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Unread 11-25-2018   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Revenge of the Creature from the Blue Lagoon (Story, Gill-people)

A pair of ocean-going thieves stumble upon a score they think will change their lives forever. Unfortunately for them, they're right...

A sequel to Creature from the Blue Lagoon.


The Cerulean was the pride of the seven seas. Its high-tech solar engine could run for years without maintenance. Its interior was spacious and luxurious. Its guidance and navigation systems were so sophisticated that anyone with a smidgen of seafaring experience could run it with their eyes closed.

Its only problem was that it was trivially easy to steal. And that wasn’t Greg Stanley’s problem.

Correction: Captain Greg Stanley. He adjusted his stolen captain’s hat as he leaned back in his chair, catching his reflection in the radar screen. Dark hair, already growing out of the military cut after a week. Green eyes that drove the girls crazy in every port in the Pacific. And a crooked smile that made him look just a little untrustworthy…which was a bit of an understatement.

He’d joined the Navy to stay out of jail and to get out of his podunk hometown, but found that his new vocation was perfect for running all kinds of scams. Smuggling, black marketeering, good old-fashioned theft…it had been fun and profitable, but staying one step ahead of the shore patrol was getting tiring. He’d wanted an escape, and he found one serving drinks at a dockside bar in Brisbane. Elise Kessler was beautiful, charming, and an inveterate criminal. It was love at first sight – or at least lust, and as far as they were concerned, that was close enough.

Between frantic trysts, they started formulating the crime of the century. Well, Brisbane’s crime of the century, at least.

Eavesdropping at the Sea Snake Saloon, Elise knew all about the luxury yachts that docked at the local marina. She knew their crews, their schedules, and their security systems. There was one in particular she had her eye on – the Cerulean, a floating palace that practically ran itself. It was lightly-guarded, and its billionaire owners were away for a month. All she needed was someone who could disable the electronic security systems and knew enough about seafaring to steer it out of the port. Greg was perfectly suited to do both.

It had gone off without a hitch. They’d sailed right out of Brisbane without a peep from the harbor, and were now headed straight into the heart of the Pacific, with no destination in sight. They had months of provisions, so all they wanted to do right now was enjoy the ride – and each other.

Greg marvelled, once more, at how simple it was for him to captain the ship. He had no trouble doing it even now, when he was...distracted. Very distracted. Frankly, it was the best blowjob he’d had on four continents.

“You’re doing great down there. You’ll make first mate in no time, Miss Kessler.”

“Ghk nhn ghk.” Her blonde head kept bobbing.

He gritted his teeth. Between the warm moistness of her mouth, the deftness of her tongue, and just a hint of incisor, he was close. “Heads up…about to…jettison cargo.”

She gave him a thumbs-up and continued unabated, giving his balls a deft caress that pushed him past the tipping point. His eyes rolling back into his skull, he exploded into her.

He exhaled and slumped backwards in his seat, carefully slipping his sensitive, saliva-moistened member back into his white pants. “Whoo. Thar she blows. You know, we’ve got some barnacles on the hull...” She playfully slapped him.

As Elise slipped into the seat beside him and sipped a glass of water, Greg checked the instruments.

“Huh. Radar’s picking up an island dead ahead, but it’s not on any of the maps.”

“You sure you’re looking at the right maps?”

“Yeah. Not on GPS, either.” He stroked his clean-shaven chin. “You know, I heard the military took some small islands off the maps back in the ‘50s so they could test nukes there without the Soviets finding out. I bet this is one.”

“Sweet. You wanna check it out?”

“Remember ten seconds ago, when I said they used to test nukes there?”

She rolled her cobalt-blue eyes, mockingly. “Like seventy years ago. You’re not scared, are you?”

As the inflatable dinghy carried them towards the island, Greg took the opportunity to appreciate the white sundress Elise had chosen for the occasion. He didn’t really know fashion, but it looked amazing with her tanned skin, athletic physique, and piercing blue eyes, all lit dramatically by the last rays of the setting sun.

“Tell me – was it just a coincidence that the ex-lady of the ship wore your size?”

She smiled. “It might have factored into my choice of what boat to steal. You know, there are all sorts of nice suits in there, too.”

“Yeah, it’s too bad I’m not six inches shorter. Plus…I kinda like being the captain.” He self-consciously adjusted his epaulets.

“Well, it suits you. You look…powerful.”

The boat scraped to a halt on the shore, and Greg killed the motor. They stepped on to the pristine sandy beach, their bare feet sinking into the cool wet sand. Beyond the trees, they could see something glowing.

Elise grabbed Greg’s hand, and pulled him towards it. “C’mon.”

“Remember what I said about radiation?”

“Even I know nuclear stuff doesn’t actually glow like that.”

She ran into the trees, laughing, and Greg reluctantly followed. He emerged to see Elise silhouetted against a huge lagoon, its waters glowing an unearthly fluorescent blue.

“My god.” Greg was not a man given to awe or wonder, but he gave a silent moment of thanks that his life had brought him here, with a beautiful woman and all the freedom in the world.

He turned his attention back to Elise, and saw her slipping out of her sundress – she had nothing on underneath – and slipping into the lagoon.

“You’re going to get that nasty lagoon water all up in you.”

“If only I had something else to get all up in me.”

Greg still looked dubious. “I don’t even want to get in there with my clothes on.”

“Ooh, the big brave sailor. Listen, mate, I’m from Australia. They haven’t invented the animal that can scare me. Now are you going to come in, or do I have to take care of myself?”

He sighed. “Well, when am I going to be here again, right?” He quickly disrobed, and cannonballed into the water. It was cool, but comfortable. He started backstroking, lazily.

Elise swam up to him, gracefully floating on her back beside him. “So are we gonna do this, or…?”

He didn’t even turn to look at her, and smiled, smugly. “Nuh-uh. Not in here. High school girlfriend had a pool. Learned the hard way.”

“The hard way is right.” She pointed to his cock, which was standing at attention better than he ever had for roll call.

“Well, you are naked. And…buoyant.” He splashed a small spray of water at her bobbing breasts.

She ran her hand down her torso, and gently moaned. “Yeah, and I’d be wet even if I wasn’t in the water, if you get me. I think I could stay here for a while…”

She was right. He was almost painfully hard – his manhood had progressed past vertical and was now arching strongly upward. Maybe it was just this alien place – the stars glittering above him in an infinitely-black sky, the waters of the lagoon softly glowing beneath him, and all around him, the cries, buzzes, and groans of strange animals. They were alone here, save for the birds, the bugs, and the fish…

Suddenly, two inhuman roars rang out in unison from the far shore of the lagoon. They didn’t sound like birds, or bugs, or fish.

The lovers’ eyes widened in terror, and any thoughts of arousal quickly left their minds. Without a word, they swam for shore, grabbed their clothes, and fled.

Those old maps Greg had seen ages ago in the Naval Museum were right: HERE BE MONSTERS.

The ship was well-equipped with high-end binoculars; from the safety of the deck, Greg and Elise spent the next couple days watching the island and the bizarre creatures that lived there. They’d circled the island, keeping well out of sight of the monsters, who mostly stayed in the island’s interior; they were aided by the foggy conditions, which their binoculars could see through but the creatures, seemingly, could not.

Greg was no scientist, but he had good observational skills. There were apparently only two of them, a green male and a blue female. They walked on two legs, and had a basically human body shape, but they were covered in thick, scaly armor and fins. They could breathe underwater, or at least hold their breath for hours, but they seemed comfortable on land, too. Interestingly, although it was too far away to hear them or even read their inhuman lips, they seemed to have some kind of language, and they spoke to each other frequently. They ate both plants and meat, using simple tools to collect fruits from the trees and spear fish. They even built a fire to cook with.

They were a mated pair; they spent most of their time together, and seemed very affectionate towards each other. Plus, of course, they spent several hours a day having surprisingly raunchy sex. Indeed, Greg eventually concluded that the terrifying roars they’d heard were actually the result of a powerful simultaneous orgasm.

The creatures rotated through a dizzying array of sex acts and positions; Elise had facetiously suggested that the blue one must have a subscription to Cosmo. Indeed, as Greg watched, they were at it again. The male was on his back in the sand, with his mate on her hands and knees over him, working his armor-plated cock with her mouth and hands; for his part, he was eagerly lapping at her genitals and caressing her ample butt. Greg crossed his legs as his underwear painfully constricted his erection; this really shouldn’t have been turning him on, but it was. A couple days of the freakshow-peepshow had really got both Greg and Elise’s juices flowing, and they’d been screwing almost as frequently as the island dwellers were. It was evidently great exercise – Greg had never been this fit, not even after boot camp, and Elise was showing more definition in her arms and abs.

“Jesus. Are they fucking again?” Elise climbed up on deck, a fruity cocktail on one hand. She was fresh from the shower, having needed to wash off the sweat, sunscreen, and…other substances.

“They sure are. Never had much luck with this one myself, but I guess it’s easier without a nose” He handed her the binoculars; she looked at the monstrous couple and let out a soft purr. “So hey, I’ve been thinking. It’s been fun, fucking along to ‘Mutual of Omaha’s Girls Gone Wild Kingdom’ for a few days, but I think it might be time to move on. Eventually, they’re gonna notice us, and who knows how far those things can swim.”

She sat in his lap, and draped her arms around him. “I think we should leave, too…and take them with us.”

“I know I said I’d be up for an open relationship, hotcakes, but I’m limiting you to our species.”

She sighed. “Not for that, you drongo. I know bushmen who trap rare animals for rich weirdos with private zoos. These people pay thousands for lizards and snakes and bugs – how much do you think they’d pay for a pair of genuine swamp monsters?”

“Not enough to make me go back to that island.”

“Hand me the satellite phone, Greg, and I’ll prove you wrong…”

Greg felt badly, really. He had great sympathy for any creature that just wanted to screw in peace.

Elise had won out, though. She got in touch with her contacts and came back with a number that proved him wrong and then some. So here he was back on the island, a dart rifle in his hands and a motorized dolly parked on the beach. God knows what the boat’s last owners were doing with that stuff. Rich people were weird.

He crouched in the bushes and whispered into his headset. “They still asleep?”

Elise was on the boat, spotting for him with the binoculars. “All fucked out, baby. When you get back, I wanna try out this thing the blue one was doing with her tongue…”

He stiffened in his shorts. Great motivator, that woman.

He emerged from the undergrowth and there they were, asleep in each other’s arms at the lagoon’s edge. They were even bigger than he thought – the male was at least seven feet, and the female wasn’t much smaller.

He wasn’t sure what was more unsettling about them – their inhuman features, like their claws and fins and gills, or their human ones. The female had a killer rack and a great ass, and the male’s johnson would have been the envy of any locker room on the planet if it wasn’t green and scaly.

He crept closer, and almost jumped out of his socks when he saw their eyes were open. Before he could yelp, he caught himself – looking closer, there was some kind of semi-translucent film over their eyes. He was ten feet away now. If they could see him, he was screwed anyway.

He levelled his dart rifle and pumped three darts into each of them. Neither stirred, and their breathing stayed steady. The rifle had come with a little booklet with recommended dart-usage for various kinds of animal, but “fucked-up fish monster” wasn’t in there.

His headset crackled to life. “We agreed on two darts!”

“Well, I agreed on not being eaten. I’m gonna drag them back now; I’ll see you on the boat.”

Keisha awoke underwater. She did like sleeping in the lagoon, but she wasn’t there – there was a strange chemical taste in her mouth and her gills. It was familiar, somehow, but she hadn’t tasted it for a long time, since…since the cruise ship. Chlorine. Pool water.

The membranes slid off her eyes, and she saw that she wasn’t in the lagoon at all. She was at the bottom of a square swimming pool, lined with blue tiles. Beside her, Ben was still sleeping. After so long on the island, seeing the straight lines of a manmade structure felt terribly alien.

She kicked off the bottom, and burst out of the water, only to hit her head on a web of steel cables a foot above the water level.

She rubbed her head, and heard the cables jostle beside her, followed by a familiar voice.

“Ow! Babe, where the hell are we?”

“Oh, shit, they speak English,” came a man’s voice.

They looked up, through the cables, and saw their apparent captors; a muscular, dark-haired man in an ill-fitting captain’s uniform, and a tanned, blonde woman on the verge of busting out of her sundress. Both held glasses of white wine. They had the distinct air of people who were pretending to be rich.

The woman ignored him. “Hey – what the hell are you?” she asked, in an Australian accent.

Keisha knew she was going to have to talk her way out of this…somehow. “I don’t know what we are now, exactly. We used to be human – like you. I’m Keisha, and this is Ben. We were knocked off our cruise ship, and we washed up on the lagoon. As far as I can figure, radioactivity left over from nuclear tests activated atavistic genes in our DNA, turning us into…this.”

“Man. Sucks to be you,” scoffed the man.

Keisha tried to remain calm. “Okay, but who are you?”

“I’m Elise, and this is Greg. You don’t need to know anything else.”

Ben struck a conciliatory note. “Listen, if you guys are on the run or whatever, we don’t care. If you let us out of here, we’ll just go back to the island and you can just keep going wherever you’re going.”

Greg crossed his arms. “Well, bad news, because we’re on our way to drop you off with your new owner.”

Keisha recoiled in shock. “Owner?”

“Yeah. You’re on a boat, and we’re headed to a very wealthy individual’s private island, where he is going to pay us a lot of money for you. Make sure you tell him that DNA thing, he’ll probably be interested,” he said.

“Hey, fuck you!” shouted Ben.

Keisha tried to keep calm, although white-hot rage was beginning to build in her core. “We’re people. You can’t just sell us.”

“I’ve seen people, fishtits, and you’re not one of them. And even if you were, trust me, our buyer isn’t too interested in laws,” sneered Elise.

Greg kept his tone even, evidently trying to be the ‘good cop’. “Listen, you don’t need to be dicks about this. This guy, he has his own private zoo – he’s going to take good care of you. Three meals of whatever a day, probably a TV….”

“You two don’t understand at all, do you?” Keisha snarled. Clearly appealing to these people’s better natures wasn’t going to work. “That island is its own ecosystem, and it changes everything that enters it. When you kidnapped us, you took part of that ecosystem on your boat. The algae on our scales, the bacteria in our digestive tract, and even Ben and myself – everything is emitting radiation that is going to turn YOU into US. It might not be too late now, but if you don’t let us go now, by the time you get to your buyer, there’ll be two pairs of creatures on this boat. I’m sure they’ll be glad to get two for the price of none.”

Elise adjusted her dress. “Nice try. You’d say anything to save your scaly ass.”

Keisha grabbed the cables, pulling herself as close to their captors as she could. “I’ll bet that dress used to fit you, huh? It didn’t shrink in the wash, bitch. And that’s just for starters. That sun-kissed skin, that lovely figure, that pretty little face that makes men do whatever you want? Soon it’ll be all gone, buried under scales and fins and gills. So get a good look. If you keep us on this boat, you’ll be seeing this in the mirror for the rest of your life.”

She elbowed Ben, who grabbed the cables himself and pointed an accusatory finger at Greg.

“Yeah, and you, Captain Obvious. It’s gonna seem pretty cool at first – you’ll be mad ripped, and tall, and you’ll have a huge cock that’s ready to go, like, whenever you want. But then the next thing you know, you’re fucking your lady and boom, you’re a fish monster, with no hair and no nose and a weird green dick. So if you’re not a complete fucking moron, let us out of here and you’ll never see us again.”

Elise tossed her glass at the cables, shattering it, although its pointed shards bounced harmlessly off Ben and Keisha’s armored hides. “I’m not wasting any more time talking to zoo animals. Greg?”

Greg and Elise walked away from the pool, leaving their captives alone again.

Keisha sighed. “Idiots.”

Ben patted her on the shoulder. “Man, they’re fucked, huh?”

“Basically. But if we don’t get out of this pool, so are we. At least…at least they don’t know about the other thing. They’ll be safe, at least, if we don’t make it back...”

She experimentally bit a cable, and saw that her teeth had left deep gouges in the metal. She smiled.

“…but we’re going to. Get biting, baby.”

Ben eagerly complied.

Keisha paused for a second. “Oh, and for the record, Ben, I love your weird green dick.”

Greg and Elise walked into their cabin and shut the door, hoping that their captives were out of earshot, given that they didn’t even have ears.

Ben refilled his wine glass, clearly a little shaken. “That was fucked up.”

Elise calmly sat in front of her vanity and began fixing her makeup. “So they’re a little smarter than we expected.”

“Listen, that wasn’t like…those gorillas who learn sign language, or parrots that swear at you. They had accents – I’m pretty sure that girl’s from Brooklyn.”

Elise scoffed. “Radiation gives people cancer. This mutation thing is monster movie bullshit.”

“They are monster movie bullshit.”

“You heard her talking about genes and shit. Maybe she’s some scientist who turned herself and her boyfriend into those things and fucked off to that island so they wouldn’t get dissected in a government lab. This whole radiation thing is just to make us let them go.”

“And that sounds more plausible to you?”

“Think about it. If they really were contagious, why would they tell us? There are only two of them – smart thing to do would be to let us change. You saw them on that island, you know they’re probably dying to have a fucked-up monster orgy.”

He stopped, and thought. That did make sense, really.

“Still, even if they are lying, they’re lying because they want to get away. I don’t know about selling…maybe not people exactly, but they used to be people.”

“Listen. My mate Shelly, she has this iguana. Lives in an aquarium in her flat. Just lies there on its rock, under a lamp, for 90% of its life. The other 10% she’s feeding it cabbage. If that thing was out in the wild, it would be doing exactly the same thing, except it’d have to find its own cabbage. These two are just big iguanas with bad attitudes. Our buyer is going to put them in a nice big glass case with rocks and trees and sand, and they’re going to spend all their time eating, sleeping, and fucking. They’re no worse off, the buyer’s better off, and we’re much better off. Everyone wins.”

Greg was clearly still not convinced, but he didn’t feel like arguing. “We’ll sleep on it.”

They’d slept a little, in between bouts of desperate, animalistic lovemaking. Their minds fogged by lust, they didn’t notice that each time, they were changing further. While their changes up until this point had been subtle, their captives’ pheromones had sent them into overdrive; only the dim light and their hormone-addled brains prevented them from realizing they had each gained at least a foot of height, pounds of lean muscle, and enhanced secondary sexual characteristics.

They woke up the next morning, still damp with each others’ fluids. They staggered out of bed, not even noticing that their frenzied fucking had smashed it to splinters.

Unable to fit into anything, they grabbed their swimwear – Greg slid into a pair of trunks that snugly outlined his still-engorged genitals, and Elise squeezed into a bikini that threatened to split at the seams every time she breathed.

Overwhelmed by the sight of each other, they sloppily made out for a few minutes before they reluctantly broke apart, as they were both possessed by the vaguest sense that they had to check on something. They made their way out to the deck to see if the monsters were feeling more cooperative today.

The cables that had criss-crossed the pool’s surface were gone – and so were the creatures. The once-sparkling pool now had a distinctly-greenish tint to it – and seemed to be faintly glowing.

A cold spike of fear ran down Greg’s spine. Wherever those creatures were, they wouldn’t be happy…

Before he could react, a pair of rough, scaly hands grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him into the pool. As his eyes adjusted to the chlorine, he saw Elise had gone in, too.

He popped his head above the water and saw the two creatures standing at the pool’s edge.

Keisha had a cold edge to her voice as she looked down on them, disdainfully. “You should have listened to us, assholes. When you took us on this boat, we brought the island with us, and now it’s going to finish what your dip in the lagoon started.“

“Also we fucked in there!” Ben interjected.

Keisha crossed her arms over her bountiful blue bust, trying to look imposing. “Yes, also we fucked in there. That’ll probably speed things along. Have fun.”

Greg tried to swim to the side to climb out – he wasn’t sure he could take those monsters in a fight, but he was dumb enough to try – but his strength deserted him. His skin was tingling, his muscles ached, and his cock – now, in the light of day, he finally realized how big it was – was painfully erect.

“What…what the fuck is happening?”

Elise cried out, doubled over in pain, and sank like a stone. Greg swam down after her, finding her convulsing on the bottom of the pool, where a final surge of muscle and flesh finally snapped both pieces of her swimsuit. Surely she needed air…

…but she didn’t. Deep, angry-red gashes had opened on her neck – gills. Greg suddenly noticed that he wasn’t breathing, either – he touched his own neck, only to sharply pull his hand back when he felt the sensitive, blood-rich flesh of his own gills.

He’d felt this lust simmering inside him since they set foot on that island. This time it was different. He didn’t want to fuck – he needed to. It was the most natural thing in the world. It was spawning season, and there was his mate – not his lover, not his girlfriend, his MATE. The pheromone-laced water rushed through his gills.

He could taste the water now – the chlorine, their ex-captives, and Elise. Especially Elise. He let out a silent scream as his engorged cock and muscular ass tore their fabric prison apart.

Overtake by the same lust, Elise settled on the bottom of the pool, throwing her head back as the last of her air escaped from her lungs. She spread her legs, and Greg rammed himself into her. Unlike before, there was no hesitation about sex underwater. He could feel her wetness around him, distinct from the pool water – a thick, water-insoluble gel that kept them sealed together. With each thrust, he felt spines extending from his back, arms, and legs, and skin spread between them to form fins. Smaller fins pushed out of his neck, framing his delicate gills, while his flesh hardened into forest-green scaled armor, outlining and accentuating his muscles. A small but growing part of him welcomed the changes – he had the biggest fins! The toughest armor! He was such a strong male, and he deserved to fertilize this female, with her wide hips, strong muscles, and huge tits.

Those huge tits were rubbing against his chest, but the sensation was rapidly becoming alien, as her soft human flesh was fossilizing into armored scales; hers were a deep, rich purple-blue. Her tanned skin was almost gone, disappearing between plated scales that wrapped around her hard muscles and soft curves. A surge of lust, driven by Elise’s new body, rushed through him. He could feel his cock sprout spines and fins and nodules, even as it was buried within her; he moaned as she changed around him, her mutated genitals contracting around him as they prepared to milk every drop of precious milt out of his aching, swollen testicles.

He clutched her plump ass in his hands, shoving himself deeper in her. As he did so, he felt his hands expand into huge, webbed mitt-like paws, his armored fingers ending in sharp spikes. His claws dug into the soft flesh of her ass; as she cried out in pain, it became encased in armor, as well, allowing it to resist his taloned grip. His feet scrabbled for purchase on the tiled pool floor, finally succeeding as they stretched out into webbed, clawed flippers.

He watched as her face simultaneously contorted with pleasure and mutation. Her face – her perfect face – was unrecognizable now, as her button nose melted away, her delicate mouth filled with fangs, and her blue eyes bloated into lantern-like yellow orbs. Her ears, bedecked with pearl earrings stolen from the yacht’s owner, fanned out and merged into a ridge of fins that stretched down to her neck, concealing her new gills. Her carefully-maintained hair clumped together into indigo-colored dreadlock-like fronds, framing her monstrous features. He could feel his own changes – crunching discomfort as his nasal bones cracked and merged, the feeling of cool water on his newly-bare head as his hair floated off his scalp. He saw the horror in Elise’s eyes, and felt a pang of sympathy. In a fleeting moment of tenderness, he stroked her rubbery violet face with his huge taloned paw.

He had never thought of having children – they were an inconvenience at best and a mistake at worst. But as he thrust relentlessly into Elise, all he could think of was flooding her depths with his seed, fertilizing her glistening eggs, and watching her swell with his young.

He climaxed. She climaxed. Hot semen gushed into her as their minds went blank; every aspect of their former lives was swept away in a typhoon of pleasure, and for a few moments they were truly nothing more than animals, their minds focused solely on their own gratification and the propagation of their unnatural species.

As his member began to deflate, his senses began to return to him…but only for a few fleeting seconds. Before long, his testicles churned once again, and his blood flowed back to his cock. He wanted to stop, to pull himself away, but his body was no longer under his control. His massive arms pulled Elise closer, and he entered her again, growling as he felt her oozing wetness surround his manhood. She roared in response, her capacity for human speech temporarily lost.

There was no refractory period for them. Maybe they were like salmon, he thought, and they would just keep fucking until they died. That might be for the best.

From the bottom of the pool, they couldn’t hear their Keisha and Ben’s rampage through their ship – shattering and tearing as they tore the navigation systems and computers apart with their claws; piercing metal screams as they took wrenches to the engines; and finally, the muted roar of the on-board escape vessel as it sped away with them on board.

In the depths of the lagoon, Keisha carefully pulled aside a rock, exposing a hidden chamber full of small gelatinous spheres. She counted and recounted them. Ben floated anxiously behind her.

She turned to Ben and gave him a clawed thumbs-up. “They’re all there!”

As far as pregnancies go, Keisha’s had been pretty easy. She didn’t have a regular menstrual cycle any more, but once she’d started to feel swollen and bloated for a few days, she’d connected the dots pretty quickly. She’d spent most of the next month in a burrow she’d dug for herself in the sand, coming out only for Ben to feed her or fuck her – both of which she demanded with some frequency, and Ben unfailingly obliged. When the day came, her instincts had overcome her, compelling her to crawl into the lagoon, claw out a hole in the silt, and lay her clutch. It had been one of the strangest experiences of her life, but she’d found it oddly fulfilling; as a former biology major, she was well-versed in animal egg-laying habits, but had never expected they would ever be her habits.

As far as she could tell, the eggs didn’t need any kind of tending, but Ben and Keisha obsessively checked them several times a day all the same; they had been lucky that the eggs hadn’t hatched during their captivity. They had no idea when they were going to hatch, of course, or what would hatch out of them. All that mattered was that they were theirs.

Their brood’s safety confirmed, they walked hand-in-hand out of the water and on to the beach, where the sun had begun to set. Ben gently laid her down on the sand and lowered himself on top of her. He began to tease her, gently sliding his erect cock between her scaly thighs. She bit her lip and growled with pleasure.

He stroked the side of her face, tenderly. “We’ve got some lost time to make up. That pool quickie wasn’t my best work.”

An uncharacteristically cruel smile formed on Keisha’s face. “I wonder if they’ve crawled out of that pool yet.”

Ben grunted, softly. “Keisha, I’m not going to lie. I feel kinda shitty about what we did.”

“Well, they were kind of shitty people. They’re slave traders, and they got what was coming to them. They knew we were people, and they were perfectly content to sell us to a fucking zoo! They’re lucky we didn’t just kill them.”

Her webbed hands balled into tight fists, and her face contorted in a snarl of rage.

Ben kissed her, softly, and the snarl faded. “Hey, hey, Keesh. It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay. They’re gone, and they’re not coming back. It’s just gonna be you, me, and, uh, whatever hatches outta those. Forever.”

“Yeah. Yeah…fuck those two, right?”

“Fuck ‘em.”

They lay there for a while, in silence, as the last of the sun’s rays disappeared over the horizon. Around them, the nocturnal animals of the jungle came to life.

Keisha gestured, semi-impatiently, to her crotch. “Okay, moral quandary solved, Ben. Fuckin’ put it in me already.”

Hours had passed on the yacht.

At long last, Greg and Elise’s bodies had reached the point of exhaustion. They crawled out of the pool like prehistoric amphibians taking their first steps on land. Greg hadn’t made it very far, collapsing in a heap at poolside.

Elise, less spent than her mate, had enough presence of mind to realize that the boat was no longer moving. She made her way to the bridge, and then the engine room, where she saw the destructive handiwork of their ex-captives. They had been thorough; the boat, currently drifting god knows where, would never move again under its own power. They’d even stolen the navigation equipment, probably to get back to their own island.

Dazed, she staggered up to the deck. She looked down at her new body, an angry sneer etched on her piscine face. She still had the curvy ass, shapely hips, and bountiful breasts that had bent men to her will – more so than before, even – but now she was almost a parody of femininity, a prehistoric reptile with just enough characteristics of a human woman to remind her of what she’d lost.

She and Greg were stranded in the middle of the ocean, trapped in these grotesque bodies, and bonded forever as a breeding pair of an unnatural new race. Worse, Elise knew her fate would be even more hideous than her mate’s; her abdomen was slightly swollen from the vast amount of seed Greg had pumped into her, and she swore she could feel it percolating into her eggs. She shuddered, thinking of the revolting indignities she was sure to suffer as this monstrous body underwent pregnancy and birth.

Something silvery caught her eye in the depths, and instinct took over. Her powerful legs kicked off the deck and she dove into the water. The salt water flooded her gills as membranes slid over her eyes to protect them. She was in the middle of a school of fish, and one of them was too shocked by this bizarre new creature to swim away. She grabbed it with her taloned hands, and almost without thinking tore into it with her teeth, letting raw flesh and crushed bone slide down her throat.

Her hunger sated, Elise’s instincts faded, and she crawled back up on the yacht, horrified. Her meal had been delicious, but she tried to convince herself that it was disgusting, even as her tongue cleaned the last morsels out from between her teeth.

She gazed into the distance. Those two Americans had seemed to accept their new lives, and she imagined Greg was stupid and weak enough to do so too, with enough time – but not Elise. Never Elise. Her instincts might compel her to eat and fuck like an animal, but she would never forget who she had been, and what had been taken from her.

Elise summoned enough strength to roar her defiance into the starry night sky. She would have her revenge – if not on Ben and Keisha, then on someone.
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Unread 11-26-2018   #2
Dr. Otto
AKA Sister Hyde
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Re: Revenge of the Creature from the Blue Lagoon (Story, Gill-people)

All the potty-mouthed dialogue switched me off before I could even reach the transformation scenes.
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Unread 11-26-2018   #3
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Re: Revenge of the Creature from the Blue Lagoon (Story, Gill-people)

I thought it was amazing. Nice work.
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Unread 11-26-2018   #4
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Re: Revenge of the Creature from the Blue Lagoon (Story, Gill-people)

Originally Posted by Obsidian View Post
I thought it was amazing. Nice work.
Thank you! Glad you liked it.
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