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Unread 08-31-2022   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
The Milk of Human Unkindness (Story: Humans -> Bovines)

An unfaithful woman finds out, too late, that her jilted lover is fully capable of reciprocating her cruelty.


“He’s a great guy, and hell, he’s good in bed. Very generous. But…you know, I need a bigger guy. And Jack is…a really big guy. Like, it hurts sometimes, but in a good way.”

It was a beautiful summer day, with a cool breeze and just enough sun. Cynthia was at an outdoor café, having a little girl talk with her two best friends, Marianne and Tess. They were all paralegals at the same law firm, and when they weren’t working, they bonded over their often-tumultuous love lives. Typically, Cynthia had the most grievances to air, as her relationships often ended due to her own selfishness – which she admitted, but didn’t really see as a character flaw. If anything, other people were flawed for seeing it as one.

Marianne rolled her eyes, and ran her fingers through her short, natural hair. “So break up with Nathan. You don’t even have to tell him why, just say it’s not working out.”

“Yeah, but he’s got…you know, money. And he’s really nice to me! I’m happy in the relationship, I just need…more.”

“Talk to him about an open relationship, then. Maybe he doesn’t go for it, but it’s not fair to just sneak around on him.”

Cynthia was getting a little testy. “Whose side are you on?”

“I’m on the side of you not being a total bitch. Either break up with Nathan and do your wild thing, or stay with Nathan and get rid of Jack. You can’t have both.”

“Listen…it’s not just the dick. I like…I like a guy who can be cruel sometimes, okay? Pull my hair, slap me around, call me his little slut. And it’s great to have a decent guy to come home to, but I need the other thing, too. Nathan doesn’t have that in him.”

“You never know, Cyn. I mean…jeez, you know Mike, right? Sweetest guy there is, and so, so vanilla in bed. But I told him that I kinda like having my neck bitten, and now I can’t take my top off without him turning into fuckin’ Dracula. Most guys don’t really have strong opinions about sex – you tell them what you like, and they’ll do it, because they want to keep having sex with you.”

Cynthia turned to the petite, pixie-cut Tess. “You’ve been pretty quiet so far.”

Tess shrugged. “Hey, I’m not the morality police like Marianne here. You want to get fucked, you get it. Nathan’s a nice guy, but there’s a reason they say nice guys finish last.”

Her phone buzzed. She glanced at it, and smiled.

Marianne sighed. “Jack?”

Cynthia started to get up. “I’m afraid so, ladies. Got to go – booty calls.”

Cynthia woke up naked on a rough wooden floor. She quickly figured out she was in a barn stall. And not just any barn – it was Nathan’s barn, the one out back of his house where he conducted his experiments. She recognized the weird puce colour of the walls.

But…that wasn’t right, was it? She’d headed over to Jack’s apartment. He’d left the door unlocked, and when she’d opened it…oh no.

There had been someone else there – someone who wasn’t Jack – someone who’d forced a drug-soaked cloth over her mouth, and…

She was still weak from the drug, but she tried to stand up – and failed. Something was tethering her to the wall, but her vision was still too hazy to see what it was.

She felt around. Whatever it was, it was attached to her bare breasts – and quite firmly. Some sort of plastic cups, that were attached to rubber hoses, and they led to…a machine. A milking machine.

Fuck. Nathan had found out, hadn’t he. And he’d…he’d knocked her out, and attached her to this thing to shame her. He was probably taking pictures or something.

“Nathan? Are you there?” Her vision was clearing up. She could see someone was there, watching her.

“I’m here.” He was outside the stall, looking down at her, an unfamiliar expression of coldness on his face.

She still couldn’t manage to unfasten herself, but she stood up, shakily. “Nathan…Nate, I don’t know what you think is going on, but – “

“I know exactly what’s going on. I guess you had too much to drink a week ago or so, and you drunk-texted me a bunch of texts that were meant for Jack. Some of them were very unkind to me. After that, I did a little field work – I’ve mentioned I did that in college, haven’t I? Observing people undetected isn’t so different from observing animals – especially in your and Jack’s case. He’s a vigorous one, isn’t he?”

She was blushing, her cheeks hot with shame. “Okay, so I cheated on you, it happens – we’ll just break up – “

“You had your chance to do that. If you’d just told me you’d met someone, I could have lived with that. But you kept me hanging on, Cynthia. How long would you have done it? You know we’ve talked about marriage. You brought up marriage. Would you have continued to humiliate me like this?”

“I…I don’t know, Nathan. I wasn’t thinking…”

He abruptly changed the subject. “Do you know what I do, Cynthia? For a living, I mean. I’ve told you, many times, of course. Were you listening?”

“You’re a scientist. You make…better cows. With science.”

“Close enough. What I do is I make transgenic serums to infuse the genes of our best cows – the best milkers, the best breeders, and so on – into ordinary cattle. I’ve never tried one on a person, of course. That would be cruel. But you want me to be cruel, don’t you.”

“What…what the fuck, Nathan. You could kill me with that shit!” The horror of the situation was starting to clear her mind. She tried to run – even to walk, but she was so weak, so off-balance. She stumbled, the milking machine remaining securely fastened to her.

“If it was going to kill you, it would have already. I injected you with the serum two hours ago. Now that you’re awake, your new genes should start expressing themselves any minute now.”

He wasn’t lying. She could feel that something was wrong, deep inside of her. She doubled over in discomfort, falling to all fours.

“Once I get out of here, Nathan…you’re going to fucking jail! This is against every human rights law – “

Nathan chuckled, coldly. “Human rights laws? Those won’t apply to you for much longer.”

It started at the base of her spine. She could feel it – feel the nerves and muscles and ligaments connect, feel a light coating of fur spread over it, feel the tuft of hair that emerged from its tip. And the fur didn’t stop there, as it raced down the tail and began to cover her expanding ass.

Her feet spasmed, forcing her to arch her feet and balance on her toes. She looked around, watching in horror as two of her toes swelled up, calcifying into blocky cloven hooves, while the rest of her toes dwindled away to nothing. Her bones thickened and realigned, as her once-shapely legs put on fat and muscle, becoming less and less human, especially as the fur spread to cover them, as well.

It felt like her entire back end had turned totally bestial. She couldn’t see what had happened to her formerly delicate womanhood, but it felt…rough. And big. And cold, given that it was fully exposed to the elements.

It wasn’t stopping at her waist, either.

She’d always been happy with her breasts. Not too big, not too small, but perfect handfuls. They were quickly becoming much, much more than handfuls. They expanded at a rapid pace, becoming heavy and swollen – too big for her frame, too big for a human. They churned as her stimulated glands began producing milk – she could feel her skin stretch as they grew. As she watched, her perfectly pink little nipples, contained within the translucent confines of the milking tubes, began to thicken and elongate. In moments, they had become distinctly bovine teats.

Her fingers were becoming stiff and bony. She watched, helplessly, as her five fingers became four, then three, her new thickened hoof-like digits too clumsy to do much of anything. She flexed them, but it was clear they’d never compose a text message again.

“My…my hands, Nathan – “

“Interesting. Surprised they remained as prehensile as that.”

Her ears stretched out into cupped teardrops, taking the multiple piercings that had adorned her human ears with them. She cried out – not in pain, but from the pure strangeness of it all – as her jaws, lips, and nose all began pushing forwards and melding together. Her teeth expanded and flattened out, her canines and incisors all becoming repurposed to grind down tough vegetation. Her nose blackened and flattened, her nostrils expanding to take in the scents of the barn. Thankfully, Nathan kept it scrupulously clean – but there was something in here with her, something that made the enormous cow pussy between her legs twitch. Something strangely familiar.

The new nose retained her septum ring, which now looked all-too-appropriate. She could see Nathan smirking at it.

“Please. I’m sorry.” Her voice sounded wrong. Still a woman’s voice, still her voice, but coming out of something that wasn’t meant to speak.

“No, you aren’t. Not yet.”

She felt wrong. Horrible, hideously wrong, her body heavy and alien. She tried to raise herself back up to her former bipedal stance, but the best she would do was to briefly rear up on her hind legs.

Her hind legs. God. Her body wasn’t built to stand up.

Maybe it was a blessing that she couldn’t stand, given her enormously heavy breasts. She wasn’t sure if her spine could support them. She nudged them with her snout, hoping that milk would erupt from the teats – god, her TEATS – and relieve her burden.

“Ugh. They’re…they’re so full…”

Nathan tapped his foot. “You want me to switch the machine on, don’t you.”


“Well, I won’t. Because girls don’t get milked. Cows get milked. Are you a cow, Cynthia?”


“Are you sure? You’re on all fours. You have a tail, and hooves, and big milk-filled udders. Your pretty face is a cow’s muzzle now. You look like a cow to me. But maybe you aren’t thinking straight. You are in heat, after all.”

Fuck. She WAS. She waved her tail, trying to fan off her overheated, engorged, and wholly exposed genitals. “Maybe…maybe I’d think straighter…if you…if you…”

She couldn’t even finish her sentence. She had done all this because she wanted to have sex with someone who wasn’t him! How could she just…offer herself up to him like this? But she needed it. She didn’t care who she had sex with, she needed it NOW!

“I’m not going to have sex with you, Cynthia.”

“But…but you can, if – “

“I can’t satisfy you, Cynthia. I couldn’t before, and with your new anatomy, I definitely can’t now.”

Her heart started to race in panic. God, Nathan had bulls here! He wouldn’t –

He waved his hand, dismissively, as he saw her eyes widen. “I’m not going to make you have sex with an animal. There’s still enough human in you to make that…distasteful. But there obviously aren’t any humans compatible with you, either. Hm. What to do.”

It wasn’t a question, because he clearly knew the answer. He leaned into the stall adjoining hers with a cattle prod. She hadn’t looked in there, but there was clearly something there – something that Nathan had just jolted awake.

“Ow! Fuck off!”


He stood up, letting Cynthia see him above the low door that divided the two stalls. Most of him was recognizable – his face was still human, his flesh was un-furred, and his feet and hands remained normal. But his well-toned body was now huge and bulky, like a bodybuilder. Enormous bony horns jutted out of his skull, and his ears looks like hers. And that enormous cock…was even more enormous, but it no longer belonged on a human body. It was rough, bovine. Bestial.

She could feel herself getting wet, just looking at it. She didn’t want to, but it was irresistible…

“This is as bovine as he’ll get, unfortunately. We haven’t done extensive work on bulls yet, so his serum wasn’t as effective as yours. Once we grind those horns down, he’ll be able to pass as human if he finds some comfortable hats.”

Jack gripped the stall door, and shook it in a rage. “I’m…I’m so sorry, Cyn. I didn’t want this to happen – I didn’t know your boyfriend was a FUCKING PSYCHO!”

Nathan wasn’t intimidated – although he kept his cattle prod at the ready. “Calm down, Jack. If I have to geld you, you’ll be of considerably less use to me as a research subject.”

Cynthia glared at Nathan. “You sick freak. What are you going to do, make him fuck me?”

“I’m not going to make either of you do anything. Your bodies are going to do that for me.”

He opened the door connecting the two stalls.

“The human mind is rarely subjected to primal instincts like this. When it is, it has no defense. At least, that’s my hypothesis. What do you two think?”

Jack clearly wanted to kill Nathan for what he’d done to him and Cynthia – but all other concerns melted away when Cynthia’s pheromones hit his brain. That gigantic cock went from flaccid to enormously erect in moments. He started walking, stiffly, towards her.

For Cynthia, the effect was even more potent – her body had changed more than his, and her enlarged nose was extremely sensitive to his intoxicating musk. She let out an entirely involuntary moan as her entire body shuddered. Her meaty, bovine pussy moistened with fluids, anticipating its imminent penetration.

She could feel the resistance draining from her body, even as she tried to assert her humanity. She was a woman – a human woman! She wasn’t about to let herself get fucked – get BRED – in a fucking BARN!

But those words rang increasingly hollow as an all-consuming, monstrous need welled up in her. Nathan – that asshole – he was right about the primal instincts. It was like a jackhammer pounding in her skull, drowing out her human thoughts. An unrelenting din of want and need and sex sex sex sex sex…

His hands – his bog strong hands, fuck – were on her ass. She could feel that hard cock probing her.

“Jesus, Cyn, I…I’m sorry, I can’t stop myself…”

She thrust her backside at him, plunging his full length inside her.

She was panting now, barely able to form words. “Mate me. Breed me. Fuck me!”

Without another word, he did as she said. Within moments, he too had lost himself to a bestial rut, his mind all but blank as he pounded into her mindlessly.

Jack’s new muscles weren’t just for show. His thrusts into her were bone-shaking – but her new body was built for this. She gave as good as she got, slamming her titanic backside into him as she teased his chest with her tail, her powerful legs keeping her steady, even as her enormous, swaying breasts threatened to throw her off balance.

She was trying to hold on to her humanity – trying to escape the fact that she was a half-cow freak of nature getting fucked like livestock in a barn stall – and failing. Something wanted to come out of her, and she was desperately trying to stop it. “Mmmm…mmmuuhhh…”

Nathan stroked her hair. “Go ahead. I know you want to say it.”

She shook her head, weakly, as if trying to wake herself. “Nnnn…no…don’t wanna…”

Jack didn’t seem to notice any of this – his own thoughts seemed to have degenerated to that of a breeding bull.

Nathan continued to pet her, like an animal. “You do, though. You’re just afraid – afraid that it means the end of Cynthia, the human girl, and her normal, boring life. And it does. Once you say that word, you are a cow for the rest of your life. The only concerns in your pretty little cow head will be getting milked, and getting fucked. And you know, deep down, that’s what you want. Isn’t it.”

He was right. Again.

She let go, and came. Milk started to flow in earnest into the machine as her bovine pussy contracted around Jack’s cock. He rewarded her with one final thrust and an eruption of his hot, thick, and voluminous seed. Could she get pregnant like this? She didn’t know…but she didn’t really care, either. Maybe she’d have a baby, or a calf, or something in between, or maybe she wouldn’t have anything.

Her mind was placid and simple now. Her human intelligence and personality weren’t gone, but it was hard to care about any of the things she’d cared about before. She had a bull’s cock inside her, and she was getting the sublime pleasure of being milked. What more could she possibly want? How could those other things make her as happy as she was now?

The orgasm rocked her body like an earthquake, leaving the human Cyntha in rubble. Only the cow was left standing.

“Moo! Moooooo! Mmmmmmmoooooooooooooo!”

The first moo was simply a human imitation of bovine lowing. The second was deeper, more bestial. The third, a distinctly animal noise that could never have passed a human’s lips. It came from deep inside her – deep inside of her animal’s soul.

Jack caught his breath as his member softened inside her, then retreated silently back to his stall – ashamed, perhaps, of what he had done, or of what he had become. Cynthia knew he would be back, however. He was her mate.

Nathan checked the milking machine, and patted her head. “You’re an excellent producer, Cynthia. My employers will be very interested in you – you could open up a whole new revenue stream for them.”

Her phone buzzed. She didn’t answer it – even if her hands still worked that way, she wouldn’t have answered it. Whoever was texting her wanted to talk with a human woman, and she was gone now. Gone forever.

Nathan picked it up. “Looks like you got a text from Tess.” He scrolled through the message. “Hm. ‘getting that d girl’, and then three eggplant emojis.” He scratched her ears. “Maybe you’d like some company…”
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