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Unread 05-20-2017   #1
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How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

This has been a thought that was going through my mind recently. And I was kind of wondering, how would you explain this type of fetish to somebody without it sounding weird? I know how to describe the fetish, but the more I thought about it I thought, this could come off as really wrong if I said this to someone. I prefer AP, but have a slight thing for AR, and I feel it would be very hard to describe without sounding creepy.
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Unread 05-21-2017   #2
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I generally try to keep my TF-related projects out of view for the people in my life, since I'm not a big fan of having to try to explain this shit to them, but AR definitely would be a tricky one. I think in a situation like that the other person would quickly think there's some kind of pedo aspect to it and then you're just left trying to deny that and I don't see a particular good way to prevent that.
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Unread 05-21-2017   #3
The AP Ninja
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

Well I have the thing that my fetish has aged with me, so the age barrier rises over time. So, I would try to say that I like that cute and petite characters grow into hot, curvaceous and mature women and the process the body goes through to get there. In my case only, what I like from this is to give those girls the beauty they deserve and posibly wish, an seeing their reactions as their "wish" is fulfilt so with a bit of luck they may see it as a cute fetish or simply as one more "pansexual oriented" XP

In case of AR, I would try to mask it a bit with attribute theft and say that you like hot and mature women lose all their attributes slowly as they lose their confidence, kinda like a bit of a sadist vein everyone has inside. That, or that you like them becoming cuter and softer in personality idk.

But, as always the main factor lies on two things
1- That you try to leave "having sex" out of that explanation
2-That the person itself is respectful. No matter how you try to describe this fetish to someone unrespectful, they will see it as something worth jail or hell.
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Unread 05-21-2017   #4
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

Originally Posted by meticulan23 View Post
This has been a thought that was going through my mind recently. And I was kind of wondering, how would you explain this type of fetish to somebody without it sounding weird? I know how to describe the fetish, but the more I thought about it I thought, this could come off as really wrong if I said this to someone. I prefer AP, but have a slight thing for AR, and I feel it would be very hard to describe without sounding creepy.
Ah yes. The ultimate, yet such natural and beautiful question that one must eventually come to ask: How is my fetish justifiable? Is it justifiable at all to begin with, or is it just straight-up perverted and creepy that I should be feeling guilty about taking into such pleasure? Well, here's the belief I live by that I am confident enough to explain even to my family if they were to ever find out about the fetish:

You know how women are often considered the 'perfect' form of human with their two X chromosomes? You know how women are often acknowledged as the main symbol of beauty? Female Age Progression and Age Regression are a careful observation of the creation process of how that perfection and beauty is achieved. In reality, our aging process is so slow that we can't vividly tell and appreciate the physical changes our body goes through as the time passes unless we look at our old photos and then in the mirror and go, "Wow, I've changed." So, whenever we see a beautiful woman, we are only really able to comprehend and appreciate the result that stands before our eyes and not how she was able to become so from once being a young girl who wasn't all that distinguishable from boys. It's like appreciating an art masterpiece but taking one step further and asking, "How did it start, and what detailed steps and adjustments did it go through to reach this point?" The fetish of Female Age Progression and Age Regression lets us clearly comprehend such questioned process towards women by showing us the accelerated forms of girls' aging process in mere seconds. By doing so, Female Age Progression lets us examine the steps and adjustments that leads to the achievement of the physical feminine beauty and charms we men acknowledge and love. And Female Age Regression demonstrates that every woman was once relatively innocent, cute, and pure girls. It shows a sense of unity, that we all come from similar place. Even when it comes to Old Female Age Regression, it lets us realize that all those wrinkled grandmothers were also once beautiful, charming, and energetic young women in their own ways no different from the ones we see today. Though all these, Female Age Progression and Age Regression enlighten us towards understanding and appreciating women all the more.

It's similar to puberty education, but the fetish goes further and applies the idea to many creative and fun scenarios such as magic, science, and etc. with variety of meaningful messages. For example, the very early age of magical girl series in Japan were mainly centered around the concept of Age Progression Transformation. This was in order to show the kids the wonders of becoming an adult, giving them hope towards the future of growing up.

"Carol goes from an innocent-looking girl into a full on adult when she fights, what sort of intentions did you have with this transformation?

Right now “fighting magical girls” are sweeping the world, but when I was a kid the idea of “magical girls” were mainly elementary school kids who used a transformation wand to become an adult and then go around resolving various problems. That was the idea on which her character was based, so I suppose if you were to label her Carol is a “Showa era fighting magical girl.”
" (Akifumi Kaneko, the creator of Symphogear GX anime series)
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Last edited by chriskim019; 05-21-2017 at 09:15 AM.
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Unread 05-24-2017   #5
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

It’s actually not hard to explain or describe at all! In fact, the fetish, if you want to call it that has become an obsession.

Just look how many creams, lotions and potions are in stores and advertised on TV. Promising to make you look younger! It’s a multibillion-dollar your business. And of the top 10 elective cosmetic surgeries, half of them are procedures to make you look younger: dermabrasion, Mastopexy, Rhytidectomy, Blepharoplasty, Liposuction.

Anyone who says the desire to be younger is somehow sick or twisted, is out of touch with reality or a huge hypocrite! And if i invented a treatment that would make you biologically younger… I guarantee you I could empty the bank accounts of just about every aging Hollywood star (male and female) there is, because they would pay anything to be young again.

Just look at the horrible disfiguring facelifts these people get, imagine what they would give for something that actually made them younger.

Of course, the conversation always drifts the idiotic notion that if you looked 15, you somehow would not have the rights and privileges of an adult, even if you were 55! People seem to forget that it is not how you look, but instead how many years have passed since your birth that determines if you are legally an adult.

And your mental state has nothing to do with it. If you’re 45-year-old man with the mind of a 10-year-old. You’re still 45 years old, legally an adult. The state in which I live has that exact determination. I used to work in a convenience store across the street from a group home. Many of those people had the mental and emotional maturity of pre-teens.

Yet, under state law, they could buy alcohol and cigarettes. And they did. It was perfectly legal to do so, in fact, in the 50s, my state tried to legislate the access to these things for the mentally disabled. The court easily dismantled those arguments.

So, before you tell somebody about your fetish, mentally take them down the path that they will one day followed to the geriatric ward… And then offer them the chance to drink from the fountain of youth.
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Unread 05-24-2017   #6
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

"How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?"

I don't.
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Unread 05-25-2017   #7
Quantum Heart
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

i hope i wouldn't have to kero. far too many issues and hang-ups. that said i do have some predilections in what i'm attracted to that would probably have inevitably led me to be interested in the ap fetish kero. i guess i could ramble about them here

size change/growth: well obviously. i like growth, which is probably how i stumbled into this crazy-ass site in the first place. i like tall women, i like the idea of women growing taller and other attendant developments like tiddies. this of course leads me to probably the most questionable range of AP, kid -> adult, since that of course is when a lot of growth happens. truth be told if "short flat woman grows into boom-banging tall woman" was a coherent fetish category i'd probably switch over to that and lose all the baggage of dealing with kids. stuff like de-chibification has hit me in a similar mental place, for instance.

development stuff: i think i'm just interested in (this is going to sound fucking weird) biological development processes on some weird base level. like i've always been fascinated by (for instance) moths and butterflies and other metamorphic insects (obviously not fetishistically. well unless it's like, a moth girl or something.) the changes in physiology between child and adult forms and the weird liminal spaces in between are just something that piques my interest, and that's been the case for years and years.

(extended aside kero) for instance, one of the things that annoys me about the Alien series of films is how you basically see every detail of the thing's biological cycle except for that middle point where it goes from chestburster to full-sized xenomorph. like i understand how suspending that in the unfilmed parts of the story allows for the tension of the unknown to build and how that feeds the horror of a horror film, so directorially it would be counter-productive to show the thing bloat up from a little blind rat fetus thing to a six- or seven-foot long Gigerian death engine. and i know it's unscientific to actually linger on the details of how that metamorphosis occurs in, say, a cramped ship with almost no biological mass to eat beyond the meat in the chest it bursted out of, so lingering on that would damage the scientific postulates of a science-fiction film. so basically the less they focus on that particular stage the better for the film. but i don't care, i want to see that part and am frustrated that it never happens. (aside over kero)

transcendence/awakening of consciousness/something: i don't know if i have the terminology to really describe this without coming like a pretentious sapiosexual or something, but i'm going to try. i like the idea of the change as a gateway to mental or spiritual awakening. a sense of empowerment catalyzed by an intense moment that changes how you look at the world entirely. it sounds kind of like i'm turned on by super saiyan transformations when i put it like that, i realize, and no, that's not the case. like there's a moment in the anime magical girl lyrical nanoha a's (which has nothing to do with singing) where hayate, the invalid young girl whose contact with a mystical artifact was draining her life force, has some of her friends get into a fight with some of her other friends, and then another group of people come along and kill some of those other friends, and she descends into despair and awakens the artifact, which then possesses her and transforms her into an adult form. and there's this moment of letting go, of refusing to hold her tongue and take the bullshit the world subjected her to, and that just charges the scene with a resonance that goes above and beyond the ap. (carol from the aforementioned symphogear gx-symphogear's a good series btw, you guys should watch it kero-has a kind of similar theme, but it's mostly been resolved in the past of the series and she's already "had her moment.") that sort of "click" moment can come from many different sources. it can cause the ap, or the ap can cause the click. but it's that sort of thing that draws me in. this is probably why i'm not the biggest fan of ap where it's apparent that the subject still has the mindset of whatever age child they were before transforming. going through such an experience should change you as you go across that border, and if that includes becoming adult in viewpoint as well as in physique then that's better. it can be kind of squicky otherwise. meanwhile stuff that explores that "exalted" viewpoint beyond the moment of transformation i also find interesting, if not immediately pressing toward my prurient instinct.

(another aside kero)i'm pretty sure i caught a lot of my interest in tf from the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon from the 80s. and just the idea of mutation itself kind of catches my imagination. like taking an actual animal and changing it into this in-between creature with human-like sapience. what the hell is that like? just that eclipsing sense of consciousness and awareness of self as an entity has to be--well, i would like it to be, i visualize it as--transcendent, almost sublime. that's also part of the reason why i find a lot of tf fetish work unattractive despite having a tf fetish-nine times out of ten the transformation is adversarial, almost, certainly punitive. everybody's all horrified by the changes and they're usually treated as humiliations or grotesqueries, generally events of horror. i understand a lot of tf work comes through horror channels (see werewolves for example) so i can see why you might catch that flavor of attraction in your tf fetish entanglements. unfortunately for me, i did not. my dick likes the idea of tf as transcendent and climactic (however many layers of meaning you think i put into that word choice is probably correct), something that feels good and desirable. (aside over kero)

meanwhile i don't have a fetish response to ar i don't think. every time i see it i go "aww that's cute, look at her all short with all the baggy clothes, i want to hug her" and that's been pretty consistent. so, that's that.


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Unread 05-25-2017   #8
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

I suppose it's a fascination of the immediate manipulation of time and how it would affect individual(s) on a physical level, as well as the possible pros and cons that such a scenario could present to those affected. That being said, like all things, some have a tendency to take it further than most would personally permit. For an easier mental image, compare your average spectator of any subject to that of a superfan.

The very nature of this process is impossible to truly recreate in the real world (remember that time is an important factor), so it can only exist in the world of fiction.
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Unread 05-26-2017   #9
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

Originally Posted by Soccermom View Post
"How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?"

I don't.
Yeah, this - for the most part.
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Unread 05-26-2017   #10
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

Sometimes you have to explain. perhaps it is more likely for me as a fairly high profile member of the AR community. Years ago the AR Archive was spotlighted by Something Awful as some sort of pedophilia haven. I knew there would be possibly thousands of people coming by to gawk and look down on the site and its supporters and probably troll while they were there.

I wrote a message and put it on the front page that basically said that the archive was a site for people who were fascinated by aging or youthening and that far from being a "fringe" interest, and before they decide this is just "sick" that people should think about the legend of the fountain of youth and how many movies and TV shows there have been about it. Virtually every cartoon ever has had a "characters turned into kids" or "aging out of control" episode. I don't remember the rest off the top of my head.

It didn't stop all of the trolls, but a look at the discussion area in Something Awful showed that a significant percentage of people commenting on the Archive were supportive and disagreed with the premise that it was so "awful" or out of the mainstream. I only mention it to point out that if you don't have an answer and it ever comes up, being silent looks like guilt and can affirm the worst someone can think about any fetish.

Frankly, I don't think most people would respond badly if you say that you like stories or movies or comics where people suddenly get older or younger. If you met your significant other in your twenties and you suggested they imagine what it would be like if you both could be temporarily 16 again or 10 years younger or whatever age you liked for a night together - many people would find that idea... exciting and possibly sexy. So unless your thing is having inappropriate activities with kids or old people, indicating an interest in AR/AP isn't as fringe-y as you might think. Obviously my spouse knows about the AR Archive and is fine with it. I couldn't not tell her.
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Unread 06-06-2017   #11
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Re: How would you describe the AP/AR fetish to someone?

I have considered this. I would probably have to say it in a manner like this.

Its about the loss of power of an individual and humiliation of that person. I am not attracted to an underage person in any way. However the act of depriving someone of their strength or sexual development is in many was associated with many fetishes people enjoy, it just takes a different form. Fetishes like bdsm where in one person is at the mercy of another person, or shrinking where one person becomes so small that they cannot escape and become another persons object. A fetish wherein a person is mocked for having small genitals or breasts seems similar to me as well as this is a very humiliating thing. Having your clothes removed is very popular in ENF (embarrassed nude female) and seeing a character regress down into their clothes is a humiliating and revealing act that shows they are becoming helpless. However clothes play a hug part in any fetish I like. TG shows the body in clothes not meant for them. Vore often has a character stripped or their clothes spit out. Shrinking and AR are basically the same where clothes get loose and baggy and fall off. I never knew why but that is awesome to me.

A great example of this is my personal enjoyment of when villains are regressed. Villains are often powerful, egotistical and sexy. They are confident enough to break societies norms and often enjoy imprisoning or hurting good people. So when they are finally defeated in a humiliating way, loses their bodies development, their ability to function or speak, going from dangerous to helpless, there is a strong appeal there. Plus there is a karma aspect to..

Or does that sound crazy?
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