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Unread 05-31-2008   #133
inflation_juggalo's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

man Soylent you are so right he is too good at this but you give those pictures life with your stories
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Unread 06-23-2008   #134
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Louisville in Jefferson County, Georgia
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Holy hoppin' horny toad!!!

This thread is just planet bustin' dynomite!

Such a fantastic concept . . . I've never been to a Hooter's in my life, but I'd probably die in Heaven if I went to this marvelous establishment!

And the art work? Hoooooo! The concept tickles so many of my mentle nerves and fires so many of my imagination's appitites I almost feel Ravenous with Rabies! I made sure to dig up the sites of each of the artists to add them to my library so that I never miss another of their works.

And the stories? Oh, they are just fantastic! I've read each one and with my crazily active imagination bringing each detail into full panoramic sensory life . . . I practically became drunk with all the activity and potential.

You are all great artists and truly wonderous authors and I hope this concept and thread never dies. I can't wait to see what new stories and activity takes place in this "fine dining establishment". I'm especially curious to see what else happens to Maddi and Sheila . . . and if they find a way to make those three little b[+(#es pay for such a cold, cruel, dirty trick.

On a more personal note, like with most new movies, shows, and stories, these tales have brewed up yet another interesting character to add to my managerie . . . and yet another face to add to my brother Night's bag of disguises.
I can't help but wonder what might happen if my new character . . . or even all ten of my counter-part's brothers were to pay a visit to such an interesting establishment. While roguish, they pride themselves on being gentlemen with the ladies and don't take kindly to those who try to take liberties with them . . . of course having a massive harem at home helps them with that, heh.

Keep up the great work you guys.
[Salutes them and bows to their great work]
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Unread 06-24-2008   #135
Sir Psycho Sexy
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Longest first post evar.
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Unread 06-24-2008   #136
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

hahahaha ya but at least he likes it
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Unread 06-24-2008   #137
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Okay everyone, here's part 3! Sorry it took so long- look for the nicer, more cleaned-up fersion on Hmm!'s DA in the near future!
"Working Girl"

Chapter Three: Changing Room

Maddi rolled onto her back, the bright sunlight streaming in through their flat's windows. She untangled herself from the mess of linens she'd twined herself into, shaking the last vestiges of the terrible dream she'd been having from her head. That terrible restaurant, all those freakishly proportioned women... and Sheila was there! With a pair of knockers that almost touched the floor! Maddi sat up, putting a hand to her head, feeling sweaty from apparently having fallen asleep in her clothes. Drowsily, Maddi started to pull the shirt over her head, freezing in place when she came face to face with a pair of bright orange G's. Flipping the shirt back down, Maddi read the word "Juggalos" on her T-shirt, a cold chill creeping down her neck.
Maddi's head snapped up to her flatmate, still sleeping on her stomach in the loft bed over her desk, mouth hanging open in a dainty snore.
"Sheila!" Maddi yelled as she leapt to the side of her bed, shaking Sheila's shoulder. "Sheila! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, wake up you sot!"
Shelia jerked awake, reflexively kicking her legs out and jerking her arms. "Bwauh?!" She cried out in confusion, going up on an elbow.
"Sheila, what did you rope me into last night?!" Maddi demanded.
"Whut?" Sheila dumbly replied, eyes half-lidded.
"This! Here!" Maddi yelled, lifting the silk-screened name towards Sheila's face.
"...Oh," Sheila said, shoving herself into a sitting position and whipping her blonde hair back so it was out of her eyes. "What about the restaurant?"
"Did I really get shanghaied into working at that mad-house?!" Maddi demanded.
"Yeah, you're going with me to do my shift. I, uh, start at like six. We're open late Saturdays."
"Sheila, that's not the point! I don't want to work there!"
Sheila put her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes and pulling her hair back. "Maddie, I think you're kinda stuck for it. I mean, you *did* bust all those dishes and everything."
"No I didn't! It was those clueless pillocks from Photography class!"
"It may have been their fault, Maddie," Sheila said as she laid back down on an elbow, "But *you* were the one who tore through the dining room like a bat out of hell."
"But... but..."
"It's not like it's the end of the world, is it?" Sheila asked as she drew her blankets back up under her chin.
"It most certainly is!" Maddi protested. "I can't work in that... that... smut house!"
"Aw, come on," Sheila said, rolling onto her back." It's not like they're hookers or anything."
"The distinction is very slight, with all the flesh on display," Maddi said, crossing her arms. "If not hookers, then strippers at the least."
"Oh really?" Sheila asked, turning her head to Maddi and arching an eyebrow. "So I'm a stripper now just because I've got tits down to my calves when I'm working the bar?"
"Well, no..." Maddi said, flushing. She'd never disparage Sheila for much of anything, even the impossibly large bosom she sported while working at the restaurant.
"So why paint any of the other girls with the same brush?" Sheila asked, turning her head to look back at the ceiling. "Heck, you had ass-cleavage I could have hid my purse in last night."
Maddi bit her lip, not knowing what else to say.
"Just go back to sleep, Maddi," Sheila said, eyes closed. "It's just a job, don't worry about it."

Maddi slowly crossed back to her bed, flopping down on the mattress. *Was* she overreacting? Was she casting motivations that weren't there? Maddi never considered herself narrow-minded, but it simply didn't make sense otherwise. Why would anyone come to such a place except to stare at mountains of unmentionables? "Oi, I read it for the articles, mate," Maddi intoned, putting a hand to her heart and sarcastically 'pledging' her honesty. But, she supposed, that spoke to the clientele, not the staff. But then what *of* the staff? Maddi was herself something of a rare instance, she realised; all the other waitresses were there voluntarily, looking the way they did by *choice*. Sheila was almost understandable- ambivalent about her appearance as she was, Maddi could believe she would wear any outfit, no matter how ridiculous, without caring one whit, even if said "outfit" was a bosom one could asphyxiate themselves in. The other waitresses, though, Maddi was more skeptical about. That "Trixie" woman, she certainly seemed to enjoy her size, the way she used her great bulk to intimidate and dominate others. Was that what it came down to? Some demented form of domination through overwhelming sexual displays? How very Freudian, Maddi thought as she turned to her side, wrapping herself in blankets and trying to get back to sleep. It was mid-afternoon when Maddi finally woke up in earnest, fixing herself a late lunch from the meager contents of their icebox. Sheila came back midway through Maddi steeping her tea, carrying the weekend's mail in her arms.
"Oh, sweet, you're up," She said as she plopped the small stack of bills and junk mail on the tiny kitchen table. "I was afraid I'd have to wake you up if you slept much longer, which I wasn't looking forward to after your little tirade this morning."
"It was not a *tirade*," Maddi said defensively.
Sheila laughed. "In all the time I've know you, I don't think I've ever seen you come so unglued."
"Not without reason," Maddi muttered, sipping her tea." I don't know how you can stand to work in such a place."
"Oh, it's not that bad," Sheila said. "And you know, now that you know about my job I can start bringing food home for cheap. It'd be nice to cut down on our grocery bill."
"Oh, quite, I was just remarking to myself how I wanted *more* opportunities to look like a malfunctioning blow-up doll. I will pass, thank you."
"Oh, Maddi, don't be so uptight," Sheila said, putting a hand on her hip and cocking her head. "It's not like everything there makes you bigger. Just the stuff from the specialty menu. Besides, even at a discount I couldn't afford to bring that stuff home."
"All the better," Maddi countered. "I can barely stand the thought of being that size for a short while tonight, fleshy bits spilling out in all directions like a piece of raw meat on display for a pack of slavering dogs."
"Maddi, really, it's not that bad."
"Not that bad!? Come now, Sheila, you don't really buy that lot of bollocks, do you? I mean, really, what is the point of such absurd waitresses? For men to stare at lecherously."
"I wouldn't say they're all pervs," Sheila said, twisting a knuckle into her other palm. "Some people just like the look of really curvy girls. Men and women."
"Is that it?" Maddi asked. "Is that how you do it? Just turn off your brain and escape to some sort of never-never land while you work?"
"Come on, Maddi, knock it off," Sheila said, her expression hardening into a cross between hurt and annoyed. "I like my job, I like my friends there, and I'm really starting to get tired of you talking like it's a strip club. It's weird, and I get that, but all you've said all day is how much my job sucks and how the restaurant's full of perverts. It doesn't and we're not, and I don't want to hear it anymore." Sheila turned and strode away from the table, plucking her car keys from the pegboard by the door. "I'll be back to pick you up for work at 4. If I were you, I'd get a spare outfit you can permanently keep at work incase of emergencies." So saying, she shut the door, leaving Maddie alone in the apartment, staring at the wisps of steam that rose out of her tea.

* * *

Sheila and Maddi rode in silence, the rhythmic droning of Sheila's old compact the only sound between them. Sheila had barely said a word when she returned. Maddi was in the foyer with her sack of spare clothes, and Sheila had simply asked if Maddi was ready. When she responded in the affirmative, the pair went down to the dorm lot and went on their way. Maddi stewed in her seat, not knowing what to say. It didn't take the brains of an archbishop to know she'd offended Sheila, accidentally painting her with the same brush she'd so negatively painted everyone else at Juggalos with. In a roundabout way, Maddi had criticised Sheila in her sorest sore spot; her lack of money. For all Maddi knew, this was the only job Sheila could get, and here she'd just snubbed her nose at it. Of course, that realisation didn't help her *now*- to bring it up, even by way of apology, would only be pouring salt in the wound. Maddi had to find some sort of neutral ground, some way to extend an olive branch without poking Sheila in the eye with it.
"Sheila," Maddie began, twiddling her thumbs as she stared at her lap, "Would... would you help me with my uniform, tonight? I don't know that I'd be comfortable with anyone else... touching me quite like that."
"Sure," Sheila replied. It wasn't much, but Maddi stole a quick glance and saw that Sheila's features had softened somewhat. She wouldn't risk another incursion into conversation, but Maddi was comfortable having made at least some progress.

When Sheila pulled off the road and the large neon Juggalos sign loomed into view, Maddi felt her stomach sink. She had hoped she'd be able to steel herself a little more, but recalling the strange and alien sensations of her gigantic bosom and equally enormous behind from the night before still filled her with dread at the prospect of re-living them. As Sheila pulled into a space around the back of the restaurant, Maddi almost considered refusing to go in- just sitting in the car, maybe making a dash for it if she had to- but remembered the horror stories she'd heard about the American prison system. Going to Jail in America would be a death sentence for a girl like her, possibly worse. Sighing, Maddi opened the door and stepped out into the late-afternoon air, just a hint of cooling as the sun began to dip behind the buildings across the street.

When Maddi followed Sheila through the back door, she was momentarily struck by the sheer normalcy of it all. A few islands of stations for preparing food, sinks and racks and a forest of stainless steel implements along three walls. To her immediate right, a wall of walk-in freezers, most with padlocks hanging on a peg next to their latches, save the one at the very end that was still locked. Between the islands and the walls bustled a multitude of cooks, all in white aprons as they cooked, boiled, blanched, and steamed their dishes in startling normalcy. As they passed by, a Hispanic cook paused what he was doing to wave a frighteningly sharp knife at Sheila.
"Sheila! Good to see you!"
"Hi Carlos!" Sheila said, hauling to a stop. "Missed you last night!"
"You too!" He said, going back to his cutting. "Who's your friend?"
"My roomie!" She replied. "New hire, in fact."
"Oh, she's Cupcake?" He asked, stopping his cutting briefly to take a good look at Maddi.
"Cupcake?!" Maddi and Sheila said in unison, though Maddi's exclamation was more outrage than Sheila's confusion.
"Trixie told us about the incident last night with the Birthday Blow-Up. She forgot your name and just kept referring to you as 'Cupcake' 'cause that's what got you in trouble." He looked back up to Maddi and grinned apologetically. "Good luck getting the name not to stick."
"Well, you'll still call her Maddi, won't you, Carlos?"
Carlos lifted his cutting board and scraped the beef he was cubing into the stew pot on the burner next to him. "For you, Sheils?" He asked as he picked up the pot's handles with a large mopcloth and hurried off. "You got it!"

"Cupcake?!" Maddi hissed at Sheila as they continued through the back of the restaurant.
"Oh, don't worry about it," Sheila said as they headed towards the lounge, "I'm sure it'll blow over soon eno-"
"Yo Cupcake!" Maddi cringed at the voice, and turned to see Trixie coming down the hall leading to the banquet room at them. She was much diminished from when Maddi had seen her the night before, but even so between the extremely low-cut tank-top and skin-tight shorts she was showing off a ridiculous amount of pillowy flesh, her every step causing her periphery to shake and wobble like gelatin.
"My name's Maddison, thank you-" She started, before Trixie cut her off.
"Sure it is. Sheila, go help get Cupcake here a uniform. We've been short on table-servers, so she's gonna be a 3-4. I put hers right next to yours."
"O-okay, Trix," Sheila said, standing to the side as Trixie passed. "C'mon, Maddi, let's get hurry and get showered and changed. Trixie always wants everyone to be there for the shift meetings."
"Wait, showered?" Maddi asked, stopping. "Did you say showered?"
"Well yeah," Sheila said, pulling Maddi's arm to get her to follow. "You have to wash your hands before handling food, right? So what do you think we need to do before stacking plates on our butts and stuffing drinks in our cleavage?"
"I didn't bring a bathing suit!" Maddi protested as Sheila led her past the lounge and into a small supply closet.
"Do you normally shower in a bathing suit...?" Sheila asked, her brow furrowing as she scanned the shelves of uniforms.
"Only when I showered in public!" Maddi protested.
"Well, you're stuck for it tonight," Sheila said as she pulled a top and a baseball cap from one of the cubbyholes. "Tomorrow you can bring a bathing suit. I'd offer you mine but I never use one."
"Now, do you want the shorts like last night, or the skirt?" Sheila continued, looking at the cubbyholes full of orange bottoms.
"I- well... Whatever covers more skin," Maddi said finally.
"Okay, then a skirt," Sheila nodded, grabbing one and then reaching down and plucking out a pair of dark leggings as well. "And if I remember, you're a six and a half shoe?" She asked, kneeling down to the floor where rows and rows of orange and white shoes sat facing out. Maddi nodded and Sheila plucked a pair of shoes from the floor. Great. Now let's hit the showers."
Sheila led Maddi back towards the kitchen and turned right at the intersection between the hallway to the lounge and the hallway to the banquet room, into some swinging saloon-style doors that led to a white-tiled locker room. Maddi could hear the water running and some vaguely-defined flesh-colored blobs past some opaque plastic sheeting acting as a sort of privacy screen for the actual showers.
"Okay, here we go," Sheila said, opening a locked with her name engraved on a plastic tag attached to the front. "I guess that one's yours," she continued, opening the adjacent locker, which had "Cupcake" written on a piece of masking tape over where the nametag should be.
Maddi balked as Sheila began stripping off her clothes right there, hastily throwing them into her locker.
Sheila looked over as she bent down to remover her pants and raised an eyebrow. "C'mon, Maddi, it's best to just get it over with. It's like taking off a band-aid, just rip the darn thing off and it'll only sting for a few seconds. Better than torturing yourself inch by inch."
"No, better would be not injuring oneself to begin with..." Maddi replied, grudgingly unbuttoning her blouse after stashing her sack of spare clothes in the locker.

Maddi had just undressed to her undergarments when two girls emerged from the showers, each sporting a pair of breasts at least as big as Maddi's had been the night before. If seeing the waitresses in their skimpy outfits had been mind-boggling before, seeing two of them in the altogether nearly made her eyes cross. It still seemed so bizarre, so *unreal* that any human could maintain such proportions.
"Hi Sheila!" One of the waitresses called out, waving as natural as can be.
"Hey Janice!" Sheila called out, just as naturally. "Hey Maggie! How were the crowds tonight?"
"The usual," Maggie replied. "Same old Saturday night crowd."
Maddi shuddered as she turned away from the girls, reluctantly shrugging out of her undergarments and walking briskly to the showers. She hurriedly rinsed off, facing into a corner with her knees clenched together, trying not to see or hear anything but the running water.
"All right, now what?" She demanded, her hair pulled behind her ears with her hairband and wrapped shoulder to thigh in one of the oversized towels the locker room was stocked with.
"Well, first you put your panties back on," Sheila said, rubbing the side of her head with a towel-wrapped hand. "Gosh, you got done fast. How come your showers are never that quick when I'm waiting to go to the bathroom in the morning?"
"Because those showers I *enjoy*," Maddi muttered as she slipped her knickers on under the towel.
"Now the shoes."
Maddi obliged, grumbling to herself about shoes being her last concern, half-naked as she was.
"Now come on over here," Sheila continued, leading Maddi to a small metal box by the door. It had a number of square panels set into it, each with a name under it and a small crucible like the catcher of a gumball machine after that. "Just press your thumb into the square above your name, and your pill comes out in the little scoop." So saying, Sheila pressed her thumb into the square above her name, eliciting a heavy "Clunk!" from the machine followed by a small rattle as a clear red gelcap fell into the catcher below Sheila's name. "See? She said as she wiped her thumb off on her towel and took the pill. "Easy as pie."
Maddi regarded her slot next to Sheila's as though it were a viper before tentatively pushing her thumb against the square. She jerked back when she felt something vaguely sticky on the pad, quickly wiping her thumb on her towel. "What was that?!" She demanded as her pill rattled into her catch.
"It'h jutht taking your thumbprint, that'h all," Sheila explained, her pill pinched between her teeth as she put her knickers on. "Pleh. Just making sure that each pill is being taken by the girl it's supposed to. Don't want anyone running off with pills that aren't theirs."

"So..." Maddi said, staring balefully at her pill.
"Oh! Wait just a sec," Sheila said, wrapping the towel around herself and dashing out of the locker room.
Maddi looked at the swinging doors of the locker room, then resumed staring at her pill, as if she could change its contents by pure force of will. Maddi looked at the bank of buttons and wondered if maybe it would be worth the risk of trying to take another pill. Maybe wind up with something a bit less offensive. Trixie had said Maddi was to be, what? a "3-4"? So even bigger than she was last night? Maddi shivered, but her self-pity was interrupted by Sheila dashing back into the room, a Cheshire grin on her face.
"What?" Maddi asked, putting a hand on her hip as the other held where she'd knotted up her towel to keep it up.
"What, what?" Sheila replied, trying t force a neutral expression, which she managed to hold for maybe a tenth of a second.
Maddi looked at Sheila and saw she had one hand purposely behind her back. "What's that you've got in your hand there?"
"Nothing," Sheila replied. "Well, something. Nothing you need to worry about. C'mon, we need to get dressed."
Maddi simply sighed and shook her head, turning back to her cubbyhole and the neatly-folded uniform inside of it. She took out the skirt and the top, balking when she pinched them by the seams and they fell all the way to the floor.
"Okay," Sheila said, coming up alongside Maddi, "For your size, it's best to put the bottom on first. Put the pill in your mouth, but don't swallow it yet."
Maddi looked down at the pill in her hand, once again wishing she could change its contents with pure desire.
"C'mon, Maddi, you're gonna make us late..." Sheila urged.
Maddi exhaled sharply through her nose, then tossed the pill into her mouth, tucking the pill under her tongue. It tasted vaguely of medicine, like old cherry cough drops.
"Okay, now back up a little bit, give yourself some room..." Sheila said, guiding Sheila a few feet away from the lockers by her shoulders. "Now, let's get you into these. Here, gimmie the top, and you get into the skirt and leggings."
Maddi finally dropped her towel, dutifully putting on the dark hose and fastening the skirt around her waist. It actually didn't seem too bad, really; between the length of the skirt and the hose, there were only a few inches of exposed leg. For the first time that weekend, Maddi entertained a glimmer of hope that things wouldn't be as bad as she feared.
"Okay," Sheila continued, holding the great hoop of fabric towards Maddi, bunched up at one end. "slide into this."
Maddi looked at the great sagging hoop of cloth, bewildered that anyone could fill the top without the aid of an inner tube, but stuck her head through anyways, finding the armholes and poking her limbs through the right places. She grimaced at the absurd garment; her front was open down to her navel, the great saggy folds hanging down like a pair of fitted sheet sewn to the front of a tank top.
"Ok," Sheila said, pulling the front out with both hands. "Now swallow the pill. Don't bit down- the stuff tasted like bad cough syrup."

With a final resigned sigh, Maddi swallowed the pill, almost immediately feeling the same spike in body temperature as she had the night before. Somehow, knowing what was happening made it even worse, anticipation making a bitter spice to an already sour experience. Like quivering moulds of gelatin, her breasts surged forward with every heartbeat, her bosom passing all natural sizes and measurement within moments. She felt her skirt similarly ride up on her buttocks as they similarly filled out, a pair of obscene water balloons attached to her waist. And the fact that Sheila didn't bat an eye at her grotesque transformation was probably the worst of all; she just held the ends of Maddi's top, waiting patiently to guide the two swelling orbs into their flimsy confines. Just as Sheila began to pull the cups of her top over Maddi's burgeoning bustline, a sharp pain just above her tailbone caused Maddi to turn her head and look behind her. Although her view behind her was almost totally eclipsed by her backside- still rising like fleshy bread dough even though the crest of her ass had passed the bottom of her ribcage- she could still see the outline of a bulge snaking its way out from under her now entirely inadequate skirt. Worse, she could *feel* it, too, something soft yet bristly sliding along her flesh in a sensation that would have been ticklish if it wasn't disgusting.
"Sheila, what in God's name iz wurbaumuh..." Maddi started, her voice seeming to fade away as she inexplicably went deaf, a low *bawubpf..." sound the last thing she heard before being enveloped in silence, much like a diver's ears filling with water. Maddi's rapidly-increasing bust and hip measurements suddenly felt very small and insignificant as she reached her hands up to where her ears should have been, instead finding only smooth skin. Just as Maddi's heart really began to race, a prickling sensation atop her head heralded the return of her hearing, starting with a *pahwheee...* as air rushed in to fill her ear canals.
"Relax, it's just your ears and tail coming in," Sheila said as she finished snugging Maddi's top around her gargantuan bosom.
Maddi walked her fingers up the side of her head until they came in contact with a pair of pointy, fuzzy ears, not unlike a German shepherd's. They were undoubtedly hers, and they just as undoubtedly worked; Maddi could hear the sound of her rubbing the fuzz inside her ears. She also couldn't escape the sensation of her tail, either, though she wasn't going to give herself the satisfaction of looking back and seeing what color it was. All she knew was that is was lifting up her skirt even more immodestly than it was before, if such a thing were even possible.
"See?" Sheila said, taking a step back. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?"
Maddi was at a loss for words. Her breasts hung down past her navel, her entire torso from her waist to her neck eclipsed behind the two huge spheres. Her behind was even more distended, larger even than her unnatural size from the night before, the sides of her hips jutting out even past the immense girth of her breasts. The skirt she had on was a joke, like a pub-napkin covering a pumpkin. And the ears and tail were just too much, a shiver running down Maddi's spine when she touched them while trying to straighten her hairband.
"And now for the coup de grace," Sheila said, Sliding an orange cap over Maddi's head, perfectly threading her ears into the two cutouts. "Viola! Maddison Ellison, Juggalos waitress."
"I'd rather not think of it like that," Maddi said, squashing her breasts down with her arms like she was trying to deflate them. "How do you move about with these bloody things? They must weigh a hundred kilos each."

"I was hoping you'd ask that," Sheila said as she placed something rough and pebbly against Maddi's upper back. "grab your hands behind your back."
"What've you got there?" Maddi asked, trying to turn and see what Sheila had pressed against her, but Sheila circled around with Maddi, always keeping the knobby object against her.
"I've worked here too long and dealt with too many you-sized girls," Sheila said, trying not to laugh. "You'd have better luck tossing a bullrider."
"Very well, then, fine," Maddi said, reaching behind her back and clasping her hands together. No sooner had she done so than she heard a "crack!" sound, and Sheila pulled the object away.
"All right, now what in the name of-" Maddi started, suddenly shocked to see what Sheila held in her open palm with a Cheshire grin.
It was a walnut, cracked nearly into quarters, flakes of husk and wrinkled nut spilling out from the shattered shell.
"Did that...?" Maddi started.
"With your shoulder blades, yup," Sheila said, digging the immediately salvageable pieces of nut out and eating them.
"I barely felt a pinch," Maddi said, amazed.
"The pills do somethin' to your muscles," Sheila said, swallowing and tossing the remnants in a nearby dustbin before continuing. "Like cold rolled steel." She brushed her hands off, then tossed Maddi her top. "Now help me get this thing on."
"Help how?" Maddi asked as she picked through the massive white tent. "I can't even reach past these damnable things, much less help you with yours."
"Just find the end of the J and the end of the S," Sheila said as she slipped on a pair of orange shorts that almost looked like they'd fit. "When you're a size five you need all the help you can get."
"S and J..." Maddi said, fuming at the way the garment piled atop her breasts. It was like trying to find a tag on a mattress sheet. "Ah! Here we are," She said, finally finding the orange screen-printed Juggalos logo. She took the tail of the J in her left hand, and gathered up the rest of the letters until she could reach the far swoop of the S. Maddi raised the two points as far apart as she could, the rest of the logo sagging on the shelf of her bosom. Maddi was shocked at the size of it- the logo occupied the kind of canvas you'd hang from an awning or drape from a table, not something a person could wear.
"Okay!" Sheila said, standing as she finished tying the laces on her sneakers. "Just keep holding those up like that and I'll take care of the rest."
Sheila dipped below the horizon of Maddi's bosom, tugging the huge top in ways Maddi couldn't see. When she popped back up, she was wearing the top, or at least as much as one could wear such a ludicrously-sized garment. With her arms through the holes and petite breasts bared in the top's enormous neckline, Sheila looked like a toddler in her mum's evening dress.
"Like I said, just hold those two points up and I'll do the rest," she said, popping the pill into her mouth and swallowing. Even as Sheila grabbed the sides of the top's neckline and held them up, her breasts were already growing, surpassing any measurement you'd find in a lingerie shop within seconds. Maddi, already disquieted by having to watch her own measurements climb through the alphabet, shut her eyes and turned her head as Sheila's bosom moved past "Produce stand" sizes and careened headlong into "beach equipment".
"Hey, up, up!" Sheila chided. Maddi flushed and pulled up on the two fistfuls of cloth she'd been holding, unaware of their descent during her gawking. She could feel the cloth go taut as an anything but mysterious weight pulled harder and harder on it, a hefty jerk pulling her arms into her breasts as Sheila assumedly let go of her end. Maddi chanced a look and saw that Sheila's breasts were now hammocked in the expanse of cloth between the two of them, rivaling- now passing- Maddi's own size. Sheila appeared to be holding the bottom of the garment to the underside of her breasts to prevent them from spilling out where they weren't supposed to.
"Okay, you can leggo now," Sheila said, having to crane her neck to the side in order to see Maddi around the side of the two fleshy beanbag chairs between them. Maddi let go and stepped back, watching the two great mounds crash to the floor with a dull *flumpfh*, Sheila Bending at the waist to allow for slack. She slowly straightened up as her breasts finished growing, always exerting just the barest pull on them as she fidgeted the cloth around. When at last Sheila's breast stopped inflating, Sheila stepped forward and squatted down, almost disappearing inside her own cleavage before standing up with a "Huprh!", miraculously lifting the two giant orbs into the air attached solely to her chest. Her breasts wobbled and shook against each other as they settled into the enormous top, amazingly looking too small for the breasts they contained even though Maddi could easily have re-sheeted her bed with it. Sheila's ears and tail emerged in short order, Sheila pinching her nose and blowing her cheeks out as they did.
"Pwah!" She exclaimed shaking her head a few times. "There we go. Hat, please?"
Maddi reached sideways into Sheila's cubbyhole, grabbing her hat and transferring it from one arm to the other as she turned sideways to Sheila, who similarly turned to get close enough to reach Maddi's outstretched arm.
"Awesome," Sheila said matter-of-factly, snugging the hat down and hiking her shorts, which now fit perhaps a shade more than comfortably. "Now come on, Trixie's probably started the shift meeting by now."

Maddi looked around the locker room, realising that in her fixation on her and Sheila's transformations she'd neglected to notice the other girls coming in and out. The locker room was rather full at that point, moreso than the number of people would suggest given that a third of them took up the space of three or four people. Many who were changing into regular clothes still had the remnants of a prior shift- buttocks pushing far beyond a dress's ability to cover discretely or bosoms several sizes too large for the bras that hung loosely near them- while everywhere Maddi saw the orange and white Juggalos outfits she was sure to find swelling (or already swollen) busts and posteriors, growing into similarly ridiculous uniforms of all shapes and sizes. Well, perhaps only one shape: round.
Maddi navigated her way out of the locker room behind Sheila, re-adjusting to her new center of gravity and sense of balance. Maddi found herself tilting backwards slightly, the increased mass from her even more enlarged posterior throwing off what she'd grown accustomed to last night. At least she didn't have to worry about running into anyone- with Sheila preceding her, it was as though she had a large fleshy plow in front of her, all opposing traffic herded single-file against the opposite wall. Although, Maddi noted, given the size of some of the waitresses it was no guarantee of smooth passage; even with one breast pressed against the wall on one side, Sheila's enormous bust had to squeeze past a few of the larger waitresses in the hallway. Most amazing to Maddi was the fact that no one so much as batted an eye at rubbing such gross (in every sense of the word) portions of their anatomy together, breasts and buttocks pressing and mashing into one another like some sort of bawdry peep show without even so much as a "beg pardon". It was as if they'd become totally detached from themselves, like they were carrying around overly large knapsacks instead of sexual characteristics pulled from a teenager's fantasies.

Sheila eventually pushed her way into the lounge, where the formerly spacious and barren room was jammed with a shift's worth of waitresses, so many peach-coloured spheres packed into the room Maddi thought it looked rather like a fruit basked at the greengrocer's. The only one not facing the back of the lounge was that Trixie woman, addressing the gathered waitresses. Maddi was rapidly being crowded on all sides, the sensation of flesh pressing against flesh surrounding her as all the waitresses tried to fit inside the lounge.
"-and remember that spring break just started for all the universities on the semester system here, so expect lots of drinks being ordered. I know this isn't Cancun, but we might be bumping a few up you up a size just the same." Trixie looked around once, seeing that the crowd had more or less settled. "Any questions?"
A hand to Trixie's left immediately shot up, belonging to a blonde waitress with rather conservative attributes for the crowd she was in, perhaps only slightly bigger than the server that ad seated the four girls that first terrible night.
"Was there really a Gold Room on Wednesday? Was it Mr. Big?" The waitress asked, clearly excited.
A murmur spread through the gathered women, and Maddi wished she could lean in close to Sheila and ask who this "Mr. Big" was, but at the moment they were packed into the lounge like sardines in a tin- Maddi could barely move at all, much less accomplish the kind of maneouvering required to get her head next to Sheila's.
"No, no, Mr. Big hasn't shown his face around here for more than eight months," Trixie said, putting her hands up to quiet the crowd.
"Which means he's due!" another waitress called out, causing assorted laughs and giggles.
"Hopefully!" Trixie laughed. "Yes, we had a Gold Room on Wednesday, but it was just an old married couple on their anniversary. Besides, you know if it was Mr. Big I'd-" Trixie's expression suddenly turned sour as her head snapped to attention off to her right. "Dammit Riley, I told you last week to cut your hair!"
Maddi looked in the direction of Trixie's glare, seeing the same dark-haired girl she'd ran into the previous night in the lounge. She had a rather impressive ponytail, braided like a rope, though Maddi couldn't see how long the offending length was as it fell below the horizon of the waitress behind her's bosom.
"And the week before that, what's your point?" Riley shot back.
"If we get complaints about hair in the food it's coming out of your ass..." Trixie warned.
"Ha! If one of my customers has the balls to complain about *me*, I'll pay for their entire meal!"
Trixie put her hands on her head, pulling them back over her ears. "Whatever... and fix your dumb cap..." she muttered, ostensibly referring to the fact that Riley's cap was on backwards. Riley just made a face.
"Anyways!" Trixie said, clapping her hands together. "To sum up, it's going to be a busy week, and we need everyone helping everyone else. No woman is an island- even is some of us look it at times- and that's what Juggalos is all about. Teamwork. Companionship. We aren't all just co-workers here- I'd like to think we're all friends, too. Remember, 'Everything's Better-'"
"'-Together!'" The rest of the waitresses finished, before beginning a jostling, shuffling exit from the Lounge, Maddi being all but carried away in the current of flesh to begin her first night of work.

Last edited by SoylentOrange; 06-25-2008 at 10:25 AM.
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Unread 06-24-2008   #138
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Well, I've already told you what I think about it, but, yahoo!
All we've gotta do now is decide where exactly to pull that next title pic from out of here..

And, SonicrailinX, thanks for the overly-flattering post back there. I'm glad you like it so much! Thank DanTails for having the idea. This whole thing began as his fault. ;P
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Unread 06-25-2008   #139
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]


Nice mention of Dinenr For Two in there, Soy. =P
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Unread 06-25-2008   #140
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

man once again you out did yourself and hmmm! cant wait to see what you come up with i love this thread
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Unread 06-26-2008   #141
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Awesome work as usual. Keep it up =D
Hourglass/Butt/Hips Expansion fanatic.
...Yep. Gotta love it. <3
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Unread 06-30-2008   #142
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Thumbs up Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

I'm actually entertained by this idea and I've never taken interest in hourglass expansion. If I may make a suggestion, to "entertain" and "serve" the customer why don't the Juggalos girls serve up refreshmints from their jugs. Again nice work.
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Unread 06-30-2008   #143
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by modst View Post
I'm actually entertained by this idea and I've never taken interest in hourglass expansion. If I may make a suggestion, to "entertain" and "serve" the customer why don't the Juggalos girls serve up refreshmints from their jugs. Again nice work.
They already do man ^^'
Buy bubblers

Last edited by Kelta; 05-07-2011 at 02:06 PM.
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Unread 06-30-2008   #144
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by Kelta View Post
They already do man ^^'
I actually meant lactate some refreshments but thanks for the heads up.
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