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Unread 08-24-2018   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Confidence (Story, Hippopotamus)

A shy librarian receives a gift that keeps on giving. Inspired by a piece by the great Ornithocrat -


It was shaping up to be another quiet day at the library.

It was the dead of summer, and the entire city, it seemed, was on vacation. Nevertheless, the library was to remain open, and it needed at least two people to run it.

Today, one of those people was Melanie.

As usual, she was the first one at work. It’s not as if she had anywhere else to be, she thought, as she dutifully unlocked the doors, turned the lights on, and checked the overnight returns box.

She was a large woman; she tried to think of herself as plus-sized, but other, unkinder words came to her unbidden. All her life, she’d felt ashamed by her body, and hid it accordingly, as she was doing today, underneath flowing skirts and shapeless sweaters. She’d tried diets, exercise, and all manner of cleanses and detoxifications before giving up entirely. She knew that she would never be wanted or desired, so she resolved to make herself as useful as possible; and what better way to make oneself useful than in giving one’s life to the service of knowledge?

Of course, that was a bit of an exaggeration. What she mostly did was help children with their research projects, teach old people to use the internet, and chase down errant periodicals. But still, it would be a pleasant, productive way to pass the decades until her story’s inevitable, quiet end.

She ducked into the break room to check her cubbyhole for mail. It was the usual – the employee newsletter, a reminder about the horror author doing a reading next week, and an RSVP for Sofia’s baby shower. Today, however, amongst the usual was the unusual; a manila envelope with a fairly substantial and irregular object inside.

The envelope had one word, written on it in unfamiliar handwriting: Kujiamini. A quick search on her phone revealed that it was Swahili for “confidence”. She tore it open, and found it contained a necklace of chunky, polished white stones surrounding a single large animal tooth.


She examined it, feeling its reassuring heaviness in her hands. It did look like it would go nicely with her blue sweater. She slipped it over her head and admired her reflection in the microwave window. Not bad. She straightened her squarish glasses and adjusted her short dark hair; she’d seen the assignment sheet, and knew that today she’d be working with -

“Hey, Mel!”

Carlos was, as always, fashionably late.

While Melanie certainly fit the traditional look of a librarian, Carlos always seemed like he should be tending bar in a hipster gastropub. He was always perfectly dressed, and today was no different; grey suit pants and a stylish vest with a purple dress shirt underneath, its sleeves artfully rolled-up to display his litany of literary-themed tattoos. His beard was neatly trimmed, his high-and-tight hair was expertly gelled, and, most importantly of all, he always had a smile for Melanie.

She wanted him. Badly. Carnally.

She could never tell him this, of course. Men like him weren’t interested in girls like her. Still, she liked being around him.

“Morning, Carlos. Hey, someone gave me this weird necklace with a tooth on it – can you tell me what it is?”

Carlos was an animal enthusiast, and probably would know what it was, but Melanie didn’t mind having an excuse to make him look at her, as well. She tried to maintain a neutral expression as he leaned in, taking a closer peek at the tooth laying atop her décolletage.

“Hm. Large animal, definitely a mammal, sharp but not predator-sharp…I’d guess hippopotamus. It’s a nice piece. Looks antique, too, so don’t feel too bad for the hippo. It looks good on you.”

She should have been angry – giving the fat girl a hippo-tooth necklace was probably somebody’s idea of a sick joke. Instead, just being in Carlos’ presence, seeing his smile…she felt pretty good.

A hot flush raced through her body. Maybe too good.

“I’ve got to…got to get to work. See you at lunch?”

She didn’t even wait for a reply as she headed for the stairs. As soon as she was out of Carlos’ sight, she ran, not stopping until she was in the upstairs bathroom. She locked the door, closed herself into a stall, and hiked up her skirt. Biting her lip, she yanked her panties down and plunged her hand into her seething folds.

Her hand found a veritable monsoon of moisture. She’d never been this wet in her life!

She moaned, loudly. She covered her mouth with her free hand…but then dropped it. There was nobody else in the library – except for Carlos, and he probably couldn’t hear her from downstairs.

Plus…maybe she wanted him to hear her.

She moved her free hand under her sweater and bra, where it found the cool metal of her barbell nipple piercings. She’d had them pierced at a low point, when she’d needed a tangible reminder of her own sexuality. She knew, deep down, that nobody else would ever see them, but she knew they were there, and for now, that was enough.

She did have work to do, though. She focused her attentions on her aching clit, and came, loudly, within a minute.

She sat there for a while, panting. Eventually, she summoned the wherewithal to get up, wash her hands, and get to work. She had a reshelving project to finish, and by the looks of the quiet streets outside, nobody was going to interrupt her. She put everything out of her mind – the necklace, Carlos, and her still-needy nether regions – and got down to business.

Before long, however, the blessed relief she’d given herself was a distant memory. It was quickly becoming clear that, rather than a one-off aberration, her heightened arousal was a symptom of something profoundly, deeply wrong with her. Even though the library’s air conditioning was set to “Siberia”, as per usual, she was roasting alive in her own skin. Her clothes, intentionally chosen to be shapeless, were not only drenched in sweat but suddenly seemed to be a few sizes too small, hugging every curve of her body. Still, she went about her tasks, trying to take her mind off the churning bonfire within her.

It didn’t work. An hour later, she was almost immobile. Every step was agony, as her swollen feet threatened to split her sensible flats; every movement further bound her in her sweat-soaked garments. The only thing keeping her from collapsing in agony was that her arousal had only continued to heighten, flooding her body with pain-deadening pleasure hormones.

Still, she resolved herself to work through it, trying to explain it away in her head. She’d eaten some bad shrimp; she was retaining water; she was allergic to her new moisturizer. Whatever it was, if she ignored it for long enough, she was sure it would go away.

She stopped for a moment of rest, leaning on a bookshelf to take some weight off her feet. “I’ll just…take my shoes off. Not very professional, but there’s nobody else around, right?”

She only talked to herself when things were going wrong. Had she been more lucid, she probably would have recognized this as a bad sign.

With some effort, she pulled off her shoes, which had begun to come apart at the seams. Freed from their prisons, her feet began to expand and warp before Melanie’s horrified eyes.

Her feet were no longer recognizably human. They had become huge, circular stumps, her toes now splayed and capped with thick, inhuman nails. Worse, her skin had begun to darken and discolor, turning a dark purple-grey – and the discoloration was spreading up her trunk-like legs.

This was no allergic reaction, no disease, no mysterious ailment. As impossible as it was, Melanie was changing; her humanity was slipping away before her very eyes, gushing out of her pores with her sweat.

But if she wasn’t human anymore, what was she? That much was obvious. She was no Animal Planet junkie like Carlos, but she knew a hippopotamus when she saw one.

When she was one.

Melanie didn’t believe in magic, or curses, or much of anything. But the simplest explanation was that there was some kind of curse on the necklace, and all she had to do to stop it was pull it off. As ridiculous as that seemed, it obeyed a certain sort of storybook logic – and if there was one thing Melanie knew, it was storybooks.

Melanie readied her hands – and noticed that her pinky fingers were eroding away. As she watched, it shrunk away to a nub, then vanished entirely into her meaty palm. Her hands and arms, too, were bulking up, her fingers gaining mass and losing dexterity by the moment. She knew she’d have to be fast.

The moment her fingers touched the necklace, however, a massive orgasm rocked her body. Her legs gave way, and she fell to the floor, landing on her back – but even the impact with the floor didn’t halt her paroxysm of lust. Her spine arched as her hips thrust into the air, as if she was in the throes of passion with some invisible mate. The sudden jolt of pleasure only seemed to accelerate her transformation; new fat and muscle and skin piled on her thickening bones, straining her clothes to the absolute limit. She bellowed, her voice reduced to a bestial roar, as her sweater finally could take no more and burst apart like a woolly cocoon, revealing her thickening torso. Her skirt was more resilient, and persistently held on, even as it painfully dug into the gray flesh of her abdomen. Maddened, Melanie grabbed its waistband with both hands and tore it apart with her newfound strength.

As the wave of her orgasm washed over her, she looked over her sweaty, swollen body; an unfamiliar thought percolated through her addled mind, so alien she had to say it out loud.

“I look…sexy.”

It was ridiculous, of course. She was now in her underwear (which hadn’t been particularly sexy to begin with) and probably not for much longer; her bra was visibly stretching out to accommodate her expanding, mountainous breasts, and her panties, already soaked with her fluids, felt like they too were beginning to fray. All of her visible skin was now gray-purple, hairless, and rubbery. Her feet and legs had completed their transformation, and were now crude pillars designed to support her monstrous bulk. Even without her increasingly animalistic features, she was grotesque; with her huge breasts and ass, she looked like a crude fertility idol.

But that was the word, wasn’t it? Fertile. She was hard and soft in the right places – thick as Nile River mud and wet as a Congolese swamp. Built for pleasure – both to give and receive. From anyone she wanted…

As she thought about who she might want it from, she was rocked with another seismic orgasm, heralding another wave of changes.

“Aaah! Auuunnh!”

She cried out, involuntarily, as her facial bones cracked and pushed forwards, her nose and mouth merging into a small snout. She felt a coolness on her scalp as her short dark hair fell out, leaving her entire body totally hairless. Her ears repositioned themselves, folding themselves into small scoops that angled themselves higher on her skull. She could feel them swiveling as they heard the click of the opening door...

The opening door! No!

She took her eyes off her own body and looked up at the doorway, where a completely bewildered Carlos stood.

“Mel? I heard – oh, shit, is that you?”

In her mind, she ran the full gamut of her strongest emotions. Fear, shame, sorrow…but above all, pure animalistic lust. She knew exactly what she needed, and Carlos had it. But he would never want her – not before, and certainly not like this…

…would he?

“It used to be,” she joked, weakly. She still had the power of speech, but with her thick tongue and huge torso, it was deeper, more commanding.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know what to tell you. I’m a hippo now, and I’m in…fuckin’ hippo heat. It’s the necklace. And no, I can’t take it off.”

“Can you get up? I’ll help you, and then we can – ” He reached out his hand.

“No. I can get up, but I shouldn’t.”


“If I get up, I am going to grab you, and tear your clothes off, and…ugh. I can’t control myself. God, Carlos, I’m so horny I’m using the word ‘horny’, which I fucking hate.”

“So…what if I came down there?” He started to unbutton his vest.

“No, Carlos, you do’nnnnngh!”

The thought of Carlos being with her made her brain light up like a pinball machine. As she writhed with lust on the floor, one more surge of growth pulsed through her body. Her flesh surged outwards, finally tearing her bra and panties to pieces. She winced, remembering how hard it was to find underwear that fit her. Finally, she felt a squirming sensation above her huge ass, and gasped as a short, ropy tail pushed out of her spine. She twitched it, and felt it softly stroke her expansive buttocks.

With that, a stillness fell over her body, although the fires of lust still burned in her loins. It was some relief, at least, to know she’d retain some vestiges of humanity.

Carlos had his vest and shirt off now, and was unbuckling his belt. He clearly worked out. “Just give me a second here. I’ll be right with you.”

“Carlos. This is fucked-up, but don’t feel that you have to do anything.” It killed her to choke out the words, especially now that he was down to his silk boxers. His excitement was clearly visible.

“Mel, I want to do this. To be honest, I’ve always found you very attractive, but I never date other librarians. Especially not ones I work with.”

“But now…?”

“Listen, I usually stick to my principles, but you’re on the floor, naked, and D-T-F. I’m not a machine.”

“I’m…part-hippo, though.”

“Eh.” He shrugged. “It’s working for you.”

He slipped out of his boxers, revealing a not-insubstantial cock at full attention. It was clearly working for him, too.

He bit his hands on his hips, posing like a naked hipster Superman. “You ready?”

This was real. This was happening. Melanie felt a palpable sense of anticipation, knowing that her feminine desires and animal lusts were both about to be simultaneously satisfied. “If you don’t get down here right now, I’m coming to get you.”

He lowered himself atop her, carefully. She shuddered at the sensation of his skin on hers, his delicate page-turning hands entwined in her meaty elephantine mitts, his hard cock probing between her thick thighs. He was hers. Her friend. Her lover. Her mate.

He kissed her, awkwardly, his tongue trying to work its way into her blunt muzzle. He smiled, and blushed. “I’ll figure it out eventually.”

As his hands wandered up and down her strange new body, she felt the strange new sensation of being wanted and desired – and why shouldn’t she? She was magnificent. A sex goddess with the mind of a woman and the heart of a beast.

He ran his fingers gently over her swollen breasts, lingering over her piercings. “These are a surprise.”

“I used to hope you’d see them, one day.”

“I see them, and I like them.”

As Melanie writhed and moaned, Carlos explored the strange new terrain of her body with his fingers and tongue, mapping out sensitive spots and erogenous zones. Carlos was clearly no stranger to pleasuring a woman. Any other day, this would have sent her into paroxysms of ecstasy…but not now. Right now, she needed one thing.

She grabbed his arm, as gently as she could. “Carlos. I like this, but I need your cock inside me. Right fucking now,” she said, staring him right in the eyes.

“Of course. You just have to ask.”

To accommodate him, she spread her legs and raised them up. He knelt on the floor and carefully positioned himself at her entrance. He slid into her well-lubricated womanhood with ease – although she’d worried that she’d simply be too big for her human paramour, she was pleasantly surprised to feel every inch of him.

She threw her head back as she groaned, her glasses finally falling off her face. However, she felt a slight hesitation coming from her partner.

Craning her neck, she saw an expression of confused pleasure manifest itself on Carlos’ face.

He gasped. “Oh my god. It’s…ridged in there.”

“Is that bad?”

“No. It’s good. Real good.”

He picked up the pace, his cock sliding smoothly in and out of her. She groped her huge breasts, feeling her rock-hard nipples between her chunky fingers.

Bracing himself with one hand, Carlos used his other to grasp her tail. It was surprisingly sensitive, and she purred as he ran his fingers up and down it. Her pleasure only intensified when he began using its tip to tease her engorged clit. She roared with pleasure, and returned his attentions, grinding her pelvis on his as she tipped over the orgasmic precipice.

She erupted. It wasn’t just one orgasm, but multiples – a bolt of chain lightning running through her huge body. Suddenly hypersensitive, she could feel everything – the cold steel of her piercings, the softness of the torn garments underneath her, and the warmth of Carlos’ seed shooting into her depths. She roared.

Carlos, totally spent, collapsed on her torso, his face buried in her cleavage. Experimentally, Melanie gingerly touched the necklace. When it and she remained inert, she slipped the necklace off and over her head.

She remained unchanged. She sighed, and slipped it back on.

“You ready to go again?” She tried to sound like she was joking, but she kind of wasn’t.

“Oh god no. I might actually need a nap.”

“…are your hands still working?”

Riverhorse Ranch, as they had come to call it, always looked gorgeous at sunset.

It was a beautiful house, really. The location wasn’t great, as it was in the middle of nowhere. Plus, there was a giant overgrown pond in the backyard, where most people would have wanted a patio or a garden or even a swimming pool. Not to mention that the whole place was a bit of a fixer-upper.

For Mel and Carlos, the first two “problems” were actually selling points. And the third wasn’t too bad, either – home renovations went a lot quicker when one of the crew members had the strength of a raging pachyderm.

At this moment, she was relaxing in that pond, with only her head peeking above water. She felt most at-home there, her skin kept moist and supple, her bulk supported by the water’s buoyancy. Clothes seemed pretty pointless for her, so she wore only one thing – the hippo-tooth necklace. Carlos had been right; it did look good on her.

Her ears swiveled at the sound of car tires on the driveway.

The library, not wanting the public to find out it was the kind of establishment where people turned into libidinous animal monsters, had been quite generous with her, allowing her to work from home and ignoring the bill for replacing the upstairs carpet, which multiple cleanings had failed to rid of hippopotamus musk. Carlos, who still worked there, insisted that he could still detect her pheromones whenever the air conditioning kicked on, which he had no complaints about.

As she heard Carlos’ footsteps, she hauled herself out of the pool, her wet body glistening like a golden idol in the dying sunlight. Carlos, a take-out bag in his hands, stopped in his tracks to marvel at her.

“Hey, Mel. I brought Indian – including that cauliflower stuff you like.”

She smiled. She mostly fed on the tough grasses they’d planted on the property, but eating prepared food made her feel human.

He planted himself in one of the deck chairs, and she joined him in another; hers was made of heavily-reinforced aircraft steel, however.

Carlos leaned over and planted a kiss – now a more practised one – on Melanie’s toothy maw. “Lindsay still got you working on that tri-centennial project for City Hall?”

“Yeah, got those new documents in. You know the city’s first mayor was kicked out of Canada for stealing from beaver traps?”

“No, but that’s awesome.”

“And how was your day in the book mines?”

“Wearying. The summer interns are in, and none of them have even a cursory knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System.”

“Lucky them. I still see those tables in my dreams.”

“Yeah. Long day. Just not the same without you there, you know? But now I’m home. And though home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration.”

“You’re lucky you’re cute, because you were never gonna get laid quoting Dickens.”

He dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “Please. I once seduced a TA with a sensuous reading of a passage from Bleak House.”

“You seduced her by being a male model with a library card.”

“Agree to disagree.” He hefted the take-out bag. “Hungry?”

She reached over, and began to unbutton his shirt with her surprisingly-dextrous hands. She’d have preferred to tear it open, but the man did love his wardrobe.

“I think I’d better work up an appetite first.”
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Unread 10-17-2018   #2
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Re: Confidence (Story, Hippopotamus)

Not bad! Savannah animals don't get enough love, save for the cats and dogs like always.
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Unread 10-17-2018   #3
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Re: Confidence (Story, Hippopotamus)

Originally Posted by SoylentOrange View Post
Not bad! Savannah animals don't get enough love, save for the cats and dogs like always.
Thank you! I love exploring the lesser-known areas of the animal kingdom.
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