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Unread 12-05-2008   #25
lord to all rabbits
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

you are on my top 1 list of my faviort writers this is coming along great. and what a cliffhanger. i cant wait to see what you think of next
i also hope that we get to see some more cover art fot the chapters there real good.

Last edited by rabbit_king; 12-05-2008 at 06:36 PM.
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Unread 12-05-2008   #26
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Wow. Thanks for using my suggestion.


Plot twist! Dun...dun....DUUUUUNNNNNN!!
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Unread 12-06-2008   #27
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by rabbit_king View Post
i also hope that we get to see some more cover art fot the chapters there real good.
You ask, I deliver.

Here are all the chapter art collages I've designed.

- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-06-2008   #28
lord to all rabbits
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

these are great. i cant wait to see what else come out of that head of yours
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Unread 12-06-2008   #29
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by rabbit_king View Post
these are great. i cant wait to see what else come out of that head of yours
Glad you liked em' so much
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-06-2008   #30
lord to all rabbits
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

you hit it right on the nose with me. my like of pixies, shrinking women. its like you cut open my head and read my mind.
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Unread 12-06-2008   #31
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

wow as i said at the start i dont read non-interactive stories, this is a really, really good read. i havent read a non interactive story this good since 'Always follow the directions" by TrekkerTDL and The Minimizer. Plus, images are great, i especially like the the girl in the first one!
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Unread 12-06-2008   #32
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by Blackbat View Post
wow as i said at the start i dont read non-interactive stories, this is a really, really good read. i havent read a non interactive story this good since 'Always follow the directions" by TrekkerTDL and The Minimizer. Plus, images are great, i especially like the the girl in the first one!
Thank you. That means a great deal to me, to be compared to the Great Minimizer. To steal a phrase from Wayne's World..."I'm not worthy"

I am glad that so many people have enjoyed this little experiment in prose.
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Unread 12-07-2008   #33
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

I love this story! You haven't disappointed at all with your new chapters. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Unread 12-08-2008   #34
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

This chapter is minor on the Process (but there is some more Fairy TF going on) and more about setting the stage for the final chapters.

Chapter Seven: Magistrate Mabia’s Madness

Beth’s eyes opened slowly. Inside she had hoped she’d open them and see her own bed, and have dreamt the whole night before, but, sadly she had not. She had been shrunk by fairy, and then kidnapped by another. She looked around and saw that she was in a cage.

“Great” she said sitting down, Indian style, in the middle of her prison.

“You’re awake!” said a voice from the distance. It was a male voice, and it sounded kind, but at this point, Beth didn’t know who to trust.

A strong looking man stepped into the frame and he smiled. He bent down a little bit to peer inside.

“My, you are tiny, aren’t you.” He said. Beth looked herself over, and peered at the male fairy in front of her…it would seem that since she passed out in the jar, she had gotten even smaller…not by a whole lot, but at this size, it felt huge.

“Yes. Very astute observation!” Beth said coldly. . The man smiled.

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, I’m your guard. I have to make sure no one gets to you. My name is Da’av” he said.

“Bethany” She replied, still unsure. “Why am I here? Where is here?” she asked

“This is the great Fairy colony of Meridos…but I am not sure why you are here. I only know not to take my sights of of you, or to let anyone see you. Only the High Magistrate and Siri even know you are here…and me, of course.”

Beth saw the kindness in his eyes, and warmed up to this giant man quickly. He truyly meant her no harm, but her calmness was shattered when a much colder voice rang through the room.

“Da’av. Cover the cage, and take it to the throne room” she said, whomever she was.

“Yes, Mistress Siri” he said. He then turned to her and frowned. “I gotta cover the cage for a bit. It might get a bit bumpy, so just hold on. “

Her world was plunged into darkness as the black cover was draped over the cold metal bars. She then felt the cage being lifted off the ground. She yelped, as this was by far the scariest thing that had ever happened to her. She only prayed that he wouldn’t drop the cage.


“It’s my fault” Jadaris said. “I should have come to get the drinks…I am the host.”

Caitlin shook her head “No, I am the one to blame, this whole party was my idea. If I hadn’t invited them, It would be me, and not her…at least I’m somewhat used to being small. She must be terrified.”

“You guys, this isn’t your fault” Jenna said, hovering above them. “Whomever this High Magistrate is, she was planning this. She wanted a human. It could have been Caitlin, It could have been me, but there is no doubt, she would have taken one of us no matter what.”

“I must go speak with the Magistrate…maybe I can reason with her, make her let Beth go.” Jadaris said.

“We’re coming with you” Caitlin said firmly. Jadaris tried to say no with her eyes, but she couldn’t even do that.

“It’s dangerous. They don’t allow non-fairies anywhere near the tree…” the pixie stated.

Jenna floated down and leaned in…

“But what if there were no non-fairies.” She said with two proud flaps of her new wings.

“Jenna that’s brilliant! Jadaris…” Caitlin said “Make me a Fairy too, and together we can save Beth!”

“Well…it’s worth a shot.” Jadaris said. “Jenna, go get my pouch, will you.” She added.

Jenna landed and walked over to the table where Jadaris had left the dust, and grabbed it.

“Here you go” Jenna said as she handed it to the other pixie.

“Brace yourself, Caitlin. It feels really weird” Jenna added as Jadaris made the powder circle Caitlin and a tingle unlike anything she’d ever felt suddenly ran through her. She was so entranced by it, she didn’t notice herself glowning, yellow, like Jenna had before.

Caitlin felt something odd, as he hair shot up into her head, forming into a spikey punk look, far different from her normal hair style. It also became blue in color as it styled itself.

“That’s neat…” Jadaris said, seemingly impressed with her own magic.

“Wow” Caitlin said looking in the nearby mirror.

Then she felt her ears starting to stretch as they formed themselves into the cute pointy look that Jadaris and Jenna both sported. As they finished, Caitlin reached her hands up to touch them and saw that her nails were now as blue as her hair.

Then came the wings, which was the strangest sensation Caitlin had ever felt. As with Jenna it looked incredibly painful, but wasn’t, in fact it was quite pleasant. They new boney shapes from her back started to grow the thin skin that made up the wings, and soon she was finished.

“Perfect!” Jadaris said as she looked over her new fairy friend.

“Now what?” Caitlin said, recalling Jadaris’ statement about “thinking happy thoughts” to fly. She started to hover, and Jenna and Jadaris soon joined.

“The High Magistrate is not an easy person to deal with, I want to warn you.” Jadaris said.

“Well, I am gonna give her something to deal with when I see her…” Caitlin said, flapping her new wings even harder.

“In due time. First…let me explain a few things…


Harsh light filled the cage as the cover was removed. Beth looked up to see a new giant face staring in at her, an older woman, with purple hair. She smiled curtly at Beth and then circled the cage.

“Hello there, little one.” She said. “I am Mabia, High Magistrate of this Colony. You are?”

Beth looked up and simply stated “Bethany Gainsborough”

“Well, Ms. Gainsborough, do you know why you are here?”

“My idiot roommate” Beth joked.

“I am not sure what you mean by that, but now is not the time for humor, human” the Magistrate hissed.

“Look, all I know is my roommate became friends with a pixie, who invited us over for a sleepover, and I got shrunk, and well, here I am now, tiny, and in a cage.” Beth sighed.

“Ah, well, you see, Human contact is forbidden…usually. I allowed that foolish girt out into your world for one reason, to lead me to a human. I knew she’d do it eventually, and here you are. You see, I wish to understand humans, but not because I want to get along with them, like, say Jadaris. No, I wish to understand them, so I may know what they fear, what brings them sadness, what causes them pain.”

Beth’s eyes started to widen.

“You are my first human. You will tell me everything, Bethany Gainsborough…even if you don’t want to.”

“You have no right! I have a life, I have friends, a family, school…You can’t just keep me like…like a pet.” Beth said, now on her feet.

“Pet? You misunderstand me. You are not a pet, Bethany, no, you are a test subject…and when my use for you is wasted, I shall dispose of you as such. You have no rights. You are meaningless, and at your size, you can’t do anything about it…” Mabia mused, a smirk spreading across her face.

“Da’av!” she then shouted. The big guard from before walked in, and Beth saw him lumber over to the Magistrate, bow, and then stand at attention.

“Yes, Your Majesty?” he asked.

“Take the human away until I call for her. I cannot stand the smell.” She said as she gave a derisive laugh from behind her teeth.

Beth merely raised her right hand up, and only her middle finger was extended.


“She what?” Jenna asked.

“She wishes to study humans, she wants to learn their weaknesses. She wants to rid the world of them I believe…My father had this notion as well, but we could never prove it. She asked me to kidnap humans for her research. I refused, and was banished.”

“I thought you said you were here to study?” Caitlin said

“I am…but I was also told never to return to the colony, unless I brought a human back for the High Magistrate. She must have enlisted my old school rival to spy on me, and then…take Beth when we weren’t looking. Poor Beth.”

“It’s going to be alright. We are gonna save her, right, Caitlin?” Jenna said.

“Right!” Caitlin responded. The three of them flew out into the open bedroom, and there waiting for them was Alfred.

“Ah, You’ve all joined the club” he says to Jenna and Caitlin. “Where is your charming little friend?” he asked.

Jadaris quickly explained to him about Beth’s kidnapping, and he simply nodded.

“Don’t forget your bag of tricks, Ms. Jadaris.” He suggests…Jadaris gasps, flies down under the bed, and then back out again, with the little box she had showed Caitlin. She waved her hands over it, and it turned into a purse like bag. She then dropped the pouch of dust she had used to change Jenna and Caitlin inside it.

“Ready, Girls?” she asked as she waved her hands to open the window.

“Ready!” Both of the former humans shouted, and all three flew out of the window and into the distance. Alfred watched until they had flown out of site.

“Godspeed, Girls” he said as he went back to work.


“Are you okay?” asked the giant male fairy known as Da’av. Beth didn’t respond. She just sat staring out into space. Her thoughts dwelled on what Mabia had said to her. She was to be an experiment…disposable and useless. In all her life she’d never dreamed this were possible, but the truth of it laid bare before here, and she could only cry.

“Oh…what’s a matter, little thing?” Da’av asked.

“I…I am not supposed to be like this!” she responded through sobs. “I don’t want to die here.”

“Die?” Da’av gasped. “Who said anything about dying?” he asked.

“The…Magistrate told me I was a test subject, and that when my usefulness was spent, she would dispose of me.” She gasped, trying to compose herself.

The male fairy gasped as well. He staggered back, trying to think. Could the Magistrate be capable of harming this creature?

“The Magistrate…she wouldn’t do that. All Fairies love and respect all of the earth’s creatures.” He said as he ladled some soup, it seemed, into a bowl on the table next to him.

“Look, you don’t have to believe me. I’m tiny, and insignifcant…but I want to see my family again, and…my friends, even if I am going to kill Caitlin for this” she mumbled “I just want to go back to my old life…I am not a little guinea pig…or at least, I’m not supposed to be.”

Da’av waved his hands over the bowl and it shrunk in size, and he then placed it in her cage.

“What is your name, little human?” he asked, the concern in his voice evident.

“Beth.” She said, smiling for the first time since arriving in the Colony.

“Well, Beth, I promise you this. I will not let any harm come to you. No matter what.” He stated. She accepted the bowl of soup, and ate it. It was the best thing she’d ever tasted. She smiled back at the giant again, and happily ate her supper. She may have been trapped, but at least she had someone watching over her.


Caitlin Miller had never seen such sights before in her life. As she, her roommate Jenna, and their newfound friend Jadaris soared over the city, she watched the nightlife from a whole new perspective. She fell behind several times, due to her desire to take in her new surroundings.

“Caitlin! Keep up!” Jenna screamed back as they flew by the tallest building in the city, which looked like a city in itself to Caitlin.

They soon made their way to the border of the city and a small town. The town wasn’t well known, and even Caitlin hadn’t heard of it before, but as they approached they saw why. It was mostly forestland, it seemed.

As they continued to fly, Caitlin saw less and less of human houses, until there were none, just trees.

“We are getting close.” Jadaris said as they started to lower themselves. Soon, in front of Jenna and Caitlin’s eyes a site like nothing they had ever witnessed unfolded. A tree, large and unique stood in the middle of a green grassy glen, but unlike any other tree the girls had ever seen, it was glowing…a faint yellow glow, like the one that had engulfed both girls when they made the transition from tiny human to pixie.

“Oh my god, It’s beautiful!” Jenna gasped.

“Girls, welcome to the Fairy Colony of Meridos” Jadaris said. Normally she’d be overjoyed to be home, but the overbearing sense of forbidng loomed over the tree.

“Hold on tight, this could be a bumpy landing” she warned.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-11-2008   #35
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Chapter Eight was supposed to be the final chapter in the story, but I decided to expand on some of the things in the later parts of the story (as you can see) so enjoy this, the new (and not last) chapter in the story.

Chapter Eight: The Colony of Meridos

A fairy named Do-an watched the skies, as was his mandated job, and he saw three figures, glowing in the distance.

“Hey Jeruth” he said to his partner. “Yeah?” Jeruth replied

“My sensors are indicating the arrival of a banished fairy…name...Jadaris Pevnock.”

“Oh, really…” came a cold female voice from behind. Both men turned around to see the High Magistrate standing in the doorway.

“Yes, your Majesty. She is traveling with two other fairies that my senseors could not identify.” Do-an stated.

“She’s involved another Colony?” asked Jeruth.

“No. It’s much worse than that, my boys I assure you…but no matter. Let them land…then contact me immediately.” She practically whispered.


Due to their relative inexperience with flying, the landing was as rough as Jadaris had predicated for Caitlin and Jenna. They hadn’t done very well at all infact. When Jararis turned around and looked at them, they were both on their asses, looking quite embarrassed.

“Everyone falls their first time…let’s go, girls. We have one stop to make before we confront the High Magistrate.

The girls stood up, and Jenna stared in awe at the tree that they were standing in.

“Did you ever dream you’d see something like this?” she asked.

“Never.” Caitlin said, equally as awestruck.

“Um…girls…Beth?” the fairy reminded them. The three girls entered into the colony through the neared entrance, a hollowed out knot above the branch they had landed on.


“Your Majesty” rang the voice of Do-an through out her throne room. “They have arrived.”

“Excellent. Send for Da’av and have him bring the package he is guarding to my throne room at once, will you?”

“Yes, Madame Magistrate” Do-an’s voice replied, and then the throne room went silent

Mabia stood up and left the room, her eyes filled with intent.


Lorna Pevnock sat in her apartment in the colony, reading a book, wishing her life hadn’t become so complicated. Where was her daughter, what proof did Mabia have of her disloyalty to the colony, and…what was Mabia going to do with her daughter. That was the important question running through her mind. A soft knock came at the door, and Lorna got up to open it. When she did her jaw dropped. In the doorway stood her daughter, and two other fairies she had never seen before.

“Hi Mom!” Jadaris said sweetly “May we come in?”

“Jadaris! What are you doing here?! Mabia will throw you in a cell when she finds out you are here!

“Look, Mom…please, sit down. These are my new friends, Caitlin and Jenna.” She says introducing the girls, who shake Lorna’s hand.

“Those sound like human names…” Lorna said before gasping “Jadaris, you didn’t…”

“Mom, I had to…Mabia sent Siri Oubotoni to spy on me, and…she took a human captive.”

Lorna’s mouth dropped. “I can’t believe this…you mean Mabia had her kidnap a human…how is that even possible?”

Jadaris felt her cheeks get rosy as she heard this. “It’s my fault mother. I shrunk the humans down to my size so they could spend some time with me. She went to get something, and when we came back, she was gone, and all that was left was this” she said handing her mother the note from Siri.

“This is far beyond what I thought her capable of” Lorna hissed as she closed the door. “You should have known better than to take your eyes off a modified human, but…kidnapping a human. It goes against all fairy protocol…as is turning humans into fairies I might add.”

“They refused to stay behind, and I figured this better than bringing two regular everyday humans into the colony. The guards would freak.”

“Speaking of which they are probably on their…” Lorna began, but was stopped by a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” she sighed

a male voice shouted “Your High Magistrate, Lady Mabia wishes to speak with you Lorna Pevnock”

“Hide!” Lorna whispered under her breath. Jadaris quickly took out something from her “bag of tricks” and sprinkled it on all herself, Caitlin and Jenna. Suddenly the world grew larger in a flash.

”You shrunk us again, didn’t you” Caitlin said looking up at the giant living room furniture.

“Come on…let’s hide” Jenna said as the door started to creak open.

“Hello, Lorna, my dear, how are you?” the voice of a cold older woman rang through the room.

“That’s the High Magistrate?” asked Jenna in a soft whisper.

“Yes. Now shhh” Jadaris added, trying to listen.

“There is a rumor going around the colony, Lorna” Mabia continued “That your traitorous daughter has returned…”

“Oh…really?” Lorna asked, feigning innocence, quite well, if you had to ask Caitlin, who was listening intently.

“You…haven’t seen her?” asked Mabia

“No. Should I have?” Lorna replied.

“Well, If I were her, you’d be the first person I’d see when I arrived. Nothing like Senator Mommy to get her out of trouble…but this time…I have the senate on my side, the Colony will see the little snake for what she is, and will do away with her for good, and you, Lorna, will be forced to watch. I may be more lenient if you tell me where her and her two friends are hiding.

“She has friends with her?” Lorna asked, pretending not to have met Caitlin and Jenna

“Oh, yes, two other fairies…if that’s what they really are…but no matter…she will be found, and soon…but you, my darling, I want to show you something. Guards!” The Magistrate said with a laugh as two male fairies came in and grabbed her by her arms, lifiting her in the air.

“What is the meaning of this?” Lorna shouted, causing Jadaris to come out of hiding to see her. She made sure to stay out of sight, but watched as Mabia took her hands and waved them in the direction of her mother.

A glow started to form around Lorna and she started to shrink, her body collapsing in on itself, her robe slipping off, and falling to the ground.

In moments, she was small enough to be held in the Magistrate’s hand. “There, now you can’t stand in my way. Tonight we set forth into a new frontier…the domination of the Human world!”

She signals the guards away, and grasped Lorna tightly and left, slamming the door.
“Mother!” gasped Jadaris as Caitlin and Jenna flew out from underneath the chair they were hiding under.

“What are we gonna do…” Jenna said.

“Well, first, we should get, you know, bigger. Being Pixie sized to a Pixie was fun when it was just you, Jadaris, but in a colony full of pixies, pixies on the lookout for us? Not so much.”

Jadaris agreed, and after a sprinkle of more dust, the three had returned to normal size, well, normal for a pixie.

Jadaris sat there thinking for a few moments, while the two humans looked around the small room.

“I got it!” Jadaris said as she turned to face the others.

“It’s time I paid a visit to an old friend.” She said with a smile.


Da’av looked into the cage and smiled.

“I hope the journey wasn’t too bumpy for you?” he asked as Beth straightened herself, and stood up.

“Well apart from the fact that I’ve been shrunk down tinier than a pixie, and am trapped in a cage…it was fine.” She joked. She had been in a lighter mood since she had been put in the care of Da’av. He truly wanted to protect her, and keep her safe…but she knew the time was coming when even he couldn’t stop the Magistrate from having her way.

“The Magistrate will be her in a few moments…and I can’t protect you when she’s around…so…be brave, little Beth.” He lowered his head and walked to the corner of the room.

The Bark doors flew open and The Magistrate walked in, gown flowing. She had another tiny prisoner in her hand, it seemed.

“Da’av, find a cage for her…” she said handing the tiny creature to the kindly guard.

“Your Majesty…this is Senator Pevnock…what…what is going on here?” he gasped.

“Just put her in a cage, or I’ll do it, and you’ll join her.” She said briskly walking towards Beth’s cage. Da’av left with Lorna Pevnock in his hands, and quickly set about finding a cage, as he was told.

“Hello there, Bethany, I trust you’ve been keeping. I am going to open the cage, but know that if you try to escape, I will make no attempt to catch you. You may get out of here, or even out of the colony, but at your size, you would make a fine meal for many of Mother Earth’s creatures.”

Beth understood that the Magistrate was telling the truth, and didn’t wish to tempt fate. If she was ever going to get out of this, she needed to have a cool head about her.

The cage door unhinged and a giant hand reached in and picked Beth up. Beth didn’t resist, but she was repulsed by being picked up by this foul woman.

“Now, Human…tell me…what is your species greatest weakness?” Mabia asked.

“…I…that’s a pretty broad question…” Beth replied.

“It is their curioisity…it’s why you are here…it’s why those who came before you got here.”

“I thought you said I was the first?” Beth shouted to her captor

“The first? Well, maybe not the first? I’ve had many human captives, mostly one’s too curious for their own good, who wander into the glen where we reside. The magic of the Fairy ring reduces them in size, and if they are caught, they are brought to me…you were the first that I actively sought out…I have learned a lot about your kind, and it is truly your curiosity that gets the better of you…every single time. But enough of that…I want to see what you fear…” she says producing a small stick with a blade on the end…”Do you fear this?” she said, the blade drawing closer to Beth’s torso. The blade shone bright in the darkness of the throne room. Beth started to shudder, and she started to beg.

“Please…no…that look dangerous, please put it away.”

“I seem to have quite the effect…but I wonder if I got closer…” she said, causing Beth to scream louder. Da’av soon entered the room, and heard his little friend screaming for help.

“Magistrate!” he said.

“What is it, you big oaf?” she mumbled, pocketing the stick with the blade on it.

“The senator has been stored safely.”

But if Mabia were to look, that was not the case…Da’av had freed the senator, and using his magic restored her to some of her former height. She had gone off to alert the other senators, and he returned, to keep an eye on his new friend.

“Wonderful..., now if you’ll excuse me, I have more experiments to carry out” she said, placing Beth on a nearby table.

Beth looked at Da’av who’s eyes screamed that he wanted to help, but his hands were tied.

She looked up and didn’t like what she saw, as the Magistrate was bringing over a cage, with something inside, something large, something alive.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-11-2008   #36
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by darthspielberg View Post
She looked up and didn?t like what she saw, as the Magistrate was bringing over a cage, with something inside, something large, something alive.

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