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Unread 06-27-2013   #1
magnus knight
Magnus Knight
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Post New she hulk fiction series

Man on fire here....

But don't get used to it, I just wanted to come back with a bang is all.

There is the first part of my shewolf story in the TF forum, my giantess one completed below in this forum, and in this thread, a new she hulk type story, well the first part that is.

Comments welcome, and please don't expect this pace to last.

I'm tired...might just stick to online role play chatting for the next week.


Colors of Gamma

By: Magnus Knight

The cold winter air blows around the buildings collected just outside of Batavia Illinois, almost swirling like the outline of the massive machine that is buried beneath the ground. The sun is beginning to set taking with it its warmth, as clouds begin to gather above and a fresh coating of snow begins to fall. The parking lot once full of automobiles is now beginning to empty, as employees, mostly scientists begins to make their way through the lot to head to their various domiciles’. All appears quiet…
“BOOM!” the sound of the blast echoes through the halls and corridors of the various buildings, flames rise up licking the walls of their surroundings, the intense heat melting paint off nearby walls. The Earth itself seems to have awoken angry, as smoke slowly begins to clear and the flames calm down just enough to allow you to see, there is a large gaping hole in the ground, as chunks of soil and clay fall down, some bits of metal among them glowing with searing heat. The distant silence becomes alive as fire trucks begin to roar down the road leading to research complex. The Tevatron collider has exploded spreading parts of itself and Earth around the area. People in hazmat suits begin to emerge from one of the buildings in the area, reaching for the limp bodies of colleagues and friends that litter the ground among the blast sight.
As the fire trucks come to a halt the men and women inside jump into action, some running hoses, others are putting on their own hazmat suits and joining the others moving the unconscious or dead from the area. The priority for these brave souls is to clear the area for now, as the hoses begin to fire into the flaming hole from a safe distance.
The ambulances soon arrive as well on the scene, people emerging with their protective suits armed with Geiger counters as they begin sweeping the area for contamination. All during this one of the blast survivors stirs on the ground, and as she looks up for a brief moment before losing awareness again peers through the flames and see’s something large, moving slowly, lumbering in the flames as if they are of no consequence. The image begins to blur, and in a moment she passes out again.
People shout as they look all around, pulling the people from the danger area checking for life signs, injury, and some for radiation levels. The local news media arrives on the scene and begins to set up their cameras to get the live story, but they are slowly pushed back as levels of radiation in the area closest the blast are determined too dangerous to be around.
The sun now set, darkness only broken by the emergency lights set up by rescue workers and scientists investigating the area, and the faint glow of the ash and ambers from the now extinguished flames. The ambulances are gone, and the local news media reports despite the damage there were only six believed casualties, those directly above the collider when it exploded. The one’s nearest that survived had to be treated for radiation exposure, but were expected to survive.
As the news crew was wrapping up young rookie reporter Rosa Dominga decided to get some close up shots of the blast zone, and waited for a shift change in the crew working the scene. As the men and women made their way to the decontamination tents and stripped off their hazmat suits she, after removing her heels, snuck by and grabbed one, and after slipping it over her dress suit and placing the hood over her tan Hispanic skin and black silky hair she picked up the camera and made her way to the blast zone. As she zoomed in around the rubble and heated twisted metal wreckage, she spied something odd, movement. The loose steel and stone crumbles a bit, and as Rosa zooms in, a hand appears, a frail, small female hand based on its appearance. Rosa drops the camera immediately and shouts for help as she runs back to the decontaminant station and control tents. Rosa failed to notice in her haste to “borrow” her suit she tore it slightly, exposing herself to unknown radiation levels.
Crew gather around the blast area, men in their protective suits climb in and begin to remove debris, as they do one shouts he see’s red hair, another uncovers dainty bare feet. Soon the frail naked body of a woman is uncovered, and to every one's astonishment she appears unharmed, though the Geiger meter is clicking and clacking around her. Slowly they carefully pick her up, and place her on a stretcher as they hoist her out of the hole. Once they get her into an ambulance the sirens come on and it speeds her away.
The unconscious woman turns her head to the side as the paramedic shines a light in her eyes while the other is placing IV’s into her arm. “Miss, miss…” he shouts at her, telling she was having trouble focusing on him and his voice. “Miss…what’s your name?” The woman turns her head and shrugs slightly and then opening her mouth replies…”Tabitha, Dr. Tabitha Bennet.” And with that her blue eyes flickered and then she passed out.
Thirteen hours ago, the sun began to rise as a green Toyota Prius was driving along the stretch of road that leads Fermilab research facility run by the University of Chicago. As the car made its way the driver looked up and squinting with her blue eyes through her windshield she watched the sunlight percolating down through the clouds. “Looks like it might actually be nice today.” Which she thought was in a way was funny, because in the year she’s been living in the area sunshine was not something she associated with Chicago in winter.
The little green car approached a series of buildings, and turning into the L lot it slowly pulled into the space with the sign in front that read Parking Reserved for Dr. Tabitha Bennet, and as it came to a stop the engine was turned off. The next sound was the door unlocking and then swinging open.
A black heeled boot stepped out and with a soft clack came to rest on the ground, following up past it’s over the ankle area buckle with its golden glint and it’s just below the knee leather shaft you could make out a glimpse of smooth, dark black material of a pair of leggings. You didn’t see too much though as it was soon covered by the purple hem of a purple pleated dress with a yellow stripe along the bottom. You couldn’t make out much else because of the thick brown coat she was wearing. Turning she checked her shoulder length red hair in the mirror, and closing the door made her way into the main building.
The front door to the main building slid open, creaking slightly as it needed some attention. As the pointed toe parts of the boots clacked and clicked along the tile floor with their medium heels step after step the woman made her way to the front security desk.
“May I see your identification please?” A burly bearded man asked standing behind the desk, his body lit up with the faint glow from the security monitors below him. “You know who I am Ryan, I’ve been working here for at least a year now.” She said with a smile, her lips with her red lipstick on, cheeks blushing slightly as they usually do in the company of men. “Pffff…” she then sighed and reaching into her black leather purse she pulled out a laminated card that shined in the sterile glow of florescent lights shining themselves from above. Handing the card over to Ryan, who once he had it in his hand slid it through a reader. “Welcome back Dr. Bennet.” And with the same fluid gesture he grasped and scanned the card he just as promptly returned it to her, now with a bit of a smile himself. “A pleasure as always,” as the doctor placed the card back into her purse, “he continued and nice pink nail polish by the way.” She just smiled back and then walked by heading towards the elevator. Reaching out she pushed the up button and as the door slid open she stepped inside and pressed three and turning she waved with a gesture to Ryan as the door again slid closed.
The light above her head lit up with its green glow as the doors slid open. The doctor stepped out and made her way towards her office down the hall until she reached room 313. Reaching for the knob and with a gentle twist the door opened and in she walked. Turning she unzipped her brown coat and hung it upon the coat rack she had in the room, and with a twirl her hair fluttered slightly and her full dress was revealed, the black vest she wore with its yellow buttons, the slim leather black belt around her midsection, and the dresses long sleeves that covered her leather banded gold rimmed watch she wore on her left hand. Though the good doctor liked to wear rings, she doesn’t choose too when working for fear of any sort of chemical reactions, but that rule didn’t apply to her golden stub earrings.
Moving into the back room she grabbed her white lab coat that hung on the hook behind it. Then walking over to her purse she grabbed her identification out and clipped it onto her lab coat. Then with an almost giddy smile she turned and made her way out of the door once again on the move, this time to the solid state laser in subbasement one.
Walking past some colleagues and only making eye contact for no longer then a small smile or slight wave as acknowledgement she walked down the dimly lit hall and then turning to her right entered the laser lab. Once inside her small smile became large again as nothing pleased her more than the comfort of a laboratory setting.
Dr. Tabitha Bennet made her way into the room, through a pair of heavy lead lined doors, which were there to prevent, well she had no desire to dwell on what those doors were there to prevent. Moving into the control room she began her calibrations and calculations for the first phase of her work.
Dr. Tabitha was not keeping track of time, but when the doors opened once more and the sound of a pair of heels clacking along the floor that weren’t hers caught her attention she had some idea. “Late again,” she said while her head perked upwards with a smile while her hand was twisting a mirror like surface into alignment. “Let me guess, party, sex, and hair of the dog?” Tabitha said while making her way over towards her friend. “Was he at least cute?”
“Taby, they are always cute.” She smiled as her reply went out. “And you know you’re always welcome to the party.” Placing a hand to her side Tabitha replied, “You know I don’t like to go out like that Donna, not to mention can afford it, we all don’t come from trust funds.” Dr. Donna Rizzio placed both her hands on her waist, “Someone is in a mood are you nervous about the test?” Donna’s brown eyes looked at her friend; her face with her hoop earrings and black hair, done in a ponytail with a bun type style due to its length. Shiny lipstick and flashy eye makeup finished the look up there.
Tabitha looked at her friend, her green pantsuit, the jacket, light red blouse, and matching pants to the green of the coat. Looking down Tabitha saw the shine of her friend’s heeled shoes, guessing Manolo or some other fancy type she thought. In Tabitha’s mind spending so much on clothing felt wasteful, though she also thought they did make her friend look hot, which was another thought she felt was one she shouldn't be having, at least not now with work to do.
“Yeah,” Tabitha replied shrugging and blushing as she did so. “I have the gold sheet in place, and the gamma laser powered. Care to step into the next room and get this part done with.”
Donna replied, “You know I’m ready, and you shouldn’t be so nervous, everything will work out fine. Also you know I’m looking out for you, ever since you moved here you spend all your time either here or in your apartment. Living in a city like Chicago you really need to get out there, mingle, and get some.” She smiled and winked with that last part.
“Donna, you know I came from a small town, and all of this is just so overwhelming sometimes.” Tabitha replied. The two women stepped behind the lead doors and into the control room for the laser system. The two women placed their tinted goggles over their eyes and Tabitha pressed the button on the keyboard to start the program, while Donna took notes.
Three beams of bright green light shot out from different points along the large table, each one colliding with a series of mirrors focusing them finer and finer until they all hit the central mirror at once, then one super focused beam with a green sparkly glow hit the ultra-thin leaf like gold, and then a red beam shot off into a small lead container. This all happened in a matter of seconds to the observer. After a few moments of this the beams went out.
Doctors Tabitha and Donna entered the room, as they did the lid over the little lead vial snapped shut. Donna reached for the vial, while Dr. Tabitha reached for the tiny gold piece.
“You know Taby, sooner or later I’ll get you out of that apartment and hitting the streets to do something, you can’t hide forever.” Tabitha replied, “I’m not hiding, I’m…waiting, for the right time is all.” Donna looked at her, those brown eyes narrowed slightly, “The right time is anytime Taby, and it might do you some good, if any one needs to cut loose, perhaps get laid, it’s you.” That last part of the comment coming out a bit on the snarky side, but no harm meant by it between these two friends.
“Ouch.” Was the first thing Tabitha said? “You ok?” Donna asked concerned. “Yeah, paper cut, you know how I get when you talk like that Donna, and stop calling me Taby.” Donna smiled, “You are so prudish,” she replied, “and that’s a golden paper cut…Taby.” Was the reply. Both women then laughed as they made their way out of the lab, it was now time for the hard part to begin.
Making their ways down the hall, they reached the elevator and pressing the down button. The doors slid open and stepping inside Donna reached out and pressed the down button. The elevator stirred and moved down, to the bowels of the facility. Upon opening the women stepped out and saw the curved pipes that were part of the Tevatron collider, the largest in the US.
The two women made their way down the long curved hall as they made their way towards the collider entrance and control room. The overhead lights with their flickering bulbs dimly lit the path and the way they blew with the recycled air blowing from the vents above cast shadows along the walls. “Hey Taby, look at your shadow, must be six feet tall.” She giggled as she said it knowing Dr. Tabitha was always bothered by her feelings of being short, at least in her family of two brothers and one sister. Most women might be ok with five foot three inches, but compared to Tabitha’s sister of five foot nine and her two brothers over six feet each, a fact she only shared with Donna, who also happens to be her only friend she made in the year or so she has been in the area and working here.
“Yeah, well look at yours, bigger than mine, so much for all that fancy name brand clothing you have, try and fit into it now.” She giggled with her reply. Donna looked at her, face scowling for a brief moment, then they too had their eyes meet, blue to brown, and they both chuckled as the control room door slid open.
The two women began to go about the business of entering careful calculations, set parameters, and in an hour or so had the machine ready to go. The last thing was to check with Dr. Mark Koziak who was in charge of assessing the operational part of the collider and make sure all the safety measures are in place should anything go wrong. The funny thing that nobody knew about Dr. Mark was he recently was left by his wife, and the good doctor had started drinking rather heavily. Coming off the weekend he had gone on an especially long bender, though he hid it well with his amount of medical knowledge as well as particle physics along with mechanical engineering.
Every morning Dr. Mark Koziak job was to come in and travel along the three point nine miles of the particle accelerator and check its surface for any cracks or parts damaged, and with a special scope view certain portions at random for micro fractures. The other part of his job was to inspect the magnetic coils along the way to make sure each and every one of those was aligned properly and welds and bolts structurally sound so they don’t come loose, or else if any particle was going through the long tube were scattered in an uncontrolled path, an atom might split instead of fuse, in which case things can go from fusion to Hiroshima. Dr. Mark knew the machine well though in all the years he was there, and knew at what speeds any of this could go wrong, and always checks the days notes to see if things might get pushed to that point, and as far as he knew things would be fine.
“Dr. Koziak… This is Dr. Bennet checking to make sure all safety checks are complete and there are no structural problems.” Dr. Koziak stirred from his nap in his office and picked up his phone, “Umm, yeah, Dr. Koziak here, the Tevatron is ready for acceleration.” Once he hung up he drifted off to dream land once more, his head partially covering an upside down piece of paper, on the backside of which was Dr. Tabitha Bennet’s changed parameters for the test about to be run. Dr. Bennet was always in early to work, always tweaking something, and today she decided to tweak the acceleration of her particle experiment.
“From the journal of Dr. Tabitha Bennet: In my attempts to understand the balance and effects of various types of radiation upon the smallest of atomic particles I have decided to take the very atoms of a relatively low reactive element ie. Gold and expose to a concentrated level of one of the most harmful radiations known, ie. Gamma, and to then deconstruct the mentioned atoms and observe if the exposure from the gamma rays at precise controlled amounts for various time limits has the known understanding of mutations that may manifest on a larger surface level of more organic forms. The original speed calculated I have found will not be sufficient, I am therefore increasing to 209,308 km\s now.”
This notice would not be read by Dr. Koziak, and back down a long couple of intersecting halls in the control booth Dr. Tabitha was watching her friend and colleague Dr. Rizzio place the small lead container into a control chamber where she then controlled a small robotic arm that loaded and un sealed the contents to allow them to enter the chamber for acceleration. As the chamber behind her sealed shut she walked away to join Dr. Bennet back in the control chamber to begin. The machine began to hum and come to life, the magnets began to fire, particles began to move, and over the course of the next few hours the particles would pick up speed, and keep going until fusion occurred.
The beginning of the experiment was moving along nicely, and the two doctor friends took turns watching over things. After the occasional snack break one would write while the other wrote. Donna and Tabitha worked in this manner for hours, and the readings were coming back as Dr. Bennet hoped, and then, in the corner of all the blinking lights and readouts a single red light lit up and began flashing, soon followed by a beep. Dr. Bennet stood and approached the light, looking up she reached out to Dr. Rizzeo and shook her shoulder. “What is it?” she asked as then Dr. Bennet pointed to the light. Quickly getting to her feet Dr. Rizzeo moved to the computer and began to check all the settings. “It’s the magnets; one of the couplings is failing.” “Try to shut it down!” Dr. Bennet shouted to her friend. As she began to key in the sequence, “It’s not responding Tabitha, the magnet must have failed or broken off, particles are destabilizing.”
Dr. Bennet moved to the glass covered emergency stop button, shattering the cover and pressing it down. The Treverton began to make loud clanking sounds and the whole area shuddered. “Tabitha, the secondary magnetic rings are not responding along section two point seven, the coupling there is still trying to accelerate.” Both looked at each other with concern, knowing what might happen if stabilization was completely lost, something that could wipe out this city and a portion of Chicago. “Donna… I’m going to try and execute a manual shut down by cutting it off section by section.” Another two lights lit up and now multiple alarms were sounding, people began shout and the sounds of shoes running hitting the floor resonated throughout the lower complex. “Tabitha, we have a radiation warning occurring somewhere inside down the pipe line. The outer shell is compromised.” Tabitha looked back at her, “It’s only going to get worse unless it’s stopped.” Tabitha ran towards the emergency door that led into the Treverton’s tube chambers. “Taby!” Donna shouted, “The levels are low now but rising, if you take too long…” The look upon her face said it all, and she knew the risk, but still someone had to take care of this to prevent worse. “Don’t worry, it won’t be that long.”
Donna didn’t see her friend again. Dr. Bennet went in, and had not made it out yet. The readout on her terminal was showing radiation levels still rising, and she began to panic when she felt a hand yank her back by the shoulder. “Dr. Rizzeo, you gotta clear out, were beginning to seal the lab area off.” It was Ryan. “But Taby is in there somewhere…” Donna replied but was cut off. “The doors are going to seal soon, better out there then in here, and safer.” Ryan told her as he dragged her out. Looking back into the room she saw the machine was slowing down, but she also saw the radiation levels were rising still. Levels that were getting close to that level of no return, which meant that time was running out for Dr. Bennet.
Trying to fight Ryan as he dragged her out she broke free just long enough to place her hands and face planted against the thick glass overlooking the vast accelerator chamber, trying to see her friend, hoping to see her running towards her and the exit, instead what she saw was a brief green then red glow around the machine, and a bolt shooting off of one of the couplings, it shot like a bullet, through the glass, which contained lead for radiation prevention, but wasn’t designed to be bullet proof. The freed bolt shot through the glass, and tore through her shoulder. “Ahhh!” she screamed as Ryan once again secured her and dragged her out. The bolt impacted in the back wall, glowing a faint red. A siren turned on as Ryan pulled her out, the door sealing behind them. It was the radiation level alarm, dangerous levels spiking in the control room, the particles flooding the room through the tiny hole.
The lower levels were sealed off now, the building as a whole evacuated. The levels were being monitored until they dropped low enough to allow people back into the buildings. After a few hours, the levels were at that safe point, and so people began to move back into their offices and labs to finish their day’s work; however the main building that housed the Treverton were kept sealed. Ryan asked about Dr. Tabitha Bennet after making sure Dr. Donna Rizzeo was under proper care in the local hospital. He was informed he would not be allowed into that building, and grimly that unless she got out of the lower levels, the radiation levels did not look good for her survivability at the point where they spiked before dropping. As he turned away, shuffling his feet, he overheard them say two were unaccounted for, Dr. Tabitha Bennet, and Dr. Mark Koziak.
They thought the worse of this disaster was over.

End of part one. To be continued…
What I write, is a bit intense for most.

The story is the moment. The turn on is imagination.

I create the story. I control the imagination. I am the Knight.

...the grOwth is out there.
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Unread 06-27-2013   #2
Mr Wayne
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Lightbulb Re: New she hulk fiction series

Originally Posted by magnus knight View Post
Man on fire here....

But don't get used to it, I just wanted to come back with a bang is all.
Magnus Knight,

*Buys all the M80s and firecrackers I possibly can, along with a gallon of each combustible fossil fuel in existence, and neatly arranges them around you so that you have a year's supply of "Man on fire"* .......*Wonders if you were insinuating more emphasis on the Bang part.... Then also gives you a single 18" titanium salute firework shell just in case; to cover all bases*
The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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Unread 06-28-2013   #3
Mr Wayne
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Cool Re: New she hulk fiction series

Magnus Knight,

For the sake of offering respect to you and to share an interesting fact to all, not only am I still a member of a Yahoo Group (as prehistoric as they now are), but of your stories uploaded to KnightsofGTS I still have the following: Attack of the Giant Hannigan, Big BJ, Blind Growth for 3 (aka Prizes And Sizes), Ebony, Erin, Halloween Tricks or Giantess Treats, *new* Operator Number Eight, Right Wing Giantess, and The Rising Cost Of Gas. I used to have Xmate, and probably still have at least several other stories not already uploaded to that Yahoo Group. Just goes to show how much staying power most of your writing still has.

Speaking of your writing... I must also admit that every time with any new fem growth story of yours or anyone elses, I *always* search for the word "tight" before reading. Occasionally if there is another similar substitute word I don't mind it. But when I first checked out your "Operator Number Eight", I was delightfully pleased to see how many times you used tight. Addicted just to the word, you wonder...? Nope. Chronic addiction to what that word implies especially when utilized with such cunning literary skill. B-)
The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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Unread 07-21-2013   #4
magnus knight
Magnus Knight
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Post Re: New she hulk fiction series

Here s part 2 of my story, please enjoy, and comments welcome.

Colors of Gamma

By: Magnus Knight
Part two…
She Hulk, green skin, and any relationship to any other Marvel Comics references are the property of Marvel Comics and Disney Corporation. All other characters are property of the author. Any resemblance to real life individuals and or situations is purely coincidental.

The ambulance roared down the road with its two paramedics working in the back of the van trying to keep the naked woman wrapped in blankets and strapped to her gurney inside alive. Her vitals were as all over the place as the ambulance that carried she was all over the road. The fourth occupant who was the driver was on the radio with this rides final destination Rush University Hospital. The siren atop blared as cars swerved side to side to allow the vehicle the ample road space it needed.
The young nude red headed woman inside would toss her head side to side as the ride she was taking would swerve and shake with every bump it struck along its path. Occasionally her eyes would flutter open with each jostle to her person, and what each paramedic saw as those eyes fluttered was different from what the other saw, the one on the right, saw deep blue eyes, while the ones on the left, saw rich green eyes, and both men could joke about this fact, or be confounded by it if they bothered to speak of anything other than what each was doing to keep her alive.
On the left the paramedic would use a Geiger counter he had for this assignment to take and log a reading, during which times when her eyes glowed green would rise by a few ticks, but then drop when she turned to the right and they flashed blue. Her blood pressure was all over the place as well as with each toss of her hair and flash of eye color would slightly rise and drop accordingly. The pressure swelling would come along with a slight spasm of the young unknown woman’s body, and a twitch of her toes, toes that would swell and shrink back down with those twitches, but again, this would go unnoticed by the two busy paramedics.

At Rush University Hospital the unknown woman’s best friend was just getting stitched up after a two hour surgery to remove some shrapnel from her upper body left in by being close to the explosion sight. Along her shoulder the surgeons were stitching a particularly nasty wound, which also had the odd distinction of having a light grey colored bruise around it. The discoloration was odd so one of the surgeons took a sample biopsy to analyze later.
Dr. Donna Rizzio was wheeled off to recovery to wait for her anesthesia to wear off. Another hour ticked off the clock as she began to open her brown eyes. “Hello there.” As Donna stirred she looked up and then gasped with a bit of a start. She felt something was off by the fact she knew she was now barefoot, her expensive footwear missing ,and she was definitely not wearing what she was earlier in the day, and being in a large uncomfortable bed was a big clue something was off as well.
“Taby…” she let out with a moan. “Where’s Taby?” The nurse looked confused expecting to hear something else as the question this young barely conscious woman before her would ask. “Your name is Donna, Donna Rizzio.” The nurse said wondering if she had the right woman before her that the chart on the bed end said should be here. “I know… but Taby, what happened to her?” The nurse took this as a cue this woman may be more with it then she initially thought before. “I don’t know who that is, but you’re in the hospital, there was a… accident. What’s the last thing you remember?” Donna told the nurse of her conversation with her friend, the experiment, how it started, then how something went wrong, herself being dragged from the area, then an explosion, then nothing until now.
The nurse told Donna where she was exactly, her condition when she arrived, the surgery details, the coverage she saw on the news, but she couldn’t answer the one question that was on Donna’s mind. She could see her lack of this information was causing the patient before her some distress, that plus the tears beginning to pool in her eyes, the droplet forming and then seemingly caressing her cheeks with its fluid motion as it dripped down and then after a brief moment clinging to the bottom of her chin, falling away. “You know, there is an ambulance coming in with an unconscious woman I’ve heard. That Hispanic news woman from channel 12 apparently found her. Tell me about your friend and I’ll radio the ambulance, couldn’t hurt.” Donna tried to wipe a tear away, but with the IV in her hand and arm made it difficult to move. The nurse grabbed a tissue and smiled, “What does your friend look like now.”
Through the darkness of the room lit only by florescent lights that gave off their stale white light the nurse jotted down on her note pad the description that Donna was giving her. After some more time talking it was time for Donna to be taken up to her room, at which point the nurse left her side and went down to emergency receiving bay to prepare with other doctors, nurses, and specialists for the impending arrival of the ambulance. Through the foggy night air the blazing lights of the ambulance could be seen in the distance, soon followed by the roar of its sirens. Coming in like a whirlwind of chaos the ambulance backed into the bay and the doors flung open and out came the gurney with the unknown woman inside it. The nurse followed alongside with her notepad comparing what she had written after her conversation with Donna to the young woman on the wheeled cart as it was hurried along. Thing was if this wasn’t an emergency and such an intense situation someone might have noticed the odd bending in the metal on the gurney’s end near the unconscious woman’s toes.
That day would leave many questions left to be answered, but they would have to wait for the time being. The large hole of what remained of the Treverton Collider would lead most to the answers, but fear of any lingering radioactive particles would have to let any investigation wait for some time. The good news that came from it all was despite the initial explosion things were not as bad as they could have gotten. The blast was contained to the immediate area of the formal collider, and though experts were unsure how it was contained, they were happy to know it was, and there would be no fallout, just the low peaks in the blast itself of Gamma radiation. The death toll was finally calculated form the blast to just three people despite initial estimates, including one missing male doctor.
“Hey Taby Cat.” Or something along those lines was the first thing Dr. Tabitha Bennet heard as she slowly open and then squinted her delicate blue eyes as they adjusted to the cleansing florescent glow of the hospital lights above. “Umm, Donna? Donna where, what happened?” Was the semi groggy reply that Tabitha was able to get out which was pretty good since she was still being pumped with painkillers. “You’re in the hospital, Rush University. There, Taby something went wrong during the experiment. There was an explosion; you’ve been unconscious for three weeks, well off and on. The doctors think you suffered some sort of head trauma, and they reported you seem to be having seizers at night.”
Tabitha closed her eyes and shook her red hair side to side as she shrugged. She was trying to comprehend what her best friend was trying to tell her, and at the same time her mind was trying to wrap itself around shattered memories and the fact she has lost three weeks of her life. “Donna, I… I just can’t remember right now. Was anyone hurt?” Donna frowned, “Some people died Taby, wasn’t your fault. They looked into it and found the collider was not prepped properly, the magnets appeared to have been sabotaged.” Donna placed a hand on Tabitha’s shoulder; she could feel her attempt to gently massage it. “And Marks missing, they think he might have had something to do with the accident. They found an email he sent just before the blast, something about fiery revenge and justice for the men of cheating wives.”
“I always got a creepy vibe from him.” Tabitha said. “Yeah, you and I both, but he was always so quiet, if only he opened up to someone.” Donna and Tabitha both looked at each other for a moment, then gently laughed. “As long as it wasn’t one of us.” Donna chuckled to Tabitha. The two friends chatted for the next half hour when a nurse poked her head into the room, “Visiting hours will be ending soon.”
“Well, I better get going then Taby Cat.” Donna said reaching out to take hold of Tabitha’s hand for one last moment. “Ryan is waiting below to give me a ride home.” Tabitha looked at her friend for a moment, “Ryan? From the security desk? You two?” Tabitha was a bit taken aback when she heard herself, what she was asking. “Well…” Donna shrugged, “He did get me out just before the blast, or else I might have been one of the ones killed in the blast, and he stayed by my side throughout the whole week I was here, and he looked just like a lost puppy being at my side, and neither of us knew if you were going to pull through.” Donna blushed; her cheeks turning a shade of red, visible through her make up. Tabitha looked up at her friend; she blushed too almost as if it was a reflex. “Donna, one more thing before you go…What’s with Taby Cat?” Donna smiled and looked back just before exiting her friend’s room. “Why Taby, you survived, found alone in the destruction, you must have nine lives, well eight now I guess.” With that Donna let out a laugh and walked away. Tabitha smiled too, and for some reason wasn’t as annoyed with her friend’s names for her. Pulling up her blanket she turned to look out the hospital window to the sun setting and tried to close her eyes and get some rest, her mind still working on the puzzles of that day three weeks ago.
Across the city, in a small Chicago apartment young reporter Rosa Dominga was having another restless night of sleep. The young reporter had to get to sleep early, working the morning show of her local Chicago station for the CBS affiliate. She was happy that since she covered that collider fiasco weeks ago she has been getting more air time, but her nights shortly after that day have been plagued by nausea and night sweats. She kept having reoccurring dreams, of flames, smoke, that haunting image of the woman she found naked in the ash and debris, and this figure, this large figure that would just stare with those fiery yellow eyes, she couldn’t ever make out any other detail then that in her dreams, or nightmares. Some nights the dreams would get so bad, she would wake with a scream, her soft slender body, its darker tanned tone slick with perspiration, sometimes tiny rips in her pajamas around her collar, or a torn blanket once. That was the night she decided to seek out therapy to help her out.
Another part of the city had a different scene occurring. The former security guard Ryan, who now needed to find a new job after the blast, was lying in a soft plush bed on Chicago’s upper north side in a very spacious apartment, letting out a loud grunt of release and jubilation as he felt his formerly hard member shrinking back to normal as the good doctor Donna slowly slid off of his naked body, small belly and all. She let out her own sigh of relief after giving out a series of loud grunts and groans moments ago. Her head with her now slick black hair hit a pillow, and she turned her perspiration covered head and placed her cheek on her soft memory foam pillow. “I take it you enjoyed yourself too?” she asked coyly with a grin. “Well, it was ok.” He replied with a much larger grin. “I think there is still room for improvement if you care to experiment again doctor.” He chuckled, his belly and arms shaking with his droll joke. “Mmm.. maybe in a little bit. I know you need time to rise again, and I need to relieve something else right now.” Was Donna’s reply, as she got up, wrapping a thin blanket around herself, holding it over her wet C cup breasts as it covered her soft nude frame, just to below her knees, her bare feet making little sound as she walked to her bathroom.
Closing the door behind her, she made her way towards the toilet, but stopped to check her reflection in the mirror. Her face was covered with her sweat, and her makeup was needless to say slightly messed, along with her dark hair. She smiled to herself and stepped closer bringing up her hand and flicking some of her hair out from her eyes. It was longer then she usually wore kept it, but after the month she had been having a hair appointment was the last thing on her mind. The truth was that what she had been doing was spending large sums on her favorite past time, shoe shopping. The designer pairs were piling up, but she had a spare room all picked out for such emergencies.
About to turn away Donna though she saw something in her eye, an odd grey fleck. As she moved in she realized that the speck was a discoloration of her pupil. She got this puzzled look on her face, and as she moved closer the light above flickered, and she tensed her grip on the blanket with her one hand, and then placed the other on her marble sink countertop steadying herself stumbling a bit on her own two feet. “Uhh.” Donna let out a soft pained grunt, and increased her grip on the sink as she felt her body spasm suddenly. Every muscle in her body suddenly felt very tight, her knuckles turned a ghostly white for a very brief moment. Everything felt odd to her, and as the shiver passed Donna let out a moan. “Are you alright in there Donna? Not starting again without me are you? Ryan called out to her. Donna shook her head, and then everything seemed normal again. “Yeah hon, I’m fine, just, umm, just a chill is all.” Donna proceeded to do her business and as she left made a mental note to turn up the thermostat on her way back to bed. As she hit the lights, a few light marble crumbs fell to the floor, a series of cracks on her countertop now, right where she had her hand.
Meanwhile back in her hospital room Tabitha was sleeping, her vitals on the monitor gently beeping along with her breathing rhythm. Her hands were neatly placed on her chest, just below her breasts, them along with the blanket moving up and down with every inhalation and exhalation. Her cute rounded toes were just barely covered by the short blankets that most hospitals provide to their patrons. Outside her room the moon began to peak out from the clouds, as a gentle hale began to come down and pitter patter upon the large window. The moons ghostly light hit Tabitha’s pale skin upon her face, lighting it up just as her eyes began to quickly dart back and forth under her tightly closed lids. REM sleep was starting, and tonight her dreams were going about the work of trying to piece together the missing hours of the explosion day. “Umm…no…no..don’t.” Tabitha was talking, mumbling in her sleep. Her mind was placing bits and pieces together. All the while this shape was beginning to form in her mind. This shadowy figure, human like in appearance, but oddly inhuman in some ways. That shadow was large, over seven feet to her smaller stature. There was hair, dark, so dark, strands of green. There was fog, no smoke, smoke all around it, and it cast a long shadow, flames licking at its back. There was this immense bulk, muscle tone as her mind surmised to this thing, and it did indeed cast a long strong shadow in her mind’s eye. Speaking of which, the eyes, there were these eerie, glowing, piercing green eyes, glowing like a demons, staring at her, through her, a low, rumbling growl escaping this things lips.
Back in reality, in the hospital bed, Tabitha was beginning to perspire in her bed and gown, moist sweat forming upon her brow. Her hands, they had gone from resting comfortably upon her chest, to below her neck, where they began to tightly grip her blanket, twisting and contorting it with her hands. Below more of her toes were exposed to the hospital’s cool recirculated air, her having choked up on the blanket, pulling it higher. Those small rounded toes began to slowly twitch, curl and uncurl. The monitor she was hooked up too, the beeps began to come on quicker. Tabitha’s head began to rock back and forth, and her teeth bared as her lips curled. Memories were returning, piecing together the day of the accident, and as they did, they were bringing something else back with them, something Tabitha always had inside her, but kept buried deep inside her. Tabitha’s mind will be tested, along with her frail body.

End part 2
To be continued…
What I write, is a bit intense for most.

The story is the moment. The turn on is imagination.

I create the story. I control the imagination. I am the Knight.

...the grOwth is out there.
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Unread 07-22-2013   #5
Mr Wayne
The Man~the Myth~the Bat
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Cool Re: New she hulk fiction series

*Gestures as if I've just sipped some of the finest wine, in the same elegant manner as only a true wine connoisseur would*

So well written and ending with such a teaser, satisfying yet unsatisfying, for this Part 2. I must say 'ole Chap, a jolly good show and job well done. Connoisseur of literature might be a bit more appropriate, given that I'm a beer drinker by my strong German heritage. B) Definitely looking for future installments of this story.

And I accepted your friend request graciously, just as soon as I realized I had to click the radio button inside the box showing your avatar, in order for the request to be accepted. Yeah.. Heck of a work day. Lol. =brain dead.
The night is darkest just before the dawn...


Last edited by Mr Wayne; 07-22-2013 at 02:30 PM. Reason: Oops...
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