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Unread 11-06-2017   #1
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The Fairmeadow Five rule their school with demonic power - but tonight, they've picked the wrong human sacrifice.


Nikki was five feet of bad attitude, wrapped in a heavy metal t-shirt and black jeans, and topped off with a pumpkin-orange pixie cut. She walked the hallways of Fairmeadow High with the confident strut of a woman who did not care what you thought about her…and if you insisted on telling her anyway, she also had the swagger of a woman with a butterfly knife in her pocket. Men secretly wanted her, and women secretly wanted to be her – and a lot of them even-more-secretly wanted her, too. If you wanted to sum her up in one word, she had considerately had it tattooed in capital letters on her chest, below her collarbone: HELLCAT.

She was no stranger to trouble, but waking up locked in a cage and surrounded by five black-robed figures was a little more trouble than she was used to.

She banged her head on the cage as she moved into a crouch, the most comfortable position she could achieve in her small enclosure. Looking down, she saw that the cage was in the center of a pentagram drawn on the floor; there was a robed person at each corner. “Hey, what the fuck? Where am I?”

One robed figure gestured theatrically at the sinister sigil painted on the wall in front of her. “These are the chambers of the Knights of Baal.”

Nikki sniffed the mildewed air and scratched at the carpet underneath the cage. “No, this is definitely a basement rec room.” She pointed to a tarp-covered object in the corner of the room. “Like, there’s an air hockey table right there. And you’re not the Knights of anything…Gabe.”

The robed figures looked to each other, and then lowered their hoods in unison, revealing themselves as teenagers, like Nikki.

They were about as unlike Nikki as it was possible to be while still belonging to the same species, however. She instantly recognized them as the Fairmeadow Five, the most popular clique of seniors at school. They were all there; Gabe Alvarez, crusading student politician and probable future senator; Chloe Castle, mean-girl daughter of the richest family in town; Becky Hooper, head of the championship debate team; Hunter Derrickson, muscle-headed lacrosse captain; and Amy Kusuma, star of the school’s annual musical and possessor of a five-octave range. They didn’t exactly run in the same social circles, but she knew them well enough. Two of them, she knew in the biblical sense.

“Have to hand it to you – this is a pretty sweet prank for the Normcore Legion.”

“No prank, girl. Our power is all too real, as you will soon discover.” Gabe stretched out his hand inches away from her face; in the palm of his hand, a black flame appeared, danced for a few seconds, and vanished as he clenched his hand into a fist.

“Oh man, badass. I figured you were all way too lame to be actual Satanists.”

“Hah. You know nothing of us. Before we discovered the Terrible Word, we were nobodies. Our master’s infinite power made us powerful, popular, attractive…and it got us all into the colleges of our choice. I bet you aren’t even going to college,” he sneered.

“Vocational school. You know how much an electrician makes?”

“Well, you won’t be going now. You see, this is our senior year; in a few short months, we will be separated, spreading the Dark Gospel through the Ivy League -”

Nikki snorted. “Dark Gospel. So dumb. Anyway, please, go on.”

Gabe was visibly annoyed. “And since we only have so much time left together, we’re going out with a bang – we’re going to give our master physical form. Your physical form.”

“Your master?”

“Baal! Terrible King of Unholy Cats, General of the Legions Infernal, Bringer of Cursed Wisdom!” they chanted, in unison.

Nikki’s cocky snarl started to fade a little. If this was a prank, it was a weird one. “Is this because I only fucked two of you? Because believe me, I was planning to get around to the rest.”

Gabe’s expression darkened. “You are a blight on this planned community, you gutter harlot. You profane our masters with your atrocious music, you disrespect the institutions that we will one day control, and yes, in moments of weakness, two of our number succumbed to your repellent charms. Hunter, Becky, air your grievances.”

Hunter balled his hands into fists and trembled with rage. “You bewitched me!” he accused.

“Oh, please. If I was going to bewitch someone into fucking me, I’d try it on someone who knows where the clit is.”

Becky pointed angrily. “You tempted me into being…a deviant!”

“Deviant? What the fuck kind of Satanists aren’t down with bisexuals? And you didn’t need much tempting, either.”

Gabe held up his hand to silence her. “It doesn’t matter now. You don’t matter now. To be perfectly honest, there are all sorts of people we hate enough to do this to – but of them all, you’re the most disposable. So rejoice – this is far more important than anything else you would have done with the rest of your worthless life. You are about to become the vessel for Baal to return to this plane of existence. Your mind, your soul…your very essence will be burned to ash, leaving only your body to house our master. There won’t even be anything left to go to Hell – all that awaits you is oblivion.”

“Well, get it the fuck over with already. It sounds better than listening to your bullshit all night.”

He smiled. “As you wish. Knights, prepare your daggers.” Each cultist produced a blade from their robes.

“Those are just steak knives!” She tried to sound dismissive, but she couldn’t fully hide that she was starting to get a little worried.


In unison, the cultists slowly drew their knives across their palms, dripping blood on to their corner of the pentagram. They began to chant in some unfamiliar language, and the pentagram began to glow.

The cage suddenly ignited with black flame, quickly melting into slag. The molten metal dripped on to the alarmed Nikki, burning her clothes away, but leaving her totally unharmed as it slid off her flesh and pooled on the floor. The cultists couldn’t help but notice her lithe, toned body; two of them had already experienced it first-hand, and the other three understood why.

“You fucks! I liked that shir…oh…mmm…”

A different fire had ignited within her – she was suddenly the horniest she had ever been in her entire life, which was saying a lot. Whatever little self-consciousness she had quickly drained away, and she began to shamelessly masturbate, digging into her needy slit with a feral urgency. As she did, she began to change.

Her ears, bedecked with rings and studs and gauges, enlarged and sharpened, sticking prominently out of her hair. Orange fur, the same colour as her dyed hair, began to sprout from her hands and feet. It spread to her elbows and knees, then stopped, fading gradually into her pale bare skin, giving her the appearance of wearing long gloves and tall boots. Beneath her skin, her tailbone squirmed, then extended out into a long, flexible tail, which was soon covered in orange fur of its own.

Her hand still buried in herself, she stood up, no longer encumbered by the cage. She rose to the balls of her feet as the bones of her legs cracked into a digitigrade stance, reshaping her feet into large clawed paws. Her one visible hand kept its human form, but gained wicked talons on its fingers – which didn’t seem to bother her as it caressed her torso, sliding up her well-defined abs and teasing the tuft of orange fur between her breasts.

As her face contorted with pleasure, her facial bones cracked and reshaped, her nose broadening, her eye sockets enlarging, and her upper lip developing a cleft in the middle while two long sabre-teeth slid out from under it. Her moans had transformed into bestial yowls, but still she continued to pleasure herself, seemingly unaware of her changing body.

Bony spikes extended from her spine, running down to the tip of her tail; others protruded from her elbows, knees, shoulders, and ankles. As she finally roared in climax, two smoothly curved horns pushed out of her wild, manelike hair at her temples. Finally complete, she stood, looking at her charges with two acid-green slit-pupiled eyes.

The cultists crowded around in front of her, trying to get a better look at their handiwork. Gabe bowed, slightly. “Master. Your form is…exquisite.”

The creature grinned, showing off a mouth full of sharp fangs. “I knew you were shitty Satanists. I just knew it.”

A chill ran down the cultists’ spines. They recognized the voice, the posture, the attitude...

The creature ran her hands down her sides, luxuriating in her new form. “Mmmm. Oh, you fucked up bad,” she purred, in a voice that failed to display a hint of demonic possession.

“Impossible. We followed the incantation to the letter…” The blood had left Gabe’s face, and he was beginning to tremble.

“I bet you did. But maybe your master doesn’t like a bunch of preppy assholes calling upon his power to fix their complexions and college applications. So he decided to send you a big middle finger…and that’s me.”

Gabe’s will returned enough for him to choke out a single command. “Run.”

Nikki’s eyes narrowed. “No, I think you’d better stay.”

Indeed, they stayed rooted to the spot, unable to command their legs to move.

“Nice work, using your own blood for the ritual. It means you’re all bonded to me for the rest of your lives…and probably afterwards. I’m your master now. But good news, I’m going to be way better than your old one.”

She waved her hand over the molten remains of the cage, reshaping it into a throne of twisted metal spikes. She plopped herself down in it, absently crossing her legs and drumming her clawed fingers on the throne’s arms.

“First order of business: those Halloween-store robes. Awful. They’re gone.”

The robes dissolved into dust, leaving all five cultists totally naked. Nikki smiled, noticing her victims, despite their obvious terror, couldn’t help but subtly check each other out. The little show she’d given them had been pretty hot, after all.

“Step forward, Becky.”

The petite Japanese-American girl took one step forward. With her dark hair pulled back into a neat ponytail and her scholarly yet fashionable glasses balanced on her perfect nose, she was the last person anyone would expect to be a devil-worshipper.

“Let’s have a little girl talk here, Becky. Despite rubbing one out in front of you, Baal, and Gabe’s air hockey table, I am still ready to fucking go. I think I’m in heat…you know, like a cat. A hellcat.” Nikki theatrically gestured at her tattoo, and continued. “And there’s one person in this room who’s real good at taking care of that. So I was thinking I’d make you go down on me, right here, in front of all your little friends…”

Becky’s expression betrayed a hint of excitement. Nikki’s ears swiveled as they heard the closeted cultist’s heart speed up.

“…but it’s clear you’d enjoy it way too much. See, I’m still pretty pissed about how you tried to destroy my soul and all, but then on the other hand I’m pretty fuckin’ delighted with the results. So I think I’ll return the favor. Understand?”

Becky opened her mouth to speak, only for her tongue to loll out…all the way to her stomach. She gasped in horror, and tried, futilely, to push it back into her mouth, only to pull her hands back as her fingers grotesquely elongated. Her eyes widened in surprise…and kept widening until they were practically bulging out of her head.

Becky’s petite body swelled horribly, her breasts, hips, and butt inflating to fertility-idol proportions. Her newly-plump form was soon covered in smooth, moist red-and-black-striped skin that glistened in the dim basement light. Her expression of shock never wavered, even as her nose sank into her face, her jack-o’-lantern mouth filled with sharp, tiny teeth, or her hair was sucked into her skull. Before long, it was over, and Becky wasn’t sure what was more terrifying; her horrific transformation, or the fact that she was burning with uncontrollable lust. Everything about her grotesque body was turning her on; the sensation of her newly-thick thighs rubbing together, lubricated by the slime seeping from her womanhood; the curvy swell of her stomach, full of unfertilized eggs begging for the seed of a strong mate; and her heavy F-cups, cradled in her massive webbed hands.

Nikki beckoned her to come closer, and she did, awkwardly walking on her massive flat frog feet. “No princes here, hellfrog, but I’ve got something you can kiss.” She leaned back in her throne and spread her legs. Becky’s nasal slits filled with Nikki’s aroma – it was like burning roses, sweetness being consumed with heat and darkness.

It was irresistible. Becky plunged her head between Nikki’s legs, her several feet of tongue finding every sensitive spot within the writhing cat-girl. Her compatriots, meanwhile, stared helplessly at her, their fates now apparent; their bodies and souls were now mere playthings for a woman who knew they all had considered her to be disposable.

After what felt like an awkward, uncomfortable eternity, Nikki violently came, her claws digging deep grooves into her throne. “Beautiful work, Becky. Go take care of yourself.”

Becky tried to thank her, but her beautiful voice had been reduced to a guttural croak. As the hellfrog began to wetly pleasure herself with her hands and tongue, Nikki started to count on her fingers. “Hm. Hands, tongue…I think I need one more thing, and I think I know where to get it.”

Her eyes, burning with emerald flame, settled on Hunter.

“Hunter. The big stud. The big swinging dick. You were a pretty lousy fuck, but with that body, and that cock, you’re perfect raw material.”

He should have been afraid as he felt the change welling up inside him, afraid that he’d be turned into an animal sex freak like Becky. Instead he felt…good. Strong. Powerful. He felt nothing but pleasure as his muscles bulged, his feet fused into huge hooves, and a dark purple coat of horsehide spread over his body.

He was soon unrecognizable as the blandly-handsome jock he’d been moments ago; his face pushed out into an angular muzzle, his buzzcut grew out into a flowing red mane, and a swishing tail grew over his muscular ass. None of it mattered to him, though. Lust had taken over his mind, assaulting him with his long, illustrious history of fucking; every cheerleader, honor student, and mall goth he’d ever been inside of flashed before his glowing red eyes, as their moans and cries echoed through his curved, pointed ears. As the memories rushed through his brain, his blood rushed to his cock. It was getting longer, and thicker, and harder by the second, until it felt like it was about to burst its sheath. He didn’t even mind that it clearly wasn’t human anymore; it was a crude, blunt-ended club that belonged on a beast, not a man.

And he was a beast – a magnificent, virile beast, full of testosterone, hellfire, and cum. His monstrous cock ached for release; he tried to grip it, but found to his horror that his hands had merged into solid hooves, like his feet. He helplessly pawed at his member with them, snorting in dismay.

“Couldn’t have you taking care of yourself when you could be taking care of me,” Nikki purred.

The throne warped again, becoming a slab-like bed with blood-red sheets. Nikki bent herself over the edge, her pert ass raised high up in the air. Her tail wafted back and forth, enticing the increasingly simple-minded Hunter like bait in a trap. He stomped over and positioned himself behind her, clumsily steadying himself with his hoof-hands. Already well-lubricated from Becky’s ministrations, Nikki’s passage easily accepted all twelve inches of Hunter’s hot, throbbing horsemeat. She shuddered with desire as it slid into her.

Muscle memory and instinct took over Hunter, and he started pounding away, his aching, swollen testicles rhythmically slapping against her. Nikki, for her part, put on a show for her captive audience, thrusting her ass up against her equine lover, groping her tits, and moaning obscenely like an unholy whore. All the while, she maintained eye contact with the three remaining cultists. Despite themselves, they were clearly enjoying the show; Gabe was gritting his teeth as his erect cock dribbled precum, and both women had telltale trails of moisture trickling down their thighs.

For them, it seemed to last for hours; in reality, it was over in minutes. Hunter threw back his head and let out a deafening whinny, then promptly blew his load, shooting a pint of thick, white-hot jizz into Nikki’s tenderized pussy. Nikki arched her back and yowled.

Hunter slumped backwards against the nearest wall, his penis withdrawing from Nikki with a wet schlorp. Nikki, meanwhile, propped herself up on her elbows and kicked her feet up, kittenishly, as Hunter’s seed steadily oozed from her. Judging by their moistness, her subjects had enjoyed the show.

She smiled a predatory smile at them. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turns eventually. But first, I’m turning you into proper fuckin’ devil-worshippers. I’m talking orgies, booze, Slayer, some skulls and upside-down crosses and shit for this basement…but first, I feel like some air hockey.”

It was going to be a long night.
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Unread 11-07-2017   #2
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 10
Re: Hellcat

That is excellent on all levels - sexy and hilarious.
cvb is offline   Reply With Quote
Unread 11-08-2017   #3
Process Fan
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Re: Hellcat

Originally Posted by cvb View Post
That is excellent on all levels - sexy and hilarious.
I was aiming for both, so I'm glad to hear I succeeded!
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