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Unread 04-18-2018   #1
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Tina Makes Sharon Tiny. Well, Actually, Sharon Makes Sharon Tiny.

Tina Makes Sharon Tiny. Well, Actually, Sharon Makes Sharon Tiny.
A Semi-quick story from a fantasy. Part One! Dedicated to Vicky Mouse. By OhZone.

Inspired by this pic. What's the sauce? Anyone?

"OK, Sharon, this is my lab space," Tina boasted, smiling, as she gestured with open palm, showing off an array of some sophisticated scientific equipment; computers making colorful and graphically interesting calculations, chemicals in tubes swirling in rainbow colors, others percolating in beakers, huge laser-like machines, huge tanning-bed shaped machines, and a myriad of microscopes. "Like I said, you shouldn't hang around here too long. You're not supposed to be here. This stuff is top top secret for the company, and, frankly I don't think my research is going to continue."

"But why?" Sharon asked in mild shock. "I thought you said it was the most amazing stuff you ever worked on."

"Well, it is, but testing on these mice has not gone as well as I first thought," Tina said, sauntering over to the little mouse cages on a long table off to the right.

Sharon followed and looked over the line of cages. She adjusted her borrowed white lab coat, which was just a little too tight. Sharon was a six foot two and a quarter, which she really didn't like. She was tired of looking down on most everyone and intimidating so many men. The ten or so cages mostly had cute little grey mice, but one cage had smallish half-sized mice. ~~And the last two cages only had tiny little furry ants,~~ Sharon thought. No, they seemed to be tiny shrunken mice!. Actually there was another cage off to the side that was completely empty, except for a glob of neon blue - something - in middle of the cage. It actually looked like it had been nibbled on with tiny tooth marks. And, maybe tinier tooth marks.

Sharon almost choked on her question. "Did - did they - shrink to - nothing?" Tina shook her head sadly, admitting, "yeah, pretty much. The stuff is addicting. And it seems to give the mice - well -" Tiny continued in a whisper, "orgasms." She continied, "especially the female mice. The males seem to just fall asleep, after shrinking a little. Typical males." Tina chuckled. "but the female mice refuse to stop until the substance is removed or until they disappear. I do have some micro mice over here in a petri dish.

Sharon's jaw hung open in surprise. She was frozen for a moment. Then she chuckled, "ha! Yeah, very funny! Ya got me! Shrinking nympho mice! You witch. You really had me thinking I could shrink a little smaller. I can't believe you had me going -"

"No, it's true!" Tina grinned. Let me show you. She put on gloves and carefully opened a blue and grey jar about 6 inches tall and spooned out about a half inch blob of neon blue gel. She opened the lid to a mouse cage labeled "female mice" and dropped the glob in the center of the cage." One mouse scurried over to investigate. She took a sniff, turned up her nose and backed away. Sharon smirked, "yeah I thought so. Jokes over, Tina. A tiny little Tina joke."

Tina gave Sharon a momentary angry stare, but then continued, "I'm not done, beanpole." Tina then took a very small drop of the gel and rubbed it on a little piece of cheese. She offered the cheese to the same mouse, who immediately bit the cheese and scurried over to the corner to eat it. Suddenly, the cute little thing shuddered and then had a little shrink spurt. She squeeled and shook and then make cute little mouse moans as she trembled and got a little smaller yet.

Sharon stared mouth open, as the little furry thing recovered and began to scurry around looking for more. This time she found the gel again, but did not turn it down. She dug in and squealed louder but maybe slightly higher pitched. She shook and diminished again, her butt up in the air shaking. Then she rolled around on her back, panting. The other mice gathered around and sniffed her confusedly. One mouse licked the gel and gave a shudder. As the first mouse, now about half her normal size recovered and took another bite the second mouse dug in too. After a while all the mice were consuming the gel and having a little mouse orgy of shrink spurts and orgasms, until the gel was gone. They ended up the size of little bugs.

Sharon looked at Tina, mouth still open, and then whispered, "Wow. Just Wow!" "OK, maybe - just one shrink - like we said. Then you kick me out. I just want to lose about five inches so I'm less intimidating to these wimpy men out there. No more. Just make me 5'9" and I'll be so grateful"

"So you keep saying. Well, I calculated at your current height and weight, and 2.46446 milliliters should be enough to do the job. And you will never admit anything about how this happened, right?"

"Two point four - OK whatever. Yeah, I told you that ten times. It's just our secret. Our little secret," she chucked.

"OK, well - then sit over here in the high back, and I'll get - the stuff."

"Is that the scientific name?"

"Ha. No, it's unpronounceable even to me. I'll show you it printed out later."

"And there are no other side effects?"

"None that I know of, hun. Once the mice are off of it, they have acted completely normal. But just promise you won't try to force me to give you more." "Ha I promise," Sharon exclaimed, half wishing she could cross her fingers behind her back without Tina seeing...

"Just think, in a few moments, you'll be almost my size," Tina smiled. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. I just can't -"

Tina shoved the spoon into Sharon's mouth and Sharon almost gagged as she sucked the gel down her throat. Suddenly she felt warmth and tingles all over her body. Then the feelings concentrated on her erogenous zones, especially her sensitive nipples, and her pussy and clit. Her pussy was instantly wet and her nipples hard as diamonds. It seems like a hundred tongues were licking her below simultaneously and a hundred mouths sucked her nipples, while her whole body felt massaged and kissed. The world seemed to jump a little bigger as she spurted down a little. She orgasmed within moments as she somehow was conscious of everything growing slightly around her. Tina, standing got relatively taller. Sharon's borrowed lab coat got looser, now no where near as tight as it was. Sharon's shoes threatened to fall off as her stockings began to wrinkle and look a little baggy.

After a few minutes in a daze, Tina smiled at Sharon and offered a hand up to stand. "Come on, Shar, lets see how tall you are now."

Sharon felt Tina's hand, no longer gloved, pull her to her feet and she unsteadily walked over to the wall with height measures drawn on. "I don't remember this being here," Sharon exclaimed.

"Oh, it's been here a while. I like to make sure I didn't get smaller by accident, with all this shrink tech around. Stand up straight now, Sharon." The taller woman nodded and leaned against the wall. "Well, you're now 5'9 1/2". I guess I was a little off but not bad. Do you want that in metric?"

"Wow! But I really wanted to be 5'9 even or maybe 5'8, like you. Wouldn't it be nice to look directly in my eyes?" Sharon suddenly realized how attractive Tina was and blushed. She never felt attracted to a women before, but - maybe it was the fact she just had the most amazing orgasm she ever had."

Tina nodded, NO. "Now, you remember you promised me, you wouldn't ask for any more. Be happy. You can wear your flats and be shorter than most men."

"but - maybe just a little more -"

"No! Damn, I was afraid of this."

Suddenly, a loud shrieking alarm went off.

"Crap, that's the fire alarm! I forgot they were having a drill today. Come on, we need to go to the parking lot."

"But I have to pee," Sharon complained.

Tina just dragged Sharon out of her lab and started to lock it, but Ted, the fire warden of the floor was looking around at all the cubicles and coming closer. Tina pointed down the hall. "Sharon, you aren't supposed to be here - go to the ladies room and hide in the last stall with your feet up. I doubt Ted will look at every stall. I'll be back in ten to get you!"

"OK!" and she hurried off, as Ted suddenly jumped out of no where and scolded, "Come on! Out, Tina! You have to leave!"

So Tina left. With. The. Lab. Door. Unlocked.

<< more soon>>

Last edited by OhZone; 04-22-2018 at 09:18 PM.
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