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Unread 10-31-2009   #1
Be Amused
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The Reluctant Salesman (Complete)

Update: The entire complete story is now in the first post, so you can read it all uninterrupted.

I decided to get into the spirit of Halloween with a short story. If you like TG, BE, SW, or TF, or just some humor, you are bound to find something in this story you like. Written over the course of a single week, this 28-page short story is also something of an experiment for me: my first story written in first-person narrative, journal style.

So read, comment, and enjoy -

August 30
?This job scares me. I never wanted to do something like this, but sometimes you get dragged into hell. My customers are demons, tormenting me at every turn. They can smell fear and can turn it against me in an instant. If I?m not careful, I might get kidnapped or eaten or killed or maybe dragged along for a ride through the Abyss. So, I?m going to try to keep my cool, keep my distance, and keep my exit strategies in place. It?s a thankless, bitter job, but I don?t have a choice. My name is Vance, and I run a Halloween store.

?It all started with my great-great-great-great-grandfather. He was a traveling con-artist wanted across three states. The law eventually caught up with him when he started counterfeiting and put him behind bars. The story would have ended there, but a few years back he screwed over a demon, and I mean it in the worst, most literal way when I say it. Well, it decided that for revenge, it?d come to him when he was desperate and offer him some help: you?d be surprised what people will agree to when they?re looking at 20 or more years up the river. So my beloved ancestor signed a contract that bound him into service to the demon and didn?t opt out for the multi-generational clause.

?Fast-forward about 200 years and you get to me: I live in a big town and work retail at a video game store while doing part-time at my local college for a degree in History. I?m 21 and don?t have any particular plans for the future; maybe teaching, if I can get things to go my way. Still, I worked with my dad in the family business until I turned 18, so I have a healthy understanding of how unfair the world can be.

?I?m starting this journal because tomorrow?s an important day for me. Since my ancestor made that contract, he and all future generations are bound to the demon?s services. The demon made him work like a slave, running errands across this world and the next, until he was worn down and wrapped up in so many extra contracts he died under the weight of the smallest loophole. The demon asked something a little different, and less, from each generation after that: my father has to run an occult shop year-round, which caters only to the supernatural. It is a very formal arrangement, full of ceremony and ritual, and if he screws up once, the demon gets to do what he pleases with him.

?My trial?s a little easier. Technically, I just have to run a Halloween shop for two months and carry certain goods. Some of the products I get are held in the back room for special customers; I?m to ring them up like anyone else, but they won?t be getting normal merchandise. Due to whatever warp of fate the demon can muster, I can expect to be visited by beings of eldritch origin and bizarre scientific interests. I?m at their mercy for every day of the next two months. I can?t lock up the shop and I can?t close up except for lunch and after-hours. If I do a good job, I?m free until next year rolls around. Maybe then I?ll finally get rid of this damn contract. Anyway, it?s time for bed. Tomorrow?s the first day of work. Oh joy, I can hardly contain my glee??

September 8
?I got my first special customer today. After the first week being so mundane, I thought maybe I?d gotten lucky and nothing bizarre would happen. However, about mid-day, an elderly gentleman walked into the shop carrying a large green snake in both arms. He introduced himself as ?Morvissss, Becomer of the Snake?. He wanted a lot of jack-o?-lanterns. Was it some kind of joke??

September 16
?I spent half of yesterday as a cow-girl. I'm not sure if there's a better way to put it. This girl came into my shop; she was around my age, maybe a little older, dressed casual, and her hair was dyed pink. She also had quite a rack, which was the real reason I noticed her, but that?s usually the first thing I notice about girls anyway, so let?s say it was the pink hair. She walked up to the counter and, in a slurred voice, asked for some milk. I wasn?t sure what she meant at first, so I asked her to repeat it. She pulled out a bottle of milk, as if to demonstrate, and set it on the table. What did she say? Oh yeah? ?Milk, like, you know? from udders? you?ve got some.? Just when it hit me that she might be one of those special clients, she uncorked the bottle, made a small gesture, and caused the milk to literally leap from the bottle and splash on me. She smiled.

?My clothes were ruined. I was so pissed it took me a moment to realize why she was smiling: across from me, in a mirror, I could see horns ? actual little horns ? growing on my head. As I reached up to touch them, my pants gave way and a little brush-tipped tail poked out my backside. As I grabbed at it, yelling something, I don?t remember what, I saw my rear push out and felt my groin tug in. I surprised myself with a startled ?Moo!? and fell forward against the register, slamming a budding pair of breasts against the counter. I slumped to the ground, clutching my chest and mooing.

? ?Oh, shoot! Um, I got carried away,? was her apology. It gets better. ?Look on the bright side! Most girls would die to have breasts like yours. Well, not me; I can change my size at will, but you know what I mean. Plus, hey, think of all the milk you could produce if I made it permanent! No more buying it at the stores. You could save a small fortune!? She went on like that until I staggered back up and saw myself in the mirror again: beside the small horns and the little tail, you?d think I was a normal human girl. This is exactly what I feared? wait, turning into a cow-girl? Okay, not exactly, but in the general realm of things I don?t want to happen to me, this was certainly included.

?I demanded she change me back, for which she apologized, saying it was going to last until I woke up the next day. I didn?t really believe her, but I didn?t want to risk seeing what would happen to me if she was actually pissed. I found her order and pretended to listen to her idly ramble about her boyfriend and the weather and Halloween. I found out her name is Vivi, or at least that?s her nickname. And the milk bottles turned out to be what she ordered in the first place. I wonder if magical milk ever goes bad.

?Also, I spent the rest of the day dressed in a pirate girl outfit, but that?s neither here nor there.?

September 30
?I have slight moral qualms about this job. On one hand, I?m providing goods and services to amoral entities beyond the ken of normal humans. I don?t always know what these things will do, but on principle I assume it?s something bad. On the other hand, if I refuse any of them, a demon gets to eat my soul. Like I said, slight moral qualms.

?Case in point, a girl comes into my shop today. She?s wearing men?s clothes. Not just men?s fit. Like, it looks as if she stole some guy?s clothing and put it on.

??I am Kiso, the Vengeance of the Scorned. And I have come to see that this man?s vengeance is sated. However, I am in need of a talisman to ensure he does not accidentally disrupt me. You will provide me with the talisman or I will make you devour your own eyeballs while I think of a creative way to torture you.?

?I gave her what she wanted. Slight moral qualms.?

October 1
?I?m sure not all wizards are grey-haired pointy-bearded old men wearing conical broad-brimmed hats and long-flowing robes stuffed with the secrets of ages. But Vorfith was there to try to prove me wrong. He swept into the shop in a majestic sort of way that I?ll never forget (because, in addition to being a wizard, he?s quite pompous and cast a memorization spell on me to ensure it): his robe fluttered slightly in a strong warm breeze that was too hot for the weather outside ? did he step in from another world? The wizard carried himself with a firm step, his old gnarled wooden staff tapping along with a heavy thud-thud. With a sweeping bow and a smile, he declared, ?I am Vorfith, Head Arcanist of the Ministorum Lectura, and have come to claim that which is rightfully mine.?

?He meant The Rubicon, a white marble cube with yellow gold banding over the edges that could fit in my closed fist. I had no idea at the time what it did except it had something to do with the opposite sex. It?s times like that when I wish, I really wish, that I knew magic.

?When I gave him The Rubicon, he held it up to the ceiling, bumping past one of the low-hanging paper-machete bats I have hanging up all over the place, and shook it while cackling. ?Remember well this day, my young friend. At long last, The Rubicon is miiiiiiiiine!? A brilliant white light engulfed him as his words echoed across the shop. Words cannot express how happy I am that he?s gone.?

October 5
?Vivi came by to visit today. She was crying and sobbing about how her boyfriend just dumped her and how she might just kill somebody if nobody paid attention to her. Then the blood began to seep from the walls and I felt the most horrible chill down my spine.
?So we went out for coffee.
?And to the mall.
?And? she turned me into a girl, shrunk me to the size of a doll, put a little maid outfit and cat ears on me, and hugged on me for hours back at the store until I convinced her to turn me back.
?I swear by all that is holy that I will find a way to break this contract before next year.?

October 7
This entry is written in a language vaguely resembling Japanese
?For the rest of the week, I?m an Asian girl. I haven?t been able to pinpoint the nationality nor the language I speak, so I?m not sure it?s exactly correct to say that I am one, just that I closely resemble one. The Asian part. The girl part I?m sure of.

?It started with another one of my special customers? He?s about middle-aged with thin black hair, a short thin moustache and matching goatee, and lavender eyes. He has that same geographical-implacableness that I now have, but I didn?t think much of it when he first entered the store.

?I had been minding the aisles; some kids had knocked a bunch of candy off one of the shelves and I was busy cleaning it up. I guess that irritated him because the first thing he did was yell at me in a language I don?t know. Didn?t know. I know it now because it?s part of the transformational package. Jerk.

?I stood up and introduced myself, trying to play it calm, but I?m never really comfortable talking to people when I?m not behind the counter. It?s just one of those things. I don?t think it would?ve helped anyway because he just seemed increasingly irate over the language barrier thing. Am I really supposed to be omnilingual?

?That?s when his eyes flashed green for a moment and I felt the changes happening. What?s the best way to put it? It felt kind of like being melted and sculpted at the same time; like being clay on fire? My body sort of sank into itself by degrees and my chest, rear and hips pushed out. Everything felt sort of touched and slightly numb around my face for a moment before things were normal again and I found myself clutching my oversized shirt and jeans.

??I am Roko Hyan?, he then told me, ?and I will be conducting a ritual throughout this week. I need several ingredients, but I will not know what they all are today. You will maintain that form until the ritual is complete, or keep it if the ritual fails.?

?It?s going to be a long week. At least I found a kimono costume I look okay in.?

October 8
This entry is written in a language vaguely resembling Japanese
?This one isn?t about anything supernatural per se. A guy, a normal guy, came into the shop. Five foot ten, short wavy brown hair, dark eyes, kinda muscular? um, you notice more things about guys when you?re a girl, but I think you get the picture. Anyway, he tries chatting me up ? I think it?s the kimono costume I?m wearing. Or maybe he was into Asian chicks. I tried to tell him I wasn?t interested, but it came out in this weird language again. So I can understand English; I just can?t speak or write it; oddly, I can still operate the cash register just fine. He thought I was playing coy, so he tried to impress me. Made a $50 purchase, which, well, I do appreciate, paid with a card and signed (his name is Milo), including his phone number underneath his signature, ?just in case you need it?.

?I really, really wish this spell wasn?t going to last all week.?

October 9
This entry is written in a language vaguely resembling Japanese
?Roko Hyan came back today. Apparently the preparations were going well because he was in a good mood. I think. He?s a very intense man and I?m not very outgoing and the ?turning me into a girl thing? does strain an already tense relationship. He bought the ingredients he required: mostly powders and pieces of paper with bizarre symbols drawn on them in this orange-smelling blue ink. I asked if it was really going to take all week and he asked me whether I wanted to keep this form so badly for a while longer. To punish my impatience, he made my breasts a little larger. I went back to minding my business.

October 10
This entry is written in a language vaguely resembling Japanese
?Please, please, PLEASE let tomorrow be the last day I?m stuck like this. Late at night, a man made entirely out of shadows entered the shop. You?ll remember how I try not to upset these people. Right, well, when he found out I couldn?t speak English, he possessed my shadow. I saw myself as he made me pass by a mirror; my eye color had turned black and my fingernails and lips were painted a shade of deep shadow. It was really eerie, but the worst part was not being in control of my own movements. I lurched in this unnatural way that made my stomach churn with every disorienting step. You ever been in a car when the driver makes a sudden turn or stop? I felt like that the entire time. The shadow man spoke into my mind, transcending the language barrier, and used my body to grab a black orb with a red metallic dragon wrapped around it. He paid for it, grabbing the money out of a deep shadow, then exited my body and disappeared into a shadow. I stared into the space where he had gone for about ten minutes, half-certain he was going to reappear. I?m keeping the lights on everywhere I go until Halloween passes, electric bill be damned.?

October 11
This entry is written in a language vaguely resembling Japanese
?I was really pissed today. You remember Roko Hyan? The oh-so-awesome ritualist who put me in this position? He said he?d be done with the ritual today. I was so glad to hear it that I nearly wept. I got him his ingredients and then asked him to change me back like he promised. He told me he certainly would ? after the ritual was complete. He?d fix me up first thing next day. Then he made my breasts larger for having irritated him.

?I was so angry that when that guy from a few days ago came by, I started yelling at him and throwing things. I got a bit overzealous and banged him good with the tip jar. I started apologizing, saying ?please don?t sue, please don?t sue?, which came out as nonsense to him, but he seemed to get the point anyway. He said he?d forgive me if I let him take me out for lunch. For a second, I considered banging him with the jar again and hoping he?d get amnesia, but in the end I relented.

?If there is any advantage to being a girl, it?s that my punishment for hurting a guy was a free lunch. I?m just glad he didn?t ask me to change out the costume for something else. My alternatives were ?pirate girl? and ?sexy ninja?. Admittedly, they both have moderate bust support, which I could really use right now, but they?re more revealing and just imagine how many more heads would turn seeing a girl walk by dressed in fishnets, a face shawl, fingerless gloves, soft sandals and carrying daggers.

?Anyway, he treated me to a nice meal at a local Italian restaurant. The place was decent. It?s one of those fancy low-light affairs with soft Italian music and well-groomed waiters. Fun fact: I never had ravioli before today.

?I know, you?re wondering, how did I order? Well, I didn?t really. Most of the lunch involved me nodding or shaking my head at various questions and suggestions. Is this restaurant fine? Nod. Do I want wine? Shake. So, what movies have I seen lately? Grumble followed by irritated explanation that he doesn?t understand. When he asked what I wanted, I just sighed and he picked for me.

?Most of the conversation, you might imagine, was fairly one-sided. I pretended to act interested in what he told me about himself (he?s a security guard, if you really care to know, but I didn?t) and I acted flattered when he complimented me on my looks. He never actually said, ?great knockers?, but he stared at them enough. Maybe I?ve just been wearing it wrong, but kimonos don?t seem to do good in the hiding-breasts department. If he noticed that they?d grow, he didn?t seem to mind.

?After lunch, he returned me to the store and asked me for my number. I got really nervous and tried to block ? but just speaking in my new tongue seemed to be enough to convince him it was pointless. I really hope this is the last I have to deal with him, but it seems unlikely. He promised to drop by again soon.?

October 12
This entry is written in English
?As promised, Roko Hyan turned me back into a guy. After leaving a kind of bizarre and cryptic message. If I remember right, and things from that language are a bit hazy now, he said ?On Halloween, you will be blessed?. It has me kind of worried, for obvious reasons. I really wish I didn?t have to keep the shop open on Halloween.

?By the way, it irritates me to no end that I can?t read what I wrote over the past few days. I know what happened because I experienced it, but I don?t remember the language. C?est la vie.?

October 17
?I?d like to pretend yesterday didn?t happen. I don?t really remember it in any detail. What I do remember seems bizarre. The only thing I know is that I have enough carrots to last me the rest of the year.

?At the end of the day, these two women came into my shop. I thought they were wearing costumes at first. You see, they both had animal ears and tails: cat and dog. Now, when I don?t think my customers are mad scientists with ray guns I tend to ignore them and hope they leave. I?m not that interested in turning a profit and I never really cared much for Halloween, so I don?t care to bother memorizing which is the better brand of zombie make-up.

?Anyway, they asked me for a pair of bunny ears and a bunny tail from the special section, so I began paying attention. I hurried into the back and got them their order. It didn?t seem to be anything special. Just the kind of puff tail and ears you could find in any costume store. I handed the things to them, which is when things get hazy.

?The girls giggled in a way resembling the mews and barks of their animal counterparts. They grabbed me and attached the bunny ears and tail to me? I remember this weight on my chest and feeling like my feet were too big? there was an awful long stretch that might?ve been a party in another world. I remember drinking. Then I woke up the next day in the shop with several crates of carrots and an empty wallet. Intuition tells me that I?ll only cause more problems if I go investigating what happened, so I?ll leave that one well alone.?

October 18
?Dr. Fincross is in great shape for a man who must be in his 70?s. He?s also tall, exceedingly skinny, has wild sideburns, a shaggy grey beard and a brown toupee. More importantly, he has a ray gun and a trigger-itchy finger. He came into my shop, or busted in I should say, cackling and rubbing his hands together. ?This is it, this is it,? he was saying in a slightly scratchy and very excited tone of voice. I put on my best face and tried not to snigger as I saw him adjust his toupee. He said, ?I?ve come for the Transsmallificator that I ordered,? with this wild glee in his eyes, at which the humor dropped from my expression.

??Soon, everything will be just as it should be! Then those fools who shunned me and mocked me will recognize my genius! Fo~ols I say!? He started cackling in a way that makes me wonder how people like him function in normal society. Or maybe they just don?t. Either way, who am I to deny a man his Transsmallificator? It was in a small box, but it weighed quite a bit. As I rang him up, he kept ranting and raving about how awesome his device is. Again, I feel like I ought to be doing something about this, but I did just get turned into a girl several times over and once possessed, so I?m not interested in pressing my luck any further.?

October 20
?Around mid-day, I had a visitor. It was Milo. Guess who he was here to see. He tried not to show it, but he was upset when I told him that she wasn?t in today. Then he started probing me, asking questions about what she was like, where she was from, what her name was. I made up some stuff to get him to leave: she likes cookies, shopping and swimming. Her name?s Kono. I don?t know where she?s from, but she mentioned something about Japan once. And yes, I?d tell her to call him next time I saw her. He gave me one of those big hopeful smiles, thanked me, and left. Yay, I have a stalker.?

November 1
?Yesterday was Halloween. The last day of the first year of my annual contract. The end of my torment for another ten months. The day of Roko Hyan?s blessing. I spent all of the night before imagining what could happen. My imagination, as it would turn out, was sorely inadequate.

?You ever have one of those days where you don?t want to get out of bed even though you know you really need to? Well, imagine a magic compulsion of sheer dread backing it because that is exactly what I tried and it didn?t work. I showed up at the shop bright and early and trying to smile at people coming in. I had sold through most of my special stock by then, but I couldn?t be sure that was going to be it.

?I started feeling strange as the day went on. It was gusty outside and the autumn leaves were passing in droves. The wind groaned and I kept hearing a squeaking noise coming from somewhere in the shop. I thought it might have been mice at first, but it was just the shop itself. Why did it have to be so eerie that day? I was happy though; at least none of the spooks were visiting. Just kids shopping for last-minute costumes and adults grabbing decorations.

?Around dusk, it happened. Some guy wanted a book on one of the higher shelves, so I grabbed a stepladder to help him get it. As I was reaching for the book, vertigo struck: my stomach dropped. My hand that was reaching for the book pulled back, I began to fall, or thought I was going to, and leaned forward to catch myself against the shelf. I saw a couple books fall off and tried to grab them, but I missed and called out for the guy to watch out. I heard one of the books hit his head, whereupon I began apologizing profusely. He gave me this dumb-looking expression. Then he started looking at my ass. That?s not a good sign. I stepped up the ladder an extra couple of steps, grabbed the book, and stepped down, slipped on my pants that had been resting on one of the steps and fell on my back. The guy looked like a complete prick; he was just standing there, looking at me with that same slack expression he?d been wearing since I first went for the book. When I tried to sit up, my chest felt weighted down. Like an idiot, I hadn?t thought to see what the hell he had been looking at. I snapped out of my confusion. Down the collar of my shirt, a pair of large breasts was propping up the fabric. I ran my hand through my hair and it came back with silky strands of long black locks. I noticed my pants, which must have fallen off when I turned female, were sitting on the steps; that explains the looking at my ass. I stood up and began shouting at him to leave: he couldn?t understand me, but my anger was clear enough and I think he was already scared out of his wits. He ran out without his book. A big gust of wind blew a bunch of leaves into the store as he left. I?d clean it up later. First, I had to go put the kimono back on.

?So Roko Hyan?s blessing had come to pass. I was Kono again. For how long? Just until Halloween ended, I guessed. I hoped. The uncertainty was killing me. So was my back. Last time, when I changed, I didn?t have much, mm, ?there? at first. Roko changed that every time he got upset at me. And this time, it was even more the case? okay, screw it. My breasts were larger. There. I said it. And I?ll say it again later. This wasn?t going to be the last time they grew that day? relatively speaking.

?I tried to lock the door so nobody would come in. Unfortunately, the moment I tried to lock it, I felt that powerful tugging sensation of dread in the back of my mind. I was scared of what would happen if I didn?t lock the door, but something told me something more frightening would happen if I did.

?So I went back to minding the counter. Of course, I still had a lot of customers, it being Halloween day and all. I pretended to not hear them when they asked me questions and when they actually made purchases, I tried not to say anything. Some kid kept asking where I got ?the pretty kimono?, and her mom tried to get me to answer. She apparently knew Japanese and tried speaking back to me, but I actually didn?t understand it. A few of the words sounded similar, but nothing more. She apologized and left without asking anything else.

?Around closing time, I had enough time to finish cleaning the leaves out of the store. Then the door opened by itself and a powerful gust of wind blew more leaves into the room. I dropped the broom, cursed, and looked up to see Vivi, the girl who?d bothered me twice before. She was wearing a long black robe with velvet stitching, stitched tightly around the waist, a golden circlet and silver hooped earrings. Her pink hair was highlighted with strands of purple and black and she wore long black gloves with a serrated stitch design that reminded me vaguely of lightning bolts. Her grin suggested that her kidnapping me the other day did some good for her health.

??Oh, hi the~re!? she said to me in a cheerful voice. ?Where?s the guy who usually runs the shop, huh?? She began giving me measurements. ?He?s about yea tall, shoulders about here, short black hair, early 20?s, usually looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?. I started speaking, hoping to confuse her into leaving, but she just smiled.

??Huh? What?s that? I can?t understand you. Hold on a sec.? She snapped her fingers while I was in mid-sentence and caught the ?guess what, it?s me, and I?ve been turned into a girl for the fourth time in two months? part. Her eyes literally glimmered with delight ?There we go, now, that?s better. What was that last part?? She smiled knowingly and I saw the cogs working in her head. ?This is fantastic! You know, I came to see if you wanted to go to a movie or something. But total change of plans. We?re going to the Halloween festival tonight, you and me!? she giggled.

??Can you fix me???

??Oh, it?ll wear off, I?m sure. More importantly,? she giggled, ?your outfit?s nice, but it needs a little fixing.? She walked over to me.

??Hey, yeah, fixing? look,? I said, ?I?m really just aiming for a nice quiet Halloween night, so if you?d like to hang out later, much much later, I?d be more than willing to- what are you doing?!? I suddenly had that stomach-sinking sensation. I ducked behind the counter and dove through the back door. Or would have if she didn?t immediately close and lock it with a magical glance. Ow. All things considered, falling on your breasts hurts more than falling on your back. She came around to help me up to my feet, which I would have appreciated more if she wasn?t the one who made me fall in the first place.

? ?Are you hurt? No. Okay, cool, now let?s see?? She stood me up and looked me over. I literally couldn?t move. ?Hm? that?s the problem with these store-bought things. They don?t just fit you properly.? True enough; I wasn?t in the business of stocking tailor-made kimonos. Can you imagine what those would cost? ?Let?s fix it. Um, first? you?re a little too tall.? She pressed a hand on my head and I felt like I was sinking in quicksand for a second. When the feeling vanished, I was a few inches shorter and the kimono fit better? although kind of loose, but that was all. ?But now your breasts? and hips? hmm?? she pondered.

?I interrupted. ?Can?t you just resize the kimono? I like being able to reach the higher shelves.?

?I hate her laugh. My breasts and hips swelled until they both showed decidedly snug against the kimono?s cheap gaudy fabric. I heard her snap and say, ?posture?, and suddenly, despite how heavy those jiggling mounds felt (and I swear, they were larger than my head), I wasn?t slouching forward anymore. I hate to admit it, but Vivi is good at what she does.

?The ?plan? as far as I could tell, involved walking through downtown, watching and engaging in the festivities, and impressing guys with my looks; all of this I disagreed with, especially the last part, but Vivi made my breasts a tad larger again and insisted, and said she could insist as much as she needed to insist. So, on we went.

?Vivi tells me she has three forms of transportation: walking, flight and teleportation. She asked which way I wanted to go. So, my options were ?fly through the air with the crazy person and maybe fall or get flown into a lamp post?, ?get teleported and hope I end up where she wants me to go and not, say, into a brick wall? or ?walk like normal people have done since the dawn of time?. As much as I would love to think things would go right, I knew better than to settle on anything but the third choice.

?As we walked down the street, Vivi started telling me about the wonders of magic, gleefully spinning tales of things man was not meant to know. I felt like I would go mad if I listened too closely, so I mostly just nodded and went ?uh-huh?.

? ?-madman roaming the streets.? I turned to look at the television in the storefront window. The news was playing, which I thought was a little odd, since you?d think they would have a Halloween special on or something like that. ?We go to Tim Bross, live on the streets, for more.? The television cut over to show a well-groomed man in his 30?s holding a microphone. He was standing in front of a large plaza where street performers were busily performing and people were meandering about in costumes to an almost parade-like atmosphere. ?Yes, that?s right, Monica. A man dressed like a ?wizard? has been walking the streets saying, ?It?s mine. It?s mine. The Rubicon is finally mine. Now I?ll show all those fools my power!? I have unconfirmed reports that he is carrying a crystal, or maybe a box, that shoots beams of greenish light. According to these reports, people hit by the beams seem to instantly become, uh, busty airheaded women. Right now we believe it to be part of the celebration, a massive prank, not unlike the Halloween Scare of-? ?The Rubicon ? is miiiiiiiiiine!? ?What-?!? The reporter was suddenly engulfed in a green beam of light. His facial features softened while his hair lightened from black to blonde and he became shorter. The camera didn?t show everything, but he had obviously been turned into a girl. She stared at the camera for a moment, looking confused, then said in a cheerful voice while waving, ?Like, ooh, I?m on camera! Hi everyone! Happy Halloween! The feed cut back to the news station, where a dumbfounded reporter was staring at the camera. ?Uh, we?ll be having a station break due to technical difficulties.? The feed cut out.

? ?Huh, so that?s what it does,? I said. Vivi asked what I was talking about. I didn?t want to give her any ideas so I said never mind and we kept walking. Unfortunately, I couldn?t tell if we were walking into the area where Vorfith was working his magic, but it was supposed to be a large festival, so I could hope to get lucky.

?I felt something tickling me and my clothes suddenly felt loose, very loose; I began tripping over my sandals, grabbed onto Vivi?s back, and felt my kimono unfolding. I let go of Vivi to grab my kimono, which turned out to be a mistake, as I lost my balance and fell on my butt. My kimono fell open and my arms got caught up in it. My clothing had become a trap! I struggled, flailing at the feeling of being smothered by a growing tide of fabric, until I was exhausted. As I lay there in the darkness, a large hand pulled the kimono open and I saw Vivi?s face, tremendous and filling almost my entire line of sight, and the shops that now seemed to stretch away like skyscrapers. Vivi?s voice practically boomed, ?Wow, you?re so small, Kono.? I?d mentioned that half-jokingly as my nickname like this. ?How funny.?

?I heard her giggle as she picked me up. It was like being taken to the top of a large ride. I was tiny enough to fit in the palm of her hand and was utterly naked. I closed my legs and tossed my arms over my breasts to cover my nipples. ?Vulnerable? is a deeply inadequate word to express how I felt at that moment.

?I heard someone chortling, ?It works. Huzzah!? and the familiar figure of an old man with a bad toupee came into view. Dr. Fincross was just the same as I remembered him, except a little more gleeful if that?s possible, and also wearing a lab coat and large goggles this time. In his hands was something that reminded me vaguely of a rifle, only it was more flat and wide than a rifle is and was painted white. He hustled over to Vivi and me and looked down at me; a magnifying lens swept over his glasses.

??Perfect, perfect,? he declared. ?How do you feel, miss?? He put the gun on his back and took out a pad of paper attached to a clipboard. He scribbled something on it.

??I swear I?ll never sell you another one of those stupid things! Fix me!? Did I mention how freaking cold it was that night? My teeth started to chatter. I tugged at Vivi?s glove, trying to pull it over me to no avail. I looked down upon my discarded kimono.

?Dr. Fincross seemed taken aback. He started rubbing his chin. ?Subject cannot speak English. Side-effect? Or pre-existing??

?Vivi interrupted. ?Oh, she?s just stuck like that from before. Hey, did you shop at her place too? She?s the guy who runs it. I could fix that communication problem with a bit of magic if that?s cool with you, mister scientist doctor sir.?

? ?Oh! You don?t say!? He smiled at me again. ?You?ll be pleased to know, sir, or ma?am, uh, I have no complaints at all with this fabulous device! It works just like I hoped! But, haha, I?m sure you can see that plainly.? His voice sounded freaking loud.

??Turn me back ? now!? I guess Vivi cast the spell, since he seemed able to understand suddenly. And he looked upset.

?Vi cut in again. ?Hey! How about a compromise, guys? Kono, you stay this small for an hour and the good doctor promises to not go hog-wild with that gun on you again, mm?? She had that sort of warning look in her eye that told me it would be wise to agree. I nodded. The doctor grumbled, but also caught that look. Then he smiled, put back the clipboard and saluted. ?Well, that sounds good to me. Now if you?ll excuse me, I have a busy night ahead of me!? He pulled the ray gun off his back again and went dashing down the street the other way. I'll say this for the doctor. He's pretty energetic for a guy his age.

??Okay, now, Vivi? turn me back, quick! Before he returns?? Instead, she took off her glove and put me inside of it for a moment.

??No can do. We all made a promise, remember? You?ll just have to live with it for now. Beside, you can try on a new outfit.? And, just like that, I was suddenly wearing ? something. Vivi pulled me out of her glove and I saw what it was: a costume that made me look like a living shard of crystal. There was a loop attached to it, which was attached to a chain. Then she pulled the necklace around her neck and let me settle in upon her breasts. I admit, I found her cleavage rather cozy, so being turned into an ornament was still a step-up. I squirmed a bit now and then, wishing her robe covered more.

?We really happened upon the festival a few minutes later. People were walking around in costumes, children were trick-or-treating at shops and homes off the street, musicians were set up here and there playing sets, people were hawking their Halloween goods, and everyone seemed cheerful. I felt a bit better too, noticing that there was security around. I guess whomever ran the festival liked to make sure everything went smoothly.

?I couldn?t help it, either. I had to know if Milo was here. It wasn?t anything romantic. I just think he?d probably recognize a necklace that looked like it had an exact replica of me on it. I tried catching Vivi?s attention, but she was too busy chatting with shopkeepers and complimenting people on their costumes. When she did pay attention to me, she just asked if I was having fun, and didn?t seem to care about anything else. It didn?t matter, though. I eventually spotted him, dressed up in that outfit? ah? I tucked myself deep into Vivi?s cleavage so he wouldn?t see me. Despite the cold, it felt like a miniature sauna there.

?The hour mark eventually came and it seemed Vivi wasn?t completely oblivious. She walked into the restroom of a shop and took me off her neck. Then she sat me on the edge of the sink and said a few words. Within seconds, the tiny outfit I was wearing was too tight ? my breasts pushed hard against it, tearing against the chest, my hips tore against the sides, my legs rent it along the lower half, and eventually my body grew so big that it simply fluttered off. I think my breasts were a little larger again. With my overall height changing so frequently, it was a little hard to tell. When she gave me the kimono, I was almost certain it was a little tight around the bust.

?When we stepped outside of the shop, the first thing we noticed was a lot more women were around. And many of them reminded me of that transformed reporter I saw on the television. I caught sight of the Vorfith coming down the street, holding the Rubicon in his hands and cackling madly. He turned toward me and Vivi, who also seemed surprisingly on guard. He turned toward us, shouting, ?Power! The power to do as I wi~ll!? He aimed the Rubicon at us. My legs refused to move. Then Vorfith let out a howl of surprise as Milo sprang out of an alleyway and tackled him to the ground. I have to admit, it took balls to do something like that, especially since I?m sure he gets paid minimum wage. More importantly, the Rubicon sprang from the old wizard?s hands and fell to the street. It shattered and there was another brilliant glow like the one from earlier. I shielded my eyes, but it turned out to be unnecessary. When I opened them again, the wizard was gone, the Rubicon was gone, and the people it had transformed were back to normal, looking very confused. I?ll never forget that baffled look on Milo?s face as he moved his hands around, as if the wizard might have gone invisible, or that his eyes were misleading him, then looking up and seeing me standing across the street. He called out my name and walked over to me.

??Uh, are you here for the party?? he asked. I nodded. Then he noticed Vivi. ?Uh, are you her friend?? He still seemed a bit shaken about the whole wizard incident. I can?t blame him. A curious smile crossed Vivi?s face. She turned to look at me and asked, ?Trick or Treat??

??Uh,? I hesitated, unsure as to how to answer her question. I hoped for the best and said, ?treat?. She smiled and turned to Milo.

"?Kono?s been talking a lot about how she couldn?t wait to go out with you again. Do you work tomorrow?? Before Milo could answer, she interjected, ?No? Cool. Well, let me give you her address.? I started yelling at her to cut it out, but she handed it to him (note: I never told her exactly where I live). ?She?ll be ready around 5, she says?. Milo looked between her and me. And with that, Vivi smiled at me and said, ?Be sure to tell me how your date goes. I get the feeling you two might be seeing a lot more of each other.?

"Then, speaking in a tongue that translated only well into my head, she said, ?Good job keeping to the contract this year, Vance. Since you didn?t screw up, daddy says he won?t eat your soul. In fact, he is going to give you a special offer. Listen. I?ll let you turn into a girl at will and for every date you go on with your boyfriend,? I flushed at that word, ?over the next ten months, daddy will reduce your contractual obligation for that year by a full day. Go on 61 dates and you don?t even have to show up for Halloween. What do you say??

?This was it. My opportunity to say ?no?. Who knows what she and her father had up her sleeve? I hadn't even known she was that demon's daughter. I should refuse. I could just work those two months. Two months of crazy wizards, mad scientists, random anthropomorphic girls, bizarre shadows, ghosts, and who knows what else, trying to stick to arbitrary rules that I admit I don't even completely understand? So, on second thought, I agreed.

?After that, I went home, had some carrots for a late-night snack, and that was my Halloween.

"As I finish this entry, it's getting close to 5. I guess Milo's going to be here soon. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I need to keep focus. I can do this. Just this date and 60 more, or 6 dates a month, and maybe next year, I?ll have a normal, happy Halloween.?
Now accepting story commissions.

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My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":

Last edited by GearRyu; 11-01-2009 at 04:27 PM.
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Unread 10-31-2009   #2
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

No sex or erotic tension? T_T
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Unread 10-31-2009   #3
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

Originally Posted by reverendo View Post
No sex or erotic tension? T_T
LOL its good to see a TG tale that is truly light hearted like that. The sex can be good and everything but a lot of stories tend to focus on solely that to the exclusion of everything else. It eventually gets boring reading stories where it is essentially a guy getting turned into a girl and then having sex multiple times.. and then it ends
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Unread 10-31-2009   #4
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

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My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

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Unread 10-31-2009   #5
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

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My TG/BE/TF/SW story, "The Reluctant Salesman":

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My TG/BE Story, "Incubusted":

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Unread 10-31-2009   #6
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

Very cute and enjoyable story . Thanks for sharing it.
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Unread 10-31-2009   #7
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

Looking forward to more of this.
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Unread 10-31-2009   #8
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

I envisioned it as a one-shot, just a quick project for Halloween. I wrote and edited the entire story in one week. All 28 pages. I originally planned for about 6. If people really like the characters and themes, I'll probably extend it to another story dealing with the dates and the reason behind them.

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
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Unread 11-01-2009   #9
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

Nice story. My one complaint is that you said on October 5 that Vivi came by to visit again, but you never mentioned her name in her initial visit so I was a little puzzled who you were talking about.

With that exception, it was an error-free story, and a lot of fun to read. Great and timely. Well done.
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Unread 11-01-2009   #10
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

Glad you enjoyed the story! I'm always happy to hear back from the community. Whew, what a busy week of writing ^.^

Check out the entry for September 16th. Vance notes that her calls herself Vivi. If that's her real name, nobody knows.
Now accepting story commissions.

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Unread 11-02-2009   #11
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Re: Story - The Reluctant Salesman

this was a great story i really liked it
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