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Unread 05-17-2008   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 3
Some R&R&R (Complete)

Hello, this is my first time posting anything on this site. Now, I know I'm not the best writer, so I take any kind of criticism you can think up.

Some R&R&R

Rebecca White stirred slightly, as she thought she heard a familiar giggle filled the air. Her half-sleep, cloud covered mind, registered that a strange, but sweet smelling scent in the air. But, thought little about it, as she rested her head back on her pillow and went back to sleep, intending to get some more rest before she started her Saturday cleaning. To bad she didn?t know that someone was at her door, blowing some kind of green incense into her room.

Rebecca slammed her hand down on her annoying alarm clock, to stop the buzzing, ringing in her ear. She lay there for minute, letting the fog of her mind clear, and wondering the same question she has asked herself for the last eight years. Why does she set that annoying thing every Saturday? But, that answer was all to clear from the young woman. If she didn?t get up at a certain point, she would have no energy for the rest of the day. And, that could be a problem when one wants to clear.

She stretched slightly as she thrown her warm covers off of her. She got out of bed and realizedher door was opened slightly. She blushed slightly as she looked down at her hourglass, nude body. What would her teenage daughter think if she learn her mother sleeps in the nude?

Rebecca frown as she thought about her sixteen-year-old daughter, Rose White. Rebecca was actually 32, and she already had a sixteen-year-old daughter. She sighed as her mind drifted back to that fateful night.

She was sixteen, with a cute, seventeen-year-old, and she was a little drunk. She remembered that neither of them was wearing a sort of protection. A faint smile crossed the mother?s lips as she remembered the time they had. That smile quickly disappeared when she remembered when she found out that she was carrying a growing child. She had refused to gave up the child, no matter how much her family protested. They thought that the child might ruined her chance at a good, life-long career, but she still refused to gave up her child.

Fate must have been with her, for when her daughter was born, her older sister, and mother had decided to help her out. Her nineteen-year-old sister, Rachel, had worked her college classes, so she could take care of little Rose while Rebecca was at school. And her mother, who ran an intendment sewing business also helped out, when Rachel was at her own classes. It was thanks to them that Rebecca was able to continue with her schoolwork, and graduation from both high school and college with high honors.

Rebecca shook off these old memories and decided it was time to start her day. She first shut her door and then changed into, what her daughter calls her ?clothing uniform.? She came out of her room, five minutes later, dressed in an old pair of gray sweatpants, matching sweatshirt, and a pair of socks. She frowned slightly as she found that her sweatpants felt looser then she remembered.

?I really need to take that vacation,? she said to herself,? I?m not eating right.?

She then want over to her utility closest to get her cleaning items, demising her loose pants to her bad eating habits. She opened the door, and took out her cleaning samples gently caution not to wake her sleeping child.

?Morning, mom,? a cheerful voice said from the right.

Rebecca looked to her right, and was meant with the smiling face of her daughter. Rose was the splitting image of her mother. They shared a lot in ways of looks. They both have strawberry blonde hair and baby blue eyes. They both have high cheekbones, and slender faces. And, according to Rebecca?s mother, both have a cute smile. But Rose wasn?t quite up to her mother?s figures, after all, she was only sixteen.

?What are you doing up, on Saturday?? Rebecca asked, as she went back to gathering her needed items for cleaning.

?Ohhhh, I just felt like watching you, mom, that?s all,? Rose said offhandedly.

Rebecca just smiled as she finished getting her needed items, and then looked at her sixteen-year-old daughter. She frowned when she saw that something was?off. Rebecca was tall for a woman, about 5 foot, 7 inches. And, Rose was just share of 5 foot, 3 inches. But now, it looks like Rebecca was taller then her daughter by, maybe 4 inches. She looked down, and saw that Rose was bare foot, and she was in her socked feet. She suddenly heard soft giggling, and she looked back at her daughter?s smiling face.

?And what?s so funny, little missy?? Rebecca asked sternly.

Rose just giggle a little longer, before answering in an energetic tone,? Isn?t it obvious, mom? You?re shrinking!?

Rebecca stared at her daughter like she had gone crazy. Shrinking? That was scientifically impossible! She suddenly grinned. This must be one of her daughter?s famous pranks, she was known for pulling. That?s must be it! Rose must have sneak into Rebecca?s room in the early morning, explaining the giggling she heard, and switched her normal clothes with bigger ones. And now, she must be standing on something to maker herself look taller then she really is. She looked down again, looking to see if she missed something from when she last looked. She was surprised to find that they were on even footing. She looked around, trying to see if maybe she was standing in something like a small ditch, or if her daughter was on a stall that blended in with the drown carpet. But, to her surprise, she couldn?t find anything of the sort. She looked back at her daughter when she heard her giggling again.

?Here, mom,? Rose said softly, and took one of her mother?s hand, in both of hers.

Rebecca was shocked! She could actually feel her hand, getting smaller in her daughter?s own hands. She looked at her daughter, and quickly noticed that she seemed taller then before, by maybe half a inch! She also felt her clothes getting a hair looser.

?But?how?? Rebecca gasped in shock.

Rose let go of her mother?s hand, and giggled like before. ?Oh, that can wait, mom. For now, you might want to clear before you?re R&R&R begins?

With that said, the daughter left her shrinking mom alone, with her thoughts.

Rebecca stood there, for what seemed like a lifetime, absorbing everything. It just didn?t seem possible. People just don?t shrink! And yet, the proof was just too solid to ignore, and yet, part of her was still in disbelief. To ease her trouble mind, she steps onto the spot her daughter was in just seconds ago. To her own horror, the spot wasn?t any different then the one was just in.

She suddenly felt like she was going to collapse under the weight of her growing clothes. Thoughts raced around in her head, like a coming storm, on the horizon. How did Rose cause all of this? How small is going to get? Well she even stop shrinking?

Rebecca shook her head violently, trying to clear her mind of all of these useless thoughts. After a moment, she began to put her thoughts in the right order, and think. She knew her daughter had a reputation for being a prankster. She remember all the times she was called in, when Rose was 15. It wasn?t really anything bad the school staff just wanted her to teach her daughter some restrain in his pranks. So, one would figure that a daughter, that love her mother, wouldn?t just let her shrink away. So, she figures that she will have to play along for the time being.

Letting out a sigh, Rebecca pulled herself together and decided to clean, to take her mind off of things. She grabbed her vacuum cleaner, immediately feeling that something was off with the machine she has used for the last ten years. She shrugged it off and went about her usually cleaning route.

Vacuuming turned out to be, painfully awaking for the shrinking mother. It felt like, every pass she makes with the cleaner, it shifted in her hand, becoming slightly longer. Every time she moved to a different part of her single-story home, it felt like the cleaner got a little heavier. Though, Rebecca knew, in the back of her mind, that she was just playing tricks on herself. But, she did know that her clothes were getting harder to keep on her body.

About 5 minutes into her cleaning, she noticed her daughter standing around. Rose was dressed in a simple, black tank top, low cut jeans, and was still bare foot, a wide smile glued to her face. She would constantly position herself so her mother would walk by, no doubt teasing her about her shrinking stature. But, Rebecca kept herself in control, though she was surprise when she found herself eye level with her daughter. Later meeting showed that she was slowly going below her daughter?s eye level.

About 30 minutes into her cleaning, Rebecca needed to stop to adjust the strap on her sweatpants. It was during this time, that she really took notice to her situation. Her pants? legs were starting to bunch up, at her ankles, and her shirtsleeves were starting to slide down, reaching to the base of her hands. This was slightly unsettling, but she didn?t let it show. And she still can hear that hearty giggle coming from her daughter. But, she still continued with her clearing. It was until another 30 minutes that pass that something truly unsettling happened.

?Hey, mom, can I see you in my room?? Rose asked kindly.

Rebecca turned around and could only gasp. She no longer eye level with her teenage daughter. Instead, she was looking at Rose?s mouth, and just looking, she could she was still shrinking! She could see her daughter?s mouth getting higher up, ever so slightly.

?I was heading there, anyways,? Rebecca replied calmly.

She picked up her vacuum cleaner, and immediately noticed that it did feel heavier then usually. Rose?s room was usually the last place she vacuumed, so she really didn?t mind when her daughter asked her to go there. But when they got there, she was surprised at what she saw. Next to Rebecca?s room, Rose?s room was the second biggest bedroom, so there?s a lot that could be done with the room.

Rose must have sent up some sort of chart, doing the night or something. The way the chart was set, made Rebecca think about the charts that parents set up to watch as their children grow over the course of their young lives. But this one was finally detailed with height numbered from 5 feet to the small number any person could be when you?re shrinking. To Rebecca, the meaning behind the chart was all to clear.

With a lit sigh, she set down her machine and walked over to the chart. As she passed her daughter, she noticed that she was slightly smaller then before. She wasn?t looking forward to this part of the prank. She walked right up the chart, turned her back to the chart and stood up straight. Rose walked up to her shrinking mother and couldn?t help but giggle.

?Hehehe, you?re barely 5 feet. Just a few more inches and you?re be a whole foot shorter then, momma,? Rose said gleefully.

Rebecca frowned when she heard the word ?momma.? It doesn?t sound like it was said out of love and respect, but more like it was a nickname. And from the tone of Rose?s voice, it sounded like she was talking to a younger sister instead of the person who helped raised her.

Suddenly, Rose got down on her hands and knees and grabbed her mother?s left foot. Rebecca, for odd reasons, didn?t feel much like protesting, so she just watched as her daughter removed her socks. Once it was all down, Rebecca stood, bare foot like her daughter, and let out a faint sigh.

?Why are you doing this?? the shrinking mother asked calmly.

?We want a accurate measurement, don?t we, momma?? Rose replied gleefully.

Rebecca frowned again, when she heard the word momma. She really didn?t like the way it sounded, but for now, dropped it. She looked up at her smiling daughter, wondering what was going on, in the mind of hers. Plus, it was very unsettling to have to look UP at the daughter you had to look DOWN, just a few hours ago. She also wonder how long before she was small enough to fit inside a dollhouse?

?No, I mean this,? Rebecca said calmly, and pointed at the chart behind her.

Rose looked at the chart for a quick second, then back at her shrinking mother with that smile she?s been wearing,? Well, the friend that gave me the shrinking incense, told me that it took more then a whole day for her subject to shrink below two feet. So, she suggested I try to see how fast I could shrink you.?

Incense, Rebecca thought. Now that was something she could use. Maybe she might even found a way of growing back to normal.

The shrinking mother looked around the room, trying to spot anything that looked close to incense. The room wasn?t that big, so it should be fairly easily to spot something that didn?t belong. But she quickly discarded that thought as she as she thought it up. She should know that if her daughter doesn?t want something found, it wouldn't be found. It was one of her many talents.

?Well, we will check on your progress in the next three hours, momma,? Rose said, once again, sounding like she was talking to someone younger then her.

Three hour, Rebecca looked at the clock, and saw it was just a little past nine. So, if she done the numbers right, her daughter exposed her to that shrinking incense around six in the morning. She wonders how far she would have fallen in the next three hours?

She sighed after a moment, realizing that all of this thinking wouldn?t get her back to normal. So, she decided to continue cleaning to take her mind off of this matter. She thought about searching the room later, but quickly realized that Rose hasn?t left her alone a lot. She also realized that Rose wouldn?t be stupid enough to hide something in the house, knowing that this was her mother?s cleaning day. If anything, the incense and it antidote were probably in one of Rose?s many, ?hiding? holes.

Rose has a series of concealed holes, in different sizes, to hide her various tool she use for her pranks. Rebecca had tried once to find one of her hiding holes, but couldn?t.

The shrinking mother walked back to the vacuum cleaner and lifted up the end. It felt longer then last time, a constant remaining of what was happening to her. She sighed and went to work. It usually didn?t take her long to vacuum her daughter?s room, but she found herself working at half her normal pacing. She wasn?t doing anything, like trying to find the incense or anything like that. It just that, stuck between the ?shrinking? chart, and her ?growing? daughter, smiling like some fool, it made the shrinking mother feel very ill. But, she wasn?t going to give her daughter and her twist sense of humor, any satisfaction.

She finished vacuuming her daughter?s room in about 20 minute, which would normally take five to ten minutes. As she picked the cleaner, and took it back to the closet from where it came from, she passed her smiling daughter. She realized with a sickening stomach, that she saw that she was almost at eye with her breast!! The shrinking mother believes she was about 4 feet, 7 inches. That didn?t set very well with the shrinking woman.

After putting away the vacuum cleaner, she stopped for a moment to adjust her pants. They were quickly becoming a problem for her. The legs were constantly rubbing against the floor, and Rebecca had tied the strap as tight as she could. She had to take to rolling up the pants? legs so she didn?t trip over them.

The shirt was also becoming a problem, as well. Her shrinking body was starting to get small enough that the sweatshirt was sliding off her shoulders, that someone could see inside of the head of her shirt. Plus, with her body, no longer filling the shirt, it was quite easy for someone to see inside. Luckily, there was only the shrinking mother, and the daughter who cause this all. Then, there were the sleeves. There were starting to reached pass the center of her hands, and with a few more inches, were be covering her entire hands. She almost felt like some little girl, trying on her mother?s favorite outfit. She knew it wasn?t going to be much longer before she was force to walk around in the nude. It wasn?t something she was looking forward too.

She took the feather duster, intending to continue to her usually routine. After vacuuming, she then dusts, starting from where she last vacuumed and then work in a reverse manner. She was about to head into her twisted daughter?s room, when she spied something from the corner of her eye. She looked at if fully, and sighed as she realized a grim fact. She then grabbed the step leader, she use for the hard to reach place. She then headed into her daughter?s room.

Dusting has been more of an eye opener then vacuuming could ever have been. She found that the places she could reach by standing on her toes but now, she had to use the leader to get those places. She found that she even needed to stand on her toes just to get the duster up there to dust. It was almost enough to bring a tear to the shrinking mother?s eye.

After finishing her daughter?s room, she did the bathroom, and the rarely used guest bedroom. When she began her bedroom, she realized a slight problem. She had lost a very more inches and in her mind, she had pass that point. Her pants were no longer going to stay on, no matter how much she adjust them. She needed to hold them up with one hand. She figures if she jumps from the small leader, her pants would fell off.

Then there?s the shirt. Since she had pass that point, her favorite working shirt, now seemed like a tent to her. Her sleeves were like some small tunnel, around her smaller arms. All she had to do was lift the hand, that held the duster, and the sleeve easily sled down her arm. Her other arm is the real problem here. She was using that free hand to hold up her pants, and with the sleeve, threatening to swallow up her hands, it was very hard. After a couple of more shrinks, she would need to get rid of the shirt as well.

I guess it?s a good thing I keep my hair short, the shrinking mother thought bitterly.

After she was done with her room, she moved into the living room, still trying to keep the last of her dignity. She immediately found doing the living room impossible. At her current size, it was hard to reach the roof, even with the extending handle the duster has, it wasn?t possible to reach the roof. Plus, she was unwilling to let go of her pants to use both hands to use the duster. She did the best she could, which wasn?t much. All she really got done was the corners of the living room.

Sighing, she put away the duster and then took out the stuff need to wash the window. She couldn?t believe how big the sponge and bottle of liquid window cleaner. She set the bottle down and got right up do it. It was almost the size of her entire leg!

?My god,? she said,? I can?t be more then 3 feet and something tall.?

Rebecca suddenly gasped as she grabbed her throat, with both hands. Her voice just sounded like it just jumped a pitch. She was surprise by this for a moment, but quickly got over it.

?And, here I thought, higher pitched voices only happened in cartoons,? she muttered bitterly as she grabbed the bottle and sponge in one hand, and went for the kitchen, while still holding her pants.

The instant the shrinking mother stepped into the kitchen, she was meant with the most, mouth-wetting, smell she has ever smelled. She dropped her cleaning tool, and followed it to the stove, where Rose was making that mouth-wetting smell. When Rebecca saw her daughter that snapped her out of her daze.

Rebecca came up to Rose?s stomach, and the more she looked, the more she saw her daughter ?growing.? Rose must have sense her shrinking mother?s eyes on her, because she looked DOWN at her mother. She smiled a motherly smile and shook her finger in front of her.

?TSK, TSK, momma, you?re have to until after we check how you?re ungrowing is going, before we have lunch.? There was that tone again. It sounded like Rose was talking to a little sister, instead of her shrinking mother. Though, there was something seriously wrong with that last sentence. ?I know it smell great, but you can wait 15 minutes, can?t you??

Rebecca?s eyes snapped opened and she gasped louder. Snapping her head around, she looked at the clock on the wall. She could only stare at the old fashion, ticking clock. She couldn?t believe that it was 11:45. She knew that that spent a lot of time dusting, but she didn?t imagine it took nearly 90 minutes! It would normally took Rebecca 30 to 45 minutes to do dusting, but 90 minutes?!

She could feel it again, those tears swelling up. She could feel her own pride threatening to slip down her cheeks, with these swelling tears. She didn?t care if this was a prank or not, it was starting to play heavily on her sanity. She was starting to feel like a little girl in a woman?s world. She even saw her daughter as more of a big sister figure.

NO!!! Rebecca screamed in her head. I wouldn?t let her break me. This is what she wants. It part of her prank, but I wouldn?t fall into it!!

With an air of determination, the shrinking mother turned around from her daughter, and walked back to the spot were she left her cleaning items. She ignored her giggling daughter as she looked up at windows She thought for a quick second, before coming up with a plan. She then grabbed a chair from the table and dragged it over to the windows, overlooking the counter. Her daughter?s giggling got louder, and still, she ignored it.

Rebecca first put the bottle and sponge on the chair, and then carefully, so not to loose her pants and gave her daughter more of a reason to laugh, she lifted herself onto the chair. She then repeated the process to get on the counters. She then got to knees, held her pants, and began to clean the windows. She first spray the window, then exchange the bottle for the sponge, and began running it across window. She grinned when she learned that she was still tall enough to reach the tops of the small windows.

Like other times, the shrinking mother threw herself into her work, forgetting about everything else. In her mind, she wasn?t shrinking, wasn?t small enough to be lift up by her teenage daughter or was she struggling with her favorite home outfit. It was just her, her sponge, and dirty windows.

Rebecca was just finishing the window, when she suddenly found herself being lifted into the air. She was so surprise she almost lost the grip on her pants. Almost, being the key word. Once she heard the familiar giggling, she knew who was being this all.

?Come on, momma, let see how far you shrunk,? Rose said gleefully.

Rebecca just kept her mouth shut, realizing that if she was small enough to be carried, she wasn?t strong enough to fight against her daughter. So, she just let herself be carried to her twisted daughter?s room.

?You?re not going need these, anymore,? Rose said gleefully once they reached her room.

Before Rebecca had a chance to question the meaning behind that sentence, Rose snapped her left arm up, wrapping her fingers around her shrinking mother?s pants? leg. Rebecca?s face lit up a bright red as she realized what she was about to do. She quickly grabbed the waste band with both hands. This just caused Rose to giggle louder. She may be shrinking, her daughter may be able to left her up like she was some kind of child, but as god as her witness, she was going to draw a line and stand tall, even if she?s shrinking!!

Rebecca would soon learn just how weak the shrinking had left when her daughter starting to pull off her favorite pants. Rose wasn?t even trying very hard to pull off the over size pants from her shrinking mother, and yet, Rebecca found herself using all the strength her little body could muster. Rose just giggled, enjoying the game of tug-a-war. Suddenly, Rose gave one good tug, and saw her shrinking mother loose her grip on the sweatpants.

Rebecca watched as her favorite, gray sweats went flying freely in front of her. To her, that was the final eye opener. If her daughter could remove clothing with little trouble, then she was now in complete control. She shivered at the thought of what her daughter could do to her now. It was a very unsettling moment for the shrinking mother.

Rebecca gasped, when she suddenly felt a warm hand go up, into the remaining piece of clothing, touching her semi-cold skin. She knew what her daughter was looking for, and wasn?t looking forward to what comes next. After a few seconds of searching, she heard that giggle again. She could FEEL daughter?s eyes, pecking through the hole that her neck no longer filled. Rose?s giggling grew louder as she turned and looked her shrinking mother in the eyes.

?You nasty, nasty girl! You?re not wearing any underwear,? the ?growing? daughter said mischievously.

Rebecca just looked at the ground, face more red then when Rose took off her pants. ?Can I keep my shirt for a while longer?? the shrinking mother asked meekly.

Rose giggle, probably from her slightly higher pitched, but still noticeable, voice. Rose set her mother down, in front of her ?shrinking? chart, smiling like some kind of crazy people. She then turned around and went over to her desk, for some reason.

Rebecca took this time to study herself. She found that her shirt reached below her knees, but maybe half an inch. She could feel that her shoulders were barely keeping the shirt around her reducing figure. When she held her at her side, she found that her shirtsleeves now covered her hands, completely. She judged that her hands reached ? into the sleeve.

She let out a faint sigh as she absorbed all of this. She figured with in another hour or two, her shrinking body would no longer be able to hold the shirt up. Which means, by one or two o?clock, she will be walking around in the nude.

?Now, stand up straight, momma, so we can get a good reading,? Rose said in that motherly tone.

Rebecca looked up at her daughter, and immediately saw the pins in her hands. Letting out another sigh, she did as she was told. Rose then got down on her knees and began working with her shrinking mother?s shirt. She bunched up the collar of the shirt just enough that it covered Rebecca?s body, but not enough that it would cause any sort of discomfort. She added two pins, one on each side, to hold the shirt in place. She then rolled up the sleeves just enough so Rebecca?s hands were showing and could use them freely. She then put in the last pins she had. There was one on each shoulder, and one on each sleeve, so there wouldn?t fall off. It may have looked stupid, but it would allow Rebecca to keep a shard of her pride, for the time being.

While all of this was happening, Rebecca didn?t dare move, fearful of what may behind if one of this pins were to strike her shrinking body. It wasn?t a thought she wanted to dwell on for long.

Suddenly Rose?s giggling, draw the shrinking mother?s attention. ?Wow, I didn?t think you?d shrink 15 inches in the last three hours, mommy.?

Rebecca?s eyes felt like they were going to jump from the socket!! 15 inches! She has lost 15 inches in the last three hours!! And if she remembers right, she was about 5 feet even when she was lasted measured. Which mean she was about 3 feet, 5 inches tall right now!

I?m 41 inches tall! In a short while, I?m going to be 36 inches even!! When will this madness end? Rebecca thought in a panic.

?Well, mommy, why don?t we get you clean up for lunch,? Rose said motherly.

But Rebecca wasn?t listening. Her mind was still locked on the fact that was only 41 inches tall! It was almost enough to finally break the strong woman, and turned her into a sobbing mass. It didn?t even register when her daughter picked her up, and carried her to the bathroom, located between Rose?s room and the guest room. She started to come around, when she felt a pair of big hands washing her small hands. Still it was a big shock to learn such a thing. And Rebecca felt like her own mind was shrinking faster then her body.

Lunch was fantastic, if not disturbingly quiet. They were really just eating leftover chicken, but the shrinking mother could tell that her daughter had spiced it up somehow. Though, at the time, she could care less. Rose would keep looking at her mother for a quick moment, then look away, grinning like a wild child. Rebecca could only frown bitterly, as she knew the reason behind that smile. The shrinking mother needed a think phone book just so she was over the table to eat. It was both disturbing and annoying, all rolled into one.

When lunched was all said and done, Rebecca decided to returned to her cleaning. It was the only thing at the time that kept her from completely loosing it. She went back to washing the windows in the kitchen, trying to forget anything that has been happening this day. But, that was next to impossible, she had gotten so small, that the bottle and sponge felt alien to her. Still, she hoped that it would somehow take her mind off of all this craziness.

She didn?t remember when or how it start, all she remember where feeling these big hands, covering her underarms, and the feeling of suddenly flying. She felt like her feet no longer touched the ground, and she was in the clouds. But a familiar giggling, took away that fantasy fast. It seems Rose had decided to help her shrinking mother was the rest of the cleaning. Though she hated it more then anything, she accept the help.

Rose took the bottle and sprays the windows, while she held her mother, who sponged them, clear. They continue this for the rest of the house. It took about 45 minutes, and they started around 12:30. While all of this was happening, Rebecca could feel herself shrinking. She felt her sweatshirt get more roomer and felt her daughter?s hand grow from under her. It was very disturbing, or it would have been if Rebecca has thinking about it.

When the windows were done, she decided to try and mop the floor. After that she was going to call it quiets. She figure was to small to even make her daughter single bed, let along her queen size bed. It was chore, just pulling the bucket and mop out of it spot. She was shocked to learn that the bucket came up to her belly button. And the mop?the mop looked like it was mile long to the shrinking mother.

?This could be a problem,? Rebecca said, taking notice of her higher sounding voice. She figures she must have lost 2 to 4 inches, or more since her last measurements.

?You want my help, mommy?? a motherly, and playful voice asked.

The 32-year-old woman LOOKED up at her sixteen-year-old daughter. Rose was wearing that smile she has been wearing sense this morning. It was a very disturbing thought to have to look up at a daughter you were use to looking down at.

Rebecca wanted nothing more then to scream at her twisted daughter, venting all this bottled frustration on her and her twisted prank. But as she stared up at Rose?s smiling face, child-like fears begin to grip her mind. She realized that any outburst could end badly. She found herself, sub-consciously begin fiddling with the end of her shirt, which had grown over her legs by another 2 to 4 inches.

Rose could only giggle as she watched her shrinking mother, acting like a scared child. She giggled for a good five minutes before grabbing the mobbing items, and heading into the kitchen. She heard her mother, following meekly behind her, which only cause her to giggle to herself. Once in the kitchen, she filled the bucket, added the need cleaning liquid, and the looked at her shrinking mother.

?Do you need any help, mommy,? she asked in that motherly, yet, teasing tone.

Rebecca just shook her head meekly and walked up to the mob. She looked up at the mob, imaging that it was some tall skyscraper. She swallowed a lump, in her throat and grabbed the mob. She struggled to get the mob out of the bucket, an act that made Rose giggle again. Still, she wasn?t willing to give up. In the end, she had to lifted the mob, close to eye level and turned her entire body, just get it into the ringer. After ringing out the mob, she needed to repeat the process from before she could start mobbing.

Mobbing has proven to be the worse out of all her cleaning chores. She found that she needed to hold the item a certain way, to get a hold on the mob, so she could get the most out of it. She needed to hold it against one of her shoulders. The end results, has the tip of the mob handle tapping against the floor constantly. Another problem was her size in general. She found pushing and pulling the mob a lot harder then it use to be. She needed to take a break everything five minutes.

Then when it came time to refill the mob, she found another problem. It was getting harder and harder to left the wet mob, dap it into the water, then move it to the ringer to ring it out. With her shrinking hands, it felt like the mob handle was getting bigger. It, like everything else today, was very disturbing. After her third refilling, she found that she needed Rose to take over the refilling for her. But she refused to let her take over the mobbing. In the end, a chore that usually took 15 to 35 minutes, depending on the person?s mood, now took over 90 or more minutes. And Rose had to take the bucket to be emptied. Rebecca was now to small to even carry the object.

Now surrounded by the quiet, the shrinking mother had time to go over everything.

She remembered waking up, and getting dress, feeling that something was off. She remembered how she first learned of her daughter?s twisted prank, and remembered how she didn?t believe her at first. She then remembered how vacuuming was the least frustrating of her chores, because she was still fairly tall. She then remembered how dusting had been a real pain, because of her shrinking. When windows started, it was a major annoyance, because she felt like they were getting further away with each minute. Then there was mobbing, a subject that the shrinking mother wanted to stay far away from.

Then there was Rose, the source of all of Rebecca?s frustrations. When she first starting shrinking, she was the one who told her what was happening. After that, she had been around, smiling like some kind of manic. It was like she was constantly taunting her, daring her to look and see how far she has fallen. Then there were the nicknames and tones. God, did she hate that. It was like Rose didn?t even consider her, her mother anymore. It was all so frustrating.

Rebecca looked at the clock and saw that it was around 2:45, just another 15 minutes until the next measurement. She figures after that, she would be going around the house naked. Suddenly, it just happened. All of the frustration, she had been keeping in her, came snapping loose.

?AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!? Rebecca screamed from the next five minutes, though she doubted that her shrinking voice reached passed the walls.

Once she had finished screaming, she felt a lot better. She also decided she had enough of her daughter?s twisted prank, and it was time to fight back. But, she knew she couldn?t force her daughter to do anything, not with her current size. Luckily, she was lawyer, an overworked lawyer, but a lawyer nonetheless. So, she figures she could trick her daughter into giving up the antidote.

And then I will give that girl a taste of her own medicine, the shrinking mother thought devilishly.

For the next ten minutes, Rebecca set about, setting up her case file. She didn?t want to leave any stone unturn. She wanted nothing more then to corner her daughter, forced her into giving her the antidote. And before she knew it, it was 3 O?clock.

?Come on, mommy, time to check,? a gleeful Rose said, appearing from thin air.

Rebecca was silence as her ?growing? daughter easily picked her up. Rebecca kept her mouth shut, going over her case file one last time. She wanted to make sure everything was prefect.

They reached Rose?s room quickly and without a word, she begin to undo the pins she had put in place three hours earlier. Rebecca still kept herself calm, waiting for the prefect time to strike. Within a few seconds, all of the pins were out, and Rose placed her shrinking mother on the ground, in front of the chart. She then grabbed the sweater by the shoulders and easily lifted the sweater off of her. Rebecca felt a chill pass through her, but she ignored it, her mind set at the task at hand.

Falling into routine, the shrinking mother stand up to her fullest, so her daughter could get an accurate read. Rose looked at the chart and suddenly started to giggle.

?Wow, Rebecca, your exactly 2 feet, 7 inches. You?re a whole 2 feet smaller then this morning,? Rose said gleefully.

Rebecca thought it was time to set up her counter defense, and finally wipe that smile from her daughter?s face.

?So, Rose, if I?m going get to small, how are you going get money to live on?? Rebecca asked calmly.

Rose just giggled for some reason. Probably laughing at her mother?s higher pitched voice. But, she wasn?t going to let that affect her.

?Well, Rebecca, I was planning of ?accidentally? ruining your car, and using the insurance money to live on.? Rose replied cheerfully. ?I even found the prefect part-time job, where no one would think twice about you, so I can have some spare money, so I don?t use it all up.?

Rebecca frowned. Okay, so her daughter had already set up something with money. But, a good lawyer knew how to work around minor annoyances.

?Well, if you ruin my car, then how are you going to get around?? Rebecca asked.

Again, Rose just giggled. Whatever joke was, it wasn?t very funny to the shrinking mother.

?You remember my friend Mandy? Well, her brother, you know, the one who worked at that garage? He?s been kind enough to fix me a car, that suits me perfectly,? Rose said gleefully.

Rebecca frowned again. She found herself quickly loosing ground. She was starting to think that her daughter has been planning this for a long time. Still, she wasn?t going to back down yet.

?Well then what about food? I haven?t taught you to cook yet, and I doubt I could teach you when I?m done shrinking,? Rebecca tried reasoning.

Again, Rose just giggled. Rebecca was quickly getting tired of that laugh. It was like her daughter wasn?t taking what she was saying serious. It made her a bit angry, but she kept it bottled up, knowing that one wrong move could end badly.

?Oh, Rebecca, you have been working so much lately, that I have been teaching myself to cook. And I also have aunt Rachel teach me a few things.? Rose said gleefully. ?And beside, with the size you?re going to end up on, I wouldn?t need to waste much money on food.?

Rebecca frowned, but for a different reason. She realized that she no longer had any kind of defense set up. Everything she had thrown, her daughter had countered with a better response. She was starting to think that Rose really has been setting this prank up for a long time. Still, she had one final hand to play.

?Rose White!? Rebecca said, putting her best stern, motherly tone, into her high pitch voice. ?I demand you stop this foolishness, and return me to my natural size, this instant!?

Rose stared at her shrinking mother, looking more amused then surprised. Rebecca didn?t like that look, not in the least. It was like her daughter still wasn?t taking her seriously. It didn?t sit well with the shrinking mother, not in the least bit.

Suddenly, Rose threw her head back and cut loose, laughing. It wasn?t the giggle she has been using the entire day, but a hearty laugh, like the one she uses after one of her pranks was done. Needless to say, it didn?t sat well with Rebecca.

?Oh, Rebecca, who said anything about returning you to normal?? Rose replied giggly.

Rebecca felt her jar dropped. She really didn?t like the sound of that, even less then anything that has happened today. She could feel her stomach tightening just from these words alone. She felt all of her confidence just drained from her, and she became afraid, very afraid.

?W-What do you mean?? the shrinking mother asked hesitantly.

Rose looked down at her mother, smiling. Rebecca recognized that smile instantly. It was one of these smiles that a parent wears when they needed to tell something to their kids. It was just another unsettling sight for her. She wonders why she hasn?t thrown up after all of this.

?Well, I had original thought about shrinking you for a couple of weeks. I know you had a lot of vacation time stored up. But then, I realized that you?d just probably be overworked once I returned you to normal. So, my friend decided that maybe a permeate shrink would be better,? Rose explained in a soft sounding voice.

Rebecca stared up at her daughter, still processing all this new information. She wasn?t going grow back to normal, or more like, her daughter wouldn?t allow to return to normal. She doubts at this size, she wouldn?t be able find anything that could help her, if there was even anything to help her.

Rebecca couldn?t take it anymore. She fell to her knees, and began sobbing into her hands. It wasn?t fair, in her eyes. She had tried to be a good mother, like her mother before her. Sure, work had gotten in the way, sometimes, but that was no reason to shrink her. She didn?t deserve this, especially from her own daughter.

?Hey, it?s okay, Rebecca.? Rose said softly. She got down on her knees and took her shrinking mother into a warm hug. ?You?ll see, this is for the best, I promise.?

?How small am I going to get?? Rebecca asked through her sobbing.

?If I done everything right, about six and a half inches,? Rose said.

Rebecca gasped, and pulled away from her twisted daughter. Six, and half inches! She was going get that small? She looked around, taking note that everything seem so big, and tried to imagine what things were going to look like soon. It was just too much, and she broke down sobbing again.

?Why can?t you let me grow up, again?? she asked hysterically.

Rose just sighs and patted her shrinking mother on the head.

?I could, but you see, the shrinking can?t be reversed once you pass half of your normal size, and it?s 10 minute drive by car to my friend?s house, so I doubt we will make it before you pass that point,? Rose explained, sounding like she was explaining things to a child.

When Rebecca heard that, her grief turned into angry. She felt like kicking herself. She should have known that "she" was behind all of this. That girl and her weird hobbies were a constant source of headaches for the shrinking mother. The last time that girl was involved, she thought she was turned into a cat. She thought it was just a dream, brought on by those weird incenses, but she wasn?t so sure now.

?Well,? Rose said, standing up,? We have another three hours before your next Measurements, Rebecca, what do you want to do.?

?Nothing with you,? Rebecca replied bitterly.

The shrinking mother then walked across the room, taking notice of how much longer it took for her then it normally would. She looked at her ?growing? daughter, and notice that smile was back into place. She let out a defeated sigh and left the room, without a word being said.

The next three hours, seemed like a distance dream to the shrinking mother. She had experiment with her ever-changing size. She found that she needed to lift herself into a chair just to sit in it! And her feet barely hanged over the edge. She figures, she had shrunk another 2 to 3 inches in the last 45 minutes. Meaning she has passed that point of no returning, or re-growing in her case.

Rebecca let out an irritated sigh and thought that maybe some TV would help get her mind off of all of this. She found that she needed to grip the remote control in both hand, just to hold the thing. Yet, another remainder, of her twisted daughter?s idea of letting go of her stress. She quickly abandoned that idea, when she found, ironically, nothing but old movies about shrinking. She let put the remote back where it goes, and then jumped down from the chair. She then continued her roaming around the house, wondering just how much longer could she take, slipping further away from the growing world.

She doesn?t remember when or how, but she had somehow ended up in her room. She stared at her queen-size bed, thinking that four people, at her size, could fit into it, and sleep comfortable. She figures, in the last 60 minutes, she must have lost five to six inches, which would make her just a little under two feet.

She turned away from the bed, and looked at the dresser. Her head barely reached the handle of the third level drawl, and when she extended her arm to its full length, it barely reached to the every top of the dresser. She kept it there for a minute or two, and watched as her hand slowly, but surely, sunk lower beyond the dresser.

The shrinking mother let out a faint sigh and then moved her hand, to the inner mini drawl on the right side, and open it. She took out a simple, black colored bra and brought it to eye level. It was truly amazing, less then 12 hours ago, her breasts could felt into the piece of clothing. But now, she probably could felt her entire face into it, and probably still have room to spare.

?I guess, I?m going to become the world?s smallest, must developed, little girl,? Rebecca whispered bitterly. She once again took notice of how much higher her voice sounded. If she would guess she probably sound like she was a child, now.

She took a seat against her bed, and just continued to look at her bra, watching and feeling as it grew before her eyes.

The shrinking mother didn?t know how much time, she spent looking at her piece of clothing, nor did she really care either. But, like a relative with a bad habit of showing up uninvited, a shadow lured over the shrinking mother. She didn?t even look up already knowing whom, the shadow belong too. She didn?t even fight when the bra was gently taken from her hands. Nor did she make any kind of fuss when she found herself being lifted from the ground, and carried away from her room. It was time, and she knew what was coming next, and she wasn?t looking forward to it, either.

In a matter of seconds, the shrinking mother found herself in her twisted Daughter?s room, standing in front of her shrinking chart, standing as straight and tall as a shrinking person could. Suddenly, said twisted daughter begin laughing, but the shrinking mother just looked at the ground, wondering how big the carpet would seem once she reached her new size.

?Wow, Becky, there seem to be no reason to your ungrowing.? Rose said humorously. ?I figure that you?ll be around four feet smaller by now, but turns out, you?re half an inch under a foot.?

Rebecca looked up, taking notice of how much taller her twisted daughter was. So was a giant, easily as tall as a skyscraper to the shrinking mother. Again, she looked at the floor, unwilling to think of how tall her daughter will be when she finally stops shrinking?

?I figure another hour, and you?re be done,? Rose said in an up-beat tone.

Before the shrinking mother could say anything her daughter reached down, faster then she thought possible, and close her hand around the shrinking mother?s body. Rebecca watched as the ground quickly rose above her, feeling lit headed from the sudden lift.

She realized that her daughter was now in complete control of her. She could be held easily in one hand. She figures it wouldn?t take much for her twisted daughter to squeeze the life right out of her. And if she was only about a foot tall now, she would hate to think what it would be like when she only 6 and half inches tall. That thought along cause her to break out in a cold sweat.

Rose took her shrinking mother to the living room, where she took a seat on one of the living room chairs. She set her mother on her lap, and grabbed the remote control. She took it to one of the movie channels, which was showing one of the latest chick flick movies. Rebecca wasn?t really into those kinds of movies, but she really didn?t have a choice in this matter.

It was funny, but sitting there, watching the movie, Rebecca started to feel relax, more so then she had in a long time. It was just so weird, seating on her teenage daughter?s lap, the very daughter who was shrinking her in the first place. Still, she couldn?t help but feel relax, something she hadn?t felt in a few mouths. She still could feel herself getting smaller, but at the moment didn?t really care.

Half way into the movies, something weird started to happen. Rebecca suddenly began sneezing. It was short dry busts, coming one after another. It last for about a minute and half. When Rose heard that, she looked down at her mother and smiled brightly.

?OOHH, it look like someone done ungrowing!? She beamed happily.

She then gently took her mother into her left hand, and stood up. Instead of going into her room, like she has been doing all day, she walked into the small kitchen. She set her mother on the table. She then took out a tape measurer from her pocket. She set it to the measurement she thought she shrunk her mother too. Like before, Rebecca stood up straight, letting her gigantic daughter get the measurement.

?OHHH, I did it right!!? Rose shouted happily, which sounded like a thunderclap to her shrunken mother. ?Now, the R&R&R can begin!!?

Rebecca frowned when she heard that. R&R&R is something that her daughter has been saying all day, and she was wondering what it actually meant.

?It mean, reduce, rest and relaxation,? Rose said, answering her shrunken mother?s thoughts.

The six and half inch woman looked up at her smiling daughter?s face and really notices how small she has become. She looked around, realizing that the small table to a normal person, seemed like a like a long walkway, that went on forever. She looked into the horizon, and all she saw was blurry shapes.

?I know!! Let take a bath together!!? Rose said suddenly.

Before Rebecca had a choice to protest, her giant daughter took in her hand gently, and hurried to the bathroom. She set her small mother on the counter and then quickly strip down to her birthday suit. She then began making the bath.

As Rose was occurred with making the bath, Rebecca looked up at her daughter?s gigantic figure. She knows this may sound silly, but she was ivory of her daughter?s figure. Her own figure just seems so small when compared to her daughter?s. Her breasts look like dots on Rose?s mountain size ones. She held her breast in her hands, feeling that they hadn?t change, but it still didn?t make her feel any better.

Rebecca?she frowned suddenly. She wasn?t Rebecca White, the overworked lawyer, anymore. No, now she was just now Becky, the worlds smallest, most developed little girl. And Rose, despite all that she has caused, what was she now? Mother mom momma mommy? For some reason mommy seem to sound right in Becky?s mind.

When she was done, mommy looked at Becky, smiling. She reached out, and gently took her former mother into her hand.

?I can wash myself,? Becky said timidly looking at the sink, rising ever higher up.

?Now what kind of mother would I be if I let my baby wash herself?? Mommy said in that motherly, yet teasing voice.

Becky felt her check burning as a noticeable blush appeared on her small face. What was with her all of suddenly, she asked herself. She should be hoping mad at her twisted mommy-umm-daughter for doing this to her. Instead, she?s action more like some little girl, who just starting growing breasts. Did the incense have some kind of effect on her mind as well as her body?

Becky?s thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Rose-eh-mommy got into bath. She got herself into a position so her small former mother could easily stand on her smooth tummy, while also being comfortable at the same time.

Becky watched as her giant mommy got a small thimble from the corner of the bath, and filled it. She then pooled the water over Becky. Now, soaking wet, the former mother watched as her gigantic former daughter, took the shampoo bottle and put a very tiny amount on her thumb. Once the shampoo was ready, Becky watched as her mommy moved the hand with the shampoo on it down to her head. She felt the shampoo run onto her head as her mommy gently ran her giant fingers into it, carefully not to hurt her.

?You should let your hair grow, Becky, it feel so soft,? Mommy said softly.

Becky didn?t say a thing, to embarrass to say a word. She could feel another blush heating up her face.

Once mommy was doing shampooing her former mother?s hair, took the thimble, she used to wet her hair, and filled it once more. She then washed out all of the shampoo from Becky?s hair. After that, mommy continue to clear her mother-shrunken-into-daughter. When that was done, the two exited the bath to dry off.

Mommy, instead of drying herself off first, set Beck down, and grabbed a hand towel. Becky knew what that meant almost immediately.

?I can dry myself,? Becky said timidly.

?Now, what kind of mother would I be if I let my baby dry herself,? Mommy said, back to that motherly, teasing voice.

Becky felt her check heat up a third time as she let her new mommy dry her off. Once both were dry, Mommy took her new ?daughter? into her room. She set her former mother onto her desk and reached down into the opening.

?Now for some R&R&R gifts,? Mommy said as she placed a box in front of Becky.

Becky watched as her giant mommy opened the box. Becky suddenly gasped and ran into the box.

She couldn?t believe it! It was replica of her room, right down to littlest detail. She notices her closet and dresser, and become curious. She quickly looked into them, and found some of her missing clothes, mostly casual wear, but some formal clothing as well. She figured that where some of her clothing has been disappearing to lately. Her new mommy must have been experimenting on her clothing to get the shrinking just right.

?Well, what do you think?? Mommy asked.

?I love it, Mommy!? Becky shouted up.

She suddenly gasped as she realized what she just said. Becky covered her moth, wondering what her mommy would say. She was surprised to find her mommy just smiling.

?And, here one more thing,? Mommy said as she held out her opened her.

Becky?s face lit up a giant smile as she saw her favorite outfit, shrunken in her big mommy?s hand. She cried in delight as she scoop up the clothing, and quickly change into. They fit like a glove! And had a nice mint smell to them to boot.

Becky suddenly let out a giant yawn. The events of the day had finally caught up with her, and she was fading fast. She spied her bed, and lazily walked over to it. She fell right onto, quickly finding it just as comfortable as the bed Rebecca slept on. As she closed her eyes, she let the worries of the giant world fade from her mind. She knew that she was now safe, thanks to her twisted daughter-turned-mommy.

Like I said, I'm know I'm not that good. So i take what I get.
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Unread 05-17-2008   #2
TB Tabby
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Re: First Story-Some R&R&R

Okay...on a technical standpoint, it's rushed at points, and you really need to stop calling her "the shrinking mother" all the time. We're not going to forget that she's a mother and she's shrinking.

As for the plot: I've seen it a million times. Woman is shrunk, imprisoned, humiliated, dominated, and subjugated, and succumbs to Stockholm Syndrome. Aside from being done to death, it's really depressing to see because it's an innocent woman being stripped of her life, and infuriating that I'm expected to enjoy it just because it's SW. I know, I know, it's just a story...but just because it's fiction doesn't make it any less unpleasant to watch. If I wanted to see women getting treated like crap nonstop, I'd read The Boys.

Last edited by TB Tabby; 05-17-2008 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Coding error
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Unread 05-18-2008   #3
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Re: First Story-Some R&R&R

Originally Posted by TB Tabby View Post
Okay...on a technical standpoint, it's rushed at points, and you really need to stop calling her "the shrinking mother" all the time. We're not going to forget that she's a mother and she's shrinking.

As for the plot: I've seen it a million times. Woman is shrunk, imprisoned, humiliated, dominated, and subjugated, and succumbs to Stockholm Syndrome. Aside from being done to death, it's really depressing to see because it's an innocent woman being stripped of her life, and infuriating that I'm expected to enjoy it just because it's SW. I know, I know, it's just a story...but just because it's fiction doesn't make it any less unpleasant to watch. If I wanted to see women getting treated like crap nonstop, I'd read The Boys.
I agree with TB Tabby, you still have some things to work out...
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