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Unread 10-28-2019   #1
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All Hallows' Eve II: Send More Cops [Story - Humans -> Halloween Monsters]

It's Halloween, and the Wallachia police department is having a busy night - but nothing can prepare them for the tricks and treats of Dr. Samuel Hanes...

A sequel to All Hallows' Eve.


Officer Leah Brackett peered at the drunken college student stumbling across the street, his bleary eyes visible through the eyeholes of his bedsheet ghost costume.

She sneered. “Halloween is the worst. Hated it as a kid, hate it now.”

Brackett was a veteran of the force, having spent the past fifteen years patrolling the sleepy college town. Sitting in the patrol car beside her was Brad Meeker; he was fresh out of the police academy, and this was his first Halloween on the job.

Leah liked Brad; he was competent and cool-headed, and he wasn’t hard on the eyes, either. Still, he was another one in a long line of rookie cops who saw the Wallachia PD as a stepping stone to a position on the big-city force, or the state police. Brackett had been offered those jobs, sure, but she’d never been tempted; she was perfectly satisfied being the queen bitch of this college town.

The radio crackled to life.

“Car 22, this is dispatch. We have a 1080 at 78 Ulmus Street, reported by neighbors at 81 Ulmus. Please proceed.”

“Over and out.” Leah turned to Brad as she put the car into gear and started driving the two blocks to Ulmus Street. “Noise complaints. That’s how it starts.”

“Yeah. Kinda wish they’d assigned us to that nuthouse breakout.”

Leah rolled her eyes. “Dr. Hanes? I can’t believe they’re wasting half the force looking for that lunatic.”

“You’re not worried about that guy? You must have been on the force when they brought him in.”

“Sure, that’s why I’m not worried. I mean, the guy’s whole deal was that he was planning to make a bunch of serum that he thought was gonna turn people into monsters. But there never was any serum, and his notes were complete gibberish. Ten bucks says they find him breaking into a drugstore, trying to make aspirin and cough syrup into ‘monster serum’.”

“I mean, the chief seems pretty worried.”

“The chief has seen too many fucking horror movies. Horror movies are all bullshit, anyway. You never see a cop take down one of those masked slashers; it’s always some 90-pound teenage girl.”

“That’s probably because a cop would finish the job, and you couldn’t make any sequels.”

“Heh. You’re sharp, rookie. I might keep you around.”

The car slowed to a halt as they reached their destination. Leah could, indeed, hear some kind of racket coming from 78 Ulmus. She rolled down her window, revealing an extremely loud mixture of screams, cries, and moans.

Brad cocked an eyebrow. “Horror movie?”

Leah scoffed. “Porno movie.”

Meeker rolled down his window, revealing that it was coming from the house across the street, too. “In stereo.”

“Wait…that’s 81 Ulmus across the street. The call came from 81 Ulmus.” Leah sighed. “Goddamn college students. Okay, you take 78, I’ll take 81. Go in there, see what’s up. If they were fucking with us, I’ll put a good scare into them.”

As Brad walked across the street, Leah strode confidently up to the door of 81 Ulmus. Despite her hatred of all things Halloween, she was feeling good tonight.

She might have pushing forty, but she was still in better shape than any other Wallachia PD officer. She’d entered the police academy as a naive coed with a pretty face and a soft, curvy body, and she’d left it as a woman carved out of wood – she’d gone from Linda Hamilton in the first Terminator to Linda Hamilton in the second Terminator. She’d come to the Wallachia PD prepared for macho bullshit, and she got it – but pretty soon, they’d all learned that Leah could kick any of their asses whenever she wanted to. They’d respected her after that.

She maintained a straight diet and exercise regimen, making her the equal – or superior – of any colleague or criminal who wanted to test her mettle. It also had the side effect of making her, in her own not-so-humble opinion, extremely fuckable. She still had that pretty face, after all, and she had just enough softness over her toned muscles to lure in anyone who wasn’t afraid of getting a little rough. Even though she was loath to participate in Halloween, she was feeling the urge tonight – she’d have just enough time after her shift ended to toss together a “sexy cop” costume, pick up the hottest grad student she could find, and ride him well into Dia de Muertos.

That would be enough incentive to make it through these bullshit calls, at least.

She knocked on the door, and found that it had been left open a crack.

“This is the police! You called us? Please open up!”

No response.

“I’m coming in!”

She pushed the door open gently, and walked through the small, darkened vestibule into the house’s living room.

She was expecting drunks. Maybe a loud movie on the TV, maybe some lewd behaviour, maybe some drugs.

What she had not expected was a clown fucking a skeleton.

At first, she thought it was some girl who’d gotten drunk enough to make out with a Halloween decoration. But no – the skeleton, which was glowing an eerie neon green, was moving, its jaw opening and closing as it moaned with pleasure, its hip bone thrusting as it slammed into the clown’s butt.

Leah had been through enough Halloweens to see plenty of makeup – from professional-grade work to “thrown on in a dark men’s room”. The clown she saw in front of her was not wearing any makeup. Her naked flesh was a smooth, perfect white; the dark splotches around her eyes and wide, red-lined mouth more like the patterns on an animal’s hide than any hand-applied cosmetics. Even her frizzy purple hair had no undyed roots.

Looking closer, her lover wasn’t a skeleton, exactly – there was what appeared to be a fully flesh-and-blood human around the skeleton, but everything except his bones had become completely translucent.

Furthermore, even though he was taking his partner from behind, the clown had twisted her torso around 180 degrees, allowing his skeletal hands to caress her large, pale breasts while she sloppily made out with him.

These were not costumes. These were honest-to-god monsters.

They could clearly both see her. They didn’t stop.

Leah stood there, frozen in terror, confusion, and embarrassment.

Within a few minutes, they finished. The skeleton shrieked in orgasm while the clown burst into unsettling joyous laughter.

The clown tumbled to the ground, her lower half rotating back into a normal position so she was fully on her front. She propped herself up on her elbows and gazed up at the officer. Her inhuman eyes – red sclera, white iris – landed on Leah, and her face contorted into a friendly, albeit too-wide, smile.

Her teeth were very sharp.

“Oh hi, officer! I’m Scaroline. Scaroline the Scary Clown,” she said, cheerily.

“You…you called about a disturbance, Miss, uh, Scaroline.”

“Oh, I didn’t call you. Caroline called you. I used to be her, you know. She was very worried about loud noises and gluten and her mobile data plan. It was no fun being her at all! And she sure didn’t want to be me, either – she screamed and yelled and swore the whole time she was turning into me. What’s so scary about being all these pretty colours and having big bouncy boobs? And I’m sooooo flexible. Watch this!”

She rolled over on to her back – but her head stayed fixed in the same position, her eyes gazing at Leah, even as her neck was twisted around backwards. She pulled her legs straight up towards her face, allowing her to rest her chin on her feet.

She gestured at her boyfriend, who proceeded to go down on her with gusto. “And he was really scared too, and barely anything happened to him! He was all ‘boo hoo, I can’t see my dick now’ and I just told him that you can’t see it when it’s inside me, anyway, and that’s where it’s supposed to be! Oh, and you’re doing great down there, Skulliam!”

She moaned, and honked her own heaving breasts. “See, he used to be ‘William’, but now he’s Skulliam because he’s a scary skeleton. It’s so fun – you get a cool new body, you get to fuck all the time, and you get to come up with a new spooky name, too! It’s the best, you’re gonna love it so much.”

Leah had started to back towards the door. “What – whatever you think you’re going to do to me, you can FUCKING FORGET IT. I’m not catching whatever turned you two into FREAKS!”

“Oh, that’s not how it works.”

“Then how does it work?”

“Dr. Hanes sneaks up behind you and stabs you with a big syringe full of serum.”

Her blood ran cold. She’d almost forgotten Hanes. Hanes and his imaginary monster serum…and now a house full of monsters who used to be college students. “Hanes? Hanes did this to you? Where is he?”

The grin grew wider.

She giggled. “You really should have closed the door behind you. It’s like you don’t watch horror movies!”

Leah whirled around just in time to feel the syringe plunge into the muscular flesh of her shoulder. Her assailant was dressed like a chemistry professor teaching a lab course, with the exception of the freshly-carved jack o’lantern atop his head, through which she could see only the faintest, most disturbing hints of Hanes’ eyes and teeth.

She screamed. He also screamed.

She slugged him in the gut, pulled open the door, and ran to the car. There was no sign of Brad, who was apparently still in the house across the street. The door of 81 Ulmus swung shut, and Hanes did not follow her.

She leaned against the side of the car and let herself slide down until she was sitting against it, her butt in the leaf-strewn October grass. Her breath was coming out in heavy, strained pants.

The syringe was still embedded in her shoulder. It was empty. She pulled it out, and tossed it aside. She could feel the serum burning through her bloodstream. She could also hear “Scaroline” and “Skulliam” going at it again.

She gritted her teeth. She wasn’t some college girl who got tipsy after two appletinis. She wasn’t going to let some chemistry experiment turn her into a b-movie bimbo.

It was a cool night, but she was sweltering in her uniform. Not to mention the maddening itch she felt spreading outward from the shoulder. Still, she forbade herself from loosening her uniform, or scratching. She laced her fingers together and squeezed her eyes shut. She could ride this out.

A wave of intense pleasure rolled through her body, making her involuntarily buck her hips and arch her neck. She clamped down again, trying to banish all of her unbidden sexual thoughts.

“I am not going to change,” she muttered to herself, like a mantra. “I am not going to turn into a monster. I don’t want to be a monster. I don’t want…to get fucked hard…by a monster’s big, throbbing cock…”

Her muscles were beginning to ache as they swelled up under her uniform, stretching it into a rough approximation of a “sexy cop” Halloween costume, like the one she’d planned to wear tonight. She did feel sexy now, admittedly. And strong. She liked being strong. Maybe, she allowed herself to think, this wouldn’t be so bad.

Her clothes were getting so tight, wrapping around her most intimate parts like a lover’s hands. Her own hands clenched each other tighter, as her breaths grew faster, her heartbeats more rapid, her pupils more dilated…

A sharp pain in her hands snapped her out of it. She pulled them apart and watched, horror-struck, as dark fur sprouted from them, her fingers lengthening and her nails sharpening.

The same fur was erupting from every pore, making her uniform into a straightjacket of agony. Her back, her legs, her arms…

She gritted her teeth harder. Probing them with her long tongue, she found they were bigger…and sharper. Her nose turned up and darkened as fur spread to her face, which crunched forward into a blunt, bestial muzzle.

Her uniform finally began to tear, ripping to reveal fur-covered muscle. Her biceps tore through her sleeves as her expanding thighs tore open her pant legs.

She liked it. Before, her uniform made her feel powerful, but now she wanted to be as naked as possible, to let the world behold every inch of her glory. Gleefully, she tore the front of her blouse open and felt cold air on her nipples…which was strange, because her bra was still holding on for dear life. Looking down, she saw four more nipples had sprouted on her torso, and were blossoming into new breasts.

There was no denying it now; she wasn’t human. She was an animal. A wolf.

A werewolf.

Her hair burst out of its tight ponytail as it expanded into a wild, unkempt mane; her ears pointed and elongated until their tips stuck out of it. She grunted in pleasure as her breasts swelled even more, popping her bra off, to join their sisters in freedom.

The claws were at least making it easier to tear her clothes open. She ripped her uniform pants off, leaving only her panties to give way when a bushy tail sprung from her spine. She felt the cool night air on her engorged, meaty pussy, and almost came right there.

The night suddenly became bright as day when her blue eyes exploded into yellow orbs, glowing beneath her a furry brow.

She heard a door burst open across the road, and frantic footsteps running towards her.

“Leah? Leah! Are you out here? There’s a witch having sex with a devil in there, and I know it sounds crazy, but they’re not in costumes, they…they got turned into monsters or something and what the FUCK is going on?”

His voice shocked a little shame into her, and she slumped down further, well below the car’s windows. She couldn’t let him see her like this!

It was then that her shoes exploded, her clawed toes peeking out of the ruined leather as her foot stretched out into a canine shape.

She leaned forward to tear them off; all she had left on were the few scraps of her shirt that clung to her shoulders and the police cap that perched precariously on her head. Her ears suddenly picked up a rustling beside her – turning her head, she saw that it was Hanes, crouched behind the car with another syringe in his hand. He put a finger up to his carved pumpkin mouth, pantomiming a shush. For some reason, she nodded in agreement.

She knew the syringe was for Brad. She thought about warning him. He could probably draw his gun, blow Hanes away, and put an end to this nightmare.

But then she thought about how fucking hot it would be if Hanes caught Brad, injected him full of serum, and turned him into a horny Halloween horror.

She didn’t move, and simply watched as Hanes crept around the car.

With her new ears, she could hear everything. She heard the struggle. She heard Brad draw his gun, only for it to be knocked out of his hand, clattering to the pavement. She heard the needle plunge into his flesh, heard its payload forced into his body. She heard him drop to the ground in convulsions as Hanes calmly walked away.

She could smell him, too – the intoxicating mix of fear and lust that she now knew accompanied the change. It was turning her on even more.

He was screaming, his voice changing as he transformed into whatever monstrous form the doctor had chosen for him. Her right hand had found its way to her womanhood, and she shamelessly started to masturbate, her thick, clawed thumb pressing heavily on her throbbing clit. Her left hand ran up and down her torso, stimulating all six of her intensely sensitive tits.

She understood Scaroline now. Her old life was gone – not forgotten, but subsumed beneath an endless nightmare of ecstasy. Leah would have rushed into action to save her partner, but she wasn’t Leah anymore. She was Lupah, and she could think about was Brad’s handsome, all-American looks being twisted and corrupted into a creature of the night.

She climaxed with a muffled roar.

It had been good – better than any orgasm her old body could handle. But she needed more. She needed the touch of another creature.

Brad had stopped thrashing around. She pulled herself up on to her massive hind paws, and took the few steps around the patrol car to look at her partner.

Even walking felt amazing, her steely muscles pumping as her bestial digitigrade legs moved her forward. It felt both perfectly natural and fiendishly unnatural – as if her existence was an afront to the worlds of both beasts and men.

Much like she had been, he was slumped against the side of the car. But his form was not like hers – more recognizable as human, but still distinctly not. His skin was a flawlessly pale, stony blue. His clawed fingers had torn open his shirt, revealing a slim, muscular physique.

He looked up at her with his glowing-ember eyes, a flash of recognition in them. His forehead was permanently furrowed, giving his eyes a sinister appearance. “Leah?”

“It was.” She hadn’t spoken since her change, and found her voice had a feral, growling quality. She liked it.

His mouth pulled back into a thin smile, revealing two glittering razor-sharp fangs. He casually brushed his longish dark hair back behind his pointed ears. She could smell his arousal, and hear his erection tenting his tattered pants.

“I never noticed…how beautiful you are…in the moonlight.” His voice sounded strange – she wasn’t sure if it was the fangs, or the serum, or if he was putting it on, but there was a slight Eastern European tinge to his words.

She growled. “Don’t give me that Bela Lugosi shit.”

“I find it hard to believe that you are not in the mood.”

She snarled. He was enjoying this. “I’m in the mood for getting bent over the squad car, and getting FUCKED like a BITCH.”

As he stood up, she lunged at him, carefully using her claws to tear away the rest of his pants. Freed, his pale cock almost glowed in the moonlight as it sprung upwards. He snarled, and grabbed her in a submission hold from behind, bending her over the car’s hood like an unruly suspect. She let him.

He caressed her ample backside, stroked her furry tail, and whispered in her pointed ear. “Are you sure you have no time for romance, my sweet? I could sample the pleasures of your feral flesh until sunrise.”

Frustrated, she dug her claws into the car’s hood and turned her head to glare at him. “Here’s the deal, Dracula. You stake me through the cunt right now, then we do it face-to-face next time. Six breasts, just aching to be touched.”

He tried to suppress his grin, and mostly failed. She was pleased – all the monster serum in the world couldn’t suppress an all-American man’s love of tits. “Deal.”

She felt his icy member plunge into her seething depths, and yelped. He thrust into her with vigor, the cold metal of the hood stimulating her nipples and clit.

She threw her head back and howled.

With the creatures lost in pleasure, Dr. Hanes opened up the patrol car’s door and grabbed the radio. A smile formed on his face, mirroring the one on the jack-o-lantern, as he flicked it on and peered at the badge he’d picked up off the ground, still pinned to a torn piece of fabric.

He pulled the speaker up to his carved pumpkin mouth. “This is…5891. No, no problems, just a few more drunks than we expected. If you could spare another couple officers, we’d appreciate it – maybe an ambulance, too? Over and out.”
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Last edited by thunderwing; 10-30-2019 at 02:14 PM.
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Unread 10-31-2019   #2
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Re: All Hallows' Eve II: Send More Cops [Story - Humans -> Halloween Monsters]

Great story thanks
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Unread 10-31-2019   #3
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Re: All Hallows' Eve II: Send More Cops [Story - Humans -> Halloween Monsters]

Originally Posted by matgao View Post
Great story thanks
You’re welcome - it was my pleasure!
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