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Unread 11-10-2019   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 71
Be A Clown [Story - Trans Woman -> Clownfish Mermaid]

Under the right circumstances, the clownfish can change its biological sex. An ambitious marine biologist thinks she's isolated that trait, and intends to test it on herself...

Special thanks to DA's idontknowhyimhere for their invaluable help.


It was a beautiful spring weekend, perfect for going out and getting some fresh air. On the expansive lawns and rolling green hills that surrounded the Aquatic Genetics Institute, people were picnicking, sun-bathing, and enjoying being alive.

Marina Emmett was enjoying the weather, too. It guaranteed she’d have the lab all to herself.

She would have liked to be out there, too, and she was sure Janet, her long-suffering girlfriend, would like to be with her. But she was close – so, so close. The project she’d been working on for a year, and dreaming of for far longer, was nearly complete.

AGI was a think tank devoted to studying sea creatures and understanding how their biology could benefit mankind. Marina, a doctoral student, wasn’t assigned to any one project, but went where she was needed. She cherished the freedom this gave her, especially since it gave her time to work on her own pet project.

She peered into the small aquarium in her lab, watching the three clownfish within go about their simple lives amidst the swaying tentacles of a sea anemone. She picked up a can of fish food and shook in a few flakes.

“Hey there, Krusty. What’s up, Chuckles. You too, Binky. It’s the big day, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Next time you see me through the glass here, you might not recognize me. Just remember, I’m the person who feeds you…and also talks to you, because she’s been working too hard. But soon, guys, I’ll be done, and I’ll be able to talk to real people and stop bothering you.”

Clownfish lived in small groups, and adhered to a strict dominance hierarchy; there was one dominant female, and one dominant male. If the dominant female was removed, the dominant male underwent a biological change, and became the new dominant female.

Marina had worked tirelessly to isolate the genes that made this change possible. They would have all sorts of applications in medicine and genetics, but the most tantalizing application was one that made her heart race.

Marina was trans. Her colleagues and friends were all wonderfully supportive of her, and she was pleased in the progress she’d made during her transition. The woman she saw reflected in the aquarium glass felt like who she truly was, and that made her happy. Deep inside, however, her scientific curiosity had gotten the better of her. What if she could change her own biological sex?

Obviously, there wasn’t a huge difference between a dude fish and a lady fish; they had one hole, and sex was just a question of what came out of it. Altering a human would be much, much trickier. But Marina knew that fish and humans, deep down, were all just agglomerations of cells – strings of genetic code – clumps of protein…

She also knew that human testing would be risky, of course. But animal testing had been promising, and she was nothing if not brave.

The centrifuge on the lab bench beeped, and stopped spinning. The clownfish DNA serum was ready.

She slipped out of her labcoat and undressed, hanging her clothes on the coatrack and standing naked before the full-length mirror she’d set up.

If this was going to work, she wanted to see everything.

She took one last long look at herself. She was tall and slim, with a pale complexion from her long hours spent indoors. She took her hair out of its loose ponytail and shook her head, sending her frizzy, unkempt brown hair cascading to her shoulders. It did give her a bit of a mad scientist look, which she didn’t mind. She posed a little, flexing her muscles, arching her back, and cupping her small breasts. It was a good body, and it had served her well, but it wasn’t quite what she wanted.

She gave her junk a comforting little pat. “Goodbye, dude. We had some good times together, but it just wasn’t meant to be.”

She pulled the the ampule of serum out of the centrifuge, loaded it into an injector, and pressed the device into the crook of her arm.

“L’chaim.” She pulled the trigger, sending the serum into her veins, and sat down in her favorite lab chair to wait.

She idly drummed her fingers on the armrest as she softly rubbed the sore injection spot. A few minutes passed, and she wondered if maybe she should have brought a magazine.

Soon, however, she felt warm. Very warm.

She was also extremely hard.

“Oh god!”

It was almost…uncomfortably erect. If this didn’t have the anticipated effect, she thought, she’d at least invented the world’s most powerful fish-based aphrodisiac.

Then, suddenly, she felt a distinct upward tug on her testicles.

It was working!

Even as it remained fully, painfully erect, her penis was shrinking and condensing – as she watched, it diminished from its former length to the size of her pinky finger, then a pea as it sunk into her flesh, taking its new position as a clitoris. The sensation was indescribable, but undeniably pleasurable.

The tugging intensified, and before long her testes had slipped into her pelvis, one after the other; each one elicited a small, strangled squeal from Marina. She could feel them travelling into her pelvic cavity until they found their rightful place as her new ovaries.

She was rocked by a strange orgasm – similar to those she’d experienced in the past, yet also wholly different – as her new reproductive system blossomed inside her. Unlike the climaxes she’d experienced in the past, this one was long, and kept hitting her in waves, each one more intense than the last. She finally cried out as her new vagina bloomed, her labia opening up like flower petals greeting the morning sun.

Another wave of heat washed over her as her secondary sex characteristics began to shift. Her breasts swelled up into full handfuls; Marina palmed them and cooed, as her waist narrowed, her thighs and butt thickened, and her pelvis painlessly cracked into a new shape.

“Holy shit.”

She gasped – even her vocal cords had been altered.

“Holy shit!” She yelled again, just to hear her new voice.

Finally, things settled down, and she slumped into her chair, panting with exhaustion. She felt like she’d just run a marathon.

Finally summoning the strength to stand up, she pulled herself up and walked over to the mirror. She looked herself over – her new physique was slim and athletic, but unmistakably feminine. She’d also kept her original height, which pleased her. She leaned into the mirror to examine her face – she was still distinctly herself, but her jawline had softened a little, and her Adam’s apple had disappeared.

She took a look downstairs, and saw a perfectly formed vagina – the one she’d desired for so long. She conducted a quick examination of its soft labia, its delicate folds, and the achingly sensitive clit that had been a penis moments before. She was seized with a desire to try it out and see if everything worked, but she figured she did have to maintain some sense of professional detachment for the time being, at least.

Obviously, she’d have to monitor herself for any long-term side effects, but the experiment had been a rousing success.

Suddenly, her legs went numb, and she fell to the floor.

Coldness washed over her body, and goosebumps started to raise on her new flesh.

She felt an intense pressure in her lower back. Feeling around, she found a strange, smooth protrusion growing out of it, terminating with a soft, flat frill. She craned her neck to get a better look at it.

It was a fish tail, covered in the orange and white stripes of a clownfish. At the moment, it was tiny – about the size of an actual clownfish – but it was growing before her very eyes. As she watched, it pulsed and throbbed with growth, going from clownfish-size to rainbow trout. Meanwhile, her legs were visibly shorter and skinner than they had been, and were atrophying before her very eyes.

Furthermore, the scales were spreading, creeping up her back and beginning to wrap around her torso, bringing with them a scaled-up version of the fish’s trademark orange-and-white banding pattern.

As impossible as it was, she was turning into a fish – or, hopefully, some kind of fish-person. She was instantly grateful the lab housed a large saltwater specimen tank. Unfortunately, it was in the next room, and her legs were only intermittently responding to her commands. There was no way she could make it there on foot before she started growing gills.

She used her arms, which were reassuringly as functional as ever, to haul herself up in the chair. The coatrack where she’d left her clothes was within arms reach – she grabbed it, and began using it to pull her along, like a Venetian gondolier.

“C’mon, Marina. You can do it.”

As she steered herself out the door, the scales covered her entire torso, and began to spread up her arms. A broad white stripe had formed across her generous new breasts, making it look like she was wearing a bikini top. Meanwhile, her legs were now half their original size, sticking comically out of her full-sized trunk. Their mass had gone straight to her tail, which was now had the length and girth of her thighs.

Where was this going to end? Was she going to turn into a giant clownfish? The fact that she still had arms was probably a good sign, she figured.

She rolled down the hall, a slight incline helping her pick up speed. Totally focused on the task at hand, she didn’t acknowledge that her arms were completely covered in scales, or that they’d started to creep up her neck and spread across her jawline and cheeks.

Her tail had begun to move on its own accord as the nerves in it started connecting and firing – it was as thick as her torso now, and almost reached the floor from her seated position. She tried not to think about it.

Finally, as the itch of forming scales began to tickle her forehead, she reached the main lab, and pushed open the door with the coatrack.

The tank spanned two levels – there was a short flight of stairs to get to the deck around its open-air top.


She wheeled the chair over to the base of the stairs, and tried to gracefully pull herself up, but instead fell flat on her face. Her legs were little more than feet, sticking comically out of her pelvis. As she watched, they flattened out and became translucent, forming a pair of fluttering fins.

Mustering all the strength she could, she used her arms to start pulling herself up the stairs. It was hard work– her scaly torso and delicate fins sliding against the corrugated metal steps as she agonizingly pulled herself up step by step. She was thankful she’d maintained her gym membership.

Her tail was fully formed now; it was a powerful, muscular appendage that could probably propel her through the water with ease, but out of the water, it was a big slab of dead weight. It flopped, uselessly, as she dragged it up the stairs.

She lost count of the steps. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, not noticing as her ears opened up into fins, or as webbing spread between her fingers.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she reached the top. She was close! She was so close she could taste the salty air on her tongue, feel the sea air in her…in her…

Without warning, her lungs collapsed, and gill slits opened up on either side of her delicate neck.

She couldn’t breathe!

She wasn’t going to die here, she told herself. She was going to LIVE.

With ferocious resolve, she pulled herself across the deck, using her new tail to help propel her, even as hypoxia began to darken the edges of her vision. With her last ounce of strength, she felt the lip of the tank and hauled herself in.

Salt water coursed through her gills as she curled into the fetal position and sank to the bottom. The oxygen filtered into her body, gradually restoring her strength. Her slowing heartbeat started to pick up…and up…and up…until Marina’s eyes snapped open and she pushed herself off the bottom of the tank and shot to the top like a rocket.

Laughing madly, she leapt out of the water like a dolphin, feeling the cool air on her scaly skin for an instant, then splashed back down.

She looked at her reflection again – not in the mirror this time, but in the glass wall of the aquarium. She felt around her face, cupping her delicate chin with her webbed hands. Despite her coating of scales and the fin-like ears that poked through her long hair, her top half had stayed largely human. Even her face, where a band of white made her look like she was wearing a permanent Ninja Turtle mask, was still recognizable as her own.

She had to admit it – even for a fish, she was pretty hot.

In fact, she felt very warm. With her body now out of danger, her arousal was building by the moment.

Marina gently explored herself, feeling around where her vagina had been – and there it was, concealed beneath her scales and, aside from a light dusting of orange scales, largely as she had left it.

Thankfully, she hadn’t gone through all this just to end up with a cloaca.

A warm flush came over her cheeks. If anything, it was more sensitive than it had been before. She really had to do something about it.

She hesitated for a moment. She was probably on the surveillance cameras right now. Was she just going to rub one out right here?

“Screw it.”

If anyone asked her about it, she’d just chalk it up to a ‘transformation-induced hormonal surge’. She figured they’d buy it.

She explored the new organ, gently, with one finger, then two, as her thumb softly stroked her clit.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as her body was rocked by the sensation. This was incredible!

As one hand went to work on her genitals, her other wandered up and down her torso, feeling her supple breasts, smooth abs, and incongruously-still-present navel. She’d been reluctant to say it, because she was, after all, a woman of science, but it was undeniable – she was a mermaid. Maybe not a traditional one, with her fully scale-covered body and vertical tailfin, but a sexy one nonetheless. She could lure anybody to their doom in the deeps with her lyrical voice, beautiful face, and lithe body.

Of course, there was only one person she wanted to lure to her doom – Janet. Poor, neglected, long-suffering Janet. Marina thought about her – her short, voluptuous body, her long blonde hair, her crystal blue eyes. Her full lips. The little noises she’d make as Marina worked her magic on her womanhood…

With a melodic cry, Marina came like no human had ever come.

Marina sank to the bottom again, a satisfied smile on her face. She felt a sudden pang of concern as she realized that Janet was probably worried sick about her, however. She frowned, and hoped her voice-to-text app would still work with her phone still in her lab-coat pocket on the coatrack downstairs…

Janet was used to this by now. Weekends and evenings alone while Marina toiled in the lab. Interruptions during meals when Marina came up with some amazing new theory in between bites of cannelloni. Mumblings of genetic formulae in her sleep. Janet occasionally got together with the department’s other “science widows” to commiserate. It was, as the dean’s wife had told her, a good life if you don’t weaken.

And it was, really, a good life. Marina was brilliant and driven and selfless. Janet loved her, and only wished she could see her more.

She looked forward to going on food runs to the lab, at least. It was a chance to see Marina, after all.

Today felt different, though. Marina had seemed on-edge all morning, and when she’d texted her an hour ago, she’d told her to “get ready for a surprise”.

“Marina, I’m here! And I got that sushi you wanted!”

The lab was quiet, save for the gurgling and bubbling of its various tanks and aquariums. It was a good thing Janet liked fish.

A voice called out down the hallway. “I’m in the main lab, Janet!”

Marina’s voice sounded strange. More…melodic.

Janet strolled down the hall and entered the lab, which was lit with an eerie blue-green glow by the massive salt-water tank in the middle of it. There was no sign of Marina.


There was a tap on the glass of the aquarium. A tap from INSIDE the aquarium.

And there, floating in the tank, was an orange-and-white mermaid – half clownfish, half woman.

Or, more specifically, half clownfish, half Marina.

Marina waved. Unsure of what to do, Janet apprehensively waved back.

Marina pointed upwards, and swam up to the top while Janet climbed the stairs. As Janet reached the top, Marina poked her head out, a goofy grin on her face.

“What in the ever-loving fuck, Marina.”

“Sooo…you know how I’d been working with clownfish and their ability to change their gender…”

Janet sputtered. “I…I just can’t believe you’d put yourself in danger like this. You could have died!”

“I didn’t die! It worked!”

“It WORKED? Marina, you’re a FISH.”

“Half-fish. Half-human. Alllllll woman.”

Janet furrowed her brow. “You sound loopy. Like, the kind of loopy you get after sex. What have you been doing in there?”

“There was a, uh, transformation-induced hormonal surge.”

Janet set down the takeout bag and sat down cross-legged on the floor, letting her look Marina in the eye. “So…just let me get this straight. You injected yourself with fish DNA to…basically act as super-HRT. And that part worked.”

“Yep. Goodbye dysphoria, hello euphoria.”

“But it also turned you into a fish person.”

“I prefer ‘mermaid’, and yes. Not ideal, but I feel amazing.”

“And it’s permanent.”

“As far as I can tell.”

“I mean…I want to be happy for you, Marina, but this is going to be a whole thing. I mean, your job, our apartment, your gym membership…those new shoes you just bought…”

Marina rested her webbed hand on Janet’s. “I know, I know, and it wasn’t fair to put this all on you, but I feel good. I feel SO good. Better than I ever have. I look at my reflection, and I see me.”

Marina’s eyes were shining with tears, and so were Janet’s. “God. You beautiful mer-moron. I can’t stay mad at you. Do you still want the sushi? Or is that like cannibalism for you now?”

“Please, fish eat other fish all the time. But I’m hungry for something else right now…what with the post-transformation hormonal surge and all…”

Janet smiled. “Is that a real thing, or do you just want me to try out your new vagina?”

“Also my new tits. They’re bigger! C’mon. It’s for science.”

Janet started to slip out of her sweater. “Well, okay, but you better take notes.”
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