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Unread 12-18-2018   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Terrible Lizards (Story, F/M Humans -> F/M Reptiles)

B-movie enthusiasts Joe and Michaela are about to discover their latest find is a more immersive experience than they'd ever imagined. Story idea courtesy of TheHorizontalTegu.


A red sun burned in the blue skies over the desolate mesa.

The massed barbarian women readied their spears; their muscles tensed beneath their fur bikinis as they prepared to strike. Their leader, the tallest and most beautiful of them all, raised her hand; with her wordless command, her subjects lowered their weapons. She stepped forward.

“I am Queen Fossylvia. You proved your bravery against the terror-dactyls, outlander, so I will spare your life. And if you can defeat Lord Saurus, then you will join our tribe…and become my king.”

His astronaut uniform torn to reveal his tan, buff physique, Colonel Jack Masters grimaced. “Lady, I’ve been taking on Martian Marxists for ten years – a few overgrown lizards don’t scare me one lick. You can bet your bottom dollar I’ll beat this dinosaur king.”

Confusion played across the barbarian queen’s gorgeous face. “What is a ‘dollar’?”

“It’s what your special effects budget was!” shouted Michaela, as she grabbed another handful of popcorn.

Joe elbowed her playfully. “Oh, be fair. It was at least a dollar for those rubber bats, plus another dollar to glue the pterodactyl beaks on them.”

They shared a laugh, and sank back into their seats, savoring the bad acting, ridiculous costumes, and blatant California locations as they played out in front of them. Michaela had already decided this was their best date night ever.

And that was saying something, because all of their date nights were good. They were both biology grad students at Golden State University, but had been barely aware of each others’ existence until they’d been assigned to TA a class together. The topic of the day had been the velvet worm, a strange arthropod; Joe and Michaela had also simultaneously identified it as the model for the fear-eating monster in the Vincent Price classic The Tingler. Mutually smitten, they’d gone through the class on autopilot before leaving together to embark on a free-range discussion of b-movies as they walked through the city. It was like Before Sunrise, if Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy spent the whole movie talking about William Castle gimmicks and giallo soundtracks and psycho-biddy.

They’d been together ever since. The campus was close to Hollywood, and they spent much of their free time seeking out b-movie history; picnics at Bronson Canyon, regular trips to the local drive-in theater, and a steady stream of memorabilia auctions and yard sales.

Their most recent had been the most successful yet. At a dispersal auction of a defunct film warehouse, they’d found an original print of Terrible Lizards – the Holy Grail of vintage sci-fi movies. They’d been shocked to find it, and even more shocked when they’d won it for a pittance.

The whole production was steeped in mystery, and many b-movie scholars were convinced it had never existed at all. Nobody remembered working on it, exhibiting it, or even seeing it. The only evidence that it had ever existed were a few scattered newspaper ads – Joe and Michaela had found a couple themselves in the university’s microfiche collection. They were delightfully lurid: a fantastically-rendered dinosaur, adorned with horns and fins no real creature had ever sported, loomed over a scantily-clad barbarian babe, her spear at the ready to skewer the creature’s underbelly.

FILMED IN GLORIOUS REPTILE-RAMA, the ads proclaimed. Nobody seemed to know what Reptile-Rama was, and there had been no special instructions included with the film, although there was an odd green tint to the frame.

With their prize in hand, Michaela and Joe rushed right back to campus. Michaela’s friend Joan, a grad student in the film studies program, had let them use one of the university’s screening rooms, on the two conditions that they contact her professor immediately afterwards, and that they not have sex on the seats. They were both reasonable requests; it was an important piece of film history, and Joe and Michaela were notorious among their friends for their inability to keep their hands off each other.

They’d set up the projector, grabbed their seats, and settled in for a cinematic treat. Thankfully, it was just as cheesy as they’d imagined, a pulpy tale of an American astro-soldier stranded on a strange prehistoric planet. However, even as it unrolled before their eyes, the film steadfastly held on to some of its mysteries. They had frantically googled every name in the opening credits, and not a one had turned up any hits; none of the actors, crew members, or production companies had left a single shred of evidence that they’d ever existed. It was as if the movie had simply…popped into existence.

The movie’s soundtrack was suddenly filled with ominous brass notes. A barbarian woman ran into frame, her hair artfully mussed. “Run, sisters! The thunder beast approaches from the west!”

Michaela rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “Finally, a damn dinosaur!”

“Okay, ten bucks says bad stop-motion.”

“No way. This movie doesn’t even have puppet money. I’ll take that ten bucks and say slurpasaur.”

“A what?”

She chuckled. Joe was a sharp guy, but his knowledge of bad movies started with the Reagan Administration. He was a real gorehound, and sometimes didn’t appreciate the tamer charms of a Code-era monster movie. “You don’t see it that much, but sometimes they didn’t have money for stop-motion, or a puppet, or even a guy in a suit, so they just glued some fins to a live lizard, put it on a miniature set, and composited it into the frame.”

“That sounds terrible.”

“Oh, it usually was. Sometimes they even made the poor things fight each other…annnnnnd you owe me ten bucks.”

The terrible beast lurched into the frame, and it was indeed a slurpasaur. Specifically, it was a Gila monster with some fins stuck to its back. It yawned, and was overdubbed with a goofy roar.

Joe stifled a guffaw. “Oh my god.”

Colonel Masters hefted a big Styrofoam rock. “Get behind me! This is man’s work!”

Michaela scoffed. “Yeah, a woman would have picked up one of the real rocks.”

Another barbarian woman pointed off into the distance – the camera zoomed in on her horrified face, giving Joe and Michaela a clear view of her professionally-done makeup.

“My queen! Another one approaches from the east!”

Indeed, on the other side of the valley lurked a second slurpasaur – this time, it was a bored-looking iguana outfitted with some plastic horns.

The battle was joined. The movie did its best to disguise that the humans and the monsters were nowhere near each other by cutting between the crummy-looking creatures, the barbarian women, and their manly ally. His spacesuit torn to shreds, the Colonel was now in little more than a silver loincloth, giving the barbarian women – and Michaela – an unobstructed view of his sculpted physique. His sweaty, sun-tanned muscles flexed as he hurled rocks off-screen at the beast.

Michaela adjusted the collar of her shirt. She was all hot and damp…and not just externally, either. She wasn’t immune to a little sexploitation in her b-movies, and she’d enjoyed many a role-playing session with Joe after a particularly raunchy one, but something about this movie made her want to tear her clothes off and take her man right here and now, on the screening room floor.

Joe shifted uncomfortably beside her, an obvious erection tenting his khakis as he ogled the heaving cleavage of one of the savage women.

Michaela almost felt a little jealous. She was no barbarian queen – she was five foot nothing, with a shaggy black bun, olive-colored skin, and big dark eyes that made her look like an excited cartoon squirrel. She did have some nice curves, however, and she enjoyed flaunting them with her extensive collection of form-fitting dorky t-shirts. For the occasion, she’d worn one of her favorites – a slate-grey one with a stylized green pterosaur.

Of course, who was she to judge? She was getting all warm and tingly looking at the leading man – but her leading man was a far cry from the strapping, square-jawed sample of mid-century manhood on display on the screen. Joe was tall, pale, and lean; his face, always possessing a faintly-goofy expression, was framed by an unruly mop of coppery curly hair.

Still, she loved him – every part of him. Right now, however, her mind was on one part of him.

She unbuttoned his pants and slipped her hand into his underwear; Joan would understand, and a handjob wasn’t REALLY sex, anyway. She took a firm grasp on his stiff manhood, and instantly knew something was wrong.

By this point, Michaela was very familiar with Joe’s penis. Probably better than he knew it himself, given that she was at eye-level with it on a semi-regular basis. She knew how it felt, how it tasted, how it responded to her touch. She also knew that it wasn’t spiky and pointed, with a coating of what felt like pebbly, reptilian scales.

She thought it might have been some kind of joke – that Joe had slipped one of those weird “Wicked Wyvern” monster dildos into his pants as a gag. But this was no silicon replica – it had the warmth and feel of flesh, and as her hand lingered on it, it stiffened further.

Joe had failed to notice that he was sporting a literally monstrous erection; his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his hands were busy trying to blindly unbuckle her belt, as he apparently intended to reciprocate. Michaela tried to say something, anything, but her tongue suddenly felt heavy and limp in her mouth.

Joe reached into her panties and began to stroke her moist womanhood, but pulled his hand away with a jerk in shock.

“Uh, did you vajazzle yourself today?”

She certainly had not.

A cold fear began to collect in her spine like the Tingler. Her one hand still locked in a death-grip around Joe’s cock, she took her free hand and rooted around in her drawers.

What she felt between her legs was not the vagina she’d woken up with that morning. Everything seemed to be in more-or-less the right place, sure, but her soft flesh had been replaced with smooth, beaded scales. She took a peek to be sure, and there they were – black and orange, like a Gila monster.

Like the Gila monster in the movie.

Beside her, Joe yelped. He had finally noticed the green reptilian phallus jutting from his fly. She finally let go of it, although a part of her – a part that was growing stronger by the second – wanted to hold on.

Michaela finally gained control over her tongue, although it still felt strange as it slapped against her teeth. “Joe…what’s happening to us?”

“Okay, first thing, this can’t be real. It’s…listen, the movie’s from the ‘60s, the last projectionist probably dropped acid before handling the movie and didn’t wash his hands, and then we touched the film…” Joe was audibly trying to keep the fear out of his voice, but it wasn’t working.

“Joe, I’m pretty sure that isn’t how acid even works. This is real. This is…Reptile-Rama.”

“Well, then, the only other explanation is that we’re watching a movie that turns the people who watch it into reptiles, which is even dumber than the actual plot of this movie!”

“It’s all I’ve got, man. We have to turn it off before this gets worse!”

She stood up, fully intending to race to the projection booth. However, as she got to her feet, her flesh began to burn, as her scales raced outwards from her mutated genitals.

“It’s getting worse!” She fell to her knees. A heat began welling up inside her, at first mildly uncomfortable, but growing, and expanding – before long, it felt like she was being cooked alive from the inside out. In response, her whole body began to painfully swell. Her thickening thighs and ballooning butt began to strain her pants, and they started to tear apart at the seams. Her burgeoning breasts were threatening to overflow her painstakingly-fitted bra, and the short sleeves of her shirt quickly burst when her upper arms expanded beyond their capacity.

She’d always been a little chubby, which Joe assured her only made her cuter, but much like real-life Gila monsters, she was becoming quite chunky, as her belly started to swell out of her shirt, pushing it up until it exposed her newly-scaly midriff – which inexplicably retained her navel. She felt cool air on her newly-clawed toes as her feet slashed out of her socks and shoes.

She could hear Joe moaning from his seat – he hadn’t managed to stand up before the transformation hit him full-force. She couldn’t bear to watch his suffering, but out of the corner of her vision, she saw flying chunks of stuffing – presumably torn from the seat by his growing claws. He cried out, and a long, green tail – Joe’s tail, she forced herself to acknowledge – flung a shredded piece of fabric right in front of her. Her tongue – much to her horror, it was now dark blue and forked – flopped out of her mouth, and she could simultaneously taste and smell that the sad scrap of cloth had been his boxer shorts. The smell and taste of his masculinity sent a surge of heat – a pleasant one, this time – to her nethers.

God, why was she still turned on?

As another wave of change rolled over her, she tore grooves into the scratchy screening-room carpet with her fingernails; they too had thickened and sharpened into dark claws. Her pants and panties, already straining to contain her expanding ass, finally shredded apart as her spine extended into a long, thick tail. Morbidly curious, she waved it back and forth; it wasn’t particularly dextrous, but simply having such an alien new appendage was short-circuiting her already-addled brain.

Suddenly, she cried out in agony. The heat burning inside her hadn’t subsided, but what she was feeling now from her back was beyond it; it was as if someone had attached jumper cables to her spine! She convulsed and screeched incoherently, convinced she was about to be torn in half.

Finally, a huge, sail-like fin burst from her spine like a buzzsaw, running from the small of her back to the base of her neck. It tore right through her shirt and bra, sending them both falling to the floor in tatters. Unlike her movie counterpart, this was no plastic add-on – it was flesh and blood and bone. HER flesh and blood and bone. She touched it, gingerly, with her clawed hand, and winced when she felt the sensation of her touch on her strange new body’s strangest new feature.

She was naked now, and had an unobstructed view of the changes that were ravaging her body. Her breasts were gigantic, and fully blanketed in scales, but still had small, scaly protrusions that corresponded with her areolae and nipples. She gave them an experimental flick, and found that they were still quite sensitive, and visibly stiffened.

Despite the remnants of her femininity, she was no longer recognizably human. Her mind reeled; she was now a huge, bipedal lizard with a human head. A grinding sensation in her jaw told her that was about to change.

Cracking and crunching filled her ears – or at least her ear-holes, as her external ears had melted into the sides of her head. Her mouth pushed out into a lizard’s blunt snout, taking her nose along for the ride before it flattened out and sank into her muzzle, leaving her with two flaring nostrils. Her vision became fuzzy, then went terrifying blank for a few moments, accompanied by an intense bout of vertigo; her shifting skull had pushed her eyes to the sides of her head. Her optic nerves realigned, ands she found her field of vision was now near-panoramic. She now had a better view of her fin, tail, and broad, scaly back, all patterned in eye-catching black and orange; she had to admit they were impressive, even if they had no place on a human being.

Her last few patches of olive skin were being overtaken by dark scales. Her facial complexion, which she’d fussed and fretted over for years, was now subsumed by the scales; it itched as it spread over her scalp, displacing her hair, which fell lifelessly to the ground in a shower of strands. Her teeth sharpened into grooved fangs, erasing years of orthodontics in moments. She roared; not the cheesy safari sound effect of her movie counterpart, but a full-bodied monstrous howl that originated deep within her thick torso and poured out of her toothy maw as tears trickled from her dark eyes.

And finally, it was done. The pain and discomfort subsided; in their absence, Michaela felt a sense of full-body bliss washing over her. She was trapped as a reptilian monster, possibly forever, but at least her agonizing changes were over.

Shakily standing up on her stocky legs, she looked down on her new body. Despite her reptilian nature, she had retained a feminine figure – if anything, she was curvier than before, with huge, heavy breasts, flaring hips, and a bootylicious butt beneath her thick tail, like some prehistoric fertility fetish. She rubbed her soft, curving underbelly, and felt that underneath the fat, she had strong, powerful muscles. She flexed her lower back muscles, and her tail slammed into a theater seat, tearing it from its moorings and hurling it across the room.

“Holy SHIT.”

She flexed her fingers, and shakily stood up on her new, stocky legs. It wasn’t so bad. She had her hands. She had her voice. She had her mind.

“Oh my god. Michaela, are you…?” Joe had managed to stand up, as well.

Just as she had taken the form of the movie’s Gila monster, Joe had become its compatriot; a green iguana in roughly human shape, with the slurpasaur’s artificial adornments made flesh. In his case, that meant three Triceratops-esque horns, two above his yellow eyes and one on the tip of his short snout, and large spikes jutting out at a 45-degree angle from his shoulders, knees, and elbows. He was naked, with only a few stray scraps of fabric still hanging from his spiky back ridge and whip-like tail.

“I’m…okay? I’m not really Michaela any more, though.”

“I don’t know. It’s weird, but you still sound like you. And…like, you look like you. Somehow. Big eyes. Confident posture. Cute…in a lizard-y kind of way.”

She wanted to scoff, but looking at Joe, she could definitely see his lanky frame, stooped posture, and wry smirk reflected in the humanoid lizard standing in front of her.

She was still herself, deep down, and that thing was still her boyfriend, and they loved each other. He was so sweet.

So handsome.

So sexy.

She looked at him with hunger and lust in her dark eyes. He was still fully erect, and he was either so physically comfortable with her or so disoriented from his transformation that he wasn’t even trying to hide the emerald appendage jutting out of his crotch.

Her tongue flopped out of her mouth again. She could taste-smell Joe’s potent arousal.

In response, he flicked his own tongue out; his was shorter than hers, and dark pink, but it too forked at the tip. She shifted her thick thighs, and could feel the wetness smeared between them. Joe gritted his teeth, the way he always did when he was aroused, although his teeth were now leaf-shaped, and crammed into a rounded reptilian muzzle.

Still, he briefly snapped out of it, although he was clearly struggling to maintain a coherent train of thought. “We need to get to a hospital…or a herpetologist…or at least turn the fucking movie off…but I can’t…I can’t think about anything but those giant scaly tits, and your ass, and getting up into that sweet lizard pussy and Jesus, what am I TALKING about?”

She sauntered over to him, making sure to swivel her hips and lead with her bust; she was sure she looked like some prehistoric parody of a runway model, but she could tell that Joe liked what he saw, especially when she wrapped her thick fingers around his rampant phallus. She leaned into him, the tip of her snout at his tympanic membrane, and whispered, “It’s okay. You’re not alone. All I can think about is how bad I want you. How bad I want you INSIDE ME.”

“So…so we need to do something about…this – “ He gestured down at their monstrous bodies. “ – but we’re so hopped up on reptile hormones that we can’t think straight.”

Michaela, as always, was a pragmatist. “Okay. We’ll just have sex to clear our heads, then we figure out what to do about…this.”

“That’s a good plan. I like that plan. You always have the best plans.”

They kissed, or at least they tried to; their new facial structures made it difficult, so they had to settle for nuzzling their snouts together as their forked tongues intertwined. Michaela could taste-smell Joe’s potent, alluring musk.

She hissed in pleasure as he gently clawed at her huge breasts; despite being coated in thick scales, they were still potent erogenous zones. He ran his hands down her sides, caressing her soft torso. She reciprocated, raking her claws over his wiry, scale-covered musculature.

She bent at the knees and worked her way down his torso, her claws and forked tongue teasing his scaly flesh, until she reached his reptilian manhood. She gave it a long, slow lick, starting at his swollen, scaly scrotum, moving up its considerable length, and finishing at its pointed tip, where she licked off a bead of precum.

Still on her knees, she gave him a little shove. “On your back.”

“Me?” Joe was used to being on top; his cock tended to hit Michaela’s G-spot that way, after all.

She waggled her back fin. “I don’t know if this folds up. Until then, I ride.”

He got down on the ground, and pulled her down into an embrace with him; she could have stayed that way forever, feeling Joe’s warm scales pressing into hers, feeling his breath strain as her heavy breasts weighed down his ribcage. She felt his cock exploring her engorged folds, guided by one of his long-fingered hands. He came ever so close to entering her, then moved away, teasing her inner thighs – then he did it again, and again. She was about to guide it in herself when he relented, and fully entered her. It curved in ways no human cock ever could, and stimulated every inch of her moistened depths. She gasped – and then gasped harder as his wiry muscles came into play, thrusting rhythmically into her.

She suddenly felt a totally alien surge of pleasure from the base of her spine; Joe had wrapped his long, flexible tail around her thick, slab-like one, and was slowly, gently giving her what could only be described as a tail-job. Her new appendage wasn’t particularly dextrous, but it had plenty of nerve-endings, and it was very, very pleasurable. She growled, and rocked her wide hips, taking as much of Joe’s cock into her as she could.

She pressed her face into his, and felt up his facial horns. They were so big, and thick, and long. It meant he was strong and virile, and would fertilize as many clutches of eggs as she could bear.

She wanted this. Her new body wanted this. And her lizard brain – she could practically feel it pulsating at the back of her armored skull – wanted it most of all.

It wanted her to breed – to take Joe’s seed inside her to fertilize her eggs. To incubate them inside her swollen belly. To feel them sliding out of her in the hot desert sun, her mind already thinking about eating the tarantula she’d spotted a few feet away…


She wasn’t a lizard, even if she looked like one. She was a modern human woman, and she had sex because she liked it, not because of some cold-blooded biological drive. Breeding might not even be possible – not only was she on the pill, but iguanas and Gila monsters weren’t even members of the same taxonomical family. Of course, it’s not like anything else that had happened today was possible, either.

She gritted her serrated teeth. She was in charge, not her dumb lizard brain, and wasn’t about to become an unwed mother to a bunch of eggs. Better safe than sorry.

She mustered as much brainpower as she could, even as she continued to instinctually thrust herself on his cock. “Joe…Joe, pull out!”

“Puh…pull out?” He sounded like he was in a daze.

“I don’t know if I can get pregnant like this, but I don’t wanna find out!”

Despite his lust-drunk mind, Joe did as he was told, pulling his cock out of her just in time for him to climax with a roar.

His blood may have been cold, but his other fluids were not! She yelped as hot lizard jizz splattered all over her underbelly and breasts. As his pulsing dick rubbed against her clit, she came as well, soaking the carpet with her own gush of fluids. She joined him in roaring her pleasure to the heavens; she was thankful the screening room was thoroughly sound-proofed.

Spent, Michaela rolled over onto her side, taking Joe with her. They lay there for a while, gently nuzzling each other, as Joe gradually softened; neither minded that they were soaking in their own juices.

Joe groaned. “Aaaagh. Sorry. I know I usually give you a warning before that happens.”

“Well, it’s not like you’re gonna get it in my hair now. And that was super hot.” She smiled.

“Do you want to go get help now?”

Michaela grunted. “Not really. I’m still reallllly horny…but also tired? It’s too cold in here. I need a big rock and a heat lamp…or at least a big floofy sweater with a big hole in the back.”

Joe grinned, slyly. “You called these things ‘slurpasaurs’, right?”

“That’s what they’re called, yes.”

He started to slide down her torso. “I’m gonna make myself worthy of the name.”

“What do you m – oh. OH.”

Joe had burrowed his head between her legs and was putting his forked tongue to work, gently slurping at her genitals.

Michaela arched her head back, allowing her to see the screening-room seats, many of which had been destroyed or soiled. “Maaaaaan, Joan is gonna be pissed.”

Joe paused, momentarily. “Maybe she’ll forgive us if we show her the movie.”

As Michaela moaned on the floor, the movie rolled on, unwatched.

The villain’s Skeleton Citadel crumbled into dust, and his creatures fled into the rocky wastes; from a distant mesa, Colonel Masters and Queen Fossylvia watched. She swooned, and he caught her in his beefy grip.

The queen sighed. “Now, we can live in peace…and you can tell me of this ‘lovemaking’ you speak of.”

“Baby, there’s nothing to tell…but I can show you.”

They kissed. The music swelled. Crimson letters materialized on the screen.

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Unread 12-25-2018   #2
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Re: Terrible Lizards (Story, F/M Humans -> F/M Reptiles)

Truly great story. They totally have to screen it in their bio class
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Unread 12-26-2018   #3
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Re: Terrible Lizards (Story, F/M Humans -> F/M Reptiles)

Originally Posted by N_brazil View Post
Truly great story. They totally have to screen it in their bio class
Thank you! And yes, these two definitely want this classic film to find a wider audience...
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