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Unread 12-21-2008   #1
Chronicler of Dreams
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,602
Carelessly worded wishes...

Just for the record, I did run a search for similar topics, but "wishes" brings up quite a few threads - so it's entirely possible something like this has been brought up before (it might be kinda weird if it hadn't been).

I think I first started working on this "list" a number of years back - I think it had something to do with an old SRU story that mentioned wishes in connection with a penny bowl "have a penny, leave a penny, need a penny, take a penny" or something like that. I started thinking about something similar like in those tourist/souvenir/national park shops or even at gas stations where they have all kinds of cheap boxes of junk by the cash register - last minute purchase when you buy your drink or your gas or whatever else. Of course, here in SRU, you're buying "wishing stones". Little pebbles that are good for one wish - most people just pick them up randomly for a keepsake and completely forget about them - something to look nice on the desk - since not everyone necessarily enters SRU with a weird purpose (or maybe they get passed around or lost in a move or someone else gets it from their friend's desk...).

Either way, just a few different sequences and scenarios I came up with - when you've only got one wish (assuming you didn't buy a handful of stones - since you probably didn't) - you'd better watch what you say....(admittedly I'm playing a bit with some stereotypes here, but I think with the scenarios, they're acceptable).

1. A thin secretary is sitting on a hard, old, uncomfortable wooden chair at an old-fashioned desk. "I wish I had a softer seat." Slowly her rear end starts to bulge and balloon like a giant cushion on the seat - raising her up like she's on a large pillow and also flowing over the edges of the seat a little - and she's really comfortable with her new, very soft "seat". Her clothes grow with her of course - and she doesn't even notice it when she stands up to go get some more coffee - of course it seems natural to her to turn sideways as she goes through the doorway. It's really weird, since none of the rest of her changed at all - only her rump/hips.

2. A young guy in his mid-20s has just gotten another rejection letter from the law school he applied to - he knows his grades were better than Shaniqua's, but she still got in and he didn't. "I wish I had what it takes to make it into _____ law school." Naturally, he slowly turns into a very attractive young black woman - who's holding an admittance letter instead of a rejection letter.

3. Another girl just out of school is tired of living in her parent's basement while she tries to find a job. "I wish I was more self-sufficient." So, she grows cow udders, chicken lower body/buttocks, and sprouts wool all over her torso. Now she can milk herself, lay her own eggs, and make clothing from her wool - it's a win/win situation. - maybe even a turtle or snail shell for self-contained housing ;p

4. A single father is tired of her teenage sons doing so badly at school. They just won't focus. They just want to play skateboard and listen to loud music and stay out late. "I wish my boys were more like the Takahashi's kids (teenage girls)." The kids change into studious, mature, focused Japanese girls but the dad also turns into a Japanese woman.

5. One girl is always tired of being pushed around in the office - bullied by all her co-workers and managers. "I wish I was more stubborn and headstrong." She grows a donkey tail and ears and goat horns and cloven hooves on her feet - and she's a LOT more ornery ;p

6. This one was actually the first one I remembered after seeing the TPoT comics above. A hefty college student (300 lbs maybe) is depressed and wants to change her image. "I wish I was the thinnest girl in school." Well, guess what, she is the thinnest girl in school - but her weight hasn't changed. All the other girls have ballooned up and SSBW is the hot thing (she's still not attractive to the guys). This is kinda like that fatlane thing by Jaytee (think that's the name).

7. Another similar one - kinda similar. A plain (not hideous) girl wishes "I wish I was the most attractive girl on campus." She's gorgeous compared to to all the other hook-nosed, snaggle-toothed gals - and she is the "most attractive" to the guys as well.

(those last two would be more interesting on a planet-wide scale - as far as changes in advertising, beauty contests, etc - but it'd be hard to reconcile with everything else unless some of those wishes create "pocket dimensions/universes" or something that the wisher enters, while the rest of the world is unchanged.

Plenty of other options and similar weird wishes. Trying for a few off the beaten path from some of the stories I've read. Maybe I'll remember a few more later. It'd be great to see some of them visualized too.
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