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Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 567
"Bowling" SW Edition

Another SM to SW! This time its a long story, so I probably missed even more details than before, however I changed the male character "James" to the female "Jessica" and so I didn't have to manually change each pronoun, they are a gay couple.

The original story can be found here

So here is Bowling: SW Edition!

Jessica was your average 20 year old third year university student. She was dead on six foot with a slim build and short blond hair. Today she couldn’t believe her luck she was out on a date with Lucy; the most stunning girl she knew from her course. She wished she could say that after having a serious crush on her for two years she had finally got the guts to ask her out, but it was in actual fact Lucy who asked Jessica if she fancied going bowling tonight. She had originally planned to go out with her flat mates that night, but that was just to go on the pull anyway and knowing her history with women wasn’t likely to end as planned. So who was going to say no to a chance with Lucy? Not her.

Jessica didn’t tend to go bowling very often, but she wasn’t bad at it, usually averaging just over a hundred maybe a hundred and twenty. She was better than Lucy at any rate, she watched her as she played her final bowl of their second game. She was five foot five inches tall with a curvy figure. Her face was perfect and framed with dark brown hair that reached her chest. Jessica watched her nice round C-cup breasts bounce under her deep purple turtle neck jumper thinking about how they would feel as she celebrated her second Spare of the game.

Jessica caught her deep brown eyes looking at her as she smiled. She smiled back as she walked back over to her seat; she loved how her hips waved when she walked. Lucy took a drink from her Bacardi and coke, Jessica watched as her perfect lips wrapped round the straw; she was perfect in every way. Which is why she had always been too intimidated to ask her out herself. Well, maybe she could be a little taller.

She looked up at her and quickly averted her gaze. Picking up her beer she quenched her drying mouth and turned to look around the bowling alley. The place was really quiet now with only a couple of other lanes being used.

“It’s getting a bit late” said Lucy. Jessica turned back to look at her

“Yeah” she replied dumbly

“But we’ve probably got enough time for one more game, why don’t you go ask.” With that she got up and began to walk to the bar. “I’ll get us another drink?” she said as she walked past Jessica

“Er, yeah, sure”

She smiled the smile that made Jessica’s knees weak and left.

“‘Yeah, sure’” she mimicked to herself “great at least it was more than one syllable.” She shook her head and downed the last half of her pint. “Just keep it cool and don’t say anything stupid.” Picking up her empty glass she went to the desk.

When she returned Lucy was already back and had removed her turtle neck jumper. Jessica’s pulse quickened because now she was only wearing a white spaghetti strapped tank tip. On seeing her she jumped up causing her breasts to shift dramatically, Jessica was a confessed breast woman and her heart skipped a beat when they danced.

Lucy gave her her drink and then drank half of her own in one go, in order not to look bad Jessica took a few large gulps of her pint. Lucy smiled again.

“Great news, we’ve got time for one more game” she told her

“Great. How about we make this game more interesting?” asked Lucy suggestively

“What, like a bet or something?”

“More like a prize for the winner” she explained. Jessica was a little confused.

“How do you mean?” she asked sitting down. Lucy finished her drink and walked over to her.

“For example, what would you change about me?” she enquired striking a pose that showed off her curves. Jessica stuttered.

“Err.. nothing, I, I mean you’re already good, great even.” Jessica took a large gulp of her drink

“Aww thanks. But come on, there must be something. How about my boobs?” She suggested lifting them with her hands. “Wouldn’t you like them a bit bigger? I know I would. Don’t you like big breasts Jessica?”

“I, erm.. I.. Well, er, sure, who doesn’t?”

“Good” she said letting her breasts fall back into place. “For every point you get my breasts will grow. Happy with that?”

“But, how is that even possible?”

“No, my turn. What do I want to change?” she bent over to look the sitting Jessica in the eye. At this angle Jessica had an amazing view of her cleavage and was already imagining them bigger. It wasn’t possible though was it? She’s just playing around, I’ll just go with it, thought Jessica. Shit, look at her face. Realising she’d been staring she quickly looked at her face which was scrunched up in thought.

“I know!” she suddenly announced standing up. “Your height”

“What about my height?”

“You make me look short”

“You are short” joked Jessica

“Haha” replied Lucy sarcastically. “Just for that I’m definitely having your height. Let’s see, the most you can get in bowling three hundred? And you’re what six foot”

“Yeah, so?”

“Seventy-two divided by three-hundred is about a quarter so, a-quarter-of-an-inch-for every-point-I-get. Come-on-I’ll-go-first!” She grabbed the first bowling ball near her and pretty much skipped to the lane. She had spoken the last bit so fast that Jessica didn’t really follow.

What the hell? She thought. She looked up at the scorecard from the last game. Well I’ve comfortably beaten her in the last two games, and it’s only a game.

There was a sudden crash of bowling pins and a cheer from Lucy. Jessica looked over. Lucy had just scored her first strike of the night.

Jessica didn’t notice the first two and a half inches she lost.

“A strike?” laughed Jessica

“Just lucky I suppose” shrugged Lucy as she stepped down from the bowling lane. “10 points, that’s 2 and half inches!”

“Yeah okay” joked Jessica still not believing she would lose any height. She selected her ball and stepped up to the lane. “So how many points to I need to make your boobs grow?” she laughed turning back to look at Lucy

“Usually ten points a cup” answered Lucy matter-of-factly


Lucy didn’t answer, she just winked. Jessica shook her head and faced the bowling lane. With another shake of the head she stepped up and took her shot. The ball hit the pins with a crash knocking over nine, the final pin wobbled but remained standing but she managed to knock it over with her second shot.

“Yes!” she breathed. With a fist raise in triumph she turned to look at Lucy but she wasn’t paying attention; she was too busy observing her breasts. Jessica blushed, lowering her head she made her way to her seat trying not to look.

“Definitely” said Lucy suddenly. Jessica looked up to see her arching her back to exaggerate her chest. “Look they’ve gone up a cup, don’t you think so?”

Jessica swallowed. “Maybe” she replied. Actually they do look a little bigger… Nah. she thought shaking her head.

Lucy stood and picked her ball. She knew Jessica hadn’t realised they were actually changing: she had gone up a cup size, her bra was already feeling a little tight. She’ll notice soon enough.

Jessica watched dumbfounded as Lucy bowled another strike, it definitely wasn’t luck either: she had bowled it fast and straight.

“Yes! Two in a row, beat that!” cheered Lucy

Jessica stood up and picked her ball. During the last two games she had reigned herself in so that she didn’t beat Lucy too badly, but now she decided she was going to play properly. As she walked to the lane she heard Lucy giggle. Looking up she saw Lucy standing in front of her a few inches taller.

“What!?” gasped Jessica, “but how is that…” Jessica stopped short when she looked down and saw that Lucy was standing on the step between the seating area and the bowling lanes. Lucy stepped down.

“Hehe, fooled ya” she said walking back to her seat

“Very funny” retorted Jessica sarcastically. Stepping up to the lane Jessica quickly looked back, Lucy was sitting herself down. She didn’t come up that far to me earlier, did she? pondered Jessica. Shrugging she absently mindedly pulled her jeans up a touch and then bowled.

“Shit” she muttered under her breath.

A split. The two furthest apart pins where left standing.

“Unlucky” called Lucy, “Just try and hit one of them.”

Jessica chose another ball and did manage knock one of them over. Looking up at her score she saw she was at twenty-seven, seven more than Lucy’s, but she had two strikes.

Jessica sighed and sat down. She watched as Lucy stepped up to take her third shot. It was then she noticed that her breasts where definitely bigger. She looked at her score again: twenty-seven, if Lucy was right she would have grown two cup sizes. Jessica suddenly felt a pang of dread. If her boobs were growing that meant…

Jessica’s thoughts were cut short at the sound of ten pins being bowled over.

“Turkey!” cried Lucy.

Jessica watched as Lucy’s score changed to fifty.

“Ooh, that’s got to be at least half a foot!” pointed out Lucy as she rushed over to where Jessica was sitting. “Come on stand up” she pleaded as she pulled at her arm. Jessica’s expression was of disbelief when she stood up and found herself looking directly into Lucy’s eyes. But the shrinking didn’t stop: slowly she watched as Lucy edged over her. She stood a little closer making her seem even taller. When the shrinking stopped Jessica’s eye level was just below Lucy’s chin.

“Oh my god, it’s as if we swapped heights” laughed Lucy, “Fifty points? I reckon you’re just under five foot!”

“F..five.. I… but, but Lucy you’re huge! How is this even possible?”

“Oh it’s just a little trick I’ve picked up. Come on it’s your turn” she ruffled her hair

“Hey!” reacted Jessica, pushing her hand away

“Aw, is ‘short’ Lucy being a bully. Come on it’s just a game”

“Well I don’t want to play anymore, this is wrong” declared Jessica

“Fine, leave if you want, but I’m going to keep playing. So it’s down to you, do you want shrink out in the street, or stay here with me?”


“Besides don’t you want to see these get bigger?” argued Lucy leaning over to gift Jessica with a view of her breasts which were straining against her bra. Jessica couldn’t help silently admitting they were both very good arguments.

Jessica tried to form words but faltered. Shrinking worried her, but she’d wanted Lucy for longer than she’d admit and here she was being more than flirty with her. On top of that she wouldn’t put it past her to keep shrinking her even if she left. She had to play.

“Okay, I’ll stay” declared a defeated Jessica

“Great! Now pull your trousers up, it’s your go.”

Lucy went to sit in her chair while Jessica looked down to see her jeans at her feet. Turning bright red she quickly snatched them up and tightened her belt. Embarrassed to no end, but more than thankful her panties hadn’t dropped with them. Her slim fit shirt was now getting baggy and her shoes no longer fit her so she took them off and selected a new pair from the bowling shoe rack behind the chairs.

Sitting down she put on the smaller shoes and rolled up her trousers. She could see Lucy in the corner of her eye giggling as she adjusted her outfit.

I’ll show her, thought Jessica as she stepped up to the bowling ball return machine and tried to pick up her ball. She was able to pick it up but it was far too heavy to bowl. Lucy desperately tried not to laugh as Jessica returned her chosen ball and exchange it for the one Lucy had been using. It was a bit embarrassing having to use the same weight ball as Lucy, but Jessica was determined to pay her back for the humiliation she was feeling.

Jessica took a couple of steps, swung and released the ball. It rolled straight and true knocking down all the pins as it crashed into them.

“Strike!” cheered Jessica turning round to face Lucy in her triumph. Lucy however wasn’t looking at her she looked into the distance as she reached behind her to undo her bra. Jessica watched as she did that mind boggling technique of taking a bra off without removing her top. Jessica walked towards Lucy, gone was her earlier shyness; she wanted to see them grow. She watched as Lucy’s chest swelled causing her top rise up and reveal her naval. Lucy smiled and let out a small moan.

“Ah that feels so good” announced Lucy suddenly. Looking down she adjusted and admired her breasts. “Great job little woman, these must be E cups now!” She arched her back to thrust them towards Jessica. Jessica’s mouth gapped as now without a bra she could see her nipples push through the white top as her perfectly round and now large breasts defied gravity without further support.

Without thinking Jessica lifted her hand to feel Lucy’s breasts, but she batted her hand away saying,

“Tut, tut little girl; it’s Lucy’s turn to play”

Jessica felt her chest brush her as she squeezed pass her to pick up her ball. Jessica suddenly snapped back into real life and Lucy stepped up to the lane, leaving her to wonder what another strike would do to her.

To Jessica’s relief Lucy didn’t score a strike; two pins we’re left standing in the far left corner. She had no doubt she would knock the last to over with her second shot, but at least it wasn’t a strike.

“Don’t be too relieved” advised Lucy as she picked up her second ball. “These two shots will be added onto the last strikes. If I’ve worked it out right, you’re about to lose nine and a half inches!”

Lucy pretty much skipped up to the lane and used her second shot to knock over the last two pins. Jessica’s heart sank as she watched Lucy’s score jump from 50 to 88. Although the shrinking always started seconds after the score changed Lucy was already standing in front of her making her feel even smaller. She looked up at Lucy’s face which made it look as if Lucy was growing taller. Looking straight ahead she was now eye level with Lucy’s neck and still shrinking. The shrinking itself didn’t feel of anything, she could just feel her feet slipping in her shoes and her clothes becoming larger and baggier. She made a grab for her jeans before they fell to the floor, her short sleeves were now half way down her arms.

When the shrinking finally stopped Jessica was eye level to the biggest pair of breasts she had ever seen as they pressed against Lucy’s white tank top which was now struggling to contain them. Jessica could feel her groin tighten at the sight of Lucy’s perfectly round boobs and her nipples which seemed to be trying to escape the cloth prison of Lucy’s t-shirt. Lucy laughed causing her chest shake, she was standing so close to Jessica that she felt both breasts brush her cheeks.

Lucy took a step back and ruffled Jessica’s hair with her hand.

“Ahh” cooed Lucy “you’re about the same height as my cousin”

“You.. you must have a short cousin” croaked Jessica, suddenly realising how dry is mouth was.

“No” chirped Lucy as she leaned over so that she was eye level with Jessica, who she knew has not looking at her face. Jessica’s eyes where transfixed on the large open cleavage her now dangling bra-less boobs where offering. Jessica only looked up when Lucy continued her sentence. “She’s about average for a ten year old.”

Jessica gulped as Lucy walked away to her chair. A ten year old! Jessica couldn’t believe it, she had come on a date with Lucy and now to everyone else it would like her big sister had taken her bowling.

“Here catch” called Lucy. Jessica looked over to see a large plastic bag flying towards her. She instinctively used both arms to catch the large bag, but because her hand was the only thing holding her trousers up they fell into a heap at her feet along with her boxers. The bag turned out to be a standard plastic shopping bag which was tied up and full of what felt like fabric. Jessica quickly used it to cover her still erect vagina, just in case the now too large shirt wasn’t long enough. Blushing she looked up to see Lucy laughing and she turned an extra shade of red, her cheeks burning. She looked round to check no one else was watching, but the bowling alley was deserted.

“They’re my cousin’s clothes” explained Lucy when she finally managed to stop laughing. “Thought they might fit you better now”. Jessica looked at the bag and then back at Lucy.

“You’ve been planning this all along!” shouted Jessica. Lucy almost burst out laughing again at the softness of Jessica’s voice at her reduced size, it made her tantrum look cute.

“Nevermind that, go get changed before I skip your go and take my next.”

Jessica may have wanted to argue, but the idea of being in clothes, even a ten year old girl’s clothes was to appealing. She certainly didn’t like the idea of arguing with Lucy half naked, so leaving her jeans behind, she yanked up her boxers and ran off to the women’s toilet.

When she returned she saw Lucy struggling to conceal her amusement at the sight of her.

“Ahhhh, you look so cute dressed like that” she jeered, “Pokemon used to be my favourite show too”

Jessica didn’t answer, she had noticed that the t-shirt she had given her held a picture of the main characters from the famous Japanese Anime series, instead she just threw the bag now containing her clothes on the floor and picked out another pair of bowling shoes, this time from the children’s section.

“Oh, don’t be moody Jessica, come on it’s your go. This ball should be light enough for you.”

She was holding a bright orange bowling ball that Jessica knew was one of the lightest balls from the rack.

“Come on, take it, you’ve got a strike to add to”

Jessica gingerly walked towards her. She was angry at her for the constant humiliation she felt. She was imitated by the size of her thanks to her shrinking. But she was also attracted to her like never before: her size emphasised her figure, her breasts were bigger but still perfect, her shapely legs were even longer and her eyes were larger and deeper than before. Jessica wanted her and had subconsciously decided she would do anything to have her, even if she hadn’t admitted it to herself knowing it meant getting even smaller.

Lucy passed Jessica the ball, it was heavy but she managed to hold it with one hand, to her it weighed about the same as the ball she had picked at the beginning of the game. That ball had been a bit too heavy for her, but she didn’t want to put the ball back and admit in front of Lucy it was too heavy; it was stupid she knew, but not as stupid as she felt now.

Lucy walked Jessica up to the bowling lane in case she ‘needed her help.’ She purposely walked very close to Jessica and she could feel her hip pressing into her upper arm which made her very aware of how close her nice bum was to her in those tight jeans.

“Go on Jessica, make that strike count” she encouraged, almost like you would a child. Jessica didn’t really hear her, she was too aware of the stiffening sensation in her borrowed ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ underpants.

“I hope that ball isn’t too big,” Jessica did hear that, and despite everything the ‘That’s what she said’ joke wasn’t lost on her as she chuckled to herself.

Thankful for the distraction Jessica bowled the ball at the pins. The ball rolled slowly down the lane, but thankfully the direction was decent and it knocked over a fair few pins. Jessica quickly looked up to see seven pins confirmed on her score sheet.

“Not bad little woman,” said Lucy handing her another orange ball, “but I want to see all ten go down”

As soon as the pins had been reset Jessica delivered the ball towards the pins. As soon as she stood up from her bowling stance she felt lean over Lucy wrap her arms around her and place her noticeably larger head on her shoulder. She could feel her large breasts pressing into her upper back as they both watched the ball slowly make its way towards the remaining pins. Lucy’s arms squeezed tighter and tighter around Jessica as the ball got closer to the pins, she squeezed so hard Jessica swore she could feel her nipples as her boobs continued to be forced against her back. They watched the ball with baited breath as it headed directly for the pins, but at the last minute the ball trailed off into the gutter.

“Ah never mind” said Lucy gently into her ear, “you’ll still got 6 more frames, unless you get too small of course”

Jessica could almost hear the large smile that spread across Lucy’s face. She made to move out of her embrace, but Lucy force her back in.

“Wait” she whispered, “you still got to fifty-one.”

“So?” muttered Jessica

“So, that means two more cups. I’m about to become an F-cup without the feel ruining surgery.”

As soon as she stopped talking Jessica felt her breasts push up more against her back. Lucy moaned quietly.

“The size changing feels so good when it’s concentrated on erogenous zones” murmured Lucy into Jessica’s ear. She couldn’t help agree, the feel of her breasts growing made her feel really good.

Her chest continued to grow, slowly encompassing more and more of Jessica’s back. The larger they grew the faster her heart beat against her rib cage. Suddenly Lucy spun her around and kissed her hard on the lips. Jessica could count the number of girls she had kissed on one hand, but there was no time, or need, for her to worry about how good a kisser she was; Lucy took full control. Her much larger tongue pushed her away and filled her mouth. Jessica tried to kiss back but there was very little she could do against the onslaught from Lucy’s passionate kiss.

There was a sound of ripping and she broke off from their kiss suddenly as she had started. Jessica let out a huge gasp.

“What was…” she panted

“Oh! I love it when they grow! Oh, but this won’t do.” said Lucy lifting her arm to show Jessica the tear on her top where the stitching met her armpit. Jessica was once again aware that her eyes were a couple of inches below Lucy’s armpit and so was looking ever so slightly up at the tear.

“Quickly, go look and see if anyone is still here” instructed Lucy

Jessica didn’t move. Lucy looked down to see the little Jessica staring dumbfounded at her chest and nipples, which she noted were still quite hard from the grow. God it did feel good she thought to herself. She placed her hands on her hips and smirked; she found it amusing. Jessica had been so against the idea of shrinking but, like most women, put a big pair of tits in front of her and she stops thinking about anything else.

“Up here little woman,” she spoke as she bent down so that they were face to face. Jessica looked at her face, but only after her protruding nipples had disappeared under her giant chest. “Go and see if everyone has left the bowling alley.”

“Why?” asked Jessica

“Because I told you to.” said Lucy pointedly as she stood back up to her full height. Jessica followed her eyes as they rose high above her, she felt like a little kid again.

“Why should I do what you say?” demanded Jessica defensively

“Well obviously because I’m bigger and probably stronger than you now. And more importantly, if you don’t do what I say I’ll go home and leave you like this.”

“You can’t do that!” exclaimed Jessica

“Yes I can. Remember it was my rules that shrunk you and only my rules that will grow you back.”

Jessica was astounded. Once she had started shrinking she never thought Lucy would leave her small.

“So remember, you best do what I say, or you’ll be four foot two for the rest of your life. Now, go and see if everyone has left.”

Jessica didn’t need telling again, she sped off towards the lobby. The rest of the lanes had been empty since she got back from the toilets. Looking around the lobby she saw that the place was deserted; the lights were off and the desk was unmanned. She walked quickly into the next room. The restaurant area was also empty and the shutters were down around the bar itself. Everyone was gone.

When Jessica returned to the bowling lanes she saw Lucy straightening out the new shirt she was wearing. As she got closer she realised it was her shirt. The slim-fit shirt was too big for her, but yet her enlarged chest still pushed against the clothing that was not designed to contain it. Jessica silently felt disappointed that she had done all but the top button up so that her breasts were completely hidden.

“There you are” acknowledged Lucy, “I hope you don’t mind: mine was beginning to struggle against these.” Lucy cupped her breasts to emphasise what she was saying. “Then again, this might struggle too if these boobs get any bigger; which I’m counting on.”

“How come everyone’s gone?” asked Jessica

“Because the place is closed of course” answered Lucy condescendingly

“But then, how come we’re allowed to stay?”

“Because my parents own the place. Johnny, the receptionist, knows I’ll lock up when we’re finished, Dad lets me bring friends here all the time.”

Jessica wasn’t entirely certain if this was the truth, she knew Lucy’s family were reasonably well off, but she had never heard that they owned the place.

“Enough chat, it’s my turn” pointed out Lucy and in one quick move she lifted her up by her armpits and dumped her on a chair. “That was fun” she remarked as she ruffled her hair. Jessica was flabbergasted: Lucy was stronger than her, and would only get stronger.

It didn’t take long for Lucy to take her turn. Jessica had been spared from another strike, but Lucy had only missed one pin with her first shot and completed the spare with her second. Her score jumped to one-hundred and seven and Jessica knew she was going to shrink below four foot.

This time Jessica could feel herself shrinking. She figured that because she was smaller the shrinking had a relatively bigger effect on her. It felt like she was slowly pulling her own body inwards from all directions. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling at all: in fact she had to admit the soft pulling sensation at her groin felt quite good and without her realising her hand was making its way towards her member which had already begun to react to the sensations.

Her hand recoiled when she saw Lucy’s large frame coming towards her.

“Don’t stop on my account” said Lucy and she thrust her right hand down her panties and felt for her vagina. “Oh dear this is getting a bit small, isn’t it?” she teased, “Let’s see what we can do about that.”

With a smile she crouched down onto her knees, at this level she was the same height as her, for now. With her fee hand she placed each of her hands on her breasts, immediately her member sprang into action and expanded in Lucy’s large hand. She placed her left hand on her shoulder and began to massage her continuingly moistening pussy. Soon Jessica had a wet pussy. She moaned as she felt every inch of Lucy’s breasts which seem to grow in her shrinking hands, while Lucy’s hand grew around her stiff vagina which stiffened ever slightly more. Lucy’s left hand dropped and grasped her backside.

“We seemed to have solved that problem” she cooed amorously, “but now it’s all out of proportion.”

She slowly wrapped her fingers in her pussy and began to move her hand up and down her almost completely covered vagina.

“Oh, Lucy… stop” she moaned unconvincingly, she didn’t want her to stop despite is being a public place. This was Lucy, Lucy her long standing crush giving her her first fingering. She wanted her to continue, to go faster. And she did continue gradually getting faster and faster. Her heart beat pounding. Her throat drying. Her back sweating. Her moans croaking. As she rubbed faster and faster. Until finally she climaxed releasing her load over Lucy’s hand.

She looked at her. She had finished shrinking and they were now at eye level. Jessica stared deep into Lucy’s brown eyes. She continued to watch her eyes as she slowly stood up. She watched as her eyes grew further and further away until finally they disappeared over her large chest.


Jessica finished tying the laces of yet another pair of shoes, she was now well into the child shoe sizes. At three foot nine and a quarter inches she was about the size of a seven year old; she even had to roll her trouser legs and t-shirt sleeves up and tighten the belt. Well actually Lucy made a point of doing it for her when she returned from toilets; after cleaning herself up. Now without panties Jessica felt even more uncomfortable in a 10 year old’s clothes.

With a new pair of shoes Jessica made her way past a beaming Lucy to the ball return tray. The balls that sat on the tray were now up to her waist. Jessica grunted as she tried to lift the lightest, but it was no good. She could move the ball, but it too much of a struggle to it lift clear of the tray. Suddenly felt something nudge her in the back of the head, spinning her head around her face meet Lucy’s chest.

“Aww, come here, let me help you little guy” offered Lucy

Reaching from behind her she lifted the ball easily with one hand.

“Both hands” she commanded. Jessica obliged and Lucy placed the ball into her hands; shared across both hands the ball wasn’t that heavy.

“Come on, let’s take it to the lane and I’ll show you how I taught my cousin to bowl before she was big enough to hold the ball properly.”

“Okay,” replied Jessica nervously

Lucy walked beside her holding her hand against her back making Jessica feel like a small child being led by her mother.

She led Jessica all the way up to the foul line and half crouched next to her.

“Now it’s not too heavy is it?” she asked smiling

“No,” answered Jessica instantly. She was trying to hold onto some dignity, but she ended up sounding like the little kid she was treating her like. Lucy smiled.

“Okay, because there’s always the Kids Bowling Aid.” Lucy pointed out the moveable metal framed object used to roll the bowl down the lane.

“No, no, I can manage” protested Jessica

“Alright, now this is how my cousin use to bowl.”

She turned Jessica to face the lane and stood behind her. Lucy reached round and held Jessica’s hands on the bowling ball. Jessica could feel the warmth from her body and her breasts pushing into the back of her neck almost separating enough to sit on each of her shoulders. With a sense of, here we go again, Jessica was quickly aware of her womanhood twitching in her trousers.

“Not again” muttered Jessica

“What was that?” asked Lucy as her chin was placed above her left ear

“Nothing” Jessica quickly lied.

“Okay, now first line up your shot.” She manhandled Jessica until she was satisfied she was lined up right. She took a while over lining Jessica up; she knew she was enjoying this, why else would she teach her how to bowl with two hands? It wasn’t rocket science. She suspected she got a kick out of it, maybe even a sexual one. If Jessica was honest with herself she found it stimulating too. Her thought line was interrupted when Lucy started swing her arms back and forth. Every time the ball swung towards them it would go between Jessica’s legs, which caused Lucy’s hands to brush her inside thigh; Jessica started breathing deeper.

“Build up some momentum… and… release!” On ‘release’ she pulled her hands away from the bowling ball and it was sent rolling down towards the end bowling lane where it knocked over most the pins.

“Yay! Seven!” cheered Lucy. She leant around her and held her hand out, Jessica reluctantly gave her a high-five.

While the pins were reset Lucy had got Jessica a second ball.

“Can you do it yourself this time? Remember, line it up and swing.” She instructed as she demonstrated next to her.

“I can do it,” she told her “you go sit down.”

“Alright, here you go my big grown up” teased Lucy handing her the ball. Jessica ignored her playful mocking so Lucy just walked back to her seat, but only after she ruffled Jessica’s hair.

Jessica swung the ball as hard as she could, but the ball only seemed to trickle down the lane towards the far corner. It just managed to knock a couple of pins over before falling into the gutter at the last second.

“Yes!” cried Jessica, she knew her score had just ticked over to sixty. Which meant two double-fs coming right up! These moments where Jessica’s favourites of the night.

She turned around expecting to see Lucy coming towards her, ready to thrust her growing boobs into her. But Jessica was surprised at what she saw. Lucy’s breasts where of course growing again, funny how that was normal now, but she had unbuttoned her jeans and was stroking both her left nipple and her… well, herself. It was a sight to see, you always assumed women masturbated, but it was rarely ever said, and definitely not in the same banter-ish way it was for men.

Lucy suddenly moaned loudly as if she was alone and no one could see her. Jessica quickly stopped thinking about what she was seeing and started enjoying it. Lucy moaned again and Jessica was half aware that her own hand was reaching down her trousers once again. She could not believe that a women was rubbing herself in front of her and pinching at her nipple through her shirt, which was starting to tighten against the mammoth swelling chest.

As soon as Lucy’s breasts stopped growing she retracted her hand, refastened her trousers and stood up to see Jessica staring aghast at her, her hand down her little jeans. Lucy laughed inwardly.

Bet she’s never seen that before, she thought

She walked over to the little woman who was still staring up at her.

“Sorry, I didn’t let you play did I? Maybe next time,” she purred, “but first,” she continued as she picked up a ball, “I need to make you the right size.

Leaving Jessica to contemplate on what ‘the right size’ was, Lucy played her shot. Her mouth curled into a sly smirk, she knew it was going to be a strike from the moment she let go of the ball. And sure enough all ten pins scattered as the ball crashed into them. Lucy made a quick calculation, taking into account the spare at the end of the last frame, she had just got twenty more points.

“Which means” she started gleefully as she turned to face Jessica, “five more inches! Or should I say ‘less?’”

“You should say ‘fewer’” corrected Jessica

“Smart arse,” commented Lucy, “and what a cute little smart arse it is” she laughed bent over to pinch Jessica’s backside. Jessica flinched at her touch and then suddenly closed her eyes and loudly breathed in. “It’s started again hasn’t it!?” asked Lucy excitedly

Jessica could only nod as the sensation came back. She began to subconsciously reach down towards her trousers again, however Lucy grabbed her arms and lifted them above her head.

“Ah, ah ahh, save some for later,” she told her shaking her head.

Lucy’s hands automatically wrapped tighter around Jessica’s arms as she shrunk, but to Jessica’s horror she did not let her arms lower while she shrunk. As she got smaller her feet began to lift off the floor and Jessica found herself dangling from Lucy’s grip held out at arm’s length. Jessica could tell it was quite an effort for Lucy to hold her like this but the just the thought that she could do it made her hot and then twinned with the shrinking sensation Jessica was fit to burst; but she couldn’t reach her pussy to release the pressure. Lucy’s arms began to shake slightly under the effort of holding Jessica at arm’s length so she readjusted her arms. Bending her arms Jessica was lifted higher off the ground and closer towards Lucy so that she was once again face to face with, and a few inches away from her massive breasts.

“Remember when you were this tall?” joked Lucy as Jessica continued to shrink.

The shoes Jessica was wearing felt larger on her further diminishing frame. They hung loosely onto her feet, so Jessica tipped her toes and allowed the shoes to fall off. The moment she did though her jeans fell from her waist and followed the shoes to the floor. And because her arms vertically above her her shirt had risen up, despite its length, and fully revealed her manhood. With a wry smile Lucy peered down see to her raging erection sending Jessica bright red in embarrassment. She thought it odd to be embarrassed considering Lucy had given her a hand job not that long ago, but this was the first time she’d actually seen it.

Just touch it thought Jessica desperately, if she only brushed it, it would probably burst.

But Lucy just stood there looking at it. “Told you the feeling was good.” She finally said, “Or maybe you’re just pleased to be this close again.”

Looking up she could see how Lucy’s wry smile could easily turn into a laugh, but she wouldn’t be laughing at her, but instead of the feeling of power she had.

The shrinking sensation suddenly vanished and Jessica found it a little easier to fight her futile urge to touch her vagina. Now there was only Lucy’s hot body and her dominance arousing her, but the embarrassment of being on display was ever so slightly winning and her erection began to slowly subside. Lucy noticed this and realised the shrinking must have finished so she began to lower Jessica but stopped when an amusing thought occurred to her. She lifted Jessica as high as she could. Bringing her face level with hers she gave her a quick kiss, winked and then let go. Jessica fell to the floor and then with a stumble fell on her backside. Lucy couldn’t help it and burst out laughing. Jessica stood up quickly and pulled her t-shirt down, although bigger it wasn’t quite big enough to cover her completely. Lucy was huge now. She guessed that she only came up to her belly button, which was a daunting thought.

When Lucy stopped laughing she looked down to see Jessica concentrating on trying to stretch her t-shirt as far down as it would go.

“That won’t work,” she remarked, “not when you try to bowl”

“Well have you got any more clothes?” asked Jessica tersely

“Don’t be short with me” retorted Lucy, almost choking on her unintended pun; Jessica was not amused. “I don’t have any more clothes, but – I do think I have an idea.”

She walked over to her large handbag and then turned back to Jessica.

“Take that shirt off” she ordered without hesitation

“Wh.. What!?” choked Jessica, “No!”

“Come on, I’ve seen it all now anyway” argued Lucy

“That’s not the point”

“Take it off, or I will” threated Lucy

“Take your’s off!” retorted Jessica childishly

“I’m not the one needing a new top, now am I?”

“But...” faltered Jessica. She never thought she’d have the girl of her dreams demanding she got naked, or that she would ever say no.

“Fine.” huffed Lucy as she grabbed to handfuls of Jessica’s at from her shoulders. Jessica’s grasp of the bottom of the shirt was no match when Lucy whipped her shirt over her head. Now completely naked Jessica quickly used her hands to cover her manhood. Lucy turned back to her bag and started pulling a deep-purple coloured lump out of her bag. Jessica couldn’t help feeling that she would end up in that hand bag before the night was out.

Lucy shook out the lump to reveal her turtle neck jumper. “Arms up” she instructed.

The idea of wearing a girl’s jumper was weird to Jessica, she almost refused, but then realised it was probably the best she was going to get. She shut her eyes tight and lifted her arms above her head, in seconds Lucy thrust the jumper down on her. It was massive to Jessica. Sure since it came down to this lower thighs it was long enough to cover her pride, but the arms were far too long and the turtle neck collar covered half her face.

“No, that’s not good enough is it?” said Lucy to no one in particular “but…”

Without warning Lucy whipped the jumper off Jessica and a second later thrust another top on her. Jessica took a moment to regain her bearings before looking down at the top she had on and to her horror saw Lucy’s white tank top. The thin straps did fit on her shoulders, but the top was far too wide for her body, even without the deformed stretch at the front, the handy work of Lucy’s expanded chest. Lucy’s huge figure began to lower as she down kneeled next to her. She reached for the straps of the top and used the buckles to lengthen them as much as she could. When she finished the top showed quite a bit of her chest but almost reached down to her knees.

“There, much better” said Lucy praising herself

“Better!?” replied Jessica angrily, she felt absolutely ridiculous. She thought of those cartoons where a naked character would use a barrel with braces to cover up. “I look ridiculous!”

“Fine, naked it is” concluded Lucy making a grab for the shirt’s straps.

“No!” cried Jessica also grabbing the straps

“Bloody hell, make up your mind” sighed Lucy, “do you want the top or not?”

Jessica looked up at Lucy pleadingly, but Lucy didn’t say anything, instead she pulled slightly at the straps

“I want it!” reacted Jessica instantly

“Okay,” answered she answered cheerfully as she released her and stood up. She was so tall and so close now that Jessica could only see her eyes over her humongous chest. “It’s your go now by the way. I think you might need the child bowling aid now.”

Jessica sat on her bowling ball, since she was now only three foot four the eight inch tall ball didn’t make a bad seat. She looked down at yet another pair of bowling shoes and the make shift tank top come toga. Lucy had at least found a piece of string which she used a belt to hold in the top that was much too wide for her.

There was a sudden crash and Jessica quickly looked up to see that Lucy had dropped the bowling aid next to her.

“There, pass the ball and I’ll hold it while you line it up.”

Jessica complied, the ball was heavy but still easily manageable with two hands. Lucy took the ball off Jessica and held at her side in with one hand, which Jessica knew she was doing to show her the ease at which she held the ball compared to her. The bowling aid itself was light enough to move around easily despite it coming up to her rib cage. When she was satisfied it was pointing straight down the lane she turned back to Lucy and took the ball off her and placed it on the top of the aid’s track.

“Are you sure everything’s right?” she asked

“Piece of cake,” claimed Jessica as she pushed the bowling ball down the slope. The ball raced down the aid’s track and then down the lane. She had managed to aim the ball perfectly but it did not have enough pace on it, therefore she only managed to knock over six pins.

“Not bad for someone as big as a five year old,” complimented Lucy

Jessica grimaced at the size comparison, but hid her reaction from Lucy who had already gone to get her another ball. By the time she returned Jessica had already repositioned the bowling aid and quickly took the ball from her and sent it towards the pins. This time her aim was slightly off and she only knocked over two of the pins.

“Pity,” commented Lucy, cupping her breasts, “looks like I’ll have to wait a bit longer for another cup. Right my turn again!”

Lucy suddenly scooped Jessica up under her arms with her right arm and carried her back to the seats, dragging the bowling aid out of the way with her free arm as she did. Jessica couldn’t believe it, one arm. That was all she needed to carry her.

She finally placed her standing on the scorer’s seat. Even standing on the chair she was still a few inches shorter than her.

“Aww you’re so cute standing there” she said playfully before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and walking away to play her shot. “Stay there, you’ll get the best view of the scores coming in.” she called back.

From her vantage point Jessica was able to watch Lucy’s ball race down the lane and knock over most the pins. Looking up at the screen with the scorecard she saw Lucy’s score implement by eight. Here comes another spare thought Jessica glumly. And sure enough seconds later the final to pins were knocked over and Lucy’s score change to 147. Seven frames ago she was six foot, how tall that now seemed when she was about to drop below three.

The process started before Lucy had got back to her. By the time she had reached her she was once again eye level with the tip of her nose, but this time she had an extra foot and a half with the chair. She was shrinking faster this time and Lucy had noticed.

“I didn’t think of that, though it seems obvious, the less there is to shrink the quicker it takes. Like my boobs, they’ve take longer to grow the larger they are. Should have thought of that, but never done shrinking in stages before.”

“What? Do you mean never before?” asked Jessica fighting the sexual urge coming from her groin.

“I’ve shrunk myself before, but never in stages, as you’ve seen it’s hard to play games when you get smaller. So I’ve set it on myself but for all to take effect at the end of the game.
It did seem to get faster the smaller I got but I assumed I was imagining it. Interesting…”

“I’m not a science project!” objected Jessica, “How small did you get?”

“That would be telling” answered Lucy tapping her large finger on her small nose. “Anyway looks like you’ve stopped shrinking, let’s see the result”

Jessica waited for Lucy to lift her to the ground, but she just stood there expectantly. Jessica sighed and sat down on the chair, her legs dangling off the end. Once again she had out shrunk the shoes so she kicked them off, knowing that they were the smallest on the rack; she’d have to play the rest of the game in barefoot. She wondered just how tall Lucy would be to her now. With both dread and excitement battling in her gut she shuffled herself off the chair and onto her feet.

Lucy’s hips faced her as she looked forward, with awe she looked up and up and up to see Lucy’s breasts out of reach and blocking her view to her face. She clearly loved standing this close and making her feel smaller.

“Step back, I can’t see you” came Lucy’s voice from behind the hills on her chest. Jessica took a few steps back pass the chair until she could see the whole of Lucy’s face. She was massive, before she had thought she was like an amazon, but now even that was an understatement; she was a giantess.

“Aww, you just get cuter the smaller you get,” exclaimed Lucy as she used her hand to compare their heights. As she measured Jessica could see she was level with the bottom of Lucy’s shirt. No her shirt, her own shirt which was now beginning to show Lucy’s midriff thanks to the amount of fabric now needed to cover those ginormous breasts. She was now very aware she was almost looking directly at her crotch which sent her bright red.

Lucy crouched down to bring her face level with Jessica’s. Jessica could see it was a bit of an effort for to keep balance against her two new front ballasts.

“It’s low down here isn’t it?” she teased, “you’d best start scoring big, because soon I reckon you won’t be able to score at all. Not at bowling anyway.”

“Just get the bowling aid,” retorted Jessica, “and let me worry about scoring”

Lucy smiled and stood up. Jessica made her way to the bowling lane while Lucy collected both her ball and the bowling aid for her and purposely dumped them next to the neighbouring lane. Jessica would have protested, but as she began to walk back to the seats Jessica noticed her ball rolling towards to neighbouring lane. With a quick sprint she was able to prevent the ball rolling into the lane’s gutter. She looked up to see Lucy trying to hide a clear snigger, Jessica ignored this.

Using the raised divider between the lanes Jessica’s managed to prop the ball so it wouldn’t roll away again. She then set to work at moving the bowling aid. It made an awful racket as if scraped on the floor, but it was not like she could pick the metal structure up. By the time she aligned the bowling aid up she was already panting from the effort. With a deep breath she bent her knees and grabbed the bowling ball in her arms. With a grunt she lifted the ball too quickly and staggered back a few places almost losing her balance.

“Is it getting too heavy for you?” mocked Lucy.

Jessica just grunted in reply. The ball was starting to get very heavy and she knew that soon she wouldn’t be able to lift the ball at all, but she wasn’t going to admit that to Lucy, at least not yet.

With a controlled effort Jessica lifted the ball onto the bowling aid and pushed it as hard as she could down the lane. Despite the effort the ball didn’t seem to go any faster and it only managed knock over 5 pins.

“Unlucky,” commented Lucy.

Jessica almost jumped out of her toga. Turning around she saw the huge form of Lucy standing beside her.

“Here,” she said handing her a second ball; Jessica took it both hands. Jessica stood there expecting Lucy to return to the seats, but it was soon clear she was going to stay and loom over her as she took she’s second shot. With a sign Jessica turned round and grunting lifted the ball towards the bowling aid. Struggling under the effort Jessica slipped, dropping the ball on the aid and knocking it slightly. The ball trickled down the lane threatening to drop into the gutter at any moment, but it reached the pins and knocked another couple over. Jessica’s score was now at 75.

Panting Jessica leaned against the wall that lined one side of their lane. The exertion just to take two shots had taken it out of her, she had lost so much strength with the shrinking. I can’t just give up though, decided Jessica silently as she made to stand up properly. I’ll just get my breath back first, she decided thinking better of it. But she knew she wasn’t going to get the chance just yet as she heard Lucy declare that ‘they’ were growing.

Before she could look up Lucy grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face into her crouch. Jessica tried to push away but Lucy’s hand held her fast. With her free hand Lucy took Jessica’s hands one at a time to her breasts, to Jessica’s horror she could only reach the underside of her breasts, however she could still feel them begin to expand. Realising Jessica couldn’t reach any further Lucy began to squeeze her left breast herself.

“Oh my god” breathed Lucy, she loved how easily she held Jessica against her crotch, her struggles made it even better as her face rubbed against her jeans. She could feel herself getting wet as she pinched and kneaded her nipple through Jessica’s shirt which was now really beginning to struggle against her swelling chest.

Jessica gasped for breath as she struggled against Lucy. She could feel the dampness beginning to come through trousers as the smell filling her nose got stronger. Her tiring arms dropped away from her breast so she tried to wrap them around Lucy and was got yet another shock when she discover she couldn’t reach round her hips, so she just squeezed her arse instead.

Suddenly there was a snapping noise and Lucy released Jessica who stumbled back gasping at the free air. When she caught her breath she looked up at Lucy with a look of disbelief at what had just happened on her face. Lucy however was preoccupied with the shirt she was wearing.

“Shoot, I burst a button, sorry I’ll fix it later.”

Looking at the shirt Jessica could see a gaping hole suggesting the third button down had indeed surrendered to its round prisoners. Jessica wasn’t bothered by the damage to her shirt at all, in fact it was like it was giving its owner a glimpse of the huge chest it contained.

“This is going to look ridiculous now,” commented Lucy as she attempted to pull the gap closed, with a sigh she gave up. She then undid the button above the gap and straightened the shirt collar out. Jessica’s mouth gapped open at this offering of a wide and very, very long V-neck that displayed, to Jessica perspective, what must have been at least a 2 foot long cleavage line. The neck line was so low that it reached the summit of Lucy’s increasingly generous chest.

“There,” stated Lucy still looking down at the shirt, “Dad would kill me for having such a low neck line, but I would look silly with a hole in the middle of my top, wouldn’t I?” she directed the question to Jessica

“I guess so” answered Jessica quietly, her eyes not leaving the dark line of cleavage.

With a smile Lucy leant over to offer Jessica an even better view. “Enjoying the Previews?” asked Lucy

Jessica nodded slightly.

“Well the rest is not until later,” she said defiantly. She stood up and took a step forward as she spoke. Both her face and the cleavage disappeared behind the underside of her breasts and Jessica was once again left looking at the top of her crotch.

“Besides, it’s my turn now” continued Lucy. She went to go and pick a bowling ball, but stopped before she took a single step. Jessica watched as she instead reached into the top of jeans with her hand. “On second thoughts, think I might nip to the little girl’s room.”

She retracted her hand and made her way towards the toilets. Jessica gave a sign of relief, finally she could catch her breath properly.

“Oh,” said Lucy suddenly looking back, “while I’m gone would you be a dear and move the bowling aid please”

Jessica’s shoulder’s dropped and with a sigh she made her way towards the bowling aid.

* * *

Jessica was slumped on one of the chairs when Lucy came back. She saw her stuff something in her bag before walking over to her and place a half pint of beer on the seat next to her.

“Thought you looked like you needed a drink” explained Lucy as she sat down in the next seat.

“Thanks” replied Jessica as she picked up the glass, it was a bit bigger than a pint glass, but Jessica could at least imagine it was a pint and return a bit of normality. She took a long, deep, refreshing drink of her beer as Lucy had some of her own drink. There was short silence as both enjoyed the short break in their ‘game.’

Lucy broke the silence by shuffling her huge form into the seat next to Jessica, with a slight hesitation she spoke again.

“Jessica, you are enjoying yourself aren’t you?”

Jessica didn’t answer immediately. As mentioned before she did not have a great history with women, her main experiences where two separate nights back at her place were neither had gone a hundred percent to plan leaving her unsure. She didn’t know whether to admit that deep down she loved the fact that Lucy was taking control of every sexual encounter as it meant her inexperience meant little.

“Lucy tonight’s been amazing, is amazing”

“Good. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a thing for shy guys.” Admitted Lucy suggestively as she turned towards Jessica; her breasts now a mere few centimetres from her face. “So you don’t need to worry so much Jessica. I might be getting stronger than you, but I won’t do anything you don’t want to. And besides, I know something that might make you feel like you’re on a more level playing field.” She leant in further and whispered: “you’re not the only one going commando anymore.”

Jessica immediately looked over towards Lucy’s bag and then back at Lucy who nodded slightly and then got up to pick a bowling ball.

Wow, thought Jessica. She as right of course, Jessica was enjoying the night but was very nervous due to her unsurety over women and over shrinking, but Jessica decided that she was going to throw caution to the wind and enjoy herself. So she finished the rest of her HALF-pint in one go and went to join Lucy at the lane.

As she reached Lucy she set off to take her shot. It was a good thing Jessica had accepted what was going to happen tonight because Lucy had scored another strike adding another 20 points to her score.

“There goes another 5 inches” remarked Jessica

With a grin Lucy lifted Jessica off the floor and held her against the wall so that she was level with her face. She smiled excitedly as she began to dwindle again. This time Jessica kissed her first and Lucy reacted with unrivalled passion kissing her back with vigour. Her tongue invaded her mouth with ease filling it to an extent there almost wasn’t room for her own tongue.

Her lips covered her entire mouth as she shrank further. Lucy held her against the wall by the arms so she remained level with her.

They continued kissing after the shrinking stopped. Lucy was in full control of course but she did let Jessica kiss her back, it sent shivers down her spine feeling her small tongue searching her mouth for hers.

Finally she broke the kissing but still held her against the wall.

“Wow, I’ve always loved being held up against a wall, but it’s even better being this side” panted Lucy

Lucy gave Jessica another kiss before slowly lowering her to the floor and then quickly straightening to see the new difference in their height.

“Wow you’re less than half my height now” exclaimed Lucy.

It was true at two and a half feet tall Lucy’s legs were now definitely taller than Jessica and standing this close meant there was no chance of seeing Lucy’s face past the blue checks of her shirt which was struggling to contain her gravity deifying breasts. Jessica silently hoped she’d be able to get them another cup or two bigger before she could no longer play, which she knew wasn’t too far away.

“Come on little toddler,” joked Lucy as she took a couple of steps back, “I’m not done growing yet. Let’s hope you can still lift the ball. You get the bowling aid and I’ll get the ball for you.”

* * *

Jessica stood panting beside the ball Lucy had brought her wondering how the hell she was going to lift it. The bright orange coloured ball mockingly marked with the word ‘Light’ was nearly a third of her height; to think Lucy’s ball was a good two inches taller. Then again she might as well have two bowling balls down her top, concluded Jessica to herself.

“Are you going to go or not?” called Lucy from the scorer’s chair, “I know how to override the score so I can always set your score to zero if you can’t pick it up.”

“You just worry about buying me a new shirt when you burst that one” Jessica shouted back

“Come on then, just five big points to make my boobs grow again,”

Jessica looked at the massive ball beside her and gave a short involuntary gulp before setting herself to lift the ball.

“Shit,” muttered Jessica as she tested the weight of the ball and then readjusting her stance. “Nothing for it,” she sighed, “One, two… three!”

On three she threw all her strength into lifting the ball. The weight of the ball made her arms shake in protest, but Jessica ignored the strain and shuffled towards the bowling aid. Jessica controlled her breathing: blowing and drawing in every breath forcefully as she lifted the ball to her right shoulder, before letting it rest there for a moment. She was now about the same height as the bowling aid so she would need to lift the ball above her head knowing if she dropped the bones in her foot wouldn’t be broken, more like shattered. She didn’t want to admit, but she knew this was likely to be her last frame.

With another burst of effort she lifted the ball onto the bowling aid. This time she had no control over the release of the ball it just went as soon as it landed on the metal track. Jessica let her body fall to the ground and sat panting as she watched the ball roll down the lane.

“Just knock five over” breathed Jessica, “just five”

But it was not to be; the ball only knocked over four pins.

“Oh come on!” huffed Jessica

“Nevermind,” commented Lucy.

Still sitting on the floor Jessica spun around to see Lucy standing, well she didn’t know what to measure it in, she’d lost all references with her height, she was at least far enough away that she could see her face for once. She could also see the bowling ball she was holding just above her shoulder.

“Bloody hell she’s big” she breathed quietly. With sitting down she was more like a three storey building stretching high above her, before too long she wouldn’t have to sit to sit down to get that affect. The thought made Jessica stand up very quickly which made her feel a bit bigger.

“Good only two stories now” she muttered to herself

“What?” asked Lucy

“Nothing,” Jessica quickly replied

“Fair enough” shrugged Lucy. “But come on, you have another shot”

Jessica starred at her as she held the ball out in front of her: still panting from the last shot she felt like she’d just asked her to run another marathon.

Reluctantly Jessica took the ball from Lucy and, shuffling her feet, made her way to the lane. Standing alongside the bowling aid she began to summon the strength to once again lift the ball on to the metal track.

“One… Two… Three!” On three she lifted the ball, but before she could direct the ball to the bowling aid her shaking arms gave in and dropped the ball. With a yelp Jessica jumped backwards to save her feet from the massive ball which landed with a thud in front of her before beginning to roll away. And before Jessica could stop it the ball fell into the gutter and rolled away down the lane disappearing at the far end.

Jessica looked on in disbelief as Lucy crouched down beside her.

“I reckon your game’s finished” suggested Lucy

Jessica just nodded, she might only lose a few inches at a time, but her loss of strength was exponential compared to the height she lost. She could barely lift a bowling ball now, if she could even reach the bowling aid after Lucy’s next go she certainly wouldn’t be able to lift a bowling ball that high.

“Doesn’t matter, I’m very happy with, what would they be… G cups? Yeah G cups, don’t you agree?” she asked while squeezing her breasts between her arms. Even though she was couching down Jessica only came up to Lucy’s chin and couldn’t help staring down Lucy’s dark chasm. She Jessica nodded,


Lucy laughed and then to Jessica’s disappointment stood up lifting her chest out of reach.

“Either way,” continued Lucy, “these tits will at least seem even bigger to you before long.” She laughed again as she pulled the bowling aid away from the lane before making her way to the ball cradle. Jessica followed watching her nice bum sway side to side just above her head. Her backside was so distracting that she didn’t notice Lucy stop and walked straight into the back of her legs.

“Oh, carefully little guy” giggled Lucy. Fully aware of why she had walked into her, Lucy exaggerated bending over to pick up the bowling ball thrusting her tightly jeans-packed arse into Jessica’s face. When she stood up again she turned so that Jessica was once again face to crotch with her jeans and then with a sly smile and a slight hop she lifted her leg and walked over Jessica who spun round flabbergasted; she really was small.

“And you’re still getting smaller” Lucy called back over her shoulder.

Lucy set herself and then bowled another strike.

“Yes!” cheered Lucy, she then turned back towards Jessica and threw both her fists up in the air. Jessica’s jaw dropped as both Lucy’s breasts jumped out of her borrowed shirt. Despite feeling and being smothered by them Jessica had not yet seen Lucy’s breasts naked and they confirmed her imagination and hope; they looked as perfect as they felt with perky and well-proportioned nipples.

“Opps” pouted Lucy, but she didn’t do anything about them. Instead she walked over to Jessica and leant over so they dangled in front of her face. “So what do you think?”

“Big” was all Jessica managed

“I agree” replied Lucy analytically, “I must say I’m very happy with you handy work. Have a feel, you are the one that made this big.”

Jessica took one breast in both her hands, testing their weight.

“That’s a heavy boob,” remarked Jessica, “It’s almost as heavy as that bowling ball”

Lucy laughed which sent tremors through both her breasts and Jessica’s arms.

Actually they feel like they’re getting heavier, thought Jessica, and bigger.

“Shit I’m shrinking” exclaimed Jessica dropping Lucy’s breast.

“Did you forget?” chuckled Lucy as she straightened up, “by the looks of things you’ve already finished”

Jessica was now about level with the middle of Lucy’s huge thighs which were almost as wide as her too.

“Just under twenty-eight inches” said Lucy looking at the scoreboard, “so just under two foot four.

“God I’m tiny” exclaimed Jessica as she adjusted the strong on her makeshift toga which like the rest of her clothes had, started to become too long for her.

“Aww, but you are soo cute down there” teased Lucy ruffling her hair

“Hey!” objected Jessica not appreciating the ‘cute’

“Stop complaining. Here let me help you with your dress” offered Lucy kneeling down

“Dress!” exclaimed Jessica objecting again, Lucy just smiled and winked at her as she adjusted the straps on the white tank top Jessica was wearing.

Lucy set the straps to the shortest they would go but the top still reached down to Jessica’s knees. It was also getting too wide so Lucy lifted the straps over her head and crossed them onto opposite shoulders.

“There” said Lucy standing up, “now I just need to do something about mine, can’t have my boobs hanging out when there’s a little girl running round” she joked as she undid the buttons bellow her bare breasts

“I’m not complaining” piped Jessica

“I don’t doubt it. They look pretty good thanks to you.”

Removing the shirt she unceremoniously dropped it on top of Jessica’s head and walked off towards the seats. Jessica lifted the shirt off her head and examined it. It felt odd to think this shirt used to be slim fitting to her, and now, to her own amusement, was more like an oversized robe.

A sudden movement on the scoreboard television caught Jessica’s eye and she looked up to see a 0 added to her score sheet’

Jessica wheeled round to see Lucy, still bare chested, standing over the scoring terminal.

“Hey, hey, hey!” she shouted running over to Lucy, “what are you doing?”

“Putting none as your score since you can bowl anymore” Lucy answered as if there was no reason she shouldn’t be doing it

“Who said I can’t?” argued Jessica. Lucy raised her eyebrow and Jessica instantly regretted what she said, she knew for a fact she wouldn’t be able to hold a bowling ball. “What I mean is…”

“Oh I get your meaning, here let me help.” She walked over to the bowling ball rack and picked out the light orange ball easily with her thumb and two fingers. “Come on” she insisted, holding out the ball. Jessica nervously walked up to her and held out her hands, which shook slightly. Lucy lowered the ball into her hands making her take some of the weight. As soon as Jessica’s expression told Lucy she thought she could handle the weight of the ball after all, she let go of the ball. It was almost cartoony the way Jessica fell to the floor clutching the ball. Lucy laughed. “I think your game is definitely over.”

“Fine.” snorted Jessica.

Lucy replaced the ball and walked back over to the terminal. Jessica followed and watched dejectedly as Lucy typed in her scoreless round.

“My turn again already?” joked Lucy

“Haha” replied a sarcastic Jessica

“Oh cheer up, besides it’s the last round anyway, how much more damage can I do with one ikle frame, hmmm? And when we’re finished we can play a different game” proposed Lucy cupping her breasts. “Talking of which…” She turned, dug into her hand bag and pulled out her purple jumper. Pulling it on she commented about its new tightness. The stretch from her new chest resulted in her belly button being on show.

Lucy picked out her bowling ball and got ready to bowl. “Time to see how small you’re going to be, for now anyway.”

“For now?” questioned Jessica, but Lucy didn’t pay attention instead she took her shot, her breast bouncing unrestrained under the stretchy jumper as she ran. To Lucy’s delight and Jessica’s acceptance of the impossibility of anything else, Lucy knocked down every pin for another strike.

“That gives me another two shots!” pointed out Lucy as she jogged back quickly to get her ball.

Lucy collected the ball and set herself for another shot as Jessica watched the score adjust to 207, she wouldn’t even be a third of her original height after this game.

Before Lucy even let go of the ball Jessica muttered the resulting score: strike.

“Four! Come on Lucy, you’ve never got five in a row before, get it and you get a new high score too!” muttered Lucy psyching herself up for the final shot.

She didn’t even look at Jessica as she prepared herself for her last shot. Jessica felt like she was actually generally more interested in getting a new high score, she on the other hand was well aware that she already stood to lose thirteen more inches on this frame so far. Lucy bowled her last ball and it drove straight and true knocking down all the pins for her ninth and final strike of the game.

“YES” she cheered loudly spinning around to face the seating area where her eyes detected Jessica. “And now for my reward!” rejoiced Lucy marching over to Jessica.

She lifted her up with her hands under her arms and turned to face the scoreboard.

“247.” she read out loud, “A new high score for me, and more importantly another seventeen inches from you!”

“Seventeen!” exclaimed Jessica, “That’s…” she was interrupted by the powerful force of the shrinking sensation suddenly coursing through her body. She closed her eyes to battle the pleasurable feeling forcing her groin to tighten.

The shrinking was faster than ever as if it was trying to do all seventeen inches in the time it had done the first five so long ago. Lucy smiled as she watched Jessica dwindle in her hands. She whipped the makeshift toga off her body before she disappeared under it. This time Jessica didn’t care being naked this time, the shrinking sensation was too strong for her even to register shame.

Lucy switched to one hand, her fingers now able to wrap around and almost meet her thumb. Suddenly she was feeling hot too. I’m holding a woman in my right hand, just my right hand she thought excitedly as she moaned slightly; the power. It was clear Jessica was struggling to keep control against the sensation, if her arms could reach over her hand she’d probably be masturbating already. With the thought of the control she had she almost lost it herself, but something touched her little finger so she raised her hand containing Jessica to look. She almost laughed. Her body had shrunk so much her little erect member was poking the bottom of her hand as it covered her entire torso. She lifted her up to her face and engulfed her entire vagina with a single peck kiss. Jessica visibly shuddered at the touch.

“How many will it take?” whispered Lucy before kissing her vagina again, “one,” she gave her member another peck, “two,” Jessica stiffened in her hand, “th…ree… can she get to five?” The fourth kiss was slightly longer and Jessica erupted onto Lucy’s upper lip, who instinctively licked it. “Nope, four.”

Jessica relaxed inside Lucy’s grip panting for a moment before opening her eyes again. She had stopped shrinking now at ten and a quarter inches. Lucy was huge. She had more than doubled in relative size since she had close her eyes.

“Oh my god” gasped Jessica

“No, it’s just me, Lucy. Though I suppose I must me goddess-like”

“You’re fucking huge!”

“And you’re so cute” she squealed as she began kissing her all over, “my own little living doll”

“Doll!” objected Jessica

“Well you’re about the same size as Ken, we can check later if you want, I think we have one at the house somewhere.”

Jessica didn’t know what to say. She decided she’d probably have to accept that this wasn’t going to ever sink in properly. She was massive, a real giantess. It would be impossible to comprehend the power she had over her, though she seemed to handle her very softly so far. It then occurred to her what Lucy had said.

“What you’re taking me home with you, like this?”

“Of course silly, well to my student house, all my house mates have gone home this weekend so we’ll have it all to ourselves and that’s where the games will really start.”

Only in Jessica’s daydreaming did she ever go back with Lucy to her house, and that was only about seven hours ago in their lecture. How things can change in such a small time.

“But before we go back there’s the matter of finishing the game.”

“huh?” enquired a confused Jessica, she was hardly going to be able to take her turn now. But Lucy didn’t carry her towards the balls. Instead she walked straight past them to the score terminal. She placed Jessica on top of the terminal and began to key in the instruction to change the score. Jessica watched as she typed in the command then press the zero key, she then repeated the command, but before she could press the zero key Jessica quickly pressed the number closest to her: seven. They both automatically looked at the score card to see Jessica’s score change to 86. Jessica then looked at Lucy and gave her a mischievous smile.

“Looks like a pair of double Gs for you” she grinned

“Why you cheeky little squirt” she laughed, “just for that”

Jessica yelped as Lucy leant in and knocked her down onto the keyboard with her right breast and then used it to trap her against the console. She was about to speak, but instead moaned as the growing sensation returned to her chest. She wanted to close her eyes and enjoy it but forced herself to watch Jessica frantically push against her breast, her head and shoulders the only part of her that she could see protruding out the top.

Jessica could feel Lucy’s breast growing on top of her and though she wasn’t resting its full weight on top of her it was enough for the terminal to beep in protest to its buttons being pressed. Suddenly Jessica was aware of Lucy’s giant erect nipple pushing through the jumper into her crotch. She began to grind against as best she could, she absentmindedly wondered if Lucy could feel her. She could, which is why she suddenly grabbed her from under her chest and brought her to her face.

“I have got to get you home” she breathed

She looked round and saw her large handbag and hurried over to it. She placed Jessica into the bag despite her objections.

“Look stay in there, I’ve got to quickly tidy up then we’ll go.” Before Jessica could reply she closed the bag and lifted the strap onto her shoulder.

Jessica steadied herself against the numerous objects in her bag, it was difficult to stay still as Lucy rushed around obviously clearing away their stuff and closing up the bowling alley. There was a strong smell in the bag that Jessica couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t long before Jessica felt the chill of the night followed by a clunking sound.

“I’ve locked up, it’s only a ten minute walk to my house, we’ll be there in no time” she said excitingly to her bag

Inside Jessica shivered against the cold, it was then she noticed the object guilty of the smell. It was Lucy’s red silk panties. Eagerly she pulled them over to where she was sitting. The panties we’re still a little damp, but they were warm, so she wrapped them over her shoulders. The smell of Lucy was nearly overpowering and Jessica sat their wondering what was install for her at Lucy’s house.

Last edited by Anotherfetishguy; 11-29-2017 at 06:45 PM.
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Unread 11-22-2017   #2
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

MMMM Very Nice idea. But you have some corrections like "mens toilet" and "growing of her member"

"like most men" "around her shaft "

I wonder if you will have fixed these even before I comment.

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Unread 11-22-2017   #3
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

You know, it's not that I don't appreciate people making an effort to contribute. I do.

But have you considered maybe writing your own thing, rather than just doing a find and replace on an existing story? Just saying.
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Unread 11-22-2017   #4
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by OhZone View Post
MMMM Very Nice idea. But you have some corrections like "mens toilet" and "growing of her member"

"like most men" "around her shaft "

I wonder if you will have fixed these even before I comment.

Thanks for the notices! They have been fixed!
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Unread 11-22-2017   #5
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
You know, it's not that I don't appreciate people making an effort to contribute. I do.

But have you considered maybe writing your own thing, rather than just doing a find and replace on an existing story? Just saying.
Its not that I don't want too, its that I cannot write stories like these for shit.
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Unread 11-23-2017   #6
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
You know, it's not that I don't appreciate people making an effort to contribute. I do.

But have you considered maybe writing your own thing, rather than just doing a find and replace on an existing story? Just saying.
Agreed. And technically, since these are someone else's words with changing just the gender of a character, it's copyright infringement, unless you have permission of the original author.

Though it's doubtful the original author will sue because s/he probably never registered the copyright (let's face it--it's erotica on a fetish site), but s/he owns the copyright once the story is put in a fixed medium.

In short, this story has a really neat concept and is well-written, but it's not yours. It's someone else's story, posted here and altered, perhaps without their permission or even knowledge.
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Unread 11-23-2017   #7
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by Anotherfetishguy View Post
Its not that I don't want too, its that I cannot write stories like these for shit.
Honestly... go read my first published novel True Blue Alien: Digital Memories. It's pretty terrible. Then go read A Goddess's Gifts or Altered Realities and see how much I've improved.

Art, whether painting or writing or drawing or music, takes practice.

I love to do photo manipulations when I have time, but writing is my go to. TBA took me about a year to write, it's Y.A., and it shows. When you compare it to AGG or AR they took longer and they're more polished because by that point I'd written enough to get more familiar with a line of work.

What helped was doing little short stories for folks or just writing for fun. I have a huge volume of breast expansion and penis expansion and age regression stories that will NEVER see the light of day because they're just god awful. But I wrote daily and it made me better.

I'm sure once you get started and start really getting into it it'll be awesome.
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by Janus Steel View Post
Art, whether painting or writing or drawing or music, takes practice.

Guy, you "can't write" because you *don't* write. You think my first story was anywhere near as good as the stuff people pay me to write now?

The only way you'll ever BE able to write good stories is if you get there by honing your skills.
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post

Guy, you "can't write" because you *don't* write. You think my first story was anywhere near as good as the stuff people pay me to write now?

The only way you'll ever BE able to write good stories is if you get there by honing your skills.

Yeah, very true, and your LMP is pretty brilliant.

But your early writing is pretty good too.
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Unread 11-23-2017   #10
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by OhZone View Post
Yeah, very true, and your LMP is pretty brilliant.

But your early writing is pretty good too.
Been waiting for him to get back to work on LMP. It'll be huge! (or little)
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

I know it's so much better than my little seed of an idea. It's really great.
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Unread 11-23-2017   #12
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Re: "Bowling" SW Edition

Originally Posted by scidram View Post
Agreed. And technically, since these are someone else's words with changing just the gender of a character, it's copyright infringement, unless you have permission of the original author.

Though it's doubtful the original author will sue because s/he probably never registered the copyright (let's face it--it's erotica on a fetish site), but s/he owns the copyright once the story is put in a fixed medium.

In short, this story has a really neat concept and is well-written, but it's not yours. It's someone else's story, posted here and altered, perhaps without their permission or even knowledge.
Ok but I'm not making any money off of it and its not like this was copyrighted work. This is simply me finding things to jack off too.
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