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Unread 04-14-2010   #241
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Well, I thought this story had been left to die shortly before I quit lurking, but since it seems to have re-surged, I shall offer my thoughts!

First, gotta love the story. What seems to be Maddie's slow acceptance of her situation is really making it more realistic as opposed to the types of stories where women are suddenly expanded only to go from terrified to hornier than a rabbit in heat in the time it takes to blink. As Vid said, giving each and every character their own depth and personality makes it even more fun.

The way that the restaurant itself is portrayed as highly respectable, and showing off their processed waitresses at a dignified level, rather than trotting them out as simply cheap tarts to be ogled and groped at also makes this unique from other BE type stories I've read. The way the trouble-makers from the previous chapter were dealt with is solid proof of that.

Finally, the process!!! I personally think many people can write process, but only a handful can write it well, and this story performs admirably in that respect. The illustrations help a lot, but the way it is written could perform on its own if it had to.

Just thought I'd let you know you are appreciated. As a writer myself (fanfiction, no process) I know how much feedback means!
"It's time to start slapping people." -- George Carlin

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Unread 04-14-2010   #242
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

d'aaaaw, Hmmm!. I always say: I like my process to have plot. It makes me feel less guilty for reading it, heheh.

And no, I didn't get Peni's gimmick before now... I'm dumb, though. I can't even think up reasonable compliments besides "Hooray!" and whatnot. |D

I can also predict what the picture for this chapter will be...
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Unread 04-14-2010   #243
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by cyero View Post
I can also predict what the picture for this chapter will be...
Do tell. :P
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Unread 04-18-2010   #244
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]


Every chapter ends up pretty beautifully. Although, I don't think I'm the only one who wouldn't mind see Maddison strut around reading a book out of her cleavage.

I have friends who are pretty let down by Penelope's reveal. Not me, cause well, it's perfectly understandable, and she's probably not the only one who would do it in that situation.

My only regret is waiting so long to comment. Sorry... x.x
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Unread 04-18-2010   #245
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

So then, let's get the picture up here.
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Unread 04-18-2010   #246
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

That.. is surprisingly touching and docile for what I was expecting <3
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Unread 04-19-2010   #247
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Precisely as predicted!

Well, I assumed butt!bridesmaid would be there too.

But that's cute :3
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Unread 04-19-2010   #248
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by DanTails View Post
That.. is surprisingly touching and docile for what I was expecting <3
And what pray tell were you expecting? I bet you were hoping for a pick of Penny and Maddi mashing their jiggly bits together, weren't you? >.>
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Unread 04-24-2010   #249
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Originally Posted by SoylentOrange View Post
And what pray tell were you expecting? I bet you were hoping for a pick of Penny and Maddi mashing their jiggly bits together, weren't you? >.>
Honestly, I was expecting Maddi and Shelia in the taxi for some reason.

Because we haven't seen them out of forms in a while.
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Unread 04-25-2010   #250
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]


Well, you know, I kinda want to do that, too, but the thing is that most of the plot-important action happens at the restaurant, so, it's kind of hard to focus on them when they're normal because that's not when anything interesting happens. >.>;

I'm not saying it won't ever happen, but for this part of the story we're definitely going to be in the restaurant more often than not.
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Unread 04-26-2010   #251
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

All in the name of plot, dear DanTails!
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Unread 12-03-2010   #252
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Re: Welcome to Juggalos [BE/Butt/hips Expansion]

Holy *hell* it's been way too long.

Oh well, get ready for some awesome squish!
"Working Girl"

Chapter 11: Mr. Big

"Take it."
"Sheila, it's really not necessary-"
"Take it."
"It was my fault we had to take a taxi to begin with-"
"Oh, fine, fine, have it your way, you stubborn git," Maddi said, grabbing the two twenty dollar notes off the table between them and dropping them in her purse.
"I don't ask for charity, Maddi," Sheila said, finally getting up from the table and going over to the desk. "I don't need it."
"I know, I know..." Maddi said, already plotting ways for her to give the money back without her noticing somehow. She'd hoped Sheila would forget by morning, but stubborn girl that she was, she had confronted Maddi not long after they'd had breakfast.
"You're in the same boat as me, after all," Sheila said as she began typing. "We've both got loans we're going to have to pay back at some point."
Maddi grimmaced and turned away. Sheila had loans from the state, but the money Maddi had "borrowed" came from her parents, and were on slightly better terms; namely that her parents had no expectation of getting the money Maddi spent back. Really, even as good as the school was, to them the money was little more than a bump in their finances. Maddi owed nothing.
"Well, anyways, this is our last night 'till thursday," Sheila said as she rose from her chair, slinging her camera bag over her shoulder. "I'm gonna go take a few shots for an assignment I've got coming up."
"I thought you turned in your reels before spring break?" Maddi asked, turning.
"Nothing due right away," Sheila said as she got her tripod under her arm, "Just shooting some stock footage, you know, busy street, bus pulling away, that sort of 'city' junk that you always inevitably need if you're doing something like this. I might be cutting it a little close, so make sure you're all showered and ready to go before I get back, okay?"
"All right, good luck out there," Maddi said, waving. As soon as the door clicked shut, she took one of the twenties out of her purse and slinked over to Sheila's bed, picking up the mattress, checking the legs, opening her desk drawers, before finally finding a small, nondescript box in the back of the bottom drawer, wedged back there so tight Maddi had to take everything else out of the drawer before she could remove the box. Opening it up, she found Sheila's petty-cash stash, a small stack of bills resting on a bed of spare change, mostly pennies and nickles.
"You poor, dumb, proud, stubborn git," Maddi said, shaking her head as she took the bills out and thumbed through them. "Down to the last cent. I don't remember my parents ever even keeping change," She continued as she slipped one of the twenties in-between two others. She'd have to wait a few days before trying the other one, to give her time to count this again. As close a watch as Sheila kept on her funds, a single twenty could hopefully be ascribed to a fluke of memory or a mistake in counting. Two, however, she'd know something was up. Maddi replaced the box and the drawer's contents as exactingly as she remembered, thankful once again for her photographic memory, nudging a paperclip exactly askew, pulling the one yellow corner out, and so on. "There, picture-perfect," She thought as she slid the drawer closed again.

Maddi's reverse theft went unnoticed, and soon enough the two were on their way again. Maddi was finding herself less physically repulsed at the prospect of working there each successive night as she was mentally so. She supposed it was just the nature of shoddy jobs, that kind of (admittedly childish) "I don't wanna" that comes from unpleasant labor. And it wasn't that Maddi was categorically against labor; She'd helped her mother garden and once worked at a soup-kitchen in an underprivelidged neighbourhood and done several other menial sorts of jobs. It was more the nature of the work, of being ogled by leches and perverts and made to just smile at it. She remembered the married couple from the night before and thought that maybe if the patrons looked at her like the loving couple looked at each other she wouldn't mind it as much. She'd still mind it- just being alone in a room with those outrageous curves protruding everywhere felt obscene- but she'd mind it less, of that she was certain.

* * *

Maddi found herself squeezed in at the rear of the lounge again, feeling the whisper of air-conditioned wind coming through the crack in the doors as it slithered up her bum-cleavage. She shivered as goosebumps exploded across the sides of her cheeks, but she took comfort in the fact that at least she wasn't being forced to clamp her hands over her mouth to keep from interrupting Trixie.
A gust of wind made Maddi stiffen, the jolt of sensation catching her off-guard. She looked behind her to see the door opening, then whipped her head forward as Anthony came inside, his chest a foot at most from brushing her enormous backside. Maddi blushed, looking down into her cleavage as Trixie's voice popped up from the front of the room.
"Hey! You know the rules, Tony!" She called out in a chiding tone. "No boys allowed!"
"Uh, yeah, well," Anthony started, clearing his throat. "Technically, you said 'no boys allowed unless it's Mr. Big', and, well-"
Anthony wasn't even able to finish before the entire room burst into excited murmurs, the packed-in flesh jostling around as the assembled waitresses moved excitedly. Maddi felt her bosoms compress as the waitress in front of her backed into them, and she knew whe was going to happen next. She leaned forward against the motion, but she was at the tail end of a wave of undulating flesh; if she didn't want to fall over, she'd have to take a step back, right into Anthony.
As she rocked back, she felt Anthony's hands come up, bracing against the wall of butt-flesh surging towards him. Maddi blushed furiously as she felt her bottom mash in around his hands, her flesh flowing between his fingers before the waitress in front of him moved back forward and she was able to scoot back in and away from Anthony.
"Ay, ay, ay! Shh! Quiet!" Trixie shouted. "Okay, so he's coming. Now? Who did he say he wanted?"
Maddi heard A piece of paper unfolding behind her, still too embarrassed to even look at Anthony.
"He said he wanted Riley, Sheila, Barbara, and, quote, 'That delightful English newcomer'."
Maddi's shock was enough to override her embarrassment, her head whipping around to look at him wide-eyed.
"Sorry," He said under his breath before speaking up again. "He says he's on his way from the airport and he'll be here in about... ten minutes," He said, checking his watch. "I've already got the other servers fixing up the room."
"Dinner for two again?" Trixie asked.
"Same as always."
Trixie frowned in thought for a moment, just long enough for the murmurs to rise again before she shushed them. "Okay, you heard the man! Sheila, Maddi, Riley, Barb, get to the Gold Room. The rest of you as you were, and so help me if I hear of any of you putting the moves on Mr. Big for some tips..."
The room began to jostle again, and Maddi braced herself against the tide until she looked behind her and saw that Anthony was gone. No longer fearing squashing Anthony behind her bum, Maddi stumbled out of the lounge, squeezing her way against the tide back towards the kitchen, turning past the locker room and heading for the door to the gold room but hesitant to be the first one in. She looked down the hall, seeing Sheila wobbling her titanic bosoms towards her, Riley marching behind, another waitress Maddi assumed to be Barbara- a raven-haired 3-2 from the looks of her- and Trixie herself bringing up the rear.

"All right, girls," Trixie started, putting her hands on her hips. "Sheila, I know this is your first time, Maddi, I'm betting you don't even know what the hell is going on, so I'll go over it from the top. Mr. Big is very, *very* rich and shows up whenever the hell he wants expecting immediate service with whatever he wants. And he *gets* it, because him dropping by the Gold Room puts us into the black for two months at least. Whatever he wants, whatever he asks, you say *yes*."
"But-" Maddi started, all sorts of terrible things flashing through her mind.
"He's not gonna ask you to strip or anything," Trixie clarified, "He's not a perv. Or at least, not a bad one. The point is, no matter what he asks, you *do* it, because this guy hands out four-digit tips like they're breath mints provided you don't irritate him. Don't speak unless spoken to, don't clear your throat, don't sniffle, just do what he asks when he asks and we'll all be better for it." She reached into her cleavage, pulling out the pill case that she'd gotten Maddi's "antidote" from the night before last, and pulled one out, snapping the pill case closed again. "Barbara, you and Riley are going to be the table tonight. Here, take this so you can even yourself up with Riley."
"R-really?" Barbara said. "I've never been a size 4 before. Do I need to change my top?"
"No," Trixie said, shaking her head. "Just let it stretch out. He loves that sort of stuff."
"Okayyy..." Barbara said as she downed the pill, shivering as her breasts surged underneath her blouse, the neckline creaking and her flesh billowing out of the strained fabric.
"Okay, go," Trixie said, backing up a step and making a shooing motion with her hands.

Riley turned to the double doors and shoved them open with her bosoms, Sheila following close behind after giving Maddi a worried yet hopeful look. Inside were two of the server girls, a blond 1-1 and a black 2-1, holding a tablecloth off to the side of a pair of chairs, the far one of which seated Mr. Big himself. A squared jaw, elegantly straight nose, and perfectly-parted hair; he practically radiated sophistication and simple grace. The only exception was the pair of wraparound sunglasses he wore, tinted with what appeared to be roofing tar and completely obscuring his eyes.
"Ladies," He said, bowing his head slightly. Maddi reflexively bowed a little in response, a slightly odd motion considering her complete inability to curtsey with thighs as big as hers.
"You must be Maddison," He said as Riley and Barbara sat down on their knees, leaning forward into each other until they came to a kind of neutral state, their massive chests mashing into each other enough to create a roughly square podium that the two server-girls draped a tablecloth over.
"That I am, sir," Maddi said, trying to hold her hands in some sort of modest or respectful positiong before giving up and just leaving them at her sides, "Though you seem to have me at a disadvantage, Mister...?"
"'Mister' is fine," The gentleman said, "or 'Sir' is acceptable as well. Though I'm aware my nom de plume in these parts is 'Mr. Big', I must admit a not-terrible fondness for it personally."
"Er, very well, Sir," Maddi said, attempting her half-curtsey again.
"And you, Ms. Sykes, how are you this evening?" He asked, leaning his elbows on the "table" with his chin resting on his bridged fingers.
"Oh, it's a wonderful night, mister," Riley replied, in a voice so cheerful and alien Maddi about did a double take. "It's always such a joy to have you here."
"Oh, well, aren't you sweet to say so," He replied, smiling a bit mistcheviously before turning to Sheila. "And goodness, they were certainly not exaggerating their reports on you, Ms. Watson," He said, his eyebrows arching over the tops of his sunglasses. "You look *marvelous* tonight."
Sheila blushed beet red. "Th-thank you, Mr. Bi- I mean, Sir," She said as she went over to the side of the table opposite Maddi and waited.
"...Would you like me to turn the lights down?" Maddi finally asked, the dead air unnerving her.
"The lights?" Mr. Big asked, cocking his head. "What for?"
"Well, ah, I just assumed, what with the sunglasses..."
"Oh!" He replied, chuckling. "No, no, these are so none of you lovely ladies feel tempted to try and catch my eye as it wanders. I've found I get much more honest performances when you don't know which of you I'm looking at."
Maddi let that one hang a moment, unsure of how to respond. "So, ah, are you waiting for your date...?" Maddi asked, looking at the second empty chair with a place setting.
"Oh, she'll be along sometime," He said, smiling. "In the meantime," he continued, "I'd like a cognac on the rocks, and my date will have the Mega-Milky-Milkshake, please."
"Right away, sir!" Sheila said, even before Maddi had finished writing the order down. She scurried through the double doors as fast as her enormous bosom would allow, pressing the doors open with her breasts.
"And, as for you," Mr. Big said, turning to Maddi, "Would you mind scooting my chair in a little? I'm not quite seated right."
"Er, all right," Maddi said, walking around Mr. Big. At first she tried to push his chair from the side, but she had no leverage. The same thing happened when she tried to scoot his chair by leaning forward over her breasts; she just couldn't reach. Finally, worrying about the ineffectiveness of her response time, Maddi hefted her breasts up in her arms, walked forward, and mashed into the back of his chait until she felt wood in her hands. Taking another step forward, she heard the feet of the chair sliding against the carpet.
"I-is that enough?" Maddi asked, embarrassed about how much she was squishing into his seat. She wouldn't be surprised if the bits of her curves were past his nose, flowing over and around the sides of his chair the way they were.
"Yes, thank you," He said, waiting until Maddi had disengaged before saying "Actually, I'm a bit too far forward now," He said, looking over his shoulder. "Could you scoot me back again, just a little?"
Maddi grimmaced and mashed into his chair yet again, this time pulling the chair back, still blushing at how much she was having to stuff him, chair and all, into her cleavage just to move something he could have done himself with a minimum of effort.
"Good?" Maddi asked.
"Actually..." He started.
"Back forward?" Maddi asked, glad he couldn't see the face she was making.
"Actually, as I was trying to say the first time," He said, still sounding chipper even though Maddi felt a twinge of panic, "I think I would like it if you just stayed there whenever you weren't needed elsewhere," he continued. "You know, just between courses. I usually don't like people reading over my shoulder, but I think an exception can be made."
Maddi grimmaced but said nothing, waiting there with her hands wrapped around the sides of his chair and her breasts nearly touching her chin. She had barely had time to get bored when Sheila came back through the doors, the two drinks held in tumblers cramed in her monstrous cleavage. She came up alongside Mr. Big, her enormous breast almost but not quite touching his armrest, tantalizingly close but leaving any actual touching up to him.
"Cognac for you..." She said, placing the glass just above the right-hand side of his plate, "And a Mega-Milky-Milkshake for the lady," She continued, putting the milkshake at the empty place opposite him.
"Thank you," He said as Sheila returned to her waiting position, "I'm sure she'll enjoy it."

It was an awkward few minutes as Mr. Big checked his mobile, sorted his wallet, and sipped at his cognac. Going up on tip-toes to see over her breasts, Maddi could tell just how hard Riley was trying to maintain a neutral face, apparently not willing to jeopardize her tip by speaking out. Finally, after checking his extremely expensive watch (It looked nicer and more opulent than her father's) Maddi was releived to hear him say "All right, I suppose she's running late. Might as well start in on the salad."
"Right away, sir," Maddi said, stepping back from his chair and letting her breasts mercifully hang free.
"Did you have a preference?"
"Oh, I'll have the truffle salad. Edward's still working the salad bar, yes? He knows how I like it."
"Certainly, sir," Maddi said, nodding as she wrote on her pad.
"Oh, and could I get another milkshake, please?" He asked Sheila. "This one's started to melt."
"Oh, sure!" Sheila said, sweeping the milkshake up and setting it in her cleavage. "I'll just take this back to the kitchen and have them whip up another one."
"Excellent," He said, leaning back in his chair. "And while you're at it, would it be too much trouble to ask you to drink it?"
Maddi and sheila both stopped at the door, Maddi bracing one half of the door open with her bottom.
"Uh, drink it? Um, sir?" Sheila asked.
"Well, I mean, it just seems like such a waste otherwise," he said. "It's been paid for, somebody went to the trouble to make it, I figure someone should enjoy it."
"Um... sure!" Sheila said, forcing a smile. "Waste not, want not, after all!"
"Precisely!" Mr. Big exclaimed, beaming. "Thanks much!" He waved as they disappeared into the hallway.
"Oh, man..." Sheila said after the door closed, turning the milkshake in her cleavage so she could begin sucking it through the straw. "Oh, man..." She repeated after swallowing, shivering a bit.
"What- you're not actually going to drink that, are you?" Maddi asked. "Why not just toss them, how's he gonna know the difference?"
"It's a mega-milker," Sheila said, frowning after swallowing. "He'll know if I didn't drink it because I'll be the same size." She took another swallow, then pouted. "I mean, did you *See* how big he smiled at me?" She asked. Maddi could read the subtext of her statement; big smiles equals big tips.
"Well, all right," Maddi said, blinking as she came up to the kitchen and found four different salads already waiting for her, one of each off the menu. As she picked up the truffle salad and placed it on her bottom, then balefully wedged a pepper mill between her breasts, she looked over to Sheila's puckered-in cheeks as she sucked. "Just... don't make yourself sick, now."
"I can take it," Sheila said before taking another drag off her straw, which was followed by a slight creaking sound from her blouse. "...I just hope my top can," she said as she waited behind for them to finish the new milkshake.

"Your salad, Sir," Maddi said, serving the plate off her bum, also coming rather close to him but not for lack of trying; she was simply so large she didn't have Sheila's luxury of being able to back up to the table. Maddi had to pull up along side it like the Hood coming into berth or something, balancing how far the curves on her bum and her bosoms lurched to the side with every step.
"Thank you," He said, taking the salad and the fork and spearing a truffle with it. Maddi stood aside, feeling a little anxious. If those milkshakes really did make one's bosoms bigger, what would they do to poor Sheila? She was already huge to begin with! But then again, she thought, if anyone could-
"Miss Ellison?" He asked, fork half-raised.
"Uh, yes?" She said, starting a bit.
"Could I get you back to my chair, please?"
"Oh!" Maddi blinked, having totally forgotten. "Yes, of course, I'll just leave this here..." she said, fishing the pepper mill out of her bosom and setting it on the table before resuming her ridiculous position, her breasts squatting on the top of the chair like a pair of misshapen gargoyles. If anyone could stand walking around with such enormous bosoms, Maddi thought, resuming her interrupted line of contemplation, it would be Sheila. She'd certainly had the practice.
When the doors bounced open and Maddi got up on her tip-toes to see Sheila- all of her- she gaped. Her normally tight top was positively painted on her, breastflesh buldging out of the neckline on top. And from the bottom, there came the soft ruffling soung of cloth on carpet, as Sheila's bosoms literally brushed the ground with every shuffling step she took, both arms squeezed deep into the sides of her bosoms as she heaved the mass of flesh forward a foot at a time.
"Heeere we go..." Sheila said, leaning over and placing the milkshake in front of the vacant chair. She didn't play coy with her bosoms this time; as wide as they were, even the best twisting of her torso couldn't keep them off the arm of his chair, to say nothing of Riley's head and shoulders. "Would you like a refil on your cognac?" She asked, still chipper in spite of her newfound mobility problems.
"No, I think I'll wait until the next course comes," He said, dabbing his mouth with his napkin, "But could I get a glass of water for the time being?"
"Certainly, sir," Sheila said, smiling, grabbing her breasts and heaving them to the side a little bit at a time in order to turn around.
Maddi shook her head, frowning. She hoped this was all worth it. It took a good couple minutes for Sheila to make it down to the kitchen and back, which for a simple glass of water seemed worryingly long. When she came back, Sheila almost looked a little winded, which, upon retrospection, humping those enormous meatbags around surely was a workout.
"Your pasta is almost ready," Sheila sad as she handed him his water.
"Excellent," Mr. Big said, putting his salad fork in the empty bowl. "I suppose I'll have that second cognac now, too."
"Right away, sir," Sheila said, taking his empty glass, squishing into Riley's head so much on the lean over she nearly put Riley's face into the tablecloth. Maddi came around the other side and took Mr. Big's salad bowl, beating Sheila to the doors with room to spare, even going so far as to hold one of the doors with her bottom again, something she was loathe to do, but she couldn't reach with her arm without being turned in such a way that would make her more in the way than helpful.
"Thanks, Maddi," Sheila sad as she shuffled her way inside.
"Do you need, er, help, or anything?" Maddi asked as she followed slowly behind Sheila.
"Unless you've got a forklift and a pair of rollerskates," Sheila huffed as she schlepped her enormous bosoms down the hall, "I don'tknow that there's anything to do."
Maddi frowned as she followed behind Sheila, her heart sinking as she saw Trixie waiting impatiently at the crossroads between the kitchen and the restaurant proper.
"Good grief," Trixie said as Sheila leaned against the wall in order to let Maddi pass, though even then she still brushed against Sheila's titanic bosoms. "What is it?" She asked as she reached over and plucked the glass from Sheila's cleavage.
"Cognac," Sheila huffed, leaning into the floor-length breast on her right, only to be greeted with the sound of a popping seam. "Great," She muttered as Trixie strode off to the bar to fill her order.
"Are- are you sure you're all right, Shiels?" Maddi asked as she turned herself around in the intersection, trying not to run into Sheila with the plate of pasta balanced on her rear.
"I'll be fine," Sheila repeated. "Go on, don't keep him waiting."

Maddi had already served the pasta and resumed her position behind Mr. Big's chair when Sheila finally staggered in, replacing his Cognac and standing off to the side to catch her breath. It was a mercifully uneventful part of the meal, Mr. Big simply eating his pasta, sipping his cognac, and making idle chatter with his table, though Riley actually being polite was still something it took Maddi a few listens to connect to the same Riley she knew.
"Hmm..." He said, checking his watch. "Late again..." He put his fork down, looking across at the empty seat in front of him. "Would you mind getting another replacement?" He asked, gesturing to the half-melted milkshake. "And do take care to dispose of it in the same manner."
"Uh..." Sheila started, her composure sliping for just a moment as she stared at the milkshake. "Uh, sure!" She said, plastering on a cheerful face again as she scooted over to the table, leaned over to get the milkshake, and set it in her cleavage again, already sucking on the straw as she began wrangling her bosoms towards the door. Maddi was going wide-eyed so often she was certain someone would mistake her for an owl from the neck up. The Gold Room became worryingly quiet, only the sound of Mr. Big's fork clinking againdst his plate echoing through the room.
"Mmm, marvelous," He said, setting his fork down on his plate. "Truly this place is without peer." Maddi held back a snort. He knew as well as she did that the uniqueness of the restaurant had nothing to do with the cuisine and everything to do with its conveyance.
"Can... can I take your plate?" She asked, hoping to go check on Sheila.
"Certainly," He said, wiping his mouth and folding his napkin back in his lap. "And a new fork while you're at it, if you would," He added. Maddi dutifully took the dishes and headed for the door.
"Oh, and while you're fetching the oysters," He added just as she reached the doors, "If you could pick a lobster out for me for the next course I'd appreciate it. Or a filet, one or the other."
"...Well, that's something of an odd request, sir," Maddi said, stepping back from the door and turning to Mr. Big.
"Howso?" He asked, a brow peeking out from over his glasses.
"If you wanted both, that would be one thing- what is it you Americans call it? 'Surf and Turf'?- but asking a complete stranger to choose between two vastly different meals for you seems..." Maddi searched for a word less demeaning than "foolhardy" but was coming up blank. "I mean, which do you prefer? Seafood is one thing, and beef quite another."
"Odd," Mr. Big said, leaning back in his chair. "From what I'd heard you were a rather decisive girl."
Maddi blinked, looking at the man and wondering what his game was. "Mr. Big- Sir- if I may be so frank, I will make decisions for myself at my leisure," She said, stepping towards him. "Making decisions for others, and deciding on such scant information, is a level of rudeness I usually associate with complete bell ends. If I knew more about your tastes and preferences, which, for a man who apparently prides himself on being enigmatic would seem counter-intuitive, then I would be able to make a judgement as to your most liely desire. But asking me to choose between beef and shellfish when I've spent more time around and had longer conversations with buskers in the tube, well, at that point you may as well have me flip a coin."

There was an awkward silence as Mr. Big rested one designer dress shoe on his knee, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his leg, steepling his fingers under pursed lips. Maddi wondered for a moment if she'd somehow offended him, but she figured that if he was looking for a decisive person, giving a wishy-washy answer would be anathema to that goal. Right when Maddi was about to ask if she could go get his blasted Oysters instead of standing around like a royal guard, he sprang back to life, putting his foot down and reaching into his pocket.
"Sounds like an excellent idea, then," He said, fishing a quarter out of his pocket. "Call it?" He said, setting the coin over his thumb and curled forefinger.
"Heads," Maddi immediately replied.
"So quick," Mr. Big commented as the coin sailed into the air with a "ting". "Why heads?" He asked as he caught the coin and clapped it onto the back of his fist.
"Because double-sided coins are always two heads," Maddi said dryly, a hand on her hip.
"You wound me," He said, picking up the coin and showing the head to Maddi, then turning his wrist so she could see the tails side as well. "Filet mignon it is. Right after my oysters," He said, putting the coin back in his pocket.
Maddi had just turned back to the doors when they jolted open, though she only got a glimpse of Sheila's back before the doors shut again, only a sliver of Sheila visibe before she lurched backwards again, slowly forcing her way through the door as she dragged her enormous bosoms one lurch at a time, appearing to move in slow motion as each lurch was delicately applied so as to not spill either of the drinks in the top of her cleavage, her breasts billowing out of her straining top from the drom to above her head. Maddi froze at the slowly-approaching wall of flesh, Sheila's bosoms beyond anything she could've ever imagined, even for the de rigeur unnaturalness of the establishment.
"Ms. Watson is a perfectly capable waitress, Ms. Ellison," Mr. Big said, startling the other waitresses into the present. "Unlss she's in need of your assistance, I believe I have Oysters Rockefeller waiting for me?"
"I'm fine," Sheila said immediately, Maddi backing up as Sheila's back neared her bosoms. "Go on and get the oysters, Maddi."
Maddi went around the table, trying not to stare at the distressed top or the wildly buldging bosoms it was barely containing, seeing Sheila's fingertips reaching over the crest of her bosoms as she tried to even reach the two drinks, much less handle them delicately.

Maddi hurried down the hall, jostling her way to the kitchen, ignoring the plate of oysters set on the waystation and looking down towards the dining room.She hurried past the breakroom, taking only a moment to poke her head inside and make sure it was empty, before she burst into the dining room, breasts and buttocks swaying dangerously from side to side as she went down the hallways looking for-
"Trixie!!" Maddi nearly shouted as she saw the hourglassed brunette walking down the aisle. Trixie did something akin to a double-take, her face screwing up in a mix of surprise and shock.
"What..." Trixie said, marching stright into Maddi, her bosoms pressing Maddi backwards as she hissed a whisper through her teeth, "Are you doing out here? Where's Mr. Big?!"
"You- you've got to help Sheila!" Maddi managed as she stumbled backwards, trying to kep her balance as she was herded back towards the doors to the breakroom.
"Sheila?" Trixie asked, still pressing Maddi backwards a step at a time by her bosoms but now slightly less menacingly, "What about Sheila?"
"She can barely move! That creep has her downing those milkshakes one after another, they're dragging on the ground and she can barely move!"
At this Trixie actually stopped, Maddi's bum bracing the double-doors to the back area open. "...So?" She said, blinking and shaking her head.
"What do you mean, 'so'?" Maddi said. "He's got-"
"No," Trixie said, cutting Maddi off. "What did I say? You do. Not. Say. 'No'. to Mr. Big, not for anything."
"But she's-"
"Going to have to deal with it if she wants to work the Gold Room!" Trixie said, pushing Maddi the rest of the way into the back area where customers couldn't see them.
"You've got to do *something*!" Maddi demanded. "The poor girl can't move!"
Trixie bit her lip, looking off to the side as she thought. "Fine," She said, reaching into her cleavage and pulling out the pill container. "Have her take this, it'll help her get around better," She said, handing Maddi a single capsule through the valley of their compressed bosoms.
"Thank you," Maddi said, "It was getting-"
"Now get back to work," Trixie said, disengaging and swinging around in the hallway, her rear bashing Maddi's bosoms sidways and causing the girl to ricochet off the wall.
"...You did that on purpose, you bint," Maddi muttered to herself as she went back to the kitchen, rubbing the side of her breast where Trixie had run into it. She picked up his fork and Oysters and put them on her rear, hurrying back to the Gold Room (albeit at a slower pace so as to not jostle the oysters on her rump.) She was halfway back when she remembered she hadn't put in his order for the filet mignon, a bare-toothed scowl crossing her face as she hurried back to the kitchen and back to the doors.
"I do apologize," She said as she entered the Gold Room, seeing Sheila -barely- back against the wall, her cheeks flushed from exertion and her head barely visible between her enormous, jutting breasts. "There was something of a traffic jam at the kitchen."
"I thought the hallways here were fairly wide?" Mr. Big asked as Maddi set the oyster plate down.
"Oh, yes, quite," Maddi replied, leaning over to set the new fork in just the right place, her rear mashing against the back of Riley's head. "But, ah, well, when each 'vehicle' takes up as much space as we do..." She said, gesturing to her bosoms, "Well, you can imagine."
Mr. Big's eyebrows once again shot over the tops of his glasses, a large, toothy grin splitting his face. "Yes, yes I can. Frequently, in fact." He said.
Maddi managed to wait until he turned to his oysters to roll her eyes, returning to herposition behind his chair. She still had the pill in her hand, but Sheila's eye was hard to catch given the narrow range of her vision between the fleshy monoliths her breasts had become. At least she was getting some time to catch her breath.
With time to actually let her mind wander, Maddi wondered about Mr. Big's date. Was she held up somehow? Had she decided not to show? Mr. Big himself seemed curiously unperturbed at his half-empty table for two...
"Is... Is there a number you would perhaps like us to call, Sir?" Maddi ventured.
"Hm? For what?" He asked, putting another empty shell in the stack.
"For your date," Maddi offered. "A number she could be reached at? Perhaps she got turned around somewhee along the way?"
"Oh no, she knows how to get here," He said, "I'm sure of it."
"All right, I'm sorry for bringing it up," Maddi said, fidgeting behind him.
"Oh no, I appreciae the concern," He said, taking a sip of his drink. "She'll be here." He continued.
"Yes sir."

Mr. Big shook his drink, the ice echoing cleanly against the glass. "Hm, I seem to be dry. Ms. Watson, if you would...?"
At first, Maddi couldn't tell the Sheila had heard him- it wasn't until a few seconds later when her breasts began to shift clockwise on the ground that Maddi realized she was trying to shift her enormous bosoms laterally, trying to drag them not just backwards but around each other. It was more than a minute for Sheila to drag herself around to the table, crossing less than a dozen feet.She reached back behind her, taking his empty water glass, then his cognac, before looking at the half-melted milkshake and asking with a smile on her lips and pure dread in her eyes, "Anything else?"
Mr. Big simply gestured to the milkshake, and Sheila set it in her cleavage, looking at the looming staw like a cobra flaring its hood.
Maddi frowned at Sheila as she dragged her breasts along the ground, slowly making her way to the doors. Maddi's mind raced, the capsule feeling sticky in the sweat of her palm. Maddi leaned around the side of her breasts to try and get a look at Mr. Big's plate, seeing he still had a good handful of oysters to go before Maddi could take his plate.
"Ah! Ah, excuse me, Sir," Maddi said, an idea coming to mind, "But you never specified how well-done you wanted yor filet..."
"Oh, how silly of me," Mr. Big said, genuine surprise in his voice. "I got so wrapped up in choosing that I forgot. Go tell them I'd like it on the rarer side of medium, would you?"
"At once, Sir," Maddi said, dragging her breasts off the side of his chair and hurrying to get the droor before Sheila got there, Maddi's bum pressing Sheila briefly into her cleavage as she opened the doors for her friend.
"Here," Maddi whispered, reaching her hand over Sheila's shoulder, "Take this, it'll help you get along easier."
"What's this?" Sheila whispered back, taking the pill. "Where'd you get this? It's not gonna shrink my boobs, is it? He'll notice..." She said, finally getting far enough into the hallway for the doors to close.
"I honestly don't know," Maddi said, "But you can barely move, and-" Maddi's ears perked as she heard another seam on Sheila's top pop- "and if you don't do something you'll be stuck in place."
Sheila sighed. "I guess you're right," She said as she popped the pill in her mouth, "Buh I howp thith dunnit effeh mah typ," She continued, holding the pill between her teeth as she reached up for the milkshake to wash it down.
Maddi continued down the hallway to relay the filet instructions, only to spin around when she heard Sheila yelp. Maddi's eyes popped wide enough she feared her eyes would roll right out of their sockets as she saw Sheila's normally petite bum- well, at lerast for this place- swelling ferociously, her cheeks spilling out of the bottoms of her shorts as she continued to pull baackwards. The orange denim creaked and stretched, small tears appearing at the frayed edges as her ham-hocks jufddered and shook their way out from underneath it, her bum and thighs swelling almost down to her knees as the two orbs touched, the start of Sheila's bum-cleavageenvelloping her shorts as they grew.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Sheila yelped as her hands flew to her backside, grabbing and pulling great fistfuls of flesh out fron under her shorts, trying to adjust the garment into a position to allow the growth of her backside to continue unchecked by her shorts. "Ahh! Wedgie!" Sheila winced as her rump continued to grow and swell, now twice as wide as her shoulders and surging up above her waistline. By the time the growth subsided, Sheila's rear was nearly as large as Maddi's was, though with only a tiny pair of shorts instead of Maddi's giant circus-tent pants, Sheila's gigantic bacside fairly envelloped the tiny garment; truth be told, Maddi couldn't swear under oath that she could tell whether or not Sheila was wearing pants at all, only massive expanses of thick, meaty butt-flesh visible from her current vantage point.
"Maddi!" Sheila exlaimed, looking over her shoulder. "*This* is what Trixie gave you?!"
"I-that- don't look at me!" Maddi exclaimed, holding her arms out. "You want me to tell you what that crazy bint is thinking?"
"How on earth am I supposed to move around with these now in addition to my boobs?!" Sheila cried out. "It's not like I can just- whoa!" She exclaimed, lurching backwards and sliding her bosoms a good couple feet before she took a step back and caught herself. "Wow..." She said, blinking, "That a lot of weight to heave around..."
"Welcome to my world," Maddi snorted, backing up to the kitchen and relaying Mr. Big's order. Looking back at Sheila, all she could do was shake her head. By the restaurant's reckoning, what was Sheila at, now? A 7-4? An 8-4? Did the scale even go that high? And all this for a shot at a big tip. What must be going through the poor dear's head, she wondered. As Sheila struggled her way down the hall, Maddi wondered if there were any lengths Sheila wouldn't go to in order to get that four-figure tip from Mr. Big, and felt a twinge of profound sadness that Sheila was in such dire financial straits that she had to debase herself so.
"You poor, dumb, proud, stupid, stubborn, admirable git..." Maddi said under her breath as she started making her way back to the gold room.
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