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Unread 09-03-2014   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 21
Shrinking Script

I wrote a script draft... do you think anyone would be interested in filming it?

Characters: Aileen (A), Beth (B), Chloe (C)

SCENE: Interior, room, on couch. Two jars of liquid, one red and one blue, sit nearby.
AILEEN and BETH are sitting on the couch, bored. Both are wearing dresses.

A: What do you want to do today?
B: Oh, I don’t know, I’m up for anything.
A: Do you want a drink?
B: Sure, what do we have?
A: Well, it looks like Chloe left these behind [produces two clear mason jars of liquid, one red, one blue] – I don’t know what it is, probably some crazy new kind of soda. You want one?
B: Sure, why not. What’s the worst that could happen…
A: Now what do you want, red or blue?
B: Hmm, I’ll go blue.
A: Cheers!
[They both begin drinking, A from the red and B from the blue jar]
B: Huh, this tastes funny.
A: Yeah, but it’s really good, isn’t it?
B: Yeah, it is. I feel a little tingly… like, lightheaded.
A: Huh. I don’t feel anything. I’m sure it’s fine [keeps drinking]
B: I think I’m not going to drink anymore, it’s making me feel weird.
A: Aw, what’s your worry? It’s not going to make you blind or anything. It’s just soda.
B: Sure thing – but you know Chloe, she’s always up to some kind of wacky experiment in her lab these days.
A: Ha ha… [begins to sneeze] – ACHOO!
B: Whoa! Are you ok?
A: Yeah… ACHOO! Woo!
B: Wow. Maybe you’re allergic.
A: ACHOO! Oh, I feel so tingly, you’re right.
B: See, I knew it, this was a bad idea.
A: No, it’s great! I’m… ACHOO! I’m …
B: You’re what?
A: I’m really horny all of a sudden.
B: Oh great.
A: ACHOO! [begins to shrink, slowly]
B: Man, stay away from me, you got sick.
A: No, it’s different than that… I feel great. Like I’m … changing. ACHOO!
B: OK, sure. I’ll start calling the hospital.
A: ACHOO! (Shrinks more, to about 75%, her dress starts to become loose)
B: Hey, what’s wrong, your clothes are falling off!
A: Yeah, and I just bought this! ACHOO!
B: Oh my god, look at your feet!
[Close up on A’s feet, which are now 3 sizes too small for her shoes, which fall off]
A: Whoa! Cool!
B: Something’s wrong, I’m definitely calling the hospital.
A: No, don’t! This is great! I can feel it… it’s happening. [shrinks more]
B: What’s happening?
A: The drink! It’s a shrinking potion! Oh, Chloe, you genius!
B: Oh, geez.
A: [now at 50%] Wow, let’s compare. [stands up, but her clothes fall off] Oh!
B: Man, I’m going to get you some new clothes [stands up as well, goes off screen]
A: [now at 40%] Oh, this is great. I’ve never felt so good. I’m going to have some more. [starts drinking from a jar now much bigger in comparison to her] [begins to shrink faster]
A: [now at 25%] Wow! Ok, I probably don’t want to do too much…I might disappear! But wow, do I feel good. Whoa, I didn't know how big everything would look! Oh, this is awesome!
B: [comes back into the room] OK, I got some of my little sister’s clothes and – WHAT?
A: [now at 20%] Haha, what do you think?
B: Oh my gosh! You’ve shrunk more!
A: Yeah, I had some more drink. I’m telling you, it feels so good. You should try it.
B: No way.
A: [now at 10%] Oh, I feel sooo good. Like I’m just radiating energy. Oh, wow. OK, I think I stopped shrinking. It feels like it stabilized.
B: OK, good, but you’re 6 inches tall! What are you going to do now?
A: Oh, I’m sure it's a temporary effect.
B: What are you talking about? How do you know that?
A: Look, you wouldn’t make a shrinking potion if there wasn’t an antidote? I’m sure Chloe knows what to do, we’ll just wait until she gets home. In the meantime, let’s have some fun.
B: What do you mean, fun?
A: You know what I mean. I can help you get loose if you want.
B: Oh, no, not that again.
A: Come on, you’ve got me all to yourself, Chloe’s not here, what do you want to do?
B: Nothing, now, behave.
A: [starts climbing on B and rubbing her breast] Come on, don’t be so boring. Who hasn’t dreamed of their own private doll? Come on, play with me!
B: Ugh, ok. Yeah, you could use some doll clothes for sure. What do you want, maid or cheerleader?
A: Cheerleader please! I can do a sexy dance for you.
B: Fine [goes off screen to get clothing]
A: She needs to lighten up. Who wouldn't want to play with this body. She needs to get loose.
B: [returns with small cheerleader outfit] Here you go, put this on.
A: Yes ma’am! If you do one favor for me.
B: Anything, just get dressed before Chloe comes home.
A: You have to drink the blue liquid.
B: What? But it was making me sick!
A: Come on, fair is fair. I drank mine, you have to drink yours.
B: Oh god, I’m going to regret this. If I end up shrunk like you we’ll really be in trouble.
A: You’ll love it, I promise.
B: [begins drinking] Man, for a tiny little thing, you’re sure bossy.
A: Give me a D! Give me an R! Give me an I! Give me an N! Give me a K! What’s that spell!
B: Alright, alright. [finishes] Ugh, yeah, I’m probably going to lose my lunch.
A: Just wait, I know something will happen.
B: Nothing. But I’m sure it’s changing my DNA or whatever. I’ll probably die in an hour.
A: Let me just help you out. [begins massaging her vagina] Is this helping?
B: You little… oh… oh…that feels good. Yeah, do more!
A: Oh, the tables have turned, haven’t they.
B: Oh, you little minx. I never should have let you… oh…
A: Yes, I can feel it. You’re changing too. [keeps rubbing]
B: Yeah, but… I’m not shrinking. Weird. Oh… oh… more… [softly] more…
A: Are you feeling anything?
B: Yeah, but… I feel warm. I’ve got to take off my clothes. Keep working it. [takes off clothes and lays down flat on the couch – A begins to stroke her breast and stomach with her legs]
A: Yes, that’s it, how is it baby.
B: Oh, perfect… oh…
A: [moves down to the vagina, laying flat on her stomach and begins eating B out] How that?
B: Oh, god… so good. I feel… really light. Like I could float away.
A: Well, I got news for you. You are floating.
B: What? [looks down to see she’s risen two feet off the couch – she’s now weightless]
A: I guess that’s what blue does – it makes you weightless – cool!
B: Oh my gosh, how do I… I mean, what do I? How do I control it?
A: I don’t know, but you’re definitely weightless. Here, let me show you. [she jumps down to the couch and positions herself underneath B] See I can lift you up, easily, even at my size!
B: Wow! And if I push off the couch, I can float up to the ceiling! [she pushes off and begins to float up to the ceiling!]
A: So cool! Oh man, Chloe is going to be so shocked!


C: What the hell are you guys doing?
A: Hey Chloe! We drank your drink!
B: Uh, yeah. And now she’s small and I’m weightless, apparently. Hi!
C: You jerks! That was supposed to be my experiment!
A: I knew it! Did we do it right? Look at me!
B: She made me drink this. I assume you have an antidote?
C: It should wear off in a few hours, depending on how much you drank. But you’re supposed to combine them, dummies!
A: Ah!
C: Yeah, I mean what good is it if you’re just small or just weightless, right? Seems pretty dumb. But being small and weightless, and with a little bit of mental discipline, you can easily fly! I’ve been doing some of the testing and it really works. Let me show you. [begins drinking both liquids] But you need a trigger. It’s the same endorphins as when you’re aroused, you may have noticed. So, Aileen, I’m going to need you to eat me out. [takes off clothes]
A: Can do!
B: Can I help?
C: Sure! Get down here and make out with me. [grabs B to pull her closer]
[C lying flat on couch while an upside down B makes out with her, and while a tiny A eating out her vagina]
C: Oh, yes. Good…more…oh… no, don’t stop! Keep going. [begins to shrink]
A: It’s working! You’re getting smaller!
[C slowly shrinks to 40%]
C: Don’t stop! You can only fly when you get to full potency, like Aileen here. [They keep doing so]
C: Ah, yes, oh… Oh! OH! YES! [shrinks to 10%]
C: Now, watch this. [takes off flying around the room naked] See? You just have to control your thoughts a little bit and you can manipulate the weightlessness.
A: Wish I’d thought of that.
C: It’s not too late! Just drink some of the blue and you can get like me. Beth, you can drink red if you want to shrink.
B: Why not, I’m kind of bored just floating here.
[They both drink, A from a giant container and B upside down]
[Slowly, A gets lighter until she can jump higher and higher]
A: Whee! It’s working!
B: What’s wrong? Why aren’t I shrinking?
C: It’s the trigger. We need to get you off again. [C flies up to fondle B’s breasts]
B: Oh! Oh…that is good. OK, I think it’s working. [B shrinks down]
[All 3 of them are floating together, naked, in mid air]
A: So how do you fly?
C: Easy, just think about doing it, just like Peter Pan…
A: I think I need a trigger first…
C: Oh, come here you sexy minx… [they begin making out]
B: Hey, let me in on some of that… [she joins and they have a floating tiny ménage-a-trois]
[Camera zooms out, end]
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Unread 09-04-2014   #2
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Re: Shrinking Script


I do like the sound of it, but pimpin' ain't easy.

Er, that is, it might be tough getting three models to shoot together who'll do explicit stuff...

It is a neat idea, though.
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