Wes had come to accept that this was simply the way things were.

This set-up, however…was different. It probably had something to do with what Jackie had told him during their coffee break a few weeks ago: “Wes, you need to have some fucking fun for once in your life.”

Katrina wasn’t his type, exactly. She was gorgeous, and deeply tanned, with an athletic body that was barely concealed by her tight white dress. Her hair was bleached blonde, and liberally interspersed with beaded braids. A gold ring glinted in her left nostril. She looked…fun. Fucking fun, even.

Wes was not fun. He was the designated driver. The second opinion. The guy who, under normal circumstances, would advise someone against letting some strange chick guide you by the hand to a second location with the intention of doing god knows what to you.

And yet here he was, in an elevator with her, engaging in the most furious make-out of his life.

She broke it off for a second to look him deeply in the eyes. “I have this mental ability, you know.”

“You’re psychic?”

“Way better. I can look at anybody – even a picture – and I know what they look like naked.”

“But you just saw me for the first time tonight, right?”

Katrina smiled, sheepishly. It was a nice smile. “I’ll be honest, I’ve been Facecreeping you for a while. I saw some of Jackie’s pictures from that leadership retreat you did up north and I was like ‘damn, that guy has a great body’. So I just bugged her for weeks to invite you to something.”

Wes tried to sound surprised. “She set me up.”

“Yeah, but the good kind of set-up. The kind where you get laaaaaaaaid.”

The elevator doors opened, and Wes was immediately hit with the salty tang of sea air. Katrina dragged him down a hall, up a short staircase, and through a glass door that led them to the condo’s roof, where a gleaming saltwater pool awaited them.

She pulled a handwritten sign out of her purse and affixed it to the door. POOL CLOSED, it read.

Wes gave her a golf-clap. “Damn, you plan ahead.”

“I’m the General Patton of hookups, man.”

Wes gestured at the pool as Katrina started to unbutton her dress. “We’re not actually going to hook up in there, though, are we?”

“Please. You think this is my first time pool-fucking? We just start in there, do some heavy foreplay, then we haul ourselves on shore and do it poolside.”

With a grunt, she tore open his shirt, sending buttons flying all over the pool’s deck.

“Shit. Sorry. That was a nice shirt, too. It’s just…I want you so fucking bad, man. I just got back from the Turks and Caicos; I didn’t hook up with anyone the whole time I was there, and I didn’t want to bring my vibe through customs, so I just had to watch hot people on the beach for ten days with only my fingers for relief. I swear, you can see steam coming off my pussy.”

He wasn’t particularly used to being wanted; he was an okay-looking guy, with a nice square jaw, a thick head of dark hair, and a slim swimmer’s build. He was just so damned…respectable.

“It’s okay. I can sew them back on.”

She’d begun to caress his bare chest. “And he sews! Jesus. You wanna rip this dress off? Like, with your teeth or something?”

“Uh…maybe your underwear?”

She clicked her tongue. “That would be pretty hot, but I got some bad news for you.”

In one swift, practised movement, she pulled her dress right off, revealing that there was nothing else to remove.

She was just as magnificent as he’d imagined – tanned all over, with lean muscles, curvy hips, and full breasts. She also had a gold ring in her right nipple, matching the one in her nostril.

Still, as enticing as the rest of her was, Wes couldn’t help but be drawn to the one thing marring her flawless skin – a long, curved line of small scars on her left thigh.

She noticed that he was staring and smiled, sensually dragging her hand over the scar. “You like it? Got it on my trip.”

“Is that a shark bite?”

“Yeah. I guess I was in some cloudy water, and I startled him. Swam right away afterwards.”

“…you mentioned that you didn’t get laid on your trip, but you didn’t mention getting bitten by a shark?”

“Well, I can tell you which one was more surprising. Ocean’s full of sharks, I got bit, no big deal. But that beach was full of dudes, and I didn’t catch a single dick. It was one of those ‘black swan’ events. And the worst part was…I mean, you’re gonna think I’m crazy.”

He kissed her. “I’m not gonna think you’re crazy.”

“Getting bitten by that shark was so fucking hot, man. Sharks are soooo sexy. Like, I used to watch Shark Week in high school and get all hot and bothered. It took me a while to figure out why, but when you think about it, a shark is really just a big grey cock, swimming through the ocean looking for something to fuck.”

“I…never thought about it that way.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Mm-hm. So are you gonna take your clothes off, or should I just push you into the pool so you have to do history’s wettest walk of shame?”

“Of…course! I was just so…mesmerized by you I forgot where I was.” Wes started to under his watch.

She smirked, and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Nice save.”

“Thanks.” He tossed his torn shirt aside, and sat down on a deck chair to pull his shoes and socks off. “So how do you know Jackie, anyway?”

“College roommate. I went through for marketing – I’m a copywriter over at Hooper & Brody.”

“Really.” That caught him a little off guard.

“Yeah! People see, you know, the hair and the boobs and the outfits, and they just think I’m some slutty bimbo. And okay, they’re not entirely wrong, but it’s not like I don’t read, too. You know, between dicks.”

“Mm-hm.” He tossed his pants aside and stood up, his cock already at full attention.

“My problem is, I attract a lot of guys who just aren’t on my level. Like, sure, tight abs and good tongue skills are great, but sometimes I want to watch a movie with subtitles, right? And you…well, I mentioned the Facecreeping, Selfies At The Film Festival Guy. You might be seeing more of me.”

Wes looked her up and down. “I don’t think there’s much more to see.”

She rolled her eyes, but he didn’t escape her gaze for long. “And you, Wes Sargent, are exactly as advertised. You take good care of yourself, huh.”

“I swim.”

“Good.” With that, she shoved him into the pool and cannonballed in after him.

He gasped as he inadvertently sucked in a lungful of pool water, then surfaced to see Katrina headed towards him like a torpedo.

He embraced her, the feeling of her flesh pressing against his making him even harder than he had been previously.

“You’re gonna love coming in me,” she whispered in his ear. “Let’s just do it right here.”

“I thought we were going to wait.”

“If I wait any longer, my ovaries are gonna die. I don’t care how much pool water I get up inside me, I need to get fucking fucked.”

Wes wasn’t about to argue. She parted her legs, and he slipped into her needy passage; with a moan of ecstasy, she wrapped her legs around him, and leaned back to grab the side of the pool.

As soon as he entered her, it was if something activated inside of him; almost every thought left his mind, save for the overwhelming, primal desire to have sex with this woman. Katrina apparently experienced the same surge, as her legs tightened around him.

“S – something’s happening – “, he sputtered.

“Oh, something’s definitely happening.”

As he began to thrust forcefully into her, he could feel that the texture of Katrina’s flesh was changing. Suddenly, it felt strange, like wet sandpaper.

Looking down at her flexing abs and heaving tits, he could see that she was turning a silvery blue-grey…and so was he. He could feel things shifting in him, inside and out.

He knew that he should have pulled out. He found that he couldn’t.

He felt rubbery, cartilaginous fins erupt from his forearms, the back of his calves, and the middle of his spine, in perfect synch with the same appendages developing on Katrina’s body.

Below it, his tailbone pulled out of his body; the stubby appendage pulled and pulled until it was as long as his legs and nearly as thick, with a bladed tail fin at its terminus. Katrina’s tail and his own began to thrash in unison; it sent a shiver of pleasure through his body as his tail brushed against her strong thighs, her supple ass, and her rigid fins.

His next change, however, was his and his alone. He felt more fins unfolding; this time, from his cock, still buried within his mutating lover. They lodged themselves into Katrina, sliding into grooves that had developed within her vagina and locking them together. He felt a brief pang of concern for her well-being when she gasped, but she quickly made it clear it wasn’t a cry of pain when she grabbed his hand and directed it to her engorged clit; she had let go of the side of the pool, and their erotic convulsions had sent them drifting towards the far end of the pool.

It was as if their brains had gone into autopilot, too overwhelmed by the amazing sex they were having to object to the terrifying transformations they were undergoing. It was all he could do to clasp her hands in his, feeling the alien sensation of webbing creeping up between their fingers as sharp claws formed on their tips. His toes curled at they too became webbed and clawed.

He gazed into her eyes as the darkness of her pupils drowned her blue irises and white sclera, leaving only pools of inky blackness that nevertheless still burned with lust. Her mouth, slack-jawed with ecstasy, widened to accommodate her newly-sharp and numerous teeth as it pushed out with her nose to merge into a triangular snout. His face itched as it did the same.

All the while, they were slowly, inexorably, sinking to the bottom of the pool, their tails propelling them into the depths of the deep end as they thrashed. Air bubbles escaped their mouths and noses as their lungs collapsed into nothingness…but even the threat of suffocation couldn’t slow their sexual momentum. All Wes could think about was how beautiful Katrina was underwater, her hair forming a shining blonde corona around her shark-like face.

Wes had seen his share of shark documentaries too. And while he didn’t consider them erotic the way Katrina apparently did, he retained enough memory of them to remember what a feeding frenzy was; a swarming behaviour in which a group of sharks, overwhelmed by the presence of prey, went totally, mindlessly berserk, completely unconcerned with their surroundings or their own safety. That, he reasoned, was what was happening to he and Katrina, except their only prey was each other, and it wasn’t blood the water was frothing with.

They were at the precipice; Wes could feel his vision begin to dim at the edges as his brain cried out for oxygen, even as he felt his testicles churn and Katrina’s vagina grip his member.

Then, as they finally touched down on the bottom of the pool, he saw three slits open on either side of Katrina’s neck – gills! His own blossomed moments later; he could taste the sweet, pure oxygen dissolved in the salt water. It was enough to tip both of them over the edge into an all-consuming eruption of an orgasm. Wes’ mind went blank, as his cock blasted a massive jet of hot semen into Katrina’s eager depths.

After their orgasms subsided, they remained motionless for a while, locked together. Finally, Wes’ cock softened and he popped free of Katrina; his mind still a haze, he floated up to the surface, where the shock of cool night air against his gills stirred him from his post-orgasmic stupor.

Wes hauled himself up on the deck and took stock of his new body, standing unsteadily upright.

He was, he had to admit, impressive, his sleek muscles rippling underneath his rough, blue-grey skin, his find arching gracefully out of his flesh, and his powerful limbs terminating in strong, clawed hands and feet. Still, he wasn’t built for movement on land – his tail dragged awkwardly, and his bones felt oddly flexible. He wasn’t even sure how he could do anything other than stand – sitting was out of the question with the tail, and he didn’t want to hurt his dorsal fin by trying to lie down. Still, he could breathe, at least; he wasn’t at full capacity, but it seemed like his gills were fine as long as they stayed moist. He ran his clawed fingers through his hair; he’d kept every strand of it, which seemed strange, but he was thankful for it all the same.

He finally found a comfortable resting position – a sort of catlike crouch – and reluctantly looked downward. He wasn’t a man who defined his manhood by his…well, manhood, but there was something deeply disconcerting about having his familiar member replaced with this alien…thing.

It was studded with small, flexible fins, and topped with a dully-pointed head; there was one vertical fin atop it and two outspread fins on its underside, making it look like a miniature shark. He gave it an experimental poke. If it wasn’t attached to him, it would almost have looked –

“That thing is ADORABLE and I want it back inside me as soon as possible.”

Katrina, awakened from her stupor, popped her head out of the water.

“Uh. Hey.” As Katrina clambered back on to dry land, Wes took the chance to look her over without his mind fogged by lust and transformation. Despite her dramatically inhuman appearance, she was still, somehow, recognizable as herself; the nose ring and braided hair helped.


Wes finally snapped back into something approaching reality. “What the fuck just happened?”

She shrugged. “I mean…if I had to make some sort of sense of this, which I guess I do now, I was actually bitten by some kind of were-shark when I was on vacation; he or she needed to fuck me to complete the transformation, but I got away. So when I finally got laid, I guess I passed it on to you, too. Which I’m sorry about.”

“That sounds completely insane.”

Katrina gestured to herself. “Well, so is turning into a shark mid-fuck, you know?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Wes curled his hands into fists of frustration. “Fuck, what are we gonna do now? If we don’t turn back our whole lives are fucked.”

“Pretty much, yeah. Although, you know, obviously I’m gonna miss my tan and clothes and, like, humanity, but I also just had the fuck of my life – and that is saying a LOT. I was not kidding about the ‘slutty bimbo’ thing.”

The memory of their encounter was starting to creep into his mind unbidden – even the thought of her inhuman features was itching at the primitive recesses of his brain, begging him to mate with her again. “Yeah, that was…that was good.” His clawed hand began to subtly caress his cock, which was already aching for attention.

“Shit, you’re ready to go again? I figured I was just gonna have to settle for some tongue action, because I can’t believe there’s any liquid left in your body. Not complaining, though.”

“Maybe it’s not a good idea, though. Maybe if we stop, we’ll turn back?” Wes felt the familiar pang of responsibility tugging at him, even as he fought the urge to tug at himself.

Katrina looked disappointed. “Okay, so we’ve got two options. One, we somehow get out of here, go somewhere safe, and try to figure out if we can get our old bodies back; if not, we have a long talk about how we’re going to live the rest of our lives as fish people in a human world. Or two, you can get back in the pool and find out if your new dick fits in my butt.”

To emphasize which choice she’d made, she slipped back into the pool, making sure to flip her tail up to flash Wes with her ample posterior as she went over the side.

Wes ran his tongue over his sharp teeth, and sighed. Maybe he could keep being irresponsible for a little while longer.

He jumped into the pool.
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