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Unread 03-29-2009   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Gemma (Complete)

Information / warnings: This story contains SW, slow shrink, explicit text porn, and there is SM / comparative GTS at the end. Lots of embarrassment but no physical violence.

Hi guys! This is the first thing I've written that I'm contributing to the community. I posted it on GTSCity a couple of months ago, thought some people here might like it.

Ok, a couple of things to say about this story: first of all, it was not entirely written by me. I had originally posted this in installments on the Unending BE Addventure, and there are segments of it that were contributed by an anonymous poster, but a solid 85% of it was written by me. I don't know if that's poor etiquette or not, but if you wrote part of it and you want credit, please feel free to speak up.

I also edited it a bit so that it functions as a short stand-alone story. I added in a beginning and ending and changed the names of the two male characters. The main characters in the Addventure are almost always named "Jim" and "Rick," and now when I read those names I can't get the BEarchive out of my head.

I sometimes feel bad about lurking and often want to contribute back the community. I don't know if this will make up for all of the material I've downloaded over the years, but it's a start. Hope you enjoy!


?So? let me get this straight.? Kyle was sitting on a park bench on a Saturday afternoon, chatting with this young guy named Ryan, whom he had just met. ?Because I want to be sure I understand what you just told me. You?re a genie??
??A freed genie.?
?Right. And you?ll grant me as many wishes as I want??
?No. I?ll grant you as many wishes as I want.?
?For fun.?
?That?s it??
?That?s it.?
?So why is your name Ryan??
He sighed. ?My name isn?t Ryan. It?s a common enough name. I?m also not an 18-year old white boy. It?s a common enough image in this part of the world. But hey, I?m bored this afternoon. And I think you could give me some entertainment. So keep me entertained, and I?ll stick around. It?s as simple as that.?
?So? you can do anything??
?Pretty much.?
?All right. How about? her.? Kyle pointed to a young woman standing at a bus stop. She was 22 years old, 5?6?, with short brown hair, carrying an empty grocery bag.
?What about her??
?Well, on my way here, I asked her what time it was and she just looked away, she pretended she didn?t hear me.?
?And you want to take it out on her for that? She?s just really shy.?
?Oh really? That?s ridiculous.?
?Yeah, well, that?s how some people are.?
?Okay. Well, how about this? I wish? I wish that every time she got embarrassed, she would shrink. Just a little. And she wouldn?t be able to grow back until she gets over this little shyness thing of hers.?
?Hrm.? Ryan thought about it. ?Done.?
?Well? I want to watch.?

Gemma stepped onto the bus on her way to the grocery store. As she stepped up onto the top step, however, she saw two young men were sitting in the seats closest to her, seats which she could have sworn were empty just a moment before. She did a double-take and, not concentrating on where she was stepping, she stumbled forward. The bus driver reached out an arm to help her up, but one of those passengers she thought had just appeared chuckled a bit to himself. She shivered slightly as she felt the blood come to her face and her cheeks turn red. That's odd, she thought. She brushed it off and took the seat closest to the doors, avoiding eye contact with anyone. She didn't notice that her shoes were just a little bit looser.
The two boys continued to chuckle to themselves and speak in hushed tones, glancing in her direction, and Gemma tried to ignore them. She picked up her book and tried to concentrate on the page, but she was distracted by the fact that it seemed just a bit heavier than usual. Am I tired?

Two stops later, a woman, who must have been about sixty-five, got on the bus. She didn't look where she was going and sat down in Gemma's seat- despite the fact that Gemma was sitting in it. She stood up immediately when she felt Gemma's knees, but stared to laugh loudly. "I'm sorry, dear! Why wouldn't you say something?"
"No problem," Gemma muttered and looked down, not pleased at the fact that this was drawing attention back to her from the other passengers- especially those two boys, who now had big grins on their faces.
"Oh, the people you meet..." the woman said a she walked down the bus to sit near the back. A few more passengers were grinning.

Gemma looked back into her book, but was again distracted- this time, by the fact that her sleeve was covering the heel of her palm. What the hell...? Did I stretch this? She stood up to get a better look at it, but quickly realised that something was very wrong. The bar running over the seats was way higher than it had been a moment ago! She quickly grabbed at her pants as they started to droop past her waist and looked around. Everything seemed bigger! She guessed that she was probably about 5'1", down from her previous 5'6". How can this happen?
As she was about to sit back down to keep her pants on, the bus driver had to swerve to avoid a pothole. She lost her balance and fell...
...right into Ryan's lap. She looked up in horror and embarrassment to see his grinning face leering down at her. Gemma looked up helplessly as she tried unsuccessfully to contain her embarrassment.

"Um, I'm sorry, I... I?" the flustered young woman stuttered, feeling herself decrease in size by a couple more inches as she did. She quickly stood up, eager to put an end to her ordeal, but as she did, her pants fell to the ground, immediately resulting in the sound of giggling and wolf whistles from all over the bus. Gemma pulled her pants back up, but in her state of embarrassment lost at least another three or four inches in the process. She couldn't have been more than 4'7" now - nearly a whole foot down on her usual height. Worse still, with the attention of half the bus on her as she struggled to keep hold of her clothes, she could feel herself continuing to diminish in size.
"Is something the matter, lady?" Ryan asked feigning ignorance.
"Well, it sounds silly..." Gemma replied unceratinly "But I think I might be...shrinking?"
"Shrinking!" Kyle laughed "Are you crazy?"
Gemma blushed as she felt herself lose another inch or two.
"Please, I'm serious!" She pleaded "You've got to help me!"
"Help you? Lady, you'd need a psychiatrist to help you!" Kyle pointed at her and loudly joked. Gemma's cheeks were burning now, as her body tingled and she shrank again, down to 4'4".
"What? Can't you see this? I wasn't this short a minute ago!"
Kyle took a look at her, then looked around at the other passengers on the bus. She was right- some of the other passengers weren't laughing anymore, and were starting to look at her with a mixture of disbelief and pity. In fact, one of the passengers got up to get closer and help her up. Can't have that... Kyle whispered something into Ryan?s ear, and Ryan nodded. Suddenly, the other passengers all thought that this was hilarious again. The man reached out an arm to help her up...
...but instead, put it flat against the top of her head, and then moved it level to his upper chest. "Hah! Look at this, she is pretty small!"
Ryan agreed. "No kidding! If you're small, lady, don't go making things up to explain it. Are you just looking for attention?"
Gemma listened with horror. Why don't they notice? "I'm serious! I'm supposed to be five six!" She looked around the whole bus for any sympathetic faces, but only found big grins and people joking at her expense. She looked back to Kyle and saw that her eyes were level with his forehead, while he was sitting down! And as she watched, slowly, his forehead began to rise higher, until she was looking directly into his eyes! "There! Right there! Didn't you see that? I just got smaller! I... I just..." Kyle shook his head slowly. Then he stood up.
He seemed to stand up in slow motion. First Gemma's eyes were level with his, then with his chin, then his chest, and then she was staring almost into his belly. She craned her neck upwards. She opened her mouth to speak, but had nothing to say. Then her body tingled again.
"I think my friend here is right. I think you're just looking for attention." He waved at all of the other passengers. "Well, now you have it. Everyone on the bus is staring right at you. Do you like that?"
As he spoke, Gemma looked away from him, down at the floor. This is like a nightmare! But that didn't help matters, as it only allowed her to see her clothes becoming looser and looser on her frame. She watched as her shirt dropped lower until it almost reached her knees. A good thing, too, because her pants fell to her ankles again. She fumbled to pull them back up, but her sleeves now completely covered her hands. She yanked them back, grabbed her pants and re-adjusted her belt to the tightest notch, which worked- for now. But how long would it last? After that last bout of shrinking, she was down to 3'10".

"This isn't funny!" Gemma sulked, now noticing for the first time that her voice sounded a little higher pitched than usual "Why won't anyone take me seriously?"
"Aww, look at her, she's so cute!" Kyle joked "I just want to take her home with me!" Then, to Gemma's horror, Kyle reached out and lifted her off the ground, leaving her pants behind her as shrunk another couple of inches and they fell to the floor.
"No! Don't do that! Put me down!" Gemma begged, but it was to no avail as, thanks to Ryan, the other passengers on the bus paid little attention to her plight.
"Hey, pipe down, you don't want to cause a scene do you?" Kyle scolded, as he placed Gemma on his lap. Gemma realised that she had little choice but to comply as people were beginning to shoot her disapproving looks. Sitting on Kyle's lap like a naughty child, Gemma felt utterly humiliated, and to her dismay she could feel her surroundings getting larger again as she shrunk another four inches, to around 3'4".
"Wow, you really are tiny aren't you?" Kyle laughed as he looked down at Gemma.

Gemma didn't answer as Kyle laughed. One of the passengers got up as the bus pulled to a stop at the corner, a young brunette in a business suit, and Gemma tried to wriggle her way out of Kyle's grasp and called out as she passed by. "Hey! Miss! Please help me!" She managed to get one of Kyle's hands off her, but the woman getting off the bus gently pushed her back into Kyle's arms.
"There, there, dear. Don't you fret, just stay with your friend here. He knows what's best for you."
"I'm not a child, Goddammit!"
An annoyed look came upon her face. "I can see that. But at your size, you certainly need some help getting around. Don't you think so?" Gemma looked up in shock at the woman, who gave a final disapproving glance at Gemma. The woman looked up at Kyle. "You must have a lot of patience. She certainly looks like a handful."
"Oh, she's not too much trouble. You just have to know how to handle her. Have a good day, miss."
Gemma tingled again, and she could feel Kyle's fingers around her arms slowly cover more of her skin and felt his grip become a bit more solid. The sleeves had been rolled up, but with nothing for the elastics to close around, just fell over her hands again. Her shoulders began to show through the neckhole.
Kyle noticed that now that she was sitting on his lap, he could actually feel her become lighter and lighter as time passed on the bus ride. He guessed she must weigh no more than 20 kilos at this point, and she was only going to become easier to carry!

Gemma wasn't thinking about her weight. At the very next stop, she closed her teeth around Kyle's index finger on his left hand as hard as she could. Kyle yelled in pain and shook his hand, and Gemma jumped down from his lap and made a break for the door. As she hit the floor, she stumbled and tripped on her oversized shirt. That floor was far away! There were a number of people stepping out of the bus, but she lifted her shirt so it wouldn't get in the way of her feet, and dodged her way between them, around their legs, jumped down the steps, landed on the pavement, and ran in a random direction. She could hear Kyle yelling behind her, but didn't stop to turn around. All she cared about was getting someplace away from people. As she was running, she could hear comments from people above her.
"What the hell?"
"Who's letting their daughter run around?"
"Is there a midget race going on?"
"Hey, doesn't she have a leash?"
Gemma's face got red again. All she wanted was not to be seen by anyone, but there were so many people around... She gaped as all of the cars and people around her, already enormous, got a bit bigger again. She glanced behind her and saw Kyle and Ryan hurry off the bus, looking around for her. She quickly turned and ran again, but, not looking where she was going, crashed directly into someone's hip. She fell backwards, and looked up to see a policeman looking down at her in amazement. Oh, thank God! "Officer! Please help me officer!"
The policeman didn't saw anything at first, unable to speak at the bizarre sight in front of him. This only made Gemma more embarrassed, and she squeaked as she was reduced by another inch, down to 2'11". The policeman must have noticed, because his eyes got even wider. "My word... lass, are you alright?" He crouched down and offered her a hand to help her get up. She eagerly took his hand and stood up.
"Officer, please help me! Those two men are following me and I can't get rid of them!" Gemma pointed behind herself and saw Kyle and Ryan pushing their way through the crowd to get to her. She looked back up at the policeman's face, and saw that he was also looking at the two boys. Suddenly his expression became blank, and he seemed to be looking at nothing. But when he looked down at Gemma, all of the compassion seemed to be gone from his manner, and he looked more annoyed than anything. "Officer...? What's wrong?"
He didn't answer, he just turned his face back up. Kyle and Ryan approached him. "Boys, is this woman with you?"
"Yes she is, Officer. Thank you for catching her!"
"Yeah, well, she's causing a public disturbance. I could fine the three of you for this! This isn't a racetrack!"
"I know. She can be really disobedient when she's upset!" Ryan glared down at her.
Gemma heard the conversation in horror. No... NO! He was listening to me! He knew... he knew something's wrong! Why is he saying this? What happened? As she listened, she could feel the pavement rub against her bare feet as she slowly shrank another two inches.
"Yeah, well, she nearly knocked me over! You know that?"
Kyle looked down at the tiny Gemma. "Officer... I don't think she could knock down anyone."
For a moment it looked like he was about to yell at Kyle, then suddenly he broke into a grin and started laughing. "I guess you're right! Ha ha ha!" He looked down at Gemma. "You should be thankful to these two gentlemen, young lady. They just got you out of a bunch of trouble." Then he started laughing again. Several people in the crowded of onlookers started laughing, too. Gemma just wanted to disappear. Ryan picked her up and put her over his left shoulder. In shock, she watched the officer's back as he walked away, and her body tingled as she became even smaller. She was now 2'7".

"I think we'd better take you back to my place, before you cause any more trouble!" Kyle scolded Gemma, as he carried her in the direction of his parents? place. "You bastards!" Gemma chirped in her increasingly high pitched tone "You wait until my fianc?e hears about this!" Ryan and Kyle merely laughed at her pathetic sounding tantrum, and this, combined with the amused and baffled stares Gemma was now attracting from a party of schoolchildren who happened to be passing in the opposite direction, caused her to lose another couple of inches.
"Hey, look!" One particularly obnoxious looking schoolboy shouted, pointing at Gemma "The incredible shrinking woman!"
As laughter ensued, Gemma saw the young boy, who already towered above her, getting even bigger. She certainly wasn't about to answer him back and was forced to suffer her next bout of shrinking in silence. It made it even easier for Kyle to carry her.

Once Ryan, Kyle and a 2'3" Gemma arrived back at Kyle's parents? place, Kyle noticed that his baby sister?s playpen was up. "Perfect!" Kyle smiled as he placed the helpless Gemma in the pen "You can stay here for a while until you've calmed down!"
As Ryan and Kyle left the room, Gemma sat helplessly in the shirt which now swamped her and pondered her predicament. As she did so, she felt her cheeks redden and a familiar tingling feeling as she shrunk down to just 2 feet in height. What would she do now?

The boys returned after a few minutes, with cardboard boxes in their arms and big grins on their faces. Gemma didn't move, just stared at the floor of the playpen. Kyle sat down cross-legged on the floor while Ryan reached in to the pen and removed the tiny woman. He sat her gently on the floor, and she saw that in the boxes were a bunch of children's dolls- presumably from the girl who usually occupied the playpen. Looking at the toys, she realised with disbelief that they were almost the same size as her- some of them were even a bit bigger!
"How are you doing this?" She said, almost a whisper. Neither of the boys noticed. They were too busy picking up the dolls, one by one, and comparing them to her. She tried again, a bit louder this time. "Hey?" The two boys stopped chatting and looked down at her. She hadn't really been sure if she would get their attention, but it only caused her to shrink again. She shivered and looked down. Every inch she lost now felt like a huge difference, as she had so few of them left. She steadied her breathing and looked back up. They were still leering down at her and grinning from ear to ear. "How are you doing this?" She asked.
"Magic." replied Ryan. Kyle sniggered. Gemma looked back down, and the boys continued rifling through the boxes. Kyle pulled out a large doll with somewhat realistic proportions. "So... what's your name?"
"Come again?" Ryan began to pull the clothes off the doll.
"Ah. Hi Gemma. I'm Ryan. He's Kyle." Gemma was still looking at the floor. "Take off your shirt please, Gemma."
Now she did look up. "Please, no."
Kyle made a mock concerned face. "I'm afraid so, dear."
Gemma felt the shirt grow around her and the neckline seemed to rise up to her chin. Her skin tingled and rubbed against the fabric as she got a little smaller, down to 22 inches.
"No, no. I'm afraid that shirt just won't do. You'll see, it'll be better. Here." And Ryan reached down and lifted the shirt up over her. Gemma was too miserable even to struggle, so Ryan had no trouble whatsoever.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Oh, it's all for fun. We aren't going to hurt you. Here, stand up." Without waiting for her to answer, Kyle took her hands - surprisingly gently - and lifted her to her feet. Ryan began to dress her in the doll's clothing, blue cotton overalls with a yellow shirt underneath. They managed to fit them onto her, but they were awfully snug. Gemma squirmed, trying to get more comfortable.
"So, Gemma." Said Ryan. "Are you a virgin?"
Gemma looked up in surprise at his huge face. Too late she realised why he asked that, as the inappropriateness of the question caused her shyness to act up and she blushed. "Eep!" She squeaked as the clothes got a bit looser. The edges of the playpen were now well over her head.
"Oops," laughed Ryan.
Kyle inspected her a bit more closely. "No, that looks about right. Let me get a mirror."
Ryan picked up a mirror, stooped down and held it in front of Gemma. She was shocked as she saw her reflection - she knew how much she had shrunk, but somehow it hadn't seemed real until now. She also saw how ridiculous she appeared dressed as a doll, and this resulted in her losing yet another inch or two.

"There, you look fine" Kyle reassured her "And don't worry. We're not planning on leaving you like this forever!" Gemma managed a weak smile, but it wasn't long before things took a turn for the worse. Kyle turned to Ryan and asked him, ?Hey, man? you mind leaving us alone for a bit??
Ryan looked over at Gemma and back to Kyle. ?Sure. I?ll be back in about half an hour. How?s that??
Kyle leered down at Gemma. ?Perfect.? As Ryan left the room Kyle grinned to himself - now he had Gemma all to himself. Hmm. Lets see if we can't get you even smaller. He smiled. "You never answered our question - are you a virgin?"
Gemma knew now what Kyle was trying to do - if she got embarrassed she was going to shrink again. "Well I have a fianc?e, so no." Gemma replied as confidently as she could. To her great relief, she didn't suffer any loss in height.
"He's a lucky guy" Kyle responded "I mean, you're pretty cute. And you look good naked."
Gemma felt her cheeks turn crimson once again as she suddenly thought about Ryan and Kyle looking at her naked body. She bit her lip and tried to control her emotions, but it was too late? she felt a familiar tingling feeling over her body as Kyle began to get taller and the edges of the playpen began to tower over her.
"Whoops, my bad!" Kyle laughed. "You know, dolls clothes don't really suit you - perhaps you should take them off?"
"But what would I wear?" Gemma asked uncertainly.
"Come on, just get them off."
Gemma undressed nervously and as she did, she inevitably felt herself growing smaller. The changes were beginning to feel more and more dramatic each time they happened, and Gemma began to wonder just how small she was going to get.

Kyle looked content as the naked, fifteen inch Gemma sat herself down and covered her modesty as well as she could. This was starting to get real easy. He reached behind him and picked up Gemma's shirt. He held it up next to her, pulling the sleeve taut.
"I bet you could fit right in here! Want to try?" Gemma glared at him with hatred, but didn't shrink. Kyle looked at her with disappointment. "Yeah, I think you need to try to fit."
"No!" Gemma squeaked as he forced the opening of the sleeve over her head. She gasped as he turned her upside down to bring her out through the neckhole of the shirt. She fell about a foot, but Kyle caught her in his right hand. "Put me down!" she yelled at him.
Kyle looked at her bright-red face with curiosity. Why isn't she shrinking? Then he realised that the blood was rushing to her face not in embarrassment, but in anger. Well we'll just need to fix that, then. He felt in her shirt something bulging from the pocket. He reached down to unzip it.
"No, don't open that!"
Kyle stopped. "Oh? And why not?" Gemma looked down and silently berated herself. Kyle grinned and removed from her pocket a small bag of pot and rolling papers. "Oh! Now I see! Little Gemma doesn't want me to know her little secret!"
Now Gemma did shrink a little bit. "It's not mine!" she protested, and this only made Kyle laugh.
"Sure! I bet you're just holding it for someone, right? A good girl like you would never do anything like DRUGS."
Gemma didn't answer, but Kyle saw her contract a little bit from the taunt. He opened the bag, took out a paper and began to roll a joint. He searched through her pocket for a lighter, but there was none. Hrm. "Tell you what, Gemma. I'll be right back. But first..." He picked her up in his left hand, and with his right, took one of the velcro straps attached to the playpen. He wrapped it around both her wrists and slowly let her go until she was hanging from one of the top corners of the pen, about 6 inches from the floor. "Now you hang here and I'll be right back." He walked out of the room, in search of a lighter.

Gemma swung back and forth, but couldn't dislodge herself from the velcro straps. She stopped swinging, and had an idea on how to get free. No... I can't. She heard Kyle in another room fumbling through drawers, and quickly decided that, yes, she could. She closed her eyes and tried to visualise all of her most embarrassing moments in her memory. With each thought, she could feel herself tingling, and the pressure on her wrists eased slightly. Falling off the stage at the karaoke bar. Twelve inches. Swearing in front of her priest. Eleven inches. Her little sister walking in on her having sex with David. Ten inches. Peeing in her pants, way back in elementary school. Nine inches, and she slipped out of the loop. She landed on the ground, got up and immediately began to run. She hadn't taken more than a few strides, though, when she saw an enormous sneaker step in front of her.
"I found a..." Kyle looked at the loop, confused, and then noticed a tiny blur running past his foot. "Oh crap!" He dropped the lighter on the floor, making a huge crack sound to Gemma's ears, and snatched her back up in his hand. "No you don't!"
"NO!" Gemma was furious with frustration. Kyle looked at her with interest.
"That was a really good idea. I didn't think of that. Too bad it wasn't fast enough. Pooooor Gemma." He dropped her gently back into the playpen, and she realised with dismay that the doll clothes they had her wear were now almost twice as big as she was.

Kyle sat cross-legged on the floor and lit the joint. He stared at her through the mesh of the playpen and Gemma stared right back at him with silent rage. She's too angry to be embarrassed by anything right now. He picked her up again in his left hand.
"No! Let GO!"
"I think you need to relax a little bit, dear." And with that, he took a deep haul, and exhaled slowly over her head.
Gemma was terrified. His mouth was easily wide enough to take in her head and shoulders, and all she could think about was how easy it would be for Kyle to end her life. She gasped involuntarily, taking in a huge lungful of smoke. She started to choke.
Listening to her high-pitched coughs, Kyle started to giggle. "Oh, man. You sound just like my sister." Gemma turned red at the comparison, and dropped down to eight inches while in his hand, which only made her cough harder. Kyle took the opportunity to blow more smoke into her lungs. He finished the joint and put it out in the ashtray on the table. He carried her to the couch and lay down on it, resting her on his belly. "You know what, Gemma? I don't know if this is just me, or what, but... smoking pot always makes me kind of horny." Gemma looked at his huge grin with an expression of horror. "Do you get that too? Or is it just me?"
Gemma said nothing. She just looked on in terror as his hands moved past her- His hands are just as big as I am!- and unzipped his fly. She had to put her hands on his stomach to keep her balance as he readjusted himself, and slid his underwear down to his knees. There, resting in front of her, was a flaccid penis that would reach from her heel to her knee. As she watched, it began to stir, and pulsed slightly. With each pulse, it grew, ever so slightly, and stood up. First it really did reach to her knees... then to her waist... then almost to her shoulders. There it seemed to stop growing, this enormous purple dick on the giant whose belly she was standing.
"Go on. Touch it." said Kyle.
Gemma turned around. "No."
"No?" Kyle was amused. He made a face, as though he were exerting some effort, and suddenly Gemma felt hot liquid splash onto her back. She turned around and saw that Kyle was peeing on her! She had to shield her face to keep the foul-smelling liquid from getting in her eyes. She pulled her now soaking hair away from her face and looked up at Kyle's face to see him laughing silently. The heat from his urine almost masked the tingling feeling as she dropped down to seven inches there on his body.
"Now. Touch it."
Gemma turned back to face his dick, which was now almost as tall as she was. She gingerly reached out and placed a hand on the head of his dick. As she touched it, she knew she had resigned to following his orders, and the embarrassment of it caused her to drop another inch. She gasped as the head suddenly seemed to lurch upwards, until it was actually taller than she was! She looked up in awe at this enormous cock. Kyle looked down at Gemma with a big grin on his face. He shook his stomach- only slightly, but it was enough to make Gemma lose her balance. She fell forwards, and reflexively grabbed hold of the shaft of his dick. It was as wide as a tree trunk!
"MMmmm... do that again," said Kyle, knowing that she hadn't done it intentionally. The feeling of tiny hands and tiny fingers along the base of his dick was fantastic! Gemma immediately let go and steadied herself, but it was too late- she dwindled again, and at five inches tall, Kyle's penis was clearly a lot taller than she was. Being high from having the fumes breathed into her lungs, she wasn't able to keep her eyes off this growing monstrosity. "Go on. I'm waiting." Kyle voice rumbled from far away.
Gemma was snapped out of her reverie by Kyle's command, and she had had enough. Her head was swimming and she was furious with the whole situation. She turned around and looked directly in his eyes. "No." And as she said it, she could feel another tingle course through her body, but very different from the ones she had felt before. She knew this was something she never would have done before, and the pride caused her to feel bigger- and sure enough, she thought everything looked just a little bit smaller than it had a moment before! She turned around and saw that his penis was about level with the top of her head- far lower than it had been before! She felt a rush of ecstasy and she looked back at Kyle's face. She said it again. "No!" She felt herself grow slightly again, and the feeling was fantastic. She wanted more.
Kyle was looking down at her yelling on his stomach. Well, this is interesting. How am I going to make her shrink now? Then she stomped on his stomach as hard as she could. She wasn't nearly heavy enough to hurt him, but he actually felt it much more keenly than he should have. Wait a minute... He watched her carefully. Is she bigger than she was a moment ago? Her face was red from anger and excitement and relief all at once, and she started marching up his chest to stand in front of his chin. With each step, she seemed to get a bit taller and a bit heavier.
"How dare you!" She had grown back up to ten inches tall. "I'm not your fucking plaything! You think you can just take people and use them for your amusement and do whatever you want? I'm a fucking person!" Eleven, twelve, thirteen inches.
Oh, crap, thought Kyle. She's growing.
"What gives you so little respect for people? How can you be so cruel? What you're doing is fucking torture!" Everything Gemma had wanted to scream out for the past two hours was now rushing out of her mouth, and her confidence was growing with every word. Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen inches.
She's growing fast. Oh no. Kyle felt a brief surge of panic. His head swam as he tried to concentrate. What do I do now? His short-term memory was shot, from having smoked the weed, and he desperately tried to remember where Ryan had gone, as this tiny woman quickly grew on top of him. He stood up, causing her to fall off his stomach and onto the couch, but she didn't stop growing. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty inches.
Gemma decided to make a break for it. She jumped down off the couch and sprinted. Kyle grabbed her in both hands - I need both hands now? - and pinned her down on her back on the floor effortlessly. "No, you're aren't going anywhere." Gemma just looked up at him and smiled. She looked him in the eye again and her growth seemed to speed up. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, two feet tall.
This is a very short-term solution, thought Kyle.
Gemma looked up at him with satisfaction as she continued to get bigger, revelling in the feeling. She knew Kyle could still crush her if he wanted, but he hadn't done it yet. He clearly didn't want to physically hurt her. Two foot one, two foot two, two foot three...
At two foot nine she broke out of Kyle's grasp and ran as fast as she could towards the door. Kyle chased after her, but his pants were still around his ankles and he tripped. He shook them off and got up, but he saw that Gemma was no longer running. Standing in front of her, at twice her height, was Ryan, blocking the doorway. Her stomach plunged as she realised that there was no way to get away from them now.
Ryan sniffed the air. "Did you two smoke a joint?"
"Yeah. You shoulda seen it man, she was like this big." Kyle held his thumb and forefinger apart.
Ryan looked at Kyle, whose dick was still hanging out in the open. "Yeah, no kidding. How come she's almost three feet tall now?"
"Guess she stopped being embarrassed. Wanna fix it?"
"Kyle, you tool, you completely lost control of the situation. Had I not been watching, you would have been in deep shit."
"Dude, get off my fucking case." Ryan frowned at Kyle and waved his hand at him. Kyle shook his head slightly, trying to clear it. "Actually... actually, man, I'm... I'm a lot higher than I thought I was. Maybe I should lie down."
"I think that's a good idea, Kyle. That's really mature of you."
"Yeah, thanks. Actually, I think I'm going to rest my eyes for a sec... my balance is all off. I think I need to close my eyes..."
And with that, Kyle lay back down on the couch, and passed out. Ryan looked down at Gemma, who was holding steady at two foot eleven. "Now. What should I do with you?"
"Let me go!"
"Soon. Actually, I have an idea." Ryan waved his hand, and Gemma gasped as she suddenly shrank- fast- back down to five inches tall.
"Relax. Here's the deal. You will no longer shrink from being embarrassed. You will no longer grow from gaining confidence. Instead, you have to take your height back from Kyle over there. And the way to do that is to get him off."
"You're joking."
"Nope." He scooped up little Gemma and placed her on Kyle's stomach again. "The more Kyle gets off, the more he'll shrink. The more Kyle shrinks, the more you grow. When he's five inches tall, you'll be at your normal height. Then you can go. Oh, and I'm going to be right here, watching, so don't try any shit. Sound good?"
And without waiting for an answer, Ryan seemed to disappear. Gemma looked at the sleeping giant in front of her.

Well, this is familiar. Gemma looked at the huge flaccid dick in front of her. She turned around and heard the giant gently snoring, way behind her. She sighed.
She walked over to his dick and knelt down beside it, on his crotch. She placed both hands on it, and began to rub it gently, back and forth. Kyle moaned in his sleep, and began to open his eyes. I am so glad that I'm not shrinking from embarrassment anymore...

Kyle opened his eyes and lifted his head to look down at Gemma rubbing his dick. Wait a minute... why's she small again? I guess Ryan did it while I was out. He rested his head back and enjoyed it. He closed his eyes and felt his erection growing, and placed his hands behind his head. Oh, yeah. This is the fucking life.

Gemma rubbed the skin right under the head of Kyle's dick, and she could feel it getting firmer as the blood pumped into it. It started to point upwards, and she started focusing on his head, rubbing her hands all over it. My God... it looks like it's a full foot across! But as Kyle's erection grew, so did Gemma. She could feel herself stretching and growing, and though it wasn't much, it was definitely happening. When Kyle's boner was fully hard and pointing straight up, it reached up to her shoulders, when she knew that before, it would have been over her head. She pressed her entire body against it, rubbing her breasts against the sensitive loose skin at the top of the shaft, and dragged her tongue from the bottom of the head right to his hole. "Oohhhh..." Kyle moaned in pleasure. Gemma felt herself growing a few more inches, to about twelve inches tall. That feels so good... to grow... I need more of it. She looked down at Kyle's penis and saw that it came up to her stomach. She climbed on top of it and sat on his head, grinding her crotch against it rhythmically and squeezing it between her knees.

"Holy crap, Gemma, that's amazing..." Kyle murmured. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. What the hell? Is she growing again? She must be like eighteen inches tall! But... she doesn't seem upset... oh man, Ryan, must have worked some mind-control magic on her. Man, Ryan's such a great friend. I-- AAHH-- I really owe that guy one. This is fantastic. Kyle didn't notice his shirt becoming looser, as the sensations from his cock were overwhelming his brain.

Gemma could now stand on Kyle's abdomen with his dick between her legs. She pushed it down until it was resting on his stomach, pointing up at his face, and she straddled it, rubbing the head with her hands, squeezing the sides with her legs, and rubbing the shaft with her crotch. As she watched it, it grew smaller and smaller, and she grew bigger and bigger. Soon she was two feet tall, and Kyle was 4'2".

Kyle opened his eyes and saw that Gemma looked like she was about three feet tall. Woah... that's kinda big. I'm not sure I... like... what the fuck? Why is the couch so big? He looked around and saw that the entire room was huge! He jumped to his feet, causing Gemma to fall off him, back onto the couch.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"I'm just trying to get you off, Kyle...?
"Why the fuck am I shrinking?"
"I think it's Ryan's idea. Isn't it fun?"
Fun? "No! Ryan! Where the fuck are you?"
Gemma stepped off the couch and walked right up to Kyle. His throbbing erection was right in front of her face. "Aw, come on, Kyle." She put her hands around his head, now the size of an orange to her, and started massaging it gently. "It's not all bad, is it?" She felt a tingle again, and she saw his penis drop to slightly-below eye level. She knew it was working.
"I... uh..."
"Lie back down."

Ryan watched her from a chair in the opposite corner of the room. She's fantastic. I can't believe she's actually convincing him to keep shrinking. He watched Kyle lie back down on the couch and, Gemma climbed up and delivered the world's smallest blowjob. She could barely fit his head into her mouth, but she could also feel it shrinking slowly and becoming easier and easier to take. Kyle watched her in fascination as she slowly became bigger and bigger. She was resting her hands on his thighs, and her weight became more and more noticeable. Ryan watched as they slowly became almost the same height.

Gemma looked at this dick, which seemed about 9 or 10 inches long to her now, and decided to really bring Kyle off. She crawled slowly, on all fours, up his body, the reached down with her hand and inserted him, with some difficulty, into her vagina.
?Oh God!? They both yelled at the same time. It was painful... but as she started to rock herself back and forth, she could feel him shrinking fast. She smiled. She looked down at his face and she realised that she was now taller than Kyle was.

Oh God! That's so tight! That's the perfect size! She's so small! She's... well, that's a little looser... uh, hang on... oh shit. Kyle could barely control himself as the amazing feelings of fucking Gemma made him lose all self-control. Now he could really feel himself dwindling, getting smaller... he looked up and saw Gemma smiling down at him. Uh oh. I really don't like that look in her eyes. Kyle realised that he was very quickly losing control of the situation... and that only brought him off even more. He shrank faster? he was now 2'11" and Gemma was 3'3". He began to try to get up, but Gemma pinned his arms down by the wrists and pinned his legs with her abdomen. She leaned in close.
"I don't think you're going anywhere right now, Kyle." She kissed him with force on the lips, and stuck her oversized tongue into his mouth. He was completely powerless to resist, and he could feel her tongue getting larger in his mouth, almost choking him. She could barely feel his penis in her at all now, and pulled away from him. She turned around and sat on his chest to keep him from going anywhere. He looked up at her back. Ryan, buddy... I hope you know what you're doing.

Gemma looked around at the room and saw that it was fast approaching normal size for her, though still big. She took her hand and began to give Kyle a handjob, being careful not to hurt him. Kyle was still shrinking, but had stopped struggling to escape from under her. He just lay there and let her bring him off. It only lasted a moment, though, as he soon became too small for her to sit on him without really hurting him. She stood up on the couch and looked down at him- he looked no more than three feet tall to her! In reality, he was two, and she was just over four feet. She picked him up in both hands, holding him around the chest, and flashed him a brilliant smile. Kyle stared back, dumbfounded. She then brought him to her face and began to suck him off, his dick no longer than her pinky finger and shrinking. She found it harder and harder to actually get a good grip on his prick, but she took one hand away and held him against her face with just her right hand, as he shrunk to fifteen inches. "Ah... Aaahhhh!" Kyle yelled as he came in her mouth- it felt like no more than a few drops to her, but she felt it. She pulled him away from her mouth, and saw him shrinking quickly in her hand. Twelve inches... ten... eight... six... five, and curled up in the palm of her hand. She felt herself growing as well, until she was back up to her original 5'6". He had a grin on his face from ear to ear, and he slowly opened his eyes to see Gemma's enormous face in from of him, grinning down. He was no more than a few inches away from her, which meant that she took up almost his entire field of vision. He looked around at her enormous hand, and suddenly seemed to realise what his situation was. The expression on his face became one of fear, and Gemma looked around.
"So? I did it. I brought him off. Can I go now?"
Ryan appeared in the chair behind her and took the tiny Kyle from her hand. ?That was? well, that was a hell of a show. Tell you what, Gemma. How?d you like some wishes??

Last edited by Eelskin; 03-29-2009 at 08:08 PM.
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Unread 03-29-2009   #2
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Re: Story: Gemma (SW, slow, SM)

That was exceptionally well-written. Excellent job on the gradual shrinking, and the role reversal. Loved it. Only error I could find that threw me off slightly was that Rick slipped in where it should have been Kyle, at one point.

"pulled her now soaking hair away from her face and looked up at Rick’s face" - Kyle's face, unless I'm mistaken."

Regardless, excellent story.
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Unread 03-29-2009   #3
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Re: Story: Gemma (SW, slow, SM)

Originally Posted by Jaran View Post
Only error I could find that threw me off slightly was that Rick slipped in where it should have been Kyle, at one point.
Fix'd! Thanks for pointing it out.

And thanks for the compliments! Power reversal is easily my favourite aspect of transformation stories, so anything I write is likely to include it. I enjoyed writing it, so I'm glad to hear others are enjoying it too.
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Unread 03-29-2009   #4
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Re: Story: Gemma (SW, slow, SM)

This is a solid piece with a couple funny beats. The sex scene especially I thought was well-done. Good read.

The one criticism I would offer - it's good to give people who are fans of this sort of thing information about how tall your characters are. But I think you might have over-done it. The constant 4'11", 4'9", 4'6" gets intrusive. Hard numbers associated with heights implies that the characters are carrying around tape measures, heh. Still, I give this a thumbs up.
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Unread 03-30-2009   #5
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Re: Story: Gemma (SW, slow, SM)

Originally Posted by pseudoclever View Post
This is a solid piece with a couple funny beats. The sex scene especially I thought was well-done. Good read.

The one criticism I would offer - it's good to give people who are fans of this sort of thing information about how tall your characters are. But I think you might have over-done it. The constant 4'11", 4'9", 4'6" gets intrusive. Hard numbers associated with heights implies that the characters are carrying around tape measures, heh. Still, I give this a thumbs up.
Thanks for the tip! You're actually not the only person to have pointed that out to me, so I'm certainly going to keep it in mind on my next story.

Originally Posted by insomniac View Post
I've seen this on the Unending BE Addventure- sure it's yours?
Quite sure. I posted it first on there, but once it was finished I decided I liked it enough to compile it and share it.
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Unread 03-29-2009   #6
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Re: Story: Gemma (SW, slow, SM)

I've seen this on the Unending BE Addventure- sure it's yours?
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