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Unread 09-10-2013   #1
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Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Inspired by this thread, I decided to jot down a quickie. I was originally going to post it as one complete piece, but my muse is feeling verbose today and I don't have time to finish it before work, so here's part 1 of 2. Enjoy!

* * * * *

"You're trying to get us drunk, aren't you, Shawn?" said Becky in an accusatory tone.

"Don't be silly, ladies," I responded. "We're already here together. What's a few drinks between friends? Besides, I'll be drinking right along with you, and you know I'm kind of a lightweight." So saying, I leaned across the coffee table and handed her a Jack & Coke with a wedge of lime, then held out another to Cassie.

"Well, so are we. I'm still suspicious of your motives, mister," she said, cocking an eyebrow at me as she accepted it.

"Allow me to put your fears at ease," I said with a smile. I took a large sip of my drink and sighed with satisfaction. "Aaaah. Refreshing. And this is the same thing I got you." Except for that one extra ingredient, I thought to myself. Fortunately the tinge of lime in the drinks would mask the mild-tasting additive.

My gesture seemed to have the intended effect; Becky sipped at her concoction, paused for a moment, and smiled. "Mmm. You do a very good mix," she said, taking a larger swallow.

Following her lead, Cassie took a quick taste of hers, then looked at me with surprise. "She's right, this is delicious!" I watched as she sipped again, managing to conceal my eager grin by taking a big swig of my drink.

It was a typical Thursday night for us. Usually, we'd get together at the off-campus apartment the two shared to study for a Friday morning physics class we all had, then kick back to watch a movie, after which we usually sat around and talked until after midnight. While I considered myself lucky to spend time with these two lovely girls (and I knew some of my male classmates were jealous of me), I'd been unable thus far to get past the friend stage with either of them.

Not for a lack of trying. Seeing these two three days a week in class, and one to two nights during the week, certainly kept salacious thoughts about them percolating in my head. Part of the problem was that I couldn't decide between the two of them. Becky, she of the tall, slim build and wavy blonde hair, was athletic and energetic. She could be a lot of fun in almost any circumstance, made fast friends with others, and was always smiling and laughing. Cassie was shorter than her roommate and less toned, but she made up for it with gorgeous dark curls, deep blue eyes, and dangerous curves. She was a bit quieter, but quick-witted, intelligent, and kind. I clicked with both of them for different reasons and found both of them attractive.

It wasn't helping that I was pretty sure both of them knew that I harbored those kinds of thoughts about them, and kept toying with me over it. The first time your hot female friend "accidentally" bumps her ass against you, or "forgets" that she's wearing something extremely low-cut when she bends over to get something in front of you, maybe it's innocent. But when it happens on a regular basis, well, I'm no dummy. Tonight was no different; Becky had "thrown on" some tight short-shorts, and Cassie had brushed her breasts against my arm while leaning over the table to grab something. I had suspected they might have an interest in me, but nothing ever seemed to come of it and it was equally possible they were just having fun seeing which one could be more flirty with me. They had that kind of friendship.

Well, I thought, I guess I'll solve my dilemma tonight, one way or another. If everything worked according to plan, I might have a memorable night with one of them (or both, in my wildest dreams), or my actions might close that door with either or both of the ladies for good. I noticed they were almost done with their drinks and gulped down the last of mine to try to encourage them.

"Whoa! Were you thirsty, Shawn?" asked Cassie with a grin.

"Maybe a little," I replied. "But hey. If I get drunk first you really won't have to worry about my intentions." That got a laugh from her. Of course, such a scenario wasn't possible; not only had I secretly made my drink weaker, but my little additive would cause an increase in the impact the alcohol would have on them, in addition to its intended primary effect. Which was good, as it meant they'd likely take much longer to notice what was happening to them. "I'm gonna go make myself another one," I said, watching as Becky tipped up her glass and drained the last. "Well, she finished hers, Cassie. Care to polish off yours? I'll get you girls refills while I'm making mine." She hesitated, but after a moment drank the remaining fluid in her cup. I grabbed their empty tumblers in the hand that wasn't holding mine. "Be right back," I said, stepping toward the kitchenette area.

Ok, they've both had their full dosage, I thought to myself while mixing another round. I opened my backpack and pulled out the small electronic emitter that would work with the chemical concoction in their bloodstream. I paused for a moment, considering whether I was proceeding with my plan. I'd been planning and testing for weeks, but no amount of preparation could get me past one simple truth. Whatever happened, my relationship with my friends would never be the same. Am I really going to do this? There'll be no undoing it.

"Oh, waiter!" came Becky's voice in a mocking singsong. "Where are our refills?"

"Just a minute!" I called back, still on the fence about going through with it. I mean, yeah, maybe they did sometimes think of me as more than a friend, but was I really going to force them to address the issue?

"Well hurry up!" she replied. "Or Cassie and I might get bored and start making out, and you'll miss it!"

...Well. That settles that. I shoved the emitter into my pocket, carefully picked up the three drinks, and returned to the living room.

"So Becky, it's your turn to pick. What's tonight's movie?" I asked nonchalantly as I sat the drinks down on the coffee table. "I'll go put it in the player."

"Hmm, let me think," the blonde said. The smirk on her face told me it was probably something Cassie or I wouldn't like. Probably me. "I'm in the mood for something funny. How about...Talladega Nights?"

I groaned. "Again? You know some people don't love that movie as much as you do, right? I mean, I'm okay with it, but I don't need to see it more than once in a six-month period."

"Spoilsport," she teased, sticking her tongue out at me. "It's my call, and that's what I'm picking. If you don't like it, take your drink and go home early." She smirked again, knowing that was something I definitely wouldn't do. After a few moments, she continued. "That's what I thought. Now put it in."

"That's what she said," I retorted, amused at the brief flicker of annoyance on her face before I went to get the disc. Making sure everything was set up, I switched off the lights, leaving the big-screen TV the only illumination. I settled onto the recliner next to the loveseat the two of them were sitting on and pressed Play. As the movie began, I stealthily brought out the emitter under the guise of silencing my phone, adjusted some settings, and turned it on, then resigned myself to sitting through the movie while I waited on my plan to take effect.

At first, nothing happened other than the girls laughing at Will Ferrell's antics and slowly draining their drinks. I was starting to wonder if I'd done something wrong. I was going over my plan in my head when I realized Cassie was saying something. "What?" I responded after pausing the movie. Smooth, Shawn, real smooth.

"I said, would you go make us more drinks? We're still thirsty," she said, giggling a bit.

"An' some kinda snack too, eh, Shawn?" Becky chimed in, sounding just slightly slurred.

"Sure," I replied, rising from the chair. "Do you girls have any chips, or--" I lost my train of thought as I turned to look directly at them. I was at a better angle standing before them than I was sitting in a chair off to the side and I could see that my work was starting to have an effect.

Becky had always been on the tall side for a woman at 5'9", and she wasn't afraid to use high heels at times to give herself a boost. Normally, in her position, the back of the couch would come up to the base of her skull, but now it was even with her ears. Not a major change, but enough to tell me that it was working. It was slightly more obvious with Cassie, who had been 5'3" previously; the top of the couch back was just visible above the top of her head.

Now that I knew, I could see a few other changes. Cassie had worn a dark purple dress today. It was one of my favorite outfits of hers, and I could immediately spot that it didn't fit her right. Normally it sported a neckline just low enough to tantalize without revealing much. However, it hung down lower now, showing some of her magnificent cleavage. The sleeves usually terminated at her elbows, but they had crept partway down her forearms. The dress wasn't hugging her curvaceous hips as tightly as it should have, and her knees had vanished under the hem when it should've been just above them. Her feet, too, weren't flat on the floor, but instead were pointed down, leaving only the toes of her loose socks in contact with the carpet. My gaze immediately jumped to the right to survey her roommate for changes.

Becky's feet were still flat on the floor, but I could see her favorite fuzzy pink slippers were looking a size too big. My eyes traveled upward to the short-shorts and I saw they weren't as short as before--and there was a small-but-obvious gap between the fabric and the tanned skin of her thighs. Her midriff was visible, as it had been before, but I could see that the loose-fitting white button-up shirt and tank top she was wearing had begun to inch down, closing the gap. The short sleeves of the shirt were almost to her elbows, and the tank top straps, visible since she had only partially buttoned the shirt, looked looser on her shoulders. Even her hairstyle looked different; I realized she'd had it pulled up in a ponytail in back, but the tie had started getting looser and her hair was beginning to slip down.

"Uh, hello? Earth to Shawn?" said Cassie with another giggle. "Shawn? Snap out of it!"

"Yeah! Quit yer starin'!" Becky stifled a hiccup before continuing. "Jus' cuz we think yer kinda cute doesn't mean you can...stare at us, like some kinda...creep," she added, seeming to have a little trouble picking out her words.

Embarrassed that I'd been caught ogling them, it took a moment to register what she had just said. "Cute? You think I'm cute?" I looked back and forth between the two women. They both looked a little flushed, but that may have been the booze.

Becky looked briefly puzzled. "Did I say that? I--"

"Um. Just the alcohol talking, Shawn," Cassie interjected. She laughed again, but this one sounded a little nervous. "So how about our refills and some snacks? I think there's chips in..." she paused for a moment as if trying to think, " the cabinet by the fridge."

"Right. On it, ladies. Be right back," I said quickly, gathering up their glasses and heading for the kitchenette, trying not to let them see me grinning, and trying to keep my hands from shaking so I wouldn't clink the glasses together.

My heart was pounding in excitement and I took a moment to get a deep breath and calm down in the kitchen. I could hardly believe what was happening. My formula and the emitter were a success--the girls were actually shrinking! Better yet, my settings were calibrated properly, as I had intended the process to happen slowly to help mask what was happening. And then there's what Becky just said, and Cassie confirmed... Maybe this will turn out to be a good night after all!

I poured some chips into a large bowl and started to refill the girls' tumblers--then inspiration struck. I took a quick look through the cabinets and found some glasses that were similar to the ones they were using, but smaller. I wanted to continue to keep them in the dark about what was happening as long as I could, plus I didn't want them to get *too* drunk. With my additive increasing the effects of the alcohol, I wasn't sure how much would be too much, but since they were already both seeming to be a bit giddy, I thought slowing down was a good idea.

I returned to the living room and set the items down on the coffee table in front of the girls. I could see that in the few minutes I'd been gone, they'd continued shrinking. The top of Becky's head was now less than an inch higher than the back of the couch, and Cassie's sock feet were dangling off the floor entirely. I sat back down in my chair and resumed the movie, giving them a few minutes to get back into the film (and take a few sips of their drinks) before turning my full attention on them to watch the process taking place.
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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Unread 09-10-2013   #2
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Ooooooooh a good slow shrink! I cant wait to see where you go with this ^-^
Raptor-Jesus is the way to go.
That meteor made absolutely sure that He died for our sins.
.................................................. ......The shattered dreams that make you whole...
...broken hopes that bind your wounds...
..........................there is a purpose to this darkness
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Unread 09-10-2013   #3
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

great so far, cant wait for part 2!
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Unread 09-11-2013   #4
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Great job! Glad to see you writing again!! I can't wait for the next chapter. Mmmmm slow shrinks
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Unread 09-11-2013   #5
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
"What's a few drinks between friends?"
Classic setup.

Great story, sir. Slow is best.
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Unread 09-11-2013   #6
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

This is this first story I've actually been into. Great job on this!
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Unread 09-11-2013   #7
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Great read!
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Unread 09-11-2013   #8
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Unread 09-12-2013   #9
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Thanks ever so much for all the positive feedback, you guys. I'm so glad folks are enjoying this. ^_^

Here's Part 2 of 2. I may revisit this story later, if I ever decide my more graphic writing is up to the task of continuing on, but for now this is the end. (Hell, I only intended this to be a quick scene in the first place, lol. Stupid writer's brain. )

* * * * *

It was fascinating. Their shrinking was going just slow enough that it was hard to detect, but just quickly enough that I could see changes taking place if I paid close attention. Cassie scooted forward once or twice, apparently realizing something wasn't right about her sitting position but not getting quite what. When she did, the ever-larger hem of the dress didn't scoot forward with her; her knees were exposed again, only to slowly recede beneath the garment again. Irritated with her inexplicable ability to keep her feet on the floor, she shifted her legs so that she was sitting cross-legged on the couch, not even noticing that her oversized socks had dropped off her shrunken feet in the process.

Becky, meanwhile, had gotten small enough for her head to also be below the top of the couch. Her hair tie finally slipped completely out, causing her ponytail to cascade down around her shoulders. She barely even seemed to notice, casually shaking her head back and forth a few times and shifting her shoulders, then forgetting about it. The motion caused her steadily loosening tank top straps to shift, with the left one coming close to dropping off entirely. I felt a small jolt of surprise when I noticed that it didn't look like she'd worn a bra this evening. The bottom of her shirt had completely blocked the view of her belly, but it wasn't quite low enough to hide the tantalizing glimpse of pink boy briefs-style panties revealed by the sagging waist of her shorts. The bottom of her shorts had almost made it to her knees. Looking down, I saw her bare feet hanging just above the empty pink slippers.

Turning my attention back to Cassie, I noticed the neck of her dress had plunged far enough down to show off quite a bit of her cleavage, although it was less impressive now that her breasts had gotten smaller along with the rest of her. I watched in rapt enjoyment as the deep V crept slowly lower and lower, displaying ever more of the loosening satiny black bra she'd worn beneath the dress. Sitting as she was, her crossed legs had almost disappeared under the encroaching hem of her dress, which was starting to look like a blanket as the dark purple fabric spread loosely to either side of her legs. Her hands, down at her sides, were completely covered by her sleeves by now, adding to the illusion of a blanket draped over her.

Becky drew my gaze again as she reached forward--oddly far forward, from her perspective--to grab a chip from the bowl. Her face showed a flicker of surprise as her shirt's sleeve slid halfway down her forearm and the strap of the tank top dropped to her elbow, but she seemed not to realize the event had any significance, nor did she realize that she was holding a chip larger than her palm. She simply sat back, not bothering to replace the tank top strap; I had to bite down on my lip to keep from reacting when I saw that this caused her too-large neck hole to hang down way too low, showing off one tiny breast to the room. Well, whatever else happens, at least I'll get to see them naked, I mused. At a glance, I guessed her to be a 36B. Maybe a lowercase b now, I thought, chuckling faintly to myself.

Cassie threw her head back to laugh as, on the screen, Ricky Bobby's kids said something obnoxious; as she did so, the movement caused the expanding neck hole of her dress to finally fall off both her shoulders. The oversized garment fell to her elbows, and the V of the neckline dropped into her lap, completely revealing her torso. As her bra was now far too large as well, its cups were resting lightly on her lap, exposing her still proportionately big breasts to me. They were probably a 38DD when she was normal size, but they looked to be around the size of tennis balls now, or perhaps a bit smaller. Her relatively large, puffy pink areolae were no bigger than a nickel, and as I continued staring, her nipples stiffened in the cool air of the room.

I looked back to Becky and saw that she'd unconsciously pulled her slender arm out of the sagging sleeve. That, coupled with her continued shrinking, had dropped the neck of her tank top even lower, so though the right strap still sat on her shoulder, both of her tits were exposed as well. She had her legs straight out in front of her and didn't notice that her feet still barely reached the edge of the couch, or that her Daisy Dukes engulfed her legs to halfway down her shins and were wide enough for her to put both legs in one side with room to spare.

I was glad for their drunkenness and their absorption in the movie; if they were sober or without distraction there was no way they wouldn't have noticed what was happening by now, nor could they have remained oblivious to my unabashed staring. I was quite sure neither of them were even three feet tall now, likely not even two and a half, and they were sitting half-naked in piles of comically oversized clothes. I could tell by their laughter and occasional comments, though, that they were pretty buzzed. They had finished most of their third drinks, which was good, since even the smaller glasses I'd switched to were approaching the size of Mason jars to them. I had a brief mental picture of them trying to drink out of the larger tumblers I'd traded from; it would be like drinking from a bucket. I was glad I'd made the exchange.

"Soooo...." Becky said slowly, trying to look at Cassie but appearing to have trouble focusing, "whish one d'ya think's more attra...atta...acti...hotter?" she finished. "Carly or Shusan?"

Cassie shakily turned to look at her friend. " 's a tough call," she slurred after a long pause. "I mean Carly's pre'y hot 'n all but sush a bish." She seemed to be considering her next words before speaking. "An' Sushan loo's better with her hair down but y'don' get to see her that way mush. Plus I think blondesh look better 'n redheads anyway."

"Izzat so?" Becky replied, giving Cassie a look that was probably supposed to be appraising, but in her state just looked like she had trouble keeping her eyes open. After a moment she shifted position in her seat, twisting her upper body toward Cassie and bracing unsteadily on the couch with her bare arm as she leaned toward her roommate. This had the effect of being the last push to drop the right strap and sleeve off her other shoulder, leaving her effectively topless as the oversized shirt and tank top puddled around her lap. It also served to emphasize how much they'd shrunk; at the start of the night, such a gesture would have leaned the blonde well into Cassie's personal space, but at their reduced size there was quite a bit of couch cushion between the two diminutive damsels. This seemed to confuse Becky for a moment. I watched her looking down at the couch, then back up at Cassie, and I could almost see the wheels trying to turn in her head (not that they were getting much traction, with the liquor).

Finally, she decided on the direct approach. She turned her waist sideways to get her whole body facing the other girl. Of course, since her once-snug shorts and panties were as big as hula hoops to her, they didn't come along for the ride, resulting in her sitting sideways and bare-assed in the seat of her shorts with her legs still splayed out into the legs of the pants. At this point, she'd shrunk so much that her feet had nearly slid into the fabric. I remembered how the bottom of the garment had just barely been past her firm ass at the start of the evening. You've come a long way down, baby, I thought to myself out of nowhere.

She tried to assume a kneeling position on the couch, but found her legs entangled in the gigantic shorts. Irritated and confused, she kicked her legs drunkenly free of the obstructing denim, then managed to rise unsteadily to her knees, still fixated unwaveringly on Cassie. With some difficulty, she began a swaying, crawling advance toward the topless, dark-haired beauty sitting several relative yards away. Cassie couldn't see Becky, having returned her hazy attention to the movie, but I could, and I saw something that made my heart start pounding even harder and my mouth go dry. Becky might be very small and very inebriated, but something about her body language and the way she moved toward her roommate gave me a pretty good idea of what was on her mind.


Becky's legs slid out from under the huge white shirt and tank top as she started forward, but somehow her oversized panties held on around her knees, dragging along behind her to either side as if she was pushing a pink blanket in front of her legs. I suppose some people would have thought she looked ridiculous, but I found the sight of her--18 inches tall, totally nude, her tiny-but-toned bare ass in the air and the underwear that was meant to cling to it in delicious detail hanging around her knees, gradually drawing closer to her gorgeous half-naked roommate with an unmistakable hunger--incredibly hot. Whatever I expected for tonight, this is better.

I turned to look at Cassie, waiting for the inevitable moment when Becky made her presence known. The brunette had continued shrinking as well, at roughly the same pace as her friend, and while it wasn't easy to tell due to their positions, I estimated her to be maybe a half-inch shorter than the blonde. She was positively dwarfed by the couch she sat on, the back rising far above her head and her legs very far back from the edge, buried under the purple sheet that had once been a form-fitting dress. Her enormous bra still rested atop the garment, and I was briefly struck the amusing though that she could comfortably sit in one of the cups at her present size. She was still sitting in the same cross-legged pose, and as I continued to watch, the purple fabric slid off her knees as her shrinking finally passed the point where she became small enough to sit entirely within the neck of the dress. The only article of clothing that remained on her were her panties--satiny and black, to match the bra--and they were loosely draped over her lap like a flag.

Cassie was still enjoying the movie and failed to notice her nude blonde roommate advancing on her. In a few minutes, Becky was inches away (relatively speaking) from her face. My heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty; I stared in tense anticipation as the blonde looked her up and down, seemingly appraising her shrunken, naked body. Evidently she liked what she saw, because she leaned in even closer.

"Hey, sexy," she slurred, practically into Cassie's ear.

The startled brunette turned to find herself face-to-face with Becky. "Huh?" she said, apparently having a little trouble getting her buzzed brain up to speed. "Wha's goin' on? Why are you so close t' me?" A look of equal parts puzzlement and shock crossed her face as she noticed her roommate's appearance. "An' why are ya naked?" She looked quite a bit more shocked when she glanced down at herself. "An' why th' fuck am *I* naked?!" she asked, noticeably louder. She started to pull the fabric of her dress up to cover herself, but was stopped as Becky reached out and turned Cassie's head to face her.

"I dunno," replied Becky, giggling. "But who caresh?" So saying, she kissed her on the lips. The blonde held her roommate that way, prolonging the kiss and sighing in pleasure. At first Cassie tried to pull back in surprise, but after several moments she, too, sighed in pleasure and put her hand on Becky's neck to hold her in close. I probably shouldn't have snapped that picture of them with my phone, but after all, I'm only human. Truthfully, I'm surprised I was thinking clearly enough to do it. Or that I hadn't burst a blood vessel when their lips first met. After a bit, they parted, big crooked smiles on their faces.

"Tha' wash...real nice," said Cassie dreamily.

"Mmmm. Yeah," Becky replied, still grinning.

Cassie started to say something else, but then she blinked in confusion and started turning her head to look around the room, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping. She reached down in front of her and picked up her colossal bra, holding it up against her chest in amazement. One of the cups was now large enough to cover her from belly to shoulders. "Wait... why ish everythin' so BIG?!"

"Hmm?" said Becky, initially puzzled by her friend's remark. She, too, started scanning the room, and I could see the realization slowly dawning. She reached down to her knees and pulled the pink panties up to her waist, but it was no good; the underwear that once fit her in a sexy boy-shorts style was now too big for her to even use as overalls. "Ohmigod! What th' hell... wha's goin' on here?!"

Cassie turned to look over to her right, to the chair I was sitting in. "Shawn! Shawn! Help us!"

There's my cue. I rose from my chair and stepped in front of the couch. I watched the little ladies turn their heads up in astonishment to look at me, towering over them. I estimated they had reached their target size of twelve inches. Good. The emitter works perfectly. Now, do I fess up, or play dumb? If they find out later that I did this there might be hell to pay. On the other hand, if I tell them now it might end the evening early...screw it. Might as well go for broke. "Whoa, girls! What happened to you?" I asked, trying very hard to keep from grinning. I'll tell them in the morning before it wears off. A punch from a Barbie won't hurt as much.

"We...we..." Cassie trailed off, as if unable to put the impossible event into words. "We're minna...minee...minita..." Or maybe it's just intoxication. ..."We shrunk," she finished.

"An' you didn't!" Becky chimed in, giving me the best accusatory stare she could manage under the circumstances. "Wha' fuck, man, 's no fair." She glanced over at Cassie, then back to me. "We're sho little! An' you're sho..." She stopped as a thought seemed to strike her. Her gaze traveled down my chest, finally stopping just under the waist of my pants, where there was an obvious bulge from watching two hot naked girls making out. That crooked smile returned to her face as she continued. "'re ver'...big." She giggled to herself, then leaned over to whisper something in Cassie's ear, who also giggled. They whispered a bit more to each other in that special way that drunks do, where they're a lot louder than they realize. Of course since they were a lot smaller I still didn't catch all of it.

"... are we really ... you shure? ... might never happen again ... I'm not gon' ashk him, you do it ... "

Finally they seemed to reach a consensus. They both lifted their gazes to me with come-hither looks on their diminutive, flushed faces. Surprisingly, it was Cassie who spoke.

"Sho...big guy. Y' wanna help a couple ver' horny little ladies out?" She put her hands under her lovely breasts and lifted them up, squashing them together. They were lovely even shrunken down smaller than golf balls; at her normal size that would've been an impressive display indeed.

I glanced over at Becky and saw her running her hands up her trim thighs. "We c'n make it worth yer while," she added.

"Oppa...oopa...chance of a lifetime," said Cassie. She hefted one breast up to her mouth and licked her nipple. "Goin' onshe..." She licked the opposite nipple. "Goin' twishe..."

I had been slightly dumbstruck at things going even better than I could have expected, but I snapped out of it at Cassie's countdown. I grinned widely down at the pair of shrunken, nude beauties, knowing I was in for one hell of a night. "Well. When you put it that way, how can I say no?"

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Unread 09-12-2013   #10
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Heh, the plot thickens.

Nice work, Qzar.
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Unread 09-12-2013   #11
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Bravo sir. Great story!! ** stands and starts clapping * *
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Unread 09-12-2013   #12
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Re: Short story: "Don't Drink and Shrink"

Awesome as always
After years of research and countless hours of labor, a lone scientist finally discovered the secret to a new generation Shrink Ray that had the ability to shrink clothes...

...Thank goodness I was able to silence him before he told anyone.
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