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Unread 09-10-2015   #1
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The witches (oneshot story)

What if???
The Witches - By Rohld Dall.
By Scorchx3000

Chapter 1: Recognizing the enemy.

"Remember what I tell you Luke, because it could one day save your life."

My name is Luke Inverson, I'm 17 years old, I live with my grandmother Helga and I work at the Excelsior Hotel in Cornwall. I've lived with my grandma for 4 years now, since my parents died. I'd gone to visit Grandma, my parents were to come over later in the car. They hadn't made it, they'd been involved in a head on collision with a truck.

A while passed and my grandma begun to tell me some stories about Norway, where she had originally came from. The story was of a race known to children as witches, but to adults they were known as Succubai, or the Succubus. I remember the story as though it was yesterday.

"Rule 1: they kill children. A witch steals the life force of children, enabling a witch to remain young forever." she had told me.

"Rule 2: They draw the energy of men to remain alive. The energy of children alone isn't enough to sustain them." Grandma said.

"Just like us right, I mean we can't live on the same food forever." I said

"Yes, some food is good for you, but can kill you if you only eat that. Rule number three..." she started

"Don't feed after midnight?" I joked. Grandma frowned at me, it was obvious she took this seriously, so I apologized.

"They look like beautiful women, but that is merely a disguise. They are beautiful, that is true, but they have wings, horns and fangs." She said, "Their are ways to spot them. They have misshapen feet and find it difficult to walk in women's shoes. They dare not wear comfortable shoes though, so they suffer. Also, a witch may not enter hallowed grounds, such as churches and cemetery's. Do you know the statue of the woman in the churchyard nearby? Some say she was a witch who committed suicide many years ago. It is rare, but a witch may be born with a pure heart and is good. If they fall in love with a mortal though, they must watch as they grow older, whilst the witch does not. That statue appeared from nowhere...whilst a woman vanished mysteriously."

"It sounds far fetched." I said

"I know, but their are strange and mysterious things in the world. Each country has witches, some say they came from Norway itself. Each country has rules that each witch followed. Witches are not to communicate with witches from other countries, with one exception. The High Witch of every country in the world meet once a year in the presence of the Grand High Witch. The grand high witch herself also holds meetings with each country once every year or so. That way, she can whip them into shape or tell them new plans. Once, many years ago, the grand high witch was killed along with a large amount of her followers. They had booked a venue for an event for
witches only. The building was then hit by a buzz bomb the Germans launched." Grandma said

"Ha ha ha, I bet they really hated Hitler that day." I laughed

"One of few times anyone would have something nice to say about that man." Grandma said, "Just take care Luke, I've lost my only son, I don't want to loose you.

Poor Grandma. Hey, it's her Birthday tomorrow, I'd better get her something nice.

Chapter 2: The NSPCC holds a meeting

*Present day*

I was in my workroom fixing a radio when someone knocked.

"Inverson!" a voice said. I opened the door of my workroom to see the Hotel manager Mr.. Stringer.

"Morning sir." I said. Stringer acted like a hard ass, but he was all bark and no bite.

"Need you to fix that light in the ball room, the NSPCC's holding a function, and their may be some faulty wiring backstage." Stringer said.

"I'll sort it out ASAP sir." I said, grabbing my tools. Outside, I bumped into the hotel owners son. Bruno, an old friend of mine.

"Morning Mr.. Jenkins." I said.

"Luke, how many times, it's Bruno. Mr.. Jenkins makes me feel old." Bruno chuckled, "My parents and I just had a drink with Baroness Eva Ernst, the chairwoman of the NSPCC in Norway."

"Baroness Ernst? She owns a castle near to where my grandmother lived in Norway. What's she like?" I asked.

"Quite a nice woman, said I was quite a handsome young man." Bruno said. I grinned.

"She should have gone to Specsavers." I joked.

"You're lucky I like you, otherwise you'd be fired." Bruno laughed

"Yeah, then who else will stop this place from flooding or catching fire. I gotta go Bruno, Stringer needs me to fix the ballroom lights."

"See you later then." Bruno said, as I headed into the ballroom. I set to work, the lights were easy to fix, but the stuff behind the stage was a mess. Behind stage was a security station with CCTV, on the screen I could see a lot of people walking into the ballroom.

"Odd, no men." I thought, "Surpose men don't give a crap about NSPCC."

I heard a voice from behind the curtain as the doors closed.

"Ze doors, are zey locked?" a woman's voice said.

"That'll be Baroness Ernst." I thought.

"They are locked." a woman said.

"Very vell, you may discard your human disguises." Ernst said.

"What?" I thought, and glanced through the curtain. What I saw made my blood turn to ice. Every woman in the room had stood up and took their clothes off....revealing red skin beneath.

"Herregud." I whispered, "Witches."

"Vitches of Inkland." Baroness Ernst said, "Zis is a disgrace. Ze country is flooded viff children. Vot haff you been doink?"

One witch bravely spoke up, "We are doing our best your Grandness, but we are spread thin. Their are only 78 of us, but near four million children. If we kill too many, someone might find out about us."

"Zat is not of my concern. I vant you to vipe out more." Ernst said

"You ask the impossible." the witch said. Ernts stood up, her eyes glowing. The witch faltered for a second, but continued, "Unless you have a secret weapon."

"Vot is your neim?" Ernst said.

"Nicola Cutter." the witch said.

"You are observant miss Cutter, but I advise you not to question me. You came close to arguing with me." Ernst said

"I apologies, I didn't mean disrespect." Nicola said. Beside her, a witch sat smirking....Ernst suddenly fired a blast of heat from her eyes and vaporized the witch.

"Don't laugh at other witches misfortune." Ernst said, "Yes Miss Cutter, their is a plan and a weapon. Ve simply need to make less children."

"I have created a secret veapon. Formula 63. It vill age anybody to an adult....and change them to female...unless zey vere female, zen it just ages them." Ernst said,

"Everyone into your disguised form, we haff a guest. I had a drink this morning viff the manager and his annoying son. I spiked the sons drink, I asked him to come here in 5 minutes time to give a speech about what the NSPCC means." Ernst said.

"Bruno?" I thought

Chapter 3: Metamorphosis

As soon as the witches were disguised again, one of them opened the door to reveal Bruno.

"God, they're gonna use it on him?" I thought. I wanted to run out and stop them, but I was frozen in place.

"Good afternoon Bruno." Ernst said

"Good afternoon Baroness Ernst." Bruno said, climbing up to the podium. Suddenly, he groaned and grimaced.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh." he moaned and let out a loud belch.

"It has begun. Votch zis." Ernst said. I watched horrified as Bruno begun to wave his arms about like he was throwing a fit. He was crying out randomly, sounded like he cried mom, dad...then started to impersonate the green giant. He suddenly froze rigid.

His shirt started to bulge out in the chest god, he was growing boobs. His hair also grew past his shoulders and his nails grew longer. His hips flared out and his ass grew larger. He grabbed his shirt and ripped it open, then slumped to the ground. His left hand went down his pants and his right hand grabbed his chest.
Jesus, he was masturbating. The witches sighed in bliss.

"Any time she has sexual contact or masturbates, we feed on ze energy. Ve can rid outselves on ze dependency of males, who are often all hot air about zeir sexual ability."
Ernst said, "Miss Irvine."

"Yes madam?" Ersnt's secretary asked

"Dress Miss Jenkins and send her on her vay." Ernst said.

"Yes madam." Irvine said. When Bruno was gone, I was hoping they'd leave, so I could escape. As the witches prepared to leave, Ernst stopped them.

"We have one more test." Ernst said, then turned to the curtain, "Come on out, and ve von't kill you."

"Shit." I thought. Two witches came behind the curtain and laughed. I followed them out, knowing it was hopeless. I just hoped I would be okay.

Chapter 4: Caught

"Vy were you hiding?" Ernst said.

"I know what you are. I know what you all are." I said defiantly.

"Vot are ve then?" Ernst laughed.

"Witches, Succubai, whatever the natives call you." I said

"Educated. Inverson....a Norwegian name. Vell, we can't just drain energy from you, you'll remember us. Ve must go to the second plan." She said, and cast a spell binding me to the wall. She and her assistant then stripped me clothes off.

"I like vot I see. Healthy." Ernst said, and begun to fondle my manhood.

"Think of something else" I thought, "Maggie Thatcher naked.....bathtub full of naked dude."

"He's resisting us? Flaccidum errectum." Ernst said, causing my manhood to instantly erect.

"Shit." I muttered. Ernst then proceeded to give me a hand job, as the other witches laughed. One blonde witch wasn't laughing though.

"I'm applying the formula directly to his manhood. I vonder how vell it vill vork?" Ernst said. Suddenly, a wave of intense pain flooded through me, starting from my dick and flooding to every part of my body.

"UNNNNRGH!" I cried out. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. It was horrible, I felt like my body was hot glass and it was being blown into a new shape. My hips cracked and widened, while my ass seemed to be inflating. I felt a ripping pain below my manhood. My dick was shrinking away, but behind it a vagina had formed. My dick shrank until it was a tiny little stub. Through the pain, I realized my dick was becoming a clitoris.

Suddenly, it felt as though my stomach was being sliced apart inside. My testicles had drawn inside my Vagina suddenly shuddered and spat out a mess of creamy liquid.

"That must have been remaining sperm and semen." I though, as another wave of pain shot through me.....a cramping pain followed by something else....I could see a small amount of blood....a fucking period?

My chest begun to burn. I knew what was happening...I groaned and my chest swelled slightly. I strained again as the bumps got bigger, swelling larger and larger, capped with large nipples and areole. Suddenly, the pain ended and I collapsed to the ground in a fetal position.

Chapter 5: Something went wrong.

"Madam, his aura...the spell didn't work correctly." a witch said. Ernst looked at me.

"Shit, he vos wearing a cross. Oh vell, he can't do anysink to us now." Ernst said, "Leave him here."

As the witches left, I crawled behind the curtains. One of the witches vanished the mess I'd left behind. Irvine walked behind the curtain and handed me my clothes.

"I suggest you run and don't look back. I wouldn't cross her Grandness." Irvine said. She looked as though she truly felt sorry for me.

"Thank you." I said, sniffing. When she had left, I started to get dressed. My trousers were tight, but I was able to get them on. My shirt and jacket however, they hadn't been designed to fit someone with large breasts and as a result, I couldn't fasten them. I grabbed an maid shirt from the storeroom and put it on. I then ran, ran out of the hotel and onto the moors between the hotel and the town.

"What am I going to do now?" I said, ashamed that I was crying, 'Damn it, I'm a guy. Guy's don't cry'

"Luke Inverson is dead, I can't pretend to me him." I thought, "Grandma, she won't abandon me. I gotta get home."

At home, I unlocked the door and ran upstairs. Looking in the mirror, I looked pretty similar, I could see enough of myself to know who I was...I then realized something, I looked like mom.

"Luke, I'm home." I heard grandma's voice. I sighed and went downstairs.

"Oh hello dear, are you Luke's friend?" Grandma smiled....then froze.."Oh my god, Luke?"

I suddenly burst into tears 'what the hell is wrong with me' and Grandma hugged me.

"Ssshh child, you'll be okay. It'll be okay." Grandma said.

Chapter 6 - The Plan

I then told her the plan and what they were going to do.

"Baroness Ernst is the Grand High Witch?" Grandma said. I then had an idea.

"Holy water will stop them?" I asked.

"Yes." Grandma said, "I have some, but not much."

"Do you still have Mom's old chef clothes?" I asked.

Later that day, I was walking into the hotel again dressed in my mothers clothes....'I feel like Norman Bates.' I thought, and I saw Ernst and her assistant.

"Go to your room and rest for ze flight." Ernst said.

"But it's our banquet." Irvine said, "I haven't even eaten yet."

"Order room service zen." Ernst said, "You're not here for pleasure, you're here to be my servant."

"I quit." Irvine said and walked off.

"Zen you vill not take a flight home." Ernst said.

I headed into the kitchen in disguise, looking for a way to make my plan work.

"The NSPCC meeting has all ordered the soup." Stringer said, "If this goes well, it will be a major boost for the hotel."

"It'll be a night to remember." I muttered. I found the pot of soup and started to stir it. A young chef leaned over. It was James, one of the juniors. I liked him.

"Never seen you before." he said. I felt sick. 'No, I don't like him that way. Time to lie'

"I'm...not into guys." I said

"Oh." he said, not sure how to react.

"Look, you seem like a nice guy, I'm sure you'll find someone." I said. When nobody was looking, I poured in the bottle of holy water to the soup and gave it a final stir.

Chapter 7 - Showtime

In the dining hall, Grandma was at a table, drinking a sherry.

"Good evening Helga." Bruno's father said, taking a seat.

"Good evening Albert." Grandma said, "You look worried."

"Bruno, have you saw him lately?" Albert asked.

"No, not lately." Grandma said. I entered the dining room and took a seat. I'd ditched the chef clothing and was wearing loose trousers and a t-shirt.

"Hey Grandma." I said, "Who's this?"

"Erika, this is the hotel owner." Grandma said.

"Pleasure to meet you sir." I said, shaking his hand.

"This is Erika, my granddaughter." Grandma said

"I thought Luke was your only grand child." Albert said

"No, he was the only one I saw regular, Ericka lives in Norway with my daughter." Grandma said

"If you see Bruno, tell him not to stay out too late." Albert said, "I have to speak to the chairwoman of the NSPCC."

I glanced over and saw that every witch was eating the soup.

"One witch got away. The grand high witches secretary." I said, "Something odd about her, when the others left me alone, she actually gave me clothes so I wasn't left naked."

"One escaping isn't too bad." Grandma said. At that moment, Ernst looked over and saw me and my grandma. I gave a sarcastic wave to her. Ernst stood up and suddenly let out an shrill scream. Everyone jumped in shock. The rest of the witches then started screaming. It was then that all hell broke loose as the witches suddenly lost their human form and took on demonic forms.

"Oh my." I said, as the witches took to flight and suddenly burst into flames. Diners ran in panic and out of the dining room in fright. In the chaos, the door opened and Miss Irvine walked in. She looked around at all the chaos and witches bursting into flames.

"Did you do this?" she asked. I nodded.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish. I'm glad to be free of them. A strange thing happened though, when I wings changed to white...and my horns vanished."

"A white succubus." Grandma said, "They do exist."

"I have enough magic left, I can return you to normal." Irvine said.

"No." I said, "Can you cure Bruno instead?"

"But you'll be stuck as a female forever." Irvine said.

"I know." I said, "But Grandma will love me no matter what, I don't want to hurt Bruno's family though."

"Very well." Irvine said, "Their is something I can do, I can change your medical records. Luke Inverson would never have existed, but Luka Inverson will have."

Epilogue - Two years later.

I'm still at the hotel, working as head technician. Mr.. Jenkins knows the truth about me, as do Bruno and Grandma. The hotel had been closed for 3 months while scientists analyses the remains of the witches.

The potion didn't change one thing, I still find women attractive but I'm not dating anyone.

That chef who flirted with me, he's dating Miss Irvine. She's working at the hotel too as an entertainer. She loves children, but doesn't drain their energy anymore.

England has been witch free for two years. A team of witch hunters also raided Ernst castle and cleansed the place out, using the new holy water food tactic I invented.

All in all, life is good.

The end.

Last edited by Scorch; 09-12-2015 at 10:24 AM.
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Unread 09-10-2015   #2
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

While I believe it's ok to take inspiration from an existing story, and sometimes a "what if...?" variant is acceptable, you really ought to develop your own ideas rather than simply copy the plot, characters and setting from Roald Dahl's "The Witches".

Also, to not mention that your work is based off of another author's is not professional.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Last edited by CNash; 09-10-2015 at 03:52 PM.
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Unread 09-11-2015   #3
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

Does anyone else have anything else to say?

Seriously though Nash, a large percentage of tg is based on pre existing characters or variants of that said character.

Example in this story, Formula 63 = Rule 63

For every given male character, there is a female version of that character, and vice versa.

Can't argue with the rules of the internet, otherwise you get kicked off the Internet. We can't have non conformists online.
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Unread 09-11-2015   #4
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

Nice try. Thanks for editing to give Dahl the deserved credit, though. I was more annoyed that you seemed to be claiming the idea as your own.

You still don't have to slavishly copy the book's plot and characters, though.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 09-11-2015   #5
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

I like it. Definitely has potential!

I dont understand what the problem is with using pre existing characters through.....
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Unread 09-12-2015   #6
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

Now my kiskae 2 version.

I had to take a few libertys, I couldn't make the witches go bald, as that's not an option and I was going to show the demonic form as red skinned monsters, but that failed.

The succubus form is tanned with horns and wings. Luke is working behind the stage and is initially unnoticed, until the grand high witch catches him, she had apparently knew he was their and wanted him to be scared at first, as it makes stealing his energy easy.

In one part, the GHW seems to be giving him a hand job when he's bound up, she is, as she is feeding on his energy, before they use the potion on him.


Caution: Sexual themes and raping of childhood movies. Enjoy.

Credit: Roald Dhall + whoever owns the movie rights.
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Unread 09-12-2015   #7
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

I also rewrote the story
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Unread 09-12-2015   #8
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

Love the rewrite!
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Unread 09-13-2015   #9
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Re: The witches (oneshot story)

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