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Unread 03-25-2007   #1
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Coconut-Scented (Complete)

Just a quick fix, I'm still hung up on "Dahlia Gray."

"Great practice, you guys," Jessica said as she pushed open the locker room door.

"Thanks, Jess," replied Rachel, following immediately behind Jessica.

"Yeah. I think you did great on that double-flip," added Sandra, right behind Rachel.

"Well, I think your landing still needs work," said Melissa, coming through the door several steps behind the other three. Her response was Jessica's patented why-am-I-listening-to-you eye roll coupled with glares from her two drones. She'd expected as much, though. She got that kind of look from Jessica all the time. Because Melissa was co-captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, Jessica, the captain, had to be around her quite a bit, especially for these occasional late practices. However, because she wasn't rich and snobby, didn't worship tall, blonde, popular Jessica as a queen and goddess, and refused to play the High School Popularity Contest game, Jessica and her cronies treated Melissa like a nuisance that should be tolerated only when necessary.

It really showed at times like this, when it was just the four of them. Throughout the entire practice, all three of them had more or less ignored any input she'd had, and had given her the least desirable positions in every formation they'd gone through. Any time Jessica called for a setup that only had three members (fairly frequently), Melissa had been the one to sit on the sideline and take a break. Any time she had something to say, Jessica had seemed unable to hear her until she repeated herself loudly a few times. Also, as she did at almost every practice, she found a not-so-subtle way of indicating that, if it were up to her and not the coach, Melissa wouldn't even be a cheerleader, let alone co-captain. Oh, well, she thought, let them have their petty amusements. Melissa had her own friends who didn't look down their nose at everyone, and she didn't let the trio's immature antics bother her.

As the four of them stripped out of their uniforms and grabbed towels from their lockers, Jessica paused for a moment. "Funny, I don't remember buying this."

"What is it, Jess?" asked Sandra.

The taller girl pulled a small bottle out of her locker and read the label. "All-Natural Exfoliating Skin Care Body Wash, Coconut-Scented." She looked puzzled. "I don't know how this got in here, I could swear I've never seen it before." She popped the cap open and sniffed. "Mmmm. Smells great though. You guys want to try some?" she asked as she headed for the showers.

"Sure. Sounds great," replied Rachel.

"Definitely. I'll try anything once," added Sandra.

"Well, that's what most of the football team says," muttered Melissa under her breath as she followed the others to the shower room. She had naturally assumed that "you guys" didn't include her--not that she particularly cared--and so chose a shower stall well away from the other three. The whole time they were in there, she could hear them all raving about how great the body wash smelled, and how the exfoliating apparently gave their skin a pleasant tingling feeling. Melissa wouldn't have been surprised if they all suddenly started moaning in pleasure like those ridiculous commercials. After they turned off the water and left the showers, she stayed in for a few more minutes, letting the steady pressure and warmth soothe her. Being around those three for a long period of time got on her nerves. Finally, she shut off the flow, wrapped up in her towel, and stepped out into the locker room.

"That coconut stuff was great, wasn't it?" Lovely, she thought. They're still going on about it.

"Yeah, it was," said Rachel. "I can still smell it. I swear I even still feel the tingling!"

Jessica and Sandra echoed her sentiment. "Good thing it's a good feeling!" Sandra added with a grin.

Melissa tuned out their inane chatter for a few moments while she was getting dressed. Just as she got her jeans on, though, something slightly unusual broke through and caught her attention.

"I think I might need to go off my diet for a little bit. Maybe I'm losing too much weight," Jessica stated in a confused tone.

Sandra and Rachel both looked briefly shocked. Rachel recovered first. "What? What do you mean? I've never heard you complain about dropping a few pounds."

"Well, no, normally I wouldn't, but I may be overdoing it. My skirt's loose. It's one of my favorites--I don't want it to get too loose to wear."

Melissa had to stifle a laugh. All of Jessica's favorites were her short, tight minis that acheived the desired effect of getting virtually every guy in school to stare at her long legs and toned ass. It would serve her right if overzealous diet and exercise made them a little less showy.

"Funny, now that you mention it, I feel like I'm having the same problem with my top," Sandra chimed in. "It's not as snug as I like it to be." Melissa thought of how Sandra's tendency to wear tight halter tops without a bra was also semi-legendary among the school's male population, and once again she felt it'd be poetic justice.

Rachel spoke up next. "Weird. Seems like my jean shorts are sagging a bit in the back. Maybe we all need to ease off a bit on the dieting." Rachel dressed the least slutty out of the three of them--though that wasn't saying much--and at this point, her curiosity piqued, Melissa had to turn away from her locker to look at the other women. Immediately, she knew something was off about them, but she couldn't tell what right away. She eased a little closer to the them, watching intently as they removed their slightly ill-fitting garments and began rifling through their lockers for other outfits. Suddenly, Jessica pulled a different skirt from her locker and stood up straight to try it on, and Melissa noticed what it was.

Somehow, Jessica was shorter.

She had no idea how it was possible, but she'd spent enough time around Jessica to know how tall she was. Jessica was one of the tallest girls in class, and never missed a chance to use her height to her advantage. Since that frequently meant looking down a few inches to glare at Melissa, she could tell that the blonde cheerleader wasn't as tall as she had been earlier today. In fact, Melissa could clearly see the top of Jessica's locker above her head, when previously she had stood just barely above it.

Now that she knew what to look for, she could see that the other two girls had lost a few inches as well. In fact, Rachel's head was below the top shelf inside the locker. As she continued to watch, the trio tried on some different clothes, to no avail. If anything, the new outfits appeared slightly larger and more loose-fitting than the previous ones. As they removed them and continued to dig in the lockers, she noticed that their undergarments, too, didn't look to be fitting as well as they had before. It then occured to Melissa that the cheerleaders weren't just losing height--they must be shrinking proportionately all over. They hadn't noticed yet, because the changes weren't drastic yet and weren't happening rapidly, and because all three of them looked the same heights relative to each other that they'd been before. Fascinated, Melissa pretended to busy herself in her locker while secretly watching the three women.

"Damn, I just don't seem to be having any luck," grumbled Jessica. "I really must be overdoing it--everything is too big on me!" She tugged at her panties, which had slipped slightly over one hip. "What about you two?"

"Nothing yet," sighed Rachel as she fidgeted with the cups of her bra. "Even my bra feels weird. God, I hope my tits haven't gotten smaller! I'm gonna have to pig out on a pint of ice cream or something!"

"I'm with you there, Rach. None of my tops are fitting right. See?" Sandra gestured at her chest, where the latest artifact from her locker was in fact showing a lot of cleavage--because its neckline was sagging much lower than intended. "I can't wear this. It's practically showing my nipples!"

"How is that any different from usual?" Jessica smirked. "Maybe if you'd actually wear a bra..."

"Hey!" Sandra exclaimed, her face flushing briefly before turning into a wide grin. "Anyway, you're one to talk, little miss wardrobe malfunction."

"What are you...eeep!" Jessica quickly tucked her exposed right breast back into her bra cup. Or tried to. The cup looked loose enough that it threatened to allow her boob to slip out again. "Alright, nevermind. Just keep looking. If I wanted to waste a whole afternoon trying on different outfits, I'd be at the mall."

From her locker, Melissa continued to stare, amazed that none of them had realized yet what was going on. Even the formerly towering Jessica was now significantly shorter than the locker's top shelf, which was at Melissa's eye level. Rachel was dangerously close to the locker's middle shelf, which, when coupled with her increasingly baggy clothes, made her look more like a middle school student than a high school senior. She wondered how much longer this could go on before one of them noticed what was happening. Then again, they were so focused on their clothes that it could be a few minutes yet.

"This is crazy!" Rachel shouted in frustration. "I KNOW all this stuff is supposed to fit me! It did when I put it in here! That's what it's all doing in my locker in the first place!"

"Wait a minute," Sandra said thoughtfully, "what did you just say?"

"I said, that's what it's all doing in my locker in the first place!"

"Maybe that's it!" exclaimed Sandra. "Maybe someone snuck into our lockers while we were at practice, or in the shower, and switched all our clothes for bigger ones! It's some kind of prank!"

"I don't know, Sandra," Jessica began. "It seems like a lot of trouble for someone to go through...besides, who would do that?"

Anticipating what was coming, Melissa quickly looked away from them into her locker. Sure enough she felt their glares on her. Without turning back to look, she said, "I heard that. In case you forgot, I've been in practice with you this whole time, and I was in the showers longer than any of you were."

"She's right," Jessica said. "Besides, she's not smart enough to do it, and she has no sense of humor anyway."

"And like Jess said, it seems like a lot of trouble for someone to go through. I mean, there's an awful lot of clothes to switch out," added Rachel, adjusting her bra again. "And the underwear, too."

"True. But how else do you explain it?" Sandra asked. She pulled her latest find, a tube top, into place, and as soon as she let go of it, it slipped from her chest and fell past her hips all the way to the floor.

Jessica pulled a pair of shorts up to her waist, ran a belt through the loops, and cinched it as tight as it would go. Still, this wasn't enough, as the rear of the shorts slipped down and exposed her ass, as well as her sagging panties that were threatening to expose her completely. "Alright, enough is enough. This is getting ridiculous. I vote we just change back into our cheerleading uniforms. Whatever is going on here, at least we know they fit."

"But Jess, they're all sweaty, and we just showered!" protested Rachel.

"Oh, don't be a baby. It's only until you get home, where you know you have some clothes that fit. It's either that, or go out in public with your clothes falling off. You're as likely to get arrested as anything else." So saying, Jessica let go of the shorts, which fell to her ankles. "I'm too aggravated to care," she added, throwing up her hands in frustration. As soon as she lowered them, her bra straps fell off of her shoulders and the garment plunged earthward. It caught her drooping panties on the way down and took them with it, leaving her nude, standing up to her ankles in a puddle of fabric. "Urrrgh!" she groaned as she bent over and dug through her gym bag.

The other two followed suit, barely having to make any effort at all for their baggy undergarments to drop to the floor. Melissa kept staring, knowing they'd have to realize something was up once they tried to put their uniforms back on. The once-statuesque Jessica now stood even with the locker's lowest shelf and was rummaging through a gym bag that was as large as she was. Melissa walked softly over to the three shrinking women, stopping right behind them. She realized that the blonde cheerleading captain now only came up to her thighs, and her two minions were even shorter. Rachel was only knee-high to Melissa. As she watched, she could tell they were still getting smaller--it was more noticeable now, because the size they lost was proportionately a larger percentage of their remaining size.

At roughly the same time, the three mini-girls pulled their cheerleading tops out of their bags and tried to put them on. The attempt proved disastrous. Jessica poked her head out of a neck hole wider than her shoulders and realized that her hands were covered completely by the short-sleeved top, and its hem was at her ankles. She gripped the fabric and spread her arms as wide as they would go, stretching the neck hole so that the collar ran from one elbow below her breasts and up to the other elbow. She looked at Sandra, who could barely see over her collar with the hem on the floor, and at Rachel, who had tried to do the same thing as Jessica only to find that her collar crossed at her thighs, exposing her completely.

Almost simultaneously, Rachel screamed, Sandra went white as a sheet and froze up, and Jessica yelled, "What the HELL is going ON?"

"I'm not sure I know," a voice boomed from above. The three tiny faces all turned around and looked up--WAY up.

"But I can tell you one thing," Melissa continued, grinning broadly at the former stuck-up cheerleaders who now stood below her knee, "I think the cheerleading squad is going to need a new captain."
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Unread 03-25-2007   #2
Process Disciple
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Very nice. Heh ^^
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Unread 03-25-2007   #3
AKA Kaytie. NOT
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MMMMMMMmmmm yes. Very nice. Keep on writing those slow shrinking stories, please.

You Rock!
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Unread 03-25-2007   #4
Nom Anor
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Slow shrinking; always my favorite.
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