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Unread 10-05-2008   #169
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

It's been a while, but here you go!

"Working Girl"

Chapter 5: The French Connection

"C'mon, Maddi, you can't just mope around here all day," Sheila said, standing by the kitchen table.
"I most certainly can," Maddi retorted from under her bedcovers. "I can and I shall, up until the very moment I have to leave for that wretched place." She flopped around under her covers, facing the wall of their flat.
"C'mon," Sheila said, walking over and tugging on Maddi's covers. "This is supposed to be spring break, remember?"
"Some holiday," Maddi scoffed. "I figure if I go to sleep enough times I'll wake up from this nightmare."
"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Sheila said as she sat down on Maddi's bed. "So you had a bad night and you made a few mistakes. It's not the end of the world."
"Is it too late to go to prison?" Maddi asked, pinching her head between two pillows.
"All right, that's it," Sheila said as she stood up. "C'mon, up and at 'em, you can catch up on your sleep the first year you're dead!"
So saying, she whipped off Maddi's comforter, leaving Maddi snuggled in only a sheet.
"I will not be deterred!" Maddi exclaimed defiantly, balling up even tighter.
"Quit being such a baby!" Sheila pleaded, trying to sound annoyed but at the same time finding it difficult not to laugh. "Look, let's go take some pictures, how about? It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon." When Maddi remained motionless, Sheila put her hands on her hips and thought for a second. "Look at it this way- do you want your only experience for today to be sleeping and Juggalos?"
That seemed to do the trick. Slowly, Maddi uncurled herself from the ball she'd squeezed herself into, finally turning over and facing Sheila again. "All right, you nag, I'll get out of bed. What did you have in mind?"
"I dunno," Sheila shrugged, "Whatever you wanna do. So long as we're outside, you shouldn't be cooped up in this little shoebox all day."

Grudgingly, Maddi went and got ready for the day- shower, teeth brushing, hair combing, etc.- while Sheila prepared two bags on the kitchen table, one for Maddi's photography equipment and another for her video gear.
"When do we need to leave by?" Maddi called out from the bathroom as she tried futilely to get her cowlick to stay down. She knew it was a hopeless endeavour- nothing short of polymer cement would keep the loop of hair down for more than a few minutes- but she kept at it anyways, a sisyphean task that had simply become part of her routine.
"We start our shift at four tonight, so we should leave at three o'clock," Sheila said as she zipped Maddi's bag. "With the carpool we should have plenty of time, but quarter after at the very latest."
"All right," Maddi said as she strode out of the bathroom, wiping the last of the moisture off herself. She stopped when she turned the corner, realizing she'd just walked out of the bathroom without even a passing attempt at covering herself. She quickly wrapped herself up as best she could in her towel, sneaking over to her dresser and grabbing some fresh undergarments before rushing back to the bathroom to put them on.
Maddi wondered what had gotten into her to inspire that sudden abandonment of modesty as she slipped her knickers on. She hadn't even thought about the fact that she was in the alltogether, it hadn't even crossed her mind! Maybe, she thought as she clasped her bra behind herself, it was because she was still mentally off-balance from the night before. She supposed that when you go from having a rear you could see from the top of Manchester cathedral and a bosom you could suffocate someone in to normal dimensions, simply not spilling out of every garment you own would be considered modest enough. Not that Maddi would ever sink to such a level!

Maddi quickly (and discretely) finished dressing, and then grabbed her camera bag and followed Sheila out of their dorm building. When they got outside, Maddi took a deep breath of the warm spring air, feeling the sun on her face. Her mother had always said that was all one *really* needed to enjoy life- green grass, blue skies, and warm sun. Though her stomach still knotted up a little at the thought of going back to that damnable restaurant, Maddi consoled herself to Enjoy the moment.
Sheila led Maddi across the campus, to a small clearing behind the Music auditorium. It fell off rather sharply, and there was only one footpath that led tightly between the auditorium and the offices next to them.
"Found this place last week, was waiting for spring break to come back here," Sheila said as she stepped off the footpath and picked her way down the steep hill. Maddi followed, and soon found herself at the bottom of a grassy ravine. The other side of the ravine led up to a road, one Maddi had been on herself, though from up there it looked like the land barely dipped at all before coming up to the music buildings. Maddi smiled a bit at having been introduced to this secret place.
"I really like the way the light works in this place," Sheila said as she squinted into her viewfinder. "I bet if you got the sun at the right time of day it'd come right between the Music buildings, off the Dance studio windows, and right back down here." She turned and looked at Maddi. "Well, aren't you going to take any pictures?" She asked, gesturing around her. "Thought you'd like all the neat angles."
"Oh! Certainly," Maddi exlaimed. "Hmph. Normally you're the one a million kilometers away..."
Sheila laughed. "Hey, anything that's really pretty can stop anyone in their tracks."

Maddi and Sheila canvassed the ravine, making use of all the interesting bits of geography inside- the wildflowers, the creeping ivy over the drainpipe, the way the light came between the two music buildings. Maddi was able to pick out several interesting angles on things, using forshortening tricls to make it look like the ivy on the drainpipe was reaching out for the wildflowers and such. Maddi was lining up a shot between the two music buildings, trying to adjust the shutter so she could contrast the dusty red-orange of the building's stucco with the blazing yellow of the sun, when Sheila wandered in front of her, making an attempt at following some sort of insect on ther ground with her recorder. Maddi paused to let her pass, but stopped when Sheila passed right between Maddi and the sun.
"Sheila, wait a moment there, would you mind?" Maddi said, already re-adjusting the focus on her lens.
"What?" Sheila asked, looking up for a second. "Oh, nuts!" She exclaimed, looking back down and swinging her recorder to and fro. "Well, shucks, I lost 'im," She said, turning her camera off. "What'd you want?"
"Just hold still there for a spot, all right?" Maddi asked.
"Aw, Maddi," Sheila whined, "You know I get embarrassed when you take my picture..."
"Just stand up straight and look that way," Maddi said, pointing as she lowered herself to one knee. Sheila stood up and faced off to the side, but Maddi didn't quite like the composition. The sun was just above Sheila's head, giving off a halo effect that Maddi found childish and cliche'. She got lower, down until she was practically laying on the grass. She tilted her camera up, laying on her side with blades of grass poking into her ear as she squinted into the viewfinder. Now Sheila was being backlit centrally, with just enough diffused light off the hillside to show her features. The two buildings framed her perfectly, making it look like she was riding an elevator made of sunbeams or somesuch.
"C'mon, Ma-"
*click*. Maddi's finger reacted almost on instinct, that hundredth of a second where you know without even thinking, without even realizing, that you've got a perfect shot.
"-ddi, this is embarrassing," Sheila said, turning her head as she grinned nervously.
Maddi snapped a few more, catching Sheila's head in varying degrees of motion, but she knew she'd gotten the right one the first time. "Oh, quit your whining, already," She said as she sat up and got to her feet. "I'm already done. There, now was that so terrible?"
"I just get embarrassed when people want to take my picture," she mumbled, cheecks flushed.
Maddi shook her head. "So, what, breasts larger than beachballs were fine so long as no one tried to photograph them?" Maddi paused as she looked back at Sheila, who was leaning back and forth between where the buildings blocked the sun and where it shone through, probably trying to find that "sweet spot" where there's enough sun to illuminate the picture without having so much it washes it out. What an odd composition, Maddi thought, if one had to frame Sheila like she looked at that damn restaurant...
Maddi shook her head, dismissing the idea. While certainly unusual, Maddi wasn't about to start photographing pornography. The only place a picture of a Juggalos waitress would rightly end up was in a publication Playboy wouldn't touch for being too despicable.
"It's getting about time to leave," Sheila said, checking her watch. "Don't wanna be late for work."
"*You* don't," Maddi said sardonically.
"C'mon, let's just go and get it over with. After all, at least tonight can't be worse than last night, right?"
"Please don't say things like that," Maddi pleaded. "You're tempting the fates, I tell you."
"C'mon," Sheila said, putting an arm around her friend's shoulder. "Now you know where all the waitress stations are and everything, right? No more goof ups?"
"I suppose..."
"And no more calling fat ladies pregnant?"
"Oh, lord, don't remind me," Maddi groaned, putting a hand over her face.
Sheila laughed. "But you won't do it again, right?"
"Certainly not," Maddi said. "I've learned to keep my gob shut, I have."
"Well then, chin up!" Sheila said. "Tonight's going to be better, just wait."

* * *

"C'mon, Maddi!" Sheila yelled as she knocked on the flimsy door of their bathroom, "You're gonna make us late!"
"If you imagine I'm going to shower at that damnable place in front of the entire world," Maddi yelled back as she dried herself off, "you've surely lost your mind!"
Sheila turned away from the door, glanced at her watch, then turned back to the door. "Hurry up! I still gotta shower when we get there!"
"My *word*, Sheila," Maddi said as she opened the door, still dripping slightly as she hurried to her dresser, "Don't get your knickers in a twist, we'll be able to take the carpool."
Sheila looked at her watch again. "Trixie really hates it when people come in late..." She said.
"I'm getting dressed!" Maddi exclaimed as she pulled her skirt up, the elastic band cinching around her waist. "What do you want from me?"
Sheila bounced from one foot to the other, bobbing nervously.
"All right, all right!" Maddi said as she rushed to the door, buttoning her shirt as she went. "Let's go!"

Maddi didn't think she'd ever seen Sheila drive so fast. She knew Americans drove like maniacs as a rule, but to experience it firsthand was another matter entirely. She gripped the seat cushions tightly as Sheila weaved in and out of traffic like a swallow navigating the branches of a tree. Sheila zipped through the traffic at speeds Maddi was certain any sane person would consider hazardous, attempting to fit her compact into spaces Maddi personally would not have attempted on a scooter.
When they finally arrived at the resaurant with all of three minutes to spare, Maddi turned to Sheila.
"Is that kind of driving taught in secondary school, is that it? Do all you lot know how to do that?"
"Do what?" Sheila asked as she got out of the car, slinging her knapsack over her shoulder.
"Drive like you're in the middle of a car chase."
"Oh, it wasn't that bad," Sheila said, giving Maddi a simpering look. "Besides, would you rather I'd gone slower so we'd be late?"
"I'd rather fear for my 'career' than fear for my life, yes," Maddi replied as she held the back door open for her friend.
Sheila just rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I've gotta go shower, so you'll have to take your pill by yourself," Sheila said as she quickly disrobed, stuffing her clothes into her cubby. "While you were sleeping I called one of the morning shift girls and had her switch out your skirt for some shorts like you asked."
"Thank you," Maddi said, though feeling it was something of a phyrric victory. As she'd seen on the other waitresses, the bright orange shorts did a laughable job of covering the bulbous expanses they wrapped around, but at least no one would be able to see her knickers now.
Maddi sighed as she took her pill from the machine, the huge top and shorts making her look like a toddler trying to wear her mother's clothes. Pinching the pill between her teeth, she bunched up the shorts in great fistfuls as best she could before swallowing. She was more prepared for the sensations this time, the odd heat and the swelling, but without Sheila there to help it was a much more awkward act. As the shorts filled in she did her best to let out the folds she was holding, but she still managed to give herself something of a wedgie from letting the sides out unevenly. And with her hands otherwise occupied, Maddi could only watch in dismay as the top filled in lopsidedly, one of her mammoth breasts spilling out of the top's huge v-neck entirely, causing Maddi to blush. She let go of her shorts with her left hand, waking a grab for the other side of her top before her breasts grew to the point where she wouldn't be able to reach around them. This caused her shorts to sag off her left hip, so Maddi attempted to correct by tugging up on the right side. Unfortunately, given the current expanse of her rear, hiking it up so far on one side caused it to pinch in the middle, giving Maddi a wedgie.
"Gah!" Maddi cried out as she struggled her garments into something approaching decency. As her growth subsided, Maddi was able to wrangle the giant cotton and polyester monsters around her equally monstrous endowments. Much to her chagrin, however, she found that the feel of the soft cottom top sliding over her nipples tickled her in a way she found difficult to keep discrete. May had to bite her lower lip to keep from giggling out loud. Maddi cleared her throat and finished snugging the uniform on, wishing she had a bra but realizing it would be a ludicrous request given her dimensions.
"Hey," Sheila said behind her, brushing past Maddi's behind. "Scuse me," She continued as she headed for the pill dispenser.
Maddi giggled as a tickle shot up the side of her bosom. "Stop that!" she said, laughing in spite of herself.
"Stop what?" Sheila asked as she brushed by Maddi again, her pill between her teeth as she got her pill and headed back to her cubby.
"Whatever you're doing!" Maddi said, taking a step to the side. "That tickles!"
"But I didn't do anything..?" Sheila asked, looking at Maddi with an arched brow as she quickly got her shorts and panties on.
"Well, you did something that tickled," Maddi protested. "It was right hee-hee-here!" Maddi blushed as the touch of her own hand where the initial tickle had come from made her giggle again.
Sheila paused, her oversized top bundled in her arms as she regarded Maddi curiously. She took a step forward and poked Maddi's breast with one finger, causing Maddi to duck away, nearly plowing over a server with her massive rear.
"St-stop that!" Maddi squaled, giggling again.
"Uh oh," Sheila said, her face falling.
"Wha-at?" Maddi asked, trying not to laugh. Though her lips twisted up in a tight smile, Sheila could see the concern in her eyes.
"You've been slipped a tickle tonic in your pill," Sheila said, frowning as she put her ponytail up and tied it off. "Here, help me with my shirt and I'll fill you in."
Maddi cleared her throat again, grabbing Sheila's top and pulling it out like she had yesterday. Sheila gulped down her pill, the change in her bustline nearly instant.
"Basically," she started as her breasts began their growth, "if you get a lot of complaints from customers, Trixie doses your pills with something we call 'tickle tonic', which makes you really ticklish, as I'm sure you've noticed."
"What?" Maddi asked. "I didn't- I mean, it wasn't that bad, I don't thi-hee-hee!" She giggled, as Sheila's swelling bosom met her own.
"Well, apparently Trixie thought it was that bad," Sheila said as she guided her top around the last of her growth, snugging the top and giving her bosom a shake. "Now c'mon, let's go," She said, heading out of the room.
"Well what can I do about it?" Maddi asked, putting a hand to her mouth to stifle another giggle as her bum brushed the wall.
"Not a while lot..." Sheila said over her soulder as they headed to the lounge. "Just be good 'till they change your pills back."
"Tha-hee hee! That doesn't- phpphpt! Doesn't so-ha-haound fair to me-hee!" Maddi said as they jostled their way into the lounge, the acres of flesh rubbing against Maddi from all sides making her almost uncontrollably giggly.
"Sorry, Maddi," Sheila said over her shoulder as she settled in as close to Trixie as she could. "But hey, it shouldn't be that long- it's only your first time, after all."

Maddi couldn't really even reply; with all the other waitresses pressed so close to her, she had to clamp both hands over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. She tried to focus on what Trixie was saying, anything to focus on besides the electric tingling racing up and down her skin.
"...been a busy weekend, and I know that's as good as it is bad, but let's all keep at it- the weekend's almost over, and then we get to split up the tip jar," She said, smiling. A few girls gave joking cheers, but Maddi's eyes were close to watering, her shoulders shsaking as shge giggled into her hands.
"Also, congratulations are in order for Joanna, who's been promoted out of 'server' and into a full-fledged waitress!" Trixie grinned widely. "And as a respectable 2-3, I do mean *full*!"
More cheers came from the waitresses, and one girl jumped up and down with her arms up, jostling the bosom of the woman behind her with her rear.
"Finally, I know we've been getting a few creeps in lately who've been a little more grabby than is okay," She continued. "If it happens, you just let me know and I'll set 'em straight." Trixie looked around at all the waitresses. "Okay, everyone ready? Everything's better..."
"Together!" The rest of the girls said as one. As the waitresses filed out, Maddi caught Trixie's eye for the barest of moments, a knowing smirk playing across her features as she saw Maddi with her hands clamped over her mouth. As Maddi jostled her way out of the lounge, she thought about confronting Trixie about that sadistic pill of hers, but worried that it would only make things worse. Better to just bite her tongue and hope Trixie got bored of her punishment sooner rather than later.

* * *

It was immediately apparent how well the "Tickle Tonic" worked at doing what it was meant for. Every time anyone so much as prushed past her, her hyper-sensetive flesh would make her giggle. Maddi could hardly even take an order without bursting into giggles. After the first two tables, Maddi gave up even trying to suppress it; the muscles in her neck and cheeks were threatening to snap if she tried to hold it against the impulses from from her breasts and butt. Every cold glass sunk in her cleavage, every warm plate balanced on her rear, every everything set her to giggling, the result being that she wore a broad, toothy grin all the time, at least all the time she wasn't laughing or giggling. At least the customers seemed to appreciate it- Maddi's giggle was apprently quite infectious. She didn't even have to say all that much, to her considerable relief- just that fact that she *looked* happy seemed to be enough. And the fact that she knew well enough to keep the pockets of her shorts stocked with napkins, silverware, and the like kept her from making any embarrassing mistakes like the previous night.

Angie was still walking her through the steps of being a waitress, but Maddi tried to pay attention to the menus and the ordering. When customers would give Angie an order, she would try and remember them by their faces, jewelry, and so on, mapping each diner and their meals to a map in her head. Again Maddi was thankful for her photographer's eye, as she found she was able to recall the diners and their orders a good four ot of five times. At least if she ever got stuck taking orders herself she'd have a good chance of not cocking them up. Maddi was also afforded an opportunity to steal glances at the menus while she was jamming them into her cleavage, and quickly realized that most of them had no prices on them at all, something she found quite unusual for such a folksy restaurant. She'd seen it before in some of the restaurants she'd accompanied her father to in London, but Maddi thought there was no way this dive could be comparably pricey. When she finally did get a chance to steal a peek at a menu with prices, Maddi barked out a laugh at the sheer absurdity of it, perhaps the only genuine laugh she'd had so far in the whole tittering, giggling mess. Maddi had to steal another look just to make sure she'd read the price right- the food was absurd! The most disgusting items- "Rump roast" and "Breast fillet" specials to increase the size of one's bum and bosom, respectively- were obscenely expensive, what one would spend on a utility bill in a month or more! Maddi attempted to think of how much foor she had ruined in her mad dash through the restaurant, but stopped counting when the numbers became depressing.

It was perhaps half an hour into her shift when Maddi felt an odd sensation as she passed by another waitress with an equally preposterously-sized posterior. It was brief, subtle, but all too real, a trio of caresses that flicked across the side of her bum. Maddi giggled and looked behind her, catching the eye of the fair-skinned waitress as she similarly looked behind her. The girl blinked- winked? no, impossible- and continued on her way, a shimmy in her step that threatened to spill her food right off her bottom. If it weren't for the logistical ordeal turning around in her bloated form entailed, Madi would have given half a thought to pursuing the blonde waitress. Then again, as difficult as it was to even form a complete sentence with the plates on her rear making her titter like a schoolgirl on a nearly constant basis, she'd probably come across as an ignoramus just trying to get the question out.

The question didn't weigh on her heavily, however; Maddi was too busy trying not to screw up. Thankfully, that lout Riley was nowhere to be found; with that damnable tonic still making her laugh and giggle, Maddi knew Riley would take no end of delight in tormenting her. In between taking orders and waiting for the food to come out, Maddi stole away to the bar. Talking to Sheila for just a moment would provide a badly-needed sanity boost, and the sound of her own laughter was about to drive her daft. Maddi stole up the steps to the bar, giggling with every step jostling her hourglassed figure back and forth. One of her expansive hips checked a patron coming down the steps, but he didn't seem perturbed by it; Maddi's hasty "Beg Pardon" was enough to placate him.
Maddi was somwhat nervous, picking her way around the bar tables; it was hard to fade into the background when you were as big around as a tot's wading pool. It was easy enough to find Sheila, however; her titanic bosom was the centerpiece of the bar, making the other witresses with breasts that couldn't have been larger than Maddi's look absolutely petite by comparison. Sheila's breasts were so wide that one could have stood another Sheila sans bosom on either side of the original and they would still be completely hidden behind the jiggling wall of breastflesh. When she stopped at a booth against the wall, her breats projected all the way in front of the next booth. Maddi waited until she had disgorged the six drinks she had stashed in her cleavage before approaching.
"Shi-hee-la!" Maddi chuckled, the cold brass rail against the bar tickling her bum.
"Oh! Hey Maddi," Sheila said, turning her head as she mashed her cavernous cleavage up against the bar, where a busboy quickly unloaded all the empty glasses from her cleavage. "How you holding up?"
"It's- eherm- it's quite annoying, but stiff upper lip, you-hoo-ha-ha! You know?" Maddi said, a valiant effort to keep her composure given the circumstances.
"Well, just keep at it," Sheila said, seemingly oblivious as the bartender slid ice-cold drinks and tumblers between her two massive orbs, one after another down the giant fleshy crevice in front of her. Just the sight of it was enough to send a chill up Maddi's spine, sending her entire gravid form shuddering back and forth. Sheila began backing up from the bar, allowing the bartender to further stuff her farther-away cleavage with drinks.
"I'll put in a good word with Trixie when my shift's over," She said, taking a yellow slip from the busboy and reading over it quickly. "You should get back to your tables before anyone notices you're gone," She finished as she began the laborious task of turning around and making her next pass around the bar.
Maddi frowned at the briefness of her talk with Shiela, at least as much as she could frown pressed against the bar as she was, but it served its purpose nonetheless; just knowing *someone* in this madhouse was on her side gave her the strength to keep going.

Maddi picked her way out of the bar, feeling the eyes of the other patrons on her; rubbernecking was so de rigeur here they didn't even try to hide it. A few of the patrons had gris so wide as they watched Maddi passed she half-suspected they had been given the same tonic Maddi had. She appreciated the wide aisles they had between the tables and the walls and so forth; while it occasionally made them look sparse, as soon as a waitress occupied that space it seemed downright snug. Maddi made her way back to her area, already worrying that she had dallied too long with Sheila. As she turned down the steps to her area, she felt a soft squeeze on her bum, enough to make her woop out loud before dissolving into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, pardonnez-moi," the same fair-skinned waitress from before said as Maddi turned to see who had goosed her. She continued blithely along, her blonde sausage-curls bouncing in step as she made her way through the restaurant. Maddi stared after her swaying backside for a moment, puzzled. That grip felt intentional, but perhaps she was over-reacting. Given how wide her rear swung when she turned, Maddi could definitely see the other waitress needing to put a hand out to stop the encroaching wall of flesh. Still, Maddi thought as she took a round of glasses to be refilled, there was a certain odd glint in her eye...

Luckily, aside from a couple that was waiting a little longer than they would have liked for their appetizers, Maddi's litte jiggling jaunt to the bar bore no ill impact on her night. And though she still rarely spoke to the diners, her constant tittering made everythig she did say sound light-herted or in jest. Maddi was sure she said something wrong when she reacted with shock at one woman getting three out of the four entrees on her backside, but the fact that she laughed as she said it made it come across more as a playful jest than her earnest surprise. Much as Maddi despised the infernal tonic, it was at least keeping her from racking up any more complaints, it seemed.

Finally, after what seemed an interminable four hours, Angie informed Maddi that her lunch break had started. Maddi stole away to the lounge as quickly as politeness dictated, setting herself down in the corner again, the green felt tickling her as she settled in. If she kept perfectly still, she could suppress the laughter enough to keep quiet. She took a deep breath, watching as her two enormous breasts rose with her chest, straining slightly against the elastic confines of her top. It still amazed her that she was able to walk around with the four fleshy pontoons strapped to her front and back. Maddi wondered briefly how much she weighed, because she was sure the number would be able to get her on one of those ridiculous "million-pound person" shows that come on the Beeb occasionally.
"Speak of the devil..." Maddi thought as Sheila's enormous breasts barged through the lounge doors, followed soon after by Sheila herself. Sheila craned her neck, trying to see past all the fleshy spheres already in the room, eventually locating Maddi and lunging her way towards her. Maddi shook her head at the way Sheila veritably blowed through the others in the lounge, her enormous breasts bouncing bottoms and busts out of the way like a lorry with a pair of river rafts strapped to the front of it. The most amazing thing, aside from their impossible girth, was the way none of the other waitresses even seemed to notice. They would glance behind them, see Sheila's moving wall of cloth and flesh, and just ignore it like a busker in the underground.

"Hey," Sheila said as she got within earshot, dropping forward onto her breasts like she were flopping down onto a mattress. "Ahhh," She said, curling her feet up behind her. "That feels better."
Maddi just stared wide-eyed. Even sitting on her preposterous posterior, Sheila was nearly eye-level with her. Sheila reached back and grabbed her ankles behind her butt, pulling into a stretch.
"Hmmmmm-aah!" Sheila said, releasing her legs and letting her lims dangle off her enorous bosom, her fingertips hovering half a meter off the floor.
"Don't fall asleep like that, or Trixie'll slip you a doubler," A waitress said as she approached, notepad in hand. "Remember Sally?"
"Yeah, yeah," Sheila said, not even opening her eyes as she hung her head into her cleavage. "Just a ceasar tonight- I don't feel like anything heavy."
"You feel awful heavy to me," Maddi quipped, giggling in spite herself.
The waitress, herself a 1-3 at best, laughed along. "And what about you, cupcake?"
"Maddi!" She snapped in spite of herself, the effect ruined by the giggle that followed. "Maddi, please," she continued, managing to stifle her laugh this time.
"Okay, Maddi, what do you want?"
"I don't-" Maddi started, but remembered how miserable she'd been the night before, going without food the whole night. Still, she didn't want to give Trixie or anyone else here the satisfaction of her getting any more food after being hung out to dry for the backup singers' trick. "I'll have some toast, please," Maddi asked. "And some water."
"Toast and water?" The waitress asked, arching a brow. "That's it?"
Maddi nodded, her lips pulling up in a grin as the tips of her fox ears brushed the wall.
"Okay then," The waitress shrugged, turning and crossing the room to some of the other waitresses on lunch.
"Okay, what's up?" Sheila asked, chin bobbing abainst her flesh as she talked into her cleavage. "You on a diet or something?"
"Wha-ha-ha-hat?" Maddi chuckled in surprise.
"You had nothing last night and dry toast tonight. I hope you know you can't shrink these by starving yourself," she said, accenting the "these" by bouncing her body against her breasts, sending the entire fleshy mattress quivering. "I could give one of my pills to heidi klum and she'd still get hooters down to her calves."
"No, it's not- herm- not that," Maddi said, fighting off another wave of giggles as a breeze played across her breasts from the air conditioning. "Certainly not."
"So what?" Sheila asked. "Spit it out."
Maddi sighed, then leaned forward, letting the giggles subside before she whispered to Sheila.
"I don't trust the food here," She said. "They can- snrk- they can make me take the first pill, but I'll frankly be damned if I let them- hee herm- slip me- hee hee- slip me anything else."
"Oh Maddi, they wouldn't-"
Maddi poked her right breast, causing her to erupt in tittering laughter.
"...Okay, but that was because the customers complained. There's no *reason* for Trixie to put anything in your food. Besides, the stuff's expensive. It'd be a waste."
"I certainly shan't presume to-hoo-hee-hoo, to presume what twi-hi-histed logic runs through that bird's bonce," Maddi said as she sat back up, stifling her giggles.

Presently their food came, and Maddi ate her toast, her mouth complaining at its blandness but her stomach greatful for whatever it could get inside it. When Sheila's salad came, Sheila lunged backwards, rotating atop her breasts until she was back on her feet. Not wanting to stand on her feet, she dropped to her knees, disappearing completely behind her bosom. For a brief moment, Maddi had the image of Sheila falling on her back, smothered and completely immobile under her pendulous knockers. The thought made her shiver, which in turn made her laugh, though she couldn't help wonder if that would violate some kind of worker's safety law.
"Uh-hum! Sheila, what're you doing back there?" Maddi asked.
"Eating," Sheila replied, followed by the crunching of lettuce leaves and croutons. "I don't like to eat with my head hanging down like that- it feels wierd," She said, pausing to take a bite, "But I don't wanna stand any more than I have to. So I just stand on my knees, wedge the bowl between my boobs, and go from there. No sweat."
"Is that... sanitar-hee-hee-hee!?"
"It's better than standing," Sheila explained, "because that means stuff rolls back towards me instead of down the grand canyon here. Lemme tell you- I lost a crouton down there *once* and that was more than enough for me, I'll tell you what!"
Maddi shook her head, shivering a little at the thought.

Eventually the lunch break ended, and the watiresses lurched their endowments out of the lounge and back to their tables. Maddi continued to learn the ins and outs of the restaurant- Angie showed her how to use the computer that took orders and how to swipe charge cards throug it. The computer seemed to be made with Maddi's ridiculous measurements in mind- the control pad and monitor were both at shoulder height, the monitor angled out so you could still see it even when typing in amounts at your side, since that was the only real space one with such grossly inflated attributes could reach. As loathe as Maddi was to admit it, she was beginning to get the hang of the job, reprehensible as it might have been. Of more immediate concern, however, was her face; after hours of constant grinning and laughing, her cheeks felt like over-stretched rubber bands. Maddi went into the back of the restaurant and rubbed her face, just inside the double doors to do it away from prying eyes. Maddi mashed her fists into her cheeks, grinding her knuckles into the skin to massage away some of the tension. Even though the massage made her giggle more, it was some relief. Maddi hooked each index finger on either cheek and pulled her face sideways, marveling at what might have been the world's first laughter cramp. She could almost hear her mother chide her for being "unnecessarily unladylike", and was glad no one else was around to see this display.

As though fate had heard her daring it, the blonde waitress emerged from the kitchen, seeing Maddi contort her face into a ridiculous expression. Maddi's hands snapped back to her sides, though booth the contortions and her touch caused Maddi to giggle, which caused the blonde woman to grin. Maddi cleared her throat a few times to beat back the giggles, and nodded her head at the advancing waitress.
"H-Hello," Maddi stammered, trying to keep from laughing. "I'm Maddison."
"Bonsoir," The waitress replied in a thick french accent, returning Maddi's nod as she passed. "Ah am Penelope." Maddi giggled as their bottoms pressed together slightly in the hallway, but there was no groping or any other impropriety. "There you go," Maddi thought as she turned around in the hall and went back to her tables. "I knew it was all in my head."

Maddi's facial ministrations helped a little, but as the night wore on it became increasingly irrelevant. She would have laughed at having something so ridiculous as smile fatigue, but her mood was turning increasingly sour over the ordeal- not that anyone could tell the way she still barked out laughter at every dish piled on her bum and every glass crammed in her cleavage. As she was finishing up clearing the plates from a table, she noticed Penelope coming back her way. Maddi smiled at her- not that she could help it- and Penelope caught her eye, a smile coming over her features as well. Maddi went back to her bussing, assuming that was as far as the exchange was going to go, a pleasant formality etween co-workers. It wasn't until Maddi saw her lean in towards Maddi real quick that she thought something was amiss, a flash of flesh disappearing beneath the horizon of her bosom an all too late signal of impending impropriety.

The jolt Maddi felt when Penelope grabbed one of her large nipples and squeezed it in her fist was like being struck by lightning. Maddi whooped, instinctively pulling back from the shock, the motion causing her enormous breasts to lurch up and back, the clanking of glasses audible as she was nearly blinded by her heaving breasts. Maddi's hands shot to the plates on her quivering rear, the stacked dishes threatening to slide off as Maddi was already overcome by riotous laughter. Penelope, for her part, continued blithely on, giving a giggle of her own and putting a hand to her mouth like she'd been caught stealing a cookie from her mum's pantry. Her dishes more or less safe, maddi clamped both her hands over her mouth to muffle the noise of her laughter, though her shoulders still shook from the exertion, the glasses in her cleavage clinking like a windchime.
"...Friend of yours?" The grinning diner asked, grinning awkwardly.
Maddi couldn't begin to answer in her stake, so she just shook her head and made her way shakily to the kitchen.

Maddi was still chuckling a little as she dumped the dishes into the washbin, still chuckling to herself at the occasional surges of feeling from her nipple. That was no accident, no mistake, Maddi thought. That was as barefaced an intent as one could possibly muster- was Penelope a lesbian? Was she just teasing Maddi? The squeeze hadn't been painful- if she had meant to inflict harm, she was sure Penelope could have. No, it was definitly meant to be erotic.
The thought caused a tingle to shoot through her bosom, prompting another round of laughter. A few of the cooks looked up from their stations to see what the commotion was, but apparently news of her punishment had made it around the gossip circles already, because they all returned to work without so much as a second glance. Maddi did notice Carlos' look appeared to be sympathetic for a brief instant before he went back to his work, however. Maddi shook her head to clear it as she turned and headed back to the dining area, still trying to puzzle out Penelope and what it was exactly that inspired her behavior tonight.

Maddi kept an eye out for Penelope ther rest of the night, though she wasn't quite shure what she'd do if she did seee her. Avoiding another grope seemed an unrealistic expectation- as big as she was, there really wasn't space in the restaurant to attempt to lose a pursuer. And she was leery about any kind of verbal altercations, especially in front of the customers, though she hardly knew what to say even were the restaurant empty. Maybe, Maddi thought between tables, this was Trixie's doing, a surrogate sent to harass her- though Maddi had to admit it sounded slim with as overbearing as Trixie seemed to be. T'wouldn't seem to be her style.

Finally, mercifullly, the shift was over. Maddi felt her mouth slowly releasing itself from its permanently grinning expression, and she made her way quickly to the locker room, with some of the last waitresses cleaning themselves off after the night. Maddi didn't care to shower, especially with total strangers, but she couldn't put her clothes back on until she'd shrunk back down to a more manageable size. Still, she was a bit sweaty, and a dry towel would be a nice spot of comfort. Maddi took one off the stack by the entrance to the showers and wiped her face off with it, a slight chuckle muffled in the terrycloth as she cleaned the sweat from her hands and forehead. Maddi was relieved that the rubbing caused only a slight tickle; the effects of that damnable tonic were apparently wearing off, and not a moment too soon. She dried the back of her neck, finally managing to hold back the laughter as a tickle ran down the nape of her neck.

Maddi noticed her top beginning to sag a bit, now that her breasts were shrinking down to a more manageable size. Draping the towel over her shoulders, Maddi reached around her bosom and grabbed the "collar" of her top, pulling the slack up and over her breasts as the top became more adequate to cover her shrinking bosom. Maddi heard the same submerged-deafness as her fox ears shrunk down into her head and her normal ears popped back out the side of here head. Maddi was nearly at the size where she could slip her normal clothes back on, and decided to chance it. She went to her cubbyhole and took her orange and white tennis shoes off, flexing her toes in her socks as she removed them. She tugged her shorts off her bum, the elastic hardly having to stretch over her reduced posterior, then all but dove into her pants, her tail thankfully not impeding her move to cover her knickers. Maddi's breasts were now almost down to normal size, the huge cups of her top flung over her shoulders and ready to fall off if she so much as leaned over. Maddi pulled her arms through the sleeves, turning the huge top into some kind of strange surcoat, before taking her shirt and pulling her amrs and head through it. The shirt and the top bunched up around her neck, but Maddi squirmed the enormous top down even as she pulled her shirt down with it, dropping the huge-necked top down to the ground where she could step out of it without ever leaving her chest exposed. Maddi balled up her top and threw is into a large hamper near the door where other dirty clothes were piled into, then grabbed her shoes and slid them on, leaning a hand against the cuppyholes to steady herself.
"There you are," Maddi said as she noiced Sheila come in. "What kept you?"
If Maddi's top had looked like a surcoat wrapped around her, Sheila was sporting a triple-layered toga. She was practically swimming in white fabric, the huge top wrapped around and around her like some sort of hastily-constructed mummy.
"I was talking with Trixie," Sheila said as she came to her cubby, grabbing great armfuls of fabric and pulling them over her head until she'd discarded her top on the floor. "About your tonic," She continued as she pulled her bra out of her cubbyhole and wormed into it.
"Oh?" Maddi asked, wadding up her own bra and tucking it under her arm. In her hurry to get dressed, she had been more worried about coverage than support, though Sheila's nonchalance was once again true to form.
Sheila shook her head as she pulled her shirt on. "No dice," she said, squatting as she pulled her shorts down.
"Well, thank you for trying, regardless," Maddi said, sighing inwardly as Sheila finished changing.

"Sheila, are you well-acquainted with most of the other waitresses?" Maddi asked in the car on the way home.
"Most of them, yeah," Sheila replied, taking a quick look at Maddi before turning her eyes back to the road. "What's up?"
"Do you know a blonde, pale-skinned waitress with-"
"Penelope?" Sheila asked.
"Yes!" Maddi replied. "How did you know?"
"Everyone knows Penelope," Sheila said, grinning. "The owner's French connection. It's not an act, you know- she really is from France. The owner met her at a cafe in Reims and simply had to have her as a waitress. Spared no expense."
"Really..." Maddi said, her brow furrowing slightly.
"Why?" Sheila asked, looking over at Maddi again. "what's up?"
"Well, does she... Is Penelope, well... Odd, at all? That you're aware of?"
"Odd?" Sheila asked. "What do you mean? What did she do?"
"Well, nothing really, I suppose..." Maddi said, blushing. No chance in heavean would she tell Sheila about Penelope's groping her, she'd never live it down.
"Don't worry about it," Sheila said. "Everyone finds their groove in their own way at Juggalos. Just keeep an open mind."
Maddi shivered a bit at the recollection of the electric sensation of Penelope tweaking her nipple. That wasn't any kind of groove she wanted to get into.
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Unread 10-06-2008   #170
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Boy, do I love this series.

Your writing never ceases to amaze and impress.
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Unread 10-06-2008   #171
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

I love Penelope.

Just thought you'd like to know.
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Unread 10-06-2008   #172
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by cyero View Post
I love Penelope.

Just thought you'd like to know.
Hear hear.

Going right along with that, as always I am looking forward to the next installment; keep up the amazing work.
Female muscle artist...well mostly.
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Unread 11-02-2008   #173
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

New picture! Just look up a few posts at my last post with the attachments.
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Unread 11-02-2008   #174
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

I already said everything I love on DA.. <3

...and I think I need to update the OP... though, I need help in making actually working links. >_< With the "Click here!" sorts of text and all...
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Unread 11-02-2008   #175
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by DanTails View Post
I already said everything I love on DA.. <3

...and I think I need to update the OP... though, I need help in making actually working links. >_< With the "Click here!" sorts of text and all...
You mean the links that instead of giving the address are disguised as a phrase? Like, instead of the url it'd say, "This thing is shiny" or whatever and you could click on that?

I've wondered how to do that for a good while myself. ^^;
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Unread 11-02-2008   #176
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]


Hoyl Shit That Is Great.
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Unread 11-02-2008   #177
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

*gasp* Such language!

Thanks, cyero.
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Unread 11-04-2008   #178
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Yet again, more great work. I can't wait to read/see more from you guys!
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Unread 11-18-2008   #179
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Well, I suppose I had to do one of these sooner or later, but decided to have my take on a Juggalos Waitress. Please let me know what you think, and I hope you don't find it too simplistic.
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Unread 11-18-2008   #180
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

I find it too simplistic. She looks more like an oval than anything.
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