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Unread 01-18-2012   #20
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 309
Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

18. Mini

Tiffany shrieked in surprise as the cream schlopped wetly into her back. It dribbled and rolled down between her ass cheeks like hot Jell-O. Anthony, who had been watching and known this was about to happen, was ready. Slowly, carefully, he pulled the tiny girl off him as columns of steam once more began to rise from her body. She was just beginning to shrink when he exited her with an audible 'FOOP.'

“You...fucking...bitch,” Tiffany gritted, but there was no force at all behind the words. She was dwindling, and fast – no longer a giant to me, but still quite large.

I moved to stand at her feet, staring up, watching her as she shrank. “Sorry, sweet cheeks. But you aren't allowed to get my man off. That privilege belongs to me, and ONLY me. This seemed like the quickest, easiest way to get him out of you.” I gave her a wink, tracing a finger along her abdomen as her shrinking intensified. “Fun, too.”

“You don't understand,” she whimpered, biting her lip as if to hold back a scream. The girl was less than a head taller than me now, and falling. “Samantha, I NEED it. I was so close! If I don't come, I might really die!”

Fair point that. Tiffany had been on the verge of orgasm only a few seconds ago. That was AFTER she'd declared herself to be as horny as she'd ever been in her life! And now I'd given her a massive dose of shrinking cream. The aphrodisiac effects combined with her own natural sex drive had her nearly out of her mind!

Or in other words...this was going to be sweet.

I took another step forward, leaned, pressed myself against her. That faint grinding friction of her body as it shrank against mine...exquisite. I stroked her gently, waiting for her to be small enough for me to reach those luscious lips. I didn't have to wait long. She leaned down to meet me, and we kissed. I swear in that moment I could actually feel the waves of desperation coming off the dwindling girl. She fought me, urged me to fight back. And all the time she was getting smaller...and smaller!

She was shorter than me again before the kiss ended. The knowledge filled me with that same familiar rush of power, and I decided to act on it. Taking a tiny step back from the shrinking girl, I created the teensiest bit of space between us. Into that space I slid the flat of my palm, ran it down her stomach, between her creamy thighs. There was no hesitation, no foreplay. I simply pressed my finger to her sex, and like dipping it into a bowl of hot caramel, I slid inside.

Tiffany was struggling to breathe, clinging to me, her little fingernails scraping down my back as I diddled her. Smaller and smaller and smaller she shrank. Wetter and wetter and wetter she became. I found myself bending to reach her shrinking little pussy, almost having to drop to my knees before her.

Her cries were getting louder. Her muscles twitched and spasmed. I sensed it coming, I knew my little Tiffany's orgasm was only moments away....

And so I pulled out.

“Sa-Sa-Samantha! Please...please don't do this to me!” She looked like she might actually burst into tears at any moment.

“Just reminding you where you stand,” I growled, raising myself to my full height. I did it slow enough so she could watch, and understand. The massive dose of shrinking cream had run its course, and our sizes had been almost exactly reversed. I was much, much bigger than her now. The top of her head was just below the bottom swell of my breasts.

“Now Tiffany, here's the deal. If you want to cum...and I know you do,, so're going to have to do exactly as I say. Understand?”

She nodded at once. “Anything!”

I smiled benevolently, and took her little hand in mine. “Well then, as long as you have THAT attitude...I MIGHT be willing to share.”

Together we turned, and looked up at titanic boyfriend. He was being so good, waiting patiently, sitting there without a stitch of clothing on. It was amazing the sort of details you can see in a person who is almost thirty feet tall. The mischievous twinkle in his eye, the smile of anticipation on his face. But also, that straining at the corners of his lips. And the faint, almost angry shade of purple creeping down from the head of his cock. Yes, Tiffany wasn't the only one who was desperate for a release.

“I was wondering if you'd forgotten about me,” rumbled Anthony's deep, basso voice. He shifted, laying further back on the pillows as he watched us. “Well, Samantha dear. Now that you've gone and shrunken my toy too small for me to play with, how do you propose to make it up to me?”

I grinned, though the expression was more to hide my sudden wave of fear than anything. God, there was just so MUCH of him! “Well, I don't think I can take her place. I'm not as...loose as Tiffany is, and I'm even smaller than she was. But how about this? You've heard that two hands are better than one? Why don't we try four.”

Anthony laughed, his prick bouncing wildly with each chuckle. “My girlfriend, the genius.”

Pulling the tiny girl along behind me, I stood at the base of his shaft. The smell of him was what really surprised me. I hadn't expected it to be so strong...and definitely not so pleasant. Pheromones can be a great thing sometimes, you know?

Feeling my libido skyrocket, I reached down, scooped Tiffany into my arms. With some difficulty I lifted the tiny girl higher, and hoisted her into Anthony's lap. She clung affectionately to me for a moment, then willingly let herself come to rest just above his pelvic bone. How different the view must look to her now! Before, Anthony's cock had been large, but manageable. Now it was more than three quarters her size.

Tiffany understood what I wanted her to do at once. She rolled to her knees, shuffled forward, and took his length in a lover's embrace. In a sensuous haze, I did the same. Together Tiffany and I touched him, our little hands roaming up and down his manhood as his groaning voice washed over us from high above.

Sometimes we moved together, each using our palms to give him a good, firm rubdown. We'd work from the crest of his penis to the base of his shaft, and back again. Sometimes I let her lick and suckle at that ultra-sensitive spot just behind his head, while I knelt to gently stroke his balls with my arms and chest. And sometimes we would give him a break and merely pet him, let him keep his furnace warm while the two of us shared a long, passionate kiss. Our heights made this last one perfect – at her size, I could reach her mouth quite easily. And having my much larger tongue shoved down her throat seemed to be really amping Tiffany up.

But gradually we were building toward the end. Anthony was pulsing and throbbing more frequently. His moans were growing louder. We responded, pressing into his cock more and more firmly. We were so focused on his impending climax that neither of us saw him go for the shrinking cream, not until it was too late. And even if we had? Well, how could it be anything other than a good thing.

The tingling heat spread over my cheeks, down my shoulders, a tiny dab of it finding its way into my mouth. Instantly a bolt of incomprehensible pleasure shot through me, and I felt his already giant cock begin to swell in my grasp. Tiffany chirped in delight as she saw me dwindling, had time to give me a sweltering kiss before I shrank out of her reach.

“There you go, Tiffany,” Anthony husked, speaking through a dry throat as I continued to shrink smaller and smaller before him. “Just wanted to even the playing field for you, and make your teammate a bit smaller. You're both doing so good, not much longer now!”

“Cum for us Anthony,” Tiffany urged in her tiny, piping voice. She now seemed to be wrestling with his cock more than jerking him off. And joy of joys, she was starting to look big to me again.

“Cum!” I agreed, standing on my tip-toes to nibble on the soft skin of his glans. A moment later I was too small to reach, and I settled for pressing my cherry-sized breasts against his shaft.


My mind wasn't working. There was no way I could have guessed what he meant by that. Two heartbeats later I found out, as I felt his gargantuan finger sliding along the tiny cleft of my slit, and knew at once what was on it.

As soon as the shrinking cream touched my pussy, I lost myself. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. I stared glassy-eyed, watched the maniac surging of Anthony's cock, saw it rush up to meet me as I shrank. Tiffany was there too, already a giantess, still growing larger. She was smirking at me, but that smirk left her face in a hurry. In slow motion I watched as Anthony reached, parted her miniscule thighs, slipped his cream-coated finger along her tiny little sex. At once her face contorted in ecstasy, a soundless cry of rapture escaped her lips. And then she was dwindling to match me.

When he touched me, I could feel each bump and ridge of his fingerprints along my back. He pulled me against him, held me tight against his massive erection. Tiffany was with me, squeezed there between his fingers, forced in a rough, sensual embrace with his manhood. Both of us were screaming full voiced, completely overcome by the blissful sensation of shrinking against Anthony's dick, and the overpowering ecstasy of the serum. The humid warmth of him, the sense of being thrust and squeezed against his nine-foot cock...and finally, the earthquake rumbling of his release in the instant before it came.

Much later, we agreed that Tiffany had come first. She remembered losing herself several long seconds before Anthony began to pulse and throb, drenching us with his thick, heady cream. I was definitely the last. I know this because it was Anthony's climax that led to mine. The clenching of his shaft between my tiny thighs, a vein pulsing like an overcharged vibrator against my scorching little pussy. I would like to explain to you what this felt like, I really would. But unless you've experienced it, I don't know that I could do it justice. Imagine blasting off in a rocket ship, while the hit of acid you took an hour and a half ago finally kicks in, while somehow simultaneously playing in a field both full and made of puppies. Yeah, like I said, you don't get it.

Just take my word on this one, okay?

Stories by Pseudoclever

My Lovely Sylvia (SW)
An Expanded Hypothesis (SW/GTS)
Big Surprises (GTS)
Four Types of Reactions (GTS)

...and many others.
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