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Unread 07-25-2014   #169
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/18 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

No, no, please don't turn my girlfriend into a busty nympho giantess... </sarcasm>

This time around the delay was pretty much all me. I've found it hard to have time to sit down and write lately, lots of stuff going on. I'll try to do better next week, I already have a nice head start. In the meantime, here's this section; next Thursday (...err...or Friday...) should wrap things up for these soldiers. Though you just might see one of them again...

* * * * *
The report from Hudson's shotgun rang in Hicks' ear. The shock round found its target, striking Ellen in the shoulder. On the other side, he heard Drake fire, and Dana took a shock round in one giant breast. The giantesses screamed in pain and fury, staggering and flailing as the electric rounds discharged into them. Ellen recovered first; she glared at the soldiers assembled by the APC with murder in her eyes.

"That really fucking hurt! I'll stomp you little bugs flat!" she snarled.

“Be ready with more taser rounds! I'm using the tear gas!” Hicks shouted. He raised his gas grenade launcher and aimed at the rapidly approaching, enraged Ellen...and hesitated, suddenly wondering if the gas wouldn't be effective enough. He considered aiming more directly at her face; there was a greater risk of permanent harm, and they were supposed to just subdue these women, but it would give him the best odds of incapacitating her. After a moment, he lifted the barrel and pointed at her head. "Fire!" he ordered.

His grenade arced through the air, sailing upward and bouncing off of the giant woman's forehead before exploding a few feet in front of her face.

"Aaaaaaaargh!" Ellen cried, clutching at her face with one hand. She started to cough, the sounds nearly as loud as gunshots. "Fuck! *cough* My eyes! I can't *cough* see!" Rubbing frantically at her eyes, she stepped away from the cloud of gas hanging around her head. Squinting her red, streaming eyes, she faced in Hicks' general direction. “I'll kill y--” She lapsed into a fit of coughing, unable to speak anymore, and began stomping quickly toward the APC. Hicks was momentarily stunned—something that big shouldn't be able to move that fast.

Crowe fired a taser round that struck Ellen's leg. The shock caused her leg to jerk; coupled with her blind running, it was enough to make her lose her balance. Still heading toward them, she stumbled and began to pitch forward. Hicks could see what was coming next.

“MOVE!” he shouted, gesturing frantically away from the APC. Bending down, he grabbed Apone's collar. “Sorry about this, sir!” he said quickly, hauling the wounded man behind him as he ran from the vehicle. The other three men scattered rapidly as well, moments before the giant brunette's shoulder came crashing down onto the APC, her massive body crushing it like a toy. Ellen groaned, lying on her side. She coughed several more times and moaned in pain.

“My, what an interesting turn of events,” boomed Dana's voice across the parking lot. Belatedly, Hicks realized that she was still standing where she had been when Drake's XREP round had struck her. Evidently, she'd simply watched what had happened next. “I mean, I was just gonna let her tire herself out fighting you boys and then finish her, but you put her down for me. I should probably thank you. After I'm done with her, that is.” So saying, she strolled across the lot towards them, her footsteps thumping loudly on the asphalt.

“Fire!” Hicks ordered, taking aim with his grenade launcher again. He pointed it at the massive blonde's face and pulled the trigger, hearing the shotguns on either side firing more taser rounds at her as well.

He was shocked when the giantess contemptuously swatted away the tear gas canister, smirking as it exploded several feet away from her shoulder. “Naughty little man,” she said, wincing as two of the electrified shells struck her skin. “Aaah! These little stingers don't hurt enough to stop me, and you're not gonna get me with that gas, either,” she added, still drawing closer to the downed giantess and their position.

“Keep firing, men!” Hicks cried, readying the grenade launcher for another shot. He aimed over her head this time, hoping to arc it and catch her off guard. He waited for another taser round to strike her so she'd be briefly distracted; when it did, he took his shot.

Again, the blonde saw it coming and moved her hand to intercept it—but this time, instead of swatting it away, she batted it forcefully back towards the soldiers. Completely unprepared for this, Hicks could only watch helplessly as the canister struck the pavement next to Drake and Crowe, instantly masking them in a cloud of choking gas. Seconds later, they came staggering out of the smoke, coughing, wheezing, their eyes watering.

“Fuck!” he snarled, looking back at the huge blonde to try again. In the few seconds he'd been distracted by his men, however, she had torn the top off of a nearby lamppost. Smiling evilly, she flung it at him. He tried to dodge it, but he had reacted too slowly, and the edge of the metal pole hit him in the side as he moved, sending him sprawling painfully onto the concrete. The grenade launcher fell to the ground beside him. He reached out for it and was rewarded by a sharp pain in his chest. At a guess, he assumed he might have a broken rib or two.

Looking around, he saw that only Hudson was still standing, his expression one of wide-eyed panic. “Hudson!” he said. When the man didn't reply, he called again, louder, feeling another stab of pain from his chest. Finally, the man turned in his direction, fear still evident on his face. “Do you have any more XREP rounds, Hudson?”

“No, sir! I'm all out! And the rest were in the APC!” he said, his voice wavering.

“Come get the grenade launcher! Try to get her with it!” Hicks cried.

Hudson stared as if Hicks had just ordered him to grow a second head. “Are you kidding me? You saw what just happened! It won't do any good!” He shook his head, sweeping his gaze over the fallen corporal, the unconscious sergeant, and Drake and Crowe, still in the midst of their coughing fit. He looked shell-shocked. He and Hicks turned to watch the enormous woman come to a stop over her fallen rival.

“All right,” she said with unmistakable glee, “that should get you boys out of my hair for a few minutes. Now I can deal with Ellen here in peace.” she kicked the fallen woman in the stomach, eliciting another pained moan.

Suddenly, a loud sound came from the depths of the damaged building. Everyone, including Dana, turned to look. The sound repeated. It occurred to Hicks that it sounded a lot like the giantess' footsteps.
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Unread 08-01-2014   #170
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Lightbulb Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/25 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by qzar9999 View Post
No, no, please don't turn my girlfriend into a busty nympho giantess... </sarcasm>

Two weeks in a row; another infraction... I think make_her_grow, myself, and anyone else who would like to participate should make the trek down your way to dangle this misbehaving lass over Wolf Lake. One more time and we drop her in..
The night is darkest just before the dawn...


Last edited by Mr Wayne; 08-01-2014 at 10:55 AM. Reason: Oops...
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Unread 09-05-2014   #171
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 7/25 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Well, guys, my muse and I are speaking again. She wants to renegotiate her contract, apparently, but in the meantime I got some inspiration out of her. ^_^

I'd like to thank everyone who has commented on this story for your feedback and, more recently, your patience. The break did me some good, and writing "Cheer UP!" got me back into the right frame of mind. So without further ado, heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Vasquez!

* * * * *

“What the fuck is going on here?” Dana said, staring in confusion at the building.

In moments, her question was answered, as another giant, nude woman stepped through the hole, her head bent down and her long, wavy brown hair hanging down in front of her.

“Oh, God, not another one!” Hudson wailed. “Game over, man! Game over!” he added, dropping his shotgun and slowly backing away in horror, staring at the emerging giantess.

Hicks stared for a moment, wondering why this new arrival was showing up so late. Then she cleared the hole and stood up, and he was stunned when he saw her face.

“Oh my god...Vasquez?” said Hudson, staring incredulously at the newcomer.

“Get away from her, you bitch,” growled the 35-foot-tall soldier, glaring at Dana, who still stood over the downed Ellen. She began striding purposefully towards the giant blonde.

“Jesus, what the hell happened to her?” Hudson said softly. “Her tits were never that big before.”

“She might be able to hear you, Hudson,” Hicks said. “I'd be careful what I said about her.”

"I'm not scared of some dyke in a uniform," Dana said with false bravado. "I've already taken all your little buddies out of the picture."

"Never send a man to do a woman's job," Vasquez replied with a grin, still striding towards the blonde. "Besides, not only have I had training in unarmed combat, but in case you didn't notice..." she said as she stopped right in front of Dana, staring down to meet her eyes, "I'm bigger than you."

Hicks could see it was true. It was difficult to say exactly, but at a glance he could tell Vasquez had at least a few feet on the other woman. She also didn't seem the least bit fazed by either her nudity or her impossible size; he noted with pride that she'd already subtly positioned herself to be ready to fight.

Dana gulped nervously, backing away from the giant soldier. "Now, hang on. Let's n-not be hasty..." she stammered, stumbling as she stepped over Ellen, who moaned softly. "M-maybe we can t-talk..."

"Uh huh. Now that you can't throw me across the room, you wanna talk." Vasquez cracked her knuckles, her menacing gaze locked on the retreating blonde as she advanced. "I don't usually negotiate with someone who's tried to break my back."

"That wasn't me, that was Ellen!" Dana protested, gesturing at the downed brunette.

"Hmm?" said Vasquez, glancing briefly behind her. "Oh, you're right! Well in that case, all is forgiven!" she continued sarcastically. "Though there is the small matter of you attacking my squad and threatening to kill someone... Nah, fuck it, you're going down."

"You first!" Dana cried, suddenly swinging another lamppost she'd ripped up from the pavement. It arced toward Vasquez like a golf club, moving toward the side of her head.

Vasquez saw the hit coming a moment too late. She tried to dodge, but the base of the post struck a glancing blow on her temple, causing her to stagger, dazed. Dana roared in victory and pressed her advantage, swinging her makeshift bludgeon again, aiming once more for Vasquez's head.

This time, however, Vasquez caught the swing with a sudden flick of her hand. Gripping the improvised weapon tightly, she jerked it away from a surprised Dana and fixed the blonde with a murderous glare. She swung the club experimentally a few times, never removing her eyes from the other woman.

Dana raised her hands in supplication. “I surrender?” she said sheepishly.

Without warning, Vasquez curled her free hand into a fist and drove it into Dana's stomach, causing the blonde to double over with a gasp of pain. “What was that?” she said mockingly. “Couldn't hear you. Speak up, you little bitch.”

Enraged and red-faced, Dana stood back up. She tried to slap Vasquez, who easily caught her hand and twisted her wrist painfully. Dana screeched in pain; Vasquez dropped the club and used her other hand to spin the giant blonde around, pinning her arm against her back. She put one arm around Dana's neck in a choke hold. “Not so tough now, are you?” she snarled. She then bent her head down, her lips next to the other woman's ear...

...and teasingly nipped at her earlobe.

The soldiers on the ground stared upward in shock as Vasquez lowered her mouth to bite Dana's neck, causing the blonde to gasp. “What...what the fuck are you doing?”

“You know,” Vasquez breathed, “when you called me a dyke before, you were half-right. I play for both teams.”

“Told ya,” Hudson muttered as he glanced at Hicks. Vasquez flicked her eyes down at him briefly, ire in her gaze, and he shut up immediately. She returned her attention to the woman she had restrained before her, the arm around Dana's throat moving downward towards her breasts.

"But you know what really gets me off?" she said, her mouth again at the blonde's ear. Her hand had found one of Dana's massive mounds, and she suddenly rolled the huge nipple between her fingers, eliciting another gasp from her captive. "Dominating someone."

"Low battery? What the fuck?" Hicks heard in a harsh whisper. Turning his head, he saw Hudson tapping furiously on his smartphone. Noticing the corporal's attention, Hudson glanced at him. "Hey, corporal, does your phone have a camera?" he said quietly.

"Hudson, what are you doing?" Hicks hissed in disbelief.

"What do you think? I gotta get a video of this!" he replied, a broad grin on his face.
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Unread 09-08-2014   #172
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/5 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Beautiful action! Now, can't wait for the growth to return....
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Unread 09-18-2014   #173
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/5 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Sorry, guys, didn't mean to miss last week, but it was kinda unavoidable. This bit concludes our homage to "Aliens," and we hope you've all enjoyed it. Thanks for flying with Qzar. Be sure to visit us in the future for all your female growth needs!

* * * * *

"Ahem." A loud voice from above cut off any reply Hicks might have made. Both men looked up to see their giant squadmate staring intensely down at them. "Hudson, one more remark out of you and I'll toss your ass into the next county," she said flatly. "Drop the phone on the ground."

"Aw, man..." Hudson whined, setting his phone on the ground.

"Now step on it."

"What? No way, Vasquez! I just got it last month!" he protested.

"Step on it, or I'll step on you. Your choice," she said firmly. Hudson lifted his boot and stomped the phone, crushing it, muttering curses the entire time. "That's that you get for being a perv," Vasquez said, grinning wickedly. "Now shut up and let me have some fun with my new friend here."

That statement seemed to jolt Dana, who spasmed, trying to twist free from her captor. However, Vasquez still had her wrist in an iron grip, so the blonde only managed to hurt her own arm. The taller woman's grin widened.

"Ooh, still got some fight in you, eh?" she said. "Good. You'll be fun to break." She gave the blonde's nipple another tweak.

"Aaah!" Dana yelped. "Please, stop! I'm not into women!" She gestured with her free arm at her fallen rival. "I mean, why not take her instead? I always suspected she was a muff-diver, and she can't even resist you!"

"Yes, very fun to break. Like I said, I enjoy dominating someone," Vasquez said, continuing as though Dana hadn't spoken. "Especially you. You're so big, so powerful...and I can still make you do anything I want."

"Please, don't..." Dana whimpered. Vasquez adjusted her grip and the blonde cried out again. "Stop! You're hurting me!"

"Oh? Wouldn't want to break my new toy." So saying, the giant soldier spun her around and released her wrist in one smooth motion, then, before Dana could react, pushed her roughly down into the pavement. The blonde's huge, curvaceous ass hit the pavement with a dull boom, sending a slight tremor through the earth.

Vasquez then gripped the other woman by the shoulders and pushed her backwards, forcing Dana to recline on the asphalt as the dark-haired giantess straddled her waist, the larger woman's weight and muscular thighs holding her firmly in place. “So here's what we're going to do,” she said, leaning down over Dana's prone form. Two sets of enormous tits pressed together as she bent further down, mountains of boob flesh spreading outward as she planted a kiss squarely on the struggling Dana's lips.

Sitting back up, Vasquez smirked at her captive. “You can resist all you want. It's more fun for me that way.”

“Please don't,” Dana begged again, distraught.

Vasquez sneered at her. “Don't worry, blondie. I'll make sure you have some fun before it's all over. But it's my turn first.” She began scooting up Dana's torso. “So...I think you should eat me out. If you do a good job, maybe I'll return the favor.”

“VASQUEZ!” a loud, angry voice suddenly shouted.

The giantess soldier immediately snapped her head around to the source of the sound, along with everyone else present. Lt. Gorman stood near the damaged office building, a megaphone held up to his face. When she realized who was speaking to her, Vasquez immediately went rigid, her eyes automatically wide with panic at his tone. “S-sir!” she shouted.

“Vasquez, you are a soldier in the United States military! You will NOT treat an unarmed prisoner in this manner!” he called through the megaphone. “No one under my command is going to behave like this! Get up off of that civilian right now and bring her into custody properly!” he continued.

Her cheeks burning crimson, Vasquez immediately stood. “I-I'm sorry, sir! I don't know what came over me!” she called out. She reached out a hand to help Dana up, but the blonde batted it away contemptuously. As she rose to her full height, Vasquez turned her around—much more gently this time—and firmly held her wrists behind her without hurting her arms. “Sir, I'm going to need something to restrain the prisoner.”

“Hudson!” Gorman barked. “Come over here and assist Frost and Dietrich. We need to locate some strong binding material.” His eyes flicked up and down the two giant, naked women standing in the parking lot, as well as the third one still moaning weakly on the ground. “And see if we can find some tarps or sheets, as well. Vasquez is out of uniform.”

A short time later, Dana and the still-unconscious Ellen were bound securely with large industrial steel cables the soldiers had been able to scavenge from a nearby business. Dana sat moodily near the crushed APC and her fallen rival, her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound together in front of her. She was scowling at all the soldiers, particularly Vasquez. The men had been able to find some sheets and tarps, and the women were now at least suitably covered. Their enlarged tits still bulged obscenely under the fabric, but they at least weren't walking around nude. Gorman had been particularly insistent on this point after seeing how some of the soldiers (particularly Hudson) seemed to have trouble paying attention to what they were doing.

Vasquez stood at attention, as she had ever since Dana's bonds had been in place, waiting for the lieutenant to address her. The green tarps they'd found for her were no substitute for proper military uniform, according to Gorman, but it would do until they could find something better. Finally, he stepped smartly in front of her and addressed her, craning his neck and using the megaphone. “Vasquez.”

“Sir,” she replied quickly.

“As you are aware, your conduct earlier was completely out of line.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, trying to remain stoic.

“However, due to the...highly unusual circumstances you're currently in, I'm willing to overlook it, provided that you're able to carry yourself in a manner befitting a soldier until such time as this...situation has passed,” he continued.

“Thank you, sir.” She paused for a moment, then added, “Lt. Gorman?”

“Yes, Vasquez?”

She looked down at him, a worried expression on her face. “Sir, I know you spoke to them. Do they have any idea when I can get back to normal?”

“Vasquez, official word from HQ is that an antidote is being developed. However, they can't say exactly when it will be ready.” He paused for a moment, as if debating whether to tell her something. Finally, he spoke. “That said, when I told them of your condition, they initially wanted you brought in and placed under quarantine. However, I convinced them that we may find you more useful in a different capacity...”
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Unread 09-23-2014   #174
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Why did I ever ignore this gem for such a long time? Such a gripping read I caught up in two days(breaks the tedium of watching bags go around a belt). Loved every chapter of it so far. It contains so many elements I love, sports teams growing together (would of been interesting to see it during a game, but hey)and the not used often enough used, growth substance in a squirt gun. I have one suggestion I'd like to make. When ending this story it would be interesting to see either the millitary or Talbot-Lucian crate up the water or the chemical to be stored and examined by "top men", but on the way across the country a crate falls off the truck in a random community. Making an opportunity for spin off stories by other authors. You could have a whole new fetish staple here like Master PC or Spells R' Us. Keep up the great writing. Maybe those that find it know what they have found, so it's not always growth by contaminated water.

Last edited by jack36262001; 09-23-2014 at 09:42 PM. Reason: Expanding
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Unread 09-26-2014   #175
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

So, er...Is it time for "Friday" to begin yet? The wait is killing me!

But otherwise, great additions. Here's hoping for the growth to return!
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Unread 09-26-2014   #176
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Never mind, just read Cheer Up. I see you have already sort of taken a jab at the spin off idea.
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Unread 09-26-2014   #177
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Thumbs up Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by jack36262001 View Post
Never mind, just read Cheer Up. I see you have already sort of taken a jab at the spin off idea.
Yeah that was a good one, I really, really HOPE their will be a sequel, were even more girls grow in the school at once Though I was a little disappointed on some parts of it, but nothing really worth mentioning to be honest. Just please let there be a Sequel Qzar9999
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Unread 09-27-2014   #178
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Red face Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by RedJack View Post
Yeah that was a good one, I really, really HOPE their will be a sequel, were even more girls grow in the school at once Though I was a little disappointed on some parts of it, but nothing really worth mentioning to be honest. Just please let there be a Sequel Qzar9999

I'd reign in your doubts about Wolf Lake because I have a feeling that the doors of possibility are still wide open. More so with what is left that could be written for this story. I just hope Mr. Qzar9999 is able to finish it before too long and we can all see what this story finally becomes. Boldly going where few have gone before, for as long of a commitment.

The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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Unread 09-29-2014   #179
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

Originally Posted by Mr Wayne View Post

I'd reign in your doubts about Wolf Lake because I have a feeling that the doors of possibility are still wide open. More so with what is left that could be written for this story. I just hope Mr. Qzar9999 is able to finish it before too long and we can all see what this story finally becomes. Boldly going where few have gone before, for as long of a commitment.

Yeah, this Wolf lake has been some of the greatest GTS piece I have read in such a long, long time. I just hope there will be a full doc file of this entire story for me to save into my collection.

So I guess I have no worries then
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Unread 09-29-2014   #180
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 9/19 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

I keep getting baited by all these posts that aren't by qzar9999
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