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Unread 05-25-2018   #1
I am a Transformation Toy
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My Transformation Stories

Hi Everyone.
So I figured this summer I might attempt some TF writing and this is my first story. As I write more, I'll update this thread. Feedback & comments are always appreciated.

Story: The Beast (Werewolf)

Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
Thursday October, 5, 2017. Sunset.

Amelia Elliot staggered into her home after a long day at school. She slid into her living room, closed the door behind her, dropping her school bag onto the floor before collapsing against the door. She was running a fever… a bad one. She was literally sweating. She pulled at her white school blouse, opening the top buttons, exposing her undergarments. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and moaned in discomfort, her shoulder-length blonde hair messed and clumped. She called out for her mother but no one was home. She was totally alone.

It had been a month since the incident… the night that she was attacked by… something near Bray Road. The animal scared her and chased her. She almost managed to get away but the animal bit her on her leg. It probably would have killed her had she not managed to kill it with a rock. It was a lucky hit on her part, but she managed to kill it before it killed her. She got to the hospital and got checked out and got all the vaccines and stitched up, but the incident had been giving her nightmares ever since. In her dreams she sees herself, totally disheveled: ripped clothing, partially exposed, covered in dirt and a little bit of blood near her mouth. In some dreams she’s being chased again, in others she’s chasing something else… a deer… killing it. The dream ends with this “new” Amelia turning, showing inhuman yellow eyes and saying, “see you soon…” before laughing.

Amelia made her way to her room upstairs. Staggering in, she shuts her bedroom door and collapses onto the carpeted floor. She picked herself up on her hands and knees, her body hot with “fever”. She started crawling towards her bed and hoisted herself back up. She moved slowly to the front of her room and decided she needed to open her big windows to let some air in. As she got to the window, she looked up and saw the moon. It was full. It seemed to hypnotize her, call to her… her deep blue eyes were fixed on it.

Amelia lingered for what felt like an eternity before the discomfort from the “fever” caused her to snap back to reality. She moved over to her bed and began to strip, her mind was hazy and she wasn’t totally aware of her surroundings. But she disrobed and threw her school uniform on her bed. She then unbuckled her bra and tossed it aside; then slipped out of her socks and panties. She was completely nude and the cool breeze from outside made her feel a bit better. She took this moment to look down and inspect the scar on her right calf from where she was bitten. She could still see the outline of the teeth… it would likely be a scar she’d carry the rest of her life. Out of curiosity, she touched it. It felt strangely warm, hot to the touch even. She moved her hand to the left (off the scar), her skin was cold, as was typical of an exposed leg during a Wisconsin October; she moved it back over the scar and it was hot.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!” Amelia screamed as she grabbed her abdomen and collapsed onto the floor in the fetal position. The pain was intense. He abdomen felt like she had been kicked in the gut, but the pain didn’t fade away, it stayed! She sobbed in pain, rocking on her side on her bedroom floor. Wave after wave of abdominal pain resulted in her screaming out in pain. Her body was soaked in a cold sweat, but she could feel the heat radiating from her right calf.

Amelia managed to gather herself and pushed herself up on her elbows, her lower torso still twisted and laying on the ground. She dragged herself, sobbing and in pain, across the carpet towards her bathroom. Once there, she stretched up, fumbling but managed to get the light on. Grabbing ahold of her sink, she braced herself and pulled her body back up off the floor. She turned on the water and began to splash cool water on her face and down her neck. Still trembling, she grabbed a towel and began to dry her face off. It was at this movement, she saw her face in the mirror. Everything looked fine, except her eyes.

Amelia shrieked. She saw her face in the mirror and everything looked normal, but her eyes were wrong. Staring back at her was not her normal blue eyes that she had seen staring back at her just this morning. No.The white sclera was yellow; her normal blue iris was dark, almost indistinguishable from her pupil.

“No… no… noooooo” she sobbed, squeezing her eyes tight, thinking it would just go away… hoping that this wasn’t a symptom of some deadly animal-born pathogen that would kill her. She opened her eyes slowly and as things came into focus she saw her eyes were still not right. Her mouth hung slightly agape, mostly in shock. She ran one hand near her eye, gently touching her face below as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“No…” she whispered to herself. “What’s wrong with me?” She doubled over in pain and screamed aloud again as her abdomen seized. Breathing heavily, and bent over at the waist, she looked back in the mirror and the yellow-eyed freak stared back at her. Another wave of pain caused her to scream. She looked up again and breathed heavily. But something was different, her own reflection transfixed her… she couldn’t help but stare at the stranger in the mirror.

Deep down, something was rumbling… a chill ran up her spine, a rush of adrenaline. A soft growl came from her throat and her upper lip reflexively uplifted flashing her teeth. She shook her head but the feeling returned again stronger, the growl a little louder directed at this “stranger” in the mirror. This was her home… go away!

Another wave of abdominal pain and Amelia bowed her head, her hand gripping the edge of the sink tighter, the growls coming in stronger. She felt something stretching from just above her buttocks. She felt some ropey and long growing, tickling the crack of her butt as it seemed to get longer. She turned and watched as a fleshy tail pushed its way out from the base of her spine, growing to about a foot long. She whimpered in a panic as she reached around, giving it a tug… the feelings raced into her mind confirming that she had grown a tail.

“What the fuck… what the fuck… what the fuuu…” she began to say aloud when she felt a tingling on her belly. She looked down and saw a series of 8 bumps form on her belly. They looked like… nipples. She had two rows now of ten teats running the length of her body. What was happening to her? She was breathing heavily, but her breathing was becoming more guttural, and growly. Amelia was staring down at her new equipment when she caught a small dribble of drool drip down from her mouth. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and that’s when she caught sight of her reflection again. This time, there was no long stare, a violent rush went through her body and she growled loud at her reflection, this time fully bearing her teeth at her reflection.

Amelia tried to stop herself but the violent, animalistic response to her own reflection was growing stronger… and she was getting a rush from her continued display. “Go away!” she thought to herself, “I’ll kill you! You want to fight! I’ll give you a fight!” At this point she wasn’t just growling, she was snarling; and drool was pouring forth from her mouth. She gripped the sink, spread her legs and stamped her feet. Coming to, she spun around and her violent urges subsided. She was hyperventilating. She’d look down and see her teats. She’d turn just a little and see a bald, fleshy tail drooping over the crack of her butt.

“What’s happening to me? What’s happening to me? This can’t be real… this can’t be real,” Amelia sobbed as she frantically looked around. She caught a glimpse of her forearms and they seemed to be sprouting a fine coat of grey fur. She held her forearm up close and ran her finger tips over her arm. Instinctively she took a sniff… for the first time, she smelled herself… the mind screamed, “HUMAN!” a predatory response. She looked at her shoulders and they seemed to also be hairier, but this hair was thicker. Pain ran through her body again and she doubled over, clutching her body and screaming aloud, only her voice was deeper, stronger.

The pain focused on her mouth. She whimpered, squeezing her eyes tight as tears rolled. The pain was distracting but she felt it grow and push and then subside at several points in her mouth. The sound of several small, solid objects hitting the tiled floor caused her to open her eyes and what she saw on the floor caused her to scream: were those her teeth?!

In a panic, Amelia quickly turned and ran back to the sink. Cupping water in her hands she plunged her mouth into it, slosh it around and spitting. No blood. No blood… then what… she turned back to where she was standing and her teeth were still there. A small breeze blew in and just like that her teeth turned to dust and blew away.

Amelia wasn’t sure what she saw. Was all this a hallucination? Teeth don’t fall out and disintegrate. Suddenly another wave of pain. She grabbed the edge of the sink again, doubled over and screamed aloud again, “aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhooooooooooo!!!” She looked up again, panting, again seeing herself in the mirror. Those same yellow eyes looking back at her. But this time he mouth looked different. Instead, her teeth protruded slightly, parting her lips. Her teeth were the large pointed teeth of a predator. She carefully brought her hands up and felt them. They were real. She started sobbing at her reflection. She was becoming a monster. She didn’t think she could stop it either.

Amelia’s aggression returned, this time stronger. She bared her teeth at her reflection. Her mouth started salivating, drool dripping down her fangs and down her chin. She snarled, growled. She was going to show this intruder who was boss. She snarled and growled. She stood firm. She instinctively released a hot flow of pungent urine from between her legs, splashing onto the floor. This was her territory! The scent and sound snapped her back. “Oh my god, what the fuck did I just do… I pissed the floor….” The beast snapped her back and she continued to show a snarling display, urinating again. Amelia was feeling her humanity fade. She should have been disgusted, but it felt natural. The beast wouldn’t be able to take her until she let it.

In her mind, Amelia’s thoughts were turning more violent. She was thinking about hunting, being a predator, feeling the rush of the chase and the success that came with a kill. The more she stared at her own, snarling reflection, the more she wanted it to happen. The pain that was attacking her body, a symptom of her DNA being rewritten and her body morphing to accommodate it was now something she welcomed. With one violent snarl she seemed to have her fill with the intruder in the mirror. Somehow her mind had convinced her that she had “won” the stare down and she moved slowly back into the bedroom, towards the window where the moon was calling her. She drew open her curtains and the moon’s light enveloped her body. In that moment, Amelia the human came back into control. Just in time for her to feel the transformation complete.

Amelia felt it in her hands first. Then she heard it. The bones of her palm cracking. She looked on in horror and shrieked as she watched them begin to elongate. Her nails turned black and grew long and sharp. Her thumbs began to contract and pull back leaving her with a “hand” of 4 fingers. Pads began to appear at the base of her fingers and she watched her digits reduce. She screamed in pain, crying, begging for this to stop, but her hands were now paws.

Amelia’s feet were the next to go. They too elongated and cracked that she was forced onto her tip-toes. She lost her balance and fell forward. She tried to stand up but found it was impossible. She was confined to walking on four legs. She tried again, sobbing, but her balance centers were now not equipped to handle walking on two legs; four felt more natural even though she was more on her hands and knees. Turning her head, she caught a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror on the other side of the room and she awkwardly scampered to it. She watched her ears pull and grow pointed, peeking out from behind her locks of blonde hair. They weren’t human.

Upon seeing her reflection in he mirror again, Amelia got a thrill. She bared her teeth and snarled, seemingly reveling in her new body. Her tongue thickened and elongated, flopping out of her mouth. She watched her nose pinch and turn up. The hair began to thicken on her shoulders and grown down her mid-back. With a sickening pop, Amelia flexed her right shoulder as the blade seemed to physical detach from the back of her ribs and move to the side. The same fate awaited her left and Amelia was happy to oblige. With two successive pop-cracks her shoulders were now on the side of her body, locking her arms into the quadrupedal position of the animal.

Amelia’s thighs began to thicken with muscles and shorten in length pulling her legs into the proper position. Two more pop-cracks and her hips realigned to the side of her body. She was now able to move easily on four legs. Carefully she took a few steps, quickly mastering her new body. She felt heavy and realized her body was starting to add muscle and mass. She seemingly felt her body being lifted; she was growing. The normally 120 pound teen must have added enough mass to balloon herself up to near 200 pounds-a true apex predator.

Pain forced her down and Amelia rolled onto her back. She looked down and watched her spine lengthen. Her torso went from nearly 5 feet to almost 10 feet long. She was huge! She watched her chest heave with every painful breath. She rolled over and looked in the mirror, snarling at her reflection with pleasure. Her breasts began to recede, disappearing into her chest. With them gone, there was no evidence that she was once ever a human girl; only the two rows of teats hinted at her femininity. Rolling back onto her limbs, the muscles in her back budged outward; her chest and ribs barreled; the curves of her human waist were gone.

The worst was saved for last. Amelia felt her face come alive and begin to pulse and crack. The back of her skull started shrinking, her brain following with it. Memories, thoughts, emotions of her humanity slowly began to fade. The pulses went towards her face. The bones of her muzzle pushed out in slow pulses, growing slowly accommodating her teeth and tongue. She closed her eyes one last time and the last of Amelia the human faded away as fur covered her body. Amelia the wolf was born.

Amelia moved around this strange place. It smelled of human, of prey. She moved into the bathroom, catching the scent of her own urine on the floor. Good, this is mine.

“Hello! Amelia? I’m home!” said a voice from beyond the door. It was her mother. But the wolf didn’t know that. All it smelled was a human nearby. Footsteps drew closer. A knock at the door. “Amelia, sweetheart, are you here…?”

The door knob turned and Amelia the wolf turned towards the door…

Just joined Discord! Come chat about shrinking and transformation! Bonzilla25#1005

Last edited by DollyBonnie; 05-27-2018 at 12:53 PM.
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Unread 05-25-2018   #2
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Re: My Transformation Stories

I like this story a lot.
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Unread 05-26-2018   #3
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Great job. Much respect to fellow creative folks.
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Unread 05-26-2018   #4
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Amazing story! I loved it
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Unread 05-27-2018   #5
I am a Transformation Toy
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Appreciate the kind words. And yes, I know it was very AWIL-inspired. Future stories may be a bit further behind as many of my tf-victims are male and folks want to keep this forum female-tf-centric.

Just joined Discord! Come chat about shrinking and transformation! Bonzilla25#1005
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Unread 05-27-2018   #6
The Semi-Great Slayer
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Re: My Transformation Stories

AWIL with a woman is basically my favorite type of TF, thanks a lot for sharing such quality work.
__________________ for a collection of all my stories. to request a story from me.
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Unread 05-27-2018   #7
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Loved every bit. Nice work! :3
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Unread 05-28-2018   #8
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! Great piece of writing right there!
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Unread 05-28-2018   #9
Selfish lurker TF artist
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Originally Posted by DollyBonnie View Post
Appreciate the kind words. And yes, I know it was very AWIL-inspired. Future stories may be a bit further behind as many of my tf-victims are male and folks want to keep this forum female-tf-centric.
why not have both in the same story.
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Unread 06-01-2018   #10
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Re: My Transformation Stories

Awesome story!
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