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Unread 10-17-2018   #1
Posts: n/a
The Unstoppable Giant-Girl (Wasp Fan fic/art)

The art for this mini story was done by Geoligar. Check out his work here.

Edwin Jarvis was in the kitchen of a relatively small house that he had found himself more or less living in. He had been a faithful butler to Billionaire Inventor and Superhero Tony Stark and had also served the Avengers for a good many years. His loyalty to Tony and the team was without question and he knew that he would likely serve them until he was physically unable to do it anymore.

Now he found himself helping to look after a young woman named Nadia Van Dyne. She was the long-lost daughter of original Avenger Hank Pym and his first wife, she had spent the majority of her life in a Russian Red Room program but was able to escape after she reversed engineered Pym Particles. Now she was in America and had been going as the superheroine Wasp although the original Wasp was still around. Like her she could shrink in size fly with artificial wings, not only that but she also had a genius level intellect thanks to her father.

Edwin was preparing some lunch for Nadia as he knew that she would work herself to the point that she forgot to eat. He wanted to make sure she remained healthy, a lot of people had put their trust into him to help look after her and if he failed he would never forgive himself. For now, he didn’t make anything fancy as he knew a mere sandwich would suffice for her.

Suddenly Edwin’s concentration was broken by a loud crashing sound. It was enough to startle him and he quickly tried to find the source of the noise, from what he could hear it came from a room that Nadia had been using as a lab. His first thoughts were that a supervillain was attacking, it was far from the first time that such a thing happened. As he ran he picked up his umbrella to use as a weapon if need be, he didn’t think that it would do him any good but it was better than going in defenceless.

“Ms Nadia are you…” asked Edwin as he opened the door to the lab. He fell silent as the sight that befell him was one that he had not expected. He did see Nadia there but she was different to how he had last seen her, before she had seemingly looked normal but now she had grown so large that she had filled up the entire lab. Her head was pressing against the ceiling and there were cracks along it, she was too large to stand up and so was on her hands and knees. A table had been destroyed by her growing body and she looked at him.

“Ah Jarvis,” replied Nadia. It was obvious that she wasn’t comfortable being so large in such a small space. She was being careful not to move as she knew that it could damage the building. “I could do with some help if you wouldn’t mind.”

“M-Ms Nadia, what happened to you?” He was still in surprise and he had even dropped his umbrella. He had seen her at a tiny size many times but he had never seen her so large. Although he had seen giant people before it was still a sight for him to behold.

“You see that device there?” She carefully pointed her gigantic finger toward a fairly large device that was not too far away from her. “I was trying to create a device that helps utilise Pym Particles in a safer manner. I thought I had gotten it right but it seems that there is still some work for me to do on it. It was only supposed to increase my size by a few inches. But as you can see the machine overdid it.”

“Can’t you just shrink yourself?”

“I could but I’m guessing that the Pym Particles in my system are in an unstable state right now. I can’t use them reliably, that’s why I need you to recalibrate the machine and use it to shrink me back down to normal.”

“But Ms Nadia, wouldn’t it be best if you did it? You did create it after all?”

“The problem is that my hands are too big to operate it now, that’s why I need you to do it for me. I’ll talk you through with what to do and then everything will be fine.”

“Y-Yes.” He began to walk toward the device but he had to climb underneath Nadia in order to get there. He couldn’t help but look up at her as he did, her size marvelled him but he knew that she needed his help. “What do you need me to do?” He saw a series of buttons and dials on the side of the machine.

“I need you to adjust the quantum modifier by three-point five percent, then reverse the singular polarity.” She saw as he looked at her with some confusion. Nadia knew that Edwin was not a stupid man, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, she realised that the instructions that she was giving him were too complicated for him to understand. “Ok, let me start again, you know the dial that is at the bottom right.” She watched as he looked at the machine and saw the dial in question. “I need you to turn that ninety degrees to the right.”

For the next couple of minutes Nadia continued to give Edwin instructions on how to re-calibrate the machine. She kept the instructions simple enough for him to understand, he seemed to be doing well and after a while he seemed to be done. She looked at what he did but she was still careful not to move her body too much. She had already cracked the ceiling and destroyed a table, she didn’t want to do anything else that might cause damage.

“Is that it now Ms Nadia?” asked Jarvis. He had no idea exactly what he had done but he hoped that it had done the trick.

“Yes, that should do it,” replied Nadia. “But if it’s wrong the situation could become even worse than it is now.”

“How so Ms?” There was some nervousness in his voice.

“Well if it makes me grow again I’m going to burst out of the building and most likely seriously injure you. However, it could shrink me to the point where I enter the Microverse. It’s a nice place to visit but believe me, you don’t want to be there for an extended period of time. All you need to do now is press the big red button, that’ll activate it and hopefully shrink me back to normal.” She watched as Jarvis looked at the button and he was just about to push it. “And don’t stand in front of the machine, you it’ll change you just as it did me.”

“Thank you for the warning.”

Edwin stood more to the side and then pressed the button that he had been instructed to. He heard the machine beginning to activate and he saw what seemed to be Pym Particles shoot out from the machine and strike the still gigantic Nadia. For a moment he was worried that she was going to grow even larger but much to his relief he watched as she began to shrink. As her head came down from the ceiling a small amount of plaster fell to the ground as well but this seemed to be of little importance to them.

Within a couple of seconds Nadia was seemingly back down to her normal size and both of them waited to see if she would continue to shrink. Much to both of their relief she stopped shrinking and Edwin quickly walked over to her, she was still on her hands and knees and he held his hand toward her in order to help her to her feet.

“Ms Nadia it is so good to see you at a more manageable size again,” said Edwin with a small smile on his face.

“Thanks for the help there Jarvis,” replied Nadia as she rose up to her feet. Within a couple of moments, she was standing up to her full height. That was when she noticed that Edwin looked a little shorter than he did before. She knew that it wasn’t him who was shorter but her that was in fact taller. He was still taller than him but she estimated that she was around an inch taller than she had been before this whole fiasco had taken place. She did look at the table and the plaster that was on the floor, she felt guilty as it was her fault that it had happened. “Sorry about the mess, I’ll clean it up, I promise.”

“That’s alright Ms Nadia, but for now I’ve made you some lunch. Hopefully a filled stomach will help you with your work. He watched as she smiled at him and she began to walk out of the lab with him. He was like a father figure to her and she was just glad that the situation had not gotten any more serious.
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Unread 10-20-2018   #2
Posts: n/a
Re: The Unstoppable Giant-Girl (Wasp Fan fic/art)

Well I better start from the beginning. My name is Simon Mann and I will remember this day for the rest of my life. Ten years ago, I married my high school sweetheart Tiffany and a couple of years after that we welcomed our only daughter Destiny. She is the light of my life and unfortunately it took me a while to realise it.

My marriage to Tiffany began to become rocky as my job kept me away from home for long periods of time. It was tough for her to raise our daughter by herself and this led to frequent arguments, before I knew it she was handing me divorce papers and I chose my job over our marriage. That was probably the biggest mistake of my life.

At the divorce hearings we agreed on joint custody of Destiny. She would take her on the weekdays while she stayed with me on the weekends. That was three years ago and I’m happy to say that our relationship has remained positive. Even though it was difficult at first the three of us were able get into the routine like clockwork. Although we knew that we’d never be together again Tiffany and I remained friends, she has even met someone else and they’re engaged to be married. His name is Brad and he works for the city’s fire brigade. He seems like a great guy and someone who I believe would take care of my daughter. I on the other hand haven’t really dated that much but I have been thinking about trying some online dating although the horror stories that I’ve heard about it is making me hesitant.

That day was the first Saturday after Destiny’s birthday and she had asked me to take her on a tour just off the coast of the city. She wanted to see the whales and dolphins, she had always loved those creatures and she even said that she wanted to be a Marine Biologist when she grew up. It was impressive that she even knew what she wanted to be. But as any father would, I wanted to support her in her dreams and help her achieve them.

I booked the tickets for the tour a couple of weeks in advance and I remember Destiny’s reaction when I told her. I don’t think that I had ever seen her so happy, she hugged me tightly and it made me sad that I didn’t get to see her often on a weekday. But I was just glad for the time that we spent together.

It was quite early in the morning when we made our way to the dock and got onto the boat in good time. It was larger than I expected but it was better than being too small I guess. We did have to wait a little bit of time before the tour began but eventually we heard the engines start up and slowly but surely the boat began to sail out toward the sea.

For the first half an hour everything seemed great, we saw a few whales in the water and Destiny seemed to be enjoying herself. I would point out the whales for her to see, we hadn’t seen any dolphins yet but we were sure that some would appear eventually. We were having a great time and it seemed like nothing would ruin it.
That was until we suddenly heard the engines switch off and all the power on the boat was suddenly switched off. We were floating in the water for around ten minutes until one of the members of the crew came onto the deck and informed everyone that the engines had malfunctioned and that we were stranded for the time being. Unfortunately, with the power being out it was impossible to contact the coast guard and we were too far out for phone reception. We could still see land but it looked as though we were going to be stranded for the next several hours at least.

Destiny became upset about this and I did everything a father could do to keep her calm. We could still take photos and videos of the whales but other than that there wasn’t anything more that we could do. That was until we noticed something, something big emerging from the water right next to the boat.

At first, I thought it was some kind of whale but something seemed to be wrong, it was too big for a whale. It rose from the water on the port side of the ship and almost immediately it began to draw the attention of everyone on board. Destiny and I could only watch as the object continued to rise further above the water line. It was then that I noticed something about the object, it had a human like figure to it but it was much too large to be a human, or so I thought.

Eventually the figure stopped rising and there was water falling off of it like a series of small waterfalls. This was when I and everyone else was able to take a good look at the figure, immediately I noticed that she was a young woman. She had shoulder length brown hair and freckles on her face. The clothing that she was wearing was red and black and it covered the entirety of her upper body. But the most striking thing that I saw was that she was absolutely enormous.

Even though the only part of her body that was above the water line was from the waist up she still towered above the boat. It was not a stretch to say that she was almost as tall as a skyscraper and she looked down at us. Her hands were up a fair amount and I couldn’t help but feel afraid. She was truly a Gargantua and I feared that she was here to make a bad situation even worse.

But there was something about her that I couldn’t help but feel was familiar. Not in the way that it was someone that I met before. But more in the lines of that I’d seen a picture of her somewhere in the media or online. For the moment I couldn’t put my finger on exactly where, but it was obvious that she was some kind of super powered being.

“Daddy, it’s Wasp,” said Destiny. This was when it clicked to me exactly who this giant girl was. She was Wasp or at least the latest person to call herself Wasp. I didn’t really follow which hero was who but I knew that she had been a member of the Avengers not too long ago. I’d seen some recent photos of them but she hadn’t been there. I knew that she had the ability to shrink herself in size as many of the photos showed her being tiny. But this was the first time that I’d ever seen or heard her increasing her size.

“Everyone stay calm,” said Wasp. Her voice was almost deafening to us and she seemed to notice. “I’m friendly.” This time her voice was quieter and much easier for us to hear. I also noticed that many of the passengers were looked up to her in amazement and many of them were beginning to take pictures. “I’m going to move toward the bow of the ship and then push you back to shore, please remain calm and I will try and make the ride as smooth as I possibly can.”

We watched as the giant girl did what she said and began to move toward the bow of the ship. For a moment I was confused with why she had told us this rather than just doing it straight away. But then I realised that it was because if she made sudden movements at her current size it would probably panic a lot of people. By telling us what she was going to do it meant that we knew what to expect and so the chances of causing a panic were greatly reduced.

It only took a few moments for Wasp to position herself at the bow of the boat. We felt it rock slightly as her gigantic hands were placed on the side of the hull. Then for the first time since the engines had died the boat began to move back towards the dock from where it had come from. A lot of people were taking pictures of her and she didn’t seem to notice them. Even though she could easily make them stop if she so chose to.

For the next few minutes things seemed to be going well. But Destiny was pulling at my hand as she wanted to take a closer look at Wasp. I didn’t think it was the best choice but eventually she was able to wiggle her hand out of my grip and she ran toward the bow. I of course chased after her but I couldn’t stop her from reaching her goal. Looming right above us was Wasp who was still pushing the boat, I wanted to berate Destiny for what she had done but I was too awestruck to say a word. In all my years on this Earth I had never felt so small.

“Hey there Wasp!” shouted Destiny. She had made sure that her voice was loud enough to reach up to the ears of the gigantic superheroine. For a moment I thought that Wasp might ignore her but soon I saw her eyes look down and focus on my little girl. I was too scared to do anything straight away and I could only watch.

“Oh, hello there,” replied Wasp. Her voice seemed to be quite soft and Destiny showed no fear toward her at all. I didn’t know whether she was brave or simply didn’t know any better. “I didn’t see you there for a moment.”

“You’re the new Wasp, aren’t you?”

“Yes, although you when I’m like this you can call me Giant-Girl if you want.” She seemed to smile down at her and this seemed to help me feel more at ease. My daughter was talking to a superheroine and it was simply making her happy. “Or you can just call me Nadia if you want.”

“My name’s Destiny and you’re my new favourite superhero.” Destiny smiled up at Wasp as well and it almost seemed funny that they were having this conversation
despite their extreme differences in size. I still stood there and simply watched, it was too breath taking for me to get in-between.

“Who was your favourite before me then?”

“Nova but he isn’t as cool as you.”

“I won’t tell him that if you won’t.” This caused them both to giggle but for Wasp I could feel each giggle that she made. Everything that she did was magnified more than I thought was possible. I watched as Destiny pointed her finger toward me. This caused my heart to skip a beat.

“My Daddy is here and we were seeing whales and dolphins for my birthday.” I watched as Wasp’s gaze focused on me for a moment. I could only nervously say hi to her and give her a wave. This caused her to chuckle again before she looked at Destiny once more.

“And how old are you now?”

“I’m eight years old.”

“Eight, are you? Hmm seems that you’re becoming a big girl now.” We saw her take one of her hands off the hull of the shift and then stretch a finger out. She lowered it toward Destiny and at first, I thought that she was going to pick her up. Instead she raised her gigantic index finger slightly above her. “High five for the birthday girl.” Destiny quickly jumped up and slapped the fingertip, this made her very happy and it seemed like Wasp felt it too as I watched her raise her hand again and then place it back onto the hull. “When this is all over why don’t we have a picture together, just us girls? Would you like that?”

“That would be the most brilliant and fantastic thing in the world.” Destiny jumped up and down with excitement and I was glad to see that despite everything that was happening she was happy.

“Great, but of course we can’t do it when I’, at this size, you wouldn’t be able to fit me in the frame.” This made Destiny laugh but this suddenly stopped when Wasp made a loud grunt, it almost sounded like she was struggling and this made Destiny worried. I too was worried as this giantess was currently our best chance of getting back to the dock. She closed her eyes a little as she seemed to be struggling but she still looked down at us. “Don’t worry, it’s just that I’ve never been this big before. Seems like I still need some practice.”

Thankfully we were already close to the dock when we realised that Wasp was struggling. It was only a couple of minutes after that when she positioned us in the correct dock. There was already a crowd of people there watching what was happening and Wasp did give them a wave. But it was obvious to us that she was struggling with her size. But with the job now done it seemed that she disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared.

It took us a moment to realise that Wasp had merely shrunk herself and we saw her climbing out of the water and onto dry land. Destiny ran toward her but as I saw Wasp getting up to her feet she seemed to be catching her breath. There was no doubt that growing to that size and then pushing such a large boat had taken a toll on her. It looked as though she had just run a marathon but even with this she still smiled when she saw Destiny. I was surprised to see that Wasp still recognised my daughter since it must have been hard for her to see the finer details at such a large size.

Even though Wasp had performed a great feat she was still willing to take a photo with my daughter. I quickly got my camera out and I watched as Wasp got down to one knee so that she was more on level with Destiny. I took a couple of pictures before she finally stood up again. She placed her hand on a nearby crate in order to balance herself.

I had a few moments to say thank you to Wasp before she noticed the other people beginning to make their way towards us. She told us that she had to fly and we watched as she suddenly shrank in size and insect wings appeared on her back. She was less than an inch tall and we saw her fly away. It was amazing in my mind that someone could be so huge and then suddenly become so tiny.

Destiny and I stood on the dock as Wasp flew away. We didn’t know where she was going but she had made my daughter’s birthday treat truly something to remember. We wondered if we would see her in person again but there was one thing that we knew. The biggest thing about Wasp was not her size but instead her heart, that was something that truly made a hero.
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Unread 10-24-2018   #3
Posts: n/a
Re: The Unstoppable Giant-Girl (Wasp Fan fic/art)

For the last week Nadia Van Dyne had either been working alongside her superhero team called the Champions or working on new tech to benefit the world. Because of all the work that she had been doing Nadia felt exhausted and this had not gone unnoticed by her guardian/father-figure Edwin Jarvis. He suggested that she take a day off and just enjoy some time in the city. At first, she was reluctant to do this but after a few moments of thinking she could see that he was right.

Around an hour later Nadia found herself wandering through the city as she was doing some shopping. There were still some things that she was learning since she had been raised away from regular society. Her genius level intellect had allowed her to adjust much better than a normal person would but she was still learning.

The main things that Nadia had been shopping for were items that would help her with her experiments. This included some fairly odd items but there was a DVD that she bought as well, this wasn’t a part of her experiments but instead simply for her own entertainment. It was an animated film that was extremely popular but thanks to her upbringing she had never seen it before. Even though she felt that she was a little too old for it she still couldn’t help but feel a need to watch it.

Nadia’s trip had been peaceful until she heard a loud commotion and some people beginning to run. Despite the fact that she wanted to take a day off from being a superheroine she still ran into action. Quickly hiding in an alleyway, she placed her shopping down and changed into her Wasp costume. Unfortunately, her helmet was still back at the lab as she had been upgrading it but she didn’t mind going into action this one time as she thought that it would only be a minor event.

Quickly Nadia shrank herself in size and activated her Wasp wings. She flew up into the air and made her way toward the spot where everyone was running away from. One thing that she noticed was a man wearing a green and yellow costume firing bolts of electricity at a group of police. She had no idea what exactly was happening but she knew that she needed to put a stop to this before anyone got hurt.

She recognised the man from some files that she had looked over when she was an Avenger. His name was Electro and he was a long-standing foe of Spider-Man. She had read about his ability to generate and re-direct electricity. This made him a potentially powerful foe but she thought that she was more than capable of taking him down.

As Nadia flew down to the ground she was too small for him to notice her. Instead he was focusing his attention on the policemen who were quickly making a retreat. He began to laugh as he felt very powerful but this soon stopped when he saw the tiny superheroine fly down right in front of his face. It startled him enough to yelp and take a quick step back. She had her hands on her hips and looked at him as if she were a stern parent.

“Hey,” said Nadia, her voice was seriously but there was a little bit of fun behind it as well. “You know shooting electric bolts at policemen is illegal.”

“Who the hell are you?” replied Electro in some shock. He hadn’t fired back yet but he was beginning to panic a little.

“I’m the Wasp and I’m giving you an opportunity to stand down.”

“Wasp?” He had fought the original Wasp on a couple of occasions and had seen her face in the news enough times to know what she looked like. “You look a little young to be the Wasp.”

“I’m a different Wasp and if you ask me you’re never too young to be the Wasp.” She then held her gauntlets in front of him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You hurt me?” He then laughed and there was a crackling sound. Electricity was radiating from his body and he gave her an evil grin. “It should be you who should be worried.”

With that he fired a bolt of electricity at her, normally she would be able to dodge but the bolt headed toward her at a much faster pace than she could deal with. It struck her body and she felt she screamed out in pain. She fell back and struck the ground below, this caused her some additional pain and she saw a shadow above her. It was the foot of Electro that was looming above her. She could barely move and she knew that she had underestimated her opponent.

Nadia began to hear another sound but this one seemed much closer to her. It was a buzzing sound and as she looked down her costume she found the source of the buzzing sound. It was her regulator that was located near her pelvis. It was a very important part of her costume as it allowed her to regulate her abilities. She could see sparks flying from it and she could see that it was beginning to short-circuit. She didn’t need her genius level intellect to know that this was bad.

“Looks like I’m about to stomp an Avenger,” said Electro who wasn’t aware about what was happening. “That’s going to get me some bragging rights amongst the boys.” He went to stomp his foot down but it suddenly stopped short of what he expected. He felt something beneath it and when he looked he could see Nadia. However, she was a lot bigger than she was just a few moments ago.

Electro took a step back as he saw Nadia beginning to stand up. One thing that he did notice was that she looked big, bigger than any normal person should be. He saw her stand up to her full height and she was almost three feet taller than him. This shocked them both for a moment but Nadia responded first by punching him in the face. Her size gather greater strength and it was enough to knock him out. He went down to the ground and she knew that he was done for.

Nadia had no time to celebrate as she looked down at her regulator and she could see that it was still short-circuiting. She hadn’t willed herself to this size, it had just happened and it had saved her life. Unfortunately, she could feel herself beginning to grow even bigger and the few people who were still around looked up at her in awe.

Awe was the last thing that Nadia was thinking of as she couldn’t stop her growth spurt. Within seconds she was up to forty feet, then fifty, then sixty, then seventy and it still kept going. The people were still looking in awe but as she grew bigger and bigger this awe began to turn to fear. They were beginning to become as afraid of her as they had been of Electro and they began to move away from her with some haste.

Nadia was not doing nothing as her growth continued. She was trying to fix her regulator but unfortunately, she lacked the tools to do so. Even if she did they would do her no good as they would quickly become too small for her to use. She also groaned as she continued to grow as she could feel the sensation running through her body.

As she looked to her side she could see a building next to her. It was a skyscraper and it was taller than her. However, this soon changed as the top of her head rose above the building, followed by her eyes, then her nose, then her mouth and eventually her chin. Her full head was above the building but the rest of her was beginning to rise above it. Her height was no longer in the hundreds of feet and was now well past a thousand.

“A-Ah,” screamed Nadia as she looked at herself. “I can’t stop growing!” The clouds above her was coming closer and closer to her. She was running out of options as she continued to grow bigger and there was little that she could do to stop it.
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Unread 10-27-2018   #4
Posts: n/a
Re: The Unstoppable Giant-Girl (Wasp Fan fic/art)

Flight HR-Seven Eight Five was roughly half way through a routine course that it took. So far everything had been running smoothly as everything was accounted for and there were no mechanical problems so to speak. This meant that the flight was fine and everything that came through the pilot’s radio was all routine.

This changed when the co-pilot looked out of his window and saw something. He had expected to see nothing more than blue skies and clouds. But he began to notice something brown. He looked away for a moment as he thought that he might have been seeing something but when he looked again he could still see the brown object. It was huge, much larger than the jet itself. For a moment he thought that it was some kind of mountain but he realised that they were too high up for that. There were also no mountains in the area that they were flying over.

The Co-Pilot got the attention of the Captain and the Navigator as they looked outside as well. They could all see the brown object but more than that they could see that it was rising up higher. They could see something pale beneath it and they could do nothing but watch. Eventually they saw what seemed to be something that was white with some colour in the centre of it. They couldn’t help but think that what they were seeing was some kind of giant eye but they thought it was impossible.

This was until they saw more of the object rising up, this included a giant nose and eventually a mouth. It was only then that they realised what they were seeing. It was a person who was taller than any mountain and they could see that whoever it was still growing. The Captain made the wise decision to steer the plane away from the growing person and try and give them a wide birth.

The giant person was Nadia Van Dyne who after an encounter with the villain Electro had her regulator short circuit and thus cause her to grow. Her height was in the tens of thousands of feet and she was still growing. She had moved herself into an area that wasn’t populated just so that she didn’t have to worry about accidentally stepping on anyone. This was becoming more difficult though as her feet were growing at the same rate that she was.

“Wow, this is fascinating,” thought Nadia. She hadn’t noticed the plane that was now flying at around her midsection. This however was becoming lower as she continued to rise up further and further. “I shouldn’t be able to breathe and yet I still can as if it’s normal. How is this even possible? Maybe somehow the air is being expanded as I breathe it in but that was something that I didn’t think I could do.” She touched a nearby cloud and it went through it with ease. She could feel that it was wet and also soft. “Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to touch a cloud. But not like this.”

As Nadia looked up she could see the top of the stratosphere. She thought that she would be truly doomed once her head went above it. However, she discovered that she was still breathing normally which once again she thought was impossible. She was certain that she was going to research why when she returned to her normal size. But this was still a big if for her.

Eventually not only was Nadia’s head above the stratosphere but her midsection was as well. She also began to feel herself get lifted into the air even though she wasn’t jumping or trying to fly. She was becoming so large that she couldn’t be held down by Earth’s gravity. This only added to her absolute wonder.

With a few seconds she found herself floating around the Earth and she wondered if people could see her from where they were. She was already too big to see anyone and to her it looked like the Earth itself was shrinking. At first, she was tiny in comparison to the planet but as time went by it seemingly grew smaller and smaller. She tried to stay as far away as she could be curiosity was also getting the better of her as she continued to grow bigger and bigger.

Nadia was more than confused with why she hadn’t succumbed to the effects of being in the empty void of space. Not only was she still breathing but she didn’t feel any coolness whatsoever. She had no idea why this was but one thing that she did know, she was larger than her father had ever been.

Eventually the time came when Nadia was as large as the planet itself. She was tempted to prod her hand down and touch it but her common sense got the better of her. She knew that if she touched the planet in anyway that it would cause a disaster on a scale that had never been seen in human history. This was something that she couldn’t do and she just allowed her growth to continue on.

Her body caused a huge shadow to form over the Earth and it only seemed to grow larger as she did. Soon the Earth was half her size, then a third and eventually a quarter. Eventually it came to the point where she could hold it in her hands as it was the size of a bowling ball, then a baseball and then a golf ball. It terrified her just how big she had become and the fact that despite everything, she was still growing.
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