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Proofreading Needed for Scifi story (has a TF and also a TF+futanari scene) - The Process Forum
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Unread 01-28-2016   #1
Crash Ichimonji
Perverted Asexual
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: In the grand state of Denial
Posts: 1,299
Critiquing Needed for Scifi story (has a TF and also a TF+futanari scene)

(Not sure how much process I plan to put in this story down the road, as it's kinda heavy in the lore I've been developing for it for the past few years. The process parts are towards the end. Also, meant to say 'critiquing' instead of 'proofreading'.)

"Anomaly: The Divine Hound" Part 1
By Crash Ichimonji

Cuga surveyed the carcass-laden landscape with pity, noting the ashes drifting about the air from the combination of numerous disasters he had summoned over the past millions of years. The battle with the invasive, rival god that threatened the system he had diligently set up over the many eons was finally over with and his own immortality was returning to its full strength.

Despite vanquishing the rivaling god, though, the damage that been dealt to the system as a consequence was immense. Much of the land was vast desert, the oceans were hypoxic with much of life snuffed out. The air itself was caustic from the modified bacterium he personally set loose for his trap. The end of the battle had come at a mighty cost indeed. Worse yet, the victory also necessitated Cuga's faithful hound to die in the process. So much of the genetic legacy that the beast had accrued during his long service to Cuga was gone, lost in the void that resulted from the hound's noble sacrifice.

In the wake of the final battle most of all life forms had been slaughtered, the sharp drop in oxygen levels, increased aridity, volcanic pollution, and many other conditions brought on by Cuga killed off the majority and left the survivors with little to eek out a living from. Meant as a means of destroying the usurping god, the toxic conditions he had brought on to the planet allowed Cuga a means of severely weakening the other god once his hound had rendered the foul invader mortal. The final act of sending the massive asteroid hurtling into the ocean atop the small island the god had sought refuge upon had wiped out the usurper but rendered much of the planet's environment unsuitable for life.

There was no question that this was an extinction worse than any the planet had sustained to date, and the bottlenecking of clades was also without equal. While reviving the dead was certainly doable, Cuga ultimately decided against it and felt that a change was needed. The vertebrates, descendants of his hound were still alive and now had a grand opportunity to radiate in their forms more so thanks to the purge his act of deicide required.

For a brief moment, he felt a flicker of weakness in his immortality, that his power waned just ever so slightly from full potency for a moment. The split-second of the decrease in his power sent a worried chill up his spine. As he decentralized his form, he peeked into the living essence of every organism to find all living things from the simplest prions to the most complex reptiles remained accounted for. The sensation could only result from one thing, but as he felt about, nothing gave any indication of the recently eradicated god still lingering.

Cuga decided to ignore it for the time being. The more pressing matter was to locate a suitable candidate to become his new hound. Remnants of the originally ruling clade of reptiles had survived, but he decided to find a new taxon all together to usher in the coming evolutionary dawn. A different set of reptiles had adapted to the devastating conditions brought on over the ages quite well, and that alone pleased him as he chose one of these socket-toothed reptiles to become his new hound.

-Chapter 1: Change-

The wind whispered in the canyon, a faint yet haunting break in the silence as the Gold Team stayed ever vigil of their surroundings. The slightest twig snap, the tiniest tumble of a rock, and the warriors' hail of gunfire would render the perpetrator a perforated mess of blood and sinew. Their opponents were close, that much was certain. Barricaded in the makeshift base the soldiers gazed at the horizon uneasily, looking not only for the outlines of enemy troops but for the all too subtle signs of an optical camouflage distorting terrain.

"What's the scanner say?" team-leader Nicolaus whispered tentatively over his team's private communication line.

"Zip. Not even a tumbleweed," Nora, the team's SAW gunner hissed in annoyance. "Must be using cloaks and jammers."

"Keep checking," Reggie, Nicolaus's lieutenant, ordered calmly. "Cloaks won't protect them from the traps we set."

"Movement," Andrew, the team's sniper, alerted the group as all members tensed in their seats. "One o'clock, three-hundred meters." With a careful adjusting of his scope's zoom function, Andrew zeroed in to what caught his eye. Without blinking, he glared up close to his screen to differentiate the fine pixels not matching the terrain displayed. His eyes growing dry, he blinked rapidly to refresh their moistness before repeating the stare. It was brief, but what he had located before was without a doubt a helmet peeking over the sandy hill in the distance, and said hill was secluded with enough open space to make sneaking away unseen an impossible feat without a stealth camouflage equipped.

The other three members of the team held their index fingers just one millimeter above their triggers, their breathing quick yet silent as they prepared for the unknown. Sweat dripping down her brow, Nora gulped a lump in her throat as she checked the digital display of her weapon's ammunition counter with a quick movement of her eyes while her entire body remained in a tense, frozen state. She had fifty-eight rounds remaining in the drum, but a two-second reload would give her the full three-hundred rounds of explosive-tipped bullets. She didn't fear being heard while switching out the drums, it was being shot in that gap of two long seconds reloading that worried her. With her gone, a barrage from the enemy would be hard to counter with just one sniper, a grenadier, and their assault rifle-equipped leader. A million and one back-and-forths ran through her already tense mind before she decided to take the risk.

As she watched the horizon while trading her nearly-depleted drum magazine for the fully-loaded counterpart, her heart froze as the screen suddenly went black, her entire world instantly an abyssal void. Nora blinked in confusion before screaming out in rage.

"No No NO!" She fumed angrily as she realized Mr. Murphy had decided to pay her an unwanted visit. Whining, the Korean-mixed girl slumped in her swivel chair, her panties riding up her smallish rump, as if trying to become a thong. Nora sat in her pitch-black room that had lost its sole-source of illumination at the moment, her breathing returning to a slow pace now that she was no longer in the game with her friends. Pulling open her window curtains a bit from her seat, an equally darkened view of the neighborhood lit only by floodlights several dozen yards away greeted her. A construction site down the street was putting in various new shops and stores, and with even the streetlights out at this godforsaken hour...

"Gah...Fuckin' construction workers musta hit a power line..." Nora groaned as she carefully headed to the hallway, her hands outstretched for navigating. Just like herself her room was small; her desk was roughly five feet from her bedroom door, but she'd need to be careful to avoid tripping over her piles of discarded clothes that sometimes made her forget what color the carpet in her room was. Luckily she made it to the worn brass knob of her door and managed to get into the hallway towards the bathroom.

Feeling around her surroundings for a minute or two rewarded her with the location of the bathroom's drawers, specifically the lowest one that housed a pair of battery-free flashlights. Despite her protests, Nora's long-time friend and roommate Edith ("Idi" as she preferred to be called) opted for the battery-free light devices to save on batteries and to make sure the torches would always be capable of illuminating.

While Idi had valid points, it still never excused the ridiculous feeling Nora always felt when she had to vigorously shake the flashlight. It always felt like these accursed devices were invented by a perverted woman (or maybe perverted gay man) who just wanted an excuse to jerk-off an object in plain sight. As perturbing as the experience was, Nora endured it (along with the cramp it gave her arm while beating-off the dick-light) and finally was rewarded with the beam of bright LED photons spotlighting the area as she went to the living room, a luminous money-shot to end the lewd act.

"Nora...?" Idi yawned in the darkness as Nora aimed the light to the side, revealing her roommate still clad in a strapless black top and bright mini-skirt, her dark and curly hair a matted mess from having passed out on the couch. "Di-...Did we loosh power jush now...?" She slurred groggily.

"Yeah, right in the middle of my goddamned game too..." Nora huffed, her nose wincing a bit as Idi staggered over to her. "Shit, Idi!" Nora recoiled as she pinched her nostrils shut. "What the hell did you do tonight, drink a barrel of straight whiskey while clubbing?!"

Blinking, Idi sniffed her breath for a moment. "I only...had a few shots of bourbon at The Lof-"

"A few shots?! You smell like you were PICKLED!" Nora fumed in her nasal-less voice.

"Whatev'r," the taller girl sighed with a soft belch. "Ugh...I'm gonna be shick ash a dog tomorr'..." She grimaced, stumbling in place a bit before wobbly walking past her friend to the bathroom, feeling around the cupboard clumsily.

"Wait, Idi," Nora rolled her eyes as she pointed the flashlight at the bathroom cupboard and mirror. "Stop, you're too drunk." With her free hand Nora swatted her Jewish roommate's hands down as she looked at the scattered bottles of aspirin, anti-bacterial cream, and other medicine cabinet items. "What do ya need?" She asked with a sigh.

"My-..." The partygirl began as her eyes bulged and flat belly rumbled. Barely making it in time, Idi scrambled to the commode to empty her stomach contents with a load gag.

Her poor roommate could only watch in pity as Idi paid her fee for partying hours beforehand. After two more wet regurgitations followed by three loud but dry heaves, Idi Spielman slumped against the nearby shower door to catch her breath.

"You were saying?" Nora coughed.

"Ugh," the taller girl groaned as she panted for a few seconds. "Okay....I need my...'Rishe'n'Shine'...hangover pillsh..." Idi requested as her DD cup breasts heaved, completely exposed from her top slipping down.

Returning to the task she volunteered for, Nora searched through the cabinet for the packaging she was familiar with seeing now and again. The tray of labeled capsules was easy to find, but after examining it Nora broke the bad news to her intoxicated friend.

"You're out of 'em in this box. Got another elsewhere?" The half-Asian girl asked. There was an eerie pause of silence before her wasted roommate finally responded, the information having slowpoked to her inebriated brain.

"Fffffuuuuuuuuck....," she half-belched/half-groaned. "I meant'nother yeshterday..." Idi draped her arm across her eyes pathetically. "Nora...? Can you-?"

"Yeah..." The shorter girl grumbled. "Let me get dressed first." With a sigh of defeat, Nora took out the second wanking-flashlight and rolled it to her friend's side as she then left to don clothing over her current ensemble of panties and a short t-shirt.

Laying the flashlight on her bed, Nora was able to locate some clothing that didn't smell as she dressed for the cold nighttime air the northeast was infamous for even during early-spring. With short but messy reddish-brown hair, a semi-chubby yet modest figure, and clothing mostly consisting of youth-male sizes from a consignment store, anyone could mistake Nora for a semi-plump middle school boy if they didn't know her. Her particular nerd and gamer interests only perpetuated this misconception when she fan-gasmed at the latest game releases being announced, whenever a new species of fossils was unearthed, or when one of her Japanese comics was green-lit for an animated adaption.

Dressed in loose jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, and a hoodie over her sleepwear, Nora was sufficiently warm enough for a run to the twenty-four-hour convenience store down the street.

Pocketing her wallet and keys, the sober roommate announced back to her inebriated friend, "Be back in a bit, Idi," before heading out the door to lock it.

The entire neighborhood was pitch black as she saw earlier, but the darkness wasn't as bad for Nora's unusual whitish-blue eyes. Her father being a South Korean with dark brown eyes, the family was rather shocked that Nora's eyes matched her mother's recessive peepers perfectly. Yet Nora's father never worried about it even once. Mr. Seoung was an only child, his daughter looked TOO MUCH like he did when he was young, and lastly Nora had the exact same hereditary birthmark on her inner thigh as himself. All these facts allowed him to remain confident in being Nora's biological father. Mr. Seoung was curious, however, as to when exactly a blue-eyed foreigner managed to pop into HIS ancestry and leave behind the recessive trait...

The features of the sidewalk fuzzy but discernible to Nora's Caucasianoid ocular sensors, she kept her ears perked for any sounds nearby that would give away a mugger or rapist. The sounds of the city nightlife still rang in the outer ranges, but the cacophony was white-noise to her mind these days. The convenience store was two blocks down after the coming stoplight, and the alleys were to her right side. Nora kept her walk swift and just under a jog with her nasal-breathing quick and quiet. She ignored the lactic acid fermenting in her legs as she kept her pace unbroken. The little gas station chain looked closer and closer in the distance, her heart pounding while her eyes darted to each alleyway she flew past, the dark recesses just visible enough to show nothing bigger than a steel trash can. Her mind racing faster as the backup-powered convenience store waxed in her vision more and more, Nora repeatedly looked over her shoulder to find nothing and no one behind herself every ten quick steps. She was almost there...Just a bit more...

"Welcome," the clerk looked up from the register to see Nora inside the building, head bent over her knees as she panted. "You...gonna be alright, Nora...?" Omar, the Syrian-descended clerk asked his repeat-customer.

Holding up her hand with the index finger upright, Nora gasped a bit before a slight cough. "Yeah...Just walk through...the dark...real fast..."

"I see," Omar sighed in relief. "Care to stay until the neighborhood lights up again?" The young store owner offered with a smile as Nora looked up, smiling back as her breathing became steadier.

"Thanks, Omar."

"No prob. What do you need this hour?"

"Mmgh-!" The half-Asian stretched for a second. "Ah~...Those 'Rise'n'Shine' hangover pills Idi gets," she requested as she walked to the counter.

"Idi's out, huh?" The young man of Middle Eastern heritage snorted with a smirk.

"Ugh, yes," Nora rolled her eyes. "I worry about her sometimes..."

"How's her grades? And the internship?" Omar asked as he retrieved the OTC pills from his walled-off area.

"Perfect...somehow. Studying full-time to be a lawyer in the top percentile of her class, interning at a law-firm with stories every week about how awesome she is there, having a very active social life outside of social media, AND getting shit-faced on a Satur-," Nora checked the clock in the store. "Sorry, SUNDAY morning. How the fuck has she not croaked from this fast-paced life of hers??" She huffed with her arms across her nearly flat chest.

"Beats me as well. I've never had so much as a sip of beer," Omar held out his hand for Nora's driver's license out of respect for camera-enforced protocol. Taking his younger friend's card into his hands, Omar made it look like he was checking his patron's identification for tell-tale signs of a fake card. Knowing full well it was legit, he handed the printed plastic to the college girl with all the histrionics needed for the video footage to portray him as being a diligent clerk.

"Let's see," he scanned the flat, rectangular packaging for his customer. "Fifty dollars and twelve cents. Cash or card?" Omar held back his smile as Nora's lower-eyelid flinched involuntarily a few times.

"Fuckin' Idi..." She grumbled with grit teeth while pulling her emergency credit card out. "Thank GOD her family is loaded...and we're friends..."

"Well, at least she pays you back quickly," the clerk swiped the card and handed Nora's receipt to her with a pen to sign. Once her John Hancock was on the slip, Omar traded it and the pen for Nora's carboncopy, the college girl pocketing the slip and purchased good.

Looking out at the dark cityscape beyond the glass doors, Nora sighed as she leaned against the counter.

"How long does it usually take to repair a broken-" but before she could finish, the entire neighborhood burst into illumination once again. "Well...That was quick..." Nora blinked in confused shock.

"Guess someone upstairs really likes you, huh?" Omar chuckled

"Not unless they're bipolar."

"How do you figure?"

"The power cut off at a crucial point while I was gaming online."

"Maybe they had a change of heart then. Saw how flustered you were up to now and decided to cut you a break."

Slowly turning her head to the side with a scrutinizing glare, Nora hissed. "You are WAY to optimistic sometimes."

"I get it from my dad."

"Do tell."

His smile melting into a frown, Omar spoke in a deep, heavy Arabic accent. "It can ALWAYS be worse, my son! Remember that! As long as you are alive and still breathing you must ALWAYS be grateful for all that happens in your life, because at any time you could be shot, attacked by jackals, or suddenly collapse from a heart-attack!"

"Your dad's got a depressingly deep view of life."

"Yeah," Omar ended his impression. "But that philosophy of his made him rather easygoing whenever shit hit the fan in the family. Debts, medical emergencies, and even my flunking out of pre-med weren't that bad to deal with in the grand scheme of things to him."

"Sheesh, my parents could learn a thing or two from him," Nora smiled before stretching again. "Well, time to go give my roommate her pills. Later!" And with an exchange of waves Nora headed out to the street-lit sidewalk to her apartment complex.

Now that the lights were on, the college girl's eyes could see even better into the alleys to know she was safe for certain. In no time her building's entrance was just a hundred yards away as she looked behind herself when she passed the last alley (which was bare save a bag of trash from a tipped-over can). Glancing back every few seconds, Nora felt much more at ease with the lights casting conical beams to show the empty street and sidewalk.

Heaving a much-deserved sigh, Nora smiled pleasantly knowing that she made it home safe and sound just as she fell face-first into he cement by a sudden impact to her back. With the fall smacking her chin to the concrete, her teeth clacked painfully as she snarled one obscenity after another despite being winded. Knees and AA cup breasts throbbing from their fresh bruising, her body squirmed from the pain as she desperately tried to at least roll over to her side, but found that a large animal of some sort was atop her, whining in a canine fashion while gargling as it wheezed.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Nora tried to scramble to her feet but couldn't shake off the large dog-like beast that seemed more in pain than herself as its massive weight pinned her down. It was bigger than any gray wolf she'd ever heard of, its shoulders visibly bloody from a deep laceration diagonally around half its throat. With a phlegmy snarl its lips curled back to reveal gleaming manila fangs for a fraction of a second before the monstrous lupine creature sunk its teeth into Nora's lower arm, red-hot pain shooting from her limb to the rest of her body while it gnawed rapidly on the sinew and bone through her clothing.

Nora's bright blue eyes bled saline rivers as she cried for help while futilely attempting to shake off the savage beast with her good arm. Eyes tightly shut, her only perception of the world was the searing pain of the continued mauling accompanied by the soundtrack of beastly, wet snarling and her feminine squeals of protest in G-Minor, with the finale of the horrid sounds and sensations being the loud pops of several bullets fired somewhere close, echoing into an abyss devoid of all senses as she lost consciousness.

With a start Nora snapped back to reality as she gasped, panicked as she found that she had fallen asleep in class. All around her classmates and the professor stared and murmured quietly, some of the students snickering.

"Ms. Seoung?" Her Baby-Boomer instructor blinked. "Are you feeling well?"

Quickly glancing at her arms, Nora stared in disbelief at the immaculate flesh her limbs possessed, the pain of the attack fading to nothing more than a memory.

"Uh...Yeah...Just had a bad dream...?" She stammered.

"Goodness," her teacher scowled. "That's too bad," he wagged his finger at his student before pulling out a military-styled carbine from behind his podium, cycling the bolt as he aimed it at Nora.

"The fuck?!" The half-Korean girl yelped as she jumped from her seat only a split second before a loud pop of gunfire struck her desk and chair, shards of wood and plastic flying about. Several students in the class sat up from their own seats, unholstering pistols, short-barreled rifles, and even a belt-fed machine gun from out of nowhere firing at Nora as well. Screaming, Nora scrambled to the door but found herself cornered by other armed classmates flanking her. Up against the wall in terror, Nora started to sniffle in confusion. What had happened? Why was she suddenly Public Enemy número-uno? Nothing made sense to her other than that she was going to die, her classmates and teacher laughing viciously while pointing their loaded weapons at her, their voices echoing louder and louder.

And then, Nora snapped.

Her teeth grit tightly as an inhuman, feral growl thundered from her throat just before lunging at her fellow students, her hands griping their faces as she shattered their skulls to sinewy bits before other students could open fire. And just as the others rained jacketed bullets at her, Nora ran at a superhuman speed to the side as time around her slowed, dodging the gunfire. With a skid her sneakers burned from the friction, falling to shreds as her now bare feet dug into the carpeted floor to lunge for the next defensive maneuver. More students in seemingly slow-motion turned their sights to her recent position but unfortunately could not keep up as Nora had already banked again to take on four armed students this time, clothes-lining the quartet into the wall and knocking them out. Her hoodie tore at the seams from the sheer velocity she traveled at, falling to pieces as Nora's upper body soaked in the refreshingly cooler air through her thin T-shirt.

Once more, the next attempt on Nora's life was a fruitless endeavor as the superhuman girl ran along the wall this time to circle the room halfway to then leap perpendicular from her footing at the next group of students unlucky enough to be her victims. This lunge was more brutal than the last as Nora's pounce had her hands opened with long, curled nails outstretched that diced the throats of her enemies with several rapid slashes left and right. Blood splattering into the air as she landed, her muscles in her legs temporarily bulged from her landing and turned her worn denim pants into a puff of loose, frayed cotton threads. The cool air absorbing into her bare, newly-toned legs energized the girl who had taken out all of the classroom save the professor and three remaining students. Time had gone to a snail's pace around Nora, but her impatience to end it right then only burned hotter as she leapt to one student with an elbow to the gut, sending them into the wall and making an impact into the bricks.

Without a moment to savor the sweet feeling of pride as her opponent fell in a slow fall to the floor, Nora dug her toes and the elongated claws they now sported into the carpet for traction as she all but flew at the last three humans before her. A superhero-esque punch to her professor's face rendered his head as a freeze-frame of exploding flesh, blood, and bone fragments while her body turned in mid-flight to bring her legs into the motion needed for a tornado kick. The initial kick sent the first student to the side while the second kick that came from the mid-air spin decapitated the last human in the room.

As Nora slowly landed on the balls of her feet to end her pugnacious ballet, time returned to normal as bodies erupted blood and debris from impacts flew about. Nora's T-shirt and bra disintegrated into wispy fibers scattering into the air as she stood on her toes clad only in her undies without shame. As she surveyed the carnage she felt her bare skin prickle with delightful goosebumps at her handywork.

She immediately noticed that among her victims were a few survivors, all female. Feeling proud of herself for sparing the women, Nora licked her lips as she went to the first one, a warm tingling in her labia majora as she ripped off the girl's more stylish attire to reveal a tantalizingly hourglass figure. Nora salivated. Throwing the naked and barely breathing girl to the ground, she landed with her plump ass and delicate womanhood unguarded and displayed as an erotic buffet to her attacker.

With a heavy breathing, Nora's clawed fingers stretched and cracked in an enticing way as her hands tapered into lupine paws while her thumbs receded to vestigial nubs at her wrists before withering away to nothing.

As her toes stretched in equally erogenous bliss becoming similar hind paws, Nora began huffing in a deep, moaning voice as her normally semi-chubby physique waned to a trim figure, then swelled to a chiseled musculature befitting a Renaissance sculpture of the opposite sex. An elongating sensation from above her firmed buttocks made her heart pound in excitement as a long, tapered tail extruded, wagging in anticipation while her unshaven crotch felt fiery yet damp. Grinning in anticipation, Nora felt her ears stretch warmly as they became triangular while migrating to the top of her skull, her hearing upgraded to detect the steady beating of her living opponents' hearts crystal-clear.

Nora's grinning then stretched as her face pushed forward into a canine snout, her teeth morphing to those of a hypercarnivorous beast's as she crouched down to become a quadruped, panting lustfully. Whorishly groaning in a deepening voice, she felt billions of microscopic needles stabbing up through her skin in an energizing sensation as her cream-colored flesh sprouted shimmering, thick fur the same dark auburn as upon her head, assimilating the once human hair into the now canine-like mane. Nora's final transformation came to her loins with the alien but welcomed sensation of her clitoris pounding from blood flowing into the tiny bud, swelling out into a spear-like, pink rod nearly the length and girth of her transformed arm as it tore the last piece of clothing off her inhuman form. Mind affixed to the crotch of the human girl before her, Nora mounted her spoil of war and pressed her new penis into the warm and enveloping

Nora yelped, sitting upright from a bed with her heart pounding and broiling body saturated in sweat. Panicked, she looked at her surroundings to make sense of what had just happened. The room she sat in this time seemed to be a dimly-lit hospital room. A saline pack was hooked to her right arm while the other limb was bandaged, knives of pain shooting through her from tensing the recovering muscles. Nora recoiled with a squeak of pain. Next to her bed she noticed a bouquet of 'Get Well' flowers with Idi's handwriting, the strong aroma of the severed botanical sex-organs making Nora lightheaded. Did the hospital remove her adenoids? She recalled hearing of that particular surgery leaving patients with increased-

"Not now," Nora purposely derailed her mental tangent as she rubbed her sinuses with her good hand. A few moderate smacks to her chubby face left a stinging sensation that, for now, assured her this wasn't another dream. Her heart continued to pound from that bizarre nightmare as her body echoed the all-too-real sensations of the transformation. She'd had quite a few sexual dreams since junior high, as well as more surreal dreams than she could ever count, but this recent dream outdid both genres with unmatched vividness...and simultaneously at that. She could still feel the sensations of her tail, the agonizing stiffness of the erection, and every other tactile aspect. Recalling the phantom sensations of her dream-penis entering the dream-vagina, her mouth watered a bit as her thighs rubbed together uneasily.

"The hell kinda dream WAS that...?" Nora thought aloud as her cheeks and ears burned. She might have been a virgin, but Nora had always been exclusively straight. Whenever she did get drunk, she had never behaved in any fashion that hinted at being bi-curious (more 'bipolar' if anything). Even the idea of possessing a penis of her own was never a thought she seriously contemplated. But the more she tried to make sense of the fantasy that Sigmund Freude would have a field-day with, the hotter her body became. Her loins reacted with their usual moist itch to beg for attention.

"No...Really shouldn't..." Nora whined in defiance at first, but then capitulated as her good hand went under the bed sheet. "Okay...Maybe just one time..." She compromised as her fiendish fingers pulled up her soaked gown to caress the steamy petals of her aching nethers. Carefully sinking back down to a reclined position, she reluctantly withdrew her functioning hand to tuck herself back in and pull her sheet's edge to her mouth to bite down on.

The sweet bliss of entering herself again coursed through her virtually naked body, Nora sighing in delight. She returned to the recent fantasy of being that wolf-creature atop the stripped and conked-out classmate, never even questioning her choice of schlick-material, though. Her finger tantalizingly stroked her sugary walls, a deep murr reverberating from her throat as the heat within enveloped her digit. Unable to do anything with her other hand, Nora's nipples expanded from soft, flat areolas into a puffy, conical shape that painfully begged her for any stimulation. Teeth gritting in agony, she had to keep her other arm motionless to avoid any mood-killing pain while her mind continued Part Deux of her dream's cliffhanger.

Now she was humping away like a proper alpha male, her human partner conscious once more and moaning in wanton lust from being violated by a wolf. With each thrust that the Dream-Nora gave her fantasy-bitch, Real-World Nora thrust her hips upward and pushed up against her embedded finger, imagining the sensation of her dick as an extroversion of her vaginal pleasure. Lost in her depraved imagination, her actual form began to morph without her noticing.

Nora's ears transformed first as they elongated, their rounded tops tapering to an elven shape as they gained new muscular attachments that allowed both controlled and involuntary movements in a wide range of motion. The growth finally ceased when the tips each stretched to a maximum length of nearly seven inches from her head outward. In her current lust, the long and narrow ears bent downwards towards her collar bones as an instinctive, physical expression of her emotion. Her hairline then crept closer and closer to the new ears, expanding onto the outer parts of the elven extremities with short, silky human hairs densely packed to conceal the skin beneath it all like a feral beast's.

Nora's self-pleasuring had now put her into a trance. Her higher thought processes had withdrawn quietly as primal, hazy lust engulfed her consciousness. Her finger wouldn't desist, the orgasmic bliss seemed just a heartbeat away from washing over her body...yet the climax inexplicably delayed each time it was within range. This only served as a goad for Primal Nora to relentlessly pursue her sexual release, determined to seize her prize. In this state, the fantasy had disappeared within her primitive mindset, replaced by a pinkish fog of erogenous energy that was JUST within her reach if she kept at it a little more. Her frustration at her cunny was still enough for her bestial mentality to remove her finger to rub her pounding clitoris as it stood up angrily.

Without noticing, her body continued its transformation. Nora's hairline continued in its conquest of new territory as it overtook the back of her neck and spread to her shoulders, the human fur no more than an inch in length and the same auburn as the hair upon her ears and scalp. Further and further, the fur's expansion consumed her entire arms, her back and sides, and all the way to her tightly curled toes. Her face itself became partially furred as her widow's peak extended to her naturally thick eyebrows and coming down to a point that covered the bridge of her Eurasian nose, the rest curving to roughly an inch around her sideburns to then meld with the sides of her neck. While the reddish-brown fur had ended its campaign of bodily conquest, the auburn empire pursued a new interest as Nora's vestigial tailbone parts creaked and flexed, sprouting new vertebral columns to create a brand new feature to her decreasingly human body.

Slithering out from beneath her presently bare yet furred rump, the growing tail remained a consistent diameter of nearly two inches with more of the short, soft fur covering the new peninsula of her auburn fur's domain. The tail ended with a blunt tip that gave her new appendage a total length of nearly three feet, long enough to drag a few inches on the ground if Nora stood up. Instinctively, the furred serpent squirmed and wagged from the edging masturbatory pleasure with near-prehensile flexibility, rocking the medical bed slightly from the nearly five pounds of flesh, bone, and fur wagging about madly.

More and more, Nora's hand rubbed her aching love button as her fingers thickened and became stubbier, tougher skin forming on her fingertips and palms as landlocked regions free from the auburn empire's control. With her thumbs diminishing in length while losing none of their dexterity either, her hands were neither primate nor carnivoran, yet both simultaneously. Her hand-paws themselves stretched at the palms just an inch and a half longer while her cuticles pushed forward more, attempting to consume the out-of-place human nails. Yet the keratin tips resisted as they extruded and hardened to a thicker black form that ended in flat tips lacking any claw-like points. Only her thumbs managed to absorb their fingernails into the furred skin as simply a sheath around her stubby dew-thumbs' bone-tips underneath, Nora's paws instinctively re-adjusting themselves to stimulate her bright red clitoris.

Her furred yet still humanoid feet were not exempt from these new changes as they flexed and curled over and over in the primal lust-trance Nora had been engulfed in. Her eight small toes thickened and swelled into copies of her two big toes, her plantigrade feet extending to become digitigrade. The original two big toes meanwhile shrank and withdrew towards her ankles but ending their journey at the halfway point before being all but absorbed into her seemingly canine hind feet. The remaining eight digits readjusted their shapes as they became tighter in their spacing to resemble a wolf-like set of paws. And yet as the keratin nails protruded and hardened to extrude from the now padded extremities, they too assumed a nearly identical form to the fore-paws, the hoof-like protrusions like no other living creature on the planet.

Her tongue licking her lips in savage lust, Nora's transformation climaxed with her Eurasian nose pushing forward with her jaws. The cracking and reforming of her mandibles and maxilla tapered to a short but still canid-like snout, her upper lip arching into a point at the very front while the sloping halves took on the characteristic lip-shape of a carnivoran. Twitching, Nora's nose thickened and rounded to a mushroom shape at the end of her muzzle, taking in the scents of her surroundings and her own wet arousal. Gritting her teeth from an addicting, throbbing sensation they generated each time she clenched them, her dental arrangement flexed and morphed to a set of enameled weapons that were far better suited for a hypercarnivorous diet as her jaw muscles reworked their shapes so that her upright-sitting skull was capable of tremendous bite pressure and a wide range of motion for said snapping of the jaws.

Her sexual frustration peaked as her form ceased its transformation and her now barely human body was finalized, her aching clitoris and gushing inner folds finally sending explosive ripples of erogenous heat throughout every bit of her bestial body. Letting loose a canine howling still in her own human voice, Nora's back arched as her body teemed with sexual bliss she never had experienced before as her urethra fired a white-hot stream of milky fluid, collapsing on the medical bed exhausted and twitching, issuing feminine yelps from aftershocks that subsided in their progressively longer intervals. Mind clouded with orgasmic joy no amount of her own vocabulary could describe, Sentient-Nora phased back into existence with Primal-Nora disappearing simultaneously as their memories and sensations synchronized into one mind again.

"F-Fuck....!" Nora gasped with a slight giggle. "That wush....awshum..." She slurred in her afterglow, bringing her paw to her face to lick off the whitish fluids that made the room smell sweet to her excited nose. As she lapped at her paw dreamily, savoring the taste of her ejaculate, she froze in horrified shock. Her eyes being the only thing moving, she peered down her partially-furred snout and saw her inhuman paw as her already pounding heart beat even harder and faster. Flailing with a canine yelp of fright she tumbled out of the medical bed to the cold hospital floor, her IV-attachment violently pulling out from her arm with the needle still lodged within as Nora fell on her furred shoulder painfully. Her mind in pure panic she inexplicably could only emit barking and yipping sounds at the horror of examining her transformed body.

Footsteps, alarmed voices, and the sound of every device and mechanical part of the nearby AC and heating parts bombarded Nora in a single booming volume she could barely discern the exact sounds from. The situation and the heightened sensations of her surrounding stimuli put her in an anxiety attack. Her door being the direction most of the noises were proceeding towards, she quickly looked about her room for any other exit. To her relief there was a window at the same wall as her bed. Without hesitation, Nora leapt headfirst at break-neck speed, arms covering her animal-like face anticipating the one-two punch of blunt-force pain and the acute, searing pain of the fragmenting glass shards lacerating her body as she managed to completely exit the building...

...only to then realize too late that she was three stories above ground as Nora felt her heart sink while she plummeted to the parking lot. Paws outstretched in her scream of terror, Nora winced at the oncoming pain and sudden death she expected. But while more pain did indeed follow, the sound of crunching fiberglass and an alloy frame bending came with the sensation of her limbs bulging into tight, steely masses three times thicker than they were just a second before, forcing Nora to open her eyes, shocked to find that while sore, her body was still intact and she was still alive, her own cuts no longer bleeding or even possessing the faintest sensations of previous pain. She'd landed on her four paws, her disproportionately thick limbs relaxing on their own as they deflated to trim forms in seconds, the feeling reminding Nora of stomach-gurglings but without the noises. As she shakily stood up, Nora forgot about her new feet as she fell off the car that she had left a rather serious dent in the hood of, the noon sun blinding her vision as she tried to look about to regain her bearings.

Her medical gown in shambles, Nora's bare chest and front body took in the chilly northeastern air with a sense of refreshment from her entire body baking with sweat only at her fur real-less parts. Nothing made sense to her in the panicked state she was in, but one thing was certain:

She needed to run. And fast.

Standing up onto her dog-like feet, her hoof-like claws clacked against the asphalt as she tried to balance on her digitigrade paws. People in the parking lot were already bustling, and their stares were piercing Nora as she stumbled on her new legs, desperate to leave the area.

Instinct was telling her to hide.

Someplace far.

A forest.

As luck would have it there still existed acres of undeveloped land in the city outskirts just a few miles ahead. It beckoned the transformed girl, as if to whisper 'This is your sanctuary' faintly in her hypersensitive ears. And to Nora, that would do just fine for now. The city seemed alien to her for some reason, or at least she felt she would find no safety in it as she was. In the wild she could collect herself, make sense of this body she now had, and maybe, just maybe she'd be able to get help then. She didn't know why, but that all made sense in her head and that was all that counted.

Avoiding the stares of other people, Nora walked briskly on her extended heels as she now got the stride down. Then before long she began to jog, then running at top speed in the new locomotion her beast-like legs necessitated. Before she knew it, she had jaywalked through oncoming traffic and alarmed pedestrians at her superhuman speed, her intent on getting into the forest shoving out all of the world from her thoughts as she kept running, now into the trees and deeper and deeper into the welcoming forest.


From atop the hospital, Cuga looked upon the hybrid humanoid that disappeared in the distance. His snout's eternal smirk grew into a wicked smile as he continued to will the very light of the sun to refract around his body, remaining unseen to the naked eye. The further the girl traveled into the horizon the more his power swelled back to its original potency. There was no mistaking it: this was the abomination's successor.

Yet this new host of the affront to his divine power had amused him. She was quick to assume the genetic lineage of her predecessor and already summoned some of the powers the previous abomination possessed.

Cuga gave a soft snort of contentment. He would let her live for now, after all, there was no sense in wiping out a potentially useful being before seeing what use they could serve for him. This anomaly was already sentient, so there was still hope that she could in fact be persuaded to carry out his work for him.

What had been a miscalculation in attempting to covertly vanquish her predecessor three nights prior resulted in something unexpected yet exciting. Not since the end of the archosaurs' era and the death of his second hound had Cuga felt so optimistic of the new possibilities for this world's life forms. Decentralizing his form, he focused his consciousness on taking inventory of the girl's network of companions and their memories of her. Visiting the girl in-person would render him mortal thanks to her new power, so arming himself with the plethora of knowledge and memories her friends, family, colleagues, and even acquaintances possessed was necessary for speaking with her directly. That was, of course, assuming he was unsuccessful in courting the girl with his plans indirectly through puppetting one of her close companions and other humans to engage her.

As complicated and daunting as these plans would seem to any mortal being, for Cuga it was refreshing, and the tasks were still within his capabilities. Losing his second and third hounds over the past several million years to the long-deceased god's residual power had tried even Cuga's divine patience. The system needed a hound but only one, and that hound needed to be within his control. Fighting the abomination had been a failure, a lesson he had learned twice. The only options now were to recruit this anomaly as his own hound to keep under his control, or to recreate the Permian extinction with substantially more devastation than before to fully ensure this thorn in his side was eradicated once and for all. Yet Cuga did not fret in the least. Whichever choice he made, one thing was guaranteed: there would be many great changes for the planet's life forms soon.
DA Account: Crash-Ichimonji
Originally Posted by morwalugi View Post

Missa the host
a rental van with 10 fetishists aboard
a film crew
a road map of tf shrines and areas of interest
and drive the van and its fetishists around to f/x labs,
Sleepy Hollow,etc as the passengers discuss their fetish

turn the camera on yourselfs to make a documentary about
your RL kinks due to the fetish

Last edited by Crash Ichimonji; 01-30-2016 at 10:44 PM.
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