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Unread 01-19-2011   #37
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

Originally Posted by Shrinking Violet View Post
4 feet? You've got to be kidding. That's hardly shrunk at all. Got to go down to at least or at most 2 feet. Get real! Well, maybe "real" isn't the word. Get unreal!

Originally Posted by Styerion View Post
I'm a fan of SW/BE in the 4' range. As stated, it fills a rather overlooked niche, and the BE adds something else to the mix. Really SW/Any can make a good mixup.

Same with GTS. I see some astronomical sizes out there, but what's really nice is someone who gets up to 7' or 8', and usually I like that occurring on more gentle women. In all, I'm aiming just to open up the standard size bracket a bit since I can't appreciate anything too excessive of a change size-wise.
It's fun. Some people want to have it realistic, some want it anything but!

but we can all agree that what there isn't enough of is what you, specifically, want. And everything that does not appeal to you is overdone.

Can't help but wonder, fans of the not actually shrunken sizes here, do you tend to like slow shrinking stories/sequences but stop reading after the first few chapters? At least your range gets some coverage then. ;P
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Unread 01-19-2011   #38
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

I like the SW side to about 3' (half the size of a person) with the gts size to about 12' (twice the size of a person). After that and the logistics don't really work.

I also don't like Shrinking stories in which the person goes from being normal size in one paragraph and bam they are there final shrunken/grown size in the next. I like it being incremental.
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Unread 01-19-2011   #39
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

Yes! Spurts are the best ^_^ A nice bit of process and then anywhere from just enough time ot realise they jsut shrank (abotu 10-30sec) or anyhting up to time to get adjusted (sevreal hours, or even a day or so) before hte next spurt ^_^ It draws out hte process and gets to show interact on various sizes ^^_ Bonus if it's reversible for extra run of fun ^_^

Whether or nto it's gentle or lightly forced (otu and out rape is usually out), if hte subject is into it it gets that much mroe enjoyable cus I don't feel guilty abotu it ^_^
Raptor-Jesus is the way to go.
That meteor made absolutely sure that He died for our sins.
.................................................. ......The shattered dreams that make you whole...
...broken hopes that bind your wounds...
..........................there is a purpose to this darkness
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Unread 01-20-2011   #40
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

Originally Posted by Random_X View Post
I like the idea of a very slow shrink down to mid 3' range. I'm 5'1 now, so going down to 5' isn't that big of a deal. I love imagining a woman having to finagle the countertops though, discovering how weird the world looks, simple things like brushing her teeth or using her keyboard.

Plus, I think mid 3' is the absolute smallest you could go and enjoy a good sexual encounter without being split in half.

There's a reason the Medallion story by Nomdreserv is my alltime favorite SW story. Slow enough to enjoy all the heights and it stops at a still functional but fun size.

Edit: Oh hey, I finally delurked.
Congratulations on the delurking! =-)
Just had to say I agree 100%... and the "function but fun size" made me almost lose my coffee... LOL
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Unread 01-20-2011   #41
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

I believe it was Done by Mr. Carl
Though if anyone has the ending, I have been dying to read it.

A Small Addition
Chapter One
Susan Matthews sighed heavily and looked up at her office clock. Another two hours before she could go home and still one more client to deal with. She smiled wearily as she adjusted the family photograph on her desk…taken last summer during their vacation in the mountains. Susan, standing beside her husband Tom, both smiling brightly as they stood behind their four children, daughter Lisa, 15, son Nick, 13, daughter Lindy, 7, and the newest edition to the household, Michelle, now 18 months old. Susan was thumbing through her appointment calendar when she was called by her receptionist. "Call for you on line two, Ms Matthews….Lassiter Research."
"Lasssiter Research?", Susan thought to herself. She recognized the company name…her best friend, Rebecca, worked there…but why would she call under "Lassiter Research" and not as Rebecca? Susan picked up the phone…it was not Rebecca on the other end of the connection.
"Mrs. Matthews?"
"Yes? May I help you?", Susan replied.
"We have you listed as an emergency contact person for Rebecca Walker, one of our employees."
"Rebecca? Is she alright??"
"Ms Walker is fine, but I cannot explain anymore over the phone. She is here at our main office….if you can come here, I can answer any questions you might have…but she is going to need a ride home tonight."
Susan looked at her wall clock. She had just enough time to pick up Rebecca, swing by the day care to pick up Michelle at the daycare, and get home just in time before the rest of the kids got home from school.
Susan left work early and headed to the northeast part of town where Rebecca worked, arriving at their main offices about a half hour later. She went to the administration office and a receptionist escorted her to an empty conference room. After a short wait, the door to the conference room opened. A female technician entered the room, wearing a white lab coat and carrying in her arms a bundle wrapped in a small blanket. The technician walked over and gently placed the bundle into Susan’s arms. Susan instinctively cuddled the bundle to her, noticing that whatever was wrapped in the blanket had some mass and weight…perhaps 10-15 pounds. She looked up at the technician inquisitively, as if to ask, "What is this?" Susan began to peel back the blanket and was shocked when she uncovered the small face of her friend, Rebecca! Rebecca’s eyes were closed and she appeared to be sleeping soundly.
"Oh, my God!" Susan exclaimed, "The poor little dear!!" She looked up at the technician. "What happened to her??"
"Ms Walker has been involved in some research involving size studies", the technician explained, "When we went to restore her to her normal size this morning, there was a malfunction in the restoration device. She became very distressed and we had to heavily sedate her, so she will probably sleep well into the afternoon for you. If you will be so kind as to bring her back tomorrow afternoon, we will have the restoration device fixed then and we can put her back to her normal size."
"These studies that Ms Walker has been participating in….", continued the technician, "are very sensitive. So, I must ask for your confidence."
"I understand", Susan replied, "I will not compromise your secret."
"Besides", she smiled, as she gently brushed Rebecca’s hair back from her forehead, "if I did, I would have to explain this, wouldn’t I?"
"And Mrs. Matthews…", the technician sat down next to Susan and got very serious, "It is very important that Ms Walker not be seen in public in ….uh…her condition."
"I understand", Susan replied, "I will keep her bundled up in her blanket so no one will see her."
"And…", the technician continued, "It would probably be best if you took Ms Walker home with you tonight…kept her at your house…when she wakes up, she is going to be very disoriented and scared. And besides, she is going to need someone to bring her back here tomorrow afternoon for her restoration."
Susan stood up and adjusted Rebecca in her arms, cradling her as if she were carrying an infant. The technician escorted Susan out of the building and watched her drive away.
Susan was very distracted as she drove to the daycare to pick up Michelle. She found herself constantly glancing into the passenger seat where she had laid Rebecca…watching for any signs of movement, praying that the ride would not wake her up. The last thing she needed right now was a hysterical toddler-sized woman in the van.
Although very apprehensive about it, Susan left Rebecca in the van while she ran inside the daycare to get her daughter. She was very relieved when she got back and found that her little bundle in the front seat had not moved. As she strapped Michelle into her car seat, Susan smiled to herself as she wondered how Rebecca would react to being put into a car seat….she is certainly the perfect size now, isn’t she?
Holding Michelle in one arm and Rebecca in the other, Susan carried her two little bundles into the living room. She put Michelle into her playpen and then sat down on the couch, laying Rebecca back in her arms…still completely covered up in her blanket.
Susan smiled and stared at the bundle that she held in her arms. She very slowly opened the blanket, revealing first the top of Rebecca’s head…then her whole head and face. Unable to resist the temptation to touch her, Susan gently caressed the side of Rebecca’s face with her finger, feeling the soft warmness of her skin against the pad of her fingertip. She quickly withdrew her finger when Rebecca stirred in her drug-induced sleep, moaning softly in response to the caress.
Susan pushed the blanket further apart, revealing a bare neck and shoulders…."My God", Susan thought to herself, "she isn’t wearing anything underneath this blanket! She’s naked!"
The woman continued to slowly and gently unwrap the blanket from around Rebecca, revealing tiny, but perfectly proportioned and well rounded breasts…a slim tummy….Susan opened the blanket completely and her eyes immediately fell to the tiny "V" of closely cropped pubic hair between Rebecca’s legs…when she had finally completely uncovered the tiny naked woman, Susan estimated Rebecca to be approximately 30 inches in height…about the size of a small toddler. Susan wrapped Rebecca back up in her blanket, knowing that when she did wake up, she was not going to want to find herself laid out as Susan had just done to her!
Susan looked at the clock….the kids would be arriving home from school in about two hours. She wondered if she should try to wake Rebecca up…or let her wake up on her own. She decided to wait a bit longer, but realizing that Rebecca would need time to acclimate herself to her new condition and situation without having to worry about curious young people.
Susan cuddled Rebecca to her, stifling a giggle when she realized that she was rocking back and forth as if she were holding a baby. She watched Rebecca sleeping, toying with the tiny woman’s hair with her forefinger…curling it around her finger, then letting it unravel.
Rebecca stirred in Susan’s arms, moaning softly….then her eyes suddenly fluttered open.
Rebecca looked directly up into Susan’s gaze, then side to side. Her eyes widened and Susan felt the tiny woman’s body tense in her arms. Rebecca’s lips peeled away from her teeth in a high pitched scream as she began to flail around, fighting against the giant that held her.
"no!no!No!NO!NO!!", Rebecca screamed as she squirmed helplessly in Susan’s arms, trapped in her blanket. "Shhhh!", Susan smiled, trying to comfort her terrified friend, hugging her close…"You are okay, Rebecca…..everything is just fine…just calm down now, okay?"
Susan winced when she felt a warm wetness on her thighs as Rebecca lost control of her bladder. In her surprise, Susan loosened her grip on her little bundle, allowing Rebecca to squirm free. The tiny woman scrambled out of Susan’s lap and cowered in the corner of the couch, clutching her blanket tightly around her.
Rebecca cringed against the end of the couch, her eyes fixed with panic, looking much like a trapped rabbit. Susan cocked her head abit and smiled, trying to reassure the frightened woman. "It’s okay, Rebecca….I’m not going to hurt you…it’s me, Susan…remember??"
"Th-They didn’t restore me!!", Rebecca sobbed. "Why didn’t they put me back like I was??"
"There was a malfunction with the machine, dear", Susan smiled, reaching out her hand towards Rebecca. The tiny woman flinched back, pushing her head against the couch, trying to get as far away from the reaching hand as she could. Susan leaned forward and caressed Rebecca’s face with her open hand, her fingers trailing along her cheek and down the side of her neck.
"Don’t be afraid, Rebecca….everything will be alright….they called me and explained everything…they asked me to look after you and bring you back tomorrow…they will have the machine fixed and they will put you back to normal."
"T-They will?", Rebecca replied, a trace of hope and expectation in her voice.
"Of course!", Susan smiled, "I will take you there tomorrow afternoon."
"But for now", she smiled, standing up and pointing to the wet spot on her thighs, "I need to change my pants."
Rebecca put her hand to her mouth and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry ‘bout that! It was just that I was very confused when I woke up….*you* try waking up in the arms of a giant and see if you don’t pee yourself!"
Susan began walking toward her bedroom. She turned around and watched as Rebecca scooted to the edge of the couch, her legs dangling over the side. She straightened her legs and leaned forward, slipping off of the cushion and landed on the floor with a soft ~thump~. Rebecca scampered across the living room floor trying to keep pace with her giant guardian, all the while being very careful to not trip over the blanket that she kept clutched tightly around her.
Rebecca stood watching as Susan shed her pants and rifled through her dresser, looking for another pair of jeans.
"Uh…Susan?", Rebecca asked, "Did they give you any clothes for me to wear? ‘Cause I’m not wearing anything underneath this wrap. When I’m participating in the studies, they have a specially made outfit for me to wear. They didn’t give you one for me to wear?"
"No, dear, they sure didn’t", Susan replied, "But we need to get you dressed….the kids will be home in a little bit, and I’m sure you don’t want to be running around here wrapped in a blanket."
"Oh, no! Pleeese, Susan!!", Rebecca exclaimed, "Don’t let them see me like this!! Pleeeease!! Give me something to wear so I will at least be covered and hide me somewhere until tomorrow!"
"Well, I suppose you could stay in Michelle’s room.", Susan answered, "Nobody usually goes in there. You will be safe from being discovered there…’cept for ‘Chelle, of course!"
Rebecca smiled and nodded. "What do you have that I could wear until tomorrow?"
"Well, about the only thing I have that you could wear at all would be a tee shirt.", Susan replied, "I could see what ‘Chelle or Lindy have that you might be able to wear".
"Oh, no, please!", Rebecca smiled, blushing abit, "I’m not sure I could handle wearing children’s clothes. One of your tee shirts will be fine."
Susan dug around in her dresser, looking for the smallest tee shirt that she owned…a bright yellow Winnie The Pooh tee shirt. She knelt down in front of Rebecca and held the tee shirt up against the tiny woman, as if measuring it for a fit. Rebecca did not move, but instead, stood still, looking up and feeling very small even though Susan was on her knees in front of her.
"This should be just fine for you to wear", Susan smiled.
Without any prompting Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and the blanket that she had been clutching so tightly to her tiny body pooled around her feet. The tiny woman stood naked before Susan. Susan gazed down at the tiny woman for a few seconds, taking in the beauty of her nakedness….not about to tell her that she had earlier gotten a sneak peak at her womanly treasures. Susan was fascinated with the perfect proportions of Rebecca’s tiny body….she was tempted to reach out to caress her, but decided against it.
Rebecca looked up at Susan and lifted her arms above her head, as if waiting to be dressed. Susan smiled and slipped the tee shirt over Rebecca’s head, feeding her arms through the sleeves and smoothing it out against her body.
"Now, that should be better than having to worry about that blanket, huh?", Susan smiled.
"Yes! Thank you!", Rebecca smiled as she took a step forward and wrapped her tiny arms around Susan’s neck, hugging her tightly. Following Rebecca’s lead, Susan hugged Rebecca back, kissed her on the forehead and patted her little bottom. "Now run along to your room before the kids get home!" she giggled. Rebecca joined in on the little joke - she thought the play-acting was cute. Susan smiled as she watched little Rebecca pad down the hallway and into Michelle’s room.
Susan entered Michele’s (Rebecca’s?) room and found the tiny woman exploring what was going to be her living space for the next twenty-some hours. Susan knelt down in front of Rebecca and took her tiny hands into hers, looking intently into her eyes.
"I’m going to have to lock you in here, Rebecca", she said softly, "I don’t want anyone coming in here accidentally and finding you. But I will check on you from time to time, so don’t worry, okay?"
"I won’t", Rebecca smiled, smiling up at Susan "I really appreciate you taking me in like this", Rebecca said, "Taking care of me and all, like you’re doing… are a true friend, Susan."
Susan smiled as she kissed Rebecca on the top of her head, "That’s what friends are for", she grinned as she stood up, backing towards the door….She waved, smiled again, and closed the door, locking it behind her.
Susan returned to the living room and checked on Michelle, who was still playing quietly with her stuffed toys in her playpen.
Left to her own devices, Rebecca began to explore her new surroundings. It didn’t take her long at all to begin discovering the limitations of her new stature. Knowing that tomorrow she would be restored to her normal height, she did not dwell on the fact that at her present height, she was unable to accomplish even the most mundane tasks without assistance. She would be floor-bound and dependent upon Susan for everything, at least until tomorrow afternoon.
Not long thereafter, Susan’s 7-year-old daughter, Lindy, arrived home from school. She bounced into the house, dropping her bookbag at the doorway and continuing toward the kitchen, waving to her mom and smiling as she passed by…."I’m starvin’, Mom!" she said, without breaking stride.
"Just a small snack, Lindy!", Susan replied sternly, "We’re having supper when your father gets home in awhile!" Lindy nodded in compliance.
Lindy watched television and Michelle while Susan began preparing supper.
About every half hour or so, Susan would sneak back to Michelle’s room and check on her little charge. Rebecca seemed to be enjoying the safety and solitude of Michelle’s nursery….even to the point of sitting on the floor and playing with some of the toddler’s toys.

"Are you alright, Rebecca?", Susan asked, sitting down on the floor next to the tiny woman.
"~Uh Huh~!, Rebecca replied, looking up at Susan, then back to the toys she was playing with.
Susan leaned over and kissed Rebecca on the top of her head. "I gotta get back to supper then", Susan smiled, "I will check on you in a little bit and bring you something to eat."
Little Rebecca smiled, beginning to enjoy the attention her giant friend was giving her. "Thank you", Rebecca smiled.
The following hours followed the normal routine…Susan’s two teenagers arrived about an hour behind Lindy ….16-year-old Lisa had been at soccer practice….15-year-old Nick arrived shortly thereafter, returning from football tryouts and finally, Susan’s husband, Tom, arriving home just as supper was being put on the table.
Susan brought Rebecca a small plate of food. Rebecca was unable to handle the eating utensils in her tiny hands. She politely refused Susan’s offer to feed her, instead, electing to eat from the plate with her hands. When she was finished, Rebecca held out her hands to Susan, palms up, so she could wipe them off.
"Uh…Susan?", Rebecca smiled, fidgeting.
"Yes, hon?"
Rebecca bit her lower lip and blushed. "I have to go to the bathroom."
Susan nodded and smiled. "Let me check first and make sure the coast is clear, dear.", she replied. She opened the bedroom door and looked up and down the hall. No sign of kids or husband. Susan nodded to Rebecca and motioned that is was okay for her to leave the room.
Rebecca scampered past Susan, down the hall and into the bathroom. A few minutes later, the tiny woman was whimpering in frustration as she tried unsuccessfully to climb up onto the toilet.
Suddenly, and without warning, Rebecca felt herself being lifted up by two hands underneath her arms. She let out a muffled yelp of surprise and she felt her feet leave the floor, her legs dangling. Her face burned with embarrassment at how easily she was being handled. She was slowly turned around and placed gently on the toilet seat.
Rebecca looked up to see Susan’s large moon-like face looking down at her. Rebecca felt very small and child-like in her vulnerable position. She looked up at Susan and smiled weakly.
"Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help, Rebecca", Susan said, "Now hurry up and go…I have to get ‘Chelle ready for bed."
Rebecca smiled feebly as she stoically endured the humiliation of having to pee for Susan, then being held over the sink as she washed her hands. Instead of setting her back on the floor when she was finished, Susan placed Rebecca onto her hip, carrying her back to the bedroom as if she were carrying a child. Rebecca did not protest her treatment….she could only cling to Susan’s neck and shoulders as she was carried around.
Susan sat Rebecca on Michelle’s changing table. Susan reached down and traced her finger down the bridge of Rebecca’s tiny nose. Rebecca giggled and kicked her legs, enjoying the attention and play-acting.
Rebecca glanced over to one side and noticed a stack of diapers close by. She looked up at Susan, poking her lower lip out in a mock pout. "You wouldn’t dare put those on me!", she giggled, "~Would you?~"
Susan laughed loudly. Until now, she had not even considered advancing their little play-acting game that they had both been dancing around all afternoon and into the evening. Both women had been playing a little loose with this, knowing that after tomorrow afternoon, their little game would be at an end. Susan could tell that Rebecca was beginning to adapt to her situation, probably in the knowledge that she would be back to normal in less than twelve hours.
"No diaper for you, little lady", Susan teased, ruffling Rebecca’s hair playfully, "But you will have to sleep with Michelle tonight."
"Me?? Sleep in a crib?", Rebecca repeated, a bit of anxiousness in her voice. Then she shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose that won’t be too bad…just for one night."
"Now, if you will excuse me", Susan smiled, "I gotta go get Michelle."
Rebecca reached her arms out to Susan. "Put me down on the floor, please!", she giggled, "Don’t leave me stranded up here on the changing table!"
Susan put her hands underneath Rebecca’s arms and lifted her off the table, placing her gently at her feet. Rebecca looked up at her giant friend and giggled, brushing her hair back from her forehead, blushing at having being picked up and handled so easily.
Susan brought Melissa into the nursery and laid her down on the changing table. Rebecca watched from the floor as Susan dressed her 18-month old for bed. She laid Michelle in her crib and leaned over the railing, placing a bottle in her mouth. Michelle took the bottle and closed her eyes, sucking gently.
Susan turned to Rebecca. "Ready for bed?", she asked.
Rebecca nodded her head slowly and put her arms up towards Susan, waiting to be picked up.
Susan lifted Rebecca and placed her in the crib. She bent over the railing and kissed the tiny woman on the top of her head, patting her playfully on her behind.
"Now you be a good girl and go right to sleep. I don’t want to have to spank you", Susan grinned in pretend sternness. Rebecca smiled sweetly and nodded her head, lying down beside little Michelle. "Yes, ma’am", she giggled, as Susan covered her up and tucked the blanket around her.
Rebecca woke up late that night….she had no idea what time it was. A nightlight provided the only light in the nursery. At first, she was very confused….not understanding where she was or how she had gotten there. But when she had gathered her wits, she realized exactly why she had woke up….she was incredibly thirsty. Her plan was to simply climb out of the crib, tip toe into the bathroom, get her some water and climb back into the crib without disturbing anyone.
A few minutes later, her eyes were tearing in frustration as she found that she could not even climb out of the crib. She plopped down on the mattress and Melissa’s baby bottle caught her eye. She picked up the bottle and examined it closely…it was half full. She tipped the bottle and squeezed it…a few drops of milk fell onto her tiny fingers and she licked them, tasting the sweet liquid. Although the milk was warm, it was wet and tasted very sweet to Rebecca. The tiny woman sat the bottle down, deciding that she was not so thirsty that she would drink from a baby’s bottle. But the sweet taste lingered in Rebecca’s mouth and after a few minutes she picked the bottle back up again. She looked around the room, as if to reassure herself that no one was watching. Slowly and very tentatively, she raised the bottle to her mouth. Her soft, tiny lips parted and she slipped the nipple into her mouth. She turned the bottle upwards and suckled to the rubber swelled with the sweet milk before squirting down her throat. Hungrily, she worked the nipple to get all she could….the hiss of bubbles can be heard, the creamy liquid being drained She finished the bottle, and placed it back, next to Michelle. Her thirst satiated, she drifted back off to dreamland.
Rebecca was awakened the next morning to the sound of a very hungry Michelle, crying for her mom. When Susan entered the nursery, she could not help but laugh when she saw her 18-month old daughter and Rebecca…almost the same size…standing side by side inside Melissa’s crib, both holding onto the railings as if waiting to be taken out.
"Good morning, you two!", Susan smiled as she lifted Michelle into her arms, kissing her. "Ohhh! You’re a wet girl, aren’t you?"
"She was crying so loud, I was afraid someone else might come in and find me…what would have happened then?", Rebecca said, relieved at seeing Susan come through the door.
"Oh, don’t worry!", Susan smiled, "The kids are all at school…and Tom is at work. It’s just us girls here now."
Susan laughed as she carried her baby to the changing table.
"Uh…before you start with that, would you mind taking me out, please?", Rebecca asked, "I really need to go."
Susan cocked her head as she looked at the tiny woman. "Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart!", she smiled, lifting Rebecca out of the crib and placing her on the floor. She watched Rebecca scoot off towards the bathroom.
Susan begins to change her daughter’s diaper when she feels a tug on her pants leg. She looks down and sees Rebecca looking up at her, trying to get her attention. "I need a boost up onto the toilet please", Rebecca said, blushing a deep crimson.
Susan nodded her head and quickly finished taping the tabs on her baby’s diaper. She lifted Melissa off the table and instinctively reached down, taking Rebecca by the hand. Rebecca did not protest, but instead, allowed herself to be led by the hand out of the nursery, down the hallway and into the bathroom. Susan lifted the tiny woman onto the toilet seat and Melissa watched curiously as Rebecca did her "business". Rebecca was allowed to stand on a chair and wash her hands this time as Susan was having a bit of a problem holding a very squirmy Melissa.
Rebecca was led back into the nursery and she watched curiously as Susan sat down in the rocking chair and laid Melissa back in her arms. Susan lifted her tee shirt and unsnapped her bra cup, exposing her left breast. As she guided the nipple to Melissa’s mouth, she looked over at Rebecca, noticing that she was staring.
"Is something wrong?", Susan smiled, "I’m feeding Melissa…I will be done in a little bit, then we will drive up to your work and get you back to normal size, okay?"
Susan looked closer at the tiny woman, whom she noticed had taken on an ashen appearance. "B-but….you gave her a bottle last night", Rebecca replied finally, "You didn’t breastfeed her last night."
"Oh! That bottle!", Susan laughed, "That was some milk I had gotten with the pump….I had to use it before it went bad."
Rebecca grimaced abit as she felt a roiling in her stomach.
Two hours later:
Rebecca was allowed to sit in the front seat as she was drove to her work. She was excited in that she knew that her life as a child-sized woman was about to be over. She had full intentions to submit her resignation as soon as she was restored to her normal height….no more of these size experiments for her!
Susan steered her car into the parking lot of Lassiter Research and found it very odd that there were no cars in the lot. She glanced over at Rebecca and noticed that she was also watching out the window…a very concerned look on her face. Susan drove right up almost to the front entrance and got out of the car.
Susan pulled on the entrance door and found it was locked. She cupped her hands to the glass door and peered inside….empty rooms and offices as far as she could see….the bastards had taken off…left without a trace.
"Oh, shit", Susan muttered under her breath as she turned back towards the car. She could see Rebecca peeking over the dashboard….her tiny body shaking as she sobbed uncontrollably.
The ride back home was very tense…. and quiet. The only sound was an occasional outburst of babbling from Michelle, sitting in her car seat in the back. Rebecca kept her head turned away from Susan, pretending to watch the passing scenery, but it was obvious by her quivering body and the hitches in her breathing, that she was sobbing.
When they arrived home, Susan took Michelle into the house, put her in the playpen, and went back to tend to Rebecca. Susan slowly opened the passenger door and knelt down beside her tiny friend.
"Why don’t you let me take you inside, dear", Susan said softly, fiddling with Rebecca’s hair as she spoke.
Rebecca bit her lower lip and nodded her head in consent. She turned to Susan and leaned into her, clasping her arms around her neck, almost clinging, her legs wrapped around Susan’s waist. Rebecca buried her face against Susan’s shoulder as she was carried into the house.
As soon as she was brought into the house, Rebecca straightened her legs and grasped Susan by the shoulders. From motherly experience, Susan knew that this meant, "I want down". She loosened her grip on Rebecca and allowed the tiny woman to slide down her leg and onto the floor. Susan followed Rebecca to the couch.
Rebecca struggled to get up onto the cushion and Susan bent over, preparing to lift Rebecca up onto the couch. Rebecca gently brushed Susan’s hand away. "I need to start doing these things for myself, Susan", Rebecca said, "I don’t want to have to be carried around and lifted into my seat all the time."
Susan stepped back and watched Rebecca struggling so hard with something that she would not have given a second thought only twenty four hours ago. Susan suppressed a giggle as she watched the tiny woman becoming more and more frustrated.
"Let me help you, hon", Susan finally said, lifting Rebecca up from behind. Rebecca squealed in protest as she felt herself being lifted off the floor, her feet kicking furiously. Her face burned with indignation as she was turned around and placed on the couch cushion, her legs sticking straight out, not able to reach the edge.
"I didn’t want to be picked up!", Rebecca glared angrily, tears of frustration filling her eyes, "I could’da got up here by myself!!"
"I know you could have, dear", Susan smiled as she reached down and brushed a stray lock of Rebecca’s hair from her forehead.
"Don’t patronize me!" Rebecca scowled, pushing Susan’s hand away.
Susan knelt down so that she was pretty much on the same level as the tiny woman. "I wasn’t trying to patronize you, honey. I was just trying to help you. I’m sorry about what has happened to you, but you have got to realize that your life is going to be different now. Why make things more difficult than they already are?"
"MORE DIFFICULT THAN THEY ALREADY ARE??!", Rebecca replied incredulously. "You aren’t the one that’s the size of a two-year-old….having to run around dressed in this….this….tent!! <Pointing to Michelle in her playpen> "She’s gonna grow up….I’m not going to grow up!! As far as I can tell, I get to spend the rest of my life being carried, lifted, and led around by the hand….completely dependent on others to help me with everything!
Rebecca squirmed to the edge of the couch and slid off onto the floor. She ran sobbing into Michelle’s nursery, slamming the door behind her.
Susan waited for a few minutes before she walked down the hallway and tapped lightly on the nursery door. "Rebecca? May I come in, honey?"
Susan waited a few seconds, opened the door and walked inside. Rebecca looked up at her with reddened, puffy eyes, adjusting her oversized tee shirt around her shoulders.
Susan walked over to the dresser and picked out a pink terry cloth stretch sleeper that belonged to Baby Melissa. She sat down on the floor and motioned to Rebecca.
Rebecca hesitantly padded over to Susan, standing in front of her.
"I want you to put this on", Susan said, handing the sleeper to Rebecca.
The tiny woman held out the garment with disdain. "Ugh!", Rebecca frowned, "Baby clothes? I’m not wearing baby clothes!!"
"Listen, Rebecca", Susan said firmly, "I know you don’t want to hear this, but the only clothes that will fit you now will have snaps going up the inside of the pant legs…toddler clothes. I’m guessing size 24 Months or 2T…that is what Michelle is wearing now."
Rebecca looked up at Susan, her eyes pleading. "P-Please, Susan", she said softly, handing the sleeper back to her friend, "Don’t do this….don’t make me wear baby clothes!"
"Wearing a tee shirt around for one day was okay, Rebecca", Susan explained, "But you know now, as well as I do that your…umm…situation….is more permanent now."
Rebecca turned her eyes away from Susan, her lower lip quivering as she fought back tears.
"The sooner you get used to wearing clothes that fit you, dear, the better off you will be", Susan said in a reassuring voice, "This is just something you are going to have to adjust to."
"Gawd! This is so embarrassing!", Rebecca said, blushing a bright red, "I’m twenty-eight years old, and having to wear baby clothes."
"Well, it’s only me that will be seeing you like this, hon, if that makes a difference", Susan smiled.
Rebecca shrugged and sighed. She took a deep breath in resignation and crossed her arms in front of her, grasping the hem of the tee shirt. Slowly, she lifted the tee shirt up and over her head, leaving herself deliciously naked in front of Susan. Rebecca held the tee shirt out to her giant friend. "I suppose I won’t be needing this anymore." Susan took the tee shirt and set it aside, not taking her eyes away from Rebecca.
Rebecca looked up at Susan, a few awkward seconds passing before she raised an arm to try to cover her breasts….the other hand covering the tiny vee between her legs.
"C-Can I have my sleeper now?", Rebecca asked in a soft voice, smiling shyly.
Susan handed her the sleeper and watched as Rebecca fumbled nervously with the zipper and snaps. Rebecca struggled with the sleeper, tugging and pulling on the snaps. Finally, in a fit of frustration, she threw the sleeper on the floor, stomped her foot. "Can I please have my tee shirt back?", Rebecca giggled, still blushing.
"Why don’t you let me help you, hon?", Susan smiled, holding her arms out to the tiny woman. Rebecca smiled weakly and walked into Susan’s arms. Susan lifted the tiny woman into her arms, smiling at the warm smoothness of her nakedness.
Rebecca was carried to the changing table. Susan deftly unzipped and opened the sleeper, slipping Rebecca’s feet into the feetie holes and pulling the sleeper up her legs. Rebecca lay motionless, watching silently as her tiny body was manipulated this way and that. She hated this, but also knew it was useless to resist, figuring that it would be easier to go with the flow. At least in a few more minutes, Susan would be finished.
Susan smiled as she gently guided Rebecca’s arms through the sleeves of the sleeper. She adjusted the elastic fittings around her ankles and wrists, closed the zipper that ran down the length of Rebecca’s legs and crotch. Lastly, she closed the snaps in the front of the sleeper.
"Too tight here?", Susan asked, as she ran her finger over Rebecca’s breasts.
Rebecca gasped and squirmed alittle at Susan’s touch. To her shock, she felt her nipples instantly harden. She quickly turned on her side, so that Susan would not notice. "Just a little", Rebecca replied, "And it feels funny without underwear."
Rebecca was relieved when she was lifted off of the table and placed on the floor. She followed Susan into the living room, her small legs struggling to keep up with her pace with the Giant.
Susan felt a tug on her pants leg. She looked down and saw Rebecca at her feet, looking up at her. "Umm, Susan?", Rebecca smiled shyly, "Can I have something to eat? I haven’t ate anything all day!"
"Oh! I’m sorry, sweetie!", Susan giggled apologetically, "I guess I’m not used to having two to feed yet!" Rebecca winced at her comparison with baby Michelle.
"And after lunch, can I have my tee shirt back, please?" Rebecca added, "I don’t mind sleeping in this….but wearing it around the house is a bit uncomfortable for me."
"Sure, dear!", Susan smiled.
As soon as little Rebecca was placed in the chair at the kitchen table, she knew that this wasn’t going to work….she could barely peek over the top of the table! The only solution, Susan explained, was for Rebecca to be put in Michelle’s highchair. Rebecca was mortified as she was lifted up and placed in the highchair, strapped in and then the tray locked in place. She sat in silence, blushing from embarrassment, arms folded on the tray as she watched Susan prepare her lunch.
Susan soon returned with a cheese omelet and two forks. She placed to plate on Rebecca’s tray and handed her one of Michelle’s forks – made for little hands. "Dig in!", Susan smiled as she put a forkful of food into her mouth. Rebecca watched in silence as Susan cut a few pieces of egg for her and pushed them onto her side of the plate. After hesitating for abit, Rebecca did finally eat…but she felt like she was a child, who was sharing a plate of food with her mommy.
"Not hungry?", Susan asked, noticing Rebecca pushing her food around with her fork.
"Umm…can I have my own plate, please?", Rebecca asked, looking up at Susan.
"Oh, com’on, Rebecca", Susan smiled, taking another small forkful of egg, "Just hurry up and eat….they kids will be coming home soon." She held the fork close to Rebecca’s lips. "~~Now, open and take a bite!~~". Rebecca turned her head away, not wanting to be fed.
"~~Come on, Rebecca~~", Susan said in a sing-song voice, pretending to chide the tiny woman, "~~if you won’t eat, I’ll just have to feed you….just like I do with Michelle….do you want that?~~".
"NO!", Rebecca replied, raising her voice abit, "I will eat….just leave me be…I don’t want to be fed!"
"Oh, com’on now, Rebecca!", Susan replied, some determination showing in her voice inflection, "Take a bite for Susan, ~~okay?~~"
"I’m afraid if you don’t eat your lunch, I won’t be able to give you the tee shirt back", Susan stated in a matter-of-fact voice. The two women’s eyes meet and Rebecca slowly opens her mouth to accept the food from Susan.
Susan smiled as she fed Rebecca. Rebecca’s face burned with the humiliation of being first trapped in a highchair, and second, being force-fed as if she were a recalcitrant child.
"All done?", Susan smiles. Rebecca nods.
"Ready to go back to your room now?"
Rebecca nods again, briefly making eye contact with Susan.
Susan removes the tray from the highchair and releases the straps that hold Rebecca securely. Rebecca gasps as she is lifted out of the chair and into Susan’s arms, sitting her in the crook of her arm. Rebecca puts her arms around Susan’s neck and tries to remain indifferent to being carried around so easily.
Rebecca is laid on the changing table. She looks up at Susan as the front of her sleeper is unsnapped and pulled open. Rebecca squirms awkwardly as her pants legs are unzipped and she feels the cool air on her skin.
Rebecca blushed and turned her face away, feeling Susan’s eyes on her nakedness. She put one hand between her legs and the other across her breasts trying to cover herself.
Rebecca flinched abit when Susan traced a line over her cheek and down the side of her neck. Rebecca forced a shy smile as she gently nudges Susan’s finger away from her with her shoulder. Her smile faded when she felt Susan’s caress again, moving her finger over Rebecca’s arm that she held across her breasts.
"No need to be shy, Rebecca", Susan smiled, moving her fingertip down the bridge of the tiny woman’s nose, playfully "boinking" her on the tip of her nose, "You are going to have to get used to me seeing you and being handled like this."
"Besides, before I dress you, there are a few things we need to talk about". Rebecca stopped suddenly and looked at Susan, not knowing what to expect.
"W---what do you mean?", Rebecca said, her voice inflection betraying concern.
"Well, for one….you are going to be spending lots of time in here by yourself", Susan began, "I wont always be able to come in and check on you….to take you to the bathroom, ya know?"
"So, while you are locked in here during the afternoon….and at night….I’m afraid that you will have to wear a diaper", Susan said, trying to maintain an indifference in her voice.
"WHAT??!", Rebecca exclaimed, sitting up suddenly, "I gotta wear a diaper??! WHY??"
"Because when you are in the crib, you cant get out to use the bathroom, so a diaper is the only solution", Susan explained. Rebecca slumped, bowing her head, knowing full well that she was not going to win this argument.
"Y-you want me to ~go~ in a diaper?", Rebecca asked, followed by an incredulous stare.
"No, hon!", Susan smiled, fiddling with Rebecca’s hair, trying to comfort her. "The diaper is just for those few times that I can’t get in to check on you….in case of a….ummm…accident."
"Oh, gawd!" was the only response from Rebecca.
"And Rebecca…since you will be wearing a diaper…. I’m afraid that….ummm….even a tiny bit of pubic hair would be unsanitary…."
"NO! NOOO!", Rebecca screamed, "Not THAT!! Please!! Noooo!"
"I’m afraid that this subject is not up for debate, hon", Susan replied, "I’m just telling you what is expected.
Rebecca scooted to the other side of the changing table, cowering against the wall. "You aren’t going to shave me….down there, are you?"
"Not unless you prove uncooperative about this, dear", Susan smiled, "I will bring you some shaving utensils after awhile…." Rebecca shuddered at the realization that she was little by little losing control over her own life and destiny.
"Now", Susan grinned, "your diaper?" Rebecca grimaced and laid back down on the changing table.
Susan deftly grasped Rebecca by her ankles and lifted her legs up in the air, slipping a soft cotton diaper under her bottom. She lowered the tiny woman onto the diaper, spreading her legs apart just abit. Rebecca watched Susan intently, not protesting this humiliating experience, but instead, seemingly speechless at this latest twist of her fate. Susan pulled the two ends of the cotton diaper together and pinned them securely with a diaper pin, which had a yellow ducky as its head. Switching to the other side, the pulled the other two ends together snuggly and pinned them also.
"There now!", Susan smiled, grasping Rebecca’s tiny hands and pulling her to a standing-up position. Rebecca gasped and quickly covered her breasts, looking down at the diaper that fit snuggly around her slim waist.
"Can I have my tee shirt now, please?", Rebecca said, looking up at Susan. At this moment, she felt so tiny… helpless… vulnerable. Susan produced the tee shirt and held it above Rebecca’s head. Rebecca raised her arms up in the air and Susan slipped the tee shirt over her head.
"One other thing", Susan added, holding up a frilly diaper cover. "Ughh!!", Rebecca moaned, "Rubber panties too??" Susan nodded as she held the panties open at her feet. Rebecca sighed and stepped into the leg holes of the panties….she squirmed as the panties were pulled up her legs and then adjusted for comfort.
‘Lil Rebecca was placed in the crib and then left alone while Susan went about the chores of beginning supper and welcoming the kids back from school. About an hour later, Susan returned to the nursery, locking the door behind her. Rebecca was taken out of the crib and again placed on the changing table. She watched in silence as Susan placed around her a razor, clippers, scissors, shaving cream and depilatory lotion.
Rebecca was laid back on the changing table and her diaper unpinned and removed. "I don’t have a whole lot of time, so let’s get this done, okay?, Susan said, a trace of anxiousness in her voice.
"Ummm…you want me to do it now?", Rebecca asked, "I mean…with you watching??"
Susan smiled, "No….I’ve decided that I want to do it….so, just lean back and be very still, okay?"
Rebecca’s eyes widened at Susan’s statement. "NO!", she replied in a startled voice,
I—I’ll do it." Rebecca scrambled to her feet and tried to climb down from the table top. Susan easily blocked the tiny woman’s escape, sitting her back where she was before. "Don’t try to escape again", Susan warned, wagging her finger in front of Rebecca’s face, "Unless you want a spanking." Rebecca recoiled in horror….the image of her being placed over Susan’s lap and paddled was quite enough to make her behave.
Rebecca leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows, watching Susan intently. "Please be careful", Rebecca pleaded, "I’m very delicate down there."
"Don’t worry, dear", Susan smiled, "I’ll be careful…just be still and don’t move, okay?" Rebecca nodded and bit her lip as she watched Susan take the scissors into her hand. Susan gently nudged Rebecca’s legs apart and began to carefully snip the hair. Rebecca tried her best to remain still, but she would twitch involuntarily and let out a little gasp each time the cold steel blade of the scissors pressed against the tender folds of her labia. When finished with the scissors, Susan grasped Rebecca’s ankles spreading her legs almost obscenely wide. Rebecca whimpered as her legs were suddenly pulled apart. Susan sprays some shaving cream into her hand and looks at Rebecca. "Now be very still, dear…I don’t want to hurt you". Rebecca nodded, "Believe me…I don’t want you to hurt me either!"
Rebecca put her head back and closed her eyes as Susan applied the shaving cream to the tiny woman’s pubic mound. She kept her legs spread, being very cooperative for Susan, despite this humiliation she was being forced to endure.
Rebecca gasped when she felt the pressure of the razor on her tiny mound. Susan stroked the razor across the pubis in smooth, even movements, using one hand to stretch the skin tight, and the other hand to shave. Susan paid particular attention as she guided the razor around the tiny lips of Rebecca’s labia.
All the while she was being shaved, Rebecca was fighting to control her emotions. She became confused as she fought with the conflicting (to her, anyway) emotions of humiliation and eroticism. She struggled to maintain her composure, but soon found it quite impossible. Rebecca bit her lower lip and tried to distract her mind from the emotions she was feeling at being handled as she was by Susan.
She moaned softly, quickly disguising it with a cough. When she found it impossible to remain still, she moved her hips upward against Susan’s hand, but at the same time, she shifted her weight slightly, to make it appear that she was just re-situating herself.
Susan finished shaving Rebecca and wiped between her legs with a moist towel. Rebecca blushed as her legs began to quiver involuntarily as the roughness of the terry cloth brushed against her bare pubis. "I--I’m not used to being touched like that", she smiled shyly."
"Well, we’re almost done now", Susan smiled, knowing full well that her little friend had become quite aroused. She opened the bottle of depilatory lotion and squirted a small amount on her middle and index fingers. "Just let me put some of this on….to get the hair that I couldn’t get to….this might tingle abit, dear."
Rebecca gasped and arched her back as the lotion was applied to her pubic mound. "Ohhhh!", she exclaimed, "It burns!! Wipe it off!! Please!!"
"Just a couple of minutes, honey", Susan smiled, putting her hand on Rebecca’s bare shoulder, "Then we’ll be all done!" Rebecca smiled weakly as she endured the burning pain between her legs, looking at Susan all the while.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity to Rebecca, the depilatory lotion was wiped off. "Finished?", Rebecca asked, trying to sit up.
"Just some lotion now….to prevent razor burn", Susan smiled, squirting the lotion on her hands and rubbing them together. Susan guided Rebecca back down to a laying-down position, and then put both hands between her legs. The tiny woman squirmed as the lotion was massaged into her loins. Susan watched Rebecca intently, gently kneading the tiny woman’s upper thighs, moving her fingers up against her now-hairless pubic region. Struggling to control herself, Rebecca brought the back of her hand up against her mouth, biting the back of her hand. She turned her head away and closed her eyes….ashamed… as her legs involuntarily clasped around Susan’s hand. Susan pressed her hand against Rebecca’s vulva, feeling the muscles of Rebecca’s legs tense and then release….her hips moving up and down ever so slightly. Rebecca was still trying to suppress her orgasm, but it was quite apparent to both women what was happening.
Suddenly, unable to restrain her pent up emotions any longer, Rebecca’s orgasm exploded. The tiny woman arched her back, pushing her hips forward against Susan’s hand, moaning loudly, but at the same time, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, still trying to restrain herself.
"AA-aaaa-HHHhhhh! Ohhhh, Gawd!!!", Rebecca cried out in a low, guttural moan. She collapsed backwards, her breath coming in little hitches as her legs fell open, releasing their tension on Susan’s hand. Susan watched her tiny friend for several minutes, listening, as her breathing became more even…less raspy. After a few minutes, Rebecca opened her eyes, not moving, but looking up at Susan.
Rebecca struggled to a sitting up position, her dark eyes looking up seriously at Susan. "Please, Susan….", she said, in an almost pleading voice, "What just happened…..please don’t tell anyone….okay? It is just that…..ummm…I’m not used to being touched like that by someone else".
Susan smiled and bent down, kissing Rebecca on the top of her head. "It will be our little secret, honey….don’t worry." Rebecca smiled sweetly.
Susan produced a hand mirror and held it between Rebecca’s legs, allowing her so see her hairless pubic mound. Rebecca blushed a bright red at the sight of her bald mound. She looked up at Susan. "And this will be our little secret too, okay?"
"Of course, my dear", Susan smiled, "Now, let’s get you dressed."
Rebecca laid still as she was re-diapered and her tee shirt put back on. After she was put back in her crib, she stood up, her chin resting on the top railing. "Don’t forget about me in here, alright?", she smiled. Susan walked back over to the crib. She bent over and kissed Rebecca lightly on her forehead, patting her on her well-padded bottom. "Don’t worry, sweetie, I won’t forget about you!" With that, Rebecca was left alone in the nursery.
( 3:00pm )
Susan’s 15-year-old daughter, Lisa, was the first to arrive home from school. The other kids wouldn’t be home for almost an hour. Lisa found her mother in the laundry room, putting a load of clothes into the wash.
"Honey, would you mind checking on ‘Chelle?"
"Sure, mom!", Lisa replied cheerfully.
Lisa was not aware that Michelle had fallen asleep in her playpen in the living room, so she naturally headed for the nursery.
Lisa walked into the nursery and walked towards the crib. "’Chelle" was sitting in the crib, her back to Lisa. Lisa decided to sneak up on her. The teen tippie-toed across the nursery floor until she was standing at the edge of the crib.
"BOO!", Lisa said suddenly, and then giggled when she saw the baby startle. "’Chelle" turned around and looked up at Lisa. Lisa’s face went ashen when she realized that this was not her sister in the crib….this was not even a baby!!
"Miss Rebecca?" Lisa asked, very puzzled.
Rebecca turned her head away, covering her face with her hands, as if trying to hide herself.
Rebecca squirmed as she was lifted out of the crib, kicking her legs furiously.
"Well, Well! Just who have we here?", Lisa smiled, as she held Rebecca by her waist, out at arms length.
Rebecca continued her futile struggling. She finally stopped, turning her face away from the teenager and folding her arms across her chest. Her legs were held slightly apart from the bulk of her diaper. She seethed at the realization of just how ridiculous she must look to the teenaged girl.
The tiny woman finally turned toward Lisa, looking her in the eye and putting on her sternest look.
"You know very well who I am, young lady!", she replied through clenched teeth, "Now, put………down!!" Each of her last three words punctuated by her tiny fists on Lisa’s arms.
"Hey!", Lisa hollered, shaking Rebecca from side to side a few times, "You’d better watch it, ya little shrimp!", Lisa giggled, "I’m bigger than you are now!"
Rebecca quickly hushed, knowing that she was fully at the mercy of the much larger and stronger teenaged girl. Lisa smiled and brought Rebecca closer to her, sitting the tiny woman in the crook of her arm, her legs draped over her forearm. Rebecca tentatively place her arm on Lisa’s shoulder for balance, knowing that putting her arms around her neck might send the wrong message.
"Lisa, please put me down, okay", Rebecca asked, her voice almost pleading, "Please don’t hold me like this!! I’m not a child!"
"Oh?! You’re ~not~?", Lisa laughed, patting Rebecca’s well-padded bottom, "Then perhaps you could explain why you’re wearing that!"
Rebecca bowed her head, her face burning with embarrassment. "P—Please, Lisa!", she said softly, "Please put me down, okay?" Rebecca began to twist around in her arms, trying to straighten her legs in an effort to get down.
Lisa loosened her grip on Rebecca and allowed her to slide down her leg and onto the floor. She kneeled down in front of the tiny woman, holding her tiny hands between her thumb and forefingers.
"Now, why don’t you just tell me what happened to you", Lisa smiled.
Rebecca stood before the giant teenaged girl, nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she explained her story to Lisa.
"…..and your mother is taking care of me until I can get restored back to my normal height", Rebecca finished, looking up at Lisa, "Now….if you will excuse me, I need to go find your mother." As she stepped away from Lisa, she was abit surprised when Lisa did not release her. Rebecca shot Lisa an angry glare and the girl released her grip on the tiny woman. Lisa smiled and shook her head as she watched Rebecca pad out of the nursery and down the hall.
When Lisa returned to the living room, she found her mother and Rebecca engaged in a somewhat animated conversation. Susan was kneeling down in front of Rebecca, bending her head forward, as if carrying on a hushed discussion. Rebecca, on the other hand, was looking up at Susan, hands on hips and was obviously the one doing the talking. The conversation ended when Susan smiled and shrugged her shoulders…..Rebecca stomped her foot and folded her arms across her chest; an obvious act of defiance toward Lisa’s mother.
"Oh, hello, honey!", Susan smiled as she looked up and watched her daugher enter the room, "I see you found out about my little secret."
"….And I’m not your ~little~ secret!", Rebecca protested, her voice breaking.
Lisa giggled as she looked down at Rebecca, "She even sounds like a little kid!"
Rebecca twirled around to face Lisa. "Don’t you call me a kid, you brat!" Then she squealed as the teen took a menacing step toward her, running behind Susan. "You leave me alone!!", Rebecca squealed, peeking out from around Susan’s legs, then she looked up at Susan, as if waiting for reassurance.
"Actually, I’m glad you know about Rebecca", Susan said to her daughter, "Rebecca and I were just talking about that.
"It was getting rather difficult to keep her a secret", Susan continued, "But now that you know, you can help me take care of her!"
"NO!!", Rebecca shrieked, "I told you, I don’t want her to!!"
"I’m gonna get to baby-sit Rebecca?", Lisa giggled, looking down at the tiny woman. Rebecca slumped her shoulders in defeat at the mention of being baby-sat.
Lisa laughed. "I think she’s getting fussy, mom. Does she get fussy when she gets tired? Like Michelle?
Rebecca whirled around to face Lisa, hands on hips, looking up at the giant teenager. "I am capable of answering for myself, Lisa! And I am not tired and I am not being ~fussy~!! Rebecca stopped suddenly when she felt a tapping on the top of her head, coming from behind her. She turned back around and pushed Susan’s hand away, glaring up at her.
"Be nice, Rebecca", Susan scolded, "Don’t talk to Lisa like that!" Lisa giggles as Rebecca is reprimanded. Rebecca scowls.
"Lisa, Rebecca has asked me, and I have decided that since there are two of us taking care of her now, I see no reason she should have to wear a diaper when at least one of us is around to help her", Susan said, "So she will only be wearing a diaper at night, okay?"
"Okay, mom!", Lisa smiled, noticing that Rebecca was looking up at her smugly, "But what will she wear during the day?"
"Well, at her size, there isn’t any underwear that will fit her, so she will just have her tee shirt", Susan replied.
"….but for now, Rebecca needs to go back into her room", Susan said, "The kids will be home very soon….Would you mind taking Rebecca into her room for me?"
"Sure, mom!", Lisa giggled, looking down at Rebecca and putting her hand out to her. Rebecca brushed her hand away, glaring up angrily. "I’m capable of walking to the room by myself….I don’t have to be led around by the hand, you know."
Lisa giggled and reached down, grasping Rebecca by her tiny wrist. The tiny woman squealed in protest as she was walked down the hall, looking over her shoulder to see if there might be any help for her coming from Susan.
Lisa led Rebecca into the nursery, closing the door behind her. Rebecca began to twist her arm, trying to jerk away from Lisa’s firm grip. With her free hand balled up into a tiny fist, Rebecca began to hit Lisa’s arm as hard as she could.
"Hey, you!!", Lisa giggled, "You’d better stop that right now!!"
Rebecca paid no attention to the teenaged girl, instead, she continued to punch her arm, occasionally kicking her with a bare foot.
"Hey!! I said stop it, Rebecca!!", Lisa warned again, beginning to get angry at the little woman’s temper tantrum. Rebecca continued to twist and fight against Lisa.
Lisa reached down and popped Rebecca on the behind.
"Owww!", Rebecca yelped, "Stop that!! Lem’me GO!! Rebecca’s little face was growing a bright red as her rage grew. "Let me go!! Don’t touch me!!" Rebecca was getting teary eyed as she continued to hit Lisa with her little child-sized fist.
"I’m warning you, Rebecca", Lisa said in a serious voice, trying to surpress her smile, "If you don’t stop, I’ll give you a real spanking!"
Lisa released Rebecca’s wrist and was surprised when the tiny woman continued to punch at her. "You leave me alone!", Rebecca kept repeating over and over, sobbing all the while. She continued trying to hit the much larger teenaged girl, but Lisa’s much larger hands easily caught and held her tiny child-like hands, leaving Rebecca sobbing and struggling helplessly in front of the giggling teenager.
"You’re not Rebecca anymore", Lisa sneered, "From now on, your name is Becky!"
Rebecca winced. "I hate that name!! Don’t call me that!!"
"Little Becky….that’s who you are!", Lisa giggled, enjoying the little struggles of the older woman.
"NO! NO! Don’t call me that!!", Rebecca sobbed, unable to free herself from her tormentor.
"~~Tell me what your name is!~~", Lisa teased.
"No!! Lisa!! P—please!! Let me go!", the tiny woman sobbed, tears streaming down her face.
"Tell me what your name is, and I’ll let you go!", Lisa laughed, taunting the tiny woman.
"Lisa! Stop this right now!", Rebecca said in her sternest voice, "I told you that I don’t like to be called by that name! Now stop it!!"
"Alright, then", Lisa said, "If you’re gonna act like a little girl, you’re gonna get treated like one!" With that, Rebecca was flipped over Lisa’s lap and the back of her tee shirt was lifted up, revealing Rebecca’s bare bottom. After a few whacks from the teenager, Rebecca’s little ass cheeks were a bright red and she was crying hysterically unable to do anything except kick her legs.
"What’s your name?", Lisa asked, stopping the spanking for a few moments.
"Becky!!! Becky!!!", the tiny woman screamed, "My name is Behhhhkeeeeyyyy!!!"
When her punishment was finished, Becky was released.
Oblivious to her humiliating predicament, lil Becky curled up into a fetal positon next to Lisa, eyes closed and sobbing. She fully realized that the teenaged girl had virtually stripped away the last remnants of her adulthood by "renaming" her and then, of all things, spanking her.
Gawd, how she hated that name!! It was what she was called when she was a little girl. As soon as she was old enough to assert herself, she insisted on being called Rebecca. And now, she is Becky again.
Physically exhausted and unable to fight anymore, Becky drifted off to sleep. When Lisa saw that lil Becky had fallen asleep, she tucked her into her crib.
After about an hour, Susan came into the nursery. Lisa explained the awkward situation to her mother about having to spank Rebecca. She also told her about Rebecca’s new name, which brought a giggle from Susan.
"What a cute name!", Susan laughed, "I think it fits her perfectly!!"
Lisa smiled and nodded in agreement.
Becky woke up about two hours later and sat up in her crib. She looked through the slats and saw Lisa sitting in the rocking chair, reading a book. Becky winced as she struggled to her feet, the pain in her bladder excruciating.
Rebecca looked over the railing of her crib. "Ummm…Lisa?"
Lisa looked up and smiled. "Becky!!
Rebecca winced at being called Becky, but bit her tongue, knowing that any protest would only bring more punishment.
"Uhh…I have to go to the bathroom, Lisa", Rebecca smiled weakly, blushing, "Can you take me out of here?" Rebecca put out her arms to be picked up.
Lisa walked over to the crib. Rebecca was lifted out of the crib but instead of being placed on the floor, Lisa held her in her arms, walking toward the door.
"No! NOOO!", Rebecca protested, squirming in Lisa’s arms, trying to get down. "Put me down so I can go to the bathroom!!"
"Mom told me that if you needed to use the bathroom, that I was to take you", Lisa said matter-of-factly.
"Gawd, Lisa! Please!", Rebecca cried, "Cant you just let me go to the bathroom alone? I’m perfectly capable of doing this by myself"
"Mom told me that I have to take you ‘cause you can’t even get up on the toilet by yourself", Lisa giggled as she carried Rebecca into the bathroom closing and locking the door behind them.
"What-else did your mother tell you about me?", Rebecca asked sarcastically as she was placed on the toilet.
"Well….", Lisa said, "Just that I was in charge of you whenever she said….especially when she’s not around…like when she’s at work."
"Oh?", Rebecca replied, her voice thick with sarcasm, "how very nice!"
Rebecca sat on the toilet, leaning forward, her chin in her hands. "A little privacy please?"
Lisa smiled, folding her arms in front of her and leaning against the wall, watching Rebecca.
"Gawd!", Rebecca moaned, covering her face with her tiny hands.
Rebecca tried to hold herself for as long as she could, but pretty soon, the pressure on her bladder was simply unbearable. She sighed and turned her head away in shame as her urine was released in a steady stream, making a smooth hissing sound against the toilet bowl.
"Finished, Becky?", Lisa smiled. Rebecca nodded her head, still too embarrassed to even look up at Lisa.
Rebecca was lifted off of the toilet seat and Lisa kneeled down in front of her. Lisa brushed Rebecca’s hand away when she reached for the roll of toilet paper.
Rebecca gasped in horror as she watched Lisa take off a length of toilet tissue and wad it up in her hand. "Oh, my Gawd!", Rebecca sighed, "You’re even going to wipe me??"
Lisa giggled and nodded her head, motioning for Rebecca to lift her tee shirt. Reluctantly, Rebecca raised her tee shirt, spreading her legs slightly apart. Lisa giggled when she saw Rebecca’s smooth mound.
"You really are like a baby down there, aren’t you?!", Lisa giggled. Rebecca turned away as she was wiped, the humiliation of this treatment almost too much to bear.
Susan paid another visit to the nursery. "Supper will be ready in a little while", she said to Lisa, handing her a bowl. "This is for Becky."
With that, Susan left almost as quickly as she had entered. Lisa looked at the bowl in her hands….it contained sliced strawberries.
"Ohhh! Look what Mom brought you!", Lisa exclaimed, "Strawberries!!"
Rebecca smiled abit at the mention of strawberries….her favorite fruit!! At least she was getting good food, she thought to herself.
Rebecca reached for the bowl. Lisa quickly moved it out of her reach.
"Uhh Uhhh!", she laughed, "Lisa will feed Becky!"
Rebecca balked at being fed by the teenager, but after being threatened with another spanking, she relented.
Lisa held up a piece of the juicy fruit and motioned Rebecca to come closer to her. Rebecca reluctantly inched her way closer to the girl, until she was standing just inches from her.
Lisa giggled as she sat cross-legged on the floor, feeding Becky from her hand. She would not allow little Becky to even touch the food with her hands, allowing her only to take the fruit with her mouth. Rebecca was furious at being treated this way, but her hunger over-rode her pride.
Lisa laughed as she watched Becky gobbling the fruit from her hand, watching as the juice dribbling down her chin and neck. Becky was teased by having a slice of strawberry held out to her, and then, just as Becky was about to take a bite, Lisa pulled it away and ate it herself.

Lisa held another piece of strawberry up for Becky, but instead of accepting it, lil Becky shook her head and looked up at Lisa. "No more, please….I’ve had enough to eat".
Lisa giggled and moved the piece of fruit back and forth across Becky’s mouth, smearing the sticky red juice over her tiny lips. "Finish your supper like a good girl, Becky", the teenager sneered, nudging the fruit against Becky’s lips.
"I told you that I’ve had enough to eat, Lisa!", Becky replied, trying to be forceful, but finding it extremely difficult, having to look up at the giant girl as she spoke. "And I’m not a ~little girl~!!
"Well, , ~Becky~, you look little to me", the girl smiled, taunting the tiny woman, and continuing to rub the fruit over her lips, smearing it over her mouth. "Now take this one last bite."
Rebecca sighed as opened her mouth, allowing herself to be fed the last bit of the bowl of strawberries.
"Good girl, Becky!", Lisa giggled as she placed the bowl aside and motioned to Rebecca.
Rebecca bristled at being spoken to in such a manner by the much younger girl. To Rebecca, it seemed that Lisa was taking great amusement at mocking and teasing her…making sure that Rebecca understood that it was Lisa who was in charge here.
"Lisa, I’m not a child", Rebecca said, looking the giant girl in the eye, trying to sound assertive, "So don’t talk to me like that, okay?"
"Awwww!", Lisa giggled, "Little Becky don’t like to be talked to like that? Well, what do you think you’re gonna do about it?"
To emphasize her dominance over Rebecca, Lisa reached down and pushed the tiny woman backwards. Rebecca stumbled backwards a few steps and looked up at her young tormentor.
"Nothing….", Rebecca replied, head bowed, her voice almost inaudible. She knew all too well that Lisa was capable of doing whatever she wished with her, and there was nothing she could do to stop her.
"That’s what I thought you’d say!", Lisa smirked.
"And….if you ever have thoughts about whining to my mom about anything, think of this first…..she isn’t always going to be around to protect you…..understand?"
Rebecca nodded her head, not even looking up, knowing she was trapped.
Lisa motioned to Rebecca again, "Now come over here"
Rebecca hesitated, but then took the few steps back to where she was standing before Lisa had shoved her.
Lisa smiled and patted her lap, "Come sit in my lap!"
Rebecca’s jaw dropped. How absolutely humiliating!! She took a few steps backward, biting her lower lip and shaking her head.
"Becky? Did you hear what I said?", Lisa asked, bending forward and cocking her head to one side. "Now come here!"
Rebecca began to tremble as she took a few tentative steps toward Lisa. Rebecca felt a hot flash wash over her face and neck as she climbed up into Lisa’s lap.
Lisa smiled and turned Rebecca to the side, situating her in her lap.
"Now, that’s a good girl!", Lisa giggled as she looked down at Rebecca, patting her gently on her bare legs.
Rebecca said nothing. Her face burned with the humiliation of being forced to sit in Lisa’s lap. Rebecca stared straight ahead, arms wrapped tightly across her front, clutching at her tee shirt. She whimpered softly when she felt Lisa’s finger in her face, tracing an invisible line down her cheek and neck.
Suddenly, the nursery door opened and Susan walked in.
"Awwww!", Susan smiled when she saw her daughter and Rebecca, "Isn’t that the cutest thing! Are you two having a good time?"
Lisa giggled and nodded her head, "Yes, mother!". Rebecca forced a smile, but remained silent.
"Lisa, since you are off from school tomorrow….I have to go into work. So, can you watch Michelle and Becky?"
"Sure, mom!", Lisa replied cheerfully.
"I hate to have to have you stay cooped up in the house all day, but I’m afraid that we cannot take Becky out in public. If people were to find out that we have a tiny woman here….well, it would be a nightmare, believe me. Between the newspaper and TV reporters…not to mention the gawkers….we wouldn’t be able to even leave the house."
"What if we were to disguise Becky, mom?" Lisa asked, looking the tiny woman up and down. Rebecca shifted uneasily in Lisa’s lap, not liking what she was hearing.
"What are you talking about, dear?", Susan asked, "Disguising her??"
"Watch this", Lisa replied. She reached up and pulled Rebecca’s hair back and up into two pony-tails. "I could put her hair up like this….dress her up in some of Michelle’s clothes….anyone who looks at her would just think that she is ‘Chelle’s sister."
Rebecca began to squirm in Lisa’s lap, trying to climb out. Lisa clasped her arms around the tiny woman, holding her in place.
"NOOO!", Rebecca protested, "You’re NOT dressing me up like a baby!! Su-san! Tell her NO!! It’s bad enough that I’m treated like a baby around here, having to wear a diaper to bed, being put in a high chair to eat, having to be assisted with everything I want to do….now, you are making me BE a baby!! Please don’t let her do this!!
Susan looked down at her tiny friend. "Becky, honey….I know you’re upset about being small…and I know you don’t like being so dependent on us to help you with everything…but you can’t expect us to have to stay in the house all the time, just because someone might notice that you are a shrunken woman."
Rebecca buried her face in her hands and wept, realizing that control of her life and destiny now rested in the whims and desires of Susan and her teenaged daughter.
Lisa smiled and guided Rebecca’s head against her bosom, rocking her gently back and forth. Little Rebecca turned her head into Lisa’s chest and continued to sob, her tiny hands clutching at the material of Lisa’s top.
As she was leaving the nursery, Susan turned to her daughter. "I’m going to be giving ‘Chelle a bath in a minute…would you mind helping Becky later with her bath for me?"
"No problem, mom", Lisa replied, nuzzling lil Becky close and stroking her face with her finger, "Why don’t you just let me give Michelle and Becky a bath…they can take one together!"
Rebecca groaned at the prospect of having to take a bath with a toddler, but knew it was useless to even think about protesting.
Susan brought Michelle into the nursery and made sure the coast was clear while Lisa guided her baby sister down the hallway towards the bathroom while at the same time, carrying Rebecca on her hip. Little Rebecca was upset because Michelle was allowed to walk, while she was carried.
Once inside the bathroom, undressing Rebecca was simply a matter removing her tee shirt. She was lifted onto the toilet seat and forced to stand naked while Michelle was tended to (clothes and diaper removed and bath water drawn). Michelle was quite delighted to have a bath-mate. Little ‘Becca, on the other hand, was not so enthusiastic.
Rebecca was subjected to a humiliating bath-time with Michelle. During this time, she was splashed, dunked, and otherwise used as a water toy by the toddler. Again, Rebecca was forced to sit and wait while baby Michelle was bathed first. After Lisa was finished washing Michelle, Rebecca was scooted to the front of the tub to be bathed. Michelle busied herself with her tub toys as Lisa helped Rebecca to a standing-up position in the tub.
Little Rebecca was mortified as she stood naked in the tub, looking straight ahead, as Lisa began to bathe her. Lisa was careful to begin washing her in the "safe" places, arms, hands, face and back; giving the tiny woman time to adjust to her situation, specifically, being touched in such an intimate way.
Once Lisa had begun to bath her, Rebecca found herself silently fighting conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she felt totally humiliated. On the other hand, she found the feel of Lisa’s hands moving over her body to be quite arousing. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as Lisa began to wash between her legs, praying that her body would not betray her. Lisa watched Rebecca as she slipped the washcloth between her legs, expecting her to jerk back or otherwise balk. When she noticed that she remained silent; only closing her eyes and biting her lip. Lisa took this as a sign of submission and consent for her to continue.
Lisa slowly moved the washcloth up over Rebecca’s flat tummy, and continuing up between her cleavage. Lisa smiled, noting that Rebecca was quite endowed, even at her toddler-size. As she moved the soapy washcloth over Rebecca’s breasts, the tiny woman let out a startled gasp as her knees buckled involuntarily.
Rebecca looked at Lisa and blushed profusely, hoping that Lisa was not noticing her growing arousal. "Sorry, I slipped…", Rebecca smiled shyly, as she turned towards Lisa, holding onto the side of the tub for support as Lisa resumed washing her.
Rebecca lifted her head, tilting it to one side as Lisa continued to bathe her. She crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together tightly, hoping that Lisa would finish soon.
She was mortified at the thought of being brought to an orgasm under these humiliating circumstances. She could not…would not… let that happen.
Little ‘Becca clinched her hands into tiny fists, fingernails digging into her palms as she squeezed her legs tighter together and closed her eyes; desperately trying to redirect her mind to something…anything. She would not be able to conceal her arousal much longer. Rebecca clinched her jaw muscles tight, slowly rising to her tip-toes, each second drawing her closer to what she considered to be the ultimate humiliation: to be brought to an orgasm against her will.
Suddenly, she felt hands underneath her arms. Rebecca gasped and opened her eyes wide as she was lifted stiff-legged out of the tub and placed on the toilet seat. The tiny woman crossed one arm across her front and placed the other hand between her legs, attempting to cover her nakedness as she tried to regain her composure.
Rebecca stood naked and shivering as she waited for baby Michelle to be attended to first.
"C—C—Can I h—h—have a—a t—t----t----t—tow---el pl---p---pl---pleeeeeze???", Rebecca pleaded, her body shaking violently now. She lowered her head and remained silent when she saw her request was being ignored.
When she was finished tending to Michelle, Lisa took Rebecca in her arms and held her on her hip, with one leg in front and the other in back of her. Instead of being dried off and wrapped in a towel, as Michelle was, Rebecca was instead carried by Lisa into the nursery, still wet and naked. Rebecca looked down and watched Michelle happily toddling down the hallway while ~she~ was again being carried.
Rebecca is placed on the changing table along with Michelle. She scoots to the far edge of the table, curling her knees up to her chest and watches silently as Michelle is powdered, diapered, and dressed in her sleeper. Michelle is put on the floor and toddles off in the direction of her toybox.
"Okay, you’re next, Becky", Lisa smiled, reaching for the tiny woman.
Rebecca whimpered softly as she was grabbed by the ankles and dragged to the center of the changing table. Even after all she had been through, Rebecca was still not used to being treated in such a manner. And how easily she is handled now. She squirms abit as Lisa wipes off what few water droplets have not evaporated.
"Ready to get dressed now, Becky?", Lisa giggled, playfully tracing her finger down the bridge of Rebecca’s tiny nose.
"Just dress me and get this over with, Lisa", Rebecca replied, trying to remain as impassive as possible, knowing that any protests from her would bring on further teasing.
Rebecca sighed and turned her head away as Lisa lifted her legs up by her ankles, slipping the soft cotton diaper underneath her. Rebecca felt the softness of the cotton diaper on her bare butt as her legs were lowered back down. She looked straight up at the ceiling as the sides of her diaper were pinned securely around her waist. Rebecca protested having to wear the pink translucent rubber panties over her diaper, but Lisa was adamant and would not relent.
"There now!", Lisa giggled, as she pulled Rebecca into a sitting-up position on the changing table. The tiny woman’s hands instinctively went to her front, covering her breasts.
"Ummm…Lisa? Can I have something to wear? You don’t expect me to sleep in nothing but a diaper, do you?"
Lisa giggled at the prospect of little Becky sleeping in her crib in only her diaper, but decided better of it. For now.
"Of course not!", Lisa smiled, opening a drawer in the changing table. Rebecca craned her neck, trying to see what Lisa was selecting for her to wear.
"How about ~this~?", Lisa asked, holding up one of baby Michelle’s cotton sleeping gowns, "Michelle is too big for this now…but it will fit you ~perfectly~!!" Rebecca sighed and nodded her head in consent, wanting only to have ~something~ on.
Lisa slipped the gown over Rebecca’s head and fed her tiny arms through the sleeves. Rebecca went to stand up, but was held in place by Lisa.
"Not finished yet, Becky", Lisa smiled, reaching down and pulling the drawstring at the bottom of the gown, cinching the gown closed.
"HEY!!", Rebecca complained, kicking her legs inside the gown, "I don’t like this!! It’s like being inside a ~bag~!!"
Rebecca was appalled when Lisa grasped the sleeves of her gown, folded the protective mittens over her tiny hands and cinched the drawstrings tightly.
"LISA!!", Rebecca sobbed, kicking her legs frantically and flexing her tiny hands, causing the mittens to open and close, "Get me OUT of this thing!!"
"Shhhhh!", Lisa giggled, first putting her finger to her lips…then resting her finger across Rebecca’s tiny lips. "You don’t want anyone coming in here and seeing you like this, do you?" Rebecca quickly hushed.
Lisa lifted Rebecca off of the changing table and placed her on all fours on the floor.
"Oh, gawd!", Rebecca exclaimed as she struggled inside the soft prison of her gown, "I can’t even move in this thing!!"
Lisa kneeled down a few feet from Rebecca and put her arms out toward her. "Come on, Becky….come to Lisa!"
"I ~said~ that I ~can’t~, Lisa!!", Rebecca replied, "Will you please get me out of this thing??!!"
Lisa clapped her hands together and held them out to Rebecca, ignoring her plight. "Come to me, Becky….unless you want to sleep in nothing but your diaper tonight."
Rebecca suddenly stopped and looked up at Lisa, knowing full well that the young girl was capable of doing whatever she wished with or to her. Rebecca put her head down, shifting her weight onto her arms and pulling herself forward a few inches. She looked up at Lisa again, trying to gauge her progress. The girl was a few feet away from her; and a little to the left.
Laying flat on the floor, Rebecca rolled over on her side, aligning herself so she had to only pull herself in a straight line. Lisa watched in facination at the tiny woman’s determination.
Rebecca grunted as she pulled herself along the floor, her eyes tearing in frustration but making slow but steady progress. She was furious at having to humiliate herself in this manner, but she knew that the humiliation of being made to sleep in nothing but a diaper would be much worse.
Finally, Rebecca had managed to pull herself all the way across the floor to her tormentor. She reached up, trying to grab Lisa’s pants leg when she realized that with her hands covered with the mittens, she was unable to even grip anything. Lisa had made her completely helpless by putting her in this gown.
"That’s a good girl!", Lisa laughed as she scooped lil Becky up into her arms and carried her to the crib.
"HEY!! Why do I have to go to bed now??!! It’s only eight o’clock!!", Rebecca howled as she pulled herself up using the slats of the crib. She put a mittened hand over her mouth when she realized how whiney and childlike she sounded now.
Lisa picked baby Michelle up and carried her to the crib. Holding Michelle on her hip, she playfully ~boinks~ Rebecca on her nose. "You aren’t gonna be giving me trouble with your bedtime, are you, missy?" Rebecca pushes Lisa’s hand away and glares up at her.
"I have to go to bed, and Michelle gets to stay up??", Rebecca scowls, "That’s not fair!!"
Lisa brushed the hair from Rebecca’s forehead and kissed her on the top of her head. "A lot of things in your life are going to seem not fair, Becky. But it’s for your own good."
"My own good??!", Rebecca replied incrediously, "You put me in this….this.….BAG…then put these mittens on my hands so I cannot even grip anytbing…and you tell me that it’s for my own GOOD??"
"Don’t worry, Becky….Lisa will take you out of that ole bag in the morning!", Lisa giggled, knowing that referring to herself in the third person infuriated Rebecca. Rebecca loosened her grip on the top rail of the crib, allowing herself to slide down onto the mattress. Pouting, she turned away from Lisa.
Lisa smiled and took Michelle into the living room, snapping the light off as she left. Rebecca lay in the crib, the room lit only by a dim night light. Little ‘Becca’s vision was blurred thru tears as she silently sobbed herself to sleep.
The next morning:
Rebecca’s eyes popped open when she heard the door to the nursery open. The tiny woman slapped her mittened hand on the mattress in frustration when she realized that she could not even sit up to see who had came in.
"Good morning, Becky!"
Rebecca turned her head and saw Lisa leaning over the edge of the crib, reaching for her.
Lisa carried Rebecca to the changing table. "Where is Michelle?", Rebecca asked, looking over her shoulder at the empty crib. "Oh, she’s playing in her play pen", Lisa replied, as she laid the tiny woman on her back and began to untie the drawstring of the gown. Once untied, Lisa lifted the gown up over Rebecca’s waist.
Rebecca gasped in horror when Lisa slipped two fingers down the front of her diaper. "HEY!! What do you think you’re doing??", Rebecca protested as she tried to twist away from this invasion.
"Just checking to see if you had a dry night", Lisa smiled.
"Well, I ~had~ a dry night. So there!", Rebecca replied. "I don’t need to be checked; really." Lisa noticed that everytime that she began to try to undo the diaper, that Rebecca would start squirming and wriggling. It was almost as if Rebecca did not want the diaper taken off. Finally, having enough of Becky’s foolishness, Lisa playfully pinned Rebecca to the changing table; holding her down with one hand, while with the other, she began to unpin the diaper.
Rebecca was suddenly and mysteriously upset at having her diaper forceably removed. She could only stare at the ceiling as Lisa grasped the elastic waistband of her rubber panties and slid them down her legs and off. Next, Lisa unpinned the diaper and pulled the front down. Rebecca’s legs were lifted up by her ankles….and suddenly Lisa stopped…still holding the tiny woman’s legs up.
Rebecca looked away….ashamed.
A tiny brown plug of feces lay in the soft folds of the diaper.
"Becky messed in her diaper??!", Lisa giggled, "Now I see why you didn’t want me to take your diaper off!"
"Well?? What do you have to say for yourself, Becky?!", Lisa said, speaking to Rebecca as if she were scolding a child.
Rebecca closed her eyes, humiliated beyond words. She was fuming with both anger and embarrassment. "It was ~you~ who made me wear a diaper!", Rebecca replied, eyes tearing in humiliation. "I can’t even sit ~up~, much less get out of the crib! What do you ~expect~??"
Rebecca blushed as her legs were lifted, her knees pushing into her chest, her bare bottom exposed. Lisa wiped her little behind with a baby wipe and sat her up on the changing table. Lisa grasped the hem of Rebecca’s gown and lifted it over her head and off. Little ‘Becca gasped as the cool air caressed her suddenly naked body.
"Hungry?", Lisa asked. Rebecca looked up and nodded her head. "Ummmm….but can I have something to wear first?"
"I will dress you ~after~ you eat, Becky", Lisa replied. Rebecca’s jaw dropped. She was going to have to eat her breakfast ~naked~??!
Lisa lifts the Naked Little Rebecca off the changing table, supporting her with a hand under her bare bottom as she is carried. Rebecca clings with her tiny hands as she watches where she is carried. She is carried into the kitchen….her eyes widen as Lisa walks toward the high chair.
"Oh, Gawd, Lisa!!", Rebecca groaned, "Not the high chair!! Please!!"
Rebecca sulked as she was placed in the high chair, glowering angrily as she was strapped in and the tray put in place, effectively trapping her in the seat. Rebecca blushed brightly when she realized that her breasts were resting in the plastic tray!!
She squirmed and wiggled in her seat, but was unable to change her positon. Finally, she gave up. She put her elbows on the tray and rested her chin in her hands.
Seeing that Rebecca was secure in the high chair, Lisa left the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later, carrying Baby Michelle. Rebecca watched in disbelief as Lisa carried Michelle to the kitchen table and sat her in a booster chair.
"Hey!!", Rebecca cried indignantly, "Why can’t ~I~ sit in the booster chair and Michelle sit in her own high chair??"
Lisa giggled as she turned to the tiny woman, "Because that isn’t ~her~ high chair anymore…’s ~yours~!!" Rebecca buried her face in her hands, now totally humiliated.
Lil ‘Becca sat quietly in her high chair, watching Lisa prepare breakfast. Her mouth watered as she smelled real food: eggs, bacon, buttered toast!! Her anticipation grew when she saw Lisa carry Baby Michelle’s plate of cut up food and sat it on the table. She handed Michelle her toddler-sized fork and pushed the plate close to her baby sister.
Michelle was always first. But now that Baby Michelle had her food, it was ~her~ turn!!
Rebecca’s spirits sank when Lisa walked over to her high chair, carrying a bowl with a spoon stuck in it. When Lisa saw ‘Becca straining to see what she had, she tipped the bowl towards her. "Rice cereal!", Lisa smiled, "….Gerber’s".
"Blech!!", Rebecca groaned as she turned her head away in protest, "Why does Michelle get egg and bacon and I get ~this~??"
Again, Lisa did not reply, but instead, dipped the spoon in the cold gruel and holds it to Rebecca’s lips. "Now eat your cereal like a good girl!"
"Ohhhh gross!!", Rebecca moaned. Knowing that it is useless to fight, she makes a sour face as she takes a bite. The tiny woman gags as she chokes down the first bite.
"Open!", Lisa giggled, holding out another spoonful.
Rebecca reluctantly opens her mouth and another spoonful is shoveled in. She coughs and some of the cereal splatters on her breasts.
"AAAKK!", Rebecca gags, her face contorting in disgust, eyes tearing.
Rebecca pleads with the teen, "Please, Lisa!! I ~hate~ this stuff!!"
Lisa giggles and holds another spoonful to her mouth, "Eat it all gone!"
"ALL??", Lisa exclaimed, eyeing the huge bowl.
"Unless you want to run around the house today in nothing but a diaper", Lisa smirked.
Rebecca’s jaw drops. "You wouldn’t ~dare~!! Then she quickly hushes, knowing that the girl was quite capable of doing whatever she wished. Rebecca slowly opens her mouth and takes the tepid gruel.
"Very good, Becky", Lisa giggled in mock encouragement.
Rebecca smiles weakly, then swallows and makes a face. "Blech!!"
Lisa holds another spoonful to Rebecca’s lips. She gags and turns her head away, unable to even force herself to take another bite. She looks up at Lisa in shock when the girl tips the spoon over….and a dollop of the semi-liquid cereal plops on her breast.
"If you won’t eat it….you’re gonna ~wear~ it!", Lisa smirked.
"Ugh!", Rebecca groaned loudly. She tried to wipe the cereal off, but only managed to spread it around, making an even bigger mess! Lisa giggled as she watched the tiny woman’s predicament. Lil ‘Becca looked up at her, not amused.
Lisa offers another spoonful of cereal. Rebecca tries her best to choke it down, but only manages to make more of a mess as she gags and sputters, the cereal dribbles down the side of her mouth. Rebecca was determined to eat all of the cereal….a few minutes of being fed this slop is better than having to endure an entire day of humiliation running around the house in nothing but a diaper.
"P—please, Lisa", Rebecca pleaded, tears of frustration and from choking streaking her tiny face, "N—n---no more….pleeeese!!"
"Just a few more bites, Becky!", Lisa smiled, obviously enjoying force-feeding the tiny woman.
Lisa held out another spoonful of rice cereal. "Come on now!", she giggled, "It’s Gerber!! It’s good for you!!"
"B-RAAAAKKK!", Rebecca gagged as she opened her mouth, accepting the cereal. Unfortunately, her gag reflex prevented her from swallowing, and it dribbled out of her mouth and down her front. Rebecca swayed back and forth in the high chair, eyes closed, oblivious to her total humiliation and domination by Lisa. She slowly lifted her hands, trying to wipe the cereal from her mouth and face, but her hands did not seem to want to obey her. Rebecca managed to only smear the cereal all over her face even more. She lowered her head, inspecting her cereal-splattered breasts. Again, trying to clean herself only managed to make an even bigger mess.
The tiny woman sat in her high chair, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Lisa placed another spoonful into her mouth. Rebecca tried again to swallow, but only managed to spit it back up, splattering on her tray and breasts. Another spoonful produced the same results.
"Look, Becky!", Lisa giggled, showing her the empty bowl, "All gone!!"
"Gahhh!", was the only response that Rebecca could produce. She collapses across the plastic tray, not caring about how big a mess she was making of herself.
After cleaning up her sister from breakfast (a minimal mess for a toddler), Lisa put Michelle in her playpen in the living room and returned to the kitchen to tend to Becky. She nudged Rebecca back in her seat and removed the plastic tray. Rebecca was unbuckled from the high chair and lifted into Lisa’s arms. Too exhausted to fight, ‘Becca simply leaned into Lisa as she was carried back into the nursery, resting her head on the girl’s shoulder.
Rebecca opened her eyes and looked up at Lisa as she was laid on the changing table. "Gotta clean you up before we get dressed", Lisa smiled. Rebecca simply nodded and turned her face away.
Lisa cleaned Rebecca throughly with babywipes. The tiny woman was silent, only flinching occasionally when the coldness of the babywipes came into contact with a sensitive area. Rebecca offered no resistance as her breasts were wiped, even though she thought that Lisa was spending an inordinate amount of time doing it.
"~~All clean, Becky!!~~", Lisa giggled in that sing-song, condecending voice that literally drove Rebecca up a wall. Rebecca was lifted to a sitting-up position on the changing table.
"Then can I please get dressed now?", Rebecca asked, looking up at Lisa hopefully.
Lisa nodded her head and left the room, returning a few minutes later, holding something behind her back. ‘Becca watched Lisa as she approached the changing table where she was sitting.
"I brought something for you to wear, Becky", Lisa smiled, holding out a neatly folded bundle to Rebecca. A smile played across Rebecca’s lips as she accepted the bundle from Lisa. "T—thank you", she said softly.
Rebecca could tell nothing about what she was holding, only that it was hot-pink in color, and made of very soft cotton. As she unfolded the material and held it up, Rebecca’s jaw dropped in horror. What Lisa had given to Rebecca to wear was a cotton tank-top; one that she wore during her workouts. She also wore it as casual clothing and had trimmed to midriff length. When Rebecca held it up, she immediately noticed that were she to actually put this on, it would barely cover her mid-thigh. And, with the thin shoulder straps, low cut front, and large open arm holes, very little would be left to the imagination.
"I—I can’t wear ~this~!", Rebecca said softly, blushing, holding the top out to Lisa, as if trying to return it.
"Oh, you ~can~ wear it", Lisa replied, a wicked smile playing across her lips as she looked down at the tiny woman, "And you ~will~ wear it too!"
"But this is made to be worn ~over~ something….like a tee shirt", Rebecca protested, "If I were to wear this, I would be hanging out all over!"
Lisa smiled and took the proffered tank top from Rebecca. "Then you don’t want to wear this?" Rebecca began to shake her head then stopped suddenly. She didn’t like the finality in Lisa’s tone of voice. Did she mean that if she didn’t wear the tank top, that she wouldn’t be allowed to wear ~anything~?? Rebecca was afraid to ask. Instead, she tentatively reached out and took the tank top back.
Rebecca stood up on the changing table, watching Lisa intently as she fed her arms thru the bottom of the tank top and thru the armholes. She pulled the top over her head and smoothed it over her tiny body.
Lil ‘Becca blushed profusely as she tried to adjust the shoulder straps of the top. When she moved the material to one side, it would expose part of her breast on the other side. Rebecca knew that with each step that she took, that one of her breasts would be exposed. Finally growing frustrated at not being able to cover herself properly, she stomped a bare foot on the changing table and looked up at Lisa, her little hands clinched into tiny fists. She blew a little lock of her hair back that had fallen into her face.
"Lisa, please!", Rebecca pleaded, "This is just too embarrassing for me….at least give me something that will cover me properly."
"Something to go under it, you mean?", Lisa smiled.
"Yes!!", Rebecca exclaimed, brightening, "That would be ~perfect~!!"
Lisa shrugged and opened a drawer on the changing table. "Okay….put these on then", Lisa giggled, handing Rebecca a pair of Wonder Woman UnderRoos.
"What are ~these~??!", Rebecca scowled, holding the little girl panties between her thumb and forefinger as if she were afraid to touch them, "I’m not wearing these things!!"
"You said you wanted something to wear underneath your top", Lisa giggled, "Now put them on!!"
"I ~meant~ something underneath the top….like a ~tee shirt~!!!", Rebecca snapped back, obviously annoyed at Lisa’s attempt to further humiliate her.
"Do you think you might need some help putting them on?", Lisa smiled. Rebecca suddenly stopped, her face ashen. Not wanting further humiliation, Rebecca stepped into the panties and slowly pulled them up her legs. She twisted her hips slightly from side to side as she adjusted the UnderRoos for comfort. She looked up at Lisa, self-consciously tugging at the hem of her top, trying to hide the little kid underwear from view. Rebecca gasped and blushed when she realized that all of her fidgiting was causing her breasts to peek out of the sides of the tank top. She grew frustrated when, after adjusting it to cover herself on top, her bottom was exposed. She folded her arms across her front, glowering at Lisa.
Lisa giggled as she watched Rebecca struggle with her predicament. She put her finger underneath ‘Becca’s chin and lifted her head so that she was looking straight up at her.
"Now you listen to me, little lady", Lisa smirked, "You’d better be good for me today, Becky. If you do what you are told, we are going to get along just fine, okay?"
Rebecca looked up into Lisa’s eyes, trembling slightly. She licked her suddenly dry lips and nodded her head in agreement. "I—I will be good", she replied. Lisa smiled and moved her finger away from Rebecca’s chin.
Rebecca sighed and turned her head away….this was going to be a ~long~ day, she thought to herself.

....Rebecca was painfully aware that being made to wear a diaper was not so much functional as it was symbolic of Lisa’s dominance over her.

Lisa felt a tug on her pants leg. She looked down and saw Rebecca at her feet, looking up at her.
"Ummm…I’m thirsty", Rebecca said, "Can I have something to drink, please?"
"Sure!", Lisa smiled, "You wait right here. I’ll be right back."
Rebecca forced a smile as she watched Lisa leave the room, all the while taking short backward steps toward the front door. With Lisa in the kitchen, Rebecca dropped all pretenses and ran for the front door. She stood on her tippy-toes, desperately trying to turn the over-sized door knob. Rebecca looked over her shoulder as she struggled with the door knob, knowing that Lisa could return at any moment.
Rebecca clinched her teeth and jumped up, hanging briefly from the door knob, her tiny hands unable to hold on for more than a few seconds. Eyes tearing in frustration, she jumped again, clinging to the door knob, her feet making soft scuffling sounds against the door as she tried to maintain her grip. She whimpered softly, looking up at her target as she again lost her grip on the door knob and slipped back onto the floor.
She crouched on the floor, preparing for another jump at the door when she is suddenly grabbed by the arm.
Rebecca squeals as she feels her feet leave the floor, being lifted by her arm….dangling in mid air. She looks over her shoulder and sees Lisa looking down at her. Rebecca yelps as she feels a stinging slap on her bottom.
Gawd!!, she suddenly realized that she was being spanked!!
"HEY!!", Rebecca hollered, twisting herself around, trying desperately to avoid the stinging blows, "STOP!!"
"Going somewhere, Becky?", Lisa laughed as she put Rebecca back on the floor.
Rebecca squirmed and twisted as her top and panties were removed.
"Mustn’t try to leave, Becky", Lisa giggled as she lifted the tiny woman into her arms, one hand under her legs, holding her so that Rebecca had to lean into her shoulder. She was placed on the couch, her legs sticking straight out, not even able to reach the edge of the cushions.
"Now you stay right there, Becky!!", Lisa scolded, wagging her finger in the tiny woman’s face, "Understand?!"
Rebecca cringed, looking up at the teen through tear filled eyes, nodding her head slowly and repeatedly trying to cover herself with her hands. She watched Lisa leave the room again, but this time she stayed as she was told, not wanting to endure another humiliating spanking. Especially now that she was naked.
Rebecca’s jaw dropped when Lisa returned to the living room, dragging behind her a walker. She scooted to the opposite end of the couch, cowering even as Lisa’s huge hands grasped her under her arms and lifted her off the couch.
Rebecca buried her face in her hands and wept as she was placed in the walker.
"Now!", Lisa giggled, folding her arms across her front, looking down at Rebecca, "I guess you won’t be going anywhere ~now~, will you?!" Rebecca was too humiliated to even reply. She squirmed uncomfortably as the straps of the walker worked themselves between her legs.
"Want out?", Lisa smiled mischievously. Rebecca looked up at Lisa, hopeful, nodding her head.
"Well, come on over here then", Lisa giggled, holding out her arms toward Rebecca.
Rebecca was in the center of the living room, about six feet from where Lisa was sitting on the couch.
Rebecca tries to touch the floor, but is only able to get one foot down at a time. She tries to push off with one foot, but goes nowhere.
Lisa giggles as she watches the tiny woman struggle in the walker. Rebecca groans and pushes again, turning the walker sideways.
Rebecca slumps in angry frustration as she listens to Lisa’s taunts and humiliating laughter.
"If you want out of the walker, you gotta come over here to me", Lisa laughed, still holding out her arms, seemingly mocking Rebecca’s predicament. Determined, Rebecca pushed off with her foot, scooting the walker sideways again. Rebecca winced as the plastic straps dug in between her legs.
Lisa watched in fascination as the determined Rebecca scooted closer and closer to her. Progress was measured by inches as the tiny woman moved the walker closer and closer to the couch.
By this time, lil ‘Becca was having to stand on her tippy-toes because the strap on her walker had worked it’s way between her legs and was applying delicious pressure. Rebecca tried to disguise her arousal by exaggerating her movements; flipping her head back, twisting from side to side. She gripped the edge of the plastic tray on her walker until her knuckles were white.
"UUhhhhhHHHH!!", Rebecca moaned as she tossed her head back, still gripping the tray with all her might. Lisa burst out laughing upon realizing what was going on.
"Gawd, Becky!", Lisa giggled, "What are you doing there?!!"
Rebecca jerked her head up, looking at Lisa, blushing bright with embarrassment and humiliation at her secret being found out. She had a strained look on her face as she fought to remain on her tippy-toes…a small trickle of sweat streaked down her temple.
"It’s this god-damned strap between my legs!!", Rebecca snapped back, "Now will you get me out of this thing??!"
"Sure! As soon as you come over here to me, I’ll take you out!", Lisa giggled. Rebecca slumped, totally humiliated at this treatment; having to "perform" in order to get what she wanted. Still, Rebecca was determined to be taken out of the walker. She lifted her left leg and leaned over so that her right foot was barely touching the floor. In this position, Rebecca was able to push off with her foot.
Lisa watched with great interest as the tiny woman strained and grunted, pushing herself across the room in the walker. Finally, after much effort, Rebecca bumped the walker up against the couch, reaching out and touching Lisa on her leg, as if to signify she has reached her destination.
True to her word, Lisa lifted Rebecca out of her walker. The tiny woman did not resist or fight as she was placed in the teenaged girl’s lap. What was the use? Lisa was in total control here and there was little or nothing that Rebecca could do about it.
"Still thirsty?", Lisa smiled. Rebecca smiled weakly and nodded her head, but her smile quickly faded when Lisa produced a baby bottle.
"Ummmm…I just wanted some water…really", Rebecca said, nervously eyeing the bottle.
Lisa smiled as she leaned Rebecca back in her arms, cradling her head in the crook of her arm. Rebecca began to squirm in the teen’s lap, trying to sit up, but she was easily held in place.
Rebecca turned her head away as she saw the nipple being guided toward her mouth. Her tiny body tensed and she kicked her legs furiously as the rubber nipple was crushed against her lips, failing to penetrate her tightly pursed lips.
Lisa giggled as she chased Rebecca’s face with the nipple, the tiny woman turning her head this way, then that, trying desperately to avoid the humiliation of being bottle-fed. Lisa was easily able to control Rebecca, even appearing to be enjoying her little struggles.
Rebecca yelped as she was popped on the side of her leg. "Now be still, Becky and take the bottle", Lisa smiled, following Rebecca’s head motions with the bottle.
Rebecca arched her back and twisted her head away, her bare feet struggling for traction on Lisa’s leg. At this point, she did not care how ridiculous she looked, or how utterly hopeless her situation was. She was now completely panic-stricken and struggling wildly. She suddenly felt herself being lifted up. She screamed hysterically when she found herself draped face down over Lisa’s lap.
Lisa laughed while she held Rebecca down over her knees, watching the muscles in Rebecca’s legs and buttocks tense and flex as she kicked her legs furiously. Rebecca squirmed helplessly in Lisa’s lap, trying desperately to escape, but Lisa held her easily with one hand while she began to spank her with the other. The tiny woman’s howls of rage quickly became wails of anguished humiliation and defeat. Her breathing was becoming ragged as she gasped for breath in broken sobs as her spanking continued. Finally, Lisa began to slow down….her arm was getting tired. But it was obvious to the teen that Rebecca’s will had been broken. The tiny woman’s painful sobs soon melted into whimpers of utter defeat.
Lisa lifted Rebecca up and laid her back into her arms, cradling her. "Now, young lady", Lisa mockingly scolded, "Are you ready to take your bottle now?"
Rebecca looked up into the teenager’s eyes. She knew that she could not fight against the much bigger and stronger girl. She was defeated. Lisa was in total control of her now. Her lower lip began to quiver as she slowly nodded her head up and down.
"That’s much better!", Lisa smirked, as she brought the nipple of the bottle to Rebecca’s tiny lips. Rebecca hesitated for a moment, then parted her lips and accepted the bottle. Lying quietly in Lisa’s arms, one leg idly swinging back and forth, she allowed herself to be fed.
Rebecca kept her eyes closed as she sucked the tepid milk from the bottle. The darkness was her last refuge from this latest humiliation she was suffering at the hands of her teenaged keeper. Lisa tipped the bottle up as it was slowly drained. She grinned, noticing Rebecca struggling to draw the last of the milk into her tiny mouth. She opened her mouth and the nipple made a sharp *~tock~* and hissed softly as the air rushed back into the bottle.
"Good girl, Becky!", Lisa smiled, as she wiped a small dribble of milk from the side of Rebecca’s mouth, "You drank all of your bottle!!"
Rebecca opened her eyes, and blinked, trying to focus. "As if I had a choice…", she mumbled softly. She leaned forward, struggling to sit up. Lisa brought her to a sitting-up position in her lap.
"Can I please have some clothes?", Rebecca asked, almost pleading.
"Oh, I suppose you have been good enough to have clothes now", Lisa giggled.
She stood up, sitting Rebecca in the crook of her arm and walked toward the nursery. Rebecca silently replayed Lisa’s reply in her head. "….good enough to have her clothes now??" Was she having to earn her clothes now??
Rebecca was placed on the changing table and she watched silently as Lisa rummaged through the dresser drawers, selecting clothes for Rebecca.
Rebecca scooted back abit when she saw Lisa with a cloth diaper. "Ummm…Lisa? Is it really necessary that I wear a diaper?", she asked, "I’m a grown woman, after all".
"Well, ~little grown woman~", Lisa giggled as she put her index finger on Rebecca’s tiny nose, "Since baby clothes are the only clothes that will fit you, you’re gonna just have to get used to wearing a diaper!"
"But….", Rebecca began, but found herself being lowered backwards. She quickly found herself staring up at the ceiling of the nursery from the top of the changing table. She began to squirm and struggle, but was easily held in place by one of Lisa’s hands on her chest. Rebecca sighed in resignation as she was grasped by the ankles, her legs lifted into the air. She felt the soft cotton diaper being slid underneath her and was lowered back down.. Rebecca turned her head away in shame, biting her quivering lower lip as the diaper was pulled between her legs and the ends pinned securely around her waist. Rebecca was painfully aware that being made to wear a diaper was not so much functional as it was symbolic of Lisa’s dominance over her.
Rebecca kept her head bowed as she was pulled to a sitting-up position. She sat languidly as Lisa dressed her in one of Michelle’s tee shirts….a butterfly print tee shirt. To her surprise, Rebecca was lifted off of the changing table and placed on the floor. Lisa smiled down at her and motioned for the tiny woman to follow her. Rebecca was grateful at least for not being carried.

The bulk of the diaper between her legs made it impossible for Rebecca to walk like an adult, and she was reduced to waddling behind the giantess teenager, as if she were a little girl following her mommy. The tiny woman did finally manage to waddle into the living room, falling down only a couple of times. Lisa giggled whenever Rebecca would stumble and fall, watching as Rebecca had to crawl over to a nearby chair or stool to pull herself up to a standing-up position. The thick diaper between her legs left her with little or no mobility besides forwards or backwards.
Lisa was the first to enter the living room, plopping down on the couch. She watched in amusement as Rebecca waddled into the living room, her tiny breasts swaying from side to side inside the tee shirt, with each step.
Lisa giggled and patted her lap. Rebecca was mortified when she finally was able to make it over to the couch, she was easily scooped off of her feet and plopped into Lisa’s lap.
"Looks like you’re getting used to being small, huh, Becky?", Lisa smiled as she brushed a lock of hair out of Rebecca’s face, pushing it behind her ear. "It isn’t so horrible, now is it??"
Rebecca turned her head away as the teen fiddled with her hair. Lisa was right, Rebecca thought, she was getting used to being small. Although both Lisa and her mother were like giantesses to her, she was no longer frightened of their touch. Rebecca was adjusting to her new life. But Lisa was very wrong about one thing: Being carried around and not allowed to even walk, the constant touching and handling, the cuddling and caresses from the two women, and the absolute humiliation of being forced to wear baby clothes…including diapers, was horrible beyond any description.
Lisa put Rebecca down on the couch cushion. "Now you stay right here and don’t get down!! Ya’hear??!", Lisa said in a stern voice, shaking a finger at the tiny Rebecca as a warning. Rebecca looked up at the giantess teen and slowly nodded her head.
Lisa bounded off into the kitchen to get herself something to drink.
Lisa had been gone only a few minutes when, to Rebecca’s utter horror, the front door opened. Not even having enough time to jump off the couch, Rebecca scooted over to the corner of the couch, hoping to hide herself as best she could.
A few seconds later, Lisa’s seven-year-old sister, Lindy, walked through the front door, home from school.
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Unread 01-20-2011   #42
Ami-Doll's Master
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: In Usagi's Dollhouse
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Re: Shrunk to 4' or taller?

"A Small Addition" was one of my favorite stories of all time, too!

I remembered someone had another chapter, but it was taken down before I got the chance to save it. It was too bad that Mr. Carl didn't finish it, when he had the chance.
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