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Unread 03-31-2013   #13
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Glad to read something new from you. I love how it is written. Nice build up and the attribute exchanges so far were awesome. Keep up the good work
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Unread 03-31-2013   #14
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Thanks for the comments. Glad people are liking it! And now let's tie that flashback to the present...

That was then, This is now…


“A double D?” Judy cupped one of Nikki’s enormous breasts, “You’re way bigger than a double D.”

The two women were now sitting on the couch. They were more than comfortably close. Judy’s wrath had turned to tears and the tears had turned to cuddling. As a result, when Nikki sat them down they never actually broke physical contact. They sat like lovers.

And why not, hadn’t Judy shared more with Nikki than a lover ever could?

“Thanks for noticing! I was 15. I’ve added two cup sizes since then. We both did.” The last words had a certain tone Judy couldn’t quite grasp.

“So what happened next?” Judy found it hard to remove her hand from Nikki’s breast. It was just so warm, and soft, and firm… and huge- doubly so due to Judy’s and Nikki’s size transference. For her part, Nikki made no comment about the dainty little hand on her chest.

“Over time we learned how to control the gifts we had received,” Nikki stated. “As long as me and Maya were willing, she could transfer her height to me, or I could lend her my boobs. Resulting in one or the other of us becoming a towering wet dream of a woman.”

“Yeah,” Judy said a little too breathily. She didn’t know why, but it was heady just to be around this beautiful Amazon.

“I still remember the first time it happened. One of the cheerleaders was picking on Maya. Calling her a beanpole or whatever- you know kids. She was probably just jealous of Maya’s height. Anyway, this cheerleader was only about 5’3” and I was thinking that if Maya had my boobs she could literally rub them in this bitch’s face.”

Judy nodded, envisioning the moment. Only (for some reason) placing herself into the role of the cheerleader and Nikki swapped in for Maya. Of course, she was so short now she’d need a step stool to make it work.

“Well Maya must’ve been thinking the same thing, because suddenly there was this energy between us and watched my breasts shrink down to nothing before my eyes. A moment later Maya’s tits exploded into gargantuan proportions. Everyone stood shocked for a second. Maya used that moment to give her very first- and very unwelcome- motorboat. By the time she let Suzy-Pom-Poms up for air the world had smoothed itself over and everyone remembered Maya as a giant-sized boob goddess. Stupid bitch couldn’t even remember why she picked a fight with my sister.”

Judy smiled and shifted on the couch, “I had the same stuff happen to me in high school, without the benefit of magical growing tits. I wish I could have seen that.”

“Really,” Nikki smiled a devilish grin, “I think it would’ve looked something like this.”

“Oh no, no you do-,” Judy began but was cut off.

Nikki’s long, strong arm swung around the back of Judy’s tiny head. The other hand grabbed the fabric of her own neckline and pulled down, so that when Judy’s face slammed into Nikki’s enormous breasts there was nothing separating them.

Judy struggled and pushed as Nikki’s pliant skin ballooned all around her head. One hand landed on each breast and pushed, but this only served to make the boobs on either side of Judy’s face swell even larger. Nikki laughed and rocked her shoulders back and forth before letting the tiny woman go. Judy fell back gasping and – thankfully- laughing as well.

“Su-suppose I asked for that,” Judy laughed.

Nikki bit her fingertip and smiled, “Kinda did.”

Judy couldn’t help but notice how hard Nikki’s nipples had gotten. Poking out proudly through the fabric and nearly the same diameter as her own (admittedly small) thumb. A hand reflexively rose to her own chest and found herself in a similar state.

“So… so, you gave your sister your boobs. How did you get them back?”

Nikki broke from her own internal monolog and continued the story.

“Well, I couldn’t just take them back. I tried. Trust me, I tried. There I was standing there in the most judgmental place on earth as the shortest, flattest girl in the whole school. We were in the 10th grade and I was now smaller and less developed than the 6th grade girls. I was getting used to being short but the lack of boobs really drove home just how small I was. To make matters worse my ‘twin’ sister was a giant tit monster. Talk about being over-shadowed… literally.”

Nikki sighed with the memory, “Not my best day at school.”

“Oh shut up,” Judy said, “You saved your sister. You were a big damn hero.”

Nikki held Judy’s eyes for a moment before continuing, “Turns out Maya had to want to give them back. Once given they were hers to return… or not.”

“She didn’t!” gasped Judy. Ignoring the evidence of Nikki’s giant rack.

“She didn’t,” Nikki admitted, “But she did play the rightful role of ‘big’ sister and tormented me for a couple of hours when we got home. Introduced me to strangers as her little sister. Practiced her motorboating skills under the guise of a reenactment of the day’s events. Made me try on her clothes, including her ridiculously giant bra-“

“No!” Judy said, “After you saved her?”

“Hell, she threatened to give me a spanking, and I might have let her. It was weird. I had been a lot shorter than her for months, but those boobs made her feel more like a woman and me more like a little girl.”

“But you finally got them back.”

Nikki cupped her breasts lovingly, “Obviously. But it was trickier than you’d think. The first time was gut instinct, this was different we had to learn how to do it ‘right’. But in time we did and we started trading attributes the way other girls might trade clothes.”

“Must’ve made life interesting,” Judy smiled.

“I thought so, only over the years Maya’s been less and less interested in swapping anything. As we got older and continued to develop, her breasts grew nearly back to the size they had been before we cast our spell. From her point of view she had the best of both worlds. The height she desired and just enough boobage to be treated like a woman.”

Nikki sighed and cupped each breast making them bounce up and down in a syncopated rhythm.

“Little, top-heavy sis had less and less to offer in trade. Sure, everyone once in a while Maya wants to upgrade the rack for a wild night in the bedroom, but most of the time when we swap now its only as a favor to me. Even worse, it’s been getting harder and harder to make with the magic. Until this last time I didn’t think it worked at all…”

Judy grimaced, “until it did.”

“Yeah,” Nikki admitted. “With Maya the magic has always been an all at once kind of thing. So when she came over last Sunday and nothing seemed to happen I assumed it didn’t work. To tell the truth, I cried myself to sleep because I thought that part of my life was gone. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and I was five feet tall! It doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re only 4’9” breaking the 5 foot barrier is a big deal.”

Judy jumped off the couch, excited. All 4’9” of her.

“Meanwhile, I woke up at 6’2” and spent the day thinking I was completely crazy. I knew I was shorter, but no one- and I mean NO ONE- else did. Even my clothes had changed, and my ID, and everything. Between ‘shrinking’ and ‘crazy’ there was a lot of evidence piling up for ‘crazy’.”

Nikki leaned off the couch and gave Judy a soft sensual hug, “Aww, you poor little thing. It must’ve been terrifying.”

Judy snuggled into the embrace, there were plusses to being small. “Yes and no, I’ll tell you about it later. So everyday I woke up 3 inches shorter and you’re 3 inches taller? Weird that we didn’t bump into each other sooner.”

“Glad we didn’t. The way you reacted? If you were any bigger I might’ve wound up in the hospital. Talk about a tempest in a teapot!”

Judy smiled, “Sorry about that.” And then added, “You did steal my height though.”

“I know, and wasn’t Maya confused,” Nikki said. “When I first called her asking if she had shrunk she thought I was nuts. And she continued to think so until I met her for lunch yesterday and stared her right in the eyes. Truth be told she was still taller than me yesterday, but I wore heels... and a push up bra with my lowest cut dress. I also made a point of bumping her with my boobs whenever possible.”

“Gotta love sister rivalry,” Jude said. “So she could see that you’ve grown?”

“Definitely,” Nikki purred. “I guess because she was part of the original spell. The real question I have is how did you get pulled in?”
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Unread 04-01-2013   #15
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Last of the flashback, but still fun.

The Chink in the Armor


It was Kristy. Well, it was Kristy at the end of a bad day.

Kristy the dirty blonde, tomboy who still managed to have decent tits and a smoking ass. Kristy, who loved going online to join Mark and friends in a multiplayer shooter on the weekends. Kristy, who worked with Mark and Judy knew- just knew- that she had the hots for him. Kristy, who was only 5’3”.

They had been at a friend’s party and Kristy had asked for help getting something off the top shelf. Why not ask Judy, wasn’t Judy right there and eight inches taller than Mark? And she asked Mark again later when Kristy couldn’t quite manage the twist-off cap to her third beer.

“Oh Mark, whatever would I do without a big, strong man like you?”

The tone was a little teasing. It had to be. Judy was within easy earshot. Hell, maybe Kristy didn’t mean anything by it. Maybe it had all been in Judy’s head, but she saw the look. It was there and then gone. A fraction of a second, but it had been there.

Mark had liked being a big, strong man… and Judy knew he’d never be that with her. Not that she needed him to be. Judy loved her little love. She preferred him how he was. The only men she had ever met that were taller than she was were always to a touch too jock-ish for her tastes.

But what if he wasn’t as happy as he could be? The doubt nibbled at her. Judy didn’t question his love, she would never question Mark’s love. But don’t men want to be taller than their mates? She knew he liked his ladies tall, but at a genetic level did he crave to be alpha? A hairy brute who comes out of his cave to drag his delicate lady flower home to be ravished. Did some secret part of him want that? Did he? If he did, she couldn’t give it.

She was just too big.

Which sucked, she never felt too big. At least she hadn’t since she came to terms with her height back in high school. But it had been a special kind of day even before Kristy.

The dress Mark picked up from the tailor’s was still too small. After berating herself for not trying it on earlier, Judy fruitlessly drove to three stores in hopes of finding something new to wear for the evening. This accomplished nothing except to making her and Mark two hours late. Finally she squeezed into the original stupid dress and wound up looking like the She-Hulk stuck in mid-transformation.

Mark assured her it wasn’t as bad as she thought, but Kristy cleared that up, too.

“It must be so hard to find clothes at your size,” she had said sympathetically while eying the strained fabric.

Judy loved her body, every last inch of it. Even so, it was later that night that Judy found herself sullen. Standing alone in her stairwell. Staring out her window at the darkened room of her next-door neighbor. Nikki was a tiny, little pixie of a woman and she was so beautiful. Those tits were the only big thing(s) about her. So big they should’ve been silly, but somehow they weren’t. Instead they were amazing and made Nikki’s every graceful movement sing with her womanhood.

It was at that moment, and perhaps only for a moment that Judy wanted to be Nikki. So small Mark could throw her into the air like a child, squealing and panting with the thrill of being manhandled. So feminine, and soft, and bouncy. So deliciously bouncy. It was so real that she could feel it, and then there had been a slight tug somewhere deep inside her. Jude had thought it was one of her heartstrings…

…but it wasn’t.
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Unread 04-01-2013   #16
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

I'm doing a double because the last one was short. Back to the present and things start getting sexy.

New Perspectives


“I suppose that might do it,” Nikki admitted after hearing the story.

“So can you undo it?” Judy asked.

Nikki turned away smiling a guilty smile. “Yes,” she said and then paused, “but not for a bit.”

“What? Why?”

“I told you Maya was less and less interested in transfers. So when I do get to borrow some height I hold onto it as long as I can. I worked a time limit into the spell.”

Judy planted her hands on her hips and scowled playfully. “How long?”

“A week. The spell will eclipse on Sunday night.” The giant girl tried to make herself look small. It didn’t work. “Sorry.”

Judy stared unblinkingly for a moment. “Oh, that’s all right then,” she smiled.

“What?” Nikki said dumbfounded.

“A couple of days is fine,” Judy said doing a tight pirouette. “Now that I know I get to be big again I don’t mind being tiny.”


“It’s a new perspective. Kinda fun,” Judy admitted.

Nikki’s eyes grew wider, “Really?!”

Judy walked to the couch where Nikki sat. Even sitting Nikki was a comparable height to Judy. The smaller woman took one of Nikki’s huge hands in both of hers and started gently pulling.

“Really,” she said. “Now stand up and loom over me, you giantess.”

There was something surprisingly commanding in the tiny woman’s tone and Nikki allowed Jude’s gentle urgings to lift her off the couch. The minute her butt came off the seat Nikki was already taller than Judy and the distance between them grew and grew as she straightened her legs. Obviously enjoying the moment, Nikki took her time standing. Nikki’s body kept inching its way taller and taller until Judy felt like she was shrinking again.

She wasn’t, of course, but the idea no longer terrified her as it once did. Now it was a little exciting.

Truth be told Judy had always found the process stimulating. Every morning of the past week her body stood testimony to that fact when she awoke wet and bothered. But now with the promise of being big again, the whole concept seemed positively orgasmic.

Before Judy, Nikki stretched her arms over her head, her hands easily reaching the ceiling. This left Judy needing to look up at the giant woman’s marvelous mammaries. The sports bra barely containing her impressive assets was pulled slightly away from Nikki’s chest allowing a hint of under-cleavage to be displayed. From her vantage point Judy couldn’t even see Nikki’s head. Which was good because then Nikki wouldn’t see her staring unabashedly at Nikki’s boobs.

“You’re so… tall.” Judy whispered. She wasn’t sure, but for a moment ‘tall’ was the last thing on her mind. The word was ‘beautiful’.

Nikki took the sides of Judy’s face in her hands and gently rubbed her cheeks back toward her ears. This of course caused a mammoth swell of cleavage that made Judy gasp.

“You think this is tall?” Nikki smiled. “Let me get my heels, shortstuff.”

Nikki let go and strode out of the room on her long, long legs. The sight, the experience left Judy a little winded.

“Heels? I never wore heels!” Judy shouted as the disappearing form.

“I know,” Nikki responded. “More the pity. I would’ve loved to see you in heels.”

“But, you’ve got my height. Why would you even need heels?” Judy was confused. If reality had altered itself to match their new dimensions, Nikki would have never needed the height boost from heels. At 4’9” she had certainly worn them, and worn them well. But now…

“Who said anything about need?” Nikki voice floated in from the other room. “This is about want!”

A moment later Nikki came back, she now had to duck under the doorway. After the slight awkwardness of squeezing under the door jam Nikki made up for it by taking one sensuous stride after the other until she was once again looming above Judy… larger than ever.

“You… uhm, lost your pants,” Judy said through a slightly strained throat.

“The better to see my legs,” Nikki grinned down devilishly at the tiny woman before her. “You said you wanted ‘looming’. “

Nikki still wore her top, but beneath that she wore a pair of black string bikini panties. Their triangle of fabric was so small it wouldn’t have been able to conceal her pubic hair if it hadn’t been so well groomed. Beneath those were a pair of legs that appeared to be several miles long finally ending in black, shiny, sinfully sexy pumps.

The shoes left most of her foot exposed, only concealing the toes, heel, and a thin strap around her ankle. Perhaps taking into account the size of the woman wearing them they were not stilettos. The spike was slightly thicker and offered more support. They needed that strength, because they were tall. So big that they would’ve brought the 4’9” Nikki up to average height or above. On the feet of 6’5” Nikki they transformed her into a titan.

“If wondering down there,” Nikki smiled. “I’m 7 feet tall in these babies. I’d didn’t actually measure or anything, but I’m pretty good with heights.”

Judy just stood there in thoughtless marvel. The woman before her was 27 inches taller, more than doubled her weight, and was perhaps the most ravishing thing she had ever seen.

Nikki looked down and noticed Judy noticing. She winked and bent her large face down to her.

“And that’s why you should wear heels, shorty.”

“I’ll take it under advisement,” Judy said, seeming to regain her composure.

Nikki took Judy’s hand and lead her to kitchen. Her heels click-clacked as she demonstrated her skill of walking in them. A decade of being 4’9” had turned Nikki into a professional high-heeler. She could probably run a marathon in them.

After a few steps Nikki pulled in front of her tiny guest and Judy discovered first hand that Nikki’s panties were a thong. The skinny black string disappeared between her round buttocks as they slowly swiveled past each other with her strides. It was a perfect ass, all smooth curves with the exact right balance between bounce and muscle.

“Y-you lost you pants,” Judy repeated weakly making Nikki smile.

“You shouldn’t laugh,” Judy protested, “I think I’m taking this really well. You stole my height. You’ve got beautiful black mane of hair, an amazing complexion. A perfect ass, and I could use your bra as a parachute. It’s lucky I’m so body confident or I’d be curled up in the corner crying!”

“What? And you’re not gorgeous?” Nikki asked.

“I’m a twerp.”

“Then you’re a gorgeous twerp. I should know, I used to be one.”

“Come here,” Nikki said and grabbed Judy by the waist causing the little woman to chirp in surprise. She lifted her up and set her on the kitchen table.

“No, no no!” Judy said, “I’ll ram my head into the ceil- no, I guess I won’t.” Judy ran a hand over her head which still passed easily beneath the ceiling. Even when she stood on tip toes. “Damn I’m short.”

Standing on the 30 inch tall table Judy was only a couple of inches taller than Nikki in her heels. Nikki leaned in toward Judy, the elevation forcing her to look ever so slightly up.

“Take off your clothes,” Nikki smiled. “Show me how pretty you are.”

“What?!” Judy asked.

“I could tear them off you if I wanted,” Nikki said. Judy reflexively covered her clothed breasts with her hands. “…but I won’t. I’m just going to ask nicely.”

Judy really stared into Nikki’s eyes for the first time. Was this just fun to her, or- no, there was a real fire in her eyes. A desire that Judy had to admit she felt echoes of inside herself.

“It’ll be embarrassing.”

“No it won’t,” Nikki promised. “and you’re stalling.”

“You’re so big and I’m so… not.”

“Is a flower any less beautiful than a mountain?” Nikki asked.

Judy looked down at her chest and then boldly pressed a hand into the upper swell of one of Nikki’s breasts. Nikki eagerly pushed herself into Judy’s small hand.

“Yeah, but you’re a flower with a pair of mountains, where I’m just a flower with other smaller flowers?”

“I don’t even know what that means,” breathed Nikki.

“Neither do I,” Judy admitted. She could actually feel her heart pumping in her chest.

Nikki looked like she wanted to kiss Judy, Judy wondered if she would fight the giant girl or just kiss back.

“Come on,” Nikki pleaded, “If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

Suddenly an idea hit Jude square in the noggin. “How about if you give me yours, I’ll show you mine?”

“What?” Nikki asked.

“It’s only fair,” Judy said. “You’re going to keep my height for the next two days, you can at least loan me your tits in trade.”

Nikki’s eyes went wide and then thoughtful, but Judy noticed she did not say ‘no’.
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Unread 04-01-2013   #17
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

This just keeps getting more interesting.
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Unread 04-02-2013   #18
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Just a little chapter I like to call...

What Goes Down Must Fill Out


The silence stretched on for a long time. This was made extra strange due to the outspoken nature of both women. Nikki was (normally) tiny and busty, used to being objectified or over-looked and had learned to be bold and brave to compensate. Judy was a towering beauty that most men shied away from and developed a habit of knowing herself and saying what she wished. Neither woman normally found themselves at a loss for words.

Nikki was the first to break the tension. “OK,” she said with a careful look into Jude’s blue gaze. Her own black eyes seemed bigger and somehow deeper than ever.

“Sit,” Nikki said.

“Why?” Judy asked. Having regained her height advantage- no matter how false- she almost loathed to give it up.

“Just sit,” Nikki said with a softer voice. Judy did as asked, her small legs dangling over the table’s edge far from touching the floor. She was brought right back down to breast height or below and Nikki moved her twin torpedoes in uncomfortably close.

“Before I give them to you, I want you to see what you’re in for,” Nikki teased.

With no further ado she whisked her top up and over her head. It was so tight that her breasts all but exploded out of it. Bouncing down and out toward Judy’s face like a 3D special effect. They were just as perky and amazing as when she had first seen them from her hallway window. Only Nikki had previously been much, much smaller. These breasts had the same proportions as before but they now belonged to a woman who was 20 inches taller than old Nikki. Furthermore Judy, herself, was nearly 30% smaller than she had been when she had first viewed these miracles of womanhood.

A matter of perspective, indeed.

Nikki giggled down at Judy and leaned forward while holding her shoulders back. This both thrust her breasts forward and separated them as much as breasts this size could be separated. Slowly, ever so slowly she eased closer so that one breast went on either side of Judy’s head. Nikki did this carefully to avoid touching any of her exposed skin from brushing Judy in any way. It was like a sexy game of Operation, and she was doing quite well. Soon the small woman’s nose was nearly touching the tan skin at Nikki’s breastbone. A shiver ran through her form when Nikki felt the hot, too-fast breath upon her skin.

“They’re a heavy responsibility,” Nikki told Jude. As she said this Nikki eased her breasts down so that their smooth pliant weight began to spread across Judy’s shoulders. The curves on either side of Judy’s cheeks began to push against Nikki’s skin like the rising tide. Long, toned arms wrapped around Judy and gently hugged deeper into the womanly embrace.

“They can cloud men’s minds,” Nikki said, “So you must never use them for evil.”

She eased back and allowed the stunned, little woman away from her chest. Then Nikki took first one and then the other of Jude’s small hands and placed them lightly against the opposite sides of her right breast. Even with both hands Judy had not a hope of cupping the entire breast. Nikki thrilled as Judy’s touch intensified. The little woman sensuously began squeezing and kneading. Gentle at first, but with a growing sense of exploration.

“And they’re definitely a lot to handle,” Nikki said breathily. “Are you sure you’re up to it?”

Judy looked away from Nikki’s bosom for the first time in minutes, turning her face up to the larger woman.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” she whispered.

“Is it working?”

“Oh god, yes.” Judy said and brought her mouth to Nikki’s hard and swollen nipple.

“Ut- no kissing,” Nikki intervened causing a soft whine to usher from Judy’s hungry lips. “At least not yet.”

“Do you want them?” Nikki asked.

“Yes,” Judy said in a strong sensual tone.

“Then strip!”

Judy, bent her head back to look past the enormous mounds in front of her. Slowly standing she let her fingers land lightly on the collar of her blouse. The jacket was long gone but Judy still wore the blouse and skirt she had worn to the office. They were pleasant enough to look at but not particularly sexy. For one brief moment felt a momentary agitation as she realized the same could be said for her underwear. Bra and Panties were a matching beige ensemble, but nothing to write home about- or build a fantasy from.

The thought passed her mind that she wanted to be sexy for Nikki. She undid the first button.

“You know,” Judy said casually, trying to use the false height of the table to make herself feel larger than Nikki (it wasn’t working), “Mark and I have a list.”

“A list?” Nikki asked. Judy’s hands slid tantalizingly down the length of her body resting on her narrow, pretty hips.

“A list of freebies,” Judy smiled. “Non-marriage ending affairs we allow ourselves to have if the opportunity ever presents itself. It’s a silly and ridiculous list we occasionally add to when we see someone hot on TV. We know its not going to happen, but its fun to dream and tease each other.”

Nikki smiled, but didn’t quite see where this was going. Judy slowly slid the zipper down the back of her skirt.

“They’re mostly filled with impossibilities. Mark has Julie Newmar from the 1966 Batman TV show his list, I put Superman on mine.”


“I always wanted to fly while fucking,” Jude admitted.

Nikki covered her lips with two fingers, masking a snigger. Judy let the skirt fall down her legs and hit the tabletop. Nikki stopped snickering.

“Are you gay, Nikki?” Judy asked. Her beautiful legs poked out of the bottom of her blouse. She had finished unbuttoning it and held it closed with her dainty hands. Allowing a window less than two inches wide to show a thin sliver of the body underneath. Perhaps a greatly reduced body, but still a very satisfying view.

Nikki took a moment to even hear the question. “What?” She said abruptly and then more evenly, “I prefer to think of myself as open minded.”

“Good,” Judy whispered. She eased a bare shoulder out of the blouse. As the shirt slipped she allowed her hand to caress the inner curve of her left breast.


“Because you’re the only person that appears on both of our lists.”

Judy threw the blouse off her shoulders and stood in just a bra and panties. Her head held slightly away to invite Nikki’s hungry stare. Judy had never had a fifth of the curves Nikki did, but her body was long and lean with just enough padding to be wonderfully womanly. Every inch made of smooth, toned curves that both drew the eye and then held it. Shrinking hadn’t changed her proportions, only given her a new and very sexy pixie-like vibe.

Nikki took a moment to let both Judy’s body and statement sink in.

“I’m on your list?” Nikki asked while running a finger along Judy’s long, but tiny thigh.

“Yes,” Judy said, putting a hand on Nikki’s. Stopping the movement of Nikki’s hand, but holding it to the warm skin of her leg. “Both mine and Mark’s.”

“So you’re saying that you’ve wanted to have sex with me? Both of you?” Nikki’s other hand wrapped lightly around Judy’s left hip and then slowly slid higher and inward. Soon her long thumb was resting between Judy’s small breasts while her index finger scooped underneath the one of their firm swells.

“Yes,” Judy moaned, “But I love Mark, I’m not doing this without him.”

In truth it had been a fantasy, but after this past week the simple fantasy of a three-way with the next door neighbor seemed pretty grounded.

Nikki ran her finger to the tip of Judy’s rock hard nipple. Shifting it lightly back and forth under the silky fabric of the bra. She was careful to use just a finger, as Judy’s breasts would be lost inside her, Nikki’s, huge hands. Judy’s breath pulsed and moved as Nikki’s fingers explored her very sensitive chest.

“You want to have sex with me, but you’ll only do it if I also have sex with your hot and hunky hubby?”

“Y-y-yes,” Judy stuttered under Nikki’s attentions.

“You want me to take his throbbing, hard cock into my mouth?”

“Y-yes,” Judy moaned, her knees beginning to buckle just a little.

“You want me to lay in your bed, spread my long, long legs wide and let your husband pump deep into me again and again until he finds release?”

“Y-y-yes,” Judy said. She still heard Nikki’s voice, but Judy would’ve said ‘yes’ to anything now. Nikki was rhythmically pinching and pulling both of Judy’s nipples now. It almost hurt, but in the best way possible.

Nikki brought her mouth close to one of Judy’s aching nipples. “I’ll see what I can do.” As she spoke the words brushed against Judy in hot, little bursts.

“And what will you be doing while I’m fucking your husband?” Nikki asked in a playful tone.

As she spoke the distracting delights Nikki had been providing suddenly stopped. Judy felt like she had been coming down the stairs and missed a step. In the absence of pleasure her whole body seemed to lurch.

“Hey!” Judy complained, but she wasn’t sure which concept she was complaining about. Nikki began laughing.

“Seriously, I hope you’ve got a book or something.” Nikki laughed, “The only reason I haven’t tried to jump Mark’s bones before was the fear that you’d step on me.”

Nikki made a long gesture to the ground, demonstrating her new found size. “Not much chance of that anymore.”

“Very funny,” Judy said. “Of course, once I have your boobs you’ll be lucky if he even notices that you’re in the room.”

Nikki returned volley. “I don’t know. He married the giant girl with the tiny tits. If we go through with this, that’s going to me.”

Judy raised her head high pointing her nose to ceiling. “I’ll have you know that he did not marry the giant girl with the tiny tits. He married me, and don’t you forget it!”

Nikki raised her eyebrows, impressed with the little woman’s resolve. Judy gave her a moment to respond, which Nikki did not take- so Judy continued.

“But if you play nice I’m perfectly willing to share him with you,” Judy smiled.

“And you’re certain that you can speak for him on this matter?” Nikki asked.

“He’s a man.” Judy declared.

“Point taken.”

“Now give me your tits,” Judy stated.

“Show me your body first, the way it looks now,” Nikki said. “Please, I want to see.”

Her tone was so earnest, so desiring Judy found herself acquiescing. Anyway, she had always felt a thrill in being naked.

At least she made a show of it. Reaching between her breasts Judy twisted the latch on her bra allowing her smallish breasts to ease into a more natural shape. Each of her hands slipped under the loose cups and protected her exposed flesh from view as the nearly discarded bra fell away. The straps caught by at the crook of her arms preventing the bra from falling all the way to the ground.

And there Judy stood, only 4 feet 9 inches tall, standing on her next door neighbor’s kitchen table with nothing but her recently small hands covering her naked breasts. It had been a very unexpected week.

“Ask me,” Judy told Nikki.

“Please,” Nikki said.

And Judy let her hands fall away. Her breasts were unquestionably small, but (as she was learning) size wasn’t everything. They were high and round, and slightly teardrop shaped. Delicate and smooth they subtly amplified every aspect of her feminine curves. Her small, pink nipples already hard with excitement stiffened further against the cool air as her areolas crinkled slightly.

“You look amazing,” Nikki said her head a few scant inches below Judy’s own (despite standing on the floor).

The note hit home. “Yeah, I do…? In fact, I’ve never looked better.”

“Humble, aren’t you.”

“No, I mean it,” Judy said. “I’m thinking over this whole week and there hasn’t been a single blemish on my skin, my leg hair seemed to have stopped growing, my ass got a little rounder, the girls have never been so perky, and my hair looks like I walked out of the salon. I even smell better.”

Nikki smiled, “That would be the spell. You are a part of it now.”


“It wasn’t a big-tit-slash-growth spell my sister and I cast all those years ago. It was a beauty spell, and now that you’re part of the it, I’m guessing that those little enhancements will be perpetual.”

“Really?” Judy said staring at her backside. “Cool.”

“I agree.”

It was as Judy looked away that Nikki grabbed the elastic band of the small woman’s panties and tugged. Hard. Whisking the beige garment down the once long legs to pool by her ankles. Judy shrieked in surprise. One hand moving to cover her pubic mound while the other reflexively covered her breasts.

“Nice,” Nikki intoned. “You know, you’re almost a red head.”


Nikki ignored her. “Oh what’s the harm, and you have the cutest little pussy.”

Nikki pushed her body forward. With Judy standing on the table this meant Nikki’s breasts pushing into her stomach. Their heavy weight spreading across Judy’s arms as they worked to conceal her nudity.

“Such a beautiful woman, you don’t even need breasts like mine,” Nikki whispered.

“I know,” Judy told her, “but I want them.”

The twin meaning was not lost on the raven haired Amazon. “Good girl.”

Nikki closed her eyes and focused. This time she knew what she was doing. This time Judy was right there with the right thoughts. No luck of timing, or confusing purpose. Her will found Judy’s and a connection was made.

Nikki felt a tug from somewhere deep inside her.

“Oh my,” Judy said, but there was no immediate change. As Nikki stepped back from the tiny figure on her table, perhaps Judy’s breasts looked a tad swollen.

“Maya and I are twins, so its bound to be easier between us, but its happening.”

Judy looked down and frowned at her still-small breasts. Nikki couldn’t help but notice that Judy was no longer covering her nudity. The sight made a smile curl her lips.

“Tell me I don’t have to wait a week to be a C-cup.”

“No, it won’t be like last time,” Nikki said. “But physical contact will help the transfer.”

Judy hopped down to the chair and stood, once again looking up at Nikki’s daunting size. “Then get your ass over here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Nikki giggled. She strode forward and saluted her tiny neighbor like she was a four-star general. The action caused an impressive wobble of tantalizing flesh reminiscent of Sally Forth.

Judy gently leant forward gazing upon the twin wonders thrusting out toward her face. Her hands rose to cup them but fell short, held back by an invisible force field. Judy’s mouth hovered an inch above Nikki’s right nipple, lips parted. Nikki was breathing unevenly in anticipation, she had done this before but never in this way. Regardless, it was always a little scary to give a part of yourself. Judy waited a moment more and then eased her tongue out to lick the rigid nipple before her.

The sensation was simultaneously electric and magnetic. Judy’s hands clamped to the offered breast as her mouth latched hungrily onto its peak. There was an energy thrumming between the two women. Magic, life, power, sex- it was all of those things and more. Distantly Judy could feel the incredible mass of Nikki’s breast recede as a corresponding weight began to grow on her own chest. The whole time the power pumped through her flexing and probing until it exploded inside her.

Contact was broken and Judy sank half stepped/half fell off the chair. She had had an orgasm without physical stimulation other then the touch of her lips on Nikki’s boob. Nikki shakily lent over onto the table, both hands planted as she panted to get her breath back. Unless Jude missed her guess the same thing had happened to her.

“It was never, never like that with Maya!” Nikki declared. To be fair Maya probably hadn’t been sucking on her sisters nipples, either.

“Oh my g-“ Judy started and then noticed something new about Nikki.

Her breasts were smaller!

They were still quite large, but they no longer stretched the boundaries of the imagination. They hung down as Nikki panted, bobbing and bouncing with distinctly less mass than they had possessed a minute ago.

Judy was so awed that she almost forgot to look down at her own chest. Her hand rose to rest on a swollen hill of womanly flesh that she could not have dreamed possible.

“Oh my god!” Judy declared at the sight of two amazingly robust breasts, crowned with long and very excited nipples. They were enormous, bigger than Nikki’s (at least proportionately). Heavy and firm, they swung with purpose and thrust out majestically. If you combined the breasts from every woman in her family they still wouldn’t be as big as these.

“Oh my god!” Judy marveled. She loved the way they looked when she squeezed them in her hands. Just as importantly she loved the way they felt.

With the contact broken the direct transfer had stopped leaving Nikki at a still respectable D-cup, but Judy had swollen to a double D. She wasn’t sure by just looking, but after the reality wave caught up to them she simply picked up her bra and read the inner label. Nikki technically still had the bigger boobs of the two women, but that was only due to her vastly superior over-all size. Nikki was down three cup sizes and Judy was up the same.

“Ready for more?” Nikki asked.

“I want it all!”
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Unread 04-02-2013   #19
Nom Anor
The King of Swing
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

God, your dialogue is gold. This is another one that had me laughing:

“I always wanted to fly while fucking."
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Unread 04-04-2013   #20
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

This is the end. I moved the 3rd person out a bit to include Mark's thoughts in this section, since the first half of the chapter is really more his journey. I also thought it would help, because he's the character we've gotten to know the least.

I really enjoyed this tale, hope you did too. LMK if you liked it, and free feel to give critiques.

Two Judes


The door clicked behind him as the familiar jingle of keys landing on the phone table chimed in his ears. They were two very satisfying, repetitive sounds at the end of a very long and stressful day. Sounds that meant coming home, something he always looked forward to. Especially when it meant coming home to Judy.

He heard motion coming from upstairs indicating that she was awake. Good, after a day like this he could use the comfort of his sexy, little wife. Her feminine charms always got his motor running, and on the bad days- and this had been a doozy- they were extra appreciated. Judy's truly epic bust line could make him hard just thinking about it, but it could also be oddly comforting. Soothing in a way he hadn't felt since early childhood, when it was easy to believe that everything was going to be OK... forever. He could use a little of that right now.

"Mark, I've got a big surprise for you," came a voice from the top of the stairs.

"Is it a good one?" mark asked, "I kinda need it."

"Even better!"

It sounded like she was on the landing, but then Mark heard the floor creek that made it sound like she was still in the bedroom. It registered, but he didn't really think about it until later. A mute point, because all thinking stopped when he reached the foot of the stairs.

At the top of the stairs Judy stood naked, her body softly illuminated by two different sources. The glow of the moon danced across her rampant curves with silky fingers, while a dull flicker warmed her flank from the open bedroom door. Candles? Mark, smiled. If she had bothered to light candles it definitely wasn't going to be a straight-to-bed kinda of night. Things were looking up.

Speaking of… Mark watched in wonder as the nearly silhouetted form of his wife slinked her way down the stairs toward him. Each step was slow and purposeful. Each planted heel created a quick quiet quiver to run through her breasts. The bounce of her breasts made it appear they were influenced by a different gravity then the rest of her. An odd and yet somehow harmonious pull that made his wife’s every dainty movement a thing of magic.

He found himself wanting to see Judy in better light, but a second thought made him glad for the shadowy stairwell. His wife was so beautiful in the relative darkness, but even more so in the light. He was afraid that to stare openly into a sight that transcendent it might blind him like the sun. Especially after a day like today.

She stopped her descent a full two stairs up from her husband, but still had to look up slightly to meet his gaze. Mark wasn’t certain but he thought he saw her eyes widen momentarily. A half second of doubt flitted across the gaze of this normally confident little woman. But a half second was all it got as she smiled seductively up at him.

“Was it terrible?” she purred. Her voice was all sex, but somehow she managed to squeeze some real sympathy in there.

“Yeah,” he said, “pretty terrible.”

“Anybody get fired?” she said. Jude was ignoring her own nudity. She was so comfortable that she didn’t seem to even notice her lack of clothes. Mark couldn’t think of anything else. Even two steps up and away, the fullest part of Judy’s breasts pushed out to within an inch of Mark’s rumpled dress shirt. He wasn’t sure but her large, hard nipples might have actually been just barely brushing against him with her every inhale.

“No,” he said struggling to hold his thoughts together, “and the longer I stand here the less I care about work.”

“Then let’s not speak of it again,” she said in her breathiest voice.

She leaned forward allowing her breasts to close that final gap between them. Her nipples connected first. A pair of hot, soft finger tips poking into his upper chest. An impressive weight of bosom followed, pressing and spreading against his body. He wanted to reach up to catch her, but he resisted. They had done this many times before. Judy would teeter toward him and stop her slow fall down the stairs with her breasts alone. Allowing them to cushion her as she leaned and pushed into her husband. As she ‘fell’ her lips would come closer and closer to his until they met.

…But tonight the kiss did not come.

“Mark?” she breathed into his mouth.

It took him a minute to catch up, “…uh, yeah?”

“I need to you to trust me,” she said. “I need you to see me.”

Mark’s brow furrowed. “I do?” he said hesitantly.

“I need you to believe me,” she whispered. “I need your total faith.”

He was starting to get into this now. A little banter before bed. “You have it,” he said.

“Anything,” she said. Her lips brushed his as she said it. “Anything I say you need to believe. Can you do that?”

He gulped, “I can try.”

“Anything.” she stressed. She gently bit his lower lip a little to stress her point. She pulled away slightly before letting go.

“Can you do that?” Her small hand cupped his erection thru his slacks. As she asked her final question, she squeezed.

“Yes,” he moaned.

“I’m a head taller than you and I have smaller boobs.” The words were said as sexily as everything else she said but they still dragged his rhythm to a screeching halt.

“Wait. What?”

Judy looked at her husband with a crook of a smile. “I said, I’m a head taller than you with tiny tits,” she repeated. “Now, picture it!”

“What?” he said again.

“Shut your eyes and picture it,” she said encouragingly. “See me looming over you. Imagine me being able to wrestle you to the ground. Make it real.”

“Uh?” he said, but he was starting to get an image in his mind. Mark had always had a bit of a secret thing for tall girls, but Judy had never been one of them. Not that it mattered, and it was nice to picture her as a giant. He had never brought it up because she was so short. He hadn’t wished to hurt her feelings.

“You said I have your total faith,” Judy said again. “I am an Amazon. You are my toy-boy husband. I’m so tall people give us weird looks when we’re out together, but you don’t give a shit. You like me tall. You love me tall.”

Mark had an image of Judy ducking as she stepped out of their door. She was barely squeezed in a tiny black dress. Her huge breasts swaying back and forth as she stood again outside. If he stood close those giant boobs would block the view of her lovely face. Wait. If that were true she’d never fit in the car.

Fuck it, they didn’t need a car. Jude was no longer towering above him in the front yard. He was alone, but not for long. He watched Judy’s body rise above the roof of their house. He couldn’t tell if she was growing or simply standing up. Her naked torso rose above the top of their two story A-frame. Leaning forward she rested her now truly titanic tits onto their roof, dislodging shingles and making the lumber creek under their weight. No, too big. They still had 12 years left on the mortgage.

In the next moment she was standing beside him and looking him in the eye only she wasn’t using the stairs to gain elevation. On her feet were a pair of modest heels. But that wasn’t right either, she felt too short. Too short? 5’7” would be nearly a foot taller than her actual height. How could that appear to be too short?

Another shift- She’s sitting on the couch and he’s rubbing her feet. Large feet, Mark noticed, at the end of long legs. The doorbell rings and they both spring up. In the moment of confusion when they decide who’ll get the door Mark stares at the lovely curve of her neck before dragging his eyes up to meet hers.

Somehow it feels right, but her breasts are so tiny. Or they were, even as he watches his wife’s bosom inflates to its full proportions, the process causing a button or two to pop off her blouse. Undeterred she turns and walks toward the beckoning doorbell.

“Tell me how tall I am, Mark,” she urges.

“6’4”,” he says. “No! 6’5”. Yeah, you’re 6’5”. You’re so hot, and tall!” Mark liked this fantasy. It felt uncommonly real to him. So good. So… right. Shit, he didn’t know Judy was into this.

“And my breasts,” Judy said. She sounded excited, “Tell me about my breasts,”

“They’re huge!” he offered. She groaned.

“No, they’re not,” she said and then gasped. Mark’s hand had wrapped itself around the firm, bulging weight of her right breast.

“I have to disagree,” he said. She slapped his hand away.

“Total faith!” she scolded. “I am a Amazon and I have tiny tits! I need you to see it, Mark. Reach out in your mind’s eye and hold them- no, just your mind.” Again she slapped his hands away.

Eyes firmly shut he envisioned his towering wife with her enormous chest thrust out level with his neck. With just a slight bend of the head he could bury his face between them.

“Wait, wait,” he said.

Refocused, he saw himself reaching up to palm each of Judy’s magnificent breasts. Way more than a handful at 4’9”, at 6’5” they were truly daunting. A lesser man would have been scared, but not Mark. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. They’d be worth the sprained wrist.

Part of his brain wondered how this image could be so real. Mark had always had a decent imagination, he supposed, but never had a fantasy been so clear. So crisp! He could almost touch it. And in that moment his imagined hands could feel the weight of his wife’s phantom breasts. Amazing!

“Got it.”

“Am I still a giant?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said with a distinct eagerness.

“As you squeeze my boobs I want you to picture them shrinking in your hands,” Judy said. Mark groaned involuntarily.

“Just do it,” Judy told him sternly.

Slowly but surely Mark was able to imagine his wife’s ponderous bosom growing smaller in his hands. Little by little they seemed to melt like a pair of ice cubes. His hands held more and more of Judy’s flesh as he squeezed and released, and squeezed and released. The breasts that she squeezed into a GG bra every morning slowly reduced in size until she could buy off the rack.

“Keep going,” she said.

“How do you even know I haven’t made you completely flat-chested?”

“I’m you’re wife,” she said. He made no argument.

“Awwww… Do I have to?” he asked, but did as he was told.

Mark could now clearly see himself squeezing a pair of D-cups, but with a little effort he managed to compact them even further until they would’ve fit nicely into a pair of C’s, and then B’s. Despite her height, Judy’s breasts were getting quite manageable. Mark could easily see himself cupping and stroking her perky and somewhat smallish breasts. They still pleasantly filled his palms, but Judy was no longer the juggernaught he knew.

Then he kept squeezing, kept shrinking, her boobs. Evaporating them further and further until they were completely gone and he was just massaging her tiny, hard nipples with his fingertips. Pushing and pinching them around her chest in gentle circles. His imagination allowed Mark to do this for a while, but invariably his wife’s breasts would begin to swell again. Blossoming to ripeness under his happy hands. Being a good boy, he would then shrink them back down with an effort of will, only to have them grow again. Finally he confessed.

“Its no good. I can’t shrink them all the way down,” he said smiling. “Every time I picture you flat they grow back. A B-cup is the best I can do. I love your boobs too much to do more than that.”

“Are you sure?” she sounded strangely happy. Almost ecstatic.

“Yep,” he said. “Clear as day.”

“Open your eyes.”

He did, and felt a momentary tug at his brain as the truth rolled in.

As his eyes opened he saw a different world. The tiny, busty creature before him was wrong. Well, ‘wrong’ was the wrong word for it, and yet... His wife was a lean and lovely, auburn haired giantess, wasn’t she? Or was she the tiny voluptuous creature on the stairs before him? In his mind Judy was tiny and towering, top-heavy and small-breasted. Who was this woman before him? She spoke like his wife, smelled like his wife, but-

“What the hell is going on here?!” he suddenly said much louder than he meant to. Mark staggered back bumping the wall so hard it jarred the photo that hung there.

“Mark, honey, do you-“

“You shrunk!” Mark said. Then gesturing to her breasts, “And grew!” His eyes went wide and he looked down and to the left. It was a look Judy recognized from whenever he was remembering, or lost in deep thought. Then his eyes locked on hers again.

“You’ve been shrinking all week,” his voice positively astonished. “How did I not notice!? And you kept asking me. How did- I- I-“

She interrupted him by grabbing one of his large hands in both of hers and cupping it to her warm chest. Having faith that he wouldn’t let go, she clamped her mouth on his. Mark was stunned and remained so, but Judy kept kissing him until he started kissing back. Eventually his left hand joined his right and they went into full exploration mode. This was not the wife he remembered, and they were more than willing to map the new terrain.

“Calm,” she asked.

“No?” he said with a small smile.

“Calmer,” she amended.

“I guess,” Mark sighed. “Are you OK?”

“I’m fine,” Judy smiled. “Better than fine. What do you remember?”

Mark made a few attempts before successfully starting, “uh, everything I guess. In my head there are kind of two Judy’s. An Amazon and a midget.”

Judy punched his arm.

“Hey! You asked,” he rubbed the spot she had stuck. “Anyway, now that I can remember, the tall you feels more real. Am I going crazy?”

Judy laughed, “No, but now you know how I felt. And you’re right this <ahem> midget me is new. I’m usually quite tall.”

Mark leaned against the wall, looking up the stairs at his still naked, short, and busty wife. “What happened to you?”

“I did,” came a voice from the hall upstairs.

Another form stepped into view, huge and feminine. It stepped onto the landing above Judy. As the moon lit her body Mark could see that this woman was just as naked as his wife with the exception of a pair of high-heeled shoes.

She was gigantic. Easily 7 feet tall and seemed taller for being at the top of the stairs. She had a pair of long, thick, sexy legs meeting (well, not quite meeting) at a pair of broad, curvy hips. A tiny waist that flowed up into a smooth nearly flat chest with just the hint of twin swells underneath her large-ish nipples. Her whole body was athletic and exotic, from the top of her dark, silky mane to the tips of her shiny high heels.

Mark may, and I stress ‘may’, have screamed like a little girl. Judy dropped her head into her hand.

“Oops,” Nikki said to Judy.

“Thanks,” Judy said. “I told you to let me handle it.”

Nikki shrugged her shoulders. Previously that would’ve caused an eye-catching wave across her chest- less so now. She looked up, smiled, planted her hands on hips, and shifted most of her weight to one foot.

“I was getting bored,” Nikki admitted, “And I know an entrance line when I hear one.”

“What the hell is going on here!” Mark managed to say. “Ohmigod... Nikki?”

“Got it in one,” Nikki said and took a few steps down the stairs.

Mark tried to back up. Tried to look away. He failed at both attempts. A much larger part of his brain desperately wanted to drink in every moment of these two beautiful naked women on his stairs. Combine that with twin and conflicting images of what these women should look like bouncing around in his head, and he wasn’t going to stop staring anytime soon.

“I ask again, what- exactly- is going on here?” he gasped.

Nikki spoke first, “Well, I want to fuck your wife, but she made me ask you for permission first.” This dragged an exasperated sigh out of Judy and she swatted Nikki’s bare thigh with the back of her hand. Nikki, perhaps playing the living up to he Amazonian status, ignored the tiny attack.

“What do you say, Mark,” Nikki grinned. “Can I? Pleeeeeease.”

“Wha- I-I-I,” Mark stammered.

Judy rolled her eyes. She turned quickly to Nikki in attempt to keep things from slipping off the deep end. Well, slipping more than they already had.

“Kiss him,” she said in a commanding tone.

“Done,” Nikki said striding down the stairs. This time Mark did try to run, but it did no good. Nikki was on him in a moment and she was a force to be reckoned with. Her body was every bit as large as Judy’s used to be, but she was curvier, thicker, and- as it turns out- a lot stronger. If it came to it, she was probably stronger than he was.

She pinned him to the wall and pressed herself into him, turning his head up to meet hers. Mark’s eyes, half filled with fear, met Nikki’s- brimming with lust. Her full, parted lips descended onto his shocked and open mouth causing Mark’s whole body to jerk like a current had been pumped into it. He struggled for a moment and then, seeing how fruitless it was, eased into the kiss. Not exactly kissing her back with abandon, but definitely going with the flow. One arm rhythmically and softly pounded the way like a distant echo of his resistance.

Judy found the show somewhat upsetting to watch, while simultaneously being the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

When Nikki was done with him (and she took her damn, sweet time). Judy grabbed her husband by the belt and pulled him closer. Reaching up she tried to rip open his shirt, but found her reduced size and significantly reduced her strength and she only managed to pop a couple buttons. Fortunately Nikki instinctively knew what Judy meant to do and almost causally tore Mark’s shirt off and left it hanging from his waist.

“Jude, I?” he said dazedly.

“Now kiss me,” she demanded. Instead of letting him bend toward her tiny body, Judy leapt off the stairs and wrapped her legs around her husband’s strong waist. She shoved her breasts into Mark’s chest like a pair of fleshy battering rams. Letting their buoyant weight try to push him away from her as her arms and legs held him close. The sensation of her own body pushing and spreading and warm against him was amazing. She did so love the feel of her new breasts! And so did he, it was only moments before his large hands found his wife’s curves as they bulged between the two of them.

“Better now?” she said when she finally let him go.

His smile was so euphoric it made her giggle. “Yes, but I still don’t understand.”

“It’s all good,” Jude told the love of her life, “Do you need to know right now? I promise I’ll explain later.”

He looked at his naked wife and then over to his naked neighbor. Nikki twiddled her fingers at him.

“I mean come on, she’s on both of our lists,” Jude said, “We kind of have to fuck her.”

Mark looked up at Nikki with nervous quickness. “You told her about the list?!”

“Told her?” Judy sighed, “It took a superhuman effort of will to resist humping her until you got home!”

A moment calm thought cut through Mark’s confusion. “You totally should have,” he said eying their giant neighbor slyly. “I mean, she’s on your list. Technically I couldn’t have even got mad.”

“Told you,” Nikki said to Judy in a singsong voice.

Jude glared at Mark. “Apparently,” she said through grit teeth, “I really love you.”

Mark smiled lovingly back. “You must,” he admitted. Gesturing at the towering beauty next to them he added, “A lot!”

“Apparently,” Judy repeated even more strained than before. “So be a good boy, and don’t ruin this.”

“Honey,” he said and took her by the shoulders, then paused as her tiny stature and big boobs momentarily distracted him. “Are you sure?”

Judy welled up her inner calm before speaking her next words. She reminded herself that Mark had just had a terrible day, only to come home and have his entire understanding of reality fractured and then rebuilt in a matter of minutes. Even still, she seriously didn’t think it would take this much convincing. They were talking about a three-way, after all… with two girls!

So we must have a little temperance for Judy if her patience ran out. She began her next words evenly and slowly, but they quickly built in volume, pacing, and forcefulness. Until her final words had taken on the commanding tones of an excitable queen making a decree. For just a moment Judy became a tiny tyrant.

For the record, Mark never lodged a complaint.

“You’re standing,” Jude spoke, “in the hallway with two beautiful and- might I add- naked women who are throwing themselves at you.”

Judy stared directly into Mark face, her eyes full of resolve. “She’s shared her boobs, I’ve shared my height. So, yes, I’m pretty damn sure I’m ready to share my husband! In fact, I’m positive.” Here gaze firmed even more, “In fact, I’m deciding for you.”

Judy turned her attentions to Nikki. “Carry him upstairs, so we can have our way with him.”

“Done,” Nikki said and threw Mark over her shoulder. There was minimal, if any struggle from him. But before Nikki trudged up the stairs she looked down at the little woman that was about to become her lover.

“Nice speech,” she smiled. “Just don’t think you can order me around, half-pint,” Nikki chided. “I was a tiger in the sack when I was your size. I’m betting it’ll take the both of you to handle me now.”

Nikki bent and poked Judy in the boob, lightly flicking her nipple before retracting her hand.

“Now why don’t you follow my giant sexy ass to the bedroom, and we’ll see who holds court.”

Without another word Nikki began to walk up the stairs. Even with Mark’s weight over one shoulder she managed to enticingly roll her hips as she ascended. Her big, curvy rump swinging from side to side beckoned Judy to follow- and she did.

Pausing for a moment at the window, Judy heard the sound of springs creaking as Nikki threw Mark onto the bed. Smiling, Judy turned and looked out toward Nikki’s house next door. Everything had started less than a week ago, making her realize just how quickly a life can change. She had stood right here wishing for something different, and everyday since had given her just that.

It hadn’t been what she’d expected. Reality turned into nightmares, nightmares turned to fantasies, and fantasies completed the circle by becoming reality. She had been terrified, but now she was enamored. Just as pleased to be a big-boobed pixie, as she had been to be the amazing colossal woman.

“Let’s see what you’re hiding in those pants,” Nikki’s voice came from the bedroom. There was a tearing sound and then a loud ‘coo’ of approval.

Nikki had mentioned swapping ‘traits’ with her sister, but Judy hadn’t just swapped bra-sizes with Nikki. She had nearly left the giant girl completely flat. Judy’s hand lifted to cup breasts larger than Nikki’s had ever been. If that was true, could she also get smaller than 4’9”? What would happen when Mark was made part of the circle? Could she absorb enough height to become a true giantess? If so she promised to be very kind to her two tiny lovers. And certainly there had to be more things they could trade beside their height and tits. It was going to be an interesting life from now on.

“Better hurry, shortstuff. If you don’t get in here quick you’ll have to wait for round two.” Nikki said. Hell, she almost sang it. Mark groaned in a very pleasurable way. “Damn, do I like being a big girl!”

“Hold on for me, Hon!” Judy called bemusedly. Nikki didn’t know of Mark’s stamina yet, but she’d learn. The boy did knew how to go the distance. Something she had always appreciated when she was taller.

“Doing. My. Best!” he said in a series of short staccato grunts.

Of course she’d always want Mark by her side. Judy couldn’t imagine any journey without him. Once he was past his shock, he was really going to enjoy this.

Nikki was a certainly a lovely and exciting companion as well. A friend, and now more than a friend. And unless Jude misjudged her, she had been more than a little lonely before. More than a little eager for a chance to play and let the magic back in. Hungry to make a real connection with someone.

Doors of possibility were now laid out before Judy that she couldn’t even fathom existing before. Previously invisible, these doorways were suddenly… there. More than there, they were inviting. Beckoning to be opened. Now that she could see them Judy realized that she was very interested walking through a few of them… maybe, in time, she’d try them all.

“Judy,” Mark hollered. She could almost hear the long list of baseball stats running through his brain.

“Judy,” Nikki sang. “Come play!”

She turned from the window and approached her bedroom on dainty feet at the end of tiny, slender legs. Judy stopped at the doorway for one brief moment, smiled, and then walked through.
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Unread 04-04-2013   #21
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Nicely done! Terrific work.
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Unread 04-05-2013   #22
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Five Schlicks out of five! OHYEAH!


Last edited by OhZone; 04-05-2013 at 07:43 PM.
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Unread 04-08-2013   #23
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Fun story.
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Unread 04-08-2013   #24
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Very good
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