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Unread 04-15-2009   #1573
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by Ilparazzo View Post
That would require a silly amount of money if you're considering having all the anthologies released so far translated. commissioner cemex has been kind enough to commission some of the most interesting stories that suit the thread.

The Valkyrie story that's currenly going on from inoino has great potential unlike the h-anime which where only one of them turned evil but at least the girls from the previous one were evil.

But enough of that, time to do some teasing

Friendship at it's finest, dont we all agree on that?
I'm quite sure we all know what fate will she have :P

PS. High-res is High-Res and I know I suck at scanning plus I'm too busy to figure out this resolution stuff.
Looked just fine in the windows preview picture thing :P
Thanks for the share. Good stuff

From my limited understanding of Japanese:
The older sister try her best to hide her younger sister, only to get converted in the end and revealed her position to the enemy. Delicious
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Unread 04-15-2009   #1574
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by Archanfel View Post
Thanks for the share. Good stuff

From my limited understanding of Japanese:
The older sister try her best to hide her younger sister, only to get converted in the end and revealed her position to the enemy. Delicious
I'm amused at some anonymous already started a thread in /d/ with only the pictures I posted and asks for the rest. Some people just do not waste time. Delicious sibling love I say.
Kids, remember to be open about evilness!
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Unread 04-15-2009   #1575
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Haha, thats hillarious. The internet entertains me immensely.

But seriously, if you ever feel like scanning and posting the rest of it/the rest of the other ones you have, everyone here would love you. (Heck, i'd even pay to get a couple of them translated)

Last edited by thegeomaster; 04-15-2009 at 12:22 PM.
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Unread 04-15-2009   #1576
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Heck I'd do the translation myself >_>

It just takes longer and is of lesser quality than what a "professional" translator can do, but whatever =)
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Unread 04-15-2009   #1577
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by Ilparazzo View Post
That would require a silly amount of money if you're considering having all the anthologies released so far translated. commissioner cemex has been kind enough to commission some of the most interesting stories that suit the thread.

The Valkyrie story that's currenly going on from inoino has great potential unlike the h-anime which where only one of them turned evil but at least the girls from the previous one were evil.

But enough of that, time to do some teasing

Friendship at it's finest, dont we all agree on that?
I'm quite sure we all know what fate will she have :P

PS. High-res is High-Res and I know I suck at scanning plus I'm too busy to figure out this resolution stuff.
Looked just fine in the windows preview picture thing :P

I expressed my angry two cents. Lol.
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Unread 04-15-2009   #1578
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Dunno if this has been mentioned (I don't think it has), but for Japanese translation I recommend (click the second button from the left for Japanese to English, then click the upper button to translate). The software is WAY better than babelfish, and (I think) somewhat better than Atlas. Unlike Atlas, you can't auto-translate from a clipboard-AGTH hookup, so it's more for websites than games. I've certainly found it very helpful.

Although you can't use it to translate a comic, unfortunately.
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Unread 04-16-2009   #1579
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Well, the first step in translating for people who don't actually know Japanese (like myself) is to write the comic in text. That step takes the longest of all of them, especially with low-quality images. Fortunately that isn't the case with this.

I can go ahead and supply a transliteration of the text that's with those first few pictures. That won't take too long hopefully. Saves me the time of translating + image editing myself.

Edit: that wasn't hard at all.


聖峰ブレスシール …その麓にある小さな村が突如何者かに襲われた




はぁ、はぁ ここなら…大丈夫そうね


うん、わかった… でも、お姉ちゃん、お姉ちゃんはどうするの!?



待ってお姉ちゃん! 私、お姉ちゃんと一緒じゃなきゃ嫌だよぉ!!





…あれ? 静かになって


ルル~ お姉ちゃんよ~ もう大丈夫だから迎えに来たわ~

あっ! お姉ちゃん… 大丈夫だったんだ!

お姉ちゃん! よかった!!

ルル! あぁよかった…いい子にしてたみたいね…フフフ

いかがですか?ミレディア様… この子が妹のルルです

あら…クスッ ルミアの言った通りとっても可愛い子ね♪





それにその人は …村の人達を… お、襲ってた!

はじめまして 私はミレディア… 邪神様に仕える巫女のー人よ





邪神様のモノとなったこの体…はぁん♪ とっても気持ちイイの… 人間なんて下らなくなっちゃ うくらい…

ミレディア様ぁ 早くルルにもこの喜びを教えてあげてください♪


そんな… お姉ちゃん… っ

いやっ 来ないで!

その怯えた瞳… いいわ、ゾクゾクする…可愛い…


さぁ、ルル… こっちを見て… 貴女を蕩けさせてあけるわ♪

何…っ? 目が…紅く光って …あ、あれ?

動けない…っ! …それに… 変な感じが…?

クスッ…そう、受け入れなさい… そしてその心を邪神様に捧げるの…

たっぷりと注いであげる …あむっ… ちゅるぅ♪

あぁ、何コレ 流れ込んで来る…ふぁっ

はぁ…っ 気持ちイイ… ステキ…♪

ん…はぁっ クス、ルルのお口 …とっても美味しかったわ♪

いかがかしら?私の唾液と一緒に体内に直接 邪神様の魔力を注がれた気分は…

If I have time I'll even translate it.

Last edited by monomonkey; 04-16-2009 at 03:28 AM.
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Unread 04-16-2009   #1580
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by monomonkey View Post
Well, the first step in translating for people who don't actually know Japanese (like myself) is to write the comic in text. That step takes the longest of all of them, especially with low-quality images. Fortunately that isn't the case with this.

I can go ahead and supply a transliteration of the text that's with those first few pictures. That won't take too long hopefully. Saves me the time of translating + image editing myself.

Edit: that wasn't hard at all.


聖峰ブレスシール ?その麓にある小さな村が突如何者かに襲われた




はぁ、はぁ ここなら?大丈夫そうね


うん、わかった? でも、お姉ちゃん、お姉ちゃんはどうするの!?



待ってお姉ちゃん! 私、お姉ちゃんと一緒じゃなきゃ嫌だよぉ!!





?あれ? 静かになって


ルル~ お姉ちゃんよ~ もう大丈夫だから迎えに来たわ~

あっ! お姉ちゃん? 大丈夫だったんだ!

お姉ちゃん! よかった!!

ルル! あぁよかった?いい子にしてたみたいね?フフフ

いかがですか?ミレディア様? この子が妹のルルです
あら?クスッ ルミアの言った通りとっても可愛い子ね♪





それにその人は ?村の人達を? お、襲ってた!

はじめまして 私はミレディア? 邪神様に仕える巫女のー人よ





邪神様のモノとなったこの体?はぁん♪ とっても気持ちイイの? 人間なんて下らなくなっちゃ うくらい?

ミレディア様ぁ 早くルルにもこの喜びを教えてあげてください♪


そんな? お姉ちゃん? っ

いやっ 来ないで!

その怯えた瞳? いいわ、ゾクゾクする?可愛い?


さぁ、ルル? こっちを見て? 貴女を蕩けさせてあけるわ♪

何?っ? 目が?紅く光って ?あ、あれ?

動けない?っ! ?それに? 変な感じが??

クスッ?そう、受け入れなさい? そしてその心を邪神様に捧げるの?

たっぷりと注いであげる ?あむっ? ちゅるぅ♪

あぁ、何コレ 流れ込んで来る?ふぁっ

はぁ?っ 気持ちイイ? ステキ?♪

ん?はぁっ クス、ルルのお口 ?とっても美味しかったわ♪

いかがかしら?私の唾液と一緒に体内に直接 邪神様の魔力を注がれた気分は?

If I have time I'll even translate it.
Need help?
I don't mind helping translate some of them, but don't expect perfect translation, as I am also still pretty green with Japanese.
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Unread 04-16-2009   #1581
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

I basically just combine a dictionary definition of the words with the basic knowledge of sentence structure that I have to do my 'translations', so if anyone has knowledge beyond that, then it will be a better translation.

But nah, I don't think I need help. It's pretty straightforward, like all of his other stuff.


Mount Saint Breshil ...At the foot of those mountains lay a small village that had suddenly come under attack from an unknown person.

Haa, haa
Wait... sister...

I... I can't run anymore...

You have to be strong, Lulu... It's only a little further!

This is the story of two young girls who lived in that town the night it was destroyed...

Haa, haa
This place... looks okay.

You'll be hiding in here.
...Lulu, no matter who comes, you mustn't open this door!

Okay, I understand. But, sister... what are you going to do?!

Your sister will be fine... I'll figure something out for myself, so just don't worry about it.

Well, I'm going to go see if I can find my own place to hide...
Stay out of sight and be quiet, Lulu.

Wait, sister! I want to go with you!!

No! Don't go, sister!!


...And so, one hour later...

I wonder if she's alright...

Huh? It's gotten really quiet outside...

What should I do... I guess I should just stay inside...

Lulu~ It's me~ It's safe now; you can come on out~

Ah! She's alright!

Sister! I'm so happy!

Lulu! Ah, I'm so glad... It looks like you've been a good girl, huh? Hehehe.

How about it, Mildia-sama... this girl is my little sister, Lulu.

Ah, *giggle*, it's just like you said, Lumia. She's cute♪


Yes, I think the Dark Lord will be happy to receive her♪


Sister... that figure...?!

And, this person... she's the one... w-who destroyed the townspeople!

Nice to meet you. My name is Mildia... I am one of the sorceresses serving our Dark Lord.

There's nothing to be afraid of, you who has been chosen by Lumia.

Give yourself to the Dark Lord, swear your eternal loyalty upon him and become his faithful slave... ok?♪

W-what... n-no! Sister!

It's okay Lulu... It's the most wonderful thing... ahn♪

This body belongs to the Dark Lord... haahn♪ It feels so good all the time... No trivial human feelings could ever compare...

Mildia-sama... Please hurry and teach Lulu about this joy♪

No... sister...

No! Don't come any closer!

Those scared eyes... they're nice. You're so cute when you're scared; it's giving me such a thrill!


Now, Lulu... Look over here... You are enchanted by these eyes of mine♪

What...? Her eyes... they're deep red... h-huh?

I can't move...! And... What's this weird feeling...?

*giggle*, yes, accept it... then, offer your heart to the Dark Lord...

Give it your all... mmmn... *kiss*♪

Aah, what is this... pouring into me... haah

Haah... It feels so good... I love it...♪

Mnn...haah. *giggle*, Lulu's mouth...tastes soo good♪

How was it? My saliva is now inside your body. The Dark Lord's power is flowing through you...

Give me more pages D=

Last edited by monomonkey; 04-16-2009 at 04:23 AM.
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Unread 04-17-2009   #1582
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by Vindaloopriest View Post
Six set of pics: From a game called Majutai by Ail Soft. It's mentioned on the first post of this thread, although I haven't seen any pics for it posted.

There seems to be some sort of evil conversion angle (and lots of girls turning their arms into tentacles), but it's a REALLY bizarre story and I can honestly say that I have absolutely NO idea what the heck is going on in this game.
The above was posted a week ago but it's the only h-game I've actually played, so I'll give a stab at explaining it.

The main heroine and player character (1st attachment below) gets infested with some kind of powerful demon at the start of the game. At least one of her school friends and/or other females at the school also get infested over the course of the game.

The demons have mutagenic effects on their hosts (somewhat reminiscent of the Witchblade anime, but with tentacles added). This being an h-game, the infestation also makes the girls horny. In some cases the girls also become pregnant with demons. Here are only a few of the possible scenarios based on the player's choices throughout the game:

- the heroine's friend mutates (2nd attach) and fights the heroine, which could result in either the friend being saved from evil or the heroine dying (no CG for death, I think)

- the heroine's friend becomes evil and captures the increasingly pregnant heroine, resulting in a number of bad ends, notably:
- the heroine, her friend, and two other female NPCs are impregnated and turned into demon birthing factories. The friend's mind has been broken for a while at this point. (3rd attach)

- the heroine becomes pregnant with the powerful demon and is captured by a main villainess who attempts to harness the demon's power. This has:
-good end, in which the heroine's love interest is killed while attempting to resist the villainess. This causes the heroine to use the demon's power for good(?), mutating herself into a white-armored fighter (4th attach) and reviving her love interest as a fellow good(?)-demon mutant. (5th)
-bad end, in which the heroine chooses to succumb to sexual desires and loses her mind, taking part in a pregnant orgy (6th) and giving birth to an evil demon, mutating herself into a mindless killing machine (7th)
-really bad end, in which the player makes choices that get the heroine raped before the pregnant orgy, resulting in a miscarriage of the demon. This transforms the heroine into a sadistic version of her bad end form.(8th) This form kills everyone else at the orgy, like in the bad end, and is finally shown making a sex toy out of the mindbroken villainess, whose limbs have somehow been replaced with metal caps. (9th)

- I forget the pathing, but another bad end involves the heroine giving birth to the evil demon and becoming a sort of queen, controlling most of the other female characters who become mutated (10th).

If only this game were translated ;_; There are so many awesome endings!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg majhero.jpg (144.1 KB, 362 views)
File Type: jpg majcorrupt.jpg (76.8 KB, 388 views)
File Type: jpg majpreg.JPG (89.2 KB, 376 views)
File Type: jpg majgooddemon.JPG (81.3 KB, 387 views)
File Type: jpg majgooddemonend.JPG (92.4 KB, 399 views)
File Type: jpg majorgy.jpg (128.4 KB, 347 views)
File Type: jpg majbad.jpg (206.2 KB, 401 views)
File Type: jpg majreallybad.JPG (82.9 KB, 401 views)
File Type: jpg majsadist.JPG (75.4 KB, 414 views)
File Type: jpg majqueen.jpg (222.0 KB, 495 views)
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Unread 04-17-2009   #1583
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by yurt View Post
The above was posted a week ago but it's the only h-game I've actually played, so I'll give a stab at explaining it.

The main heroine and player character (1st attachment below) gets infested with some kind of powerful demon at the start of the game. At least one of her school friends and/or other females at the school also get infested over the course of the game.

The demons have mutagenic effects on their hosts (somewhat reminiscent of the Witchblade anime, but with tentacles added). This being an h-game, the infestation also makes the girls horny. In some cases the girls also become pregnant with demons. Here are only a few of the possible scenarios based on the player's choices throughout the game:

- the heroine's friend mutates (2nd attach) and fights the heroine, which could result in either the friend being saved from evil or the heroine dying (no CG for death, I think)

- the heroine's friend becomes evil and captures the increasingly pregnant heroine, resulting in a number of bad ends, notably:
- the heroine, her friend, and two other female NPCs are impregnated and turned into demon birthing factories. The friend's mind has been broken for a while at this point. (3rd attach)

- the heroine becomes pregnant with the powerful demon and is captured by a main villainess who attempts to harness the demon's power. This has:
-good end, in which the heroine's love interest is killed while attempting to resist the villainess. This causes the heroine to use the demon's power for good(?), mutating herself into a white-armored fighter (4th attach) and reviving her love interest as a fellow good(?)-demon mutant. (5th)
-bad end, in which the heroine chooses to succumb to sexual desires and loses her mind, taking part in a pregnant orgy (6th) and giving birth to an evil demon, mutating herself into a mindless killing machine (7th)
-really bad end, in which the player makes choices that get the heroine raped before the pregnant orgy, resulting in a miscarriage of the demon. This transforms the heroine into a sadistic version of her bad end form.(8th) This form kills everyone else at the orgy, like in the bad end, and is finally shown making a sex toy out of the mindbroken villainess, whose limbs have somehow been replaced with metal caps. (9th)

- I forget the pathing, but another bad end involves the heroine giving birth to the evil demon and becoming a sort of queen, controlling most of the other female characters who become mutated (10th).

If only this game were translated ;_; There are so many awesome endings!
Wow, thanks for the details info.
You now have piqued my interest in it
Bit hesitant before because tentacle, blood and gore are a bit out of my comfort zone for hentai.

Nice translation, I think you did it really well.
Much much better than what I could do
Thanks for your hard work.
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Unread 04-17-2009   #1584
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by Archanfel View Post
Here is something I found:

Looks like it is part of something bigger, this one is chapter 39.

In this chapter, it start with the heroine captured by their enemy, violated and in the end go back to her base camp and attack her former friend.

Btw, is there any way to include picture straight away in the post without linking it to outside pic hosting?
Never mind found it
Does anyone still have this? The link is dead.
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