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Unread 12-28-2008   #1
Hugo Prosperio
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Carnival of Dreams (Incomplete)

Here is a new story. I am trying to try a different style of story than Pixie Dust (which was decidedly action adventure fantasy) so I figured a little dark and macabre would be fun. Some minor SW in this chapter, but the real process is on it's way, I promise. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapter One: The Carnival Comes to Town

The man stood on the train platform as the locomotive pulled away, causing the man?s long silver coat to flow in the draft of wind. He placed a top hat on his head and smiled. If one were to look at his face, you might say it was very pale, but in actual fact, it was not. It was white as snow, and always had been. His black hair flowed in the wind along with his coat, and he stood on the platform watching the train disappear into the horizon. He turned and left the platform as he walked towards the parking lot of the train station. There, waiting for him, was a shorter man, wearing a business suit.

?Glad you could make it, Mr. Nero? he said to the pale man, who simply nodded. ?When will your friends arrive?? he asked.

?They are already here.? Mr. Nero said softly, as he pulled out a pocket watch. ?I trust you?ve been putting up my flyers??

?Of course, Mr. Nero. We are very excited you could make it to Fall River.? The man said as he shuffled off to his car, opening the passenger door for Mr. Nero.

?Not as excited as we are, I can assure you? Nero said as he removed his top hat, sat down, and closed the door behind him.


The autumn air swept around Laura Kerns as she walked, causing her long black hair to flow freely. Fall was her favorite time of year, the colors of the leaves, and the smells in the air. It was pure magic. She walked past her old elementary school, and smiled as she saw the children of the town running in the playground. One of the children, a little girl with cute blond ringlets for hair, smiled and waved to her, and she waved back.

As she walked she passed a telephone pole that had a single piece of paper stapled to it, flapping in the wind. It was an advertisement, it seemed. It read ?Come One, Come All to The Carnival of the Future. Below this large headline, there was a photo of a man with ghostly pale skin, wearing a top hat, smiling with black painted lips. Laura looked at the sign and it gave her an odd, uneasy feeling. She made note of the sign, but continued on her way, as she walked towards the house of her best friend, Kara Lane.


?You saw it too?? Kara asked as she sat at her computer, typing away to her boyfriend on an Instant Messenger program.

?Yes.? Laura said, sitting on Kara?s bed. ?It gave me the creeps. That smile of his?? she added, shivering a bit.

?But, we haven?t ever had a carnival come to town. It?s kind of exciting.? Kara stated as she stood up. ?We should go. It opens tomorrow, according to the flyer.?

?Kara, I am not sure?Something doesn?t seem right.? Laura said while getting up and looking out the window. Being on the second floor, Kara?s window had a great view of the town.

?This is not a Stephen King story, Laura. This is just a plain old carnival. Nothing strange or unusual? Kara said crossing her arms, staring at Laura who just continued to stare out the window.

?Yeah, I?m sure you?re right? she said, her eyes fixated on the large circus tent that had gone up in a field in the distance. ?Nothing Strange or Unusual.?


The carnival folk were working hard to get everything ready before dark. As they worked, a non-descript black car pulled up, and out stepped Mr. Nero, smiling as he walked towards his employees.

?Excellent work, lads? he said, a slight british accent apparent, ?We?ll be finished by morning.?

The man in the business suit walked over to Mr. Nero, as he watched them continue to erect the tent. ?Mr. Nero, your men do work fast? he said as he caught his breath.

?That they do, Mr. Denton, that they do.? He said as he walked through the booths already set up, some advertising fortune tellers, some advertising the chance to win great sums of money

?You know, Mr. Denton? said Nero as they walked.

?You can call me Charlie? Mr. Denton said smiling.

?Ah, yes, Charlie. You know, we?ve never had anyone invite us before.? Nero stated as he ran his fingers across the wood of a spinning ?Wheel of Fate?

?Well, I had heard great things, and being in charge of the town?s activites, I figured what way to boost sprits and the town economy than a Carnival.? Charlie Denton said proudly. He had only though of the idea a week ago, when one of Mr. Nero?s flyers floated into his bedroom window late one night, but Charles Denton didn?t believe in fate, to him, it was a mere coincidence.

?Very wise move, on your behalf, Charlie? Nero said. ?Now, if you?ll follow me, I?ll show you around??

Charlie followed exitedly behind the pale man, and smiled. He hadn?t been to a carnival since he was a child, and depite the business nature of this whole affair, he was giddy as a school boy seeing the rides go up, and the lights start to flicker on.


?My parents are out of town for the weekend? Kara said as Laura looked out the window still, now with a pair of binoculars.

?Hmmm, Selectmen Denton is down there with them.? She said absent-mindedly as she looked down to where the Carnival unfolded onto the field.

?Laura, are you even listening to me?? Kara said. ?I said my parents are out of town, so you can spend the night? Kara?s parents were wonderful people, but they were not fond of ?sleepovers? as they called it, even for the young college students that Laura and Kara were. ??and then we can go check out the carnival tommorow? she finished.

?I guess. My parents won?t mind.? Laura said setting down the goggles she had been so tediously looking through, and sad down on the computer chair. Over the last hour, her curiosity had grown ten fold, watching the tents go up, the rides turn on, and the lights flickering in the distance. She couldn?t shake the strange feeling about the man in Flyer, but every moment made her want to attend more and more. ??and the carnival does look fun? she admitted out loud to Kara.

?Wonderful. Let?s head to your place and get your stuff, then come back. We can rent a few movies on the way home too? she suggested, but Laura merely nodded?in her mind she was already at the carnival, eating cotton candy, riding the rides, and even admiring the Sideshow attractions she had read about all her life.


Darkness was all that Marlene Jessup could see. She couldn?t remember much, like how she got here, but she knew that ?Here? wasn?t were she wanted to be at all. She noticed that her feet were shackled with chains, and her mind flicked through all the possible situations. Kidnap, Prison, Torture, all these things came to mind, and more as she sat in the darkness of the large room she was in. She could hear the breathing of others in the room with her?possibly her captors, or other captives, just like her. She was relived to find that her hands were not bound, and was able to reach into the only piece of clothing left on her body, the shorts she was wearing wherever she was last. Inside was her trusty Zippo lighter. She flicked it on, and could see that there were eight other women just like her, all stripped of clothing besides their pants, all shackled together, like animals. The girl closest to her, a girl of around 18 years of age, saw the flame and gasped.

?Turn it out! Turn it out!? she shouted in a hushed voice ?Turn it out, or the Ghost Man may see!?

?Ghost man?? she said racking her brains trying to recall who had trapped her, but nothing came.

?She is right? said the oldest, a woman around 28 years of age. ?Put out the flame, for all of our sakes?especially yours!?


?So you see, Charlie, we have been doing this for many years, and frankly, we find new acts all the time. I am sure that there will be something for everyone in your small town to enjoy.? Nero explained to the town Selectmen. ?Tommorow at Noon, the rides, the sideshows, all of our attractions will be fully operational for you and your town.?

?Thank you, Mr. Nero. It?s a wonderful thing you?ve got going on here. I am sure the town will fall in love.?

?I am sure they will too, especially when they see the star attraction!? Nero said with a large grin on his pasty white face.

?Main attraction?? Charlie asked with his head leaned to the site. ?What is it??

?Would you like to see, Mr. Denton?? Nero asked grinning as per usual.


?The Ghost Man will hurt you if he finds your flame!? the younger girl said. She seemed very scared, but the older one, across from Marlene just sighed. ?The younger ones take a while getting used to the concept. How old are you?? she asked

Marlene looked at the woman and said ?Uh, 20?get used to what concept??

?Oh My, you don?t remember do you. Sometimes the process renders them unconscious. Well, it?s best you find out on your own? she said before closing her eyes and nodding off to sleep.

?Find out what?? Marlene hissed, when suddenly a loud muffled speaking voice could be heard.

?So you see,? it said ?This room holds the secret to my success. Come this way? The voice got closer??In this box? the male voice said hovering over the prison. ??lies the main attraction, my good friend. No one can lay claim to this sideshow anywhere in the world!?

Suddenly black covering of the prison was quickly removed, causing wind to rush all over Marlene, and she saw something that stole away her breath?looking down at her were two men?two giant men! The door to her prison swung open, and the eight other girls, lead by the oldest, marched out, dragging her behind. She struggled to stand, for all she could do was stare at the building sized men watching them march.


Charles Denton couldn?t believe his eyes. In the cage below were Nine little women, all around six inches high?marching out of the cage in front of him?

?My God, Nero, what are they? he asked. ?Are they real??

?They are whatever you want them to be, Mr. Denton. The mind makes up many things to explain magic and that which we do not understand?Of course, telling you what they really were would ruin the illusion, so I won?t. Say hello to Mr. Denton, girls.? Nero asked of the girls.

All but one of the girls waved, and said ?Hello, Mr. Denton? in unison. The one on the end looked up, and suddenly collapsed.

?Oh, poor dear. She?s new to this. Girls, make sure she is well fed tonight?tomorrow we open to the public.? Nero said laughing.

Charlie stood there, and watched as the girls walked back into the cage, helping the collapsed girl back in. Nero locked the cage door, and stood smiling.

?So, Mr. Denton?what do you think of my little flea circus??

?It?s pure magic? was all that Charlie could muster, a childish grin on his face. He was thrilled, after many long years, the carnival had come to town.
- Hugo Prosperio
Owner, The TransforMansion

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Unread 12-28-2008   #2
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

Having just finished my own story, I finally had time to read Pixie Dust. It's very well thought out and was a fun read, so now I'm reading this one

I see where this is headed, but I'm very curious to see how you get there and what happens next.
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Unread 12-28-2008   #3
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

Originally Posted by Illun View Post
Having just finished my own story, I finally had time to read Pixie Dust. It's very well thought out and was a fun read, so now I'm reading this one

I see where this is headed, but I'm very curious to see how you get there and what happens next.
Thank you. I quite enjoyed your stories as well, especially Escape Artist. I hope seeing where the story is headed doesn't take away from the enjoyment. I can be a bit predictable from time to time...
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-28-2008   #4
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

I find enjoyment in the journey, not the destination. It's not uncommon for me to read a series entirely out of order. Besides, I could be totally wrong. I just have a tendency to look for the trail of breadcrumbs.
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Unread 12-28-2008   #5
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

A stranger comes to town promising fun, but guaranteeing none. I always enjoy a good horror tale.

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Unread 01-07-2009   #6
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

Alrighty, here is chapter two. Still working my way into the story, but the real action should begin in the next chapter, I think.

Chapter Two: The Night Before?

Mr. Nero closed the door as Charlie Denton left the trailer, and he returned to the cage sitting on the table. Smiling, he leaned down and looked inside.

?Miss Abner? he said to the oldest girl??Please unlock the shackles on our shaken friend?

She stood up and produced a tiny key from her pocket. Marlene couldn?t believe it. She had the key all this time, and yet there she stood, shackled just the same. Ms. Abner, as he had called her, walked over and unlocked the metal shackles and helped Marlene up. Nero then unlocked the door, and smiled again.

?Now, Now, Ms. Jessup,? he said laughing a bit ?If I remember correctly, you weren?t this shy when we first met.?

Marlene tried her best to think back. When had she met this man, what had happened? She couldn?t remember a thing, except finding herself in that cold dark cage, and then finding out that she was the prisoner of a giant. ?Who are you?? was all she could muster.

?Ah, yes, you did hit your head quite hard?I am Mr. Nero, owner of Nero?s Carnival of the Future. Do you remember who you are?? he asked

?Of course. I am Marlene Jessup?but how did?where am I?? she asked.

?At my Carnival, as I said. You are now part of the act, as you so desired back when we first met. You dislike your new job, I take it?? he asked as she stared up at him.

?What do you mean?I didn?t want to join your stupid carnival?? she said?but did she mean it?when had she agreed to this strange deal, what had happened, why was she held captive by a giant?or worse, what he if wasn?t a giant at all, what if she was smaller. The thought mad her visibly shudder.

?You have many questions, I am sure, but now is not the time. Tonight, your partners will tell you all about your new role. Ms. Abner. Unshackle the other girls, and prepare dinner. Be sure to inform Ms. Jessup here on what she is expected to do tomorrow when we open.?

Marlene just gulped and walked back into the cage, which was more like an apartment it seemed, an apartment made with bars. It had a small couch, and tiny cooking supplies. It wasn?t as bad as she had thought, but it still wasn?t good.


Laura sat on Kara?s bed and watched the television, which was blaring a movie they had rented. She was lost in thought, the carnival. Why was it so interesting to her, she thought. She had to see more, and she knew that she couldn?t wait until the following day when the gates would open, and she could satisfy her curiosity.

Kara on the other hand was worried for her friend. Her friend had seemed distant all day, distracted by something, a large looming something, that Kara couldn?t see. She got up and looked out the window, and she could see the work lights in the distance as they continued to set up the carnival. Kara then got an idea. A smile crossed her face, and she turned to Laura.

?Hey! You wanna go check it out?? she said.

?Check what out?? Laura said, knowing exactly what Kara meant, but trying to ignore it.

?The Carnival. Get a little sneak peak, if you know what I mean?? Kara said with a grin.

?But what if we get caught.? Laura said.

?So what, what?s the worst that could happen?? Kara asked as her grin grew wider.

Laura stared at her friends, while Kara just stood there, waiting for a response. It was clear she really wanted to go check things out, but Laura felt the original nagging feeling return to her stomach. What if that creepy man was there, what if he was angry with them, what if, what if?but soon, she couldn?t ignore the face her friend was making, and she caved.

?Kara?you?re devilish charm has won me over, once again? Laura said with a large amount of sarcasm ?Let?s go.?


Laura didn?t know why she was doing what she was doing, skulking around in the dark, spying on a carnival, but she followed Kara who was excited to be doing some small town espionage. They hurried to the field and saw the giant tents before them, and rides as well, all waiting to be turned on. In the distance was a tent that promised Side Shows from around the world, and it even promised a Flea Circus. This seemed peculiar to Laura, because every one knew how a flea circus worked?it was just motorized miniature circus props that people were told were fleas on parade, but it was merely an illusion. Surely a carnival advertising itself as one from the future wouldn?t need such a cheap low budget attraction to generate thrills.

Kara walked swiftly, leaving Laura behind, and she spied all the tents, their flaps fluttering in the wind. The fall air whipped around her as she moved around the carnival, examining the rides, and the booths, and she quickly found that this carnival was very large. She found a kissing booth, which made her laugh a bit, and then a booth that was meant for the selling of raffle tickets. She then spotted the Side Show tent up ahead, and wandered towards it.

?Kara, you aren?t thinking of going inside, are you?? Laura asked through her teeth as she watched her friend head towards the tent with determination.

?Why not. No one is here, it doesn?t matter?what are you afraid of? A little teaser never hurt anyone.?

?Just be quiet!? Laura said as she followed her friend into the tent, against her better judgement.


A knock came on Mr. Nero?s trailer door, and he swiftly moved to open it. There on the front steps was one of the performers, a midget who was wearing a nice suit.

?Mr. Nero.? He said. ?I wanted to let you know I?ve spotted two girls who snuck in. They are exploring the area around the side show tent as we speak.?

Nero let out a sigh. This was something he dealt with often, it seemed. Doing his best to smile, he leaned in, patted his friend on the shoulder. ?Thank you, Frank. I?ll take care of it?best get some sleep before opening day.?

Frank nodded, and left, as Mr. Nero grabbed his top hat, and threw on his silver coat.

?Damn Kids.? He mumbled as he walked out, closing the door.


Marlene sat on the small couch that was in the large cage, and stared at the other girls as they worked together to fix a meal for dinner. She was mostly silent, as she had been since the reveal of her true captor. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she watched. Ms. Abner as the large man had called the oldest girl smiled at her, and came over.
?Are you okay?? she asked kindly.

?Not really? Marlene snapped back. ?I am a captive of a giant, and apparently I willed myself here, but I don?t remember any of it, and I just want to go home.? She said on the verge of tears.

?It?ll be okay. Mr. Nero isn?t a bad man?and besides, from now on, you are an entertainer?someone who will bring joy to the masses. Isn?t that a comforting thought.

?No.? she said, and she just stared off into the distance.

?It?ll be okay, I promise? Ms. Abner said again, as she walked back over to the other girls.


Laura saw in the dim light of the flashlight Kara had brought with her that the tent was mostly empty, as the side show performers were probably in their trailers sleeping. She did notice a few animals here or there, one in particular was very frightening to her, a two-headed cobra, who slithered in a clear case. It flicked its tongue as the two girls passed, but seemed fairly unbothered by their presence.

?This place is kind of boring? Kara said from up ahead.

?Well, no shit, Sherlock?everyone is sleeping, and therefore, nothing is going on. What did you expect??

?Perhaps she expected something?special? rang out the voice of a male from behind them. Laura stopped in her tracks as she heard it, and turned around. The light from Kara?s light flashed on a man, a man with pure white skin. He wore a top hat, just like the man in the advertisements.

?I believe introductions are in order, girls.? He said ?I?ll start. I am Mr. Nero, owner of this fine carnival, and you two are??

Laura searched for breath to speak, but Kara beat her to it.

?I?m Kara. This is Laura?? she said, which caused Laura to shoot her a look.

?Aren?t you the brave one?? the man asked with a grin. ?I am sorry to say the Carnival is not open yet?as you can tell by a near empty tent. I should be angry with you both, but I believe that curiosity is a good habit to have, especially in one?s youth?so I ask you to leave now?and come back tomorrow when we open?my compliments? he said holding out two orange tickets.

Kara moved forward and grabbed them. Laura just looked at her.

?Good Night Girls. See you tomorrow? the man said with a grin that chilled Laura to the core.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 01-08-2009   #7
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Carnival of Dreams

This new chapter makes me curious. Is Ms. Abner just jaded or a conspirator?

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