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Unread 02-15-2014   #1
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New story. Sin City Zoo

Sin City Zoo
The American Dream

The low beat of background music began playing as the curtain parted. Audrey Timmins stepped out onto the runway, this was her favorite part. Her full length fur coat (her favorite outfit) was wrapped around her tightly to extenuate her figure. The crowd was silent and attentive as she made her way to the end of the stage. The announcers mic tactfully cut into the music. “Alright guys the lady you’ve all been waiting for, Squirrely!” Audrey stripped the coat in one smooth motion revealing she had nothing on under neath but a matching pare of fur panties. Audrey spun around the poll on center stage as the crowd erupted into cheers and whistles. Ok now the part she wasn’t so crazy about. Audrey arched her back against the poll and eased her hips allowing the intentionally to big novelty underwear to slide off now that nothing but fur against her smooth skin held them up. The squirrel tattoo on her hip that had got her this head line bit job showed for all the world to see. Audrey never let her reluctance show in her fake smile as she continued her dance, she was a professional, Audrey Timmins was a Las Vagus Stripper.

As Audrey twirled on the pole she mentally reviewed how her life had ended up like this. At a young age Audrey had left home to attend dance school. Audrey loved to dance and preform and her days at school taught her all forms of dance from ball room to break dance. However already in her teens Audrey was not cut out to compete with the Olympic level tumblers or the ballerinas that had been dancing since shortly before they could walk. Audrey tried out for several prestigious jobs, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, entertainment dance groups and even TV and film bits. The result was not what she expected, Audrey was of average if not short height with long flowing dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and an athletic body. She had hoped that her above average DD breasts would sway employers away from the bleach blond Barbies that dominated the industry but with plastic surgery now a days her only advantage was common place and when she died her hair she only stood out for being the shortest blond in the room. So pennyless Audrey had to make a choice every girl in her situation had to make. Ether get a job as a waitress and flush your dreams of performing on stage down the toilet or if you have the body for it, strip.

Audrey walked the room after her dance pulling drinks and lap dances to make a living. The exotic dance industry was not the dream job she, like so many naive young girls thought it could be. She had to pay a stage fee to dance, tipping the bouncers so she didn’t get raped in the parking lot, tipping the Dj so she could get the music she practiced to, and renting the wardrobe she wore on stage. Even though she got a small bonus for her specialty show she pretty much broke even on her budget most nights. And, lets not forget with so many girls in the industry she only got to work a few hours, four nights a week. So as Audrey ground on the knee of a very drunk twenty something in the dance booth she went over again why she kept this job. Well I’m safe, she thought, I have steady if not much work, I don’t have to allow any drunk to touch me or I can have him tossed out, and oh yeah, I don’t know how to do anything but dance. She spun in his lap and grabbed ether side of the guys head and rising on her feet while straddling him to press his face into her cleavage. One one thousand, Two two thousand, Three three thousand, “okay stud, Fifty bucks.” she said. She’d be lucky to see ten of it after everyone got a piece.

Audrey stepped out the back door of the club and headed toward her Audi in view of the giant of a bounce that worked the door. A whip thin man in a fancy business suit approached her and called out. “Excuses me Miss Timmins?” The bouncer at the door gave her a questioning look but Audrey waved him off. If this person knew her real name he wasn’t a patron of the bar. “Yes?” she answered. “Hello Miss Timmins my name is Mel Kingsley. I represent a company named Consumac Industries and would like to speak to you about a job offer my bosses are interested in giving you.” “Consumac? Audrey said. Isn’t that a pharmaceutical company?” “Actually my firm handles business for a sister branch of the company, the entertainment branch.” Kingsley said. “Consumac has a strip club?” Audrey asked skeptically. “Well it’s actually a sort of special interest thing for high rollers and V.I.P. s in the city. If your interested I’d be glad to give you some of the details at my office tomorrow.” He said offering a card. “Well what kind of job is it may I ask?” “I’m afraid I can’t speak of it in public, because of the fact we cater to so many celebrities an rich business men discretion is of the utmost importance.” “Ok, Audrey said hesitantly, I’m off tomorrow and I could come over.” “Excellent.” Mr. Kingsley said and made small talk as he walked her to her car.

Audrey flopped down on her tiny bed in her tiny apartment. “Fits my tiny life.” Audrey muttered. Audrey’s cat Baxter jumped up on the bed and snugged under her arm putting his head against her chest. “You’re the only guy who gets to do that for free.” She muttered ruefully and he meowed in response. Audrey had not had a steady man for years now. Every now and then she’d hook up with some guy but it was always one of those, just wanted to bang a stripper types. So Consumac is hiring dancers? Audrey thought. “If this turns out to be some laugh at the stupid stripper TV show I’m counting on you to lay on my face and put me out of my misery.” She said rolling over and resting Baxter on her stomach. “Still, maybe they’re paying well.” She said optimistically and began drifting off to sleep.

The office of Kingsley, Fulmar, and Hope was a small but fancy building in the financial district away from the flash and dazzle of the strip this is where the real magic of Vagus starts. Audrey had dressed appropriately for her meeting, she was a stripper not a whore, but in this busy law office she felt under dressed, the closest thing to her jeans and blouse was a guy walking by without the jacket to his suit.

Mr Kingsley welcomed her in and to have a seat. “Well I imagine you have lots of questions and I’ll try my best to answer them but you must understand that due to the nature of the job we’re offering I am required to be a bit vague about the details until you have singed a confidentiality agreement that comes with accepting the job.” “Well can you tell me what will be expected of me? No offence but with all this secrecy if this all involves prostitution or a brothel, legal or not, I want nothing to do with it.” Audrey said. “A fair suspicion under the circumstances, Kingsley said with a grin, but I assure you not only will you not have to engage in intercourse for your job but it is strictly prohibited during business hours and only after hours under specific criteria.” Kingsley assured her. “You see you have been offered this job because of your dance background mainly. Exotic dances are, if you’ll excuse me, a dime a dozen in this city but ones with actual dancing skill without a pole are rare. You will be hired as a performer who strips not a stripper who dances. Among your responsibilities will be doing solo shows once a month, group performances, and a special head line show down the road to show case your talent.”

Audrey was thrilled to hear this but it still seemed there was a catch. “So what exactly makes this place any different from other exclusive clubs if everything is so legit?” She asked. “Well as you pointed out Consumac is primarily a pharmaceutical company. Kingsley said. The entertainment branch was made to fund research and it uses the full resources of the pharmaceutical branch to provide entertainers that can not be found anywhere else on earth. I can assure you however the treatment only affect our employees during work hours, the effects of the treatment ware off after your shift.” “And what is this place’s specialty?” Audrey asked. “Well like I said I can’t go into specifics but the club is called The Zoo and it only caters to the wealthy and influential.” Kingsley said. “The Zoo? Classy name.” Audrey said. “I know but you must understand when the rich are looking for something they can’t get anywhere else they come to this club.” Kingsley said.

“Now then, I know that pitch can be a little daunting so I’d like to explain the compensation for all this secrecy.” Ou the money. Audrey thought. “Right now you make standard wages for a dancer yes?” Kingsley asked and Audrey nodded. “So about four or five hundred a night? Our performers take home over one thousand dollars a night in just salary and with special services can clear five figures in a five day work week.” Audrey realized her mouth was hanging open and remembered to stay skeptical. “And your telling me theirs no whoring going on?” “Miss Timmins with the prices our clientele pay these wages are standard, the best I can offer is that it will all make sense if you agree to join.”

“I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss the agreement you would be signing if you did agree.” Kingsley said. “I’m afraid it is rather strict for not knowing the details. You will first be signing a confidentiality agreement that carries all the standard penalties should it be breached. The contract term is five years and all the details we’ve discussed will be expected of you.” “So your saying I’ve got to sign a contract saying I’ll work for five years and if I want out I get fined straight to hell?” Audrey asked, the sarcasm was starting to creep into her voice. “In so many words, yes.” Kingsley answered with an apologetic look. “How many people actually take that deal?” She asked. “Well not to many to tell the truth but I will provide you with all the paper work to go over with your own attorney and will wait as long as you need to make your decision.” Kingsley said.

When Audrey left she carried the folder of legal papers home along with thoughts of dread warring with the huge amounts of money promised. Audrey had never had a lawyer before but this was definitely the time to start and the next day after a quick search for the only lawyer she could afford (the cheapest in the city) she made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.

Roger Nebble frowned over the contracts laid out in front of him, at his prices he hadn’t seen documents this professional since he advised a drunk driver that crashed into a casino’s flower bed to throw himself on the mercy of the court. “Miss Timmins reading over this contract I advise you not to involve yourself in this. He said. The confidentiality section prevents you from even discussing your job unless your already in legal action against the company so you couldn’t go for help even to me, and with the penalties listed here only the super rich could battle this. For all you know you could all but be sell yourself into slavery and I could do nothing for you.” “But you looked up information about the company like you said you would over the phone right?” Audrey asked. “Aside from finding out that the entertainment branch does exist I could find nothing on they’re club, based on all this these are some serious players your involving yourself with.” He paused. “Miss Timmins may I be blunt? You are paying me for my opinion.” Audrey nodded. “I can tell you’re mind is already made up about taking this job, I can see the dollar signs floating around your head. If you really insist on taking this job please be careful, there’s no going back.” Audrey thanked Mr. Nebble and left his office with more doubts than answers.

Audrey had wandered down to the strip and was watching a parade for the opening of a new casino from one of the raised walkways above the street. The dancers at the head of the parade were all about the same age as Audrey had been when she first came to Vagus. Audrey sighed and looked down at her still fantastic but still twenty six year old body thought how screwed up this situation was. She was being offered piles of money and more importantly her dream of being a real performer like those girls down there and she was having doubts about signing her name. She could however end up in a real bad situation if things didn’t work out, so here she was. As she stared down at the dancers now taking bows before a cheering crowd fireworks started going off in the sky above. Audrey could just see the sign here line in the dim multicolored light and taking a deep breath scribbled her name on the dotted line.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #2
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Sin City Zoo
The Zoo

In the days leading up to Audrey’s first day she had to jump through a few hoops. Quitting her old job was awkward because she was instructed to give papers to her old boss that provided a huge settlement for stealing there talent. Jess, girls quit all the time for other jobs, it’s not like they owe them. Audrey thought. Next she had to sign papers to give Consumac full access to her medical records. Audrey didn’t blame them for checking, it was standard and responsible, but couldn’t they just take a blood test? What did they need with her full medical records? Next she had a phone interview with Mr. Kingsley to discuss the details of her work.

“Now I still can’t tell you everything until you first enter the club and your contract is official but work policy can be covered. First off because of the large prices charged no actual money is exchange between the entertainers and the clients. Each guest is issued a disposable charge card that keeps track of their bill. When you perform a service that is charged a server will come by and charge it to the guests card.” “Just how much are the prices for services and what would they be? This is all pretty vague” Audrey asked. “The standard lap dance is two thousand a song. Having any girl entertain your table for an hour is five hundred. And a one hour trip to the V.I.P. room is ten thousand, other charges can apply for special services but we can discus that later.” As Kingsley explained Audrey nearly dropped the phone. “Seriously?” She asked. “As I’ve said miss Timmins this club caters to the super rich and the entertainment is like nothing you can get anywhere else.”

“Now then, for the policy on working the room on regular business days. Your special costume will provide a certain amount of coverage so you have the option of going topless or not, however you will be required to ware a thong or some other form of lower undergarment when working in the public room. Before you ask I can’t go into any more specifics about your costume until your first night.” Audrey had wanted to ask about the costume but she’d be damned if she was working topless regardless. “Now as I’ve said all girls are required to entertain tables. This could consist of just sitting next to a client and participating in conversation or being the center of attention and having to entertain, it’s up to the client and your own people skills.” Audrey felt glad she would actually get to interact with people and entertain, most conversations at her old job were just a lead up to a dance.

“Our policy on lap dances is one of the things that chafes most experienced girls. Kingsley said. Because of the prices charged, our clients are permitted, for an extra charge of course, to touch to a certain degree during a dance.” Audrey began to protest but Kingsley cut her off. “Please let me explain. This is the feature that both makes The Zoo so popular and makes it possible for our dancers to take home such high pay. The client is only permitted to touch your legs, core body, and arms, all other touch is at your discretion. Each time they touch anywhere else, you keep track and at the end when the bill is settled you add the number of times to what he is charged. It is two hundred dollars a touch and this is one of the special charges I mentioned, you will have 75% of every occurrence added to you pay.” Audrey didn’t like this one bit, there was a sort of line that was made by the look don’t touch rule. “And if the client gets to grabby?” She asked. “You of course have the right to refuses touch going beyond the standard but I guarantee once you get a reputation for refusing you won’t get hardly any dances. However if your client touches in an unwanted way you can warn him and then have the bouncer remove him if needed like any normal club, your security is our top priority.” Audrey still didn’t like it but she began to think of the money she could make off just one really drunk business man and she supposed it may not be that bad.

“The next part is the V.I.P. room. As with dancing, our policy is more lax than most clubs. In the V.I.P. room, out side of intercourse which is forbidden, the line is where ever you wish to draw it. Each room is provided with a full private bar, toys, and all the usual comforts of an exclusive private room. As before bouncers are a word away and each room is monitored for your safety.” Audrey hated the V.I.P. room, it was where any creep with money hoped to get lucky. Audrey knew at some of the sleazier clubs girls actually did make cash deals for sex in the V.I.P. but not her. This all sounded about par though after hearing the touching rule and Audrey decided she would play it by ear.

“Now for the last major policy. Some girls feel that agreeing to more than entertaining will assure them better tips in the future.” “Sex.” Audrey interrupted. “Yes, well our policy of no prostitution prevents any dancer from charging a client and there are sever penalties for braking this rule. However should you feel the need to meet with a client after hours it must be free of charge and consensual between you and your guest, only then will the club will provide you a room on site for personal activities. It must be cleared with the manager himself during that night and should you wish to prolong your costume the charge comes out of your own pocket.” That last about the costume threw Audrey but there was no way she was having sex with a client, for future tips or otherwise. “That won’t be happening thank you.” She replied. “Well as far as how to work within these policies we have a girl who is willing to train you your first night and I promise things will be much clearer after you see the club, so if you have no further questions I can answer I’ll give you the information on where to meet me tomorrow night.” Kingsley said.

Audrey must have checked the address three times as she got farther and farther out of the city but her G.P.S. had lead her to what looked like an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. She would have turned around right there if not for the Bentley outside with a waiting Mr. Kingsley to assure her she had the right place. Ok it will be fine, if I don’t call Mr. Nebble in the morning he’ll find me through my cars G.P.S. This thought didn’t stop Audrey from palming her mini pepper spray as she got out of the car. “Miss Timmins good to see you. Mr. Kingsley said getting out of his car. I know what your thinking and it only looks like an abandon building to keep it secret. Please fallow me, oh and please don’t spray or taser me please”. He said grinning and pointing to her clenched hand. Audrey blushed but did not put away the spray.

Kingsley lead the way into a side entrance and trough the abandoned factory. Audrey could tell there was some amount of traffic through here by the path in the dust on the floor but it still looked like a set from a horror movie. Kingsley lead her to a rickety set of metal stairs going down and Audrey was sure she was going to die. “I promise it’s not much farther, as you can see it’s a good hiding place.” Audrey fallowed down the stairs and was surprised how far it was before they reached the bottom, there was a hallway of doors with single bare bulbs burning above them. There wasn’t power upstairs. She thought. Kingsley open a door ahead of her and light pored out into the hall. Audrey could not believe the contrast as she stepped up to the doorway of this well lit, well furnished room. A red carpet lead up to a big set of double doors. Comfortable chairs and fancy side tables lined the side along walls covered in art. Two huge security guards in black suits stood like statues on ether side of the door. Audrey slipped the spray into her pocket when she could manage to close her gapping mouth again. “Starting to trust a little?” Kingsley chucked. “Now Miss. Timmins this is the last time I can ask this. Are you sure you wish to be employed at Consumac entertainment, Las Vagus for a term of no less than five years?” “Yes.” Audrey answered. Kingsley nodded to the guards and they moved to open the doors. “Miss Timmins, welcome to The Zoo.”

When the doors opened Audrey couldn’t seem to process what she was seeing. The large ball room before her was the kind of thing you’d see in old movies where super rich parties were thrown. The walls were covered in fancy art and a gold sort of artful plaster work, the ceiling had to be three stories high, there was a big runway stage at the end with a brass pole going all the way to the ceiling, two smaller stages were on ether side of the large room. The room was full of comfortable looking booths and tables with men in suits drinking and talking but what confused Audrey was who they were talking to. At the nearest booth facing the door a very fat business man sat with what Audrey could only describe as a human cat sitting on his lap. Orange fur covered her from head to toe only changing color at a head of long blond human hair. Two cat ears poked out of her hair and Audrey realized she didn’t have ears on the sides of her head. A long tail curled around the mans neck and the tip tickled one ear as she whispered with sharp grinning teeth into the other. Her eyes remained human still but there natural green color stood out against the bright orange fur. Her face had taken on the cat like muzzle with whisker and her nails, though not claws, looked sharper. The even more amazing trait was that her still human breasts were enormous, nearly as large as basket balls and covered in a thin layer of orange fur that covered yet didn’t cover her leaving nothing to the imagination. She had no clothes save for a collar of some kind that had a sort of sheer silk warp attached to it and a thong that covered her (Audrey couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of the word) pussy.

Around the room more freakish animal women roamed. Birds with feathers of every color barely covering there exaggerated, beautiful curves and beaks where mouths should be. More cats, and even what looked like lizard scaled girls roamed between the tables making small talk and pulling dances like any other club. Up on stage a girl with a striking resemblance to Lassie a Colly dog girl twirled on the poll as she stripped a bra from her enormous tits. Audrey’s mouth hung open as an enormously fat woman waddled by who must have been almost as wide as she was tall. She wore a vest that barely contained her huge breasts and the thong she wore was all but swallowed by her nearly four foot wide ass. As she turned her head Audrey realized she was a Hippo by the famously shaped face. Audrey looked off into the room and saw a head up a good three feet higher than the crowd. “A Giraffe.” Audrey muttered and began to slump but the guard next to her guided her to a chair before she could faint.

“A lot to take in at first I know.” Kingsley said kneeling down in front of her. Audrey tried twice before she could stammer out the word. “How?” “Well like I said the Medical division of Consumac provides us a lot of resources. You see Consumac wishes to create a process that makes traditional plastic surgery obsolete, we have put lots of work into the process but so far it seems it’s vary easy to effect temporary change, even on a huge scale, but permanent change is a long way off. As you can imagine this kind of research is extremely expensive so we used what we had to invent the idea of a super high end entertainment club that could fund our projects. At first it was only the most obvious changes, large breasts, tight figures, but as research got farther on we came up with ways to make clubs like this with much more exotic themes. So the high secrecy we practice is only in part because we cater to celebrities and the rich, if the general public knew about all this, oh the legal scandal. But I assure you it’s all safe, a living costume if you will, let me show you.”

“Starling.” Kingsley called over to a brightly colored bird girl walking by and she made her way over. “Starling this is Audrey, she will be starting here tomorrow and I was wondering if you could show her the effects of our costumes here?” “Oh sure Mr. King.” The bird said in a human voice through her small pointed beak. She walked over to Audrey and Audrey sunk back into her chair. “Ha, no need to be scared sweety, under the feathers I’m all woman.” She lifted up the feathers on her hip and Audrey could see the human skin underneath, the feathers grew right out of her skin. “You’ll love it here.” She said, “The costumes are a little weird at first but I love my job and my new body.” She said warping wing like arms around her huge feather down covered chest. “Ok dear lets not scare her to much by groping away when she’s just starting to learn about the costumes.” Kingsley said. “Oh sorry boss, you will like it her though. She said to Audrey. It’s like no club I ever worked at.” “Thank you for your help dear.” Kingsley said. “Any time Mr. King.” Starling said tickling one feathered finger under his chin and walking off.

“So Miss Timmins do you need more time?” “I have to deliver you to Mr. Berman, he’s the manager here, or you’ll be later for your costume fitting with the Fluffer.” Audrey froze. “Costume?” “Fluffer?” She squeaked realizing she was now working here. “What am I going to be?” “Why your name sake of course.” Kingsley said. “You will be Squirrely.”
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Unread 02-15-2014   #3
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Sin City Zoo

Audrey fallowed Mr. Kingsley through a side door in the main room and into the backstage area. Kingsley walked through the already open door marked manager and greeted the man sitting behind the desk. “Ted how are you?” He asked in a friendly manner. “Mel good, good come on in.” The man smiled widely. Ok animal girls aside, a strip club manager that wasn’t a miserable prick? This place was different. Audrey thought. “Ted I’d like to present your new employee Audrey Timmins, Audrey this is Ted Berman the manager.” Ted came round the desk to shake her hand and only leered at her long enough to rank ass hole instead of creeper, Audrey decided she liked him. He was a big, burly man with a short fizzy white man fro from the seventy’s, some flashy oversized rings and a perpetual smile on his face. “So Mel’s shown you around our little club eh?” Ted asked. “Well it’s defiantly unique.” Audrey said awkwardly. “Unique?” Ted laughed. “Did she faint Mel? I wish I could have been there.” “Well I’ve got a meeting in the early morning so I’ll leave you with Mr. Berman here Audrey.” Mr. Kingsley said. “I very much look forward to your premier show tomorrow night.” Audrey shook his hand one last time and after he left took the seat Ted offered her at his desk.

“So Miss Timmins, May I call you Audrey?” Audrey nodded. “Before I hand you off to Evelyn. She’s the girl I got to train you tonight. I just wanted to go over some of the events we have here on a regular basis and some of the things expected of you.” Audrey nodded. “Well first off it’s Thursday tonight, tomorrow will be your big premier show. You will be doing the opening pole dance and for the rest of the night you’ll be giving lap dances at premium rates. Also you won’t have to go to the V.I.P. room till Saturday night, your first night is so you get to know the crowd.” Audrey agreed and listened on. “We’re closed on Sunday’s, the clientele really drops off, most of them are big business types and stock brokers so it’s not worth opening Sundays when the markets closed. Every Wednesday we hold Formal night, it’s our little stab at class. All the girls dress up in gowns and lap dances are swapped for floor dances but with your dance background you should be a hit. You’ll have to get fitted for a gown some time next week, probably Monday so you’ll get off a little early that night so you can be measured with your costume. Other than that the end of next week we’re having a specialty guest show, one of our girls from the Miami club.” ‘Busy schedule.” Audrey said. “Oh don’t I know it.” Ted laughed. “So any questions?” “Um, I was told I’d have to do my own special show?” Audrey asked. “Oh yes that’s the end of the month.” Ted said. “The whole show is entirely up to you so if you make it real good maybe you’ll be the next one on the road eh?” Audrey was trilled, her own show. “Now I should really get you to your costume fitting it’s getting late.” Ted said and Audrey fallowed him out.

“Um Sir?” Audrey asked nervously. “Please Ted.” Ted said as they walked down the hall. “Ted, Mr. Kingsley said something about a Fluffer?” “Oh some of our brand of humor.” Ted said. “Our Fluffer is in charge of distributing the medication for your costume, which is fluffy. She’s a fifty six year old retired nurse so don’t look so nervus.” He chucked and Audrey blushed. Ted stopped at a large double door marked Dispensary and said. “Evelyn should already be in there waiting for you, I can’t go in, no boys allowed. Besides I may not look it but I’m very busy, got to keep this place running.” He laughed. “Listen to all of the nurses instructions and Evelyn’s too. Have a good night.” Ted said heading back toward his office.

Audrey pushed open the door and stepped into what looked like a hospital ward. Medical equipment of all types right up to large machines lined the walls, far more than a standard nurses office would need. Guess they handle all there own work related injures too, not like you could take a girl to the vet if she broke an ankle. “Hi.” A voice said from across the room. A blond about the same height and proportions as Audrey had come around the corner of the offices dividing wall. In fact she looked surprisingly like Audrey only blond and had a southern accent. “Hi I’m Evelyn, you must be the new girl.” “Audrey.” Audrey replied. “You can tell each other you favorite color when your out of my office.” A voice from around the corner said. The woman in nurses scrubs that stepped around the corner and past Evelyn was definitely only in her fifty’s but the scrunched up scowl she had on her face gave her the look of an old tree root. “My name is Barbra and I’m going to be your attending nurse during your work hours, understand?” Audrey nodded.

“First off. Barbra said. It’s my job to make sure you get your one pill and only your pill each shift. Your pill is made specifically for you and won’t work, or could have bad side effects on anyone else, am I perfectly clear?” Audrey nodded again. No wonder they wanted my medical records. She thought. “Now I don’t think I need to tell you that should you feel discomfort in you costume or should you hurt yourself during work I need to know about it, you can’t exactly go into the ER covered in fur and expect to get an x-ray, that’s what this office is for.” Audrey couldn’t help it any longer. “Um, I’m sorry but did I do something wrong?” Audrey asked. “No girl I just got the same shafting you got when they hired me.” Barbra said. “I took a privet nursing job for a ridiculous amount of money thinking I’d be taking care of some rich old millionaire and I ended up a pill pusher to strippers at the worlds biggest freak show.” “Oh she bitchy but she grows on ya.” Evelyn said grinning, Barbra rolled her eyes.

“Strip.” Barbra commanded. “You can’t change in street clothes.” Finally an order Audrey was used to. She disrobed off to one side as Evelyn did the same. The nurse turned to her desk and handed Audrey a small pill case with Timmins printed on it, it was sealed with plastic. She tossed one to Evelyn to. “Ok over here by the mirror.” Evelyn prompted. “Do you want to watch me change first or you?” Audrey was nervous, this was it, she opened the case and held the large vitamin sized pill. “What do you change into?” Audrey asked. “Well I’m from Texas, obviously I play Annabel the cow girl.” Audrey immediately swallowed her pill, if she had to watch this oh so similar looking girl turn into a cow first they’d have to force feed her the damn thing. A little surprised at her reaction Evelyn said. “Ok, stand still and watch.”

Audrey stood staring at herself in the mirror her heart pounding. Nothing happened. Audrey stood there shivering and no fur, no change. Wait it was warm in here when I took my clothes off. Audrey thought. Goose bumps covered every inch of her skin and looking closer at the once smooth skin of her arm the bumps seemed to be to close together for her own hairs. Then Audrey could feel the millions of tiny, fine hairs sprout all over her in a tingling wave. Anywhere skin touched skin Audrey could feel a tickling sensation of fur rubbing together and it made her grin and squirm.

Then Audrey started to feel another sort of growth start. Audrey’s breasts began to swell straight out from her body. Audrey had always thought of herself as impressively busty but the size she was growing to now was impossible. Audrey started to back up as if she could get away from her own chest and Evelyn put a hand on her shoulder to steady her but the feel of someone touching her new fur made her shudder. As the swelling stopped Audrey’s breasts were easily the size of basketballs and impossibly, hung strait out perky and firm even at there huge size. They were so big they pressed together creating there own cleavage. Audrey gapped at herself in the mirror. There huge. Was the only thing she could think fallowed shortly after by, god they weigh a ton.

The changes did not stop there however. Sound started to fade from Audrey’s world and by the time the distraction of her chest wore off she was near deaf and started to panic. Evelyn stepped around in front of her and made a one minute sign and then made to suggest taking a deep breath. Audrey managed to suck in air in short panicked breaths and shortly after sound started to return to her but she felt a tickling on top of her head along with it. “It’s just your ears changin.” Evelyn said as Audrey’s hands parted her still human hair to reveal two small round ears growing out the top of her head. She could hear her hair rustle near them. “Oh that’s just weird.” She said and Evelyn laughed.

Audrey’s butt started to tingle and she looked down just in time to see it plump ever so slightly, no where near as huge as her breasts but still unwanted, she liked her tight ass. “What was that fo...” She cut off as she could feel more than see at first the last big change happening. Audrey felt her tail bone elongate and knew immediately what was coming. In a few minutes time Audrey had grown a tail almost as long as she was tall and as it grew it filled out with long soft fur and when it was finished was almost as wide as the rest of her body. “The ass helps balance the tail.” Evelyn said appreciably as she inspected Audrey.

Audrey stood shocked for a long moment at the full effect of her transformation. She was covered head to toe in soft brown fur nearly the same shade as her hair. Her face had taken on a smaller, squirrel like look, her nose was not as pointed but more small and rounded. She hadn’t noticed the change with so much else going on and after a quick check was glad she didn’t have buck teeth or something embarrassing like that. Some places on her body like her face, chest, and stomach her fur was shorter or just fuzz and trimmed in white. The fuzz in her monstrous cleavage was tickling her as her giant tits bounced and wobbled with all the movement of her normal bust while still somehow remaining firm and up right, she had to admit they felt fantastic, but a bit heavy. As she moved her legs and under her arms tickled to, it was a good thing she wasn’t naturally ticklish. Just then a thought came to her, she shot a glance at the two other women and then with some difficulty parted her huge breasts and looked down at her crotch. The area around her vagina was one of the only still hairless places on her body and the pail pink outline of her sex was extenuated by the fuzzy brown background. My god I’m a stripper Squirrel. She thought and her tail reflexively curled around her which made her jump.

“Not bad Squirrely.” Evelyn said. “Now you get to watch me.” Evelyn popped her pill and stood waiting. After a moment Evelyn’s skin started to take on a splotchy complection and then a corse black and white coat of hair in the classic cow patter grew over her. Evelyn’s whole front stayed hair free but soon her breasts started to swell to and then, unbelievably swelled past Audrey’s size. As her breasts started to slow in growth Audrey gasped as a second set started to swell beneath her first and then another under that soon after. Each set slowly turned a brighter and brighter shade of pink, the nipples blending and here breasts became one uniform color as they grew. Audrey felt like an idiot for not expecting some kind of udder joke to be associated with Evelyn’s costume. By the end Evelyn had an enormous set of breasts (even larger than Audrey’s) on top, a slightly smaller set than Audrey’s below and another well past the large side of normal beneath that.

After Evelyn’s prestigious growth the rest of her body started to shift to more bovine traits. Evelyn’s hips began to swell as well and after a surprisingly short time her hips were wider than her shoulders and Audrey spotted a tail swish behind her. Finally Evelyn’s face began the elongate and take on a more cow like structure. When the growth stopped Evelyn opened her still human blue eye’s. “Woh.” she gave her self a little shake that sent an impressive wave through each set of tits. “See a real Texas cow girl.” She said, her human voice sounding strange coming from her cow like face. The only other trait that marked her as once human was the mop of sandy blond hair that looked completely out of place with her black and white coat. Despite Audrey’s own incredible transformation moments ago she stood staring blankly at Evelyn’s bizarre body.

“Alright.” Evelyn said grabbing up their clothes and jiggled towards Audrey to grab her hand. “Lets go practice.” Evelyn practically towed Audrey behind her in her dumbfounded state as she said. “See ya Barb.” And waved making her immense top set jiggle and shake to annoy and disgust the prudish nurse.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #4
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Sin City Zoo
Better Off Your Feet

Audrey could not stop staring at Evelyn’s.... make that Annabel’s ass. Walking down the hall behind her Audrey’s first impression of Evelyn’s ass being fat was shattered when she realized it was in fact an impossibly thick sheet of dancers muscle that flexed and stretched with every step. With an effort Audrey dragged her eyes up but that didn’t help much ether. Evelyn’s still slim waste was framed on ether side by a jiggling pink wall of flesh. God how is she standing? My set weighs a ton and she’s got three of em. Audrey thought. By the time they got to the dressing room Audrey had been ready to walk with her eyes closed if not for fear she’d walk into that huge backside.

The dressing room was a pretty standard locker room with rows of lockers down the middle. The near wall had mirrors and vanity tables for doing hair and makeup. Do I still need makeup? Audrey wondered. The far wall was rows and rows of outfits that would be expected at any strip club, however as Audrey fallowed Evelyn down the row the dresses became more and more tailored to her new co-workers special needs. At the end was a wall of bins full of clean undergarments of every size and shape. “The showers are through there.” Evelyn pointed to a door next to them as she picked out three strapless bras and began putting them on. “There’s an open locker next to mine you can use if you like.” “Thanks.” Audrey said. “How much is the clothing charge here?” Audrey asked selecting a lacey thong from the bin. “Oh there an’t no charge for the wardrobe. They don’t nickle and dime us here and the music and bouncers are on salary to so you don’t have to tip them ether.” Audrey grinned. Audrey leaned over to pull up her panties. “Aug...” She gasped tipping forward and fell to the floor. She had forgot her change in balance and was dragged down under the wight of her chest. God it felt like they would have dragged her to the center of the earth. “Ou that must have hurt.” Evelyn said. It damn well did. Audrey thought. “Going to take some getting used to.” She laughed getting up and carefully squatted to pull them up. “I can’t even lean forward unless I’m sitting.” Evelyn said. “Well I got to ask I guess, what’s it like having... all that.” Audrey asked. “Well I worked here from the beginnin, back when every one was a cat. They got more creative eventually and one night they asked me if I’d like to try a specialty body. The number of lap dances I do tripled and because I’m a specialty I get a grand rather than two hundred every time a guy cops a feel on em.” Audrey had to admit that was a pretty good deal.

Audrey picked out a large lacey bra that matched her bottoms. Oh thank god support. She thought. “Oh wait, sorry ya can’t ware that.” Evelyn said looking at Audrey’s bra. “That’s a gown bra for when your coverin it up anyway, here.” She tossed Audrey a vary skimpy lace bra that would hold her up about as good as tissue paper. “The cross we bare?” Audrey asked with a sigh. “Now your getting it.” Evelyn laughed. “Most girls with fur don’t even bother since we’ll never really get saggy and they’re practically covered up anyway.” “So what is this formal night like?” Audrey asked tossing the nice big bra back regretfully. “Oh lots of fun. Everyone’s dresses are really cool. Ha. Look there.” Evelyn said pointing to a huge gown hanging on two hooks on the far wall. It looked like both women could fit in it with room to spare. “Bubble’s formal gown.” Evelyn said. “Bubbles?” Audrey asked. “Erin’s character Bubbles the Hippo, you’ll meet Erin and the rest of the girls at the end of the night.” “Who would take a job like playing the Hippo?” Audrey asked before thinking this was probably Evelyn’s friend. “If ya’ll knew the money they payed her for her part you’d be begging em for an ass that big too.” Evelyn laughed. “I don’t know about that, I’ve seen her ass.” Audrey said. “Un, speakin of, I usually take my bottoms with me and grow into em.” Evelyn said shyly. “Could you help me?” “Sure.” Easy way to make friends Audrey thought sarcastically. Audrey carefully got down and helped Evelyn slide on the thong that had to have been bought at a novelty joke shop over her huge hips. “Thanks.” Evelyn said. “Lets get goin to the gym, we only have about seven hours before the costumes ware off.”

When Audrey fallow Evelyn through the doors of the full sized gymnasium she was in shock yet again. It was complete with tumbling mats, a large jungle gym on one end and a runway stage with a pole at the other end. “Just how big is this place?” Audrey asked. “Well your about three stories under ground right now.” Evelyn said. “On this level there is the main entertainment room, this gym, the back stage areas for all three stages, the locker rooms, Offices, and Barb’s office.” “Down stares we have a five star kitchen, the V.I.P. lounges, party rooms, a smaller workout room, and rooms for guests that get to wasted to go home to the little misses, or if one of the girls wants to put in a few off the clock hours. You heard about all that right?” Audrey nodded. “It happen much?” “Not as much as you’d think but some of the sluttyer girls do from time to time.” Audrey was glad it wasn’t the norm. “There’s also a basement where they keep all the stage stuff for shows but I’ve never been down there.”

“So lets get to work. First off tomorrow ya’ll have to do a pole dance and then lap dances for the rest of the night so I wanted to practice lap dancin with your new body first.” “You’re the boss but I already can lap dance.” Audrey said. “We’ll see.” Evelyn said as she carried a chair to the center of the room and sat down. “Wether you wana wear it or not is up to you but ya got to lose the bra for a lap dance here. Evelyn said.” Audrey obeyed and stood before Evelyn. Audrey had of course learned to lap dance on another girl when she was starting out but none of them were anywhere near as much woman as Evelyn. Picking up on her nerves Evelyn grinned. “Leme make it easier on you.” She said and in a single motion so smooth only a stripper could have done it Evelyn popped the clasps on all three of her bras and rested back into her chair topless. Audrey knew it would only get worse the more she fought it so she got ready to give one of the weirdest lap dance she’d ever done.

Audrey turned around and backed up to straddle Evelyn’s wide lap. “Plck, pup,” Evelyn coughed and chocked, Audrey had just put her tail in her face. “Sorry” Audrey said. “It’s ok but ya need to keep in mind where that thing is at all times. Nothin ruins the mood more than someone walkin by fluffin you in the face with her tail. I’ll teach you to walk later but when your dancin, with a tail your size, the sexiest thing ya can do is rap it around your guy, so try that.” Audrey did so and realized she had full control of how it moved and as Audrey started sliding in Evelyn’s lap she first wrapped Evelyn and then even managed to tickle her a bit with it. “Nice touch.” Evelyn said leaning up to her new ears. “But there’s still one problem.” Evelyn whispered. Her arm darted around Audrey’s waste and dragged her fully into her lap. “Your bein payed to get close.” To Audrey’s credit she only hesitated a minute as she felt Evelyn’s nipples press into her back and then felt herself sink into the canyon of Evelyn’s cleavage then she proceeded with her grinning. Audrey continued her dance but Evelyn wasn’t done. “Now if your awkward with me what happens when your guy does this.” Evelyn reached up and grabbed a whole handful of Audrey’s right breast. She’s just testing me. Audrey thought. I’m going to have to get used to being touched, I’ll make a fortune off it. Evelyn’s hand squeezed as it slid to her nipple and twisted. “Pretty sure I can toss the guy out who does that.” Audrey said. “Haha, good for you.” Evelyn cooed in Audrey’s ear. “You’ll do just fine under pressure.” She gave a final squeeze and then slapped Audrey’s ass with her free hand. When she finished her routine Audrey leaned forward to get up and tipped straight forward onto the floor. “That’s the big problem, your balance is all screwy, that’s why ya need to practice.” Evelyn said.

It took a few hours and several bumps and bruises from falls before Audrey was doing better. “Not bad, at least ya won’t make a fool of yourself now. Don’t forget your tail can help with balance to, it will help when you practice pole dancin too but first lets get lunch, all that hard work made me hungry.” Audrey rolled her eye’s. The employee lunch room next to the kitchen was comfortable and spacious, Evelyn handed her a menu as they sat down. Audrey was a little concerned by the prices though, till she got payed this was like high dining. Evelyn seemed to pick up on this. “Lunch is on me new girl.” Audrey thanked her and when one of the under cooks came out to get there order Audrey got a sandwich and Evelyn ordered two salads. Maybe she has four stomachs just like a real cow. The thought flitted across Audrey’s mind but she figured it was not exactly a polite question. When their food got there Audrey began eating but Evelyn sat staring at her with a little smile. “Aww.” The sandwich tasted terrible. Like they used bad meat or something but looking at it, it looked fresh, then Audrey remembered Evelyn’s smile. “Sorry.” Evelyn laughed. “Couldn’t help myself but ta let ya try it. Fur some reason they can’t seem to fix this little problem, our tastes are geared to the animals we are. Ya couldn’t force feed vegetables to one of the meat eaters but in our case.” She slid her second salad across the table to Audrey, it had an assortment of chopped nuts. “Thanks.” Audrey grinned.

Back at the gym Audrey stood center stage as Evelyn stood on the ground at the end of the run way. “Ok ya need to play up your walk. When your walkin the room hold your tail up so ya don’t hit anyone.” Evelyn said. “It shows off your ass too. When your walkin down the runway swish your tail to show it off.” “Who’s actually into this stuff anyway?” Audrey asked getting annoyed. “Ok, the thing ya have to understand is most guys who come here could buy out a whole club a girls for the night an not even feel it, so when they come here they’re lookin for somethin they can’t get anywhere else, the exotic.” “Yeah National Geographic.” Audrey said grabbing a handful of her tail. “Just try.” Evelyn said. Audrey walked down the stage with her tail rased. It was so long that Audrey curved the last foot or so down well above her head to make it look more natural, Evelyn praised her. Next Audrey started her usual strut down the runway swishing her tail opposite to the roll of her hips. “Good ya seem to be a natural, now lets try somethin special.” Evelyn said. “Ted told me a little about your bodies special trait.” “Special trait?” Audrey asked. “I thought aside from the tail I was average.” “Well, we’ll see. Do a runnin jump with a twirl on the pole.” Evelyn commanded. “Run with these?” Audrey protested hefting her bust. Evelyn gave her a look. “That’s a dangerous move without thirty pounds of counter weight on your chests.” Audrey continued. “Are you gonna argue everythin or just trust me once?” Evelyn asked. Audrey stopped and tried to calm her aggravation. Trust her once? A couple of hours ago I wasn’t a human squirrel I think I’m doing pretty damn good at trusting. “Alright.” Audrey gave in and walked to the center of the stage.

Audrey started at a jog toward the pole. Without even the thin bra it felt like her tits would fall off with how much they bounced but she blocked it out, if she did this wrong she’d break her neck. Audrey took a running leap at the pole and hooked it with one leg and a hand to spin around it, however something wasn’t right. The normal move had you hang on and slide down the pole under your own weight. Audrey could not feel anything as far as the downward pull of gravity, she hung on the pole by nothing but a hooked leg and one hand holding herself far out. “Oh my god it works.” Evelyn cheered. Audrey carefully loosened her grip and lowered herself to her feet. “Ted said they tried a new thing with your muscles verses your body weight.” Evelyn said. “Ya should be able to climb like a real squirrel and do all kinds of tricks.” Slowly the impossible concept dawned on Audrey and she experimentally lifted herself one handed on the pole all the way up to her chin. A rush of adrenalin coursed through her and with a grin. Audrey flew up the pole hand over hand all the way to the high gym ceiling, it felt like she didn’t weight a thing. Evelyn was staring up at her laughing and Audrey did a few flips and spins as she descended the pole. At the bottom she saw the jungle gym on the other side of the gym and all the acrobatics moves she learned but never dared to do pored through her head in one spilt second. Audrey literally vaulted over Evelyn off the stage but put to much effort into it and her super light, super strong muscles propelled her far past and she landed on her ass on the mats with a thump. “Are you ok?” Evelyn said running with her chest or make that chests cradled in her arms for speed. Before she could reach her Audrey vaulted up onto her feet again. “I’m ok, takes some getting used to.” And dashed toward the jungle gym as she said it.

For the last hour or so of the night Audrey flipped and spun in the air going from bar to bar. Somehow all her awkward balance issues did not exist if she was off her feet. When Evelyn called her down, much like a mother calling her kid at the play ground. Audrey dropped back down and walked over. Three steps on solid ground and she once again felt the crushing pull of her own chest but now it was just a reminder she could escape it and she grinned. “Wow ya really are a gymnast.” Evelyn said. “I’ve never been able to do anything close to that before.” Audrey replied. “This is incredible.” “Incredible?” Evelyn said “I just got a front row seat to the summer Olympics and all ya say incredible?”. Suddenly Audrey felt a tingling and when she looked down her chest had already shrunk several sizes. “Looks like I got ya down just in time, we’da needed a cherry picker to get ya down.” Audrey’s fur slowly began to shrink back into her skin and her tail started to shrink just as Evelyn’s multiple breasts started to shrink as well. In a few minutes both women stood holding up their now extremely oversized undergarments in the nude. “Lets go back and change and ya can meet the girls.” Evelyn said and she and Audrey headed back to the change rooms.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #5
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels

Approaching the locker rooms Evelyn stopped Audrey. “One more bit a good news, but yall have to promise if I tell ya you can’t let it slip or anythin about what you can do. Your stage show tomora is a big event an a secret round here spreads like wild fire.” Audrey nodded. “Ted told me what special song they would play for ya tomorra and he’d like ya to work your act around it.” Evelyn leaned in and whispered it into Audrey’s ear. “What?” Audrey asked confused. “They change some of the lyrics on the computer to fit the gimmick, they’ve done it before.” As Audrey began to understand she got more and more excited, that song would be perfect with those lyrics. “Is that legal?” Audrey asked wishing instantly she could recall the words. “It’s a secret club.” Evelyn grinned. “Who’d tell?”

The locker room was now full of changing women. Because Audrey and Evelyn had started a little late all the girls were now fully human and it was impossible to tell who was what. “Hey Megan.” Evelyn said to a Asian girl next to their lockers. “Hi Eve.” She replied. “This the new girl?” “Audrey.” Evelyn offered. “Hi I’m Audrey.” Audrey said as she shook her hand and stared real hard to try and figure out what this girl may turn into. “She is new hun? She’s trying to figure out what I am.” A few quiet laughs from girls in ear shot echoed around them. “It’ll be a little hard to tell what I am, I’m normally a little taller.” “Audrey I’d like to introduce to you Megan Hong, or as we know her Long neck Lenore.” Evelyn said. “You’re the Giraffe.” Audrey blurted. “Yeah they got a real sense of humor here.” Megan said. “Asian girl’s the tallest one here, but it sucks having to always look up one way or down the other, no ones ever at eye level ether way.” There was a few more quiet laughs.

Just then a short, slightly built girl excused herself between them. “Hey Erin, meet the new girl.” Evelyn said grabbing the girls arm. “Erin? Not the Erin?” Audrey said. “Yup, Audrey I’d like ta introduce ya to the world famous Erin Gibson, Our very own Bubbles the Hippo.” For the millionth time tonight Audrey was stunned. The woman that stood before her could not have had an ounce of fat on her body and where the enormous woman she’d seen tonight had an incredibly confident strut, Erin stood all scrunched up and mousey like she was awkward being in a change room with others. She was even shorter than Audrey, skinny almost to the point of being boney, she had a plane petit face and a pixy hair cut. “Oh your such a tease.” She said. “I’m not world famous. Hi I’m Erin.” She shook Audrey’s hand and Audrey tried not to look as confused as she felt. The little woman excused herself again and scurried off into the crowd. Audrey stared after her with a dumb expression.

“If you think she’s weird now just wait till you see her change the first time.” A brunette said walking over to them. “Her show’s this Saturday right Eve?” Evelyn nodded. Something about her seemed familiar. Audrey thought. “Don’t be scared sweety.” She said again and her voice reminded her of the bird girl from the beginning of the night. “Starling.” Audrey said. “She remembers! And my names Tina Wise.” She replied. “So how was your first night?” Tina asked and Audrey could sense she was probing for something. “It was awesome.” Audrey exclaimed. “I love what my new costume can do.” She said, tactfully answering but giving her nothing she didn’t outright ask for. “Great.” Tina said not quiet masking that she didn’t get what she was hoping for. “I’m going for a shower, wanna get a drink after guys?” “Sure.” Evelyn said and looked to Audrey. “Sure.” She echoed.

As Tina left Evelyn said. “She’s harmless, just really nosey. You’ll know who yer friends are fast after tomorra when ya steal all the attention out of the room. Queen Pussy will be pissed if so much as one eye is on you and not her.” “Queen Pussy?” Audrey asked. “Our nickname fer Teresa Kent, she plays Leona the lioness. She gives a whole new meanin to attention whore but don’t let her know about the name. She’s got a bad temper and has gotten in trouble a couple a times for being aggressive.” Audrey knew the type and didn’t care so long as she left Audrey alone.

As Audrey and Evelyn headed off to the showers as Evelyn quickly introduced her to some of the other girls changing. There was Carrie Uppum who played Hussy the horse, Rebecca Frim who played Sandy the lizard girl, and Vicky Singer who played Daisy the doe, as well as several of the cat girl choirs line and a few more birds. All the while a tall woman at the locker in the corner stared daggers at the new competition. Her coffee colored skin and yellow gold eyes made it seem like a little of her costume never wore off. Will see just how long this uppity dancer bitch lasts. Teresa thought.

Audrey flopped down on her bed as she did every night but with all that had happened to her in such a small time frame tonight she didn’t know how she’d sleep. Audrey squirmed and fidgeted, that place revolved around sexual innuendo and Audrey was both supercharged and a little loose from her drinks with the girls tonight. Audrey reached down and began to play with herself. God how long has it been? Audrey wondered as she did the mental math of how long since she’d last had sex. Oh, to long. She thought as she shuddered with pleasure. Once she’d gotten settled into her new job maybe she’d start looking into dating sites again. Having to put down that you’re a dancer as your profession in this town was like a lightning rod for ass holes though. Audrey moaned and twisted as she hit her climax and was satisfied. Definitely need a man, but the thought of being a trophy fuck again just to be satisfied disgusted her. Audrey began to drift off into sleep and for the rest of the night dreams of her flying on the jungle gym raced through her head.

Audrey stirred some time after noon. Sitting up in bed Audrey looked down at Baxter on the sheets, he was staring at her strangely. Audrey was groggy but she stared back at her cat. I smell like squirrel. Audrey thought. No that’s impossible, it’s just a costume, it wares off. Baxter tensed and Audrey just had time to hold up the sheets to stop his pounce. Good thing he doesn’t have claws. Audrey thought. It took a long time to settle him down and he still looked funny at her afterward. Great, I like my new job but my cat wants to kill me.

Audrey filled her day with thinking and practicing for her routine for tonight. She listened to the original of her song over and over again coming up with ques. Later on she called Mr. Nebble and assured him she was fine and also thanked him very much for caring about a client and otherwise a complete stranger the way he did. Mr. Nebble was glad everything worked out and hoped to hear from her if she ever needed an attorney again. As the hour rolled around Audrey wanted to be early for her first day and left Baxter pacing around her clothes hamper, she’d have to ask Evelyn if there was any way to get the smell off her after work.

Audrey pulled into the employees garage next to the factory, it looked just as run down and abandoned from the outside as the main building. Evelyn and a few other girls where already waiting for her. “We got everythin ready for ya tonight Audrey.” Evelyn said as Audrey got out of her car. “Ted’s orders, ya gotta go to the privet dressing room we made up for ya so no one sees ya before the show.” “God, what am I getting married?” Audrey asked. “Oh don’t wreck it you’ll kill em tonight.” Evelyn prodded. So Audrey was led to the small change room off the main stage. It had been made up with all the things she would need, makeup, several outfits, and an assortment of drinks and snacks. “Wow I damn near ranked high enough to get a fruit basket.” She said sarcastically to herself. Barbra came by shortly after with her pill and Audrey sat staring at her self in the mirror. “This is it.” She said to her reflection as the fuzz grew out over her face.

In the main party room guests were already settled into their routine. Each man had his favorite girl at his table chatting it up as the drinks flowed to prime the guests for the main event of the evening. The MC for the night, a man in full coat and tails stepped up to the microphone podium. “Gentlemen tonight we have the great pleasure to bring you a performance from our newest addition to The Zoo’s collection of lovely ladies. We’ve all waited a long time for the boys in the white coats to finish this special ladies costume so without further adieu. The Zoo would like you to help us welcome our newest dancer, Squirrely!”

(Writer’s note- I’d like to apologies for the fact that no matter how well I wright this it will never be as good as it was in my imagination. Reread it with the song again later.)

The house lights went low and a choreographed patterning of the spot lights started to spin as the roar of a motorcycle engine sounded over the speakers and the guitar intro to Motley Crue’s Girls, Girls, Girls started to play. When the opening lyrics got to the girls, girls, girls part they had changed the girls line for Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels. The curtain flew open and there was Squirrely. Audrey stood striking a wide open pose, her huge tail off to one side. She had decided that the fur left just enough to mystery and decided to ware nothing but her lacey black thong. She had painted each one of her still human finger nails deep red and had worn red lipstick to match the lyrics in the song. The crowd cheered like a room full of drunk collage students, some things are just universal. She began strutting down the runway, each step making her huge chest bounce and the crowd cheered even louder.

As the song got to the line, Yanky girls (now squirrels) just can’t be beat, but you’re the best when your off your feet Audrey took the last five feet toward the pole at an impossibly long, high leap and grabbing on she spun up the pole in a cork screw straight to the ceiling, her tail twirling around the pole for added effect. The crowd cheered so loud Audrey could feel the room rumble through the pole but she didn’t care, she was ecstatic. For the next three minutes she never touched the ground, twirling, spinning, and flipping with moves only a real squirrel could match.

As the song wound down Audrey climbed to the top and got ready. Audrey spun down the pole in a blur of reddish brown fur only slowing herself at the last minute. She came to a gentle stop front and center of the pole, her legs out wide and her back arched, pushing her chest out to strike a vogue pose. The crowd erupted into cheers louder than before and Audrey sat at the bottom of the pole with her eyes closed, soaking up the feeling of her dream come true.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #6
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Sin City Zoo
Working The Room

Audrey eventually got up from the bottom of the pole. There was still generous applause as she held on to the pole and took a careful bow. Audrey left the stage and hurriedly grabbed her top from the crate she’d left it on backstage. Audrey headed for the side doors to the main room under the praise of the few stage hands and techs that handled the lighting and curtains for her show. Well time to do my real job tonight. She thought. The idea that she was really there to shake ass rather than preform threatened to get her down but the thought of all that cheering on stage a moment ago was her strength and would have to be till her next big show.

Audrey knocked on the doors to announce to the bouncers on the other side she was ready and then the doors to the main room were flung open. More cheers washed over her as Audrey made her way into the crowd of finely dress men. As she shook hands and exchanged quick small talk with everyone in the crowd that wanted to meet her Audrey realized if even half the men in this room were who they said they were this really was the most exclusive club in the city. The Mayor, the Chief of Police, local senators and even some visiting ones, and to top it all off a handful of the richest business men in the city or maybe even the country shook her hand and praised her on her dancing skill and beauty in rapid succession. The other girls all stood off to the sidelines temporarily forgotten. Some took it graciously knowing it was only for the minute or two it took for their guys to meet the new girl but a small knot of cats, some birds, and one seriously pissed lioness stood off in the far corner hating her with fake smiles painted on their faces.

Audrey had eventually settled into a group of men that included the police chief and several members of his staff. She entertained them with the story of how she nervously clutched her pepper spray as Mr. Kingsley led her down the front stairs when she felt a firm pinch on her ass and knew she had her first customer of the night. Miles Jenkins was one of the two Nevada senators presiding over the nights party like they’d personally had made all this possible. “Hey Squirrely whyyy don’t we go get a dance, I got a nut I wanna show ya.” Audrey could tell he was a major alpha male type by his uncomfortable greeting and his nerve to do so in his nearly plastered state. Audrey knew if she let this stand she’d have to listen to that stupid line and get her ass pinched on a regular basis. Audrey also knew from her years of working the room that most guy’s who could control a group of men were completely helpless when a powerful woman took control. Gotta make him look like a fool, she thought, but not in any disrespectful way. Without missing a beat she turned and leaned up nice and close so that her inflated chest pressed up against him. She cursed the fact she wasn’t tall enough to make the maneuver more unsettling but from the look of comprehension in his glassy eyes she knew he must have a thing for both extremely large breasts and the fur because she’d just scrambled his brain. “Oh mister senator, I’d love to.” She said smoothly. As she walked toward the lap dancing pit she stretched out her tail and hooked it around his waist, it was no where near strong enough to actually pull him but from the way he mindlessly fallowed she knew she was his wildest dream come true.

The other men, whom were much more sober, could tell by the predatory look in the squirrel girl’s eye (that Miles must have missed) it would be a lap dance he wouldn’t soon forget, he had a major kink for the fuzzy ones.

Audrey led the way and reaching the pit one of the servers held up three figures so Audrey headed for booth three. Audrey spun around and pressed herself up against the senator to stupify him again and turned while pressed up against him, seating him in the chair. Slow Ride started playing and Audrey removed her bra and straddled his lap, she rapped her tail around him, surrounding his head and began dancing. The senator was well and away drunk and barely moved as she rubbed on him and slid up and down his lap but near the end his arms began to rise. Can’t have that, Audrey thought, time to finish you off. Audrey did her old finishing move from her dancing act, she spun in the senator’s lap and rising on her feet pressed her now huge cleavage up and engulfed the senators head. One one thousand, Two... The shudder Audrey felt assured her she’d finished the job and she absently wondered what dry cleaning on a suit like that cost. Audrey redressed and as the server came by she said. “The senator got that one on me, there’s no problem with putting the charge on me is there?” The server grinned and shook her head. “I’ll get some one to help him to the bathroom to clean himself up.” She said.

The news of Audrey’s little dance got around the room surprisingly quickly and she was not only asked much more politely but almost endlessly for the next four hours for dances. Audrey did however have to tolerate being groped several times during her dances but she had made her point with the senator and it was standard here. Not every guy did cop a feel but she had to tell herself several times it was ok and money in her pocket when she felt a hand cup her ass or reach up and fondle her huge breasts. Audrey took her lunch brake short, powering down two granola and nut bars (it was weird how much she liked nuts now, the thing about the costumes and taste really was true) and got back out there. After dancing for nearly every one of the men in the room once, some twice, the pace slowed down a little and she was able to mingle again. Audrey found Annabel entertaining a group of men, telling them about all the good investment opportunities there were in the dairy industry, the men looked like they were about to dump out their drinks and order milk. “Hey Squirrely!” She yelled. “I owe ya a drink later, you learned to dance perfect.” “Thanks.” Audrey replied. Throughout the night each of the girls, except Audrey tonight, took turns up on stage doing pole dances. Others preformed special tricks or entertained groups with stories. Audrey over herd a discussion on politics being held with a small group of two birds and a handful of politicians, Audrey couldn’t believe she was aloud to have a brain here and she loved it.

Audrey spotted Bubbles on the small side dance floor, she was dancing with such speed and impossible grace it had to be a special trait of her costume, no one that size could move like that. “We used a process similar to the one your costume employs to give her that agility. In fact yours was inspired by just how well she moves.” A voice next to her said as she stared blankly. Audrey turned and a skinny guy in his late twenties stood next to her. He was not dressed particularly shabby but there was a definite low key look to his wrinkled shirt, dress pants, and funny little glasses. “Hi I’m Dr. Martin Schiffman.” He said extending a hand. “I’m the head researcher for the program that designs the costumes here.” “You’re the head researcher?” Audrey said stunned. “You’re the guy responsible for what I can do on stage? Your like my age.” Audrey blurted stupidly. “Yeah.” He said a little embarrassed. “Long story short Consumac snapped me up right out of university and hired me for my skills in bio chemistry. I know I don’t exactly look like a ‘project leader’ type.” He put extra emphasis on the last. “And you also do quality control?” Audrey asked playfully. “Ha, well I have to fallow up on our work, I know you’ve probably heard this a million times already tonight but you’re a very skilled dancer. I’m glad that body went to someone who could appreciate it.” Audrey had heard it a million time tonight but from this slightly nerddy scientist it came off sincere rather than purvey. Just then a guy from the crowd approached Audrey and asked her if he could get a dance. “Speaking of, duty calls.” Audrey said. “It was nice meeting you doctor Schiffman I’d like to talk again.” “Sure, another time.” The doctor said shaking her hand. Audrey was a little disappointed, she’d like to have talked more to the doctor, he was cute in a lab rat kind of way.

By the end of the night Audrey was pretty sure she’d danced enough in one night to pay off her life’s debt at the prices they were charging. When the doors finally closed at four in the morning Audrey could feel the tingling that said she was changing back and fallowed the rest of the girls to the locker rooms. Evelyn and her little crew were already waiting for Audrey and when she walked through the door a cork popped and bounced off the ceiling. “I said I owed ya that drink, we swiped a few bottles a campaign from the bar fer your first night.” Evelyn said and the girls around her cheered. Audrey was once again surrounded by people and praise. Audrey’s Sky Dancing, as the girls were calling it was all they could talk about and Audrey described at length the incredible feel of weightlessness she felt whenever she left her feet.

After drinks Audrey showered and made her way home. As she lay staring up at the ceiling on her bed Audrey wondered if she would have ever believed when she started stripping that it would have actually lead her to fulfilling such a dream as having her own head line show and such a fantasy like Sky Dancing. She drifted off to sleep.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #7
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
The True Performers

Excitement warred with a sense of dread as Audrey pulled up to the club tonight. Tonight’s main show was Erin as Bubbles, It was supposed to be one of this club’s exclusive shows and really fun to watch. Tonight was also the first night she was free to be asked to go to the V.I.P. room which pretty much meant she would be going tonight. Audrey didn’t know exactly what to do in this situation. Normally the dancer always had the final say as to where the line was drawn, it just seemed like, through lots of money, the customer was taking that control back. She wanted to be a professional, she didn’t want to be the type to balk at a client that was paying ten grand an hour to be with her but she simply wouldn’t violate her beliefs for money. I’ll just have to play along and hope I don’t get stuck with some creep. She thought.

Audrey stood in the long line of women in terrycloth robes outside Barb’s office. Despite what some people think, girls don’t just go running around naked back stage at a strip joint. But does fur count? Audrey then questioned herself. After last night, taking off and putting on her bra a thousand times for every dance even Audrey had decided it was just plain easier to go without. Oh this is it. She thought spotting Erin only two ahead of her. I’ll finally get to see what it’s like when she changes. When the row snaked it’s way into Barbra’s office however Erin stepped up to the desk. “It’s my show tonight Barbra.” Erin said. “Yes I got the memo, you remember that if you lose this or anyone else takes it you are legally responsible right?” The nurse said handing her the sealed pill case. “Yes Barb, I have been doing this once a month for a year now.” Erin said meekly. “I have to say it, don’t get smart.” Barbra waved her on. Audrey felt cheated as Erin walked by not even noticing she was watching. “Don’t worry.” Audrey jumped at the voice next to her shoulder, it was Megan. “You’ll still get to see her change in the show.” “She changes in the show?” Audrey asked incredulously. “Why do you think it’s so famous? Her dancing skill?” “Well, yeah I saw her dance last night.” Audrey said. “Ha, you an’t seen nothing yet.” Megan laughed.

Audrey collected her pill and showing Barbra her empty mouth to make sure she swallowed it waited out in the hall till Megan came out so they could head back to the change rooms together. After only a few feet down the hall Audrey felt her pill kick in but was becoming used to the strange feeling of growing fur. However as she talked about a new song she had been thinking of making dance moves for Megan stopped in the hall and as Audrey noticed and turned her head tilted back as her eye’s traveled up Lenore’s rapidly growing neck. “Sorry.” She some what shouted down the four extra feet to Audrey. “It’s really disorienting to walk as I grow.” “I can imagine.” Audrey said and then repeated louder for Megan. As they continued to the change room the conversation shifted to the traits of Megan’s unique costume. “Well one of the good things.” Megan began stooping to make up the gap in hearing range. “Because my balance is already a mess at this height I don’t have to carry around a set of those monsters.” Megan gestured to Audrey’s rapidly swelling chest that threatened to burst free of her now tightly bound robe. “Hey your right you don’t get bigger boobs do you.” Audrey said realizing Megan was one of the only girls in this club not stuck with a pair of volley ball sized tits. “At first they did have me with them but after I tipped over and landed on three different people at once they decided I was right about the balance thing.” She said sarcastically. “Also I have one other kinda cool thing but I don’t like doing it and I charge really high so I don’t have to often.” “What is it?” Audrey asked curiously. Megan leaned down farther like she was going to whisper it to Audrey but a foot or so away Megan’s tongue shot out of her mouth and bridged the impossible gap to Audrey’s cheek so fast Audrey didn’t have time to pull away. “Aug.” She groaned, her fur was wet. “No wonder you charge a lot, that’s gross.” “Sorry.” Megan giggled. “They really pay attention to detail with these costumes.” Audrey scrubbed at her cheek. “I wouldn’t lick one of those freaks for twenty grand.” She said. “Actually was that’s my price.” Megan laughed. “Only one drunk investor ever payed it and it was on a dare from his buddies to see if I’d do it.” “Did you?” Audrey asked. Megan shrugged “Well I am a professional, if you set a price and some one pays it you gotta do what you gotta do.” She said. “I took the glasses right off his face.” Audrey didn’t know wether to laugh or be sick but Megan was obviously committed to her role and Audrey had to respect that.

Audrey was still having balance issues with anything other than standing upright. God if they can grow them you’d think they could do something about the weight. Audrey thought. Audrey crouched down but still felt like tipping when she leaned forward to pull up her thong. Wait, Evelyn said my tail could help. She thought. Audrey stuck her tail straight out behind her and she could feel it make the little difference she needed to reach down. “One side tree rat.” A voice called from behind her as her tail was roughly pushed aside. Audrey barely stopped herself from doing a face plant into her locker as all balance went out the window but she stopped herself just in time. Turning Audrey caught a glimpse of a black tufted lions tail headed out into the hall. “No wonder they call you Queen Pussy you bitch.” She muttered.

Audrey joined the first group of girls to exit the back stage and mingle with tonight’s guests. The room was almost as packed as last night although the crowd was a little younger and not as formally dressed. Erin must have a good show. Audrey thought. “Hey Squirrely.” A tall, blond Texan in a cowboy hat about Audrey’s age called to her and she made her way over. Tex’s group was four very athletic men all sat at a table waiting for the show to start. “Squirrely, the Dallas Cowboy’s would love it if you were our mascot tonight.” One of the other said. “Oh?” Audrey said teasing. “Actually I tried out for your cheerleaders once, they said I was plane.” She brought her tail around and held it in her hands making a mock face of rejection and sadness. “Oh they screwed up on that one.” The big guy with the hat said. “Would you let us make it up to you tonight?” The bald one on the end asked. “Oh I guess I could give you boys a second chance.” Audrey said and two of the guys got out and let her sit in the middle of the booth. A server came by. “Can I get you boys another round before the show?” She asked. “Will miss Squirrely be joining you tonight?” “If she likes we’ll keep her company.” The Texan who was apparently the leader said. “An another pitcher before the show please miss.” “Anything for you darlin?” He asked. Audrey ordered a Cosmo and smiled rapping her arm around the big Texan and her tail around his friend on her other side at the same time. The server took down their drinks, which included Audrey’s company and went to get them.

Shortly after the drinks arrived the house lights went dim. “Your new eh Squirrely? You’ve never seen Bubble’s show hun?” Tex asked. “It’s a blast.” One of the outer seated football players said to Audrey. Tonight the main show was on the right side stage instead of the main one, it was the smallest of the three but had no pole and was a standard performance stage. The well dressed man in the tuxedo stepped up to the podium. “Gentlemen tonight’s main show is a crowd favorite and a Zoo exclusive. We at The Zoo are proud to bring you Bubbles the Hippo.” The spot light shone on the center of the curtained stage and suddenly the still human Erin stumbled out from between the curtains as if she’d been pushed, she nearly tripped on her way out. Erin stood on stage in nothing but a floral print bra and panties that had to be her own and the look of terror on her face as she stared out at the crowd like a deer in the head lights made Audrey think something had gone wrong. “OH MY GOD, Becky would you look at her butt.” Rang out through the theater, Erin looked around confused for the absent voice and then looked down, Audrey realized Erin’s normally flat ass was much more round and bubbly. A music beat started to play in the background and Erin’s ass began to sway as if she no longer had control of it and as it shook it started to grow larger. Erin looked up grinning and the chorus to, Of course, Baby Got Back started to play.

Erin’s hips and waist began to fill out as she began to dance with more enthusiasm and by the time Erin had swollen to the size of a fairly over weight person she was out right dancing. Suddenly Erin paused on stage and gave another grin. A second later Erin’s tiny bra and panties exploded off her body and she began full out brake dancing. It was the mischievous grin that gave it away more than anything, and Audrey realized just how good a performer Erin was. Erin was not acting right now as the rolls of fat that surrounded her swelled to the immense full size of Bubbles the Hippo. Erin had been acting the whole rest of the time, pretending to be shy, and timid, only now did the costume come off. The Cowboys had been right, Erin was a fantastic performer, they just didn’t know how good she really was and Audrey cheered loudly for her friend.

Shortly after Erin gained her full size and started really dancing a group of four cat girl back up dancers joined her and they had a fully choreographed dance number. It seemed as Erin grew she had only gotten more nimble. The comment about her special trait that doctor Schiffman had made last night ran through Audrey’s head, and Audrey realized by her performance she must have also had professional training in dance. Bubble’s body was also something to behold. Though undeniably fat somehow the confidence she exuded made even her bizarrely proportioned body attractive. Bubble’s had the zoo standard huge breasts that bounced and wobbled above an equally round swollen belly. Her hips flared out to an enormously wide round ass that shook almost as much as her tits. Every inch of Bubble’s body was covered in at least some rolls of fat and her whole body shook and wobbled as she nimbly danced as well as the skinny, trim backup dancers. Her face was the big snout of a hippo but such joy and confidence painted her features as she danced little Erin could not be seen. Even her pixy hair looked more rebellious than meek on Bubbles. The act rapped up and Bubbles and her dancers took a bow to the crowd. The applause stretched of a long minute and Audrey was clapping and cheering right to the end as the group left the stage.

After some small talk about the great show the cow boys got back down to the business of the night. “So Squirrely, we were hopin you wouldn’t mind if we asked you to the V.I.P. room?” The big Texan asked. Audrey couldn’t decide if it really was his southern manors or if he was just an ass but she’d been expected this since sitting at their table and they weren’t the worst pick. “Sure.” She said with a wide smile. As the group got up the big black guy of the group said. “Hey man lets get one more girl so Squirrely won’t have to work to hard.” Audrey was defiantly open to this, it was always easier with a partner to get out of awkward situations. “Yeah.” The shorter one that sat on the end said scanning the room. “Hey Leona!” he called out.

Leona was working on her first lap dance after the main show. She was not particularly interested in the dorky stock broker she was talking to but the desperate ones were easy pickings. She turned from him while he was in mid sentence. “Want to go to the V.I.P. with us?” The studdly football player said. Blowing her perspective client off without a second thought Leona feel into step with the group and only then realized her mistake, that Squirrel bitch is fallowing them too.

Oh this is going to be just great. Audrey thought. At best Leona didn’t like her, at worst this could turn into one nasty trip to a private room. Audrey fallowed the group into the spacious elevator that led down to the V.I.P. room. Leona never even looked at her, she was working on the short guy that had invited her, leaning in close to whisper in his ear and pretending not to notice his arm sandwiched between her unnaturally deep cleavage. Entering the lobby to the V.I.P. room Audrey stood off to one side as Tex settled the bill and she did her best to warm up to the giant bald black man who’s arm she was currently hooked in. The server led the group down one of the two door filled corridors on ether side of the lobby and unlocked their private room. The V.I.P. room did live up to it’s reputation, the furniture was as comfortable and more stylish than the main ball room and a full sized bar dominated the back wall. As the men got settled Tex said. “Why don’t you laddies warm up on each other?” Audrey could feel the Arctic chill of Leona’s stare but this was probably the most common bit for a team of girls to play in the V.I.P. room and when Audrey turned to the fiery eyed lioness they embraced and began making out without a seconds hesitation.

Leona had the standard Zoo body, trim and slim, topped off with a rack to match Audrey’s size. As they twined together there was an awkward moment of fitting there two massive chests between them and the end result was a very intimate mashing of assets. Leona had cream colored fur and her tail had a black tuft of fur. Audrey could feel the sharp points of her morphed teeth as her tongue moved in and out off her mouth and couldn’t help worrying she’d loose it in there. However Audrey soon learned Leona’s teeth were the least of her worries. Leona ran a hand up Audrey’s back and facing away as they were from the men, jabbed her pointed, though not sharp, claw like nails into Audrey’s back. Wincing in pain Audrey answered right back, twining a hand through Leona’s dark hair and snagging a handful to yank inconspicuously. The Cow boys never had a clue that the two women’s expressions of passion as they frenched were actually pain.

After the usual groping and deep kissing Leona stepped back. “Ou, lets have a game.” She said in faked excitement. The walls of the private room had several pieces of tasteful art but amongst them several sex toys hug from pegs just like the paintings. Audrey’s heart sank as Leona picked a large hand paddle off the wall. Fake spanking was another very common bit girls played for private groups. The idea was the girl doing the spanking hit only hard enough to make it convincing and it was up to the receivers acting skill to fill in the gaps. Audrey had to play along, this was a trap she had walked right into and part of being a professional was maintaining the customers experience. Audrey didn’t think she’d need much acting skill to make this convincing as she provocatively leaned over the arm of a couch.

WACK. Damn that bitch. Audrey’s tail involuntarily arched so far it hit the back of her head. Leona had hit just hard enough to not let on she was actually hitting. Audrey cooed with pleasure to spite the bitch but it was a half hearted effort. WACK. Oh that one was harder and the boys Oued as Audrey tried her best to make it look fake and enjoyable, she was a professional, a performer. WACK. That’s it, Audrey knew one more and her legs would give out and this would be a disaster. Audrey had an idea then and with an effort straiten up. Giving Leona a sexy seductive look she said. “My turn.” The look on Leona’s face as she realized her trap had just been effortlessly turned on her was priceless and she couldn’t wiggle out of it because Audrey had gotten paddled first and the guys would want more.

Audrey walked (with some effort) to the wall and picked out a riding crop. Leona bent over the bar and tried her best not to scowl, she failed. CRACK. Audrey hit the perfect spot right above the meat but still on her ass. Leona was not as good an actress as Audrey was and made a very pore imitation of a moan. CRACK. Right on the fleshy part to insure she wouldn’t sit without remembering this for a week. Leona didn’t even try to pretend and the look of hatred she shot over her shoulder at Audrey almost made her hesitate. Almost. CRACK. Dead silence as Leona stood up, even the guys had caught on by now there was more than play acting going on. For the rest of the hour both girls separately entertained two of the guys. At one point Tex stepped off to the side and asked. “Are you ok darlin? Nether of you sat down all night.” “Oh it was just an act babe, I’m fine.” Audrey said and sat on the couch and to prove it crossed her legs. She was glad he didn’t press farther, the only thing going through her head was. OH MY ASS!

After the private party wrapped up Audrey took it easy all night and avoided situations she would be asked to sit with all her effort. Audrey knew what had transpired tonight would not be the end and could feel herself being watched from the proverbial tall grass. The attack came just as Audrey expected, in the change room after closing. Teresa didn’t even both sneaking up and outright charged Audrey and the two women were soon rolling on the ground pulling hair and scratching. A looming shadow passed over them and each woman had just enough time to look up at the towering figure of Bubbles, still transformed because she started late. Bubbles reached down and grabbed Teresa by the hair, dragging her to her feet and pined her under one flabby arm. Teresa’s kicking and scratching was nothing to the mile of fat that padded Bubbles. Audrey thought she was free to get up but as she made to Bubbles effortlessly placed one huge foot on her chest pinning her to the ground. God it felt like a mountain was on top of her, Audrey was glad Bubbles just wished to keep her down. “What in the fuck is going on here?” Ted’s voice bellowed from the change room doorway. “The queen bees are at each others throats boss.” Bubbles replied holding up Teresa and gesturing to Audrey. “Thank you Erin that’ll do.” Ted said entering the change room oblivious to the fact of where he was. Bubbles released the two women. “I should have know it would be you.” Ted said to Teresa. “My office now.” Teresa made a choking sound as if to protest then stocked out the change room door. “And you.” He turned on Audrey. “If I didn’t know this was nearly all her doing your ass would be in a sling too.” Audrey thought about the irony of that statement but wisely kept a straight face. “I hear one more problem with you and things won’t be as nice around here for you ether.” Ted stormed out of the change room. “What happened?” One of the girls asked as Audrey went back to her locker. “Sorry personal issues.” Audrey said, it was none of their business.

In Ted’s office Teresa sat trying to come up with some kind of excuse, this was not her first trouble working with others. Ted slammed the door behind him. “That’s it, I’m not having you get into cat fights with other girls.” She started to speak but he cut her off. “And don’t tell me that naive girl started it, this is the third time you’ve had a major incident. I’ve seen this before Teresa, some girls just can’t work in an environment were it is a popularity contest. And because of your contract I can’t just toss your ass out of here..... we’re transferring you to Chicago.” “No, no, no, no Ted wait, not Monkey Business.” Teresa pleaded. Monkey Business was a public, though still very expensive restaurant / bar in Chicago owned by Consumac. It got by with the gimmick that all it’s servers, all female, were dressed up in makeup just like Planet of the Apes but Consumac never wasted time with makeup. “If I get sent there I’ll be payed a quarter what I am now, and I’ll be just a server and won’t even be allowed to strip.” “I’m sorry Teresa but you brought this on yourself.” Ted said. The reality of what was happening was only starting to set in, with Teresa’s contract she had to work for Consumac, were ever they put her, if she refused she’d get sued so hard she’d have years of jail time just to pay off the tab. “Please Ted I won’t even look at her or any of the other girls again.” She started to weep. “The transport and moving fees will of corse be covered by the company.” Ted said coldly. “Mel Kingsley will contact you at home with the details. I suggest you stay there and keep your head down at your new job for the year or two your contract has left on it.” Teresa sat blankly in her chair, in a few weeks time she’d be in a demeaning costume, working as a waitress for two and a half more years. Teresa began to weep softly and that was the end of Queen Pussy.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #8
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
And This is a Slow Night?

Audrey had agreed to meet Evelyn on their day off this Sunday because Evelyn wanted to buy a top at the outlet mall on the edge of town and depressed as Audrey was she wanted the company. I can’t believe I got into a fight with that bitch on my second day. Audrey thought. This was not a good impression to make at her new job. Audrey fallowed Evelyn around the stores talking but never trying anything on, until she was payed next week she was broke. Sitting at a Starbucks Audrey moped over her coffee. “Ok.” Evelyn said brushing the crumbs of her muffin away. “Ya better tell me what’s eatin you before I have ta take my bra off.” Flashing back on her first night Audrey had to grin. “It’s just about the fight last night.” “Oh my god, that’s what your worried about?” Evelyn exclaimed. “Ya do know your not in that much trouble right? Teresa’s had so many complaints against her she’ll be transferred fur sure this time. An besides Ted only said that ta you because he had to, he wouldn’t punish you right now if someone held a gun ta his head.” “What do you mean?” Audrey asked confused. “Audrey your premier night was beyond anythin we’ve had at The Zoo before.” “At the end of that night I overheard Ted on the phone ta cooperate, ya set some kind of record for most earnins in a single night between the high admission at the door and your lap dancin fur every man on the dang planet.” Audrey blushed and was speechless. A record? She thought dreamily. “Audrey.” Evelyn snapped. “Teresa’ll probably never be back an you made record settin numbers your first night, you’re a star.” “A star?” Audrey said to herself in quiet shock.

“Wait, you said Teresa got transferred? Where to?” Audrey asked as her brain started working again. “Well I don’t know if they did or didn’t but it’s a safe bet.” Evelyn answered. “Because of our contracts, Consumac can’t fire ya for the term ya signed fur. It can work against ya though, trouble makers like Teresa that can’t be fired get sent ta other projects the company owns. The least crappy is pubic exposure work. They have restaurants an bars where ‘costumes’ are used ta draw the crowd under the pretense it’s all a makeup job. There’s a bar in Chicago I heard about were all the girls are monkeys.” Evelyn said making a face. “Also there are jobs like playin mascots fur events like at amusement parks. If the girl refuses that the only other options are testin division or legal action.” “Testing division?” Audrey asked, the hair standing up on the back of her neck. “Yeah I hear it’s like the gap between animal testin an when somethin makes it ta the performers at a club.” Evelyn said. “Ya really don’t want that, I’ve only heard a one girl ever gettin sent there and I’ll tell you I’d defiantly take the monkey outfit before becomin a human guinea pig.” Audrey shivered at the thought of what the outcome of a failed test product would mean for the tester and realized her current situation could defiantly be worse.

“Tonight is always the slow night.” Evelyn explained as she began to jiggling and wobble more and more on there way out of Barbra’s office Monday night. “I have to go to the employees lounge for my fitting as soon as I change.” Audrey said. “Haha, don’t mind Jehan he’s yur classic french dressmaker.” Evelyn said as they headed into the change rooms. Audrey guessed that meant she was in no danger of being groped tonight, at least till she got back to work. “No sign of Teresa.” Audrey said looking around. Everyone in the change room looked a little more in a hurry, as if they were all on their best behaviors to avoid a similar fate. “Guess they did transfer her.” Evelyn said. Having finished her change Audrey told Evelyn she’d see her later and made her way to the employee’s lounge.

Jehan Balon Leveque was indeed the classic french dressmaker, more of a stereotype really. Dressed all in black he none the less screamed homosexual by both his posture and mannerisms. Audrey strained to understand his thick french accent but barely caught every other word. “Heallo, My nam is Jehan Leveque and your boss has commishoned me to make ze dress for you by Wednesday Yes.” “Hi, I’m Squirrely.” Audrey stuck to her stage name. “Ah, Yes ze squirrel I never tire of the chalangs of zes club’s costumes.” The little Frenchman said. “Will my dress really be ready by Wednesday?” Audrey asked it seemed a tall order for two days. “Ah yes, part of my studio’s responsibility iz to provide fast, quality work. Zat is why your bosses choose ze best.” He said proudly.

“Now cherie please remove ze robe and we will take your measurements.” Audrey removed her robe and stood in front of the large wall mirror in the near nude state that her fur provided. Audrey’s assumption about not being groped was way off as Jehan stepped up behind her and with all the passion of inspecting a piece of furniture wrapped his measuring tape around her chest and exclaimed. “Ah, they have gone larger yet again.” And proceeded to run his hands and measuring tape along her body. Had Audrey not been sure he was gay she’d have protested as Jehan, without even asking, stepped around her and wrapped his measuring tape directly under her breasts, his hands pressing up into them as he got a more accurate size around her waist. “Ze gown will be tailored to fit you exactly cherie. You will hav to dress before you take ze costume pill yes.” He said holding the tape to her ass with one hand as he grabbed the other side with his free hand and scribbled down numbers on a small pad against her hip. God he’s all over me. Audrey thought there’s no way he’s straight, is he? “Um Jehan?” She asked as he was knelling directly in front of her taking the size of her hips. “Yes Cherie?” He asked not looking up from his work. “Um, kinda uncomfortable position.” She said trying her best to point out where he was knelling without saying anything about it. “Uncomfortable?” He said confused looking up. Audrey waved a hand around her naked hip and Jehan looked straight forward finally understanding. “Oh, mon cherie.” He said laughing. “Not to worry. If you like though my assistant Marco is straight, he is out in the hall.” “No thank you.” Audrey said. She was sure she was blushing under her fur but she stood very still and allowed him to finish her very personal fitting.
After being released from the little Frenchman and his measuring tape Audrey returned to her normally uncomfortable job. As the night wore on Audrey took her turn up on stage to do her bit pole dancing. She was instructed not to do any climbing, that was for special shows and although the ceiling beckoned Audrey did her best to entertain the sparse crowd on her feet. Returning back to the floor she caught a quick word with Evelyn. “Oh my god, that guy was weird.” Audrey exclaimed. “A little touchy feely the French are hun?” Evelyn said grinning. “I was waiting for some big smile to spread over his face and him to say something, but it’s like I wasn’t even there.” “Well he is gay.” Evelyn offered. “I got the suspicion he does it on purpose, some kinda french humor.” “Uhg.” Audrey shuddered as she went back to good old honest lap dancing.

“I saw your bit on stage, you’re a good dancer on the ground too.” Audrey smiled, the nerdy Dr. Marty Schiffman from her first night came over to her, Audrey got the feeling it was an inept complement rather than a come on line. “Hi Dr. Schiffman.” She said greeting him. “Please call me Marty.” He said. “I was wondering if you’d like to talk a while? It’s pretty slow hun?” Audrey would have welcomed the chance to talk again anyway but now she wouldn’t have to charge him for it. Some ice breaker. She thought. “So how did a nice university kid like you move on to design all this?” Audrey asked teasing as she posed herself. “Well it wasn’t all fur and boobs at first, um Squirrely.” He said awkwardly. “It’s Audrey actually.” She offered, why am I telling him my real name? She wondered, he was kinda cute though, get rid of those glasses, maybe some nicer clothes.... “In university I came up with the basic formula for what we now use in your costumes. It didn’t take long for the talent scouts to pick me up after that.” He said, Audrey could tell he very seldom must have to interview his test subjects by how awkward he was and then she became painfully aware she was topless except for her fur, classy. Audrey had a bad habit of acting on impulse, and blurting when she was nervous and now she fished through her brain for what to say next. Dancing, I remember, I’m a dancer. She thought dumbly. “Hey how about a dance.” She asked, to her horror pore Marty stupidly shook his head in agreement. Why am I taking him for a lap dance if I’m into him? She thought as she led him through the club. It was like her brain had turned off and the stripper took over.

Audrey began her dance wiggling into Marty’s lap and to her relief she could tell he was straight from the stiffening down below, but for some reason this looked like the last place on earth Marty wanted to be. “So un, I heard you studied dance?” Marty asked uncomfortably. “Yeah I always loved to dance and when I was out of work, well I ended up here.” “I can defiantly understand that feeling, my student loans where a killer.” Marty said. As Audrey moved to his knee he tensed up and Audrey couldn’t take the uncomfortable non-silence anymore. “I’m sorry, your not having a good time are you?” She asked. “No, no actually it’s just I kinda had this whole plan and, well we ended up here. It’s not your fault, I shouldn’t have thought it considering we’re like co-workers and you are working right now.” He said. “What is it Marty?” Audrey asked. “Well I was kinda hoping to ask if you’d like to get dinner some time on your day off but obviously that’s really inappropriate and stupid under the circumstances.” Audrey realized her crotch was still on his knee. God I really fucked up. She thought horrified. He’s into me to and I climbed on top of him naked. “Oh Marty, I’m so sorry, I.... Oh god you must think I’m some kind of whore.” She finally rose off his knee. “Oh no.” Marty said desperately. “It was a big mistake, ten years in a lab doesn’t teach very good people skills.” “Well I would really like that.” Audrey said slowly. “To get dinner I mean.” “Oh that’s great, un what day are you off?” He asked. “Tomorrow actually.” Audrey replied. “How about I meet you at Cesar’s and we’ll go for dinner around eight?” He said, Audrey agreed. Audrey helped Marty up and couldn’t help but feel like a total ass, miss big time stripper stumbling through a pickup like a high school kid. “Your not going to mind there not being the fur and tail?” She joked, she tried to fix this with another cheep joke? Audrey wanted to crawl under a rock. “Well actually the animal thing was never my idea, it doesn’t really do anything for me.” Marty admitted. He even wants me, not Squirrely. Audrey thought disgusted with herself. To unwittingly add the topper to her humiliation Marty payed his tab for the dance right there and even tipped the server girl before going. God I need a drink, where’s Evelyn. Audrey thought.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #9
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
Pt. 9
Highs and Lows

Slowly coming around Audrey realized she had no idea where the hell she was. I’m in a bed. Slowly registered, she tried to sit up. Whoa, and I’m hung over. She lifted up the covers. Clothes. Good start. Damn last night sucked. Audrey began to slowly remember bits and pieces of last night. Just before closing Audrey had finished her embarrassingly awkward pickup and sought out Evelyn nearly falling to pieces. After outlining what had happened with Marty, Evelyn brought her to a bar, (Audrey couldn’t even remember where) and had Audrey tell her the whole story. Self esteem issues aside maybe drinking wasn’t the best solution? Audrey thought and dragged herself out of bed to staggered out the bedroom door.

Evelyn sat at a coffee table in her living room looking nearly as bad as Audrey felt. Her apartment was beautiful, large and well decorated but Audrey was in no condition to admire. “Ya know, Doctor Phil may not approve of my methods but I think my way works too.” She said pointing to a coffee pot on the kitchen counter. Audrey sat down next to Evelyn after getting a cup. “Ya realize what happened last night right?” Evelyn asked. “What happened? I was depressed and I drank my face off?” Audrey replied. “What happened was ya reached that point all girls in the business reach at some point. Ya realized the happy little fairy tail ya made up fur yourself ta cope with bein a stripper is bull shit. I’m just gettin through collage, I’m havin a ruff spot, Or I’m just usin the one skill I’m good at.” She put emphases on the last and the fog in Audrey’s brain started to clear. Audrey remembered a long talk about her life and how she would never have allowed herself to be doing what she was doing now way back when. “Ya came ta that point because a nice, normal guy, that you were into too, asked ya out an you were dressed up as a human squirrel in a fetish strip club. Stuff like that can be a bit of a blow to your fantasies.” Evelyn said. “God what am I going to do.” Audrey said leaning back on the couch. “Well first your gonna drink that coffee so ya don’t spew on my couch.” Evelyn said with a grin. “Then your gonna sit there an realize your not a bad person for the life ya lead.” “Wow you really are like Doctor Phil.” Audrey mumbled sarcastically. “And finally, when your good ta get home your gonna get ready and go on that date because it’s gonna be the best thing that’s happened ta ya since meetin your new favorite best friend.” Evelyn finished smirking. Audrey smiled a little. “Thanks Eve.” “Hey don’t mention it, we put my doctor’s fee, aka the bar tab, on your credit card.” Audrey threw one of the couch pillows at her but she loved her all the more.

Audrey went home and pulled herself together then made her way to Caesars Place feeling better about herself than she had in years. He likes me for my personality, not my body? Did such men even exist? She wondered. Then again, Marty would be about the only straight male able to look past the fur and the tits. Audrey made her way into the main lobby. I’m going to have to find him, he doesn’t even know what I look like. She thought. “Audrey!” A voice called out over the crowd. It was Marty, he was making his way through the crowd toward her. Unlike his usual rumpled shirt and dress pants from his afternoon at work Marty had on kaki’s with a button up shirt in a slightly darker shade, he was shaved and his hair was nicely styled. Wow he cleans up nice. Audrey thought. “How did you know it was me?” She gave him a mischievous smile. “Well I know my own work.” He said a little cock, Audrey laughed. “But really it was your hair and when I got closer your bright blue eyes. I liked your eyes.... can’t believe I just said that.” “No, it’s ok.” Audrey said a little awkward. “It’s nice of you to notice, very gentlemanly.” Gentlemanly? She now felt equally stupid so they were even “So I got a reservation.” Marty said. “We should hurry it’s almost eight.”

Audrey had assumed they would go to one of the many small restaurants in or around Caesars but when Marty walked them up to Spago’s, one of the biggest and fanciest restaurants on the strip, and informed the server they had a table for two Audrey remembered they were both in a completely different pay scale than she had ever been used to. Audrey had only once came here for drinks with friends and it had set her back a week on her budget. Well I am making piles of money now, why not? She thought. Marty had ordered the pan seared Salmon and Audrey had ordered the beef filet. “God it’s so nice to be able to eat meat again.” She said jokingly. “Aug, don’t remind me. We’ve tried on three different occasions to fix that but for some reason the traits we mix into you girls with your costumes always bleeds over into taste buds.” Marty exclaimed. “Well I don’t want to spend the whole night talking about work but are you allowed to explain how it all works?” Audrey asked. “A little.” Marty said hesitantly. “I’m only aloud to say so much, even to a fellow employee. In laymen terms we basically take genetic traits like fur or a tail and use your blood and medical stats to blend them into your own gens. The first problem was how to do that, that’s where my work came in. I can’t talk about specifics even to someone on the inside but what I can say is my formula works like a sort of buffer between the two samples of DNA so they mix. Unfortunately the problem for practical things like curing dieses or even permanent plastic surgery is when your body burns through the formula the two halves split again and all the changes ware off. Of course that’s where the idea to use it as disposable costumes came in. There are some other jobs for the government that use that idea that I’m not allowed to talk about ether.” He wagged his eyebrows like he was trying to impress Audrey but the idea of secret agents that could look like anyone scared Audrey more than impressed her.

“So.” He said. “That aside lets talk about something else, how about how you got into professional dance?” Oh great. Audrey thought. Lets talk about my past, she just loved that subject. Then Audrey remembered she wasn’t ashamed of who she was and she straightened her back and went into the story of her schooling and how hard times pushed her to Vagus to become a show girl and later a stripper. To Marty’s credit he did not flinch when Audrey told him the whole truth, most guys didn’t like to hear the back stage goings on of her strange little world but Marty listened attentively and even worked in the rare question. “And then I met Mr. Kingsley in the parking lot at my old job.” Audrey continued. “I can imagine the first time you saw the club it was a shock, Mr. Berman loves to see the new girls faces when those doors open.” Marty said. Audrey had to smile. “Yeah but that wasn’t anything compared to....” she looked around and lowered her voice. “Growing a tail and tits as big as my head.” Marty laughed out loud not caring if people looked. “Yeah I try to be humble but we do good work don’t we.” He said and Audrey joined him in laughing.

Later on they discussed other parts of there lives Marty’s parents lived out in Florida and thankfully had no idea that Marty’s main line of work was keeping a fetish strip joint running. Audrey told him of her family too. Audrey’s mother had been the one to get her into dance at a young age and supported her through her schooling but Audrey had not talked to her in may years since she moved out to Vagus. “That’s to bad, you ever think about getting back in touch?” He asked. “I have.” Audrey said. “But what could I tell her? I became a stripper and now I work at a place so secret and weird that I can’t tell her about it.” “Yeah I guess, but you could always put the spin on it that now you got your own privet show.” Marty offered. “I guess but it would still be awkward, I can’t exactly imagine my mom sitting in the main lounge watching that show. She’d want to come even if she knew what I had to do to make it, no mater what.” “Maybe that’s your answer? She’d still care regardless” Marty asked. They let the conversation sit awkwardly.

After coffee and talking for a few hours they were all but chased out of the posh restaurant after tying up a table so long. Marty insisted she let him pay, both for the fact she still wouldn’t be payed her first check till Saturday and he had asked her out. Audrey allowed him to stroke his ego and insisted next time was on her. On there way back Marty chuckled to himself. “Hey I had a great idea. You know how tomorrow is formal night at The Zoo right?” Audrey nodded. “Want to be my date? I still have time to arrange it, you can’t pare up till the day of. It would really drive the old guys wild if we stole the first dance.” Audrey thought that was a great idea, she wouldn’t be tied to some rich old creeper that way and she liked Marty. She agreed. As they parted ways Audrey realized that though she’d wanted to, she never invited Marty back with her to her apartment, it had never even occurred to her. “Hun, that’s what a normal, healthy date is like.” She mused to herself and went home happy.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #10
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
Dance The Night Away

Audrey was excited. Tonight would be her first formal dance night at the club. As she made her way into the dressing room she saw her gown hanging on her locker, there was a note pined to the plastic bag covering it. Cherie your dress is finished. Make sure to put it on before changing and it may be a good idea to have a friend help you with your tail. Have a wonderful night, Jehan. The dress was beautiful, the front was a deep, deep V and it was a red shimmering type of material. This is awfully provocative for a formal dress. Audrey thought. There was a slit up one side so she’d have free movement to dance. “Wow it looks great.” Tina said coming over. “Yeah but it looks like they stole it off of Jessica Rabbit.” Audrey said. “Oh don’t be silly, put it on and we’ll go get our pills.” Tina replided. Audrey did so and realized the huge dip V in the front would be taken up when she changed and only show a relatively normal amount of cleavage, if half a foot was normal, she’d just have a lot more to cover. Audrey made her way to the dispensary holding up her top to remain decent.

The outfits all the girls standing in line had were fantastic, the kind of stuff you’d see on the red carpet at the academy awards. Audrey spotted Erin step off to the side in Barbra’s office, four other girls stood around her holding up the immense light green dress she was barely warring. After seeing Erin’s stage show the shock of seeing little Erin inflate like a balloon before her eyes had worn off a bit but Audrey noticed ever eye in the room was still on Erin as her small pit crew adjusted and tied off her dress as she grew into it. The end result was Bubble’s huge ass form wrapped in green silk with frills, Hippo in a prom dress really did say it all but it wasn’t an insult for Bubbles. Audrey got to the head of the line and took her pill, thanking Barbra. Tina was shortly behind and in the hall she helped tread Squirrely’s growing tail through the hole in the backside of her dress before it was to fluffy to get through. As Audrey filled out her dress she took the time to admire Starling’s colorful feathers as they sprouted from Tina’s skin. Her dress for the night was scant but her feathers made up the volume an old fashion party dress would have, rather than making the covering Starling’s dress seemed to be bits and pieces of colorful matching fabric that mingled into her plumage. After heading back to the dressing room Audrey and Tina took turns helping each other doing hair and after the small amount of makeup needed to finish the outfit (mostly just nails and lipstick, fur and feathers were the ultimate coverup) Squirrely and Starling made they’re way to the waiting room to meet there ‘dates’.

The waiting room was a side room that the girls went to after finishing their costumes. A few of the girls lounged about waiting for their men. All dancers were assigned a partner that had purchased her company and they had been told whom to expect when they arrived for work tonight. Some of the earlier men were also waiting in little nots off to the side of the room and among them was Marty. “Wow Au.... Er, Squirrely you look fantastic.” Marty said as he came over. Audrey’s heart ceased a little as Marty stumbled over using her real name, it was a painful reminder this was, after all, fake. She never let it show as she thanked Dr. Schiffman and treaded her arm through his to go to the main room. The main ball room tonight had been re-arranged so that a large dance floor now dominated the room. All the booths must move or come apart to make all this room. Audrey thought. Around the dance floor small tables had been arranged for seating and Audrey and Marty took one.

After a short time the rest of the couples filtered in, it was a slightly older crowd for formal night and Audrey got a sort of old country club vibe. The lights dimmed. “Ladies and gentlemen.” The MC’s voice called over the speakers. “Tonight’s first dance is the Waltz.” Everyone made there way out to the dance floor and Marty leaned in closer. “This may have been a bad idea, I’m a lousy dancer.” Marty whispered. “It’s a simple waltz.” Audrey whispered back. “Put your hand on my back like your leading and just fallow my steps.” Audrey stepped up to Marty and realized a big problem. At her immense size in order to get close enough she had to press her chest against him. “I know, it’s awkward.” He whispered. “This is why slow dancing is actually popular here.” Not that Audrey blushed as she stepped up to Marty, it wasn’t the first time she’d pressed up against someone working here, but her chest nearly pushed up to her chin and they were no where near close. Marty politely pretended not to notice. Marty wasn’t a horrible dancer but they where a little behind the beat with Marty ‘leading’ and Audrey couldn’t help but grin at the look of concentration as he fallowed her lead through his hand on her back.

As the first dance ended Audrey knew the routine for formal night. After the first dance that their dates had payed for all the dancers would dance with anyone that approached them and the dance would be at lap dance rates. Only at the end of the night would Audrey get the last dance with Marty. “Sorry Marty.” She said. “I gotta work.” “I know, just try to have fun it is only dancing tonight.” He said. It made Audrey feel less guilty and she left Marty at the table.

Memories of the blitz pace of Audrey’s first night at The Zoo began to re-occur as the crowd realized Audrey’s skill on the dance floor. For the next four hours Audrey never even got a chance to sit as every guy in the club once again had to have their turn with the talented new girl. Audrey did ball room waltzes, jitter bugs, and even a few tangos but the pace never let up and around midnight Audrey had to refuse her next partner and nearly collapsed into a chair at the table but Marty was surprisingly absent. “Got just what you need.” Marty whispered in her ear a moment, or an hour (Audrey couldn’t tell, she’d closed her eyes) later. A drink sat in front of her on the table. “What’s in it?” She asked. “Two parts hydrogen one part oxygen.” Marty said with a grin. “Figured you’d need it.” “Plain water? My hero.” She exclaimed taking a long drink. “I knew it would be bad but god I’m just one woman.” she said. “You’re the new toy, and unfortunately the only other skilled dancer aside from Bubbles.” A shadow loomed over Audrey’s back. “Not that she’s not an excellent partner.” Marty added hastily, Bubbles stood behind her.

“Thanks Dr. Schiffman.” Bubbles said with her huge wide grin. “I’ll have to give you a spin ‘On me’ later but I was wondering if I could steal your date for a sec?” “What’s up?” Audrey asked. “Well you’ve been giving the amateurs all you got but I was wondering if you’d like a bigger, better partner?” Audrey was nearly exhausted she wanted twenty minutes of sitting, she fidgeted in her seat for a polite way out. “I’ve requested a special song.” Bubbles hummed. She leaned down and whispered into Audrey’s ear. At the name of the song Audrey’s ears pinned on top of her head. “Swing dancing!? That’s my favorite.” She exclaimed. “Thought you’d like it.” Bubbles grinned. “Can’t wait to see this.” Marty said eyeing the unlikely couple. “Ou wait and see.” Audrey said getting up and squeezing his shoulder excitedly as she passed. Audrey and Bubbles went off to the side of the room to plan for the up coming dance.

As a fast paced lindy that was playing wrapped up the MC’s voice came in over the speakers. “Ladies and gentlemen we have a special request tonight from two of our talented young ladies so we’d like to ask you to clear the dance floor for a special single dance.” Audrey and Bubbles took their places on ether side of the room and the lights dimmed.

Drums began to play through the ball room. Audrey and Bubbles bobbed to the beat and after a moment of teasing the crowd made their way across to each other. As the horns started in the classic intro to one of swing music’s most famous songs, Sing Sing Sing, Audrey and Bubbles began to dance. Squirrely’s super light weight against the immovable object that was Bubbles was a perfect match and as the song played on Audrey flipped and twirled around her huge partner just as she had the pole a few nights ago and the crowd cheered them on. Half way through the song Audrey remembered just how long the song was to be keeping up this pace but Bubbles, if anything, only got stronger as it went on and Audrey was having the time of her life, she would have to drop to stop. Most swing dance routines had a fancy end move for the finale but Audrey and Bubbles agreed a simple trick wouldn’t do for The Zoo so as the last part of the song came up Audrey readied herself. Getting a running start Audrey leapt to Bubble’s shoulders and began twisting around the huge woman’s back. As planed a hand awaited her on the other side and with one great pull Bubbles swung Squirrely around herself and hooked Audrey’s legs on her way around with her other arm. The sequence of flips and twirls around Bubbles would have been impossible on a poll but with Bubbles strength adding to Squirrely’s momentum the final sequence of their duet got roaring applause especially when Audrey slid down Bubble’s back, met hands inches away from the floor and was pulled to her feet through Bubbles legs to strike a finishing pose.

Audrey never tired of a cheering crowd and it was a good thing to, after all that the only thing keeping her standing was adrenalin. As they made there way back to her table Audrey whispered to Bubbles. “Thanks Erin I needed that.” “Any time I’m glad I finally have a good partner for these little gigs.” Erin whispered back and they rejoined Marty at the table for a now well deserved rest and several minutes of praise from Marty and anyone who passed by their table. “Wow your so great Squirrely.” Hussy said walking by. Carrie or Hussy the horse was dressed in a black velvet sort of half backless vest and trousers like a jockey’s outfit made into a dress. Of course no jockey ever had nearly a foot of cleavage or wore the pants she had on her slightly wide muscular hips that were so tight they gave her glaringly obvious camel toe. Her naturally black hair continued down from her scalp along her spine like a horses main showing off the open back of the scant garment and a matching black horse tail swished behind her. Audrey gave the standard thanks as best she could still catching her breath. “Um could I ask you a big, big favor?” Hussy asked awkwardly. “Sure I guess.” Audrey answered. “Could you teach me how to dance some time? I’m terrible, I’ve had three dances all night and they were new guys who didn’t know any better.” “I guess I could tomorrow.” Audrey offered laughing a little. “If you asked Ted we could get an hour or so off at the end of the night.” “Great, thank you so much Squirrely your savin my tail.” She said excitedly and swished it as she walked away. “Hehe, as tired as you are you just volunteered to give dancing lessons, gold star.” Marty teased. “Well she looked so desperate.” Audrey shrugged. “How bad could she be?” “That was Left Hoof Hussy.” Marty told her. “I hear the only reason she’s still working here is because she’s got a really good stage act, but dancing.... she a terror.” “Great.” Audrey said, she was too tired to worry about this now.

As the night wore down Audrey got a few more dances in but at a less painful pace and before she knew it she stood with Marty on the floor for the final dance. The soft guitar music to Eric Clapton’s Wonderful Tonight started playing. “Always with the irony.” Audrey sighed, leaning slightly on Marty as they danced to the very highschool prom like song. “Yeah, sorry, it was fun but not a very romantic second date, hun Squirrely?” He asked with depressed sarcasm. “No, it’s ok.” Audrey assured him. “Um... would you like to spend a little time with Audrey tonight too?” She asked. She’d had her pants on during their first date. Audrey justified, and tomorrow she had the morning off anyway. “I’d love to.” He said. “My place or yours?” Audrey thought for a moment, her tiny little apartment was no way to make an impression. “I’ve got an idea.” She said leaning in. “How about after this dance I go ask Ted if he has a room key?” She whispered into his ear as her tail coiled around them subconsciously. “Here? ok.” He said holding her close. He was wrong, this was romantic.... in a way.

Audrey jogged down the hall, the remains of her pill not quite worn off enough for her not to violently bounce and giggle along the way but she had to catch Ted before he left. Ted was still in his office tidying up for the night when Audrey arrived. “Ted, glad I caught you.” “Audrey, come on in I’m just getting ready to go.” He said smiling, Audrey went in. “Um Ted could I get a key to one of the rooms?” She asked. “Haha, you sweet on the doc?” He asked. She felt awkward, this was pushing close to her already blurry professional line. “Oh just teasing hun.” He said picking up on her feeling. “The doc is a good guy and he could use a little losing up.” He handed her one of the plastic keycard off a small peg board on the wall. “You gonna need another pill? Your looking a little baggy there.” Audrey realized her fur and most of her bust line had faded away, her dress was very lose. “Oh no, it’s not a work thing.” Audrey replied as she gathered her top. “Hehe told you he’s a nice guy.” Ted said. “He bushed like a teenager when I asked him if he’d need a room tonight but he said something nearly the same as you.” Audrey didn’t know weather to feel nice that Marty really, truly respected her or grossed out that she herself was so predictable to Ted. Audrey thanked Ted and wished him good night, trying to tune out his no doubt disgusting reply as she left.

As the doors to the elevator closed Audrey and Marty couldn’t resist making out on the short ride down and rushed down the hall as soon as they where free from the small car. The halls were deserted at this hour, all the kitchen staff had left and the other girls were upstairs changing. Audrey barely remembered opening the door between deep kisses and with her last bit of restraint and common sense she carefully removed her costume dress and hung it off the back of a chair. This gave Marty time to disrobe as well and the two feel in a tangled hep on the bed. Marty was ever the gentleman, kissing, groping in the customary foreplay that was polite but it had been far to long for Audrey. Audrey grabbed a handful of his hair as he sucked her neck. “Marty NOW.” She growled, he needed no more direction and Audrey shuddered with pleasure as she felt him thrust into her. Aaaauuuggg. She moaned as he continued. Marty leaned over her in his work, kissing and sucking on her neck and cupping one breast. Audrey realized through touch Marty was deceptively in shape for a science nerd, her hands trailed over his firm muscles and trough his hair. Oh, Right, TTTThhheeerrrreeee..... She moaned loudly.

Laying on the sheets next to Marty after their second round of frantic love making Audrey panted. “Sorry.... It’s been a while and I wasn’t very patient with fooling around.” “It’s ok.” Marty said back in an equally winded voice. “Working in a top secret lab doesn’t leave much time for a social life.” On the contrary Marty was very talented for all his claimed inexperience. Audrey had well and truly orgasumed several times in the few minutes it took to do the deed twice. For a few minutes they just lay there together catching their breath but sooner than Audrey would have thought possible she felt Marty ready again against her thigh. “Sorry, been a while since university.” He said grinning. “Well since I ruined your foreplay I guess I should make it up to you.” Audrey said and slowly slid under the covers.

“Audrey, Audrey baby wake up.” Marty’s voice cooed to her. It could only have been a few hours since they both passed out in each others arms. “What is it?” She asked. “I got to get ready and go to work this morning.” He said. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone.” Audrey could have cried at how thoughtful that simple gesture was, waking up alone had become her norm. “You have to work already this morning?” She asked blearily. “I slept before coming to the club and I’m used to it.” He said. “Go back to sleep and I’ll see you some time soon.” He kissed her and Audrey wanted to fallow him out but as he eased her back down she surrendered to her exhaustion and was back to dreaming her sweet dream of dancing with him, her, not Squirrely, before she even heard the door click shut.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #11
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
Two Left Hooves

Audrey woke up some time after noon. The room, though small was just as nice as a five star hotel room so Audrey took her time showering and getting ready to leave. All she had to wear was her costume dress so she kept the bathrobe she had on and left heading for the change rooms. After dressing and leaving her robe in the change room bin and her dress hanged for cleaning Audrey made her way back down the hall to slip the room card under Ted’s door before she left. From down the hall Audrey could hear sounds of work being done to the left performance stage for Fridays show. For a moment she had the naughty idea to sneak down the hall and see what this super secret show was going to be. However better judgement and threats of becoming a human lab rat made her slip the key card under Ted’s door and all but run from the hall before anyone even thought she was suspicious.

Audrey meet with Marty after he got done work for the day and they decided to catch an early dinner. “I can’t make it for the guest show tomorrow, I’ll be in investors meetings all day tomorrow, it’s out of town. I can’t even make it in tonight.” “Oh that sucks, Or do you already know all about the show tomorrow?” Audrey asked. “Haha one week and your already gossiping with the best of em?” He asked playfully. Audrey only acted offended, she had been fishing for details. “Fine keep your little secrets.” She joked back.

On her way into the club that night one of the bouncers handed her a note from Ted. It read. Audrey, Thanks for helping Carrie with her dancing. She’s a great act but the poor girl couldn’t dance her way out of a paper bag, this will really help her. You girls are off at midnight to practice. Thanks again. Ted. Audrey made her way to her locker. “Hey Audrey how ya doing?” Evelyn asked. “Oh good, I’m helping Carrie learn to dance tonight.” “Ou that’s gonna be ruff.” Evelyn said. “She’s really that bad?” Audrey asked in a hushed voice. “Well she’s just not very good with foot work, her costume don’t help ether.” “I never noticed what’s wrong with her costume?” Audrey asked. “She’s the only girl here who’s feet are changed by the pill. Another experiment ya know, her feet are actually hooves an without toes or two more legs like a real horse she has a ruff time balancin.” “Well I’ll have to see what I can do.” Audrey said. “Yeah but at least you’ll get ta see my show tonight.” Evelyn said. “Oh it’s your show tonight?” Audrey said surprised. “What do you do?” “Haha can’t ruin it fur the new girl.” Evelyn teased. “You’ll love it an I even got a special new pill I’m tryin out tonight.” Audrey continued to get ready and then left for her own pill.

Audrey had joined one of the richer exec’s tonight. She had a drink while he had dinner, a nice looking porter house steak that was the house special tonight. The smell of the steak made her feel sick to her stomach though, that food thing was a real problem. As the lights dimmed the MC stepped up to the mic. “Gentlemen tonight we have one of our house favorites doing her standup act this evening. So with out further adieu The Zoo brings you Anabel the standup cowgirl.” The music to Kid Rocks Cowboy payed as an intro and they had changed the words to cowgirl as Anabel made her way out on stage. She turned and slapped her wide hip at the crowd. “Who’s havin steak tonight?” She yelled to the crowd. Several men at tables hooted and held up fork fulls of steak, no wonder it was the special tonight. “Hahaha You sick brassards.” She laughed. Anabel was dressed in her usual three strapless bras, each a different color. “So everyone have a good formals night yesterday?” There was enthusiastic applause. “That’s good, that’s good. Lots a new stuff in the last few days eh boys? How about that Squirrely? Alvin and the chipmunks don’t got shit on that act hun?” There were cheers. “Speakin of dancin boys.....” a low slow beat picked up and Anabel deftly stripped the lower most bra as she did a quick little number around the pole. As she finished she said. “Oh and a honorable mention for our dear Hussy who didn’t even break one toe last night.” Anabel lead the crowd in a little applause and Hussy graciously bowed. “Just so ya know boys we’ll continue to rent those steel toe dance shoes for all future formal nights.”

Annabel then fired into a story joke. So a man lives alone with his pet bird. After many years the man finally meets a nice girl and starts a meaningful relationship. Sitting at the table one day his bird looks up at him and says.” “I really wish I could have what you have for even just a little while.” Heart aching for his little friend the man runs out to the pet store and explains the situation to the owner. The owner agrees to rent him a female bird for a night if he pays him forty dollars. The man rushes home with the other bird and when he gets home puts her in the cage with his bird and puts the sheet over top the cage for the night. The man is woken shortly after by the female bird screaming. “He’s trying to kill me! He’s trying to kill me!” When the man rushes over and takes the sheet off his bird is trying to rip the female’s feathers out. The bird looks at him and says. “For forty dollars I at least want the bitch naked.” The crowd laughed and then Anabel said. “Sorry it didn’t work out for you ether Starling.” Starling laughed along as the crowd laughed louder and playfully shot her the finger with her feathered hand.

“Well, that story got me all hot.” Anabel said fanning herself and then she stripped her middle bra and did a very lively pole dance in her new freedom. Anabel was an old pro at pole dancing Audrey could tell, it was as if she didn’t have another persons weight worth in tits to unbalance her as she jiggled and bounced through the number. Anabel finally finished and fired right into another joke. An elephant says to a camel. “Why are your tits on your back?” The camel answers back. “That’s a strange question coming from a guy who’s dick is on his face.”

“So you boys know we have a special show tomorra night?” She asked and the crowd cheered. “Yes, yes it’s excitin I know but don’t forget us boys.” She gave a little shake of her two lose sets of breasts. “Ya wouldn’t want me to cry over spilt milk.”

Two men, a woman, and their three dogs are sitting in the vets office. The first mans dog says. “This is terrible, I bit the mail man and now they’re going to put me to sleep.” The second dog nods and says. “I peed all over their new furniture and now they’re going to put me to sleep.” The two dogs look expectantly at the third. “Oh well my master has this new girl friend.” He looked up affectionately at the hot blond sitting next to him. “Every day after she takes a shower she walks around the house naked and it makes me really horney. So one day I couldn’t take it any more and when she bent over to pick up the towel I jumped on top of her and gave it to her good.” The two other dogs nodded knowingly and said. “And now they’re putting you to sleep. Hun?” The other dog looks confused and says. “No she just brought me here to get my toe nails clipped.”

Anabel moved to the center of the stage, slowly and seductively rolling her huge hips in a way that was supposed to be sexy but at her size Audrey just found it funny. “Aaaannndddd nnnnnooooowwww.” She drew her words out. “I’ve been workin on a new little dance for ya’ll boys. Would ya like to see it?” With her back to the crowd she reached her hand up to her back and the final bra clasp. The crowd erupted into cheers and the second she popped the clasp a strange sort of fast paced country twang music started to play but at the pace of a belly dancers song and as Anabel turned her titanic top rack bounced along with her two others as she began gyrating at an incredible speed. How Anabel did not fall over as she spun and shook on stage was incredible. Her wide hips shook as hard and fast as any slim and nimble Arab dancer. There was something off though, Audrey realized. Audrey had seen Anabel dance on stage several times now whenever she took her turn out on stage at night and Anabel’s body never moved like that. It was hard to describe, like she jiggled too much? but she was her normal huge size. As the song wound down Anabel slowly sunk to her knees at the end of the stage and at the last second Audrey figured it out, they were full. On the final loud, long note that ended the song Anabel reached up and squeezed her huge top breasts together and a light but visible spray of what could only be milk squirted from her nipples onto the front row. Audrey was honestly stunned, she sat there staring as the rest of the freaks in the room cheer and hooted in a standing ovation and the front row was going insane. This was just a bit much to process and she was doubly grateful she hadn’t sat with someone in the front.

Some time after the show Audrey got a chance to talk to Anabel at the bar. Anabel had something sticking out of the corners of her top bra. “Moved on to stuffing it now?” Audrey joked. “Yeah, there’s still some bugs ta work out on that new pill.” Anabel said taking the wad of wet paper towel out of her bra and replacing it with more. “I’m leakin like a sieve here. Barb says there’s nothin ta do but ride it out, she says it won’t hurt me though.” “Well I guess I owe you a drink.” Audrey said. “Larry when she finishes her milk get her another.” She yelled to the bartender. “Will do Squirrely.” He said grinning. “I did like the show though, I didn’t know you did standup.” Audrey said. “Just a hobby but with the whole strip bit at the end it’s not a bad gig.” Anabel said. “Maybe next time the pills will be a little toned down.” Audrey said. “Hope not.” Anabel joked lifting up the side of her bra and squirted Audrey as she retreated in disgust, this was going just a little far on costume realism.

At midnight Audrey met with Hussy at the back doors and the headed to the training gym. Hussy was quiet tall, though some height was from her costume. She had a beautiful black, shiny coat of horse hair that went well with her already very jet black hair that was, of course in a braided pony tail down her back and lose along her spine in a mane. Aside from her Zoo standard bust Hussy’s costume gave her slightly wider but very muscular hips, a nice firm round ass under a flowing horse tail and the expected longer horse face. She wore red lingerie to stand out against her dark coat. As Audrey walked down the hall her heart started to race as she heard the other thing Hussy’s costume changed, the CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, of Hussy’s hoofed feet. Audrey looked down, all she had was a thin velvet lining of fur on her dainty bare feet. This could end up really hurting. Audrey thought.

“So I heard you have a really good stage show?” Audrey said trying to drown out the sound with conversation. “Well we try.” Hussy smiled weakly. “Me and my partner Lin, she’s Alice if you don’t know.” Alice was a very petit bunny girl that often worked the room, she looked like a cross between Jessica Rabbit and her namesake. “Problem is I can barely get through a dance without tripping or full out falling but my magic act and costume are good.” “Magic?” Audrey asked surprised. “Yeah it’s why I came to Vagus.” “I was trying to make it as a magician but now a days if you don’t have millions in special effects you don’t stand a chance. I was so naive.” She said shaking her head. “Hey it couldn’t have been that bad. I came here trying to be a show girl.” Audrey offered. “And now you are, sort of, but do you know what it was like becoming a stripper instead of a magician? Alice is basically saving my stage act right now. There’s the whole magicians rabbit thing, she dances and assists while the special costume I made slowly falls apart as I do magic tricks on stage. You know, all the standard birthday party crap and a few really good tricks of my own all as I strip, it’s a great gimmick but it comes off weird if I can only just stand there as I do it. I took this job based on that act but these feet give me such lousy balance I can barely stand let alone dance. I think they want to fire me, or transfer me or whatever they do.” “I’m assuming you asked them to change it?” Audrey asked. “A million times but the whole point of my character is to test the hoof idea they say so they want me to try and adjust.” Hussy answered. “I’ll talk to Ted later.” Audrey said. “But hopefully we can get you able to get by with what you learn tonight.”

“So your problem is your balance that means fast songs are out.” Audrey said when they had reached the gym. “The trick will be dancing to something slow and knowing your moves by heart. You won’t be able to do as many songs as someone who can improvise but the stripping is just the little treat for the boys during your act.” “What about when we have formals night?” Hussy asked. “For that I’ll teach you two or three songs and the steeps to go with them and then you’ll at least have some memorized.” “So.” Audrey made her way over to the screen on the wall that controlled the gyms music system. “We’ll start with solo dancing and I’ll give you tips as you dance.” Audrey flipped through the music lists something slow...... “Oh god that’s perfect.” She said hitting the button. The Rolling Stones, Wild Horses, started to play and Hussy grinned. “Ok so I guess you don’t go far from the poll when dancing on stage?” Audrey asked as Hussy began dancing, she stood way to straight up and every step looked so deliberate. “Like a life line.” Hussy said. “Using the pole is about he only way I can lean forward without my tits dragging me down.” Just then Audrey saw Hussy’s hoof slip on its edge on the smooth stage floor and she crumpled to a hep on the ground. Audrey grinned wide. “Thanks a lot.” Hussy said getting to her knees. “No, I just had a great idea about you feet.” Audrey said. “You just walk on them as is right?” “If your going to suggest horse shoes....” Hussy said a little testily. “Not the kind your thinking of, not steel. Just something to go on the bottom of your feet to give you the traction hooves don’t have on smooth floors.” Audrey said. “Like what?” Hussy asked. Audrey looked around. “If we talk to Ted he could have something special made but for tonight......”

There was not much in the gym in the way of do it yourself foot wear. There was a stack of tables and chairs in the far corner, the gym equipment lining the floor and walls and a sort of kitchenette at the other end next to the stage. Audrey went over to the cabinets and started looking. Bit of liquor and drink cups for bar service, Some office supplies like paper, pens, and tape and everything for making coffee with the one old coffee pot on the counter. Audrey was riffling through the bar supplies. “You really do look like a squirrel burrowing now, you gonna MacGyver up a horse shoe?” Hussy asked sarcastically walking over. Audrey stopped. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.” She said holding up a pack of coasters. Audrey sat on the floor her tail curled around her as she sat in front of Hussy who sat on the stage. “Foot up girl and I’ll give you a carrot.” She said slapping one of Hussy’s legs gently, Hussy rolled her eyes and complied. Audrey took the office tape and a coaster and attached it to the bottom of Hussy’s hoof. The cheep quark coasters were meant to not let a drink slip, why not a foot. Audrey thought. After each hoof was shoed Audrey got up and stepped back. Hussy stood slowly. “Wow I don’t feel as unsteady.” Hussy grinned. She did a few steps right on the hard wood floor of the stage. “I don’t slip!” Audrey smiled. “They can probably make something better that will have a sticky side instead of tape if we ask Ted.” “Yeah.” Hussy said. “Celebration dance?” She asked. Audrey took a deep breath. “My toes are on the line.” she said. “As long as it’s nothing as fancy as you and Erin did last night I don’t think you have to worry.” Hussy said. Audrey steeped up on stage and joined Hussy. There was the awkward little moment as they tried to stand with each other. Audrey was so much shorter her face would be buried in Hussy’s rack and her own only served to push Hussy up farther. After a bit of awkward positioning they started a simple waltz to help Hussy on formal night, Hussy really wasn’t that bad when she wasn’t falling all over.

“Hey Audrey?” Carrie asked. “You’ve been hanging out a bit with doc Schiffman hun? How’s that going?” “Oh real good I like Marty and I’m starting to get used to all The Zoo weirdness.” Audrey said. “That’s great, he’s kinda hot in a science teacher sorta way.” Carrie said “Yeah he’s fun.” Audrey replied. They parted and began heading out, Audrey could already feel the tingling that said there shift was over. “Without the balance problems you don’t even have a problem with slow dancing, hun?” Audrey asked. “Yeah it’s great. Carrie replied. All I really needed were some slow steps to loosen up the act. Thanks Audrey you did way more than just helped me learn to struggle through a dance or two, you fixed the problem it self.” “No problem Carrie and if you’d like to learn how to dance a bit once your used to it let me know.” Audrey said and they headed back to the change rooms together.
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Unread 02-15-2014   #12
Process Fan
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 61

Sin City Zoo
Under the Sea

The club was buzzing in the change room before the night’s big show. The guest performer for tonight was named Meri Kelby. Audrey had learned but there was precious little else to learn from the gossip. Audrey found a note taped to her locker. It read. Thanks so much for your help with Carrie last night. I would never have thought of something like that to solve the problem. Expect a little bonus in your check tomorrow night. Ted. Audrey grinned and tucked the note in her purse. After dressing and changing Audrey walked the room looking for someone to keep company during the show. Audrey was a little depressed she couldn’t see the show with Marty tonight but she ended up with one of her favorite regulars of the clubs special shows. Mr. Gregory Barton owned several small chain businesses around the city. Audrey liked Greg, he was just rich enough to fit in here but not so rich to be snobby like some of the casino exec’s. He was also a snappy dresser and had a good sense of humor. Of course he was a perve like the rest of them, and on more than one occasion she’d had a good groping from him during a lap dance but Audrey was beginning to ignore the patrons that were only semi creepy, it was after all what she was here for.

As everyone settled into their booths and their drinks the house lights dimmed and the MC stepped up to the podium that was set up on the floor in front of the stage rather than on the corner as usual. That’s strange Audrey thought. “Gentlemen tonight’s show is an exclusive guest performance from our sister club in Miami called Down By The Bay. We at The Zoo are pleased to present our special show for the night, Viviane the Mermaid.”

The curtain parted on a plate glass wall at the edge of the stage, a sort of under water set was built behind the glass. Oh my god it’s a fish tank. Audrey thought as it was clear the whole thing was full of water. A soft sort of aquatic music like what they play in the background at those tourist aquariums started to play and Viviane swam out to center stage to very stunned applause. Just like any classic mermaid Viviane’s legs merged from the hips and her still perfect ass down to one thick tail that ended in a colorful fan. Her body was covered in iridescent scales that shimmered as the light hit them. Her skin had taken on a light blueish tint where there weren’t scales and her hair must have been dyed because it was a matching light green like seaweed. Viviane’s other even more incredible trait was her breasts. Viviane’s breasts were enormous, well beyond even the Zoo’s freakish sizes Viviane probably couldn’t even get her arms all the way around them. Each were at least the size of large beach balls with slightly darker blue nipples and swayed lazily in their underwater setting. Audrey figured if it weren’t for the fact that she was weightless under water Viviane wouldn’t even be able to stand with those things, if she had legs of course. The only thing that ruined the effect was the small air tank she held in one webbed hand, she obviously couldn’t breath under water. As the shock wore off the applause in the room picked up.

Placing the air tanks mouth piece between her teeth Viviane began an elegant sort of under water dance consisting of flips and twists in rhythm to the slow music. Audrey knew how hard it was to move with any sort of rhythm under water, it was clear that Viviane must have practiced for years to become so graceful under water and with a tail instead of legs, not to mention all that extra buoyancy up front. The soft music faded out and with it the lighting on stage changed, darkening and with flashes of light above that Audrey figured was meant to represent a storm above the ocean. The guitar to Jimi Hendrix’s Valleys of Neptune started to play and at the far end of the tank someone dropped into the water. As the bubbles cleared the man that feel into the water became visible. He looked like he’d just stepped off the cover of one of those cheep romance novels, he wore an old time sailors shirt that laced up the front, very tight café skin pants and had long blond hair. As the song picked up Viviane swam over to him and started circling in an enticing way. It soon became obvious the second actor didn’t have an air tank in hand and as he began to struggle. Viviane swam up, curled her tail around him much the way Audrey did with hers, gabbed his shoulders and kissed him. The small stream of bubbles that came from their mouths showed she was passing him a breath. As she released the sailor and leaned back the look of shock mixed with appreciation on his fact made Viviane laugh. She grabbed both sides of his head and introduced him to her own underwater valley in perfect time with the songs chorus and the crowd cheered as a wash of bubbles escaped Viviane’s massive cleavage.

The rest of the act was a choreographed sort of dance in time with the song. Audrey realized this to was very impressive because the dancers could not hear the music under water. There must have been some sort of timing signals only the dances could see. As the song wound down the sailor parted with Viviane and began reluctantly swimming for the surface and his supposed ship above. The sad look on Vivaine’s face as he left her was excellent acting, it really conveyed the emotion of loss. As Vivaine slowly swam off to the side out of sight the curtain closed and the roar of applause that fallowed was just as strong as when Audrey did her premier pole dance.

There was a short intermission after the show. Some how Vivaine was going to work the room tonight too. Audrey made small talk about the show with Greg and when the call came up Audrey went to stand with the other girls as Vivaine came out from back stage. The doors opened and Vivaine stood with her partner on two long shapely legs. Vivaine’s breasts had changed as well, down to the normal Zoo standard. For covering she wore a small divers speedo, her breasts were bare but the scales on her body had re-arranged to form a sort of natural bikini. She made her way into the crowd and Audrey and the others were completely forgotten, she now knew how it felt when she’d done her premier show. Audrey eventually made her way over and got a chance to talk. “Your show was amazing.” Audrey said as she shook Vivaine’s webbed hand. “Oh your Squirrely.” Vivaine said. “I herd about your show too, your supposed to be an excellent dancer.” As Vivaine let go of Audrey’s hand Audrey rubbed her fingers together, they were all slimy. Vivaine laughed. “Sorry part of my costume. You know that slick coating fish have? It started as a joke but when every lap dance is wet and slippery one how could I pass up charging extra.” Audrey laughed awkwardly and moved on, now her hand smelled like fish. Eventually Vivaine met with everyone and paired up with her first lap dance of the night. She pressed herself up against the tuxedoed business man and left his whole shirt front wet. Rather than being angry it seemed he was actually into it and she led him off to the lap dance pit. Audrey made a grossed out face and went on to find a dance for herself.

At the end of the night Vivaine and her partner met with all the girls out in the hall after they’d changed and dressed. Meri Kelby and her partner slash husband James Kelby looked like the perfect super model couple. Aside from Meri’s still bright green hair she had the slim figure and natural endowments that any centerfold would have. James was a sculpted bronze god of a man any girl would give her right arm to have. Meri explained to the group that her performance costume and her every day costume were actually two different pills. Her under water costume was for obvious reasons was not practical to work a room in so that pill only lasted an hour or so, long enough to do her act. Her normal costume would be another pill and wore off an hour or so quicker so she could finish the night. James explained that he married Meri shortly before she took the job as Vivaine. They were both starving performers and when Consumac offered them a stage show together how could they refuse. James worked security on nights he didn’t have to play Vivaine’s swash buckling partner and apparently had no problem with his wife stripping and giving slippery, slimy lap dances when they weren’t performing. Meri answered all kinds of questions about what it was like to have an actual tail instead of legs and told equally embarrassing and hilarious stories about all the time she had troubles adjusting to her tail as well as her monstrous rack she nick named The Barnacles. The club Meri worked at was called Down By The Bay, it was in Miami. It was obviously way out of the way of the normal tourist spots and sported a more ocean inspired theme. Many girls at the bay had costumes that were colorful fish or crustaceans, and many performed in big stage shows like hers so they had to work under water. The Bay only had one stage and two large performance tanks. “Our club gets a lot of experimental stuff.” Meri explained. “A lot of the new things they’re coming up with come through there. Our shows an old classic but Consumac is always working on new stuff, they’re even supposed to be working on a new octopus costume for one of the girls.” “That’s a long ways off though they can’t get the extra arms to work right.” James added and Meri nodded like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Several of the girls asked for autographs and after a few drinks that Ted suppled the crowd broke up and Audrey headed home. On her way out she saw Meri and James kissing and laughing as they headed down to the elevators, they’d probably spend the night and leave in the morning. They looked so happy. Audrey thought. It was obviously a really weird lifestyle but they made it work. Maybe there was hope for her and Marty too.
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