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Unread 08-07-2009   #1
Nightstar76's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 83
A roleplayed TG (Complete)

As an experiment, one of my friends and I roleplayed one of my characters undergoing a sex-change. I figured I'd post it up here and see what you all think. Not going to add any explaining factors or the like. ^^; Too tired.

[2009-07-13 01:12:05] * AC_Kouran has recently taken his research assistant Teranthen to one of the old worlds on the imperial fringe for an excavation. The two of them have just cleared off a sizeable chunk of the ruins, and Kouran is busy talking about nothing in particular while Teranthen sets up their comfortable base-camp.
[2009-07-13 01:14:48] <AC_Kouran> The ruins are surprisingly clean, and for reasons that don't have anything to do with the severe magical fire that just consumed them all. Very little in the way of defences, and there is a clear spring underneath a ruined fountain, while the two of them have enough food to last them.
[2009-07-13 01:18:17] * Teranthen has been spending a greater part of this time trying to keep his concentration in assembling tents for them to sleep in, but has been having a tremendous amount of difficulty in trying to drive the stakes into the rocky soil. He curses and mutters with every scrap and clunk that the metal makes.
[2009-07-13 01:19:18] <Teranthen> But at some point, an entirely different sound comes forth from the ground; not metal against stone, but instead metal squealing against metal and he stops what he's doing.
[2009-07-13 01:20:33] <AC_Kouran> "What was that? You know, back when I was your age, we..." Kouran babbled some more, coming over to stand next to Teranthen. He waves his hand, and the tents are set up on a different square entirely, perfectly done.
[2009-07-13 01:23:02] <Teranthen> "I honestly have no idea," he answers, used to being around this man enough to sift through the wall of words to find just what was being said. "Perhaps we ought to dig and see."
[2009-07-13 01:23:03] <Teranthen> He reaches over to one of the smaller spades that had been brought along and carefully begins to scrape the top layer of soil away.
[2009-07-13 01:27:02] <AC_Kouran> Kouran waited for a few minutes. "You know, back when I was your age we used magic to do things like this. I remember when me and...""
[2009-07-13 01:30:40] <Teranthen> Several moments of careful digging and mindless rambling managed to produce a device, cylindrical in shape, with a single large ruby adorning the end of it. "Hrm...what do you make of this, sir?" he asked, pointing the gem toward his superior. "I don't believe I've ever seen something quite like it."
[2009-07-13 01:31:50] <AC_Kouran> "I don't know." Kouran interrupted his babbling to take a closer look at the rod. "Interesting, I've never felt magic like this before."
[2009-07-13 01:33:06] <Teranthen> "Magic?" he asks inquisitively, deftly flipping out a datapad from his pocket with ease. "How would you describe it?"
[2009-07-13 01:36:26] <AC_Kouran> "Well, it's..." And then, suddenly, a pinkish-red beam shot from the end and hit Kouran squarely in the chest, knocking him off his feet.
[2009-07-13 01:37:52] <Teranthen> "Arch-Chancellor!" He instinctively dropped the device from his grasp and scrambled over to the downed man's side, kneeling next to him. "Are you alright!?"
[2009-07-13 01:39:47] <AC_Kouran> "Oh. Quite so, yes. It was by no means the worst experience. A rather unusual tingling, nothing to be concerned about." Kouran stroked his beard, not noticing as the hairs on his chin flaked away under his fingers.
[2009-07-13 01:43:41] <AC_Kouran> "Nothing to be concerned about, Teranthen. Get back to work."
[2009-07-13 01:44:03] * Teranthen 's eyes constantly scanned over his body, trying to make sure the man wasn't bleeding or something far worse than that. So it wasn't hard to miss his scruffy beard gradually crumbling away. " sure?" he asks, hoping that maybe this is some sort of flash burn that's disintegrated his hair.
[2009-07-13 01:45:17] <AC_Kouran> "Quite sure, my boy. Don't worry about it." Kouran sat up and shrugged his shoulders, which were perhaps rounding slightly underneath Kouran's robe. "We have things to do, don't worry about me."
[2009-07-13 01:46:55] <Teranthen> He glanced back over skeptically but shrugged his own shoulders in response, figuring that who better than Kouran would know what was happening. And he rose to his feet and stepped back over toward the rod-shaped object, eyeing it curiously once more.
[2009-07-13 01:48:31] <AC_Kouran> Kouran rose to his feet, and then trembled slightly, putting a hand to his head. "Ah..." His skin was markedly clearing up now, the chin cleared off completely of hair. The hand touching his head was smaller, thinner. "I feel... rather peculiar. My age catching up to me, no doubt."
[2009-07-13 01:50:00] * Teranthen had picked the device back up again, scanning over it with his datapad and trying to figure out just what it was doing. He hadn't turned around to figure out what Kouran was saying and certainly the comments had not caused a stir in him. "
[2009-07-13 01:50:22] <Teranthen> "Perhaps you ought to lie down for a few hours. We've been at this all day long," he answered.
[2009-07-13 01:51:47] <AC_Kouran> "... my boy, I believe I am growing younger." Kouran said with shock and delight. "This is the find of the century. No, of the millenium. Get your datapad out!" For once, Kouran was speaking perfectly clearly, which might have helped contribute to the idea he was growing younger, as his mind grew less clouded and uncertain.
[2009-07-13 01:55:07] <Teranthen> "Huh?!" he mumbled, caught completely offguard by the comment, and spun himself around on his heels, now facing Kouran. His eyebrow quirked in intense curiosity as his fingers flicked through the datapad options to a new document to record this.
[2009-07-13 01:57:18] <AC_Kouran> Kouran sighed contentedly, his slightly gnarled body growing outwards and upwards until he stood straight upright, hands smaller and definitely smoother now. The man's robe began to hang open, revealling a chest that was slowly gaining in vitality and strength, even as the hair on his head grew lighter.
[2009-07-13 02:00:05] * Teranthen jotted down every little detail he caught sight of, from the variations in stature of the previously older man to the fluctuations in muscle structure of his hands and chest. Nothing was to be left out if he could help it. Kouran would certainly have his head otherwise.
[2009-07-13 02:04:47] <AC_Kouran> After a few minutes, Kouran was every inch a young man of Teranthen's own age, his hands exploring his chest and face, shocked and confused. "Oh my." He began. "I feel incredible." He said, shocked. "This is amazing."
[2009-07-13 02:07:19] <Teranthen> "Oh!" he exclaimed, writing everything Kouran said down too, then proceeded to inquire. "Can you move around some? How does that feel?"
[2009-07-13 02:09:14] <AC_Kouran> So distracted by his youthfulness was he that he failed to notice as the two bare nipples on his chest began to grow larger, small circles of dark flesh beginning to come into existence around each of them. "It feels... incredible." He sighed contentedly.
[2009-07-13 02:13:54] <Teranthen> He was admittedly rather surprised at this; for once, the man wasn't talking his ear off about every little detail of this age regression and just seemed to be enjoying what was happening above all else. But that did not prevent him from simply being an observer and just continued to write, taking in the changes in his chest but not seeing it worthy of commenting just yet.
[2009-07-13 02:16:10] <AC_Kouran> The voice cracked, slightly, as Kouran continued to speak. "Not just incredible... it's like nothing I've ever felt before..." The robe fell in for a moment, shading the changing chest from view, and then fell open, revealing that the changes weren't confined to his chest. The shoulders were rounding now, just as they had grown out once more as he became younger, and the skin began to grow pale.
[2009-07-13 02:20:45] <Teranthen> Another scribble, another set of words being formed by the markings that Teranthen made on the display. But when Kouran's robes fell open yet again, he paused briefly and blinked at the changes being made. " sure you're alright?" he said, warily. "Look...down..."
[2009-07-13 02:23:12] <AC_Kouran> Kouran looked down, and touched his chest. "Oh my." The voice cracked for a moment, falling into a soprano beautiful enough to raise the attention of any man, and then returning to a point midway between that and his original one.
[2009-07-13 02:24:08] <AC_Kouran> The stomach, which had regained the muscle tone 3000 years of aging had stolen from it, was smoothing out once more, a the navel being pulled into a perfect tear-drop shape.
[2009-07-13 02:24:46] <Teranthen> "Is there anything you can stop it?" he asked, the concern in his voice deepening, but his nimble fingers not straying from their task of documenting it all.
[2009-07-13 02:26:24] <AC_Kouran> "I... I don't... think so. What do you think is happening?" Kouran touched his chest, where the nipples had slowly sprung into full life, little dark towers of flesh surrounded by a slightly darker circle, as the chest beneath them began to push out beneath his hand.
[2009-07-13 02:26:54] <AC_Kouran> A moan left his lips, a moan in that beautiful voice from earlier, and his hands rested over the swelling mounds, trying to force them back in. "Ahhh..."
[2009-07-13 02:29:07] <Teranthen> Trying to maintain a degree of professionality throughout all this, Teranthen cleared his throat, trying to keep his focus from being drawn in on the more...femininely aspects that were appearing on his superior. He kept quiet, watching everything intently, but then asked as flatly as he could muster. "Well....I have a thought in is the status of your groin?"
[2009-07-13 02:31:25] <AC_Kouran> Kouran slid a hand away from one of the swelling breasts, already falling into a rounded tear-drop shape, and into the belt of his tunic. "Scrotal shrinkage... opening... mmm... increased sensitivity..." The voice cracked once more, and then it was completely the woman's voice, soft, sensual, and breathy.
[2009-07-13 02:33:36] * Teranthen nodded with a simple "Mmhmm" as if he was a doctor hearing the complaints from a patient, and added this to the notes and some of his personal thoughts toward it all. "It...would seem that you are transforming, if you will, into a female...which was caused by the beam of light from this device," he added.
[2009-07-13 02:34:34] <AC_Kouran> "A female?" Kouran moaned, his left hand clutching at his breast as the right one delved deeper into his changing body. "That... I don't have the time for that..."
[2009-07-13 02:37:22] <Teranthen> He pointed his stylus directly at the gradually forming woman and shook his head. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be something that would abide by your wishes," he answered. "If you cannot reverse it, I surely cannot."
[2009-07-13 02:39:07] <AC_Kouran> She became a woman with a scream of pure pleasure, the robe falling off her body and revealing the sheer loveliness of her form as she moaned, her breasts shaking and trembling as they grew even larger and prouder, anchors of the woman Kouran had become. "No... no... no... no... n-no... yesssss..."
[2009-07-13 02:41:52] <Teranthen> Whatever veil of professionalism he had left dropped, much like the stylus that once was seated firmly in his palm, when the robes disappeared from her body. His mouth opened with surprise, unexpecting that it had made this much of a difference and that it all had been so concealed underneath those clothes. "" he mumbled. " you feel?"
[2009-07-13 02:45:00] <AC_Kouran> Kouran looked up at him through eyes that were changing color and shape, the pupils growing larger, as her lightening hair began to fall down her back. "Wonderful..." She whispers, breathily as her hands explore her body. She bucked her hips, and they grew out with a crack. Another crack, and then another. "Ah... but it hurts, too... I think my womb and ovaries are forming..."
[2009-07-13 02:48:28] <Teranthen> " incredible," he stammered in amazement, his eyes falling upon the form of this beautiful woman. "I've never seen anything quite like this in my life!" He snatched up the stylus from the dirt, brushed it off, and made some more effort in writing again.
[2009-07-13 02:50:35] <Kouran> Kouran whimpered in pleasure, leaning back and spreading her legs to allow them to inspect the new slit forming there. "Inc-incredible." She murmured, squeezing the soft flesh of her breasts. "Oh... oh light, Teranthen..."
[2009-07-13 02:52:35] <Kouran> "It just feels so good..."
[2009-07-13 02:54:03] <Teranthen> "It....I...see..." he stammered again, finding himself strangely aroused by all this, but forcing the thought back into his mind that this was Kouran of all people. Not exactly what one would normally have in mind.
[2009-07-13 02:54:31] <Teranthen> " think that perhaps we ought to find help?" he asked, averting his eyes for a second.
[2009-07-13 02:55:30] <Kouran> "H-help from who?" Kouran forced her hands away from her chest and slowly stood up, her breasts trembling. "I might need some magic to get myself some new clothing." She said, making a note of it. "I can still work, after all. In fact, I feel better than ever..."
[2009-07-13 02:57:45] <Teranthen> "'re right there probably wouldn't be anyone who could help...but what about other side effects from this transformation?" he asked, attempting to not focus so much on her. "We have to do something about it."
[2009-07-13 02:58:14] <Kouran> "I don't feel any other side effects." She murmured, stroking her hair back as it reached her rounding ass.
[2009-07-13 03:00:00] <Teranthen> "Very well, sir...I'am..." came the response now as he returned his attention fruitlessly back onto the rod.
[2009-07-13 03:00:51] <Kouran> The rod suddenly crumbled in his hands, the last energy in it evidently spent.
[2009-07-13 03:02:23] * Teranthen stared almost dumbfounded at the pieces remaining in his hand, then turned it over, letting the dust blow away with the wind. "And...its gone...what are we to do now?"
[2009-07-13 03:06:16] <Kouran> "I don't know." She shrugged her soldiers elegantly. "What do you think we should do?" Her hands reached up to cup her breasts softly.
[2009-07-13 03:07:59] <Teranthen> "Well, we're faced with either trying to study this some more, figure out the entirety of these changes....or....see what we can find in these ruins to change you back...or...both..." He rubbed his forehead and sighed deeply
[2009-07-13 03:09:15] <Kouran> "I think we should continue the mission." She said, firmly. "I'm a woman, and that's the full extent of my changes."
[2009-07-13 03:10:06] <Teranthen> "As you wish," he answered, nodding and staring out toward the ruins around around them.
[2009-07-13 03:10:32] <Kouran> "Maybe we should have sex." Koura suggested, her face perfectly straight.
[2009-07-13 03:12:23] * Teranthen froze immediatley in place, his eyes bulging out in utter shock of what was being asked of him. "'re my superior....and...uh..." the words managed to fumble out of his lips.
[2009-07-13 03:13:40] <Kouran> "Well... yes, but I'm not much of a superior right now, am I?" She giggled, looking down at her soft and luscious body. "And it would help us test this body out." She smiled at him. "I was just kidding, Teranthen."
[2009-07-13 03:16:47] <Teranthen> "Testing..." he mumbled under his breath then breathed a slight sigh of relief when she was just kidding. "...ok....I' Yes..."
[2009-07-13 03:18:05] <Kouran> She smiled at him. "I feel incredible, you know. I haven't felt this... solid in ages." She licked her finger and gently flicked it across one of the nipples, cooing as it grew harder. "Mmm... I should be having you record this, shouldn't I."
[2009-07-13 03:21:21] <Teranthen> He shifted his weight from leg to another, growing more and more uncomfortable with her increased touching of her body. "Yes, I probably should...." he answered, gazing back down at the datapad
[2009-07-13 03:22:03] <Kouran> "Increasing sensitivity coupled to mammary expansion..." She whispered. "Hair growing longer. Not sure why, because that's not necessarily conneted to genetic changes..."
[2009-07-13 03:24:35] <Teranthen> "Right." he confirmed after jotting down additional notes on his screen, clearing his throat several times more. "Perhaps that is associated with an ideal form of feminine beauty...and perhaps that's what the device wishes to inflict on an individual. A guess."
[2009-07-13 03:25:07] <Kouran> "Perhaps. Am I beautiful, then?" Koura asked, a bit stupidly, but smiling as she did.
[2009-07-13 03:25:57] * Teranthen glanced sideways over to her, taking a deep breath before he answered. "Admittedly yes."
[2009-07-13 03:42:20] <Kouran> "Anything in particular about me?" She murmured, drawing a gossamer shroud about herself, dense enough to hide the details of her body but loose enough to reveal it was there.
[2009-07-13 03:45:29] <Teranthen> "Well..." he paused again, hesitating while running an appropriate response through his mind. "Certainly....your hourglass figure, which your shroud hugs the curves there of....and your full, luscious breasts that bounce firmly with each step...." He turns away, uncomfortable with thinking about this again.
[2009-07-13 03:53:20] <Kouran> Kouran blushed slowly. "Oh." She smiled through the blush. "Keep going..."
[2009-07-13 03:55:32] * Teranthen stared down at his feet and kicked a pebble across the ground. "Um....and vibrant eyes that can easily catch one's attention....and....kissable lips, ones that I'm sure would be quite enjoyable to"
[2009-07-13 03:56:52] <Kouran> She smiled again. "I like hearing this. I think it's part of me becoming a girl." She stroked her hair back and tilted her head on its side. "Was I really that boring? I remember everything, of course."
[2009-07-13 03:59:12] <Teranthen> "Umm...." he shifted about uncomfortably again and gulped, still remembering the authority Kouran had over him. "You....had a certain way with words that was unmatched by anyone else in the galaxy."
[2009-07-13 04:00:20] <Kouran> "I was boring." She said, deliberately. "But keep talking about me. I like it... a lot." She murmured, studying her fingers, a few rings forming there that set off the lovely appendages deliberately.
[2009-07-13 04:02:04] <Teranthen> "I...don't know what else I can say really....I mean, you're quite an attractive woman now," he answered, peering slightly toward her. "If you were someone back at home, I'd surely buy you a drink."
[2009-07-13 04:02:32] <Kouran> "Well, summon me a drink and offer me one." She smiled. "We could celebrate our successful establishment of this camp, Teranthan."
[2009-07-13 04:04:04] * Teranthen nodded cautiously and held his hand out, there suddenly appearing a glass of scotch on the rocks. He handed it over to her carefully before summoning his own, and finally turning toward her, his eyes gazing into her own. "To our new camp," he said, raising a glass forward.
[2009-07-13 04:04:49] * Kouran tapped her glass to his, drank it slowly, relishing the feel of the drink on her new tongue, and then she leaned forward and kissed him full on the lips.
[2009-07-13 04:06:04] * Teranthen sipped it slowly at first but then rushed into a full gulp part of the way down. But his eyes widened when he found his lips meeting hers for a full kiss.
[2009-07-13 04:08:38] * Kouran smiled at him mischieviously. "I haven't felt like doing that to anyone in years. And I felt like doing it to you. Hope you don't mind." She murmured, looking around the ruins. "Incredible, simply incredible." She glanced at him again. "And you aren't so bad, either." She giggled deliciously. "We'll have to explore first thing in the morning."
[2009-07-13 04:12:16] <Teranthen> When the hold on his lips had been broken, he stared almost blankly at her in awe of what had happened. It wasn't like him to be this shocked, but the situation was unlike any he had experienced before. "Well....uh....thanks," he answered politely. "We probably should do that....and get some sleep in the meantime."
[2009-07-13 04:14:18] <Kouran> "Want to sleep in the same tent?" She murmurs, teasing him some more, enjoying the ability to think and speak clearly. "I wonder how long this will last." She closed her eyes. "I don't feel any magic on me. It's like I changed, and then the spell was done."
[2009-07-13 04:15:46] <Teranthen> "We really have only one tent, and spending time out here runs the risk of unexpected weather or maybe a predator showing up..." he scratched the back of his head. "I suppose we are kinda stuck together in the same tent..."
[2009-07-13 04:20:41] * Kouran smiles at him. "Let's get to it, then." She slowly walked into the tent, beckoning him in after her.
[2009-07-13 04:21:21] * Teranthen tucks his datapad into his pocket with a shoulder shrug and follows after her into the tent without another word
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Unread 08-07-2009   #2
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Re: A roleplayed TG

[2009-07-13 19:51:58] * Kouran lies down on the cushion, her hands still slowly inspecting her body. "Tissue seems to have softened markedly." She murmured in a semi-dream state. "Feelings still quite pleasant."
[2009-07-13 19:55:26] <Teranthen> "I must admit I'm surprised at how lasting its effects are," he responded to her, settling down with a grunt on the cushion next to her and watching over her very carefully. "You would think that it wouldn't linger this long."
[2009-07-13 19:56:44] <Kouran> "I believe it might be permanent." She said, airily, a hand sliding down to her abdomen. "It is difficult to believe that the organs necessary for prolonging the species are currently within me, though."
[2009-07-13 19:59:51] <Teranthen> "But I'd find it hard to believe that with the extensive changes that took place in you, there wouldn't be any functioning reproductive organs." He grunted some more, shifting his weight about as he began to relieve himself of all the devices and equipment that were stowed away in his clothes.
[2009-07-13 20:01:10] <Kouran> "Oh, of course there would be." She slid her hand down to her groin, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she felt her reshaped genitals. "Everything certainly would appear to be fully functional. What chronological place in physical development would you put me?"
[2009-07-13 20:05:47] <Teranthen> His eyes followed along the movements of her hands, trailing down toward her lower abdomen. "Judging by the development of your sexual characteristics beyond the period of puberty, and the overall youthful appearance of the remainder of your physical features, I would place you in early adulthood," he stated.
[2009-07-13 20:07:04] <Kouran> "Ah, excellent eye." Her hands travelled back along her hips and waist, moving up to the waiting breasts once more. "I believe I have changed my decision from earlier, Teranthen."
[2009-07-13 20:08:18] <Teranthen> "Oh?" A brow arched with the statement as his mind fluttered back from focusing upon her hands and onto these words. "Which one was that, ma'am?"
[2009-07-13 20:10:46] <Kouran> "I have changed my decision that I do not actually wish to engage in sexual reproduction with you." She rolled onto her side, resting her head on her hands, looking at him through her female eyes, her free hand brushing back the light bangs from her face. "This is a unique chance and one we would be foolish not to take advantage of, just in case we are wrong and I do transition back to masculinity in the morning."
[2009-07-13 20:14:12] <Teranthen> His heart pounded feverishly at just the mere thought of engaging in such an action with this woman, and his breathing quickened in nervousness. He could not believe that he was being offered this, even from someone such as Kouran, but still, the nagging thought of who lay behind the beautiful shell still rattled around in his conscience. " sure you wish to follow through with this?" he asked uneasily. "And...why ought to do
[2009-07-13 20:14:38] <Kouran> "And...why ought to do _
[2009-07-13 20:14:50] <Teranthen> do it...research?"
[2009-07-13 20:15:47] <Kouran> She nodded eagerly. "Yes. Research."
[2009-07-13 20:17:10] * Teranthen raised a single finger, his mouth opening as if to speak further, but seemed to lack the words to say what lay buried underneath his tangled thoughts. He merely nodded and looked cautiously to her for further instruction.
[2009-07-13 20:18:31] * Kouran leans back and watches him, thoughtfully. "Perhaps you should consider me as just a peasant girl you have seduced from her chores, Teranthen. Certainly, I should choose a new name for my current physical shape anyway."
[2009-07-13 20:23:19] <Teranthen> "I...I'll give it my best," he whispered softly and still with that tinge of nervousness in his voice. He reached over and took hold of Kouran's hand, pulling her slightly toward him. "And who might you be, my dear?" he asked, the corners of his mouth giving a little indication of his subpar acting.
[2009-07-13 20:28:05] <Kouran> "I am..." She considered it for a moment as her soft body was drawn closer to the man. She involuntarily licked her lips as she looked at him, and closed her eyes. "Kayla."
[2009-07-13 20:30:28] <Teranthen> "Kayla?" he inquired, tilting his head to one side and rolling the name off of his tongue a few times. "A lovely name, I think." He lifted her hand to his mouth and gently kissed it.
[2009-07-13 20:32:00] <Kouran> Kayla smiled at him. "Thank you, sir. And who are you?" She shivered, and broke character for a moment. "Oh, Teranthen... get the.. the recorder ready..."
[2009-07-13 20:33:23] <Teranthen> "I am Teranthen.
[2009-07-13 20:34:42] <Teranthen> " he answered, trying to keep himself focused on playing his part, and reached behind him, tapping one of the electronic devices he had taken out of his pockets and turning it on.
[2009-07-13 20:35:34] <Kouran> She sighed at him contentedly. "Oh... your kiss there is sending strange... feelings up and down my spine..." She closed her eyes and tried to recompose herself. "That is a very handsome name, my lord."
[2009-07-13 20:36:53] <Teranthen> "Thank you," he smiled widely, clearly being taken in by his role, and started kissing her upon her hand some more, gradually moving his lips up her arm.
[2009-07-13 20:37:55] <Kouran> Kayka trembled. "Please do not stop. This is so pleasureable, I fear I would die if you stopped..." Her sensitive white flesh responded to his kiss with increasing goosebumps.
[2009-07-13 20:40:14] <Teranthen> He only paused for a second once he had reached the thin fabric bound around her shoulders, and then lifted his head from her arm, bringing it to her lips, lightly brushing his own against hers as he settled in for a kiss.
[2009-07-13 20:42:35] <Kouran> Her arms reached up unsurely, a soft white hand brushing his cheek, curiously feeling the little hairs there, so different to what she had now, so similar to what had once been there. Her eyes closed as they kissed, and her warm lips responded with passion, if not expertise.
[2009-07-13 20:49:19] <Teranthen> His handsome fingers, still worn and soiled from his earlier digging attempts, rested carefully upon the woman's hip, lightly stroking her warmth through her clothes. His lips parted slightly when kissing her; he remained slow and eased gently into this, focusing more on giving her a pleasant experience than fulfilling his own desires.
[2009-07-13 20:50:46] <Kouran> She sighed into his lips, her wide hips trembling under his hand. Suddenly, involuntarily, her tongue slipped out of her mouth, slipping into his, pushing curiously against his teeth, lips, his tongue. Her hand slowly rolled from his face to his wide shoulders, once more marvelling how different she had become.
[2009-07-13 20:55:27] <Teranthen> Without nary a thought, Teranthen's tongue wrestled around with this newfound intruder, rolling itself over her tongue and sucking a little upon it with his lips. His breath quicked, his body growing more and more around by this sensual woman's touch.
[2009-07-13 20:57:05] <Kouran> Kayla separated from him, her eyes wide, her breasts rolling underneath the thin fabric of her magically created garment as she breathed heavily. "Oh... oh... oh..." For once, words had failed her as she stared up at him.
[2009-07-13 20:58:43] <Teranthen> His gaze fell upon her in concern, his other hand reaching up to her delicate cheek, rubbing over her soft, warm skin with his thumb. "Are you alright?" he whispered, content with at least a nod if so.
[2009-07-13 20:59:48] <Kouran> "Ah... ah... ah..." She tried to regain her words, but they slipped from her at his touch, and she could only nod, cooing up at him.
[2009-07-13 21:02:48] <Teranthen> A comforting smile etched itself over his mouth as he leaned forward, kissing her lightly once more. His fingers dropped slightly from her face to where her clothes were bound together in the front. Inch by inch he worked his way down, revealing more and more of her bountiful chest, but before too much was exposed, he kissed her a little more passionately again.
[2009-07-13 21:04:25] <Kouran> Kayla trembled under his hands, her eyes closing tight at his kiss. "Oh... please... continue... do not stop..." She forced out, her fingers stroking his hair. "Light... never thought that it would be so wonderful..."
[2009-07-13 21:05:58] <Teranthen> "As you wish," he answered her quietly, refraining from kissing her upon the mouth for now. His head turned to the side as his lips now met her neck, as he slowly sucked and nibbled upon her tender skin.
[2009-07-13 21:07:33] * Kouran whimpers, her fingers grabbing him, holding her to him. "So... so good..." She whispered, her breasts bucking up to touch against his hands.
[2009-07-13 21:11:07] <Teranthen> His nimble fingers resumed their efforts in undressing her and unfasten the final pieces that kept her chest completely under wraps. "You know, you're quite beautiful, Kayla," he whispers into her ear between kisses and a glance down to her firm
[2009-07-13 21:11:07] <Teranthen> breasts that immediately find themselves receiving his utmost attention. Fingertips roll around these soft mounds, gradually moving inward, and finally after swiringly around for a bit, reach her nipples.
[2009-07-13 21:12:44] <Kouran> Kayla's eyes shoot wide open. "Ahhh! Oh... oh... oh... oh..." She can't speak anymore, thrilled by his touch, by him calling her beautiful, by everything that is being done to her. Her nipples stiffen under his fingers, growing erect and rigid.
[2009-07-13 21:13:37] <Kouran> "Ahhhh... oh, Teranthen..." She moaned his name twice more, unable to focus enough and hoping he would pick up on her pleasure, her delight, the love she was feeling for all this, just from that. "Oh.... oh..."
2009-07-13 21:17:31] <Kouran> Kayla moaned once more, and then her hands travelled around his back, clinging to him, feeling the strength that lay there, contrasting it favorably with her new softness. "Oh... don't you dare stop..." She whispered, for the first time in her life a contraction flowing through her lips before her beautiful voice burst out in a song of pleasure once more, her breasts shaking.
[2009-07-13 21:32:09] <Teranthen> Feeling that her neck had now received enough kisses for the time being, his head lowered some more, lightly showering the tops of her breasts with little pecks from his lips. And then his hands fell to her waist, caressing her full hips between his strong fingers, and pulling the fabric that snuggled the remainder of her body lower.
[2009-07-13 21:36:25] <Kouran> "Please don't stop... my lord..." she begged, trembling beneath his kisses, her beautiful and curvacious body eagerly following his to wherever he wanted. A soft moan left her lips as her slit was bared to the air again. "Do not move so fast..." she whispered, some old flareup of her original self reforming. "I need to experience every...oh... so wonderful thing..."
[2009-07-13 21:39:56] <Teranthen> "As you wish," he stated kindly between kisses. "My sole desire is for you to enjoy every moment of this." Finding themselves squarely in the middle of her breasts now, his lips focused on her left nipple, gently sucking on it, swirling his tongue over the hardened tip of it, but his hands did nothing further and simply locked behind her, holding her firmly in place.
[2009-07-13 21:43:29] <Kouran> "Oh... yes, Teranthen... more...more... ah!" She moaned, trembling under him, her wet slit bucking up against him as new feelings and desires filled Kaylas' mind, feelings she had never even contemplated before. A hand reached up to him, holding his head to her soft breast, the other one moving up to her right nippl, squeezing and rubbing it in counterpart to what his tongue was doing to its twin.
[2009-07-13 21:46:40] * Teranthen obeyed her command eagerly, sucking more intently upon that nipple and even pinching it a little between his teeth. His fingers, not the least bit content with standing still, fell into stroking down the length of her back, over every muscle, every contour in this woman's body. His breathing deepened some but he still continued on, quite happy with all going on.
[2009-07-13 21:50:20] <Kouran> She opened her mouth to speak, and then suddenly her eyes closed as she felt her body... explode, the over-excited feeling of earlier causing an orgasm even before they had truly begun. She clung to him, screaming his name, thanking the light for the pleasure she was experiencing.
[2009-07-13 21:55:05] <Teranthen> He held her within his arms throughout the twisting and turning, still keeping her steady enough to pleasure her even more with his tongue. But his eyes were drawn downward to a degree, his interest in this feminine form rising, and a finger slid around from behind her and lightly grazed the entrance to her slit.
[2009-07-13 23:12:15] <Kouran> Kayla shook her head for a moment, moving a hand down onto his. "Don't." She whispered. "I need... I need a few minutes." She looked down at him and dotted his face with little pleasant kisses.
[2009-07-13 23:13:53] <Tenetheren> He clasped her hand within his and rested it on the cushion they were seated upon, raising his head from her chest and kissing her lips once more. "Take all the time you need," he whispered.
[2009-07-13 23:14:50] <Kouran> She slowly traded places with him, resting her head on his chest, looking up at him. "It feels so strange..."
[2009-07-13 23:17:52] <Tenetheren> Wrapping his arms around her warmly, he left several kisses upon her head and simply nodded. "But does it feel bad?" he asked curiously. "I'm wondering what that really feels like."
[2009-07-13 23:20:06] <Kouran> "I... I don't know how to describe it." Kayla murmured. "It feels really, really, really good." A quiet giggle left her lips as the orgasm's afterglow left her system. "Shame you broke the rod or you could find out."
[2009-07-13 23:22:15] <Tenetheren> "However...on the other hand, it wouldn't have been as...enjoyable if both of us were female, I'd have to admit," he chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
[2009-07-13 23:24:30] <Kouran> Kayla smiled nervously and kissed him on his chin, drawing closer to his strong, warm body. "I... yes.. I do not believe I'm particularly ready for that, Teranthen." She whispered. "I apologise for that."
[2009-07-13 23:27:44] <Tenetheren> "It''s alright," Teranthen answered her, his arms enclosing further around her, only ensuring that she was snuggly within them. "Hrm..." he murmured quietly, his thoughts restarting their wandering, trying to comprehend how he got himself into this situation.
[2009-07-13 23:28:30] <Kouran> Kayla looked up at him for a moment. "Say my name?" She asks, her breasts rising and falling against his chest.
[2009-07-13 23:31:22] <Tenetheren> "Your name..." came the words trailing off from his mouth as he considered the question carefully. "You...this woman in my Kayla..." His eyes closed with a gentle sigh and he fell silent once more.
[2009-07-13 23:35:11] <Kouran> "Am I beautiful?" She asked after a few more moments.
[2009-07-13 23:36:41] <Tenetheren> "Without a doubt you are." A gentle smile appeared on his face as his fingers stroked her back.
[2009-07-13 23:37:39] <Kouran> "Am... am I truly a woman, then?" She whispered, quietly.
[2009-07-13 23:40:31] <Tenetheren> "The scientific answer is the only one I can provide," he stated directly. "And from my observations and the data provided by our scanners, you are female....but....the question ultimately remains one that only you can answer. Do you feel you're a woman?"
[2009-07-13 23:43:29] <Kouran> She looked up at him. "Your observations...?" She giggled again. "Tell me, Teranthen. What do you have to report from these observation."
[2009-07-13 23:44:39] <Kouran> *observations
[2009-07-13 23:47:24] <Tenetheren> *Teranthen shook his head and chuckled. "Officially, I am sure that I could drown anyone in the details of the biological and metaphysical nature of this body of yours, but I will spare you those. My personal observation is that I have spent a wonderful evening with a beautiful and charming woman, who is kind and quite the romantic."
[2009-07-13 23:52:11] <Kouran> She giggles for a few long minutes, then kissed him firmly. "Make it official, then. I'm sure I'll enjoy it." She gasped slightly as she gently began to work her body up and down against him.
[2009-07-13 23:59:13] <Tenetheren> "You wish to hear the official observation?" he raised an eyebrow and peered curiously down into her eyes. "It does seem a bit...cold-natured though."
[2009-07-13 23:59:23] * Kouran smiles at him. "I do."
[2009-07-14 00:00:18] <Kouran> Kayla smiled at him. "I do. I want to hear the metaphysical natures especially." She said this quietly and tenderly, her finger playing over his chest.
[2009-07-14 00:14:21] <Tenetheren> His thoughts turned to formulating everything in a manner befitting an official report, spending several minutes at this task before he could speak. "I find in my presence a woman, estimated two inches shorter than myself, of slender yet fit build, blonde hair falling to the approximate region of her waist,
[2009-07-14 00:14:33] <Tenetheren> turqouise toned eyes adorn her sharply defined face that also contains full lips, and her firm chest currently stands in at thirty two D without the standard assymetry that persists in the female form. Her hips are not those similiar to what is referred to as child-bearing but yet attain a degree of curvature. The region of her groin has
[2009-07-14 00:14:40] <Tenetheren> yet to be observed in detail." He cleared his throat some, realizing he was becoming rather long winded, but tried to continue. "Her magical capabilities have proven to be semi-functional in that she has the ability to summon clothing at will. Further studies would need to be provided in order to determine the extent of this."
[2009-07-14 00:19:23] <Kouran> Kayla giggled at him, her fingers reaching up to cup one of her generous breasts and lifting it slightly. "Mmm. Add that sensitivity in all areas is slightly over what might be standard for a woman of approximately 23 years of age." She took a deep breath. "My name is Kayla Elina, and I am signing off on this report."
[2009-07-14 00:21:07] <Tenetheren> "Duly noted. I shall be certain to add that to my report," he squeezed her tightly in his arms and gave her a kiss upon her head.
[2009-07-14 00:21:40] <Kouran> "We will now be moving on to another test." She continued, looking up at him with a nervous smile. "Am I a good kisser?" She asked in seriousness. "If I'm going to be a woman, I would at least prefer to be able to kiss properly."
[2009-07-14 00:24:55] <Tenetheren> "From our own little tests, if we could call them that, I believe that you are," he responded, another mischevious grin creeping up across his face. "Of course, there is nothing wrong with a larger sample size."
[2009-07-14 00:26:36] <Kouran> Kayla rolled onto her back, looking up at him, stroking her chin. It was a very curious act from the gorgeous young woman. "Not at all, Tenetheren." She whispered quietly.
[2009-07-14 00:29:12] <Tenetheren> Teranthen rearranged his body from its former sitting position and now rested on his knees, his arms propping himself up on either side of her. His eyes, a light emerald, gazed warmly into hers as his lips parted, simply gazing down at this beautiful figure beneath him.
[2009-07-14 00:29:38] <Kouran> "I am frightened." She whispered, looking up into his eyes.
[2009-07-14 00:30:19] <Tenetheren> "Of what?" he asked, a tone of worry perking up within his voice.
[2009-07-14 00:30:43] <Kouran> "Of what I have become, and what I am becoming. And how good it feels."
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