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Unread 05-02-2015   #1
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 11
A Big Wish

Helen Shinoltz is a 25 year old young woman, checking in books that have been returned at the public library. The heavily freckled woman is looking through her oval shaped glasses, which compliment her green eyes, to see if any were returned late. She is standing on a stool behind the counter because of her 4' 8" stature, her curly red hair, which is in a pony tail, draping over her shoulder and resting on the counter. Her hair is actually so long that it actually reaches past her ass. Her job didn't care what she wore, as long as it was appropriate. Her Star Wars T-shirt, with Darth Vader on the front, and ankle length tan skirt fit those requirements. Her skirt almost hides the size 4 birkenstocks that she is wearing over her rainbow patterned socks. She never exposed her toes in public, due to her unusually strong foot odor.

Helen has always hated her height, which made her feel like a child most of the time, and people have often confused her for one. She hated having to look up at every one she talks to. In middle school, she had stopped growing, except for her breasts, which are still growing since she has macromastia. She often feels like the victim of a cruel joke because of this. Currently her breasts are an ample F cup. Luckily for her the growth has been slow, with her going up about a cup size every year since developing it.

It wasn't until about a month ago when she had a ray of hope. After hearing about London Allers, she almost bacame obsessed with finding out how to make herself taller. The more women that she heard about suddenly growing, the more determined she became. She read about every case, trying to learn not only what causes the growth, but to find a way to harness it for herself, so she could grow to about anywhere between an average 5'6" to 6' tall. She is always reading the medical books during her breaks, trying to figure out Archer's Syndrome.

Helen turns around quickly when she hears a book hit the bottom of the drop box. Stepping off from her stool, she heads over to grab the return. Her eyes widen when she sees the gold lettering on the brown spine. She quickly pulls it out to see that it is the one medical book that has been borrowed for months. She quickly heads back to her stool and opens up the book on the counter. The moment she opens up the book, an odd colored mold flies up to her face, which she inhales. She begins to cough profusely, her asthma kicking in, as she reaches for her inhaler. After taking two quick puffs, her lungs open back up, allowing her to breath normally again.

Helen quickly cleans the mold out, before skimming through the book. She sighs, disappointed as the book doesn't hold any new information her. Helen can't believe that after waiting all that time for that one particular book, it only held information she already knew. She steps out from behind the counter, about ready to lose hope, to place the book back where it belongs. As she reaches the proper section, a strange sensation begins to course throughout her entire body. She feels as though she is being stretched. A smile spreads across her face as she knows what it means. All Archer's Syndrome victims, have mentioned a stretching sensation when they started growing, and this sensation she is feeling means that the same thing is happening to her.

Helen can actually feel her clothes getting tighter as her growth begins, her skirt rising up by two inches, allowing her sandals to become more visible. The straps of her sandals are starting to dig into her arches as her feet start growing, her sock clad toes are starting to hang over the edge. She looks over at the book shelves to see that her point of view is rising as well. 'Finally,' she thinks to herself, as she removes her hair tie before it starts to pull on her hair, freeing her curls as her hair poofs out. 'I am going to have a normal height.'

She can feel her bra straps digging into her skin, she looks down and she can actually see her breasts swelling at a good rate. It looks as though her macromastia is going into over drive, with her breasts gaining almost a full cup size in a matter of seconds. She decides not to worry too much about her breasts, after all she is growing taller.

Helen's midriff is staring to expose itself as her shirt rises, her shirt still feeling tighter by the moment. Her skirt continues to rise as it begins to feel tight around her waist. As she looks down, she can see her sock clad toes hanging over her sandals by half an inch as the straps continue to dig into her arches. She giggles softly as she looks back to the shelves, the third shelf steadily becoming eye level to her. She is enjoying every sensation, seeing it as physical proof of her slow and steady growth. In fact, her bra is the only thing that is starting to get too unbearably tight as her breasts continue their own growth as they begin to distort the image on her shirt.

Helen has already gained six inches as her growth continues. She reaches up, with the book in hand to see how close she can get to the top shelf. The seam of her sleeve tears as her hand reaches the second to top shelf, and her reach is slowly extending further. She can hear the straps of her sandals straining, being stretched out as her feet are getting too big to hold. Her toes are already ganging over by an inch, the material of her socks being stretched thin to where her long toes are becoming visible. She curls her toes in anticipation, and in doing so the straps snap apart, leaving her soles to outgrow the remains. She picks up the remains and loons at them, looking at how they now seem four sizes too small to her now. She drops them when her nose picks up the smell of her foot odor on them.

Suddenly Helen hears a snapping sound behind her and the pressure of her bra is lessened as the clasps break. Her breasts have already gotten so large, and she can still feel them swelling in the remains of her bra. The front of her shirt is starting to look distorted as the back of her shirt starts to tear down the middle. Her skirt is slowly rising up her shins as her waistband is struggling to stay together. She can feel her legs starting to press against the fabric of her skirt, as it is rising up. She is already a solid 5' 6" and the stretching sensation is still coursing through her body.

'Just a little more,' she thinks to herself as she is watching the fourth shelf getting lower. The sleeves of her shirt start to tear as the tear on the back is getting wider. Her breasts continue to push outward, causing the shoulder straps of her bra to dig into her skin. Finally, the cups of her bra separate as her breasts continue to outgrow them, now hanging freely, but still pressing up against her rising shirt. The bottoms of her breasts are starting to become visible from the bottom of her shirt as they continue to grow. She can feel her skirt pressing against her thighs as it continues to rise, the waistband starting to tear from the increasing pressure from her expanding hips. Her socks are being spread thin as the tops are being pulled down. You can actually make out her toes through the material, and the material starting to become transparent. Holes ate starting to form in the fronts of her socks, as her toes are becoming too big for her socks as they slowly begining to reveal themselves.

Helen's hand shoots up when she feels her glasses starting to pinch her nose. Before she can even remove her glasses, the bridge breaks, causing her glasses to fall to the floor. With the loss of her glasses, her vision follows. All she can see now is the outlines of blurry objects, as the ability to see fine details is lost to her. She can now feel the book in her hand, slowly getting smaller and lighter as her body continues to grow. She places her hand on the top of the book shelf, her smiles widens as she could never reach the top before. She is enjoying the feeling as the top of the shelf is getting closer to her head. A new tearing sound catches her attention as the front of her shirt begins to tear as well, doing it best to accommodate her expanding breasts. She can feel her toes sliding onto the carpet, as the sides of her socks begin to give way to the expanding feet. She is able to pick up on her natural foot odor, but she doesn't care as the side of her skirt begins to tear at the seams. She looks over when she can feel her hand becoming level with the top of her head.

'Wait a minute, she thinks to herself,' The book shelves in this section are only 74" tall, and my head is starting to pass the top.' Helen can still feel her body stretching as her excitement turns to worry. Her growth wasn't stopping. sure a couple of extra inches would have been okay, but the stretching sensation continued to course through her as strong as ever. Then it hits her, 'Like everyone else with Archer's Syndrome, I'm gonna grow to to an absurd height as well.'

Helen's shirt is losing its struggle as her breasts can be seen bulging through all the holes in the front, threatening to tear it in two. The waistband of her skirt us lost, the inly think keeping it from falling to the floor are her growing thighs and ass. The seams are still tearing, widening as they make room for her flesh. She can feel her boy shorts riding up as they ate starting to resemble a thong. Her socks are in a sad state, her toes completely exposed as her arches are tearing the sides. The heels are riddled with holes as her sicks are unable to come any lower, the elastic being stretched out.

As her eyes pas the top, her shirt finally tears completely in the front, succumbing to the growing pressure as her breasts heave forward, almost reaching her naval and getting closer. The back of her shirt gives in next, as it falls to the floor, leaving only the remains of her bra, which is about to give way as well. With her out growing the shelves, Helen decides to sit down to try and keep her current state as low profile as possible. She carefully bends down, with hopes of not knocking over any book shelves, as she tries to sit down. She can hear a tearing sound from behind her as her skirt finally falls leaving her only in her underwear. She keeps her legs bent so as not to have her growing feet sticking out in plain view, the remains of her socks falling away, allowing her natural foot odor to fill the air.

Helen's bra straps finally give, leaving her only modesty protected by her ever shrinking boy shorts. The waist band is digging into her waist, as they are slowly riding up. 'This isn't what I wanted. I only wanted to be average. I didn't ask to be Nancy Archer.' She looks over to see the outlines of the book shelves, her point of view still rising, the fourth shelve slowly starting to become eye level as she approaches the 7' mark. She can smell her natural foot odor, thinking that she will never be able to hide it again. Her feet are now a bit over a foot long,
which is now too big for a women's size 15. Her attention is diverted when she bears a snapping sound as the last of her clothing finally falls off,

Helen Pulls her feet closer as her legs continue to lengthen, the crinkling her nose a bit at the smell. She pulls her legs in close, not only to keep herself from being seen, but also to cover her growing breasts, which have already swollen to the size of beach balls. She can feel her breast pressing themselves against her legs more and more as her macromastia continues. She places her hands on the two bookcases that she is between, trying to get a sense of how wide she is compared to the 44' wide aisle, her arms slightly bending as her frame widens. She estimates that she has less than eighteen inches of space left, and she is running out of space. She closes her eyes, in an effort to think of a way she can leave unnoticed.

The more she thinks about it, the less likely it seems to her. 'Yeah, a naked, growing woman is gonna go unnoticed by a bunch of people. At the rate I'm growing, even if I can somehow go unnoticed, the sound of me having to knock down a wall ,just to get out, is going to draw a lot of unwanted attention. But what choice do I have?'

Helen can feel her breasts actually pushing her legs, determined to keep up with their growth. Her head is slowly approaching the the top of the book shelf again, she knew that she would be noticed soon. She tries to maneuver herself, in an effort to start crawling. She is bumping into the shelves, nearly knocking them over. As she starts crawling, she can feel her nipples dragging across the floor. 'If I can make it to back hallway, all I will have to do is knock it down an emergency exit, and I can make it out.' She is crawling slowly due to her impaired vision, trying not to bump into anything. She is almost successful, but her left foot knocks over one shelf causing a domino effect on the others. "Shit!" she says without thinking as she hears shelves and books hitting the floor. She quickens her pace, not knowing how long she will have until the commotion she caused gives her away.

Helen bumps into the wall, feeling around for the double doors within the area. She can hear people talking behind her, most are remarks about her and her sheer size. She quickly pushes through the doors, squeezing herself through. She has to struggle to get her massive breasts through, and luck is on her side for this. The hallway is small, and she is practically dragging herself through. She can feel the walls closing in around her. Just as she reaches the exit at the end of the hallway, she gets stuck.

Helen's body is completely lodged in the hallway, with the exit just in reach. Her back is being pushed up against the ceiling from her expanding breasts. She can feel the confined space getting smaller by the second. She reaches forward, pushing the double doors open, as she grips the doorway. She tries to pull herself forward, hoping that she can pull herself free. Her body wasn't moving, she could hear the walls starting to creak as she continues growing. She trues to pull one last time, but she ends up pulling the frame off the wall.

Frustrated, she tosses it forward, left with te only option of outgrowing the hallway. She can feel her feet pushing themselves up against the double doors behind her, creaking from the increasing pressure of her toes. The smell of her feet is filling the relatively small space. Dust begins to fall from the ceiling as her back is still being pushed upwards, the walls starting to crack from her still expanding frame. It is only a matter of time before the hallway gives way to her increasing stature.

Helen's legs are starting to bend at her knees as they continue to lengthen, as her toes are creating large dents in the doors. At this point, she doesn't care it anyone sees her. She jucks the doors down, ripping them off the hinges, freeing her large feet. She can hear people making comments, most of which are remarks about tge smell. She begins to use her size to her advantage, at 25 feet and still growing, she is able to break the walls away, as she pushes up through the ceiling. She slowly starts to stand up to her full height, "Sorry, sorry," she says repeatedly as debris is falling. She climbs over the remaining fifteen foot tall walls of the library, trying to feep the damage to a minimum. It us difficult for her to make out her feet as she is trying to walk, her breasts obstructing her view. Which have now grown so large that they are past her naval. She looks back, feeling guilty about the damage she has caused.

Her height continues to climb, the stretching sensation still coursing through her. As Helen hits the thirty-five foot mark, it finally subsides. Her growth stops completely, her breasts ate niw down to ger crotch. She sits down, her ass making a large indent in the parking lot, breathing a sigh of relief. "Finally, it's over." She still feels abnormal because of her new height, but then she starts to think, 'Wait, if Archer's Syndrome kerps affecting ithercwomen like this, then it follows that my height will actually be considered normal after a certain point.' She examines herself, thinking that maybe whst happened may not be so bad after all.

My deviantart

Last edited by LOTP; 05-03-2015 at 04:35 PM. Reason: updated story
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