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Unread 07-24-2018   #1
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The Island


Lorie didn’t know how she got into this position. Try as she might, nothing made sense to her. She was just an unknown reporter for a small newspaper in a small town. Just how did she get an interview with one of the wealthiest men in the world? And exclusive interview! Everybody at the paper wanted to know how she did it. Even the chief editor, Thomas Meadows, wanted to know. She didn’t tell them anything. How could she, when even she didn’t know how she did it. It was only later that she found out how she got the interview.

She got it by being Jonathan Bellsworth’s high school classmate.

Lorie barely remembered the name. She had to go home and open her high school yearbooks to get a reminder. Even then, she didn’t recognize the name. She didn’t even recognize the face. They didn’t share the same social circles. They didn’t have any classes together. Nor did they share the same clubs. So, how did he know who she was? And why did he choose her to interview him? Those would be the first questions she asked him when she saw him. Until then, she would try to relax.

She looked around. Lorie was sitting in the main room of a very large yacht. She didn’t what type only that it was big and expensive. The room was tastefully decorated. The furniture looked expensive without being tacky. And, even though she was sitting by a window, nobody was sitting with her. It may have been the fact that she was the only normal looking person in the room. Scattered among the furniture, Lorie could see a tiger woman and her child, three fox people, a couple of bears, and six wolves. Only the child returned her smile. The others gave her looks of suspicion. She didn’t blame them. The public did not accept their choices. Mostly because of biased reporters.

With a sigh, Lorie turned back to the window. She started reviewing what she knew about Jonathan Bellsworth. By this point, she didn’t need her notes. Which was a good thing as she had left them in her room. Jonathan was born to Larry and Miriam Bellsworth. He was homeschooled until he was 16. His grandfather, Tobias Bellsworth a lawyer, had him emancipated at 14. They lived together until the grandfather died 2 years later. He started attending high school as a last request from his grandfather. By this time, Jonathan had several PhDs added to his name and several very lucrative patents. He was well past the high school level. Lorie thought the only reason the school even let him attend was because of all the buildings there were donated while Jonathan was there.

While he was at the school, Jonathan kept to himself. He did not try to make any friends and all that tried to be friendly to him, failed. It may be because they all were trying to get close to him because he was rich. Jonathan did not like suck-ups. Eventually, he allowed a few students to stay around him. They were mostly outcasts from the various groups in school. The ones who didn’t care about what you did or didn’t have but cared about who you were.

Jonathan also started a business while he was in school. Through his grandfather and other intermediaries, Jonathan was able to start a thriving genetic alterations business. At first, only the porn industry was interested. Nobody else was willing to believe he could do what he claimed. And even the porn industry wanted proof. He gave them proof.

Two young porn actors, Stacy Lidecker and Marvin Stucker, were his proof. Before he worked on her, Stacy wore a 34 B-cup bra. After he was done, she had a 74-inch bust. She still needed a 34-inch bra band, but nobody made cups big enough for her. Marvin grew an 18-inch penis. Both actors became very well known in the porn industry after that. The other actors beat a path to Jonathan’s door. It wasn’t too much longer that he branched out into the field of cosmetic surgery. It was there that he proved that he could do more than make penises and breast larger. He could also change the color of one’s hair and eyes. He could also darken skin color. Huge numbers of people availed themselves to his work. Even after he admitted that the changes in size were permanent.

It was the changes he made in the cosmetic surgery industry that kickstarted Jonathan’s fortune. With the money, he started a private project. Nobody knew what it was, but they knew that it was massive. He also began other businesses. Some of which were extensions of his original business. All, though, were related to his beginnings in cosmetic surgery. Now that she thought about it, Lorie believed that his private project went up too fast. Either he had started earlier than he said, or more resources had been put into it. She might just ask about that when she interviewed him. She dozed off before she could decide if she should ask him or not.

* *

Slowly Lorie became aware that something was staring at her. She had her eyes closed because she had been asleep, but now she was awake. She decided to keep her eyes closed and her breathing steady. She wanted to know if whoever it was would go away if she just lay there. It was boring just watching somebody sleep. After a minute or two, she realized that they weren’t going away. She opened her eyes to see who was staring at her. She screamed.

In front of her was a tiger. Lorie jerked her head back. There was a loud crack as her head smacked into the wall behind her. She grabbed her head as stars exploded in her vision. As she curled up in pain, she was vaguely aware of excited voices surrounding her. Slowly the stars and the throbbing in her head faded.

“Are you alright,” she heard as she started to straighten out.

“Yes,” Lorie shakily answered. “It’s not the first time I banged my head.”

“Good,” the voice answered. “Unfortunately, I’m going to ask you to stay in your room for the rest of the trip.”

Lorie was shocked. “Why?” she cried as she opened her eyes. She found herself staring at the ship’s first-mate. He had the features of a walrus. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You’re causing a disturbance,” the first-mate said. “We hold the right to put anybody who is causing a disturbance in seclusion. If you don’t like it, we could put you in the brig.”

“Now hold on just a minute,” a feminine voice growled. Both Lorie and the first-mate turned toward the speaker. It was the tiger woman. She was glaring at the first-mate.

“It was my daughter, Crystal, who caused all this,” she continued. “All this woman was doing was sleeping. Crystal was curious about her and snuck over to look at her. By the time I noticed she was gone, it was too late. The woman woke and found herself nose to nose with Crystal.”

“So, waking up and finding herself face to face with a little girl was enough to make her scream,” the first-mate asked suspiciously. Lorie could tell he wanted her to be at fault. Why, she could not guess. She had been nothing but polite the whole trip.

“No,” the tiger said with an eye roll. “Waking up face to face with a tiger was enough to make her scream. Wouldn’t you?” The tiger woman opened her purse and showed the first-mate something. “Now, I know you want to keep the peace, but you didn’t even ask anybody what happened. I’d hate for word of your behavior to get out.”

The first-mate swallowed. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “I just over reacted. Stress, you know.” With that, he turned and walked away. Whatever that woman showed him was effective.

“Thank you,” Lorie told the woman.

“Don’t mention it,” the woman replied. “If Crystal hadn’t scared you, this wouldn’t have happened.” She held out her hand. “My name’s Sarah. And you’ve already met Crystal.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Lorie answered as she shook Sarah’s hand. “My name is Lorie. . .”

“Lorie Riverton,” interrupted Sarah. “We all know who you are.”

“How,” asked Lorie. “I know I’m not a famous reporter. So how do you know my name?”

Sarah sighed. “Reporters don’t’ have a good reputation here, as you well know.” Lorie nodded. “Well, when we heard that Mr. Bellsworth actually invited a reporter here, we were a bit, peeved.”

“So, you researched me,” Lorie stated. “I’d do that in your place.”

“Exactly. A lot of people are upset that you’re here. They’ll put anything you do in as negative light as they can.”

“Great,” Lorie said as she sat down. “Any idea on how I can change that?”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” Sarah replied. “The ones who actually talk with you will know that you’re a kind woman. You can’t help those who’ll judge you without meeting you.”

Lorie closed her eyes with a groan. “How am I going to interview Jonathan without everybody thinking I’m going to twist his words?”

“Maybe if you interview others,” suggested Sarah. “That could help.”

“Only on the island itself,” Lorie firmly said. “And only after they give me their permission. Anything else wouldn’t be right.”

“Keep that attitude,” Sarah said. “That will help things.” Just like that, the two women started chatting.

As they chatted, Lorie kept an eye on the other passengers. Now that she was watching them, she could tell that they were tense around her. That tension eased as they continued to talk. Sooner than she expected, the trip came to an end. She and Sarah went to their respective rooms the gather their bags. Lorie took her time as Sarah had given her some good ideas to think about. She even volunteered herself for an interview. Lorie wanted to take Sarah’s interview, but she wasn’t sure what her schedule would be. When she admitted this to Sarah, she was told to give her a call if she had the time to take her interview.

As Lorie had taken her time, she was one of the last to disembark. She was surprised to find that Sarah and Crystal were waiting for her. “You didn’t have to wait for me,” she said.

“I wanted to,” Sarah said. “Besides, Crystal has something she wants to say.” She nudged her daughter forward.

Crystal stepped forward a couple of steps with her head down. After a moment, she raised her head and looked at Lorie. “I’m sorry for scarring you,” she softly said. “I didn’t mean to. I was just curious.”

“That’s alright, sweetie,” Lorie replied. She really couldn’t stay angry at such a cute face. “Just remember, you shouldn’t get so close to a sleeping person. You never know how they’ll wake up.”

“That is something you really should remember,” Sarah told her daughter. “Not too many people react well to having a tiger in their face when they wake up.” Crystal only hid behind her mother. “Kids.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Lorie said. “I don’t have any at this time. I may have some in the future. If I find the right guy, that is.”

“I hope you find him.” Sarah looked at Lorie’s 3 pieces of luggage. “Is that all your bags,” she asked. She continued when Lorie nodded. “Well, throw them on my cart. I can’t believe they didn’t offer you anything to carry them with.”

Lorie shrugged as she put her bags on Sarah’s cart. “I sort of expected it,” she said. She agreed with Sarah, but she didn’t want to get anybody in trouble. “You know reporters aren’t the most liked people around here.”

“While that is true,” Sarah said as they started walking towards the admittance center. “That’s still not an excuse. Common curtesy and professionalism are things you know!”

“If you feel that strongly about it, the report it. I don’t care either way.”

“You bet I will,” Sarah all but yelled. “You may be a reporter, but you were invited here by Mr. Bellsworth himself. That alone should have told them you were different. Besides, anybody who actually spent time around you would have noticed the same thing.”


Sarah’s and Lorie’s heads snapped around to look at the person who just grabbed their attention. Both women gasped at the site. Although, for different reasons. Sarah gasped because she recognized the female standing there. Lorie gasped because she found herself face to face with the largest pair of breasts she had ever seen.
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Unread 09-03-2018   #2
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Re: The Island

Chapter 2

Lorie stared at the breasts. She knew she should stop, but she couldn’t. Not only were these breasts huge, they were right at eye level. How tall was this woman? The snapping in front of her face broke her focus and she shifted her gaze up. It was slow going. Those breasts really tried to hole her attention. But she persevered and was rewarded when her gaze met the breasts owner’s face.

“Y-you’re,” stammered Lorie.

“Yes, me,” smiled the woman. “I’m Annalina Jager. But I think you already know that.”

Lorie did know who she was. Annalina Jager was a world-famous Dutch supermodel. But, three years ago, she suddenly announced that she was retiring. She then vanished. Nobody could find her or what happened. There was a lot of speculation on what happened to her. But not one of them even came close to this. She didn’t think anybody would have guessed that she had came here of all places.

“Why did you come here,” Lorie blurted out. She slapped her hands over her mouth as her face heated from the furious blush. She had not meant to say that. Some reporter she was.

Annalina just laughed. “Don’t worry. I get that a lot. It’s usually one of the first questions people aske me when they see me.”

“One of the first questions?”

“Yeah.” Annalina pushed a strand of her blonde hair back behind a pointed ear. “They also ask me why I’m a centaur.”

“Why you’re a centaur,” Lorie repeated as she lowered her gaze to Annalina’s waist. Lorie’s mouth dropped, and her eyes bulged. From the waist down, Annalina was a horse. Not a human with horse features. But a whole horse. How did she miss that!? Annalina’s horse body was a glossy white. Her tail was a golden blonde. It perfectly matched her hair.

“B-but I thought they only made anthromorphic mods,” stuttered Lorie.

“I’m the first centaur,” Annalina said proudly. “Already there are people asking for the same mod. As long as everything remains stable, I won’t be the only centaur.”

“How will you know that everything remains stable,” Lorie asked. Her reporter’s side was making itself felt.

“Well, when my boyfriend finishes up cooking,” Annalina said. “We’ll try to get me pregnant. As long as my body only reacts to the pregnancy, then we’re stable.”

“When your boyfriend finishes cooking?”

“Yeah,” Annalina answered with a smile. “He’s undergoing his mod. It’ll be another eight months before he’s finished. Then, if he proves stable, we’ll try to get me pregnant.”

Lorie was stunned. She was, possibly, talking to the mother of a new race of beings. One created here on Jonathan’s island. Sure, it was inspired by legends. But legends were meant to inspire people. A sudden thought popped into her head. “How did you get here so quietly?”

The centaur pointed at her hooves. “I’m wearing rubber booties,” she said. “They really cut down on the noise. I know they’re not horseshoes. I just can’t stand the thought of someone hammering nails into my hooves.”

Annalina looked around. “Look,” she said. “We can stand her talking if we want. But I think Sarah and her daughter have places to be.”

Startled, Lorie turned toward the two tiger people. She had forgotten about them. “I’m sorry Sarah,” she said. “When I saw Annalina, I completely forgot about you.”

Sarah waved the apology away. “Don’t worry. I understand. She is a shock to first time you see her. And we can wait on you. I’m still upset that there was nobody her to meet you.”

“There wasn’t,” Annalina asked. “I was told there would be somebody here.”

“There wasn’t,” Sarah growled. “I’m thinking about going to the center and give them a piece of my mind.”

“I have a better idea,” smiled Annalina. It wasn’t a nice smile. “I’ll tell Charlette. That’ll teach them not to ignore visitors.”

Sarah laughed. “That’s a wonderful idea,” she said. “That will be a lesson they will not forget.”

“I don’t want to cause any trouble,” Lorie said. “I know that reporters aren’t welcomed here.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Sarah firmly said. “They did when they didn’t have anybody here to meet you.”

“That’s right,” said Annalina. “As for reporters not being welcomed here, you were invited by Jonathan himself. So, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Now that we have that settled,” Sarah said as she rubbed her hands together. “Let’s get those bags moving. I’m sure Lorie would like to get settled in before she begins interviewing people.”

“Did they at least unload your luggage,” Annalina asked Lorie.

“They did,” Sarah answered for the reporter. “They’re on my cart.”

“Good. Then we can get going.” The three women and one girl started walking. Lorie, being the only unmodified human, started to fall behind. She couldn’t match Annalina’s speed, or Sarah’s and Crystal’s stamina.

“This won’t do,” Annalina said when she noticed Lorie falling behind. They were only halfway to the admittance center.

“I’m sorry,” Lorie said. “I’ll speed up.”

“No, you’re a guest,” Annalina said. “I have something else in mind.” With that, the centaur grabbed Lorie by the waist, lifted her, then placed her on own back. “There. Now you can ride. You do know how to ride horses, don’t you?”
Lorie, sat, frozen on Annalina’s back. Until she started to slip. Then she scrambled to keep her seat. “No,” she said nervously. “I’ve never ridden a horse before. Are you sure I should be on your back?”

“As I’m the one who put you there,” Annalina said. “Yes. If anybody has a problem with it, they can take it up with me. Or Charlette. I’m sure she’ll love to know why I’m carrying you.”

“I don’t want to cause any trouble,” Lorie said.

“Again, you’re not,” Sarah said. “In the early days of furry mods, reporters got a bad rep with us because most of them put their own slant on the interviews. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, understand why people would want to modded this way. They kept trying to make us look like a cult, or a bunch of loonies. Or worse, sex addicts. That’s not to say a lot of furries got modded so they could have sex as their furry self. But furry culture is more than that.”

“I don’t understand furry culture,” Lorie said. “And I freely admit it. I also don’t see anything wrong with it. You’re not causing trouble. Most of you just want to live your lives in peace. As long as you do that, you’ll have no problem from me.”

Annalina nodded to what Lorie had said. “If anybody’s causing trouble,” she said. “It’s those who aren’t giving you a chance. How many gave you dark looks or jumped to the wrong conclusion on your trip over?”

“Most of the passenger and just about all of the crew,” Sarah answered when Lorie didn’t. “The first mate even tried to blame her when my Crystal scared her. Like most people wouldn’t scream when they wake to a tiger in their face.”

Annalina snorted, then laughed causing Lorie to hug Annalina’s body with all four limbs. “She didn’t,” the centaur gasped.

“She did,” giggled Sarah. “Of course, when Lorie screamed, Crystal learned why you don’t get that close to a sleeping person. Especially when you look like a tiger.” Lore and Crystal looked at each other and blushed.

Thirty minutes later, Lorie was shaking her hand in wonder. Once the group had gotten to the admittance center, Annalina became all business. She had the employees quaking in their boots. She ripped into them about their poor service. They were running around trying to placate the centaur, but she wasn’t having it. She even threatened to bring Charlette into it. Lorie didn’t know who Charlette was, but she could tell that the mere thought of the woman getting involved terrified the people at the center.

Now the group was walking toward the island’s center. Lorie wasn’t walking. She was riding Annalina at her insistence. There Lorie would be staying in the suite of rooms set aside for her. Unless they came here for modding, visitors were put in rooms scattered around the island. Since Lorie had been invited, she got to stay in the resident area. “Don’t you think you were a little rough on them,” Lorie asked Annalina.

“No,” Annalina replied. “While you may be a reporter, you were invited by Mr. Bellsworth. That alone should have told them something.”

“She’s right, you know,” Sarah said. While she and Crystal could have gone ahead of the others, she decided to wait for them. The smile she had while Annalina was berating the employees told Lorie why she decided to wait. “You have been very polite this whole time. The only person I’ve seen you ask questions is Annalina.”

“Speaking of,” said Annalina. “Where are your tools? You don’t even have your phone out.”

“Because I’m not interviewing anybody,” Lorie answered. “I only planned on interviewing Jonathan. And I’ll do that at when he’s ready.”

“So the questions you asked me?”

“Those were me trying to understand you,” Lorie said. “I don’t know why any of you want to be the way you are. Some furries have tried to explain it, but I just don’t get it. In a way, you remind me of some strippers. Some of them have get huge breasts, or butts, to fill a niche. Others do it because they see it as part of their job. But, you don’t have that particular motivation.” She sighed. “You puzzle me. But not as a reporter. I try to keep my professional life and my personal life separate. That way, I’ll only report the facts. Hopefully, unbiased.”

“Well, you have my vote,” Sarah said. “If more reporters were like you, furries would have a better reputation with the general public. As it is, most think we’re a bunch of freaks. I’ll admit, there are some of us who the rest would rather just disappear. But all groups can say that. The rest of us, are just normal people who just want to live our lives. We just happen to have fur and other animal features.”

“You know, I can arrange for you to be able to talk to others beside Jonathan,” Annalina said. “If anyone can give an unbiased report on us, it’s you.”

“That’s up to you,” Lorie said. “And anybody who decides to talk to me. I will not force anyone. I’m a guest here. But why would you do that?”

“Because our story does need to be told.” Annalina said. “With what you said, I believe you can do it. I want to help you do it. I’ll talk to Charlette and see if she approves. If she does, she’ll talk to Jonathan and convince him to allow it. That is, if he’s against it in the first place.”

“Alright,” Lorie said. “You’ve pricked my curiosity. Just who is this Charlette you keep mentioning. Just her name is enough to scare people here and now I hear she may be able to change Jonathan’s mind. How can she do that?”

“I thought you knew,” Annalina said. “You went to school with both of them. Didn’t you?”

“Both of them?”

“Jonathan Bellsworth and Charlette Alberton,” Sarah said. “Charlette is Jonathan’s wife.

Lorie fell off Annalina’s back.
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Unread 09-27-2018   #3
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Re: The Island

Looking forward to chapter three
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Unread 11-07-2018   #4
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Re: The Island

Chapter 3

“Are you alright,” Annalina asked the fallen woman. She was concerned for Lorie’s safety. She was not a small centaur.

“Charlette Alberton is Jonathan’s wife!” Lorie exclaimed from the ground. “The head cheerleader of our high school football team? The girl who said she’d rather die than date a nerd? That Charlette Alberton?”

“Well,” Annalina said. “I wouldn’t know about that. But, if she’s the one you’re talking about, then yes.”

Lorie stared at the centaur as Sarah helped her up. Then she burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that her legs were not able to support her. Sarah and Annalina gave each other a look as the woman laughed hysterically. Neither had any idea what was so funny about Charlette marrying Jonathan.

After a couple of minutes, Lorie finally laughed herself out. “Oh man,” she said. “I hadn’t laughed that hard in years.” She stifled a giggle. “To think, those two got married.”

“What’s so hard to believe about that,” asked Annalina. “They love each other.”

“Maybe now,” Lorie replied. “But when they first met, she hated him. Jonathan didn’t give Charlette the time of day back in high school. And she couldn’t stand it.”

“That doesn’t sound like the Charlette I’ve heard of,” Sarah said. “Are you sure it’s the same person?”

“Not really,” shrugged Lorie. “But I’m willing to bet it is. I’ll know for sure once I meet her. If I meet her, that is. There’s no guarantee that she’ll want to meet me.”

“Why wouldn’t she want to meet you,” a curious Sarah asked. “She usually meets all the important visitors to the island.”

“I’m not important.”

“Lorie,” Annalina said. “You are the first reporter to be invited here. I’d say that makes you important.”

“Any competent reporter who remained respectful could do this,” Lorie demurred. “There has to be another reason why I, not someone else, was invited.”

“Could it be that they’ve followed your career,” Annalina said. “That they are impressed with it?”

“I’m the second reporter in a small town,” Lorie stated. “I don’t have much of a career to follow.”

“You may have more than you know,” Sarah said. “How else can you explain how you got invited”

Lorie opened her mouth but didn’t say anything. As much as she wanted to argue with them, she couldn’t. “Let’s talk about something else,” she said.

“Would you like a tour of the island,” Annalina asked with a chuckle.

“That’s allowed?”

“I don’t see why not,” Annalina said. “You are a guest here. I know all of our guests can have a tour if they want.”

“The farms are a must,” put in Sarah. “You won’t believe how much they can grow there.”

“And the animals are cute,” Crystal suddenly said. “But they won’t let me pet them.”

“The farmers or the animal,” Lorie asked.

“The animals,” huffed Crystal.

“That’s because you smell like a predator,” Sarah said. “You are part tiger, you know.”

“But I won’t eat them,” Crystal protested. “I like my meat cooked.”

“But the animals don’t know that,” Lorie said. “To them, you are a dangerous beast coming to eat them.”

“But I want to pet them,” Sarah whined with a pout.

“I know you do sweetheart,” Sarah told her daughter. “But the animals just don’t like us. But we’ll keep trying and one day, we’ll be able to pet them.”

“I think I know of a way you might be able to pet them,” Lorie said after a moment.

“You do?” Crystal excited asked.

“Yes,” Lorie said. “Now, it may not work, but it’s worth a shot. All you have to do is not eat meat for a few weeks.” She stopped and looked at Sarah. “It won’t hurt her to do that, will it?”

“No meat?” Crystal asked. She then turned to look at her mother.

“Not eating meat for a few weeks shouldn’t hurt her,” Sarah said. “We can eat anything an unmodified human can eat.” She hugged Crystal. “If it helps, I can join you. It would be nice to pet the animals instead of them running away from us.”

“Remember, you don’t have to do this,” Lorie reminded the child. “There could be other ways to get the animals to let you pet them.”

“I’ll think about it,” Crystal grumbled.

“She really likes her meats,” Sarah said as she hugged Crystal.

The group came to a crossroads. “This is where we part ways for now,” Sarah said. “Crystal, tell Lorie and Annalina goodbye.” She took Lorie’s bags off her cart and handed them to the centaur. “Please tell me when you want to interview me.”


“Well, you are a reporter,” Sarah stated. “So, eventually you’ll want an interview with somebody who’s been modded. When that happens, it would be best if you interviewed somebody who was already comfortable with you. So, again, when do you want to interview me? Oh, and you can ask Crystal some questions too. I’m sure your readers would like to know how it is growing up modded. Or, at least their children would.”

“I was only invited her to interview Jonathan,” Lorie reminded the tiger woman. “Not anybody else. And who, besides you, would want to be interviewed. I remember the past ones and they were not nice to those people.”

“I’m sure we can find others,” put in Annalina. “You were invited here, remember. That, and Charlette’s word, should go a long way to comforting people.”

Lorie looked at Sarah who nodded. “I still think you guys are overestimating things,” she said.

“I think we’ll surprise you,” Sarah said. “Either way, we’ll have to wait until you’re ready to take interviews. Until then, you have a good time here.” She and her daughter started walking down another path.

“I’ll take you to your rooms at the Visitor’s Center,” Annalina said. “You can unpack your bags and refresh yourself. Later, I or somebody else will escort you to dinner. Unless you want to eat in your room, that is.”

“I’d rather not eat in my room,” Lorie said. “That would give the wrong impression.” She thought for a moment. “Do you have good places to eat?”

“We do have a few places,” Annalina said. “A restaurant or two, and some diners. This island is more than a business. It’s a community.”

One hour later, Lorie was standing in her assigned suite. It was a lot more than she was expecting. A bathroom bigger than her bedroom back home, a huge bedroom, a small kitchen, and a front room. The front room had a large HD television, the latest game systems and a surround sound stereo system. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear they were trying to bribe her. She didn’t think that, there was nothing she could give them.

There was a knock on her door. “Come in,” she said.

The door opened to show a wolf modded woman. She stood a little taller than Lorie, not counting her ears. She was wearing tan shorts and a beige shirt. Her fur was charcoal gray. For some reason, Lorie looked at the woman’s feet. She wasn’t wearing shoes as her feet were shaped like paws. “Hi,” the woman said. “My name is Linda. I’ll be your guide.”

“I need a guide,” Lorie asked.

“Yes,” answered Linda. “You’re getting a tour of the island. For that you need a guide. Unless you don’t want me?”

“No, no. You’re fine,” Lorie hastened to assure the woman. “I just wasn’t expecting a tour. With how reporters in the past have been.”

Linda’s ears drooped. “Yeah. They haven’t been good to us here. But they came here looking for scandal. You were invited here. I doubt you’ll be looking for anything bad.”

“No. I’m just here to interview Jonathan. Once I’m done, I expect I’ll be rushed off the island.”

“Why would we do that? You seem like a nice person.”

“The history of reporters on this island. If I was you, I would allow only a select few reporters here. And then, their stay would be limited. Too many reporters are looing for that big story. They often forget that people make the story. Without them, there is no story.”

Linda nodded. “That is so true,” she said. “So, are you ready for your tour? If you’re still unpacking, I can come back later.”

“I can go now,” Lorie said. “I didn’t pack all that much so there wasn’t that much to unpack.”

“Perhaps you can buy some clothes at the stores here,” Linda asked.

“That depends on what they have,” Lorie replied. “I believe most of the clothes here will be for, um, modded people.”

“You’d only have to be careful of pants, shorts, skirts, and panties,” Linda said. “Some of us have tails, so those items reflect that.”

Lorie caught herself as she started to lean to the side. She blushed as Linda caught her eye. “Sorry,” she said. “That was rude.”

“No problem,” laughed Linda. “You were only curious. I don’t have a tail. Not all of us want them. They tend to limit your sitting choices.”

“I can see that,” Linda nodded. “Alright, we’ve talked her long enough. Let’s go tour the island. The sooner the people her see me, the sooner the rumors can be put down. And don’t you say there won’t be any. You know there will be.” The two women left the suite.
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