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Unread 05-23-2023   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Time and Tide [Story: M + F Humans -> M + F Mercreatures]

Tommy can't stand her friend Everett's new girlfriend, Dawn, and is sure she's hiding something. But when she learns Dawn's real secret, it's going to change all their lives forever.

Tommy and Everett had been friends for years, ever since they were tossed together as partners on a group project in freshman year. Tommy Ngo (short for “Thomasina”, but god help you if you called her that) was short, and a little stocky, with a boyish haircut and a wardrobe straight out of the local army surplus store. With a smart mouth and a quick wit, she generally had her pick of the local record store clerks, indie-band bassists, and tattooed baristas – of any gender. Everett Orsted was lanky and gangly, with hair that was stylishly a little long, but only because he kept forgetting to get a haircut. He was a devotee of cult movies, obscure bands, and bad syndicated TV.

They were the kind of platonic boy-girl friend pairing you only saw in romantic comedies. Or at least they used to be.

These days, something – someone – was coming between them.

Her name was Dawn.

It wasn’t as if Everett hadn’t had girlfriends before, despite his complete lack of game. There was Eris, the goth girl with enormous orthodontic headgear, and Arwen, the fantasy fan who insisted on speaking exclusively in Elvish, and Inga, the six-foot-five Norwegian exchange student who kept hitting her head on doorways. But Dawn…was quite simply something else.

She was confident. She was cool. She was HOT. She was straight out of an ‘80s teen movie – but she wasn’t the wholesomely-pretty Molly Ringwald type, she was more like her sexier, edgier, New Wave-y best friend. She had fantastic hair, a great body, and an impeccably retro fashion sense. What’s worse, she loved all the stuff Everett was into – old movies, weird music, and random sea life facts.

Quite frankly, she was all wrong for Everett, and WAY out of his league. She was up to something, obviously.

But what? Everett’s family didn’t really have money – and he was studying marine biology, so it’s not like he had a particularly high income in his future, either. He was…not unattractive, but Dawn could do better. And while he had a great personality, it wasn’t the kind of personality girls like her were into. Was it a ‘She’s All That’ bet? Catfishing gone too far? Some kind of weird psychosexual game?

Tommy, to put it mildly, didn’t trust her, and she had finally sat down with Everett at the campus food court to lay it out for him.

Tommy pulled out her phone, showing it to Everett. “She’s not on social media at all. There’s no indication that she exists, anywhere. The only person with her name is some woman who drowned like forty years ago – “

He shrugged. “She doesn’t like social media.”

“Neither do I! Neither does anyone! But we’re all on it!”

“I dunno. She talks about her family, they all sound like they’re kinda low-tech. She sucks at any video game newer than, like, Duck Hunt. She kicks ass at the arcade, though.”

“And you’re busy all the time with her. I miss you. I think she’s keeping you away from me on purpose.”

“We always invite you! She likes you! You just don’t want to come.”

She grumbled, inaudibly. That was true, but she had no desire to be the third wheel and to watch the two of them paw each other. She frowned, and poked him in the chest, square in the centre of the Streets of Fire poster on his t-shirt. “And what’s with this? I was there when you bought this shirt, it fit you like a potato sack. Now look at this. You have pecs! Is she making you work out? Feeding you steroids?”

He blushed, a little. “No – I mean, uh, I’ve been getting some exercise…”


“Not that kind of exercise – well, not NOT that kind of exercise…”


She sighed, and laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’m…I’m just worried that she’s changing you. Changing you in ways that you won’t like.”

“I mean…yeah, things are a little different. I’m confident. I’m fulfilled. I’m eating better.” He looked around, and lowered his voice. “And yeah, I am having regular sex. Surprise, it turns out it’s great! I mean, c’mon, Tommy. You get laid all the time. Half the time I drop by your place, there’s some blatantly post-coital girl and/or guy there eating your cereal. It never bothered me.”

He patted the hand on his shoulder. “I’m happy, Tommy. I like her. She likes me. She likes the things I like – ‘80s movies, marine biology, sushi. And all I want is for you to be happy for me, even if you don’t like her. Just because I have a girlfriend who isn’t a walking disaster for once doesn’t mean you’re not going to be part of my life. I promise.”

Tommy’s ears perked up at the distinctive squeak of Dawn’s white leather boots on the tiled floor, and saw the woman approaching them, dressed for a night on the town. Here she was, right on time, ready to butt into another conversation.

Dawn smiled, her skin looking perfect even under the food court’s fluorescent lights. “Hey, babe, what’s – aaaiiee!”

Dawn was pretty much perfect for Everett in every way – but she had one flaw. She was the clumsiest person Tommy had ever seen, and was constantly tripping over her own feet. Which she had just done, falling in a heap on the floor.

She pulled herself up, her hair the slightest bit mussed. “Hey Tommy. How’s it going?”

Tommy had the perfect cutting remark lined up, but bit her tongue. “Hi, Dawn. I’m great. So what are you two lovebirds…up to?”

“We’re just gonna roam the streets, and enjoy the night. It’s gonna be totally tubular. You wanna come with?”

“No, I’m…I’m good. Got some work to catch up on.”

Everett ran his fingers through Dawn’s hair, gazing dreamily into her eyes. “I’m just going to finish up with Tommy here, and I’ll be right with you, okay?”

“I guess. But don’t be long.” With that, she kissed him – long, and slow, and hard. Tommy felt like theatrically checking her watch, but thought better of it.

Once Dawn had left and was well out of earshot, Tommy deigned to roll her eyes. “You know, we used to make fun of people for PDA-ing like that.”

Everett just smiled, as he started to stand up. “Yeah, well, it turns out that it’s way more fun to actually, you know, do the PDA. I’ll see you soon, Tommy.”

She was not a pervert. She was NOT a Peeping Tom. She just wanted to protect her friend, that’s all.

At least, that’s what she kept telling herself as she watched Everett and Dawn gambol on the beach, both clearly intoxicated by the presence of the other. She was perched on large rock, her roommate Anna’s best birdwatching binoculars in-hand.

God, they’d been wandering around town all night, like in that movie with Ethan Hawke and that French chick. She’d followed them, surreptitiously, from restaurant to bar to bookstore, keeping a close eye on Dawn, trying to find some sign of her ulterior motives. However, all she had really picked up was that Dawn really wanted to go to the beach. And with a beach bod like hers, of course she did.

Unless she was planning to drown Everett and claim the massive life insurance policy she’d probably taken out on him.

She winced. No, if she was going to drown him, she probably would have insisted on being on top, instead of pulling him down into the surf on top of her.

They were taking their clothes off now, and it was obvious what was about to happen. This was clearly the time to look away.

She didn’t.

This was all wrong. Everett wasn’t a guy who had sex on the beach at sunrise. He was a guy who had sex on a couch during the last half-hour of Big Trouble in Little China. Well, she assumed, at least.

“I can’t believe you’re going to fuck him on the beach. You deserve all the sand and salt water and…horseshoe crabs you’re about to get all up in your cooze, lady,” she muttered, to herself.

She kept watching as Everett tossed his shirt aside. God, he was different. She’d been around him enough to know that he’d never been in that kind of shape in his life. He looked like an Olympic swimmer, or something.

Shit, and Dawn wasn’t bad herself. A toned physique. Perfectly perky breasts. Tommy was a little surprised, given Dawn’s commitment to the whole ‘80s thing, that she wasn’t rocking a full-on bush down there, but no, she was smooth as a dolphin.

Once they were naked, they got down to business. And boy, did they ever. She admitted that she’d kind of wondered how Everett was in bed in the past, and here was her answer. What her friend lacked in skill and experience, he made up in enthusiasm. But Dawn…well, all Tommy could say was “wow”. And she did say it, many times, as she watched the woman ride Everett like he was a carnival ride.

“Okay, no wonder you’re head over heels, buddy. She fucks like a…fancy prostitute.”

Despite herself, she had to admit it was pretty hot. She could almost forget that it was her best friend getting fucked on the beach by a woman she found ineffably irritating, and just kind of enjoy it, like a porn video or something.

It must have been exhausting, though. Dawn was getting sweaty, her body glistening in the moonlight as both partners neared their climax.

No. It wasn’t sweat, it was too…viscous. It was more like…slime?

She had to be hallucinating. Dreaming. Tripping.

But she wasn’t. Before her eyes, Dawn was changing.

Mint-green scales started pushing through her pale flesh, even as Everett’s hands wandered all over it. Her legs, spread wide moments ago, had pressed together, and were twisting bonelessly, braiding together and lengthening until they stretched out into a long, tapering tail – much longer than her legs had been. She clawed at Everett’s chest with actual claws, as webbing connected her scaly fingers. Her toes lengthened as they curled in orgasm, her feet knotting together until they merged to form a huge, fan-like, vertical tailfin.

Her mouth, open in an orgasmic O, now revealed sharp teeth and a long, prehensile tongue. Those big blue eyes got bigger, and bluer, until they were solid, soulless pools of cerulean. Even her incredible hair was wetly clumping together, forming a writhing nest of tentacles.

It all made sense now. Why all her cultural references dated back to the Legwarmers Age. Why she was a social-media ghost. Why she could barely keep her legs underneath her. Why she wanted to date Everett. She was some kind of…immortal soul-stealing siren succubus!


She screamed at the top of her lungs, but the crash of the waves and Dawn’s orgasmic cries drowned it out.

And then…no. NO.

As Everett climaxed, the change spread to him, as well, reshaping him into the male version of whatever the fuck Dawn was. His scales were darker, his hair-tentacles shorter, but within moments, he was just as scaly and slimy and sea-creature-y as Dawn.

The binoculars dangling around her neck, she ran. She didn’t know what she was going to DO, exactly, but instinct carried her at top speed towards the two creatures in the surf. Everett didn’t even seem to realize what had happened to him…

“Get OFF him, you slimy sea-bitch!”

She kicked Dawn, hard, in the midsection. Shocked, Everett rolled off her, his ridged, spiky cock shooting out a few last jets of fluorescent seed.

Dawn glared at her. “Were you WATCHING us?”

“Yes, and I feel bad about it but Everett, fucking look at her! Look at YOU!”

Everett looked down at his body and screamed, and Tommy kicked Dawn again. “Turn him back!”

Dawn grabbed Tommy’s leg, toppling her into the sand. “I can’t, Tommy. That’s not how it works.”

Tommy grabbed the creature by the shoulders, her teeth bared – although she shrank back slightly when Dawn bared her own, much sharper teeth. “So what the fuck are you, huh? Some sea siren who crawls up on land looking for humans to curse?”

“I WAS human. Back in the ‘80s, I was just bopping through the Reagan Administration, minding my own business, and then I hooked up with a dude who was super handsome and charming and gentlemanly and GREAT in bed. Things got hot and heavy, and one night, we’re fucking on the beach, and I just have this screaming, full-body porno orgasm, and…and then I was like this, and so was he. And then, you know, he just swam off, left me high and…wet. Said he didn’t want a relationship, he just wanted to ‘feel human pussy again’.” She spat. “Asshole. I hope an oil tanker ran him over.”

Everett had recovered some of his faculties. “So you decided to do the exact same thing? Is that all you wanted from me?”

“No! If I had a choice, I would never have done it. But it’s like…a biological compulsion. Like salmon swimming upstream to spawn. When the time and tide are right – sometimes it’s years, sometimes decades – we take on our old human forms and look for a mate. Once we find the right person and get them into bed, we secrete mating slime during sex. It seeps into them, and starts to change them. You need to give them a few doses, to make sure it takes. If you try not to do it…it hurts. It starts to fray your sanity. But I wasn’t even sure if I was gonna go through with it before I met you...and I know it was selfish, but I had to make you mine. And before you ask, I don’t have any…like, siren powers. I didn’t make you love me, Everett. I want to be with you, and I hope you still want to be with me, despite…everything.”

Everett propped himself up on his elbows, his tail waving angrily. “And you didn’t tell me any of this?”

She winced. “Yeah. Total bitch move on my part, I know. But…but I like you, and if I’d told you having sex with me was going to turn you into a slimy fish-man you probably wouldn’t have done it. But it’s not so bad, you know. You get used to it. And it’s got its benefits. Like I’d be collecting Social Security by now if I’d stayed human, but I’ve still got this killer bod…even if it is a little scaly.”

She put her webbed hand in Everett’s, and, shockingly, he didn’t pull it back. “I…I know it’s weird, but I get it.”

Tommy was shocked. “You’re not serious, Everett. Look what she did to you!”

“I know! But…I mean, what are my options? I’m going into the water either way, and I’d rather go with someone who cares about me.”

Tommy splashed him, in frustration. “So…so I just have to let my best friend swim off into the ocean with the sea monster who fucked him into being another sea monster, and if I’m lucky maybe he’ll come see me in a couple decades?”

Dawn paused for a moment. “You could come with us.”

She scoffed. “With what, the submarine I’ve got parked in my driveway? And if you’re thinking about sliming me, sister, please. I wouldn’t fuck you with his dick.”

Dawn rolled over on her back, thrusting her chest out slightly. “I mean, I like you, and I like Everett, and from what I gathered of 21st century society, threesomes aren’t totally weird or anything. I wanted both of you, but once I started dating Everett, you got super-hostile. It’s not too late to change you, either. It took Everett a few doses to get him changed, but with a dose from both of us, at the same time? You’d be transformed in minutes.”

Tommy stuck her tongue out. “Please stop saying ‘mating slime’.”

Everett looked like he was starting to see things Dawn’s way. “Hey, I’m still kind of pissed off, but this does feel super fucking great. I’m just so…strong, and flexible, and – “

Tommy narrowed her eyes, looking at his still-rampant manhood. “And horny, yeah. Your weird fish dick gave me the hint there.”

Dawn batted her eyes, flicking a translucent membrane over them. “We’d have so much fun together, Dawn. And I can tell you’d make a super hot mermaid. You already have great boobs.”

Suddenly self-conscious, especially with her clothes now soaked in seawater, Tommy crossed her arms over her chest. But…god help her, she was considering it.

She’d always been a little impulsive. And maybe she had been repressing her feelings for Everett. And maybe Dawn WAS cute, even as a weird fish creature. And…she honestly didn’t have THAT much going on in the surface world.

God dammit, she was really going to do this, wasn’t she?

She sighed, and started undressing.

“You two had better make this worth my goddamn while.”

Off came her jacket, her boots, her socks, her belt, her jeans. Off came a ragged t-shirt for a local ska-punk band that broke up seven years ago. Off came her best “comfortable but not nice enough to wear on a date if I think I’m gonna get laid” bra and panties.

And there she was, totally nude in the sand, her naked ass soaking in seawater, with two slimy, horny mythological monsters eying her hungrily. Just how she planned to spend her Saturday night.

The two mer-creatures moved as one. Everett climbed on top of her, his hardening cock probing her inner thighs, while Dawn wrapped her tail around her upper torso, drawing her face into her moistened womanhood. It was a little cramped, but both mer-creatures were very flexible, and angled themselves until they fit.

As she was enveloped in scaly flesh, Tommy wondered if she’d made a mistake – until Everett’s mutated manhood found its target and plunged into her. She shrieked, a little – it didn’t feel BAD, but it was big and weird-shaped and a little cold – but soon, as he began thrusting into her, it started stimulating her in all the right ways. She thrust back, starting to forget how weird the whole situation was. She also began tonguing the engorged, slime-slick vagina in front of her. It wasn’t so different from the ones she was used to, and judging by Dawn’s response, her time-tested techniques worked on it just fine.

Between thrusts, Everett gasped out a few words. “Tommy…I don’t know why I never told you how I felt about you, I just nev – “

Tommy briefly pulled her tongue out of Dawn’s genitals, cutting him off. “Can’t talk, Everett, mouth full of fish-pussy, save the emotional catharsis for later.”

She was silent after that, her moans muffled. But she could hear her two lovers’ cries of pleasure, and the wet sounds as they writhed and gushed on the beach, their slick bodies smearing her own with slime.

She could feel it, now. Mutagenic precum starting to ooze from Everett’s cock, transformative slime starting to flow into her mouth from deep within Dawn’s cunt. It was percolating into her – soaking her cells and changing her from the inside out. The feeling was…indescribably euphoric.

She was starting to realize how Everett came down on Dawn’s side so quickly.

With her external senses overwhelmed by the sexual tidal wave crashing over her, she could focus on the sensation of change within her. She felt her flesh cooling as translucent slime oozed out of her pores, felt the scales pressing out of her skin one by one. Her tongue probed deeper into Dawn’s cooze, lengthening and thickening into a prehensile tendril as it found more spots to stimulate the she-creature, making her release even more of her delectable juices.

She felt her short hair morphing into a scalp of writhing tentacles. Her vision blurred as her eyes expanded, colours shifting and changing as new neurons blossomed in her brain. She clutched at her own scale-covered breasts, feeling webbing stimulate her nipples as it spread between her fingers. She moaned, her claws digging into her toughened turquoise flesh.

Her legs were gone, their tissue re-molded and re-shaped into a lengthening, fin-studded tail that thrashed in the sand with every thrust of Everett’s cock. It was as if her womanhood was molding itself around his organ, forming a new depression for every protrusion on its jagged length. Already, her flesh was tightening around him, preparing to drain every last drop once he climaxed.

She understood now that she would be linked to these two for the rest of their lives, however long that would be. And as much as she wanted to maintain her usual ironic detachment from it…she couldn’t. She loved Everett, and if he loved Dawn, she was pretty sure she’d be in love with her soon enough, too. This fucked-up fish-throuple was going to be a lot of fun.

Finally, she came. Her partners came too, erupting with orgasmic cries and jets of slime, splattering each other’s bodies inside and out.

They stayed there on the beach for a while, a heaving pile of tails and scales and overstimulated genitals. Waves crashed against them, washing away their glowing genetic leavings.

The sun peeked over the horizon, making Dawn’s nictitating membranes flicker across her enlarged eyes. It was bright – too bright. She needed to be in the water.

The others felt the same, and together they swam away from the shore, away from their old lives – for Tommy and Everett, for the first time, and for Dawn, for the second. Would they return? Would the compulsion to resume their human forms and seek out a mate come to them, or would that urge be sated now that they had their mates? None of them knew.

But what Tommy did know, despite herself, was that the sensation of water flowing over her scaly skin and through her gills felt fucking incredible.

God, she was going to love this, wasn’t she. Gross.

Everett swam out ahead of them, his eyes widening as he took in the beauty of the undersea world.

Tommy turned to Dawn, whose head-tentacles were floating gracefully in the water. “So…is this the only way you make new mermaids? Because I am not really interested in getting knocked up with a bunch of fish eggs, but we just had, like, enormous loads blown in us.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” She cast a glance at Everett, and smiled slyly as she whispered, conspiratorially, to Tommy. “What do you know about seahorses?”
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