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Unread 06-01-2019   #13
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Re: The Rack

Thank you for posting another chapter!
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Unread 06-02-2019   #14
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Re: The Rack

You're welcomed!
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Unread 06-02-2019   #15
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Re: The Rack

Woohoo! I'm glad to see this story continued.
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Unread 06-03-2019   #16
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Re: The Rack

I plan on finishing this story. I would have posted something earlier, but I live in Oklahoma, so it's been tense. But it's getting better. Unfortunately, more rain is in the forecast for most of this week.
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Unread 06-04-2019   #17
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Re: The Rack

Originally Posted by Quadhouse View Post
I plan on finishing this story. I would have posted something earlier, but I live in Oklahoma, so it's been tense. But it's getting better. Unfortunately, more rain is in the forecast for most of this week.
Stay safe out there.
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Unread 11-28-2019   #18
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 5

Andrea flipped through her photo album in shock. She wouldn’t have believed it if she wasn’t looking at them herself. She knew she hadn’t needed a bra before she turned 15, but the pictures tell a different story. In the photo album, the pictures of her 15-year-old self, had large breasts. Bigger than what a teen that age should have. Flipping back, she found that she got her first bra at the age of 12. 3 years earlier than she remembered.

Andrea closed her photo album. Whatever caused her growth affected more than the people around it. It changed her entire life. That was terrifying. There was no way she could tell what else had changed. It wasn’t like she could call home and ask her mother about her life. With a sigh she fell back onto her bed. She grimaced as her unbound breast shook with the impact.

She couldn’t think of anybody she could ask to help either. None of the people at “The Rack”
noticed anything changing. Her roommates’ memories changed as well as her bust size. The average person would think she was crazy. Hell, she thought she was crazy. Boobs just don’t grow and shrink like that. But hers did. And it wasn’t only hers. The manager, Elizabeth, hers did too. But she didn’t notice a thing. Andrea believed she was the only one to notice the changes. Which meant she had to go back there. It was the only way she could get any more information on what happened and why.

Now that she decided that she was going back, Andrea had to figure out just how she was going to get the information she wanted. She knew she couldn’t ask any of the employees. None of them reacted to her changes in size. Not even Elizabeth. And Andrea’s breasts had shrunk right in front of her. She was going to have to do this on her own.

There was a knock on her door. “Andrea,” Diane called. “Is everything okay? We didn’t mean to upset you.”

Andrea sighed. She had quickly left her friends after hearing what they remembered of her past. “Everything’s okay,” she answered. “I was just . . . suddenly homesick.”


“Yes, really,” Andrea said. “I’m just sitting here, looking through a photo album. Remembering home. You can come in if you like.” For a moment, Andrea thought Diane wouldn’t take her offer. Then her bedroom door slowly opened.

In the open door, stood Diane and Mary. They both had apologetic looks on their faces. “Are you sure it’s alright,” Mary asked. “If you need some alone time, we can go away.”

“It’s alright,” Andrea assured her friends. She waved them in. “Come in. We can look through my pictures together.”

Slowly the two women approached Andrea. With every step they watched her. Making sure that their presence was accepted. “What pictures are you looking at,” Diane asked as they approached.

“Just some pictures of me when I was in high school,” Andrea answered.

Mary sat next to Andrea and looked at the album. “Andrea,” she said. “How old are you in this picture?” Diane sat on the other side of Andrea and looked at the picture. She couldn’t help but to start staring.

Andrea didn’t blame them for staring. The picture was almost the same as what she remembered taking. She was wearing a Minnie Mouse T-shirt and matching shorts. Her hair was in pigtails. She had an open smile on her face, like she was laughing. She remembered that her mother had made a fool of herself just to get her to smile. She had gotten braces the week before and was embarrassed about them. The only thing different were her breasts. It’s not often you see a 12-year-old girl filling a D-cup bra.

“I was twelve in this picture,” Andrea told her friends.

“Twelve,” cried Mary. “You had bigger boobs then than I do now!”

“Sorry?” Andrea weakly said.

“Don’t mind her,” Diane said. She was doing a better job of hiding her shock at Andrea’s younger self’s size. “She should have known that you would have big boobs when you were younger.”

“It wasn’t my idea,” Andrea said. “I didn’t want them then and I don’t want them now.”

“You wouldn’t understand what it’s like have small boobs,” Mary said. “Big ones are beautiful.”

Andrea rolled her eyes. “That’s the media talking,” she said. “Remember, they also set an upper limit to them as well. Go over that, and suddenly you’re a bimbo, slut, or a porn star.”

“But that isn’t fair,” Mary blurted. “You shouldn’t be judged just because you have huge boobs!”

“No, it’s not,” Andrea said. “But that’s the way people are.” Andrea wondered where these words were coming from. She had never experienced anything like this in her life. “I don’t expect things to change any time soon.”

“They better not say any of that around me,” Mary warned. “Big boobs are wonderful. Gigantic ones are even better.”

“We’ll defend you,” Diane said with a roll of her eyes. “You’re our friend. And friends have each other backs.”

“And we always will,” Mary said. “Now, what other pictures do you have in there?” The three friends looked through Andrea’s album the rest of the night.

~ * ~

Andrea woke up slowly and confused. There was a large weight siting on her chest. She thought either Mary or Diane were pranking her. She tried to use her hand to remove the weight. Instead, she got a surprise. Not only did she feel her hand touch the weight, she felt the weight being touched by her hand. Her eyes snapped open as she threw off the sheet and comforter.

Andrea stared at her night shirt was pushed up by two large mounds. Slowly she raised one hand and pulled up the collar of her shirt. She stared at the large pale mounds on her chest. Her head dropped back onto her pillow as last night’s memories came back. “It wasn’t some messed up dream,” she groaned. She turned her head to look at her alarm clock. It was close enough to time to get up that she decided not to go back to sleep.

Andrea rolled out of bed. She grimaced at the motion of her large breasts. She knew she’d have to get used to it. At least, until she figured out how to turn herself back to normal. She hoped it wouldn’t be too long. She did not want to live with breasts this size longer than she had to. She had classes to go to before she had to be at work. No matter how much she dreaded going back there. She grabbed a clean pair of panties, a bra, and her robe, then headed to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, she placed her underwear down and stripped while the shower warmed. She glanced at the mirror and froze. It was only at this time, that Andrea realized that she hadn’t looked at her breasts. She had seen them last night when she took her bath. But she hadn’t looked. Now she looked.

All Andrea could say about her breasts was they were her breasts. Other than the size, they were still the same. They had the same full teardrop shape as her previous size. The nipples and areolas were, of course, larger, but still the same shade of pink. The skin had the same smooth texture she remembered. Her sensitivity hadn’t increased or decreased. If anybody else saw her breasts, they wouldn’t think nothing, except for their size, was unusual about them. But she knew different. With a shake of her head, Andrea stepped into the shower. She didn’t have time to stare at her breasts. Showering was the same, except for the first time in her life, Andrea had to lift her breasts to wash under them.

~ * ~

Andrea couldn’t stop herself from stretching as she stepped out of her car. She could see heads turning to stare at her. Or, more specifically, her large breasts. As soon as she could, she assumed a more normal posture. The drive to the campus was more annoying than she expected. Between the other drivers staring at her and the way the seatbelt kept trying to slide between her breasts, that was the worst drive she had ever had. It only added fuel to her determination to find out what was happening at “The Rack.”

Even though she was wearing a coat over her sweater and blouse, people still watched Andrea. She could see them out of the corners of her eyes. She tried to ignore both the stares. But they were impossible to ignore. Especially when the guys wolf whistled at her. Why did men have to be so vulgar? Couldn’t they just tell the woman that they liked the way she looked? She shifted her shoulders in an effort to adjust her bra. It fitted nicely, but it did little to stop jiggle. She thought about wearing the sports bra she had seen, but it looked like it was a spandex T-shirt. A shirt with built in bra cups. She remembered seeing busty women jogging in the gym. Their breasts were smaller than what she had now, and they bounced all over the place in their sports bras. She didn’t think the one she saw would have been much, if any, better.

As she went through her day, Andrea couldn’t help but notice that everybody treated her differently. The men treated her as if she was some stupid bimbo. The women treated her as if she was sleeping with her professors. The only people who didn’t treat her any different were here friends. But even they had shown signs of being affected by her changes. Even if it was believing she had always been this endowed.

Lunch was horrible. Even though she was sitting with Diane, Mary, and a few other female friends, guys kept coming over to hit on her. When she rejected them, they accused her of being either a bitch or a lesbian. “Why can’t they just leave me alone,” she asked her friends after one particularly obnoxious guy left.

“Because their fragile male pride won’t let them,” one of her friends answered.

“Jill don’t start one of your man-hating rants,” another of friends said. “We don’t want to hear it and not all men are like that. Unfortunately, we’re getting a bunch of bad ones today.”

“I can’t wait for the day to be over with,” Andrea said. “I just want to go home and relax.”

“Remember, you have work today,” Mary reminded her friend.

“Shit,” Andrea said. “I had forgotten about that.” She sighed. “Well, it shouldn’t be worse than here.”
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Unread 03-28-2020   #19
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 6

Andrea sat in her car. She didn’t want to go to work. Not because the job was hard, but because of the changes she was going to go through. She knew there was some women who’d kill to be a big as she now was. Hell, there were women who dreamed of being as big as she was yesterday! But she wasn’t one of them. She had been happy at her original size. And if she ever wanted to be that size again, she needed to figure out what was going on. With a sigh, she got out of her car.

As she walked through the back to the timeclock, Andrea was amazed that none of the women noticed nothing wrong with their sizes. Especially with the vast difference in sizes. Those on the clock rarely had breasts smaller than their heads. While those off the clock were rarely larger than a D-cup. Of course, that excluded her as her size was not her natural size.

Nervously, Andrea got in line. She watched as the women’s breast in front of her either grew or shrank. With that clue, it was easy for her to see who was clocking in and who was clocking out. She still couldn’t understand how the others didn’t notice the changes. How can someone not notice a woman’s breast growing from a C-cup to larger than her head? That was not a subtle change.

In less time that she wanted, it was Andrea’s turn. Reluctantly, she clocked in. Immediately Andrea’s breasts began to grow from their G-cup size. She turned to walk toward where she had left her purse the day before. With each step, she could feel the growing weight of her chest. Each bounce as a little more pronounced. Every sway was a little more. By the time she got to her destination her breasts were half again the size of her head. Thankfully they stopped growing at that size.

Thanks to her experience yesterday, Andrea knew how to move with such massive breasts. She put down her belongings and went to the dining area. There she received her table assignment and started working. It wasn’t what she wanted to do, but as she didn’t know how everybody’s breasts were changing size, she didn’t have anywhere else to start.

As Andrea worked, she kept an eye on the waitresses. All through the night, theirs and her breast kept changing sizes. Some of the girls grew larger, while some grew smaller. One did both. Unfortunately for Andrea, hers steadily grew. She couldn’t detect any method or reason for the changes. They happened at random times in random places. It was enough to drive her crazy.

Slowly, though, she started to see a pattern. The more cheerful the waitress was, the larger she grew. Those that weren’t as cheerful or their tables weren’t as happy, either shrank or stayed the same. Which would explain why she kept growing. She was a great waitress. Even if she had to say it herself. And through it all, she was the only one who noticed the changes. She watched as the manager and another waitress grew while they talked to each other. They even moved further apart when their breasts got large enough to touch.

Andrea shook her head in frustration.

“Something wrong,” a voice asked.

Startled, Andrea turned to find another waitress standing behind her. Like all the women who worked here, she was abnormally endowed. “No,” she answered. “I’m just watching Elizabeth.”

“Oh God,” the waitress said. “I was beginning to think I was the only one. She’s just so huge. I mean, I thought I was big. That is, until I started working here.”

Andrea’s eyes dropped to the waitress’s chest. “You’re not what people would call small,” she said as she raised her eyes back to the other’s face. On the way up, she saw her name tag. “There are women out there who are jealous of your size, Terri.”

“Says the woman who makes me look small,” Terri said with a roll of her eyes.

“Again, you’re not what people would call small,” Andrea said. “And I’m sure there are women out there who can make me look small.” She nodded at Elizabeth. “There’s one now.”

Terri gave Andrea a dirty look. “Ha. Ha. Very funny,” she said. “But seriously, how do you walk around with those. I have enough problems with mine as it is.”

“Carefully,” Andrea said. “At this size, you have to be aware of what’s around you. Your boobs stick out enough that you can knock things over with them if you’re not careful. You also can’t run. They weigh enough to knock to throw you off balance with all the bouncing they’ll do. As you know, sports bras are useless. They offer no support, can barely control the bounce, and even then, they only make your boobs bounce together.”

“I know, I know,” moaned Terri. “But what else is there to wear? Regular bras are not forgiving when you run in them. And don’t forget the chafing when your sweat soaks into them.”

Andrea couldn’t stop her wince. She had worn wet bras before. Usually because she had gotten caught in the rain or was the unexpected victim of a water balloon attack. She did not like it when her breasts were normal sized. She knew she’d had it now that her breasts were gigantic.

“Anyway,” Terri continued. “Let’s talk about something else. Like, how are you liking it here?”

“It’s good,” Andrea said. “The tips are much better than at Jaybird’s.”

“Even though you’re not the biggest in the place,” Terri asked with a grin.

“I’ve never wanted to be the biggest,” Andrea said. “Just had to get used to it. Despite appearances here, you really don’t run into women as busty as we are all that often.”

“Yeah. I’ve wondered about that. Just how do they find all of us busty women? It’s not like they take out an add.”

Andrea kept her mouth shut. She did not want anybody thinking she’s crazy. Nor did she want to tip off whoever was behind this. She did not want to think about what they could do to her to keep her from possibly revealing their secret. “Probably just word of mouth,” she finally said. “You know how people like to talk. Especially about the strange or unusual.”

Terri nodded. “You’re most likely right,” she said. “And there’s not a lot of places that’ll hire women as well-endowed as we are here. This is the only one I know of that isn’t a gentleman’s club or doesn’t offer exotic dancing.”

“Are there a lot of places like that here,” Andrea asked.

“It’s a college town,” Terri flatly said. “What do you think? Of course, there’s a lot of them around. Everybody knows that college boys are horny and stupid.”

Andrea had to agree with that statement. In fact, she was willing to widen it to include most men and quite a few women. Through all her classes, she had felt eyes on her. Whenever she looked around, she saw heads quickly turning away. Both male and female heads. It was like they had never seen a woman with large breasts before. Granted, she was closer to huge than large. But that wasn’t a reason to stare.

With a sigh, Andrea looked around the room. She saw one of her tables was starting to look around. “Work calls,” she told Terri. “We can talk later.”

~ * ~

Andrea would have danced her way to the time clock, if it wasn’t for her breasts. Massive was an understatement for their size. So was enormous, immense, gigantic, and vast. Immense might fit, but it didn’t right. Andrea couldn’t think of a word that fit the size of her breasts. Her breasts would have extended past her hips if it wasn’t for the bra she was wearing. With the bra, they were, somehow, held up to her waist. They were over twice as wide as she was and thrust forward far enough that she could not reach the front. If that wasn’t bad enough, her nipples got in the act as well. They had grown into huge protuberances large enough to fill a C-cup bra all by themselves. Something she would not have noticed if she hadn’t squeezed herself in to the employee restroom. Also, something she felt she would have been better off not knowing.

But now it was the end of her day. Soon, Andrea would be rid of these impossible breasts. The thought of only have G-cups was really soothing. Compared to what she now had, G-cups might as well be A-cups. She knew that it would feel like it. She did not want to know if there was and actual bra size for her current size. It scared her that somewhere, someone actually knew that answer.

With each slow ponderous step, Andrea could feel the tremors run through her flesh. She wanted to move faster. She wanted to get rid of this mass as fast as possible. But she knew that if she moved faster, the tremors would build until her breasts were through her around. At her size and lumbering speed, she thought that she wouldn’t have been a waitress. But, no. It seemed that people couldn’t help but watch her walk around. Surprisingly, it was more the women watching than the men. And they weren’t watching out of disgust and horror. They were watching in fascination. Probably wondering how someone so bi was able to walk, let alone stand. Andrea tried not to think about it. She was afraid she’d fall if she did.

Andrea approached the time clock then stopped. A problem she hadn’t considered was before here. In order to clock out, she had to get within arm’s reach of the clock. Her breasts extended further in front of her than her arms could reach. She thought of turning to the side, but she wasn’t sure if she could punch the numbers correctly. And there were a few crates that she didn’t remember being there. After a moment, she did the only thing she could think of.

Andrea suppressed the wince as her breasts made contact with the wall. She continued to press forward though. If she wanted her breasts to shrink, she had to clock out. She felt her breasts flow behind her. Wrapping her body in her own flesh. It was a sensation she wished she didn’t have to experience. She was finally able to reach the time clock when her lips were being covered with her own cleavage. She quickly entered her data then sighed as her breasts began to shrink.

Andrea started walking toward the breakroom. She needed to get her purse so she could head back to the house she shared with her friends. She also stared to plan the next day. It was Saturday and, instead of relaxing like she had originally planned, she was going to look into ‘The Rack.’ She wanted to find out who owns it and if they own any other places like this. And if so, were their employees also so over endowed? Also, she wanted to find out how they were keeping people from noticing the changes. Surely, she couldn’t be the only one to have noticed this.

As she entered the break room, Andrea absently scratched an itch on her left breast. That action caused the over endowed woman to freeze. Her left hand started running over her left breast. After a moment, her right hand did the same to the gland on that side. After a minute, both hands stopped their motion. They had confirmed each other’s findings. Slowly Andrea looked down. She did not want to believe what her hands told her, and her eyes confirmed. But the proof was right there. Her breasts had not shrunk back to a G-cup.
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Unread 07-30-2020   #20
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 7

Andrea didn’t exactly remember the drive home. She did remember the sensations she felt while she drove. The way her breasts seemed to sway with her every movement. How they bounced and jiggled with every bump in the street. The way her arms bumped into them whenever she turned the wheel. Her breasts were so big that there were only a few inches between them and the steering wheel. She could feel them touch her legs while in the car! There was no way her size could be natural! Yet, she knew she had been bigger. As much as she wanted to deny it, she knew her massive chest was natural. Just how that could be, she didn’t know.

Once home, Andrea slowly got out of her car. She winced as her mammary glands dragged against the door frame. It was another reminder of just how large her breasts had become. A reminder that she did not need, nor want. She shut the car door and made sure to turn her upper body far enough to give her massive glands the clearance they needed. She suddenly looked around. She could see several of the neighbors as they stared at her. When they realized she had looked back, they quickly returned to what they were doing. Andrea watched them for a moment before turning toward the door. Surely, her neighbors had better things to watch than her.

At the door, Andrea fumbled her keys for a moment. She was shocked at how little of the door she could see below her breasts. Even at a G-cup, she could see a lot of the door when she looked down. Now, a significant portion of her view was blocked. A view she was used to having. And it was a view she wanted to have again. She shook her head and stuck the key in the lock.

Once inside the house, Andrea looked around. She could se signs that her friends were home. Just not where she could see them. Not that it mattered. She knew she would see them later. She just hoped they hadn’t changed too much. She didn’t need to relearn her friends. Just keeping up with the changes was bad enough.

“I’m home,” Andrea called out as she headed to her room. She hoped Mary wouldn’t go crazy over the current size of her boobs. Them being lesbians wasn’t the problem. Before she started working at ‘The Rack’ they would rarely make comments about her. Now, not only did they make comments, they also extended invitations to their bed. And that was before today’s increase in size. She better not find out that they were all lovers now.

Andrea entered her bedroom without seeing her friends. That worried her, until she remembered it was Friday night. The two were probably out on a date. If they were on a date, then it would most likely be midnight before they got back. If they would not be back until midnight, then she could take a long, hot bath. She couldn’t remember the last time she was able to take a bath without someone wanting in the bathroom.

Andrea quickly stripped her clothes off and gathered her bathing supplies. She went into the bathroom and started to fill the tub. She placed her supplies on the sink, threw a handful of bath salts into the tub and stripped off her robe. It was then that she saw her reflection. She paused for a moment. Ever since this started, she hadn’t looked at her reflection. Sure, there was the first time, when she grew in the restroom. But she hadn’t looked. Now, here alone in the restroom, she could look.

They were her breasts. Just much, much, much larger. Everything about them had grown. She ran her hands over her skin. Her nipples erected in response. Her nipples were the same dusky pink color. Only now, they were as thick as her thumbs. Her areola had expanded until they were the size of saucers. Her breasts did not thrust themselves out like implants would. Instead they pointed down at an angle.

Andrea placed her hands underneath her breasts and hefted their weight. While not as heavy as she thought they should be, they still had some weight. Her supple flesh partially molded itself to her hands and forearms. Looking at her reflection, she couldn’t help but stare. If the customers could see her now, she doubted they’d want to eat anywhere else.

With a sigh, Andrea let her breasts fall back down. She didn’t want the customers to see her now. She didn’t want them to see her at all. At least, not with such huge breasts. She’d much rather be back to her normal size. But in order to do that, she had to find out how she was being changed. That meant she had to keep working. She shook her head, turned off the water and got into the tub. She really needed it right now. She settled in and closed her eyes. The hot water worked to ease tension she didn’t know she had.

“Andrea! How long have you been in the tub? You’re wrinkled.”

Andrea jerked awake and looked around. Standing in the bathroom with her was Mary. At first, she was a little confused as to what Mary was doing in the bathroom with her. Then she realized that Mary and Diane must be back from their date. Andrea realized that she must have fallen asleep in the tub.

“Here, let me help you out,” Mary continued as she bent over. “You must have had a busy day if you fell asleep here. Of course, it’s easy to fall asleep in a nice bath.”

Andrea let herself be helped out of the bath. Her fingers and toes were wrinkly, after all. Mary then started drying her off as she stood there. Andrea wasn’t sure what she should do. The way Mary was acting, this wasn’t the first time she’d done this. Just as Andrea decided to help Mary, the door opened.

“Oh,” Diane said as she stood in the door. “I was wondering where you’d gotten to. She fell asleep in the bath again?”


“I’m standing right here,” Andrea said.

“We know,” Mary said. “And it’s a wonderful sight. But you need to get dressed before you catch a cold.”

“That’s right,” Diane added as she grabbed Andrea’s robe. “Especially since we have plans for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” Andrea asked with a frown. “What are we doing tomorrow?”

“Shopping,” Diane and Mary chorused.

Mary continued. “I told Diane that you were complaining about not having nice shirts. So, she decided that we should take you shopping. She knows where all the stores and shops are. And I know where all the places you can get alterations are. Between us, we have you covered. There’s no way we can’t get you nice tops that actually fit.”

Andrea blinked and stared at her friends. She did not remember saying anything about her clothes not fitting. But with this last change it may have happened. And who knows, she might be able to relax while shopping. Even if she was shopping for tops to cover her ridiculously oversized boobs. From what her friends said, she needed more tops anyway. Hopefully, she had bras too.

Once they had her dressed, the two women led Andrea to her bedroom.

“Now you get some rest,” Mary said. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

After her bedroom door closed, Andrea lay in her bed. Staring up, she blinked at the ceiling. “Did that really just happen,” she asked herself. “Did I really agree to go shopping for tops that I won’t need after I go back to work?” She looked down at her breasts. “I better not need larger tops after I go back to work!”

~ * ~

The buzzing of her alarm clock jerked Andrea awake. Groggily, she turned over and shut it off. She tried to ignore the motion of her massive breasts. Something was regretfully getting used to doing now. She rolled to her back and tried to remember why she had set her alarm. It was Saturday. She didn’t have classes today. The only thing she had to worry about was work. And she didn’t have to be at work until four o’clock.

Her bedroom door opened, and Mary entered. “Good morning Andrea,” she said. “I hope you got plenty of rest because Diane and I have a busy day planned.”

“And for the day to start, we need you up,” Diane said as she entered behind Mary.

“I don’t want to,” Andrea said with a groan. She pulled the sheets over her head to emphasize how much she didn’t want to.

Grinning, her friends pulled the sheets off her. “You were the one complaining about your shirts not fitting,” Mary said. “Don’t blame us if we want to help you correct that problem.”

“What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t want to help,” Diane asked.

“Friends that let me sleep in,” Andrea said as she reluctantly sat up. “You do know it’s a Saturday, right?”

“Of course we know it’s a Saturday,” Diane said. “It’s the only day we could take you shopping. Now, up, up, up. You need to get dressed so we can get going.”

“You’re not going to give me any choice in this,” Andrea asked as she allowed herself to be helped out of bed.

“Nope,” her friends merrily said.

With another sigh, Andrea let her friends dress and escort her to the kitchen. Once there, she found breakfast waiting on her. “You guys aren’t waiting around, aren’t you,” she asked as she sat.

“Of course not,” Mary said. “We only have a few hours before you need to be at work. And I can’t wait to see you try on new clothes.”

Diane slapped Mary on the back of her head. “Don’t be so pervy,” she said. “We don’t want her backing out.” She turned to Andrea. “Don’t mind her. I sometimes think she was raised in a barn.”

“Hey!” The two others ignored Mary’s outburst.

“I’m looking forward to helping you find better fitting tops,” Diane said. “And, if you feel uncomfortable changing in front of us, we can step outside. This is all about getting you new, better fitting, clothes.”

Andrea sighed. She knew she was resolved to shop with her friends. If it had just been Mary, she would have found, or made up, an excuse not to go. But, with Diane’s words, she couldn’t do it. She was going. She only hoped that Diane could ride herd on Mary. She didn’t want to have to do something to stop the woman. That would hurt their relationship.

“Okay,” Andrea finally said. “I’ll go shopping with you guys. Just make sure I’m at work on time. I really can’t afford to get fired.”

“As if they’d fire you,” scoffed Mary. “You’re the biggest girl there. I’ll bet that once word of you spreads, people would come from miles away just to see you.”

Andrea hoped not. Either way, she was stuck at ‘The Rack’ until she found how she was changing and stopped it. Until then, she’d have to make do.
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Unread 05-18-2021   #21
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 8

As she walked through the mall, Andrea could feel the stares. The men, either in groups or by themselves, openly stared. Theos men with women tried to sneak looks at her without the women noticing. They failed. Every few seconds there was the sound of a slap. The women then turned to glare at Andrea. Andrea didn’t even bother giving those women a look. It wasn’t her fault her boobs were so big. And she did not want them.

Diane and Mary weren’t helping matters either. Everywhere they went, they made comments about Andrea’s figure. She knew they were only trying to help. And they were only speaking to the attendants in the stores. But they were doing it loudly. Everybody in the area could hear their words. Which, of course, drew more looks than her breasts would have alone.

“Why did you take me to that bra store,” Andrea finally asked. “I already have bras that fit.” The first stop of their shopping run was a bra store. There her two friends had her measured. Then they browsed for a bit before leaving the store.

“We were just getting your measurements,” Mary said. “Since you won’t tell us, we used Merlin’s. It’s not the first time we’ve done something like that.”

“Now we know what size you are,” Diane said. “We can get you tops and have them altered to fit you.”

“Didn’t it ever occur to you that I didn’t want to tell you my bra size,” Andrea asked. She didn’t want to tell them her size mostly because she didn’t know what size she now was. She hoped it wouldn’t change every day. She didn’t know what she would do then.

“It’ll be easier to get your tops altered now,” Mary said. “Besides, I don’t think you wanted more people to measure you.”

Andrea had to admit they had a point about her being measured. She didn’t want more people touching her than was necessary. It was bad enough at Merlin’s. “Couldn’t I have gotten measured at the first store we actually shop at?”

“Not all the stores will, or can, measure their customers,” Diane said. “Even if they do alterations. We haven’t figured out why that is.”

“And we don’t know if any of the stores haven good tops,” Mary said. “We could be wasting our time here.”

“I’m sure somebody has something Andrea would want to wear,” Diane said. “We just have to find it.”

Andrea sighed. “Right now,” she said. “I’d settle for getting out of view.”

“You’re in luck,” Diane said. “We’re at our second stop.”

Andrea looked at the store front. “Annabelle’s,” she read. “I hope they have something.”

Kendra looked around the empty store. It didn’t bother her that there were no customers. She got paid by the hour. Nor did it surprise her that there were no customers. ‘Annabelle’s’ was a store that stocked extreme sizes. As in the extra, extra small clothes or the 5X or larger clothes. Most people don’t look for those sizes. And since they don’t stock anything in between those sizes, hardly anybody stops by. There are times when Kendra wonders how the store even stays open.

Kendra was about to make another round about the store when three women walked in. It wasn’t the first time people had entered the store. They got more business in October as people were looking for clothes to make costumes. She didn’t blame them. It was cheaper buying clothes from here than buying new costumes. She’s did it last year.

Kendra turned her attention to the customers. The first two looked like the average customer: moderately attractive women. She knew they’d browse through the close for a few minutes before leaving. Unless they were looking for costume clothing. The third woman was another thing all together.

The tired woman might actually find something to fit her. For one, her breasts were absolutely huge. They were, at least, as big as her head. They were stretching the blouse she was wearing to the point where one deep breath could destroy it. Kendra could tell that it was well worn. That was why that woman was here. She needed something to go over those things.

After he initial shock, Kendra started thinking. There was no way those could be real. She couldn’t believe they made implants that big. Nor could she believe somebody could grow boobs that big. So, they had to be fake. Prosthetics most likely. But who would wear those when they weren’t pranking somebody? She suddenly started looking for hidden cameras.

Once she was satisfied there were no hidden cameras, Kendra went back to watching the incredibly busty woman. The longer she watched her the more Kendra started to wonder. This woman’s fake bobs seemed incredibly realistic. They bounced and jiggled like a pair of natural ones. But that couldn’t be. Nobody grew that big. Only women with massive implants ever gat that big. And you could tell they were implants by their shape.

Kendra blinked as the incredibly endowed woman turned. Her breasts lagging behind the start and tried to continue at the end. They way her balanced wobbled half convinced Kendra that they were real. She watched as the woman picked a few shirts off the racks. The other two women approached her with tops in their arms. The busty woman looked at them, then reluctantly took them. She looked around for a moment, then started walking toward her.

“Excuse me,” the woman said as she reached the counter. “But where are your changing rooms?”

Kendra stared at the woman before numbly pointing. The woman turned, enormous breasts lagging behind the motion. Her breasts were so big, she could see them wobble to a stop from behind. Never had Kendra thought she’d see boobs so big. Nor did she think a woman could make her feel so flat. Especially since she was a D-cup herself.


Andrea suppressed a sigh as she walked away from the store clerk. She had seen the shock in the woman’s eyes. It would only be a matter of time before it turned into disdain. Once she left the restaurant, that was the usual pattern. She wanted to tell those people that she didn’t ask for these. She didn’t even know boobs this size were possible. With or without implants.

Andrea was relieved when she reached the changing rooms. She was happy to find that they were empty. But she should have expected that with how empty the store was. She honestly didn’t know how this place stayed open. It didn’t look like they got many customers. That was a good thing for her. She did not want a lot of people looking at her right now.

Andrea was pleasantly surprised at the size of the changing room. But then she remembered some of the sizes they had in the store. So, it shouldn’t have surprised her that they had spacious changing rooms. Whether they could help it or not, some of the customers probably needed the space. Lord knows she currently did.

She went to take off her top but froze when she saw her reflection. She knew she had seen herself several times since this craziness had started. But she had never seen herself so big. Sure, she had been bigger. But it was different when she was looking at them head on instead of down. She had gotten used to not seeing anything below her boobs. She wasn’t used to seeing her head, then boobs, then her legs.

There was a knock on the door. “Andrea,” Diane called. “You alright in there?”

“I’m fine,” Andrea answered with a shake of her head. She was lucky it was Diane who checked on her. If it was Mary, she would have just barged in.

“Are you sure,” Diane asked. “Mary wasn’t sure you’d have enough room in there.”

“I’m sure. As for room, you have seen some of the sizes they sell here, right? I have plenty of room.” She finished taking off her top. She hung it on one of the pegs in the wall before selecting a top to try on.

The top she chose was a light pink V-neck. According to the size on the tag, it was a size 5X. That should be big enough for her, but the V-neck had her worried. She wasn’t sure she wanted to show that much cleavage. With much pulling and tugging, Andrea was able to get it in place. The fit was loose, which she liked. That would help disguise the size of her breasts. The V-neck wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Sure, she was showing more skin than she wanted, but it wasn’t as much as she feared. It wasn’t until she turned to the side that she found a problem. And it wasn’t one she was expecting.

Andrea had turned to see her side profile and judge if the shirt was helping her to hide her breast. She wasn’t happy with the forward projection, but she knew she couldn’t do anything about that. Other than that, the pink top was doing a good job of hiding her true size. Then she raised her arm. Because of the size of her shirt, the arm hole was large. It was so large that she could see her bra strap, a good portion of bra cup, and a good portion of her boob. She quickly dropped her arm, face red.

As she took off the shirt, Andrea knew she’d have to wear something underneath to hide her boobs. She didn’t think about having it tailored. She was a college student after all. She looked at the rest of the clothes. They were all made for a woman much heavier than she was. She’d probably need to wear something under each one of them. Well, the ones that weren’t too bad, that is.

As she went through the shirts, Andrea made two piles. The ones that didn’t show too much skin. And the ones that did. The former pile was smaller than the latter. She wasn’t sure if she was happy about that or not. She didn’t want to be here in the first place. But she couldn’t tell her housemates her reason. They’d think she was crazy. She still thought she was dreaming.

Once she was finished, Andrea gathered the tops. Making sure to keep the two groups separate, she exited the changing room. Only to run into Mary outside.

“There you are,” Mary said. “I was beginning to think you had snuck out.”

“Like I could sneak with boobs this big,” Andrea said. “What are you doing back here?”

Mary held up a pile of clothes. “I brought you some dresses to try on,” she said.

“Dresses,” Andrea said as she looked at the clothes in Mary’s hands. “Those had better not be skimpy dresses.”

“Andrea,” Mary said flatly. “You couldn’t get one boob in the skimpy dresses. Those are for the extra, extra small girls.”

“Big women can wear skimpy dresses,” Andrea pointed out.

“Yeah, they can. But those would swallow you whole.” Mary studied her friend for a moment. “What’s really bothering you?”

“Mary, I’m sorry. But I just don’t trust you right now.”

Mary mocked gasped. “You have figured out my plot,” she said. “Now I’ll never get to see you naked.”

“Mary, be serious,” Andrea said with a frown. “I don’t have time to deal with your bullshit right now. I’ll need to be leaving for work soon enough.”

“I am being serious,” Mary said. “If I really wanted to see you naked, I’d do it at home. All I have to do is wait for you to take a bath. You always need help drying off. Even though Diane won’t let me help you bathe.”

“Because your hands wander,” Andrea said absently. She handed her friend the pile of rejected clothes. “Here. Put these back. I’m buying the rest.”

“After this, I think we’ll drop you off at work, then take whatever dresses you like to be altered,” Mary said. “It’s the least we can do after shanghaiing you.”

Andrea shook her head as Mary walked away. Sometimes, friends can surprise you.
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Unread 08-04-2021   #22
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 9

Andrea stared at the time clock nervously. She had barely made it to work in time. It was only after she had tried on the dresses, that she remembered that she didn’t have her uniform with her. Not that it was much of a uniform. But she did need it for work. Now she was hesitant to clock in. So far, each time she clocked in her breasts had grown in size. She really didn’t want that to happen now. She was already way too big.

With a quick swipe, Andrea clocked in. She immediately braced herself, eyes closed. After a moment, she opened one eye and looked down. She saw the same sized breasts she had before she clocked in. She blinked. This wasn’t what she had expected. Not that she wanted her breasts to get bigger. She had just gotten used to them doing so when she clocked in.

“Hey new girl,” a voice called out. “Are you going to stand there all day? Get to work!”

Startled, Andrea jumped a little. She grimaced at the motion this caused in her breasts. She turned and walked to the dining area. All the while under the glare of a brunette. The brunette’s tits were a little over half the size of Andrea’s.

“We have no place for slackers here,” the brunette said as Andrea walked away.

Andrea just shook her head. There’s always one of those at every business. The one who seems to only validate their existence by insulting or commanding others. She knew it was better to just ignore the woman. Anything she would twist anything Andrea said. She heard the woman sniff and walk away. A few minutes later, she had put away her purse and was heading to the dining area. She received her table assignment and went to work.

After an hour of work, Andrea noticed something strange. Stranger than normal that is. All of the waitresses’ boobs were slowly, but steadily, growing larger. Hers included. When she first arrived, the smallest pair looked to be about a G-cup. Now, none of them had boobs smaller than their heads. Again, none of the waitresses or the customers noticed anything different. No matter how often a waitress came back to a table bigger than when she left, the customers did not say a word. Nor did the waitress. It was a good thing that the clothes changed with them. But she was wondering just who made women’s pullover shirts in the sizes she was seeing.

It didn’t long for the drawback of having so many busty waitresses in one room became apparent. The girls were running out of room. When she started, they all had plenty of room between the tables. Now, their boobs were starting to touch as they walked by each other. Soon they would be pressed together.

Of course, the customers noticed. Most of the men openly stared whenever it happened. The women tried not to look. But it was like watching a train wreck: they could not, not watch. They, at least, had sympathy in their eyes. Andrea discovered that whenever there was a woman at the table, that table had a larger than normal tip on it. She checked with the other waitresses. They said that this happened every Saturday. They couldn’t figure out why either. Andrea knew, but she couldn’t tell them. She hoped they all would shrink back to normal at the end of the shift.

As she worked, Andrea noticed that the brunette from earlier was watching her. She couldn’t do anything without her staring. After an hour of constantly being watched, she pulled Nicole to the side. “Nicole,” she said. “What’s with the brunette who can’t stop staring at me?”

“Oh, that’s Sarah,” Nicole answered after looking at the woman. “Don’t mind her. She’s a bitch. Before you arrived, she was the biggest and best waitress. Got more in tips than the rest of us. Now that you’re here, she’s no longer the best. And even a blind man can tell that she’s not the biggest.”

“That’s just great,” Andrea said with a sigh. “Can you tell me where’s she been since I started?”

“Vacation,” came the answer. “She went back home to spend some time with her family. Understandable at this time of year. But most people would have only taken a week or two off. Not almost a whole month.”

“She expected to have the top spot when she came back?”

“You got it,” Nicole said. “Didn’t expect someone like you would be here. A girl with experience and has bigger tits. It’s driving her crazy. So, she’s bound and determined to prove that she’s better than you.”

“But I’m not trying to compete with her,” Andrea said.

“And that’s the kicker,” Nicole giggled. “You’re not doing anything to compete, but you’re doing much better than she is. And you nice on top of that. Believe me, the other girls have noticed. Some of them have started pointing things out that you do better.”

“Jesus! They’re escalating things.”

“Don’t worry. She won’t get physical. The most she’ll do is try to intimidate you. Which won’t work either. You’re pretty intimidating yourself.”

“But I’m not doing anything,” Andera protested.

“You’re not, but your boobs are.”

Andrea blinked. She couldn’t see what Nicole was talking about.

“Girl, next to Elizabeth, you have the biggest tits here. For a lot of us, that’s damn intimidating. Even if you’re nice. Especially when you’re nice. It’s the nice, quiet ones you really have to watch.”

Andrea didn’t know how to take that. “Uh, if you say so,” she finally said. “Anyway, back to work. The food isn’t going to deliver itself.” With that, she went back to work. She did her best to ignore Sarah. Whatever her problem was, she didn’t want anything to do with it. She was here to work. And to find out what was causing all the female employees’ breasts to change size.

* * *

Andrea gave a sigh of relief as she cleaned off her last table. It was the end of her shift and soon she’d be able to clock out. She picked up her tray of dirty dishes and half of the twenty-dollar tip. One of the other waitresses would have to wipe the table clean. She was now too big to reach. Andrea couldn’t thing of a word big enough to describe the size of her breasts. They now reached down to her thighs and, together, were twice as wide as she was. Even at this unbelievable massive size, her breasts still had very little sag. They projected over three feet in front of her. The only time she had seen boobs this colossal was when Elizabeth was using her desk as a bra. She did not want to see the manager now. Her boobs were probably large enough to rest on the floor while she was standing.

Andrea picked up the tray and made her slow way to the kitchen. This was another thing that she didn’t like. At her current size, her walking speed was barely more than a slow crawl. Little old ladies could walk faster than her. Granted, they didn’t have her particular problem, but they still moved faster. She could not wait to clock out.

She didn’t slow as she approached the doors to the back. She couldn’t help the grimace on her face as her breasts opened the doors. That was two more things she didn’t like. Her breasts were so wide that she could not go through a normal sized door. She had to use a double door. Thankfully, “The Rack” had double doors on all employee entrances. Something she hadn’t noticed before. That is if that hadn’t changed with the increase in boob size.

Andrea also didn’t like the fact that her boobs extended further than what she could reach. In order to reach anything in front of her, she’d have to turn to the side. That was not much of an option. Especially in a crowded room or one with a lot of people. Even in the kitchen, Andrea found herself knocking things over or bumping into people with her boobs. It didn’t help that the one she bumped into the most was Sarah. Somehow, she was almost always there when Andrea was turning.

Andrea couldn’t explain it. It was like the woman was trying to find a reason to be made at her. She did her best to avoid the woman though. Andrea did not want a fight. Especially with her boobs being so big. She just wanted to go home and soak. She dropped off her tray of dishes near Charles, the dishwasher. Gave him a small wave and made her way to the employee locker room. Once there, she gathered her things and went for the time clock.

Andrea sighed in relief as she approached the time clock. Eagerly she turned so she could reach it. There was no way she was going to press her breasts against the wall like she had seen some of the other waitresses do. She clocked out and waited. And waited. And waited. She stared down in surprise and worry. Her breasts were not shrinking. They were supposed to be shrinking.

“I thought you’d be on your way out,” Janet, another waitress said. She was a tall, leggy brunette. He legs would have been her best feature if it weren’t for the beach ball sized tits hanging from her chest.

“Um,” Andrea said as she looked helplessly at the waitress.

Janet stared at Andrea for a moment, then looked at the door. “Oh, I get it,” she said with a grimace. “Let me check to see if your ride is here.” Janet walked to the employee entrance, opened one of the doors and poked her head out. Andrea heard a faint honk.

“They’re there,” Janet said as she pulled her head back in. “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to risk scratching my boobs on doors any more than I’d have to.” She opened the doors wide.

That wasn’t what Andrea was worried about. But she couldn’t tell Janet that. Reluctantly, she went through the doors. After a quick look, she slowly walked to her friends. They had gotten out of a full-sized van and were waiting on her. “Hello, Andrea,” Mary said with an eager wave.

“Hey girls,” Andrea replied. “Been waiting long?”

“No,” Diane said as she slid the side door open. “I did manage to convince the boob crazy one to wait out here though.”

“It was a big sacrifice,” Mary said in mock sadness.

“I appreciate your sacrifice,” Andrea said sarcastically. “Any stops before we head home?” She was eyeing the van and wondering how she was going to get in.

“Just straight home,” Diane answered. “You look like you’ve had a rough day. And I know we have. Finding good looking clothes that’ll fit your body is not easy”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Andrea said with a blush. “I could order everything off the ‘net.”

“And have you deal with clothes and bras that don’t quite fit,” Diane demanded. “I wouldn’t be a friend if I let you do that. That’s why Mary and I went shopping for you. Between the two of us, we know where all the places you can get custom clothes and bras made.”

“I didn’t know people sold size circus tent,” Andrea said jokingly.

Mary poked the breast nearest to her, hard. Causing the ridiculously endowed women to yelp. “I don’t want to hear you say that about yourself again,” Mary said. “There is nothing wrong with you or your body.”

Andrea stared at her friend in shock. She had never heard Mary say anything like that before. She also wanted to rub where she had been poked. But Mary had poked her outside of her reach. “I was just joking,” she said. “I have to do something to make the stares and rude comments better.”

“Insulting yourself is not the way to do that,” Diane said. “Even if it makes it so that others can’t use those words against you.”

“Can’t we do this at home,” Andrea asked. “I’ve had a long day and my boobs aren’t getting any lighter.”

“Yeah, we can do this at home,” Diane said after looking at Mary. We just need to get you loaded first.” She and Mary then moved to her right. They then turned Andrea until she was parallel with the van.

“Ready,” Diane asked.

Before Andrea could answer, her friends lifted her right tit and started moving toward the van. The overendowed woman didn’t have any choice but to follow. Andrea’s face turned red as she felt her nipples rise. She knew her friends weren’t playing with her. They were only helping her into the van. But she could do this herself. Once Andrea was standing in the vehicle, Diane and Mary quickly exited and lifted her other gland. They pushed that one inside.

Once inside, Andrea found there was only one seat in the back. Obviously, it was for her. With a sigh she sat down. Diane came into the back. “Excuse me,” she said and proceeded to reach into Andrea’s cleavage. Her arm, shoulder, head, and part of her upper body disappeared into Andrea’s dark valley as the busty woman stared in shock. She knew her cleavage was deep. How could she not? But she didn’t know it was that deep.

Before Andrea could say anything, she felt a pull. Her breasts were suddenly separating and lowering. Diane pushed herself out of her friend’s cleavage. “Now that the girls are settled, we can go.”

Andrea could only blink in response. Having her breasts resting on the floor of the van brought a whole realization of her size. One which she was not sure she wanted to receive. She just sat quietly while her friends drove her home.

Andrea didn’t remember much of the trip home. To her, one moment they were in the parking lot, then the next they were at home. After tightening her bra back up, Diane and Mary helped her out of the van and into the house. They squeezed her breasts close enough together to ger her through the door. Once inside, Diane loosened the bra again.

“It’s easier to get you through the doors if your tits have some wiggle room,” Diane said to Andrea’s look.

“And they won’t pull you out of your seat,” Mary put in. “We learned that the hard way.”

Andrea didn’t answer. She just settled into her seat. The next thing she knew, they were home. Diane slid the door to her left open and climbed in. “Excuse me,” she said as she reached into Andrea’s cleavage. Her arms, head, and shoulders slipped in the yawning canyon of flesh.

Andrea’s face heated as her friend searched for something. “You know, I can get that,” Andrea said after a moment.

“We tried that before,” came Diane’s muffled reply. “It looked weird having your upper body engulfed by your boobs. Besides, who do you want in here: me or Mary?”

Andrea had to admit that Diane had a point. Mary would have done more than grab whatever Diane was looking for. At the very least, she would have rubbed or grabbed a handful of boob. Not that having a full-grown woman diving into her cleavage was a good thing.

It wasn’t too much longer before Diane started pulling herself out. As she did, Andrea felt her bra pushing her breast together as well as lifting them off the floor. “There we go,” Diane said as she finished. “Now we can get you inside.”

“Um, where’s Mary,” Andrea asked as she looked around for the other woman.

“She went inside to start your bath,” Diane said. “We don’t need her help. Getting you out is a lot easier than getting you in.”

The busty woman looked at her friend for a moment, then slowly stood up. Her massive mammaries touched the backs of the seats in front of her. She started to exit the vehicle only to stumble as it shifted from her weight. She caught herself on the frame and gave her friend a look.

“I can’t believe you,” Diane said shaking her head. “Every single time you do this. The van just shifted a bit. It’ll take much more than this to make you fall.”

“You’re not the one carrying a couple hundred pounds of boobs in front of you,” Andrea said. “Let’s put you in my position and see how well you do.”

“Ha,” Diane said. “I wouldn’t be in your position. I’d keep my happy butt home. I don’t se why you can’t do that.”

Andrea didn’t answer until she was out of the van. “I want to be independent,” she heard her mouth say. “I know it’s only a matter of time before the only thing I can do is webcam shows. I want to put that shit off as long as possible.”

Diane nodded. She had friends that did webcam shows. They’ve told her of some the requests they’ve received. She did not want her friend to end up like that. Even though she knew it was inevitable.

For Andrea, entering the house was a little embarrassing. With the size of her breasts, she was wider than the door. So, she and Diane had to squeeze her breasts tighter together to get them through. Diane then guided her to the bathroom.

“Thought I was kidding about the bath, didn’t you,” Diane asked.

“Honestly, I don’t care,” Andrea said. “I just want to relax.”

“Well, the bath will help. Now start stripping. If you don’t make a fuss, I’ll keep Mary from helping you.”

Andrea started stripping. She needed help with her shirt and bra. She had never seen any piece of clothing or underwear as big as those two things. Where could she have gotten them? Who would have made something as big as them in the first place? The fact that she had them meant that somebody made them. She did not want to think there was a market for clothing in her size.

One undressed, her friends helped her into the tub. Again, it was something that was a lot larger than a normal tub. Even a whirlpool or hot tub. But she thought Diane’s parents bought this for them. Or just her after Diane explained her situation. At least, she believed that’s what happened. After a moment, she felt the front of her breasts being scrubbed. Andrea opened her eyes to see her friends cleaning her.

“Um, what are you doing,” Andrea asked her naked friends.

“Cleaning you,” Diane answered.

“We might as well do it now as in the morning,” Mary added. “It’s a lot easier on all of us.”

“Then there’s the fact that you can’t clean your boobs very well,” Diane put in. “I’ve seen you try. By the time you finish with your boobs, you’re tired and sweaty. Sort of defeats the purpose of taking a bath.”

Andrea wanted to argue. But, considering the size of her tits, she really couldn’t. Lacking any other option, she began to wash the rest of her body. Soon they were all finished. Diane and Mary helped Andrea out of the tub. They dried her off and helped her into a pair of panties, nightgown, and a robe.

“There,” Diane said as they finished. “Now we’re ready for movie night.”

“Movie night,” the overendowed woman asked.

“I’ve been waiting for this night,” Mary exclaimed.

“Yes, movie night,” Diane said. “You need to relax somehow. I got the last three Marvel movies to come out. You did say you wanted to see them. We know you have a hard time going to theaters.”

Andrea stared at her friend. She knew she had seen those movies. In fact, all three of them had went to the theaters together. Then she looked down. She had forgotten that every time she changed size, her past changed as well. With boobs this size, she would have a hard time fitting in the aisles. Only the seats in the very front would accommodate her. And she hated sitting there.

Andrea shrugged, then had to brace herself against the wobble of her breasts. “Why not,” she said once she was stable.

“You go get the popcorn ready, Mary,” Diane said. “I’ll get Andrea comfortable.”

Fifteen minutes later, Andrea, and her breasts were sitting on the couch. A huge bowl of popcorn was sitting in her cleavage. Her friends were snuggled up to either side of her. She was wondering what she got herself into.

“Why are you two using my boobs as pillows,” Andrea asked.

“What else are we going to use,” Mary asked. “You and your boobs take up the whole couch.”

Andrea blinked. She hadn’t noticed. And she didn’t understand why she hadn’t noticed. There was barely any room for the two women to fit in. And that was with them snuggling up to her boobs. “And the popcorn in my cleavage,” she asked.

“We had to put it where we all could reach it,” Diane answered. “I made sure to get Mary to promise not to ‘accidently’ miss the bowl.”

Andrea wanted to argue, but she was tired. It didn’t help that all their arguments made sense. She did take up the couch and her cleavage was the only place where they all could reach the bowl. “Okay, she reluctantly said. “Let’s watch the movies.

A few minutes later. “Mary, stop humping my boob!”

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Unread 10-11-2021   #23
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Re: The Rack

Chapter 10

Andrea lay in bed. She had woken a few minutes ago. But she did not open her eyes. She could feel the bed linen on her breasts. That was the problem. She could only feel it on her breasts. The rest of her body did not have contact with the linen. Slowly she opened her eyes. In front of her was her nightgown, the bed linen, and the canyon that was her cleavage.

She didn’t know how long she stared at her cleavage before the urge to pee hit her. She almost called for her friends. But she remembered that this was Sunday morning. Diane and Mary liked to sleep in on Sundays. So did she, but her bladder had other ideas. Andrea started pushing and shoving her massive glands. She was not going to pee the bed like a child.

For the first time, Andrea felt the weight of her breasts. Ever since this started, Andrea never felt any back strain. Even at her current extreme size. But now, she felt every ounce. And it she was not light. Andrea huffed, puffed, and grunted moving her massive mammaries to the side of her bed. After a couple of minutes, she managed to get her right boob there. With one last push, she tipped it over the edge.

With a squawk Andrea found her body sliding to her right. Fortunately, or unfortunately, her left boob kept her from sliding completely off the bed. Once she was stable, she placed her foot on the ground. With that done, she was able to carefully push herself back into bed. But that left her in the uncomfortable position of having one boob hanging out of bed while the other was still in.

Somehow, Andrea managed to get her feet under her and push herself back into bed. But that left her in the position of having way too much weight pulling her to the side. The fact that her left tit was counterbalancing her right one was not helping. And she still had to pee.

With more careful pulling, tugging, and pushing, Andrea was able to get her legs and her left boob hanging off the bed. She leaned back to keep her tits from pulling her off the bed and to the ground. She stared at her cleavage for a moment. She did not know why she was having trouble with her boobs. They didn’t give her any trouble yesterday. She didn’t feel any of their massive weight. It was a puzzle that would have to wait.

With a grunt, Andrea stood up and blinked. The movement of her standing had sent her breasts wobbling about. Shaking her body back and forth. Instead of being unsteady on her feet, she was standing firm. It was just like yesterday. Her bladder made its demands known and she started walking toward the bathroom. Without her friends help, she had to squeeze through the door one boob at a time. Luckily for her, the bathroom wasn’t far away. She got in and hurried to the toilet.

Andrea gasped as her massive breasts hit the tile floor. She looked down to see if she could find the throw rug that should be there. She growled as she only saw her cleavage. She should have remembered how big she was. Especially since her tits were resting on the floor.

As soon as she finished her business, Andrea stood up. The mere thought of her tits resting on the floor was disgusting. The actual fact was worse. She turned to wash her hands only to stop and stare at the sink. With her being so large, she couldn’t reach the sink without squishing her boobs. Staring at the sink, she had a thought. Slowly she looked around the bathroom. The room looked a lot smaller than it had before today. The only reason she could think of, was the increase in size of her boobs. They now stuck out a little under four feet in front of her. And that was with them out of her bra! Her underboob was around her knees. But she didn’t want to think about that.

With a sight, Andrea put the suddenly small bathroom out of her mind. She pushed against the sink so she could wash her hands. She couldn’t believe she didn’t notice how close her boobs were to things last night. But then, she did have her friends helping her. They had to have been keeping her form bumping into or nudging things with her boobs. It was the only explanation.

Once finished in the bathroom, Andrea headed for the kitchen. She wanted breakfast, but she didn’t want to wake her friends. They had done enough for her last night. Besides, even with boobs this large, she could make breakfast. Right?

Before she could make breakfast, she had to get to the kitchen. All she had to do was go down the hall and through the living room into the kitchen/dining area. It was a short trip. One she made every day. It shouldn’t be a problem.

There was a problem,

Not two steps down the hall, Andrea found her left breast brushing against the wall. She moved over only to find her right one was now pushing against that wall. She stopped and looked. She did not want to believe what she was seeing. Her boobs were almost as wide as the hall. There appeared to be only a few inches of clearance to either side of her. How she didn’t notice this last night, she didn’t know. Neither Diane nor Mary could have fit between her boobs and the walls.

Knowing she couldn’t do anything about her size, Andrea continued her way to the kitchen. After squeezing her breasts through the door, she looked around. There was more open space than she remembered. The table and chairs were further from the stove and refrigerator. Probably for her convenience. Not that she needed to get between the stove and table. She shuddered to think about stray splatters of grease flying from the pan and landing on her boobs. And she couldn’t get close enough to the oven to get anything out without pressing her boobs against it. So, breakfast was going to be a bowl of cold cereal. But first: coffee.

Thirty minutes later, Andrea sat at the table, panting. The coffee was brewing, finally. But it had been a fight. First, she had to get the filter. She knew her breasts would be a problem, but she had underestimated how much of one they would be. Finding the coffee filters wasn’t a problem. She had made coffee before. Her problem was that her boobs did not compress as much as she thought they would. It wouldn’t have mattered if the coffee maker wasn’t sitting in a corner. If it wasn’t in a corner, she could have just turned to the side to reach it. It took a lot of effort, but Andrea managed to get the coffee started. She didn’t mind that her boobs were resting on the kitchen floor. It didn’t invoke the same response as the bathroom floor. No matter how clean she knew that one was.

Andrea looked at the fridge. Making a bowl of cereal should be easier. She only had to get a bowl from the cabinet, the box of cereal from the cupboard, and the milk from the fridge. Easy. She gathered herself. She was going to make herself breakfast if it was the last thing she did.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Andrea jumped at the voice. Only the weight of her breasts kept her from falling out of her chair. “Diane,” she gasped. “I didn’t know you were up.”

“Why didn’t you wake us up,” Diane demanded as she entered the kitchen. “Either of us would have made you coffee. Especially since we drink it too.”

“I didn’t want to bother you,” Andrea said. She would have been backing away, but she hadn’t stood yet. “And I wasn’t going to do much. Just make some coffee and some cereal.”

“I’m surprised there isn’t a mess here,” Diane said as she looked around the kitchen.

“I cleaned it up. I am a responsible adult.”

“I know you are,” Diane soothed Andrea’s feelings. “I’m just surprised you could reach everything. Your boobs don’t give you much room to work with.”

Andrea blushed. “You don’t have to remind me. I live with them. I can’t not see them.”

“Why don’t I cook you breakfast instead of cereal,” Diane asked.

“You don’t have to do that,” Andrea quickly said. “I don’t want to be a bother. You and Mary do so much for me already.”

“We don’t do enough,” Diane insisted. “You’re not doing it on purpose, but you shame us.” Diane closed her eyes. “Your breasts are an impossibility.”

Andrea blinked in surprise. This was the first time somebody noticed the impossible size of her chest. Could Diane, somehow, be noticing the changes?

“They should not be this big and this shapely,” Diane continued. “All the other women even remotely close to your size have saggy tits. Outside of a bra, their tits look like deflated balloons. Yet yours are full and almost perky. And the weight! God, girl! Just one of your tits weighs more than I do. It weighs more than Mary and I put together. And here you are, not only standing, but walking around with them.” Diane glared at her friend. “You should not be.”

“I’m sorry,” whispered Andrea.

“You should be,” Diane said flatly. “It was because of you that I chose a major.”

“W-what,” stammered Andrea.

“Diane nodded. “Your size is impossible. And I’m not talking about your weight. There are a lot of people who weigh more than you. Your boobs are impossibly huge. You shouldn’t even be standing. You’re too top heavy. Yet here you are. Walking around like the weight doesn’t mean a thing.”

Andrea didn’t know what to say. The fact that this was a result of her latest growth spurt was obvious. She just didn’t know what to do. All the previous changes only affected her and her past. None of her family or friends changed because of her. This was completely new.

“I wanted to find out how you were possible,” Diane continued. “Your boobs are too big to be as firm and shapely as they are. Even if they weren’t, you’re too big to walk. While you’re toned, your muscles don’t look like a body builder’s. Your legs should look like they’re made of muscle. Instead, you have nice toned but curvy legs.”

“You’ve been looking at my legs,” Andrea blurted out.

Diane blushed. “I’ve been studying your legs,” she said. “That’s completely different than looking. Besides, I have a girlfriend.”

“I bet she looks at my legs too,” Andrea said.

“Not the point,” Diane said loudly. “The point is that you’re a medical anomaly. I want to make sure you’re healthy. Because you’re my friend and I want to make sure you’ll be around for a while.”

Andrea stared at her friend. This was more than what she had ever expected. “You didn’t have to change your major,” Andrea said after a moment. “I’m perfectly fine and plan on being around for a few decades.”

“You don’t know that,” Diane said. “Nobody has your body. And none of the girls at your job are as big as you are. While I know you’ve said your boss is bigger than you are, I still can’t believe it. It’s hard to imagine some woman having bigger boobs than you.”

Andrea opened her mouth only to close it. Diane was right. It was hard to imagine a woman with bigger tits. And Andrea realized that she hadn’t actually seen Elizabeth after she had gotten so big. She may not have changed sizes. Andrea had assumed that the manager would have grown.

“And I didn’t change majors,” Diane continued. “I said I chose one. My parents are happy that I finally chose a major. Of course, after seeing you, they weren’t surprised at what I chose.”

“Um, what did they think of me,” Andrea quietly asked. She was shocked. She hadn’t met Diane’s parents. But now she had. Only it was her with the enormous boobs.

Diane grinned. “They were shocked at your size. But who wouldn’t be? Then they wanted to know if all of that was you. And if you wanted a reduction.”

Even though she knew it hadn’t really happened, Andrea couldn’t help but clutch at her breasts.

“Don’t worry,” Diane soothed her ridiculously endowed friend. “I told them that that was all you and made sure that they understood that you didn’t want a reduction. They didn’t understand why you didn’t want one and I couldn’t give them a reason why either. I don’t’ understand why you don’t want one. But it’s your decision and I’ll support you.”

“Is the mushy stuff over with,” Mary called from the kitchen doorway. “I’m hungry.”

Diane and Andrea looked at each other, then rolled their eyes. “We can talk about this later,” Andrea told the other woman.

Diane nodded. “Yes, the mushy stuff is over,” she told her lover. “I’m going to start cooking breakfast now. So, you better get in here.”

“It’s about time,” Mary grumped as she entered. She patted one of Andrea’s breasts as she went to seat herself. “You two are too serious. You need to enjoy life more.”

“I do enjoy life,” Diane said. “I just want to make sure my friends are around to enjoy it with me.”

Andrea settled back and enjoyed her friends’ banter. She only had a few short hours before she had to be at work. She wanted to be in as good a mood as possible. She needed something to hold on to as she searched for a reason for all this. She was not going to be somebody’s idea of a joke. Or sexual fantasy.
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