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Unread 10-17-2012   #25
Smutty Lady
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Re: Layers - Short Story

Sorry chapter 5 is taking so long but stuff got in the way and it's a large chapter - 13,000 words so far. I should have it done tomorrow. Has both TG and TF in it
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Unread 10-17-2012   #26
What would you rather be?
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Re: Layers - Short Story

No worries; as always, I'm looking forward to it.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 10-17-2012   #27
Lurker/budding TG author
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Re: Layers - Short Story

Originally Posted by LycanDope View Post
Sorry chapter 5 is taking so long but stuff got in the way and it's a large chapter - 13,000 words so far. I should have it done tomorrow. Has both TG and TF in it
Unless you're turning the narrator back to normal, or change the other people from the orgy, I'm not sure how you could put more tg and tf in this story...

...not that I'm complaining.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 10-18-2012   #28
Smutty Lady
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Re: Layers - Short Story


Pleasure in darkness. My brain is foggy and I can feel myself struggling to wake up. Struggling because it feels like I weigh a ton. Fragments of the night before flash teasingly through my brain like a kinetoscope without a soundtrack. Sex. Claws. Fangs. Fur. Little flashes of memory whirling 'round and 'round as I try to make sense of things. There's a ... there are two pinpoints of pleasure hitting me as I wake - my chest and crotch. I crack my eyes, moaning at the weight on me. Elaine is on top of me, one hand on my lower stomach and another on her right breast, eyes closed, hips gyrating. My right hand is on her left thigh. My left hand is tussled in Stephen's hair, fingers twined through strands as I hold him to my chest, massaging and rubbing him. His mouth is warm and wet against my nipple and that, more than Elaine, is making my toes curl. He's rolling and licking the nipple, making little "mmmm" sounds as he does. I reach for his dick and he hunches, moving himself closer so I can grab it's thickness in my hand. He murmurs his approval and I can feel a small bit of pre-cum on the head of his dick. My mouth waters at the memory of sucking on him the night before. He kisses me briefly before bending back down to my nipple.

Elaine feels amazing. Her lithe body like a dancer focused on her moves, alone in a crowd. I watch her body flexing as she rides me. she rides me...

No. No!

"No!" I yell ? out loud this time. They both freeze, almost comically. I grip Stephen's hair and pull, hard. My nipple comes out of his mouth with a wet pop, his dick slipping through my hand as he backs away. I start to push Elaine off of me but she gets the hint and pulls off to sit on the edge of the bed near my legs.

My dick slaps against my lower stomach, wet from Elaine's pussy. I can feel it throb against me. MY dick. Goddammit! I scramble back, hugging my knees to my chest, face to my knees and my eyes closed. I should tell them to get the fuck out of my house but I can't even look at them. Can't even talk. They saw. They saw me as a man. I feel sick. I kissed Stephen. As a man. Held his dick. Wanted to suck his dick. As a man. My stomach clenches, hard muscles tensing, threatening to empty itself. Yeah, I see the logic problem here. I was the same person last night, just different looking. Different equipment. That doesn't make what I'm experiencing right now any different. I can't help it.

"Why?" I gasp, still curled into a tight ball. I want to vanish. I'm crushing my body against my legs and it hurts a little. My balls ache and I wish I could crush them into non-existence. The nipple Stephen was sucking on aches dully.

I can hear them both move slightly. Possibly looking at each other? There's a slight pause but then Elaine answers. She sounds unsure. "Why what?"

Now it's my turn to hesitate. "You remember last night, don't you? You remember me. How I was then. Why? You see me now. Why are you two doing this?"

Another pause as she or they consider it. Stephen shifts his weight on the bed and it feels like he's moving towards me. I lean away from him and he stops whatever he was doing. Elaine answers again. "Because. You're... you're you."

I lift my head and look at her, taking care to keep Stephen out of my peripheral vision. Elaine is sitting with her legs crossed, hunched slightly, arms crossed with her hands on her ankles. It hurts me to look at her for some reason. She looks completely honest and open and pretty. She has a sprinkle of freckles above her small, perky breasts. I can't help but look at her slightly hairy pussy. She was neatly trimmed last night. She's obviously wet and the scent from her pussy is keeping me hard - I can smell her on me.

We watch each other for a moment. "I don't get it." I tell her, finally. "Look at me. I'm not me. I'm not the woman from last night. Don't lie to me. Just fucking look!" I'm kneeling now as I yell at her. She flinches from my voice but she looks - head to knees to crotch to head.

She blinks and shrugs. "I know. I know you're not the woman from last night. But, you are. I... I don't know how to say it but... you smell the same. Only not exactly like that. Not exactly like a smell. But I know it's you. And, yeah, I'd like to know how the hell that happened but when I woke up, all I saw was you and something moved in me and ... I just wanted you." Her voice is quiet at the end. Like a small child. She's looking down at the bed as she continues. "And it doesn't make sense but it is what it is. Even now I want to touch you and feel your arms on me. I have this urge to make you happy and I can't help it. I know you're different. You're not a woman now but you're still you. That's what I mean."

My heart aches looking at her. I want to hold her, too. It's not that we've had sex. It's not even completely that she looks like a sad chastised child. There's something else that I can't put my finger on. Something that makes me simultaneously want to comfort and protect her and something that makes me want to take her. To mount her and fuck her until I'm filling her with my cum. Elaine looks up, almost as if she can feel my desire. Her eyes are small and hopeful.

Stephen's presence weighs heavy to my left. I can feel him there. Hear his breathing. There's something almost like a heat coming from where he sits. I feel myself tugged by him as well. Something that makes me want him. I gnash my teeth against it. A small growl bubbles up. It shouldn't bother me. I mean, it should. On some level, it should. I was physically a woman last night but still me. That should've bothered me ? that I?m still mentally a man and I was sucking a guy?s dick. And me touching him this morning should bother me. Then there?s this ache in the pit of my stomach. The way my mouth waters at the thought of tasting our cum on him? that should sure the hell bother me. This fucking body! It's making me want it even though it's wrong. It's MAKING me.

My voice is harsher than I've ever heard it. There's an edge to it and I feel the anger in my body. "You want to make me happy? You want that?" Elaine nods at me, eyes lowered. "Then come here and give me your ass." She doesn't hesitate. She crawls to me and then turns, presenting herself, ass in the air and head down, hands gripping the sheets.

"Please." Is all she says.

I grab her ass and lean in to taste her. She's wet and I feel her shudder against my mouth. She pushes into me and I suck at her cunt. I don't notice Stephen move until his hand touches my shoulder. I recoil from him and pull off of Elaine. My eyes are wild and angry as I finally look at him. This man that outweighs me by at least 60 lbs and all of it muscle. This naked man with a hard dick bigger than mine.

This supposedly completely straight man.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yell at him. I shouldn't be this angry. I've never been an outwardly angry person. Ever. I expect him to get angry. I expect both of them to tell me to eff off and then leave. I welcome that. They don't. Stephen scrambles back, pushing himself into a corner, knees pulled up. Elaine whines slightly and wriggles her ass at me, reminding me that she's there and waiting. Her back is strong. I want to run my fingers down her. I want to touch her and nuzzle against her. I've never had a woman as beautiful as she is. Something about her makes my heart ache in this strange way.

I take my mostly hard dick into my hand and push into her. She cries out and pushes hard back, impaling herself on me. Something about the extra movement - the unasked for movement - pisses me off and I grab the back of her neck hard, pushing her down on the bed. If anything, she gets even more wet. I lean forward on my left hand while holding her, digging my toes into the bed as I fuck her. Growling, gnashing my teeth, so damn angry at nothing and everything at once. My loss. The situation. That fucking man.

Her orgasm pushes my dick out and I'm ashamed that I'm not even completely hard. I just pop out of her as she cums. All that rage, all that anger and I can't even stay hard while fucking a woman. Jesus wept.

"Can... can I touch myself?" Stephen's voice is unexpected and hesitant from the corner of the room.

Oh Christ. I can't... this is just too much. I sit back as the anger drains out of me. Eyes closed with my hands pressed against them. "Just go." I tell them. "Don't say another word and just go. Please. I can't deal with this. I can't. I just fucking can't."

They go. Quietly. Without a word. I hear them gather their clothes and keys and who knows what else. They could be robbing me blind and I wouldn't care. The front door opens and closes and I still sit in the same position.

I can't even cry about it. I just stare at the bed thinking about nothing at all. Purposefully thinking about nothing. Pushing away any coherent thought when one threatens to rear its ugly head. I feel empty and nauseous at the whole thing. My clock glares at me - a little after 7 AM. Too damn early. They must've turned off my alarms because nothing is screaming at me right now. I contemplate just going back to sleep but I don't think I can. I'm tired but unsettled. Keyed up. Goddamn chest hur...

My fingers pause mid-scratch on my chest. Fingernails that I shouldn't have brushing against a very, very slight swell that shouldn't exist. Just inches away from a fat nipple still slightly wet and happy from Stephen's mouth. Was that what he was sucking on? It's not gone completely this time? I look down and see both of my nipples are exactly like they are when I'm a woman - brown and large. Odd on my nearly flat hairless chest. My dick aches and the sight excites me but I can't seem to get completely hard.

So, I do cry now. It's not like yesterday where I have no idea why it's happening. At least, I hope I'm right about why. Yesterday it took a while before it started. Today... perhaps today I woke up to these nipples. Maybe tomorrow I wake up as a woman. And then maybe I stay that way. It's maddening. I don't know what the rules are. I don't know why this is happening, how long it'll last or anything about it. All I know is, I want it back. I want it back and I don't want it to go away. I... I don't even care about the werewolf stuff. At all. If it was just the woman... if it was just her... I would like that. I've never even had a fetish about it. Never even been curious. But, having experienced it - having felt what it means, I want it. Badly. I'd give anything for it to stay. All of that goes through my head while I shake quietly from the tears.

And so, when I can feel a slight tug on my ass, I smile tremulously. It feels like some has their fingers in my skin, directly massaging the nerves and muscles. It surprisingly doesn't hurt but it makes me wriggle a little. I can feel myself filling out. I can see the skin pushing out when I look down. Smoothing out the few little wrinkles and folds in my skin. My thighs are next and I can't seem to control them - little tiny muscle spasms tug and pull at me and all I can do is watch. Thickening. Muscles growing under the slight padding of fat and skin as they grow to match my larger ass. I feel the way the new muscles connect to the ass cheeks. There's a slight itch as nerves and muscles combine, pulling the ass firm, fitting the way my hips flair out as - there's a muffled cracking sound that makes me gasp. Bones rearranging. It does hurt now. That dull ache is back inside of me and my dick immediately goes limp. I've never seen that happen. One moment it's semi-hard, throbbing and leaking pre-cum and the next it's just down and smaller as if a switch was flipped.

My balls shrivel up like it's suddenly freezing. The skin contracts within seconds and I almost feel like I've been kicked in the nuts. But, no wonder. I watch in semi-horror as one side of my sack dimples in and there's this sensation like... like... a bit like sucking a grape hard through a straw. Only the straw is somewhere in my pelvis and the grape is one of my testi... there goes the other one. Fuck. That's not pleasant. Not at all. My ball sack hangs empty like a deflated balloon, close to my crotch since it's still shriveled. It?s actually really gross to see. There are things going on in my stomach. Moving around. Things that - oh, yup, that's... yup.

I lean over the side of my bed and puke, stomach heaving. I can't help it. Whatever is happening in my stomach or pelvis or whatever the fuck it is hurts bad. Very bad. And there's this sudden rush of something all over my body that makes me feel extremely queasy. Cold sweat shaking kind of queasy as if I just took a huge amount of some drug or something. My nipples brush against my blanket and I wish they'd stop because even though I'm puking, they're distracting me.

But then the whatever-it-was is gone and I'm feeling too happy. Manic almost. Everything is suddenly funny and bright. I'm still shaking and sweating and dry heaving but laughing in-between it. Like a crazy person. It's just... it's just... I don't fucking know... everything... But then it all drops out and I'm crying. Sobbing. It's terrible. Like my whole family died in ... no, now that's passed. It's ping-ponging back and forth but getting shorter between peaks.

"Fuuuu-!" Crunch. My throat goes bad and it hurts. Fingers to my throat and I'm gasping through a furnace of pain. I need to throw up again but I can't. I can't even breathe. Nothing is coming out and I'm gasping for any air at all. Tossing and flopping on the bed because I didn't get a good deep breath before it... oh, fuck. There it goes. I can breathe again. Thank fucking god. And the weird emotional stuff has passed, too. My stomach clenches again and it hurts but it?s empty and the nausea is starting to pass. I bury my face in the bed, smelling the sex from last night. All of us mixed together. My ass is in the air and the memory of what that means stirs things inside of me. Things that weren't there this morning.

When I'm sure I won't suddenly throw up again, I sit back. I think my legs are longer. Somehow along the way it looks like they've stretched out. My thighs aren't quite as thick as just a minute ago and I have calf muscles again. My feet are about the same size as a man but the toes are ... longer? Skinnier? I can't tell but something is definitely different. More feminine in a subtle way. All of it smooth. The skin from ass down is a creamy white color with a hint of a tan.

My ball sack is still hanging loose and shriveled. I touch it gently but feel nothing. I can't even feel my own touch. Like there's nothing there. I push harder and my finger pushes the skin inside me. THAT is fucked up. My pussy is in place and waiting. It doesn't hurt so I push all of it inside. While I can't feel my scrotum anymore, I can sure the hell feel my pussy and it makes me gasp. My fingers slide around inside with the skin. There're no pussy lips or anything - it's just this long hole leading into me. But then, my scrotum separates and reattaches. While I?m touching it. That almost pushes me into throwing up again but I hold it back. A wave of prickling heat burns along the walls of my pussy and then my fingers just press all the way inside. Deep inside, I?m wet but it?s dry just at the entrance of my pussy. For just a moment and then I'm completely wet. And warm. So warm.

I've missed this feeling. I missed it so much. The feeling of a pussy. I can't stop touching and rubbing myself, even as I watch extra skin grow from the edge of the pussy. Lips. I wish I could see them better but at least I can feel them. Extra skin from the outside of the pussy is pulled and bunched into my labia and I feel another rush of heat as they fatten, becoming engorged. It's intense. I'm aching in a good way now. It makes my breath catch and my heart starts fluttering. I remember. I remember offering myself to Stephen last night. Forcing his dick into my wet pussy. Feeling the way he opened me. Feeling the way my pussy eagerly pulled him in. And then, oh Jesus. The knot. Fuck. My hips buck and roll, rocking at an imaginary dick pushed deep into me. My fingers go to my mouth and I suck at my fingertips, feeling the hard long nails against my tongue. Moaning as I lick them. Tasting myself. Eyes closed, remembering myself being mounted and the way the hard knot hurt and felt amazing at the same time.

I don't notice when my dick is pulled in or the way the skin folds around, forming my clit. At least I don't notice until I touch myself and that wire goes live against. Goes straight to the pit of my stomach with an electric pulse, making my legs jerk and pull in. Making me open my pussy with two long, feminine fingers hooked into myself, scratching lightly against that one particular spot. Feeling the way my ass moves as I grind my hips against my fingers. The pressure builds inside of me as I push harder and harder, faster, no longer trying to touch anything specifically - just fucking myself with my fingers. More and more and more - I want it all. And then, release. I scream and the voice is the woman's voice. Shrill and high and loud until I bury my face in my pillows, still screaming. My body is shaking like it usually does and my hand is completely soaked in my cum. My thighs as well - warm liquid completely covers my upper thighs and my ass. I've squirted again. Oh god. Please. Please let this stay. Please let me stay like this. I'm not religious but I say that small prayer as I'm shivering and quaking from the orgasm.

When my body work again, I sit up and back against a pillow. The smell of my cum is strong. I can see the way it looks on my pussy and the area around it. Slick. I love the way my thighs feel and how sensitive they are after I cum. The way it feels to scratch my inner thighs with my long nails, raising and lowering my thighs as I sit with them open and down. The way the air feels on my cunt and the way it feels inside: warm and hungry and wet.

My chest is still mostly flat. I can see myself in the standing mirror and my face is caught half-way between man and woman. I look away - I can't see myself as a man right now. I can't deal with it. Not right now. Instead, I grab where my tits should be and pinch my nipples. Oh Jesus. That's fucking amazing. It's the same thing as always but every time the feeling screams down my spine and stomach to dig into my cunt and make me want to be fucked. The skin around the nipples is loose and itchy so massaging them feels really good. The itch is deep but I grab and knead at the flesh to try to reach it. My shoulders and neck tickle, sending goose bumps down my arms. My hair is growing out. I feel it sliding against my scalp and ears and neck. Thick and blonde again.

There's slight popping sounds around my shoulders and back. I can feel movement all over but I don't want to look at what it's doing. In case the male part of me is still looking back. My shoulders are twitching so something? As a woman I was bigger in general so maybe I'm... haha... filling out? Speaking of that, I feel my tits now. Small. Rounded. Slightly rounded under my hands. I'd probably get sick again if I could see what was happening under the skin. Different things growing and forming. Glands or stuff? I should read about it. Fat tissues? They feel good. Really good. Soft even at this size. A small contented growl escapes my lips as I arch my back, stretching new muscles and luxuriating in the feeling of my tits. They're moving under my hands, rasping slightly as they grow larger. The itching intensifies and I watch the aureole grow as my tits become C cups. And then larger. Heavy. My chest in general has expanded from this morning. I AM bigger as a woman. Stockier but still curvy and sexy as fuck.

When I look in the mirror this time, she looks back at me and we both grin. It's done. Not even 8 AM and she's back. I'm back. I feel perfect. Happy. Incredibly happy and confident and like everything is going to be all right. I stretch, back arched, hands back, legs all the way out and toes pointed. And then to my hands and knees, head down, arms all the way out, wriggling side to side with my hips. And laughing. My breasts pull at me. The position is too tempting and I masturbate again with my legs spread, ass up and arm under me, rubbing at my clit and inside of myself. And again. It's a rush every time.

I finally break away from the bed and into the shower to clean off all of my cum. I'm tempted again in the shower but I tell myself I'll wait. I have a whole day ahead of me. Plenty of time to explore and experience things. I should remember to charge my camera and take more videos this time.

My hair is still a pain in the ass to dry. Somehow the thought of needing to buy a hair dryer makes me feel unreasonably happy. I nearly squeal from the thought of me standing as a woman, blow drying my hair. That probably means I'm stupid but, whatever. Dried off and dressed in my old clothes again. Ready for the start of a beautiful day. Even if there are dark clouds out there.

There's a small folded piece of paper on my living room floor. That's creepy.

Oh. Right. The couple from last night. I almost throw it away without reading it. I come very damn close to doing that. Like, standing at the trash can close. It takes effort to force myself to open it and my stomach is full of butterflies. The handwriting is fast and messy but distinctly female: "Call us. Don't care if man or woman." And a phone number. It chokes me up. Why? Not "Why does it choke me up" but (well, okay that too) more "Why are they doing this?" I don't understand. If it were me... if I were on the other side and saw that? Fell asleep to the woman and woke to a man?

No, not a woman. Part of it but... why do I keep forgetting the werewolf? Even now it's hard to mentally grasp. It happened last night - didn't it? I couldn't have imagined that. Changing. Watching them change. Do they remember it? What does that mean for things? Did I do that to them? How? Too many damn questions.

Calling is safe. Not being able to see their faces. Not being face-to-face. Safer. They can answer questions and I can hang up and never talk to them again if it goes bad. I dial.

It picks up almost immediately and it's Elaine's voice. She sounds overly eager. "Hello?"

"It's... do you remember from last night? And this morning? I'm... I'm back. As the woman." How lame that sounds. I wasn't prepared for this part. For how to introduce myself.

The phone rustles slightly and then I hear Stephen's voice, faint in the distant. Faint but relieved. "Oh, thank god." He says. Elaine speaks over him. "Yes. Yeah. Of course we remember. Thank you. Thank you for calling back. I - " She laughs and it almost sounds like she's about to cry but that can't be right. "We didn't think you'd call." I hear Stephen again: "Tell him I said thank you too!" Jesus. He sounds like some eager little boy.

"She." I tell Elaine. "Not he. She." I don't know why it bothers me or why it makes a difference with them but it does.

I hear a rustling and that specific weird scraping noise that tells me Elaine's covering the phone. I can still hear her. "Stephen, honey, I love you but if you fuck this up, I swear to god... It's 'she' not 'he'. She wants to be called she. She's a woman. Please, Stephen. Remember, okay? It?s important." The hand comes off and she's talking all cheerful like she wasn't just yelling at her husband. "I told him. Sorry about that! Are you still there?"

I weigh my options. Do I ignore that outburst? No. I need to know why. So, I ask. I ask her why it's important to her. There's a long pause and I start to wonder if she's hung up or something's happened. I'm about to ask if she's still there but she speaks up. "I don't know. Something happened. I can't remember everything last night. By the time we made it to the bedroom... everything after that is just this weird blur. But, waking up, seeing you? There was this immediate 'What the hell?' reaction. It was brief but it was there. I knew it was you as soon as I saw you. As soon as I ... smelled you. And... have you... have you ever been in love? Crazy stupid love? Where you get these warm fuzzy feelings and you feel like you'd do anything for the other person? That they have a piece of you? An important piece? It feels like that. Please don't laugh or be creeped out. I can't explain it except to say that it's there. For both of us. We've talked about it all morning. We're both anxious. We can't sit still. I... we..." She is about to cry. "I can't handle you being mad at me. I know how this sounds but we just want to be near you. We want... we need to see you again. Please? You're not mad at us, are you?"

What the fuck do I do with that? How do I even begin to respond to that? Both of them? Stephen? My memory of him is brief but trying to imagine him as needy or anxious or anything like that doesn?t work. Not from the little I know of him. And how does that even work with what he saw this morning? But, the funny thing? I can hear Elaine getting anxious and almost scared and it's doing something to me. I don't like it. I don't like hearing her unhappy. It makes me want to hurt something. It makes me want to bite something. I'm grinding my teeth as she finished talking and it's not because I'm mad at her. I apparently don't like hearing her under duress. I can hear Stephen asking about it - what I'm saying and whether I'm mad. He DOES sound anxious. I remember him last night. Feeling his warm arms around me, holding me up. Feeling that strength and comfort but then nearly tackling him in the bedroom because he was moving too slow for me. Nearly forcing myself on him. Wanting to hold him down and sit on his dick. I can feel my pulse speeding up at the memory. The duality of it - his warmth and protectiveness around me but then feeling my aggression and dominance kick in. It's there again now. I want to smack him and then fuck him right now. I'm so messed up.

She's waiting for me to talk. She can hear my breathing and she's waiting for me. I can at least answer. I can do that. "I'm not mad, Elaine." Her sigh is heavy with feeling. "I still don't know what's going on. This is completely new to me. All of this. This... being a woman. I don't know how or why exactly. I don't feel the same thing you do but there's something there. I..." I pause but then plow ahead. "I want to see you both again."

She squeals and I can picture it. It makes me smile and my heart does this little happy jump. She tells Stephen what I said and, while he doesn't squeal, I can hear the delight in his voice. I?m trying to talk over their little happy party but it takes me several tries to interrupt them.

Elaine is immediately apologizing. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm just... I can't believe it! I don't know why I feel this happy but I do. I seriously do. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh, thank you. When? Now? Can we see you now? When?"

"No. No, not now. Well, wait." I bite my lip while I think. I need clothes. I can't keep just wearing the same thing here. "Yes. But, can you do me a favor? Can you pick up some clothes for me? Just one set so I have something. And? underwear? I'll pay you back when I take out some cash." I'm blushing. Holy crap. I happily sucked a man's dick last night and I'm blushing at the thought of wearing women's underwear? Actually?

Elaine sounds like she's bouncing. I can hear her smile through the phone. "Are you kidding?! I'd LOVE to do it! I'll drag Stephen with me and we'll find something for you. I love shopping!"

Now I'M smiling. "Okay, then. Not much. Something simple? Do you remember how big I am? I don't know anything about sizes or anything. I'm just... I don't even know my bra size. Nothing crazy. And call me when you're close to here?"

"Yes! Oh gosh, yes! I'll find you something cute, sweetie. You don't worry about that. I think I remember your amazing body really well." I'm blushing again, damn her. "Okay! We're heading out right now and we'll be there in about an hour?" I tell her okay and I have to hang up first because she won't or can't stop talking about how excited she is. I have no idea how that isn't annoying as hell but it isn't. So far.

It's more like two hours before my phone rings. I'd been lounging. Catching up on news. Looking up porn. Looking up transgender things. Reading about menstrual stuff and women's health. Body diagrams. That kind of thing. So when my phone rings, it startles me but I answer and thank Elaine for letting me know she's on the way. Fifteen minutes later, my doorbell rings.

Elaine stands in the front this time with Stephen nervously standing behind her. She has both hands full with shopping bags so she ignored my "one set" comment, it looks like. She's beaming at me. It's almost painful to watch. I hug her and she goes to tip-toes to nuzzle against my cheek. It's not a quick little face hug - she's actually rubbing her cheek against me over and over and there's this little vibration deep in her throat that almost kind-of sort-of could be a low growl. I have to break it off. She looks a little dazed but is still smiling. Some part of me feels ... settled?? with her there.

Stephen goes for a hug while I go for a handshake and we do that awkward dance thing that ends in a half-hug that feels completely alien as a woman. Elaine is very pointedly not watching. He also smells my hair. Or takes a big whiff of me and my hair just happens to be there. That's kind of creepy. I feel that same odd thing with Stephen that I do with Elaine. Kind of like my family came home and I haven?t seen them for a long time. But, I also very specifically remember the way his dick had me spread open last night. I can feel my pussy relax and grow wet. Dammit.

I stand back quickly and wave them into the living room where I offer them the small couch. I make drinks for everyone but before I can take the one chair in the living room, Elaine is already digging through her bags. She eyes me, takes things out and then tosses most of the clothes onto the couch.

"Okay! I have some clothes! Let's go!" Before I can argue, she grabs my arm and pulls me into the bedroom. Once there, she empties the shopping bag - three shirts, two slacks, some panties, various bras and a black bag. It looks suspiciously like a makeup bag but I ignore it for now. I want to touch the clothes but I feel nervous. Not ashamed but...? No, I don't quite know what it is but I hesitate.

Elaine is watching me. "You'll need to get naked, honey." She tells me. 'Honey.' I don't know how to respond to that. At all. It feels weird. I'm shy getting naked but I do. Elaine is biting her lip and her cheeks are red. "Oh. Oh, yes. You're beautiful." I turn away, arm across my breasts and hand covering my pussy. Blushing again. This is embarrassing. She's seen me naked. We've had sex of a kind. Why am I bothering to cover myself? I turn and take my hands away. It's hard to do but I do it.

Her eyes are crawling over my body as if she's memorizing every curve and line. I can smell her pussy again. It's faint but I can smell it. She's very wet. It stirs something in me and my teeth are starting to itch. I clear my throat and she blinks up at me. "Right. Yes. Clothes. Right."

Bras are weird. All I've had so far is my somewhat tight old shirt and it was thick enough so that it actually held the breasts in a bit. But bras? Weird. Elaine shows me how to put it on but I can't reach my arms around properly and I get frustrated when she keeps trying to teach me. So, instead, I put the padding in the back, strap in the front so I can see what I'm doing while I hook it. And then I pull it around and stuff my breasts in it. It's tight and it feels like it's cutting into me. I have to kind of dig my hands into the sides and shift my tits around to settle them. Not sexy at all. Not at all. Elaine finds it amusing and is biting back her laughter.

Two of the five panties she brought don't fit but the other three feel great. Silky on my skin but otherwise like they aren't there. There is no scrotum for the underwear to pinch on or a dick that?s getting in the way and pressing on things or anything like that. It?s all flat and awesome.

There are two shirts, black and dark green. The black one fits and that makes me happy. Nine times out of ten, I'll go for a darker color like black. It's...hmmm... low cut. It shows off my tits. No way around that. I have to adjust it so my bra doesn't show and, when I do that without Elaine having to tell me, she does let out a cute little laugh before biting her lip again. Her eyes are shining from unshed laughter. Damn her. The fabric feels great. Soft. Slightly stretchy. I like it. The pants are just slacks. Again, nice material and it holds everything in without being too tight.

My ass is FANTASTIC. I have to turn over and over in the mirror to look. I hear a loud and very obvious "Mmmmhmmmmmm" from Elaine as I look over my shoulder at myself with my hands on my hips. I look amazing. Blonde hair, heart shaped face and curves to die for. Very, very slight dimples on my cheeks.

"Now." Elaine says. "Now we finish you off." She hops onto the bed and sits with her legs crossed, black bag in her lap.

"Oh no." I tell her. "Huh-uh. I'm good. I don't need it."

"No, you don't. You really absolutely don't. But, let me show you something. Please." Fuck her and her pleading little puppy dog eyes. I choke back a snarl and sit in front of her.

I have no idea what goes on. Every time she comes at my eyes with some pencil looking thing, I jerk back and ask what she's doing. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. My heart is pounding. She could put my eye out with those goddamned things. She has these thick poofy brushes tipped with pale brown powder, black pencils, some eye curling thing that makes me want to weep and... I eventually just let go. I give into it. Like some dog resigned to the bath that he knows is coming whether he wants it or not. Whether she wants it or not.

After an eternity, she's done. She says nothing but points to the mirror. I'm scared but I turn. Oh. Oh, okay. Yeah. It's... subtle. I thought I'd look like some cheap prostitute with all the things she was using on me but you can barely tell it's there. The faint black eye lining and eyelashes, blush and god knows what else just enhances my features. I look incredible but not fake. That's the important part. Just accentuated.

"No fucking kidding, Elaine. You're amazing. Look at me." I touch my face carefully, as if it's a mask waiting to just come away. It doesn't. "Maybe... ummm... maybe some day you can show me how you do that." I look over her way and wish I hadn't. She's about to cry for real. Her lips are trembling. I want to nuzzle her and reassure her. What was she scared about? Was she worried I wouldn't like it? Or had she been so worried that I wouldn't want to see her again? Fuck it, I give her a hug and then I DO nuzzle against her, murmuring nothing but reassurances. She relaxes against me.

When we walk out, Stephen is in exactly the same position on the couch. He stares. Hard. I look away and feel like a fool. "What?" I ask him.

"You're stunning." He's breathless as he says it. Almost worshipful. Now I REALLY can't look at him and instead, flop down in my little chair. It somehow feels really good to be dressed. Properly dressed in clothes that fit me now. More comfortable. More relaxing. I sit with my legs out and to the sides and my arms on the arm of the chair, looking at the floor. Not at all lady-like but it's how I've sat most of my life. Elaine cuddles up next to her husband and a quick glance shows she's doing that beaming "I wasn't just about to cry" look again. I sigh.

"So," I say. They wait. Expectantly. Shit. What was I going to say? How do I even begin? I can't think of a smooth way to do it so I just start with who I am. Standard childhood, parents that did their best with me and we still keep in touch when we can. I love them and try to remember to call them on holidays but they live in another state so that doesn't happen often. I wasn't a popular kid in school but I wasn't picked on a lot, either. Some but not a lot. Mostly I was just ignored and that means I have a hard time with people. And, because of that, I'm not exactly the most confident person around. My tongue gets tied and I stress easy. Usually I get steam-rolled. I've dated a few times and they never seem to end well. The lady just gets bored and we end up breaking up. Not their fault. I think I'm a good guy but I usually deferred to the woman and couldn't ever come up with things to do when we were together. A degree in accounting from the local college with decent grades and the job in the credit department while I procrastinate on studying for the CPA exam.

And then the box. This part is hard. I hesitate. I pause. I blush. I look away. I tell them that I like werewolves first. That's hard to do but they have to know for the rest of it to make sense. I don't tell them that I fucked the suit. No way in hell. I tell them I tried it on. And how things felt different after that. The little things the next day and then the big changes the day after that. And then again this morning and how it happened faster. How I'm still me but I see things slightly different. I try to frame it in the sense that I have this body - this gift of a sort and I just want to experience things. But I admit that I want it now. That the thought of being fucked actually turns ME on now.

And then I finish. "I don't know how or why but you saw it. You saw me this morning. I'm not making it up."

"Do you think it's permanent now?" Elaine asks. They both look fairly serious. Considering.

I look at her and frown. "I hope so but I don't know anything about it. That's why I made last night happen with Craigslist. What if it isn't permanent and I only have a little time to experience life as a woman? That's the biggest reason I decided to try sex with a man. I have these lady parts so why not try them out with the real deal? The body certainly agrees with me. I just have to see something or think of something and it just reacts." Speaking of reactions, Stephen has a boner. Has had a boner, I think. I can't help it. I remember last night again and it makes things all slippery inside of me. See? Can?t help it. I?m just along for the awesome ride.

"I asked Elaine on the phone this morning. I asked her why she did that this morning even though I was a man then. Why you, Stephen? The email said you were straight. Very much so. Didn't it bother you?" I have to know what he thinks. He's been quiet most of this time but I need to know.

Stephen looks at his clasped hands in front of him. It's his turn not to be able to look at me. "I agree with Elaine. I am straight. I still am. You're a woman. I see that. I saw that last night and you're the same. That's what I know. This morning..." He frowns and it looks like he's considering his words. He is a handsome man with the slight grey and few wrinkles. He just looks like he's had a lived-in life and enjoyed it while learning about so much. Very different than what I had as I mostly drifted along. "This morning, I could tell it was still you. That was you as a woman. Even before I saw that your...ahhhh.... your nipples were the same. You were a man but you had a woman's nipples. Still. Still if it was anyone else, nothing. Would've been freaked out and horrified and probably ran out. But there was something about you. You're pulling on me even now and it was the same this morning. It's almost as if I could smell that it was still you as a woman. And when Elaine started, I got riled up and joined in. I've gone over it mentally and the thought of two guys fucking still doesn't make me excited. It was... it just felt different this morning. With you."

He looks up at me now. "When you told me to sit in the corner, I went. That's never happened before. Ever. But I found myself moving before I even knew what I was doing. And then... oh boy, this is hard for me to say. When you were fucking Elaine, I really wanted to jack off. But every time I went to do it, I couldn't. There was a block. It felt like I'd be disrespecting you and I have no idea why."

He coughs. "So. Dammit. So I asked. I felt pathetic and stupid but I had to ask. I know that if you'd said I could, it'd be all right. But if you'd said no then I couldn't do it. I wouldn't have been able to touch myself. How dumb is that?" He's back to looking at his hands. His knuckles are white and they shake slightly. Elaine puts her hand on his wrist and I feel this urge to go to him. Like with Elaine, the thought of him hurt bothers me. I don't even know these people but I keep getting this little protective vibe. Oh. That's the word my mind's been searching for. Ownership. It feels like I own them and should take care of them. What the hell?

I stand. Hesitate. Look at Stephen. And then walk to him, kneeling in front of him. He's still not looking at me. I take his hands, a little larger than mine by not by much, and separate them, putting them on the couch. The next part isn't nearly as hard as it should be. I lean in between his legs and kiss him on the lips. He's surprised by it but then I feel his hand on my back as he joins in. It's a hard, rough kiss and we both have to break away. I stare lustily at him and wipe my mouth, feeling the lipstick rub against the back of my hand. He's watching me. Wanting me. He groans when I grab his dick through his pants. His hands go to my hair, stroking me, massaging slightly. It's a good feeling - one I hadn't ever had done to me as a man.

But, his dick. Oh yes. His dick. I can feel my cunt drooling at the thought of it. There's a heat in my lower belly, a need, a craving to be filled. To have something in me. Something hard and thick opening me up, pressing into me. This impossible itch needing to be scratched. I ache for his dick. It's actually mentally distracting and that's unusual for me. At least it was when I was a man. My hands fumble slightly at his zipper but I get it down and unbutton him. I feel Elaine move and then her lips against my neck. It makes the goose bumps happen but I'm focusing on Stephen now. He lifts his hips as I pull down on his pants and underwear until his dick springs free. He still smells slightly like my pussy. He's got a little bit of pubic hair and I smell that he's showered but I can still catch little hints of my cum on him. I growl and there's no hesitation when I grab his dick and pull it to my mouth.

I'm a guy. I know how blow jobs go. I know what I like. I have to say, though. It's slightly different playing for the other team. It's warm. I kiss the tip and then push down to take the head of him into my mouth. The extra foreskin is something I don?t have experience with as a man. The skin on the head of his dick as an interesting texture against my tongue but I'm distracted by the simple fact that I'm incredibly turned on at the moment. Hard to think of the process clinically when just having a dick in my mouth is making me wriggle my ass and moan. Ooops. Now he's halfway into my mouth and I'm pulling it to the side, feeling it press against my cheek as my mouth works him over. And then back up to the head. Holding onto the base of him, slowly pumping his dick as I suck on him. I feel small hands on my own pants and Elaine unzips me. It's difficult to get my pants off. Difficult because I don't want to take this dick out of my mouth. I feel flushed from the thought of it. Now I'm just bobbing my head up and down, trying to watch where my teeth are going, trying to move my tongue around as much as possible on it ? the soft flat part of my tongue. So, yeah, it's difficult to get undressed but I work my hips and legs as Elaine tugs and soon my pants are off. Even when she grabs my ass (causing me to moan with a mouth full of dick) I still don't pull off. I'm breathing through my nose and sucking on Stephen as Elaine pushes at me, telling me to sit up. I do, kneeling up as she lays under me. And then she pulls me down and now I can't even concentrate on what I'm doing.

I'm sitting on Elaine's face as she's sucking and licking my extremely wet pussy with her fingers deep in me. It feels amazing and it's this distracting thing - pulling me away so it's hard to focus on Stephen. Her mouth on my engorged lips, sucking and biting them gently. Fingers pressing on things inside of me. I can't - it's hard to do more than one thing at a time when she's... Jesus... there's these OH YES FUCK spots inside of me that she's rubbing and her mouth is warm on me and I can't FUCKING CHRIST MMMMMmmmmmm I've got my head against Stephen's dick and he's still stroking my hair. I force the focus. I didn't even know I was grinding my hips against Elaine's mouth. I'm just doing it. My body is. I focus. I can do this. I kiss Stephen's balls a little and then the base of his dick and then the tip. I can feel an orgasm building. I want it but... her fingers aren't enough. I reach down to hold Elaine's head as I sit up and then stand. She whines beneath me but I ignore her and sit on Stephen's lap. He's barely there. His eyes are smoking with desire. He wants me so fucking bad.

His dick presses between us. I can feel it against my flat, hard stomach. My ass rests on his legs comfortably. I love the way it feels. Is that narcissistic? That I think I have an amazing ass and I love how it's all squishy and soft but firm if I press into it? I don't give a damn. It just feels great. My legs are spread as I sit on him, the shaft of his cock pressed against my clit. And then I lift up, grab his dick and moan loudly as I pull it down and it rubs against my clit. I want to keep doing the same motion over and over again but, instead, I press the tip of him against my pussy lips. He's got one hand on my side and another on my ass and he tugs a little but I wait. I want to remember this. He's still a little slick from my spit and I can feel the way my pussy lips are spongy with my juice. I sit slowly, still holding his dick. My lips part for him and then he's at the entrance to my pussy. A little more and I feel myself open to him. I make a very female noise and then lean forward to clasp his head to my chest. I don't have to hold his dick any more. He's not all the way in but it's not going anywhere but in. He's rubbing against my breasts and I remember I'm wearing a shirt.

But, first... I slowly sit down on him. "Ohhhhhh...." I say. Original, right? It just... it's amazing. He's hard and feeling his dick against the wetness inside my pussy - against the insides of me as it rubs certain places... I'm moaning and gasping until I'm completely down. I feel his balls against my pussy lips. I don't know what kind of face I'm making but my lips are pursed and my ... I think it's almost like a "Please..." look? I really just want to pull up and then down and ride his dick. I really really REALLY want it bad. I want to feel the head of his dick pressing against every spot inside of me. I want him as deep as he can go. I reach for my shirt but he beats me there, grabbing and pulling as I lift my arms up for him. Immediately his hands go for the bra and I feel him fumbling around at the clasps. I can't stop myself from wriggling on his dick. Just grinding on him while he's inside of me. Oh. Oh. Fuck. Fuck yes. He's hitting something inside of me and it feels really damn good. Some... yes. I grab his neck again as he finally gets one of the clasps undone. I'm breathing in little short gasps as I move. He needs to hurry the fuck up with the bra so I can start moving. It's frustrating as hell. My breasts relax as the bra comes undone and I lean back so he can take them off. His mouth is immediately on my nipple and the jolt goes straight down as he bites and sucks.

I can't stop any more. I ride him. It takes a bit to get the rhythm right but I'm soon slamming my ass down on him. Up and down, forward and back but if I lean forward in slightly the right way, his dick hits this one spot that has me moaning and growling and shaking. I'm rough. I can't help it. It hurts how deep he is in me but it feels so fucking good, too. Way more good than bad. Way more. It's getting hard to remember to breathe as my orgasm looms closer. His hands on my ass, squeezing and massaging, isn't helping, either. I can hear a wet smacking sucking sound now because I'm so wet. "Jesus, Stephen. You're so big. So fucking big. It feels so good in me. Do you like it? Do you like me riding you?" I growl and my voice goes harsher. "Taking you and fucking you like this, Stephen? Do you like it? Fuck. Fuck. FUUUUUCK!" I don?t even talk during sex normally but the words are just rolling off of my tongue. I scream and feel his arms around me as the orgasms erupts. My legs aren't moving any more. Well, they are but they're jerking and I'm way too sensitive for anything right now but now HE'S slamming himself up and into me and OH JESUS I can feel another orgasm coming as I'm still shaking and stuttering from the first one.

The second one hits and I squirt all over us. I feel it - the hot liquid spraying out. Everything is intense and too much but I still feel it. I still want it. I can feel the pressure building yet again even as this slight ache is starting to form deep in me. But my pussy is an electrical storm and he's hitting everything inside as we frantically fuck. Growling and tearing at him with my nails. I don't notice that I'm biting his neck hard now as I growl and slam my ass down onto him just as he's pushing up. My brain is helpfully offering up various things I could be saying (?Please?, ?Oh god yes.?, ?Your dick is huge, Stephen?, etc? etc?) but there's this strange anger mixing in with the pleasure. This dominance. I want. I fucking want. I bite hard, feeling some drool as... but then I let him go and go limp, resting my head against his shoulder. He's hitting something - some actual thing inside of me and I can't concentrate at all. I can't move. I can't think. I can't even breathe. I can just sit there and take it and that pisses me off. I force myself up and push back against him until another orgasm rolls over me and it's suddenly too much. Everything is too much. I can't handle it. It's ... no... it's too much. I push off and fall ungracefully to the floor, shaking and rocking and hugging myself against the orgasm. Jerking from it. Trying to talk but I can't. Breathe. Breathe. Shit. Breathe. I don't know how long it takes to recover from that but, Jesus. Fucking intense. And that ache is stronger now. I want more. I want so much more. I'm not at all done yet.

When I can move, I take them with me to the bedroom. We fuck for hours. I don't even know how many times I orgasm but I'm soaked in my cum, Elaine's and, finally, Stephen's. I'm somehow proud that I can get him to cum twice for me. FOR ME. What a strange thought but it makes me do this mental wriggly happy dance. The bedroom is warm and smells like sex and we're all spooning each other, sweaty and exhausted and content. We sleep.

I wake first with Stephen behind me and Elaine curled up in this warm happy little position against my stomach. I kiss the back of her neck and she stirs, grinning and mumbling something sleepily. I wake Stephen by grinding my ass against him. I feel his dick stir before he does and the thought of taking his dick inside of me again makes me wet. Again. He squeezes my tit almost possessively and I make this little "mrrrrrrr" sound and stretch back against him. I'm sorely tempted to start another orgy but I'm dying of hunger. When we've untangled ourselves, Elaine and I conspire against Stephen and vote him off the island and into the kitchen.

Oh. That's... huh. Cum. In my pussy. And now running down my leg. That's an entirely weird feeling. I have a momentary struggle where I consider tasting it but it?s probably all cold and weird so I ultimately head to the bathroom and sit down. It's then that I realize I haven't ever peed as a woman, either. I push and it feels really damn weird and makes slightly odd little sounds but I get a good bit of it out. Stephen?s cum, not my pee. But then, pee just comes out. I almost squawk. I didn't mean to do it but there it goes. It makes me giggle for some reason. An honest to god giggle. Because I'm peeing. Sitting down. As a woman. With a pussy not quite full of cum. There's a little dot of pee left when I stand so I dab it off with a bit of toilet paper. HOT. I giggle again and walk out naked. I don't even feel embarrassed about it any more.

Elaine is wandering around looking for different pieces of clothing while Stephen gets dressed to go out food shopping. They've offered to take me out to eat but I'm not ready to go out like this yet. Not yet. Elaine hands me my clothes and I decide that I'll just wear the bra and panties. It feels liberating to go without clothes. I'd go completely nude and luxuriate in this body but I think nobody would get much done and I know Stephen needs a bit of time to recover.

While Stephen's gone, Elaine and I curl up on the couch, facing each other. We chat. Hah. A girl chat with our legs all pulled up. She decided if I were going to go without clothes, she would too so we're both in our underwear and talking. Learning about her. She had great parents that are still local and she still keeps in touch with them weekly. Her dad teaches chemistry at the big high school in town and, amazingly, still loves his job after 15 years of it. Her mom does some complex math work for a medical startup. Some 3D imaging stuff that I don't comprehend. She inherited her optimism from her dad and her awesomeness from both. She's a fan of big dogs and cats and has a little kitten with possible dog plans later. Stephen was adopted after living in a foster home for a while. A rough time growing up but he had some good older kids and great adults at the Boys & Girls Club. After getting into trouble and being arrested a few times as a teenager, a judge pulled him aside and talked to him. And it finally sunk into him. Shortly after, he cleaned up and hit the books. Top of his class at high school and college and really well in law school. He's very good at what he does.

Stephen walks in while we're talking about his high school days. He doesn't knock before coming in and it doesn't occur to me that that's weird or that I should be bothered by it. He rolls his eyes at one of Elaine's remarks and then fumbles around the kitchen. I don't know what he can do with my cheap thrift store pots and pans but I hear him washing them first. Yeah. I don't cook. After a while, the smell of cooked chicken fills the small living room and my stomach gurgles. Stephen yells out that food will be ready in fifteen minutes.

We're still chatting when I notice Elaine scratching her bare leg over and over. She leaves red lines with each stroke and it looks like should hurt. Oh. Shit. One of her nails is gone. Right index finger. As I watch, a thick black nail slowly grows into place. How the hell did she not just feel that? I look at her but she's still chatting and smiling. And scratching herself. There's a subtle different scent in the air and it makes the small hairs at the back of my neck stand up. I can feel my nose flair, taking in the cloying scent and my lips pull back in a quick half-snarl. I push to get myself under control and to keep my hands from clenching. My heart rate picks up. I want her. I feel this aggression flood me and I almost growl. I want her bad. I shiver and it's not because I'm cold.

"Food is ready!" I'm thankful for the distraction. Elaine smiles a lazy little smile and it's not like her normal smile at all. There's a very clear difference. A very clear line of predatory that she's crossed. I stand and go to the kitchen. I have a small, very cheap Formica table that we crowd around. Bowls are already set full of some pasta with white sauce and chicken. It's delicious and exactly what I need. I'm on my second bowl when I feel Elaine's left hand on my thigh. She's eating but her hand is tracing along my leg and then, digging into my flesh. Claws. Definitely claws. More than one. I twitch at the feeling but it also turns me on and I feel myself growing wet. At that, she turns and gives me that same smile. Can she tell? Can she fucking smell me?

I clear my throat. "How much do you two remember of last night? And what we did?" I have to take Elaine's hand off my thigh and she just grins even bigger.

Stephen looks confused. "Uhhh... we had sex. Right? The bedroom is a haze. But I remember sex."

"Right. Yes. Sex. Anything else?"

He furrows his brow as if I am the one asking stupid questions. "No. Just sex and then passing out. I think I must've been really tired because I barely remember anything. Just fucking you."

I turn to Elaine. "You?"

She's still grinning. "No. Sex. Why?" Damn. She even sounds different. Less bouncy. Less cheerful. Deeper voice. And she's watching me.

"Elaine. Put your hand on the table." She cocks her head for a moment but then, does. Her left hand. Three of her fingers are claws. Thick and black, the joints on those fingers swollen. Her hand looks slightly swollen in general. She looks at it, shrugs and then back to me.

"Jesus, Elaine! Your hand!" Stephen looks shocked but Elaine glances at her hand again and still doesn?t react. Okay. So, they aren't lying. They don't remember. Shit. Why can I remember but not them?

I sigh and put my head on the cool table near my bowl. "Do you remember what I said of the suit? The bit about it being a werewolf? A she-wolf? How I changed when I put it on? I... I think I gave that to you."

"No. No fucking way. Impossible." Stephen is standing now, near the fridge. He looks almost panicked.

I turn my head to look at him. "Impossible like a man physically turning into a woman? Your ears, Stephen. Feel them. The tops." They're pointed and I can see them moving slightly as they grow. Stephen is hyperventilating but I hear a small 'snick' next to me. Looking over, I see Elaine still grinning. Her hands are both stretched and swollen and all five fingers are tipped with deadly looking claws. She's just cut through her bra and it's laying in her lap. Her tits are swelling, nipples rock hard in the air. I can feel my pussy throbbing with sudden need.

I can't do this. I can't face this. I nearly run to the living room, slamming into the fridge on the way out. I smell her before I hear her. Elaine is crawling to me on hands and feet. That same grin on her face. Ten feet away she stands. Her body is covered in fine hairs and sweat. Her tits have grown a cup size or more and she pulls one up close to her mouth. A long tongue rolls out and she licks her own nipple, moaning as she does. Her other hand goes to her panties and her claws cut small holes as she rubs herself. A patch of fine red hair is growing from the tops of her white panties, spreading out and then up in a line between her breasts. She moans again, digs shortened fingers under the side of her panties and rips them off. Her pussy is covered in red hair. I can smell her so strongly. Fuck. Fuck, I want her. I'm so fucking wet and the smell is making it hard to think.

Her breasts grow another cup size while I watch. The skin just spreads as she becomes more full. Her aureole grows out as her tits do. The line of fur down her stomach sas reached her chin and is fanning out to the sides to cover the sides of her breasts and stomach. More fur grows on her face, along her cheeks. Her nose and lips are turning black as I watch. There's a crunch and her jaw shifts.

I'm brought to my knees when the aching in my cunt turns to pain. Sharp pain that burns along my spine. I can't breathe. I can't... fuck. I rip the bra off of me. Muscles bulge when I get my fingers under the straps and I just pull to the side, feeling the material break as the edges dig into my flesh. It doesn't hurt at all compared to the immense amount of pain along my spine. My breasts hang in front of me as I lean forward on my hands. Sweating suddenly. I can see my fingernails popping off one after another, claws growing in their places. I CAN feel the swelling in my hand as joints pop and grow. I watch my fingers thicken and shorten, my hand growing larger as my thumb is pulled back a tiny bit on each hand. Hair is growing from my knuckles and the back of my hand. My arms are tensing. More hair growing from the forearms and shoulders. Muscles growing into place as blonde fur erupts from my shoulders down to my hands, joining with the fur growing there. Stronger. I'm getting stronger.

There's a roar and crash from the kitchen. I look up to see Elaine on her hands and knees. Her grin is gone and she has her head down on the carpet, long dog-like tongue lolling out of a very wolf-like muzzle. She's watching me with these beautiful golden eyes. Her face is completely fuzzy but I watch her ears shift and move, growing longer as they do. Her teeth are like daggers and she's panting in pain. I can smell Stephen now. Him. His scent. More strongly. It makes me growl and want. WANT.

There's a noise like firecrackers going off but all I know is someone is hammering on every single part of my spine. I feel like a crowd of people have grabbed both of my sides and are pulling as hard as they can - trying to tear me apart. My nose burns and another cracking sound signals the start of my own muzzle. I can see my nose flatten as it grows out. My tits are even bigger. Fuller. Heavier. Furry. I watch blonde hairs grow out on both breasts, hiding the nipples beneath a coat of fur. Now someone is tugging on my spine. I feel a tickling around my ass cheek as my tail grows straight from the base of my spine. The skin just expands as new bones grow into place. Fur dots the tail and then fans out with an almost perceptible whining noise.

I'm soaking wet. I want. I want both of them. I need to be fucked. There's this huge amount of pain but I'm smelling both of them and I want them. Stephen is standing against the wall. He's got a full muzzle but barely any fur at all on his body and it looks odd. He scrambles at his pants with awkward paws and ends up shredding them. His dick is hard. Huge. Fur grows in suddenly on his massive legs and then in a wave up to the base of his dick. From there, he bulges. I watch as his knot grows in. This ... bubble grows from the base of his uncut cock and is quickly covered in fur. His dick throbs and lengthens, excess skin covers each new inch until he's over ten inches long. And fucking thick looking. He's rubbing himself and his muzzle is tipped back, smelling the air. Smelling me. Or Elaine. Or both of us.

I watch Elaine's tail grow in. A thick bony growth of skin extends from her spine, growing out between her ass. She raises her ass higher in the air and whines in pain. My eyes are watering from the combined smells of pleasure and pain. And from the agony of my own transformation. Hairs grow out from her tails as I feel my own wag back and forth. It takes seconds before she's got a bushy new tail of her own. And then, she stretches. A full body stretch on her hands and feet before shaking like a dog out of the water.

I stand. Shaky-legged. I have a growth of stubble on my legs but I can see the veins throbbing. Muscles are growing out here, too. My thighs are massive and SHIT! I fall to the ground and catch myself. My feet lengthen, pulling my little toe back. The stubble on my legs grows into full fur. Claws pop my toenails off and I feel rough padding along the bottom of my feet. Leathery. It doesn't take long before I'm completely covered in fur from ear tips to toes. And then, the pain stops. Thank god. I try standing but it's not working yet. I wait on my knees. Stephen is curled into a ball of pain, whimpering and whining but Elaine is padding over to him on hands and feet, pushing at him with her muzzle and then putting an arm around him. It's touching. But, soon, he's finished as well.

I take both of them in. Magnificent. I had no idea. They're both bigger but along the same body shape. Elaine with her sleek red furred body is at least four inches taller. Stephen looks almost like a bear. My eyes go to the sheath where his dick is standing at proud attention. Knotted and pointed, dripping pre-cum. He's watching me, crouched down on his knees.

Neither of them look like they're completely there mentally. I can smell their need. I can smell how they both want me. Now I stand and my muscles hold, thick and strong. I feel like I could run for miles flat-out. I spare a moment to look at myself and the change is amazing - thick blonde fur over an incredibly strong body. My tits are even bigger than before but they're set over a proportionately larger frame. I flex my arm and feel my shoulder and arm muscles working. The palms of my hands are padded slightly with the same black leathery growth of skin from the bottom of my feet and the fingers are shortened but powerful and tipped with deadly claws. I reach down to feel the tuft of fur above my pussy and I find the fur is slick with my juices. Elaine and Stephen aren't the only ones excited by the changes. The tail... the tail is odd. I can feel it against my legs as it just lays there. It tugs slightly on my spine. Very slightly. I ... hmmm... I briefly try to figure out how to make it move but I can't seem to do it. Like trying to make my ears wriggle - there should be a muscle or something that makes it work but I don?t know which one.

And, you know? That's okay. Because right now I'm distracted. By the two wolves in front of me. Still watching quietly. Both of them crouched. My center of balance is off so I nearly stumble as I walk but my tail does its own thing to help, shifting and moving while I figure out how to walk on these new feet with these legs and extra mass. When I get close to the two in front of me, the look down and their ears go back. Is it deference? What the hell do they expect me to do? Jesus. I look at myself again. I'm nearly as big as Stephen is. My tongue feels weird. Almost like it's swollen. Really hard to get used to its length and the way these teeth feel in my mouth. Muzzle. Whatever. They're still not looking at me and I can smell this scent... I don't know how to put it because it doesn't translate into words. It's a feeling. The closest I can come to describing it is that they're wary of me. Worried? Apprehensive?

I kneel next to Elaine and butt my forehead against hers. She shivers but stays in place. I rub my cheek against hers, feeling the softness of her fur against mine and the smell that is her. And then, I lick her ear because why the hell not? Stephen gets the same treatment and then I stand and offer my hands... paws... whatever to them. They look up, take my hands and then stand. They still smell out of sorts but in a different way. This is going to drive me nuts. I was way happier misreading simple facial expressions so I don't even know what to do with the scents.

They are incredible. Werewolves in the flesh. Elaine's tail is swaying back and forth and I'm somewhat jealous she can make that happen. I'll have to ask her about it later. If... if she remembers any of this. If she's in there. Her breasts are probably the same size mine were as a human. Stephen is just an inch taller than me and a titch bigger overall. His dick is pulled into his furry sheath at the moment. There's pre-cum along the top of the sheath and I can smell it VERY well. Just like I can smell Elaine's pussy as if my mouth was on her cunt. And probably like Elaine and Stephen can smell me.

I step to Stephen and grab his sheath. Part of it is attached to his lower stomach by this thin skin. I can't feel it very well because of the padding on my hands but his cock has probably doubled in thickness. I... how the fuck do I kiss him? Thank god they can't see me blush because I decide to just lick the side of his face while rubbing his dick. I feel it moving under his sheath and, soon, the tip is out and still coming. The knot follows and I can feel myself get even wetter. I remember that well. How that felt. The knot. Stephen is rumbling in his throat as he grabs my hips. His hands are rough on my skin. Rough with the same padding. He's gentle with his claws but I can feel them on me. I like it. A lot.

Jesus. His dick is a baseball bat. Will that even fit? Seriously? I... I want to try. I want that. In me. My fucking pussy always feels hungry for more when I'm fingering myself or the few times I've been fucked and maybe this?ll do it. Maybe this huge cock will finally fulfill me. Ah... now he's getting riled up. He's digging his claws into my hips and the rumble is turning into a growl. It excites me. NOW my goddamned tail is wagging slightly. Traitor. I turn, feeling his claws scrape me as I do. Going down to my hands and feet, I feel my tail lift slightly. I go down even more with my muzzle against the carpet. Thighs apart, ass raised with my ass cheeks apart and my pussy glistening in the light.

He's on me in a second. I feel his claws on my shoulders and his teeth on the back of my neck. His dick is warm, huge and hard against my furry ass. A growl rips from my throat at his show of dominance but I let it slide this time. It's just... it's really hard to ignore it. I want to stand up and hit him. Wrestle with him until he knows his fucking place. But... I also want him in me. His dick probes my ass and I move around to help but ... AHHHHH SHIT. Yes. Fuck yes. There's no gentle pushing. He slams into me and the knot almost feels like it's ripping me open. He howls, head back, claws digging in deep. I can smell the blood in the air. My blood from his claws. I growl back and push myself up to my hands just to show him I can. Looking back to stare him in the eye. He tries pushing me down but fuck that. I stay up even though he's really strong. My growl ratchets up and I try to tell him to just fuck me but it comes out as a garbled mess. The way his dick feels now is completely different. My pussy is bigger than before but not by that much. He completely feels me up. Completely. And the knot sitting just inside of me is wondrous. I push back to remind him why he's there - why I let him mount me. He tries pulling out but the knot is slightly stuck so he can't go far. Instead, he just slams back into me and I lose most of my mental capacities as he hits my cervix.

Hah. Cervix. I have one now. I saw it in the diagram. I might?ve looked specifically at the bits that make up the vagina when I dug around online earlier. It feels like he's pressing on all my buttons at once and I'm so fucking wet that even though his knot feels gigantic, he's able to pull it out and then back in again. I jump every goddamned time he does it. And moan. And wriggle my ass back at him, whining for more. Wanting to feel the way he opens me. Trying to push hard back against him while lifting and lowering my hips to find just the perfect spot for him to be. Just the right spot for the tip of his dick to hit. I don't even notice my tail or the way I'm shredding the wood floor beneath the carpet, digging in to hold myself in place. Slamming back against him over and over as I feel my orgasm building bigger and bigger.

I cum when I feel his left hand tighten on my shoulder, drawing blood. His right hand grabs my tail and pulls and with a particularly hard slam of his dick, I'm over the edge and cumming but he's not stopping. I'm howling and moaning at the same time, loud and long and still cumming, squirting over both of us. I can smell it and feel it. And he's STILL pounding me. I can barely hear his own grunts and growls but he's getting close. His breathing is going erratic. JESUS! Another orgasm hits and I can't even howl any more. I'm scrabbling at the ground as if trying to get away but he's got his claws into me and my tail in his hand. I'm pretty sure if I really wanted to get away then I could but... I don't really want to. I just can't stop my body from trying is all. Everything is sensitive and - my eyes roll into my head as I cum again. He's swelling. It's... fu....Jes.... FUCK! He's cumming in me. I feel it. His dick - his whole dick is expanding and it feels like his knot just swelled up. His sperm drills into me and he's doing this low howling sound as he pushes himself as deep as possible into me. I push back. I can't help it. I can't. I want it. I want all of it. To feel him in me. To feel his cum. He's still fucking going, filling me up with it. I can feel it mixing with my own cum, surrounding his dick with this slickness. His hands are shaking on me. And, still. Still he's cumming. He leans in and bites my shoulder really fucking hard and THAT makes another orgasm roll over me. I feel my pussy tighten around his dick and knot and it's like a domino effect because then things are pressing on more things inside of me and I'm shaking from all these little earthquake orgasms.

Can't... can't think... can't... I collapse onto my stomach, flattening my huge breasts. Panting and shaking. Stephen follows and my breath leaves me in a rush. Fucking heavy pig. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus. Don't move. Don't try to pu- FUCK! He tries to pull out of me but his knot is swollen and it's rubbing on something right at the entrance of my pussy and I'm trying to shriek and get away because I can't handle another orgasm like that. No. No, please. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I squirt again and there's a roaring in my ears as a blackness covers my eyes. My jaws hurt. I can't... no...

It hurts badly when he finally does pull out of me. But, the pain is consumed by the orgasms. He's licking my back and neck and ass and pussy FUCK YOU! More aftershocks rock my body and now I can't even see straight or catch my breath. I do scramble away from him now, slamming into the couch, hearing the cheap wooden supports inside crack against my strength and weight. Minutes pass. Minutes of me panting heavily while trying to focus my eyes. My stomach hurts from all of it. When I can see, Stephen is kneeling where he left me, watching and ... there's that scent again. Fucking... it does that thing where I feel like I want to hold him and cuddle him. I try to push up but I'm still shaky. So, I wait a few more minutes. His dick IS bigger than before and the knot is noticeably swollen just above the top of his sheath. I am not ashamed to admit that I want it in my mouth. I can already taste it. The smell is enough to tell me what it tastes like - both of us. Both of our cum. I want it.

I crawl to him. I'd like to say it was sexy but I doubt it. I crawl and nuzzle his wet dick against my face and then lick up the length of him, savoring the taste. It's salty and sharp with a tiny hint of sweetness. Thick and wonderful on my tongue. He has his hand in my hair, claws against my scalp. I pull his dick into my mouth, stopping just shy of his knot and my tongue is wrapping around it. It's hard to keep my teeth away - I cut into him. I can't help it. The sharp iron taste of his blood mixed with cum but I still keep going. I actually like the taste. A lot. Is it the blood? The cum? Both? He doesn't seem to mind at all based on how much more he starts growling and how his paw tightens in my hair. I grab his ass, digging in sharp and feel him twitch from it.

Elaine. Right. I suck a bit more, making sure I got every little bit and then pull away. He tries to put me back but I growl and grab his wrist. And tighten. I hear something click inside his wrist and his hand goes limp. He whines and pulls away, rubbing his hand. I growl louder and stand, staring at him. He avoids my eye and hunches over, head down.

Too fucking right. I'm angry but it's passing. He's down. That's fine. He knows his place. I sucked his dick because I wanted to. I offered my pussy to him because I wanted it. That's it. Done. I look over at Elaine and she comes to me on hands and feet. Dammit. She pulls off a sexy crawl with her larger ass swaying and her tail working counter-point. Eyes steady on my pussy. My turn. I grab her head and pull her to my cunt. Her tongue is thick and warm and rough and ohmygod amazing on my pussy. It's large enough to cover my whole pussy, clit AND dip in-between the pussy lips. So what I'm saying here is that I basically fuck her tongue. I spread my legs for her and she presses her tongue into my pussy, teeth on my ass on lower stomach. I grind against her, her breath hot against my cunt. I can feel an orgasm slowly building but I want her. I want to taste her. I pull her off, ignoring her whine. Walking over to the couch, I tap the cushion. She cocks her head to the side and doesn't move. Shit. Yeah, they're not really there. I go to her, grab the ruff of her neck gently and walk her over to the couch, pulling her upper body onto it. NOW she gets it. She holds onto the couch, spreads her legs and waits.

She tastes like she smells. My nose is against her asshole and I think that's a first for me at any time. I don't care because I just want more of her in my mouth. And it's awkward because of the muzzle but my tongue is long and I fuck her with it. Lapping up her cum. Claws on her furry ass, spreading it for me. Rubbing my cold black nose against her asshole. Hearing her mewling gasps and moans and animalistic whimpering as she grinds against me. I let go of her ass with one hand and put a finger in her cunt. She jumps. I think I accidentally cut her with the claw but I'm lost in the... no, I can smell it. The blood. I growl, pushing the finger in deeper. Trying to kind-of sort-of not cut her with it but honestly not caring too much. Which is probably a dickhead move but she's still going and... ahhhhh... I feel her pussy convulse around me right as she pulls her head back to howl, clawing strips of cheap material off of the couch. Her ass does this jerky shaky thing that pulls my finger around inside of her. The smell of blood is getting too strong. I pull out and see her blood mixed with her stringy cum. I lick all of it off of my finger and then back to her pussy. Licking and cleaning her. When I'm done, my tongue travels around the black lips of my muzzle feeling the fur mixed with Elaine and Stephen's cum.

I could die happy right now. Instead, I stroke Elaine's back. Her fur is a couple of inches long and quite thick. I love the way it feels as I run my hands through it, claws scraping lightly against her skin. Her back is broader. The muscles are defined and there's no fat on her. She's working her head in little circles as if working out a crick in her neck as I basically pet her. Her ass is way bigger - as a human she was a bit too skinny but this is... I squeeze and massage it with my fingers and claws and she's wriggling against me. The tuft of fur around her pussy is slick with her cum and my tongue. My body feels weak. Exhausted. Stephen is still crouching and Elaine isn't moving. Well, she's trembling but that's different. I walk to the corner and then lay down. How... how do I get them to come over to me? I can't talk. Do I growl? I know how to do that, at least. The growling. I?m good at it.

"Hey!" I try to talk. I actually try. Except I bark. Seriously. I bark. Like a dog. They both look over immediately, their ears going back. Elaine whines but Stephen is silent. I pat the ground next to me. It takes a few times and another bark (don't laugh) but they come padding over. Dog pile. Elaine wraps herself around my torso, muzzle in my lap. I turn over to my side to cuddle her. And then I scoot a bit and look at Stephen. He lays down behind me, arms over my body. Is that unmanly? To be the little spoon? To love the way his strong arms feel around me? To moan a little when his rough paws grab my tit protectively? The way his muzzle lays on my shoulder, nuzzling me before laying still? I don't care.

We fall asleep in the embrace.
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Unread 10-18-2012   #29
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Re: Layers - Short Story

I feel like I'm going to run out of compliments to give you very soon... so I'll stick with "just awesome". I don't know if I've mentioned this, but you've written pretty much exactly the kind of werewolf story that I really enjoy - and TG into the bargain, icing on the cake! Or should that be the other way around - a TG story with werewolf icing?

Either way, I think that in the next chapter, some explanations are due... this random shifting for seemingly no reason can't go on forever, after all.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 10-18-2012   #30
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Re: Layers - Short Story

I'll have to see about the next chapter. What was it about this particular kind of werewolf transformation that you like?
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Unread 10-19-2012   #31
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Re: Layers - Short Story

Mostly I enjoy uncontrollable, "inevitable" transformations triggered or heavily influenced by sex , or at least sexual attraction. Thinking about it, it's quite psychological - embracing the beast, abandoning rational thought in the heat of the moment, things like that. Mamabliss's artwork tends to convey this very well, for example.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 03-12-2013   #32
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Re: Layers (Incomplete)

(this is being cross-posted on the different places my stories are posted, apologies if you see if more than once)

All right. I admit I'm stuck on Layers. It went further than I kind of expected it to go from the outset and I'm banging my head against the wall of creativity. It's kind of a slice of paranormal life thing and I'm not the best at that. There's no antagonist and no ... goal? It's just part of a strange life. Plus, TG stuff is completely new to me.

So, ummm... figured I'd ask to see if I can get some ideas. Not necessarily of the "Please tell me what to write next!" variety but more of the "What about this kind of story are you drawn to?" Is it the TG transformation itself? Like the process of it? Or is it still interesting if the character is already transformed and going through the motions of life as the new gender? Or, in this particular story, is the werewolf transform a big draw?

I guess I'm just kind of floundering here. It's odd for me but I haven't written a plain story this long before. The Change was long but it had a bad guy on a goal and so forth. This is something new for me. I feel slightly lame asking for information but if you don't ask, you can't grow so...

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Unread 03-19-2013   #33
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Re: Layers (Incomplete)

Chapter 6

Random dreams. Something about chasing something. Sunlight? People laughing. Or is it a bonfire? Sitting around in cheap metal folding chairs, drinking, telling stories, laughing. Dogs curled up, close the fire. Bottles of beer or some other alcohol, leaning over to scratch one of the dogs between the shoulders and, mmmm... the fingers feel good between my shoulder blades.

I snap awake and the dream fades immediately. There was... there were people. It was happy? Warm? Where the hell am I? This isn't my bed. Right. Right. Doggy pile. Last night. Is it still night? I turn to look at the front window and my body says hello. I. HURT. My whole body aches. Aches as if I've been in the exact same position for hours. My stomach is dull and sore - a steady hum of low level pain that isn't quite pain. Her. Elaine. She's against my stomach. Warm, soft, small. She whimpers slightly in her sleep, pressing back against me. She smells like sex and, well, Elaine. Not just that smell that people have from their house and their own personal mixture of sweat and whatever else they have. Not just that. She smells sweet. Healthy. Strong but young. There's this slightly sour smell that reads as "stressed" when I try to place it. She's dreaming and I can smell the subtle shifts in her scent as it happens. I nuzzle the crook of her neck and the stress evaporates into this green grass scent that smells like happiness. Even in the darkness I can clearly see the spray of freckles along her shoulders. I can tell the darker roots of her red hair from the lighter ends. If I focus, I can see each individual hair clearly in almost pure middle-of-the-night darkness. Her small breasts barely even sag to the side as she lays against me. I watch as her small pink nipples stiffen and her scent changes again. A wet dream this time.

Stephen's left arm is heavy on my side. I can feel a patch of soft chest hair against my back. Chest hair where he was smooth-chested before. His dick is thick and warm against my ass and I like the way it feels. I could try to lie and say it's not me, it's the woman. But, no. I like it. I like feeling him wrapped around me and the way his cock presses against me. I could get used to this. It feels safe and happy and warm. And arousing. It takes effort to put the past two days out of my mind. He smells similar to Elaine. Their scents have a point where they merge but are entirely distinctive in other areas. He smells more earthy. No, I can't properly explain how. Not like dirt exactly but something similar? Older. There's a slight bit of pain (a faint smell of something like cayenne and fire and blood mixed together) running through everything else. But, above all, he's happy. He smells like sunshine and clouds. And farts. I know they're his. And Elaine, too. Jesus, that's uncouth. Very unladylike. And... and... some other stranger that smells nearly exactly like me must've come in during the middle of the night and farted nearby!

Faugh. I shift. Slowly. Carefully. Undoing myself from this bundle of warmth. This...

Pack. My pack. They both whine faintly as I stand. I may be little spoon to Stephen but I know damn well where I am in the scheme of things. I can feel it in me - this dominance. I've felt it over the past two days and I've seen their reaction to me. I've felt the emotional storm created around us as I've felt (and smelled) the way they feel. Their desires. Their needs. Their wants.

I'm a woman still. Curls of brown hair stir against my shoulders as I lightly step around the couple still sleeping. Elaine does this adorable fluid little full body scoot back against Stephen and his arm automatically comes up and around her chest. I feel a flood of happiness as I look over both of them. I should be dancing and singing and ecstatic over the fact that I'm still a woman but I can't yet stop thinking of how amazing this whole thing is. This feeling of belonging. Of, well, not quite owning exactly but of leading? It's something between the two of those, ownership and leading. I want to still be there, right in the middle but I need to pee badly and there's this gigantic wet cum spot right where I was sleeping. Elaine is welcome to that. I grin as I walk to the bathroom.

It's early morning. 5 am early. I can't remember what time we curled up but I feel rested. Hell, I feel overly energetic. I want to run. I want to dance. I want to, no, I want to pee. Bathroom, bathroom. My full bladder feels like it's in a slightly different spot. Maybe I'm imagining it but it just feels different. Pressing on different places. What I'm not imagining is how wonderful it feels to empty it. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation as I sit naked with my knees slightly together, hunched a bit with my full breasts pressing against my crossed arms. When I'm done, I sit up straight and feel the way my breasts settle against me. I smell sex, piss, cum (mine, Elaine's, Stephen's) and more. I can faintly smell the two still sleeping in the other room. I can definitely smell the bit of vomit from when I changed in bed. That's rank. Why the hell didn't I clean that up yet?

Looking down my smooth stomach and crotch (I never liked that word - it invokes imagery of genderless Barbie dolls for some reason) I can see a faint growth of pubic hair. That is new. Completely new. I touch it carefully and it feels softer than when I was a man. It's just a slight triangle growth of hair but it means I didn't change back last night. Seems way too fast but I think I have the werewolf to thank for that. I wonder if Stephen's chest hair is permanent now? Or if he'll have to shave more? I use a small square of toilet paper to clean myself off and I can feel the soreness from my vagina. I ache in general but I've been pounded and it actually kind of hurts deep inside of me. Werewolf dick, ay? That thing was massive. And the knot. I automatically do a womanly version of the guy's "Oh, crap, he just got kicked in the balls!" cringe at the memory of the knot coming out of my pussy. That actually did hurt. A lot. Except I feel the increasingly familiar loosening inside of myself that tells me I liked it. That I want more of it. There's a whimper (tinged with a happy growl-y noise) from the other room as I feel my pussy drool at the thought of the knot filling me up. I should theoretically be ashamed that they can smell me from where they're sleeping but, why?

The house creaks more than I do as I move around. I'm getting used to this body and the way it feels. I'm surprisingly light on my feet. Graceful, even. I don't need any lights since I can apparently see quite well without them. First thing first - the vomit. It gets worse as I get in the room and I briefly consider putting a dab of Tiger Balm under my nose but I just plow through it and keep my stomach in check. Spray bottle of soapy water and towels and done.

Should I cook breakfast? Is that what people do for other people? Or, more my speed and skill level, pour them a bowl of cereal? I feel... I feel odd. Not bad. Just odd. Crazy energetic but unsettled. With the smell of soap overpowering the vomit, I climb into the bed and lay back, legs straight out. The bed is a shredded mess but still comfortable. My hair does its own thing around me and I feel the tips tickling my skin. Eyes closed, breathing steadily. Fingers down and spread out, arms off to my side.

Who am I?

Normally when my thoughts are scattered, I would rearrange the house but I can't do that right now. So, I just relax and think. Who am I? Now what? It's hard to do but I put away the thoughts and concerns about whether this is permanent now. It'll take time to cement it mentally but I just tell myself that it is what it is. I'm a woman at the moment. Definitely a woman. My breasts are pulled slightly to my sides and I can feel the way I ache deep inside from the way Stephen's penis filled me up. From the different parts of me he was hitting deep inside. The ... thing he was hitting. Was it the cervix? Perhaps I should watch more woman body videos. For... for science!

I can still remember the way Elaine's clever little tongue felt against my clit as she pulled the hood back. I can smell my own wetness. But, who am I now? I know those two sleeping in there are mine. That thought is solid and true. Elaine with her happy little grin and her squeaks and Stephen with his rock solid steadiness. I want to know them. I want to learn their faults and their strengths and what makes them happy. I want to cheer them on when they are amazing and be there to hold them when they're feeling down. I feel fucking proud of them right this second and they're not even doing anything. Stephen smells dependable. Older. Wiser. That's the earthy smell I got from earlier. Or at least most of it. But, I feel responsible for him. Not just because of what I've made them. Or maybe because of that? Fuck.

I know instantly when they're awake. Stephen wakes moments before Elaine does. The very faint happy smell slips away into a mixture of sudden confusion, terror and then acceptance. And wonder. Stephen is still scared. I sit up. My teeth itch. I hear Elaine whisper, "Go to her." They both stand and I can smell him coming closer. He stops at the door and isn't looking at me. He's terrified now. And slightly angry. And confused and hopeful and feeling very, very small and fragile. I reach for him but he still doesn't look up. I could tell him to come to me and he would. I know this now. But, I stand and walk to him. Four short steps and I can feel the heat of his body radiating from him. Now when I reach for him, he folds himself into my arms and against my chest.

"I remember," he tells me. His voice is quiet and on the edge of tears. "I can remember some of last night. What did you do to us?"

"I..." I don't know what to tell him. What can I say to make this better? Do I apologize? Do I tell him I didn't know? That I didn't mean for it to happen? He's so warm. My hands are making little circles on his back. Little soothing motions. He has a very, very faint line of hair that runs down the center of his back. His thick brown hair is soft against my neck and I feel his hot breath on my breasts and nipples. He wants to hold me. I can feel it and smell it. This man. This strong man that lived a hard life and came through the other end on his own two feet. This man that knew for certain that the world was what the world was. This man that provider for Elaine and felt the love and support she gave back to him. All of that changed. All of it different. Everything different.

The words just fall out of my mouth. "I love you." I nearly recoil from the emotions that suddenly spike through him. I can't track them fast enough and they slam into me hard. He's crying. I feel the tears and snot against my skin and all I want to do is hold him tighter. He's shaking silently as he cries, not willing or able to cry out loud. When I walk him to the bed, he follows easily. He sounds like a small, terrified little boy when he answers me between sobs. "I love you, too." His voice cracks at the end and now he's hugging me fiercely. I nearly jump when I feel Elaine's light touch on my shoulder. I didn't smell her coming. Or hear her. Her eyes are wet with her own tears. She climbs into bed behind me to press her face against my back. She doesn't say anything but I can tell her emotions. She's more simple. More pure in the way she feels things. Love. Respect. Worry. She hugs my stomach and now we're all crying.

Time passes. Slowly. Very slowly, Stephen's emotions untangle themselves. I still smell the light touch of anger from him but it's barely there. My head and eyes hurt from the crying. I rub my face against Stephen's rough short beard and feel him rub back against me. Nearly immediately he's flooded with a sense of calm and peace and love. "What do we do now?" He whispers. From behind me I hear Elaine's quiet little voice, her face and lips pressed against my back, arms tight against my lower stomach. "Break-ast" she mumbles. Stephen laughs first. He sounds like a man dying of thirst in the desert from all the crying he's done. I join him and feel Elaine's happy little smile against my back.

Stephen untangles himself from me and stands. Naked. Still. I practice safe eye contact with him but note that he now has chest hair covering his upper chest with a happy trail of hair down the middle of his stomach to his pubic hair. I ignore the erection. I can understand - two hot naked ladies in bed, right? HE should be the one practicing safe eye contact. It's a wonder none of his office ladies have sued him for lewd conduct before. That's a thing, right? That ladies do? I add it to my mental pile of woman research. He clears his throat. "I feel better. I'm sorry for that. For the... for that. And for snotting on your tit." He grins when he says that last bit.

I wave magnanimously. "It is fine, good sir. I've had your fluids on other parts of my body. I consider them a gift." Elaine is giggling quietly against my back. "Except your pee. If you pee on me, I'll break your nose. Now be a good boy and go make us break-ast. Your lady... ladies demand it." He very unchivalrously rolls his eyes at me but makes a mock salute and leaves with a "By your command, fair maiden."

Elaine's grip on me tightens and I grunt from it. Stronger than she looks. Well, shit, now she is, I guess? Thin, freckled arms with her hands clasped together in front of me. "Elaine, I..." She stops me with a hushing sound. It takes her a moment to talk. "You're different to me," she says. "Stephen is Stephen. He's always been there for me. We've been through a lot of pain and trouble and he's always been there. We've had arguments and grown together and there's still a lot of room to grow. We promised each other we'd grow old together. That we'd spend the rest of our life together." She stops again and this time for longer. Her grip tightens minutely. "YOU promise me now. Whatever you've done to us has shoved that bond down our throats. You promise me that you'll be there for both of us now or I'll walk and I'll find a way to make it not hurt."

My eyes burn. I want to cry again. I grip her little fist in my hand. "I promise, Elaine. And, I'm sorry. I had no idea this would happen. But it works both ways. I will hurt anyone that hurts you. I'm yours forever. Both of you." We sit like that for a moment. Not speaking. She's so warm and small against me. I can't actually imagine life without her now. Well, no, I can but it is painful. I don't like it. The thought of it.

"Don't you have any flour in this dump?" Stephen yells from the kitchen and we're both startled out of our moment.

Elaine's lips touch my left shoulder in a light kiss. She moves slightly and I feel her breath on my spine right before she kisses me again. The small hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. Her voice is barely there. "Then, we're yours." She stands immediately and walks out without looking back at me. By the time she reaches the door frame she's bouncing and singing some nonsense song about a monkey, a bear and a weasel all sailing in boat down a tumultuous river. I smile fondly as she flounces away before I realize I'm the monkey in this song. "Hey!" I yell, scrambling up from the bed. She laughs and runs for it. Little freakin' weasel. I take comfort in the visual of her naked body as she dives around the corner. Her butt looks every so slightly bigger. In a good way. She just seems very slightly more fleshed out. I'm probably just imagining things but I like the view regardless.

It takes a bit to find my clothes. To find them and then mourn their loss. Destroyed. And even when they're not complete tatters, they're torn enough to not work. I try the other clothes Elaine brought but only two of the last four panties still fit. Why even bother? I ask myself. Elaine and Stephen have both opted out but that's mostly because they don't have a choice. My clothes survived better than theirs did. Breakfast turns out to be eggs with bits of sliced turkey and melted cheese. And toast. Water for all of us. I feel way dehydrated and it's not just the crying. We eat mostly in silence except for a few grumbles from Stephen on the the lack of sausage or pancakes or anything else a civilized person might have for breakfast. Elaine grins and winks at me and then wolfs down her eggs.

With breakfast finished, Elaine goes to clear away the table but Stephen takes the dishes instead. She cocks an eyebrow at him but lets him. The exchange is interesting because I see the expressions but also smell the scents. Stephen is wary - not ready to be alone with me just yet. He talks as he cleans everything. "I do feel better. A lot better. I'm sorry but it's all so different to me. And it's not even the wolf stuff. It's you. I felt this yesterday but it's hammered in today. You're suddenly in our lives. Not just a little bit but... I don't know if I can shake that off. Ever." He specifically doesn't look at me while he scraps the eggs from my plate. His emotions spike again and I see Elaine wrinkle her nose out of the corner of my eyes. "And I don't know if I want to. I feel stronger. More energetic. I can see a lot better in the dark. I can smell both of you over there. I can feel something pacing in the back of my mind. I feel... Look, I'm not the kind of guy to think the man rules the house but I'm bigger than Elaine and older so I usually took care of things. I protected her and sheltered her and gave her my shoulder to cry on. It's this stupid stereotypical thing but I felt it - years of indoctrination or god knows what. That I'm the man and I take care of things. And then there's you."

I share a look with Elaine while he gathers his thought. She's worried again but only slightly. The love I feel from her is almost painful. Stephen takes a deep breath to continue. "Your voice is like a command to me. Not because you're trying to make it sound like that. Not at all. You just talk and it speaks to a part of me that says 'Listen to her. Now do what she wants.' and I do it. It's a knee jerk thing yet it's so strong. But, it also feels good in a way. It's going to take time for me to figure this out." I watch him dry the last plate and then set it aside. "I..." He turns to look at me. I can see a slight bit of red in his cheeks. "I LIKE what happened last night. I can only remember vague bits and pieces. Pain. Pleasure. Some images. But, holy shit, I enjoyed the hell out of that. I can't exactly remember what I was feeling during the whole thing but I felt so alive. Free from so much. So powerful. And you. You were like this... this... god! I don't even know but when I was the wolf, you shone like this... I don't... I'm a lawyer and I don't have the words. I just..."

The sharp ring of a cell phone from the living room cuts him off. We all turn at once, ears perked. I look to Elaine and then at Stephen when she does. His phone, then. Stephen looks at me and then the phone and then back to me. "Oh for the love of... Stephen, get your phone." Elaine coughs to cover her giggle. Stephen curses as he tries to find the phone and then answers to talk briefly to someone on the other end. It sounds important, whatever it is. He comes back and... His dick. I sometimes forget to look away. It swings. It's rather big. And it does such wonderful things to me. And, god, the way it feels in my mouth when he's hard. My hand is reaching for my clit before I realize what I'm doing. Elaine's breathing is rapid and I smell her own wetness. I wonder - was she turned on by herself or because I was? My money is on my scent doing it. Sex nearly happens. It so nearly becomes a mass table-breaking orgy right then and there. There's this domino effect of me riling Elaine which riles me which nearly overwhelms Stephen. He's watching both of us and his dick is now rock solid. I want to touch it. I want to feel it against my pussy lips. To feel the heat of it against me. The way it opens me. The way this pussy of mine feels with a man's cock in it. How it feels inside of me and then the head rubbing on...

"They're moving the date of Josh's case up." Stephen's voice is incredibly strained. He has this vein near his right temple that's all puffed out. Straining to hold himself back. "I need to meet with him now." Elaine is practically panting. Not touching herself but wanting to so bad. Both of us are incredibly aroused and it's permeating the room with our scent. Bitches in heat. Stephen's eyes are pleading now. "Please." He says. To me.

For a moment I think he's begging for sex but I walk my memory and realize he's talking about his work stuff. I stand and move to the other side of the kitchen. I try to talk but I can't so I just nod my head and look away. I nod again when he asks if he can borrow some of my clothes. I have to pry open the tiny kitchen window before I drive myself mad. I feel what Stephen was talking about. This thing in the back of my mind. This wolf. Padding. Growling. Wanting. I can feel it almost as a physical presence. I take a deep whiff of the cold, wet outside air to try to settle myself. It does the trick - I thought Stephen's scent was sometimes chaotic but the outside is insane. Harsh on my nose. It actually makes my eyes water a tiny bit. Elaine whines in a nearly dog-like noise that (looking over at her briefly) she doesn't even notice she's doing. But, she's calming down and that's fucking awesome because if we start, that's that. Nobody will leave for hours.

Stephen in my clothes is amusing. I'm actually surprised he can walk in them. "My balls hurts." He informs me in his best dead-eye Serious Lawyer face.

I glare at him. "Don't blame me with you coming in here all ... dick swinging and stuff. It does stuff to me. To this body. To me. Goddammit, all right. To me." I'm blushing. I feel stupid and I'm blushing. Worry and shame and pain immediately comes from both of them. "Argh! Stop it! I'm not mad at either of you! I'm just - it's taking some getting used to. I was straight, dammit. And, no, I'm not complaining. At all. I'll get over it." What I don't tell them is that I almost said "with you coming in here all sexy-like" instead. For some reason, that does bother me. With everything that I've done so far, the immediate thought of looking at a naked man and thinking "That's fucking sexy" bothers me. It's stupid but it's there. The physical desires are one thing but mentally thinking a naked man is flat-out sexy is completely different territory. My heart is beating too fast. Fucking stupid sunava....

"I have to go." He tells me. ME. Not Elaine. I don't even catch a whiff of jealousy from her. Or hurt. Business as usually. He doesn't move.

"I... Stephen. Seriously. You don't have to ask my permission for everything." My heart is still racing from earlier. My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

"But, see, I actually do have to ask. You don't get it, do you? You don't know what it's like for me. Or for Elaine. It's not so easy, sweatheart..." I growl. I feel my lips pull back and my very human ears twitch. My teeth are bared. Elaine is immediately stressed and angry. At Stephen. "... fuck. Fuck! I'm sorry. I'm... dammit. I have to go. I'm sorry." Elaine goes to him to kiss him goodbye. I feel myself calm in increments. Heartbeat by rough heartbeat. He looks at me. Why? What does he want? I told him to go. He takes a half-step towards me but I see his nose flare and he stops. And turns. And leaves.

Elaine comes to me and hugs me. Her own heart is hammering in her chest. I hear the front door open and then close. The top of Elaine's head comes to just below my chin and she's rubbing it against my slowly. "He's slow sometimes. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Please."

"I'm not. Elaine, I'm not mad at him. Well, a little but I'm more mad at myself. This whole thing is ... backwards. For me. It's new and different and backwards. I was a man yesterday. Briefly. A straight man. Mostly straight? Still straight? Dammit. It'll be okay, little one." As soon as I say that, Elaine whimpers and hugs me tighter. I feel her calm almost as if I nuzzled her. These little triggers are odd. "We need clothes. There's some sun through those clouds. Why don't we find something that fits and go out?"

Elaine sniffs and nods and we both scrounge for clothes. My old man-clothes (hah) still kind of work for me but Elaine looks like a child in them. We play dress up for a little bit and laugh at each other before finally finding something that works for her - a set of the clothes she brought for me. They're still too large for her but at least they aren't terrible.

We're still laughing when we step outside but then I stop. It's the first time I'm going outside as a woman. As a complete, actual woman. In men's clothing. That's kind of funny in a way. I feel Elaine's hand on my back, rubbing in a small circle. "You're beautiful," she tells me. Yeah. I do love her.

I have to adjust the seat in the car to make it work. And the rear-view mirror. The seatbelt is new and different. I try that in different positions before just leaving it and ignore the way it feels on my bra-less chest. Elaine is very much NOT looking at me right now. And, god, my hair! It's all... hair-like! I keep hooking it behind my ear and it's annoying the fuck out of me. Great. Now Elaine is laughing. Great. Do I get a hairband? ... thing? Pony tail? Oh my god. Braids? Can I braid my hair? Well, not me obviously but someone? Elaine? I suddenly get this surreal mental image of Elaine sitting behind me braiding my hair and it does this weird butterfly-y thing to my stomach. Elaine is clutching her stomach, tears rolling down her cheeks as she laughs at me. I punch her in the arm but she just keeps laughing. I take back the comment about loving her. Bitch.

We go.

After she calms down, I ask about the Josh guy. "It's a sad case, actually. Single father. The mother left when the baby was young. Ummm... how old again? I think the daughter's 16 now? Vanished. Gone. Police think the dad did it. He was laid off of work a couple months back and neighbors saw them arguing all the time. Then she leaves one night and never comes back. The dad was out drinking and can't remember anything. Stephen knew him when they were kids so he's trying to help him out. That's about all I know."

"Does it ever bother you?" I ask. "To hear this stuff? The things he works on some times?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it does. Him more than me. He's tough but the kid stuff always gets him. That's where I come in all happy and smiley and bouncy. But, it hurts to see him like that." My hand finds her knee and I squeeze gently. Her smaller hand covers mine and the rest of the ride is quiet.

I expect Elaine to be disappointed when we pull up to the thrift store but I'm pleasantly surprised when she tells me she loves this particular branch. Stephen does really well financially but apparently thrift stores have amazing clothes sometimes. I'm praying that by "amazing" she doesn't mean leopard print. I'm nearly at the door when I stop and look up sharply. Across the street. "Elaine," I ask. "Do you smell that?"

She looks at me and then closes her eyes to sniff. "No. What is it?"

I nod carefully to the two young men across the street. Young. Late teens, early twenties. Smoking cigarettes and laughing about something a guy named Frank said. Dressed in black with ragged, baggy clothes. "They smell like us, Elaine. Wolves."
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Unread 03-19-2013   #34
What would you rather be?
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Re: Layers (Incomplete)

Thanks for coming back to this story; I'm sorry that I didn't catch your last message about needing help, or I'd have given you some ideas earlier.

If I had to describe this chapter, I'd say that it's all about emotion. Very powerful, amplified by all the wolf pack bond stuff, and - as with the previous chapters - it's presented in a stream-of-consciousness style that makes it easy to get inside the heads of the characters and almost feel it yourself.

The impending introduction of new werewolf characters (or are they...? ) is welcome, but I'm curious as to how this will tie in with the beginning of the story - the shewolf bodysuit. If you need a hand with writer's block, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can think up...
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 03-21-2013   #35
Smutty Lady
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Re: Layers (Incomplete)

Thanks, CNash For the compliments and for the help on stuff. People have you to thank for the upcoming chapters.
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Unread 07-23-2013   #36
Smutty Lady
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Re: Layers (Incomplete)

Chapter 7
================================================== ===============
Elaine turns to look at the two men across the street. I watch as she closes her eyes and sniffs. A strand of her red hair comes loose in the wind and flutters across her small nose. I watch her hair move and marvel at the way she looks. At the complicated play of emotions running through my body. She's attractive to me - very much so. But, I feel the this ache deep in my soul that makes me think of some base emotion - something deeper than love. I can't put it into words exactly but I want to take her and just go. Her and Stephen. I want to just leave and explore and ignore the world around us. It's -- it feels like life. Like they're both a piece of me. Her delicate brows furrow before she takes one last deep breath.

"I'm not smelling anything. I mean, it's different now with what I can smell. Everything is way stronger but I just smell the city. Smoke and food and a lot of weird stuff. It stinks. Are you sure?" She turns to me and pulls the loose hair back behind her ear and I feel my own hair playing along the back of my neck. I'm ignoring it. Stoically. "We should get you a scrunchie for your hair. Oh my gosh! Can I put a scrunchie in your hair?! The first scrunchie you've ever worn?! Wait, is it? Would it be the first scrunchie ever?" Her eyes are twinkling and she's both extremely excited at the prospect and holding back a laugh. I figure it's 30 seconds before she's bouncing and clapping. Or digging through her purse to find some hair band.

I grin at her enthusiasm but turn back to the two young men. To my nose, the world is a complex tapestry of smells and sounds, woven together into a massive, moving piece of art. As with paintings, I see the whole and I get a sense of what's there but some subtle smells have no definition. I would have to concentrate to figure out the small detail or hidden meaning and it is so far too difficult to figure anything out beyond the mostly obvious, "This is a painting of two women lounging with other people around them." Or, "This is the smell of a city with food vendors and sewage and people and cars and so much more." I can't and don't want to figure out exactly what kind of poop is on the ground to my left. I just know it's not cat or dog poop. I sigh mentally. Great. I have the super power to figure out what isn't dog poop. Awesome.

But... there's a certain smell coming from the two men. It's an earthy smell mixed with a dog smell. Kind of a dog smell. Almost like a dog that's been rolling around in something bad smelling and is possibly also wet but, still a dog. And there's a slow burning anger. Some other virulent red smell is mixed in with everything else as well. Yes. Red is a color. Or at least it is mentally now. Blood red. Hot blood red. I'm grinding my teeth from the way they smell. I can't even say exactly how I can tell it's coming from them. Well, I take that back. It's mixed in with the smell of cigarette smoke and boys and... I take a quick look around... Yeah, they're the closest people except for the ones in the store and that's a whole other set of scents.

Overhead, a white bird (a quick look up and my eyes focus way better than they used to do - it's a pure white pigeon) is heading straight for us before a hawk swoops in and takes it with barely a pause. Its triumphant screech drills into my ear.

"No. It's them. And they smell bad. In the sense of something wrong. Well, hell, and bad, too. I think we should just avoid them, Elaine. I don't think it's safe. Let's just let them be." A strand of my hair nearly puts my eye out as the wind shifts for a moment and I growl quietly. "Maybe I will let you put a scrunchie thing on me. I get to pick the color, though because I'll be damned if I wear pink." The door to the Goodwill tinkles open and I turn towards it and then wish I hadn't - a tsunami of perfume nearly floors me.

Elaine is less affected by the smells coming from inside the store. I'm blinking back tears while she stares mournfully up at me with puppy dog eyes. She reaches for me with both hands and paws at me, like a cat pawing at a door to be let in. "But, but, but. You'd look so pretty in a pink scrunchie! Oh my gosh, please? Please can we?" She follows me into the store, still begging.

I have never realized exactly how much clothing thrift stores have for women until I became one. A woman, not a thrift store. I was happy with my four short rows of men's clothes. They were easy to go through. One row for t-shirts, another for blue jeans and then two rows for work clothes. Oh god. Work. I need to figure out what I'm doing there. Elaine glances at my sudden stress but I wave her away. Something to think about later.

"Elaine," I whisper to her out of the corner of my mouth while looking around the miles of women's clothing. "There are a fuck ton of clothes here." While I'm looking, I instinctively find the exits and my eyes dart to see where everyone is standing and what they look like. Mostly older people. No threats. Easy to get out. Large, mostly open area except for the aisles but they're free standing racks and easy to knock over. Weird. It's weird. My reaction. Weird and new. Elaine is looking around but she doesn't seem to be doing the same thing.

"I know! Isn't it great. Come on - we'll start with pants. And then dresses? Skirts? Can we?" I can't look at her. I know the look she'll be giving me. The pouty lip puppy dog eye. I can't say no to that shit.

"Maybe. I don't even know what size I am, Elaine. I was a size 34 before but after, well, after it happened, I went down to a 30 as a guy. And 32 long. I'm bigger as a woman so maybe 34? 36? And 33 long? Also, I need a bra desperately. Or something. A jacket. Sweatshirt. This shirt is driving me nuts with my nipples. And distracting me badly. In a good way. But badly. Everybody can see them." As I look over to the cash registers, I spot an old man giving me an eye. I skim past like normal and then stop as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. He's not just looking at me. He's LOOKING at me. As a guy, I've had people glance over at me or look at me because I was in their way or because I was talking to them. This is different. Very different. He's not moving his head but his eyes are roaming over my entire body and now I'm keenly aware of myself. Aware of my heavy breasts against my chest, how warm it feels where the skin from my tits are touching the skin of my chest. VERY aware of how the fabric of the shirt rubs lightly against my nipples. Also aware of how that makes me feel deep inside. The very absence of my dick and my pussy between my legs still makes me want to reach a hand down my pants to touch myself. Years and years of having a dick is very hard to shake off. And that is what the old man is looking at. My hips and tits and face. So I stare back. And wait. It takes him somewhere around 30 seconds to notice my glare and then he just turns and finishes his business. No shame or anything.

So I get it now. A little. I feel a hint of what it feels like to be leered at. I guess on one hand I'm not at all comfortable being out in public as a woman yet. At all. I keep forgetting about it and then things like this remind me. That I'm a woman. The thought of the old guy being naked around me grosses me out. And it's something I've never really considered much when looking at another guy. When you're a guy, you're a guy and you see other guys. You don't usually think of them naked and doing stuff with you. Ah. Well, perhaps bisexual guys or gay guys do? Yes. Yes, I'm totally ignoring my thoughts about men from the past few days. Especially from the clothes store. Not thinking about the mannequin again. Of being mounted and fucked- so! Moving on! But now here I am. A woman. I've had sex with a man. I've lusted after another man's dick in my mouth (dammit) and in my pussy (not so bad) and I see this old guy and I see the way he's looking at me and imagining all these things. And because I've had sex with a man, for some reason, I immediately have this knee jerk reaction about this guy because he's looking at me with this face screaming for sex. And whether it's because I am a guy (was a guy?) or because of the wolf inside of me, I want to snarl and break his neck. I'm not his and never would be. But for that brief moment when I saw him looking and understood what he was seeing, there was this stupid shared mental sexual image that I couldn't just ignore and now I feel slightly dirty. I couldn't not imagine him fucking me because that's what I saw in his eyes. It's like those things - where the people tell you not to imagine a pink elephant but of course your mind does it anyway.

"Elaine, this old guy-" I stop. I know what I'll see when I look over at her. She's excited. I look anyway and, yeah, she's staring at my tits, too. She's not even trying to hide it. She's got this slightly dazed expression on her face and a blush creeping up her neck. I can smell her hunger. "Jesus. You're both creepy. Come on, Creepy. Help me with finding clothes. I can't breathe right with this shirt on."

Elaine blinks at me owlishly several times and makes this little double-handed pulling motion. "You could always take it off, you know? The shirt. I wouldn't mind helping you with that." She's grinning like a mischievous little weasel (still like a playful otter with a body and mind like that) and trying to play it off like a joke but I can smell her wetness. I know she still wants me. Badly. I can almost taste her in my mouth. The taste and texture of her sweet little vagina. And I can remember the not-so-little she-wolf slinking after me with her golden eyes and red fur.

"Shirts. And pants. Focus, Elaine, or we'll never get out of here."

Women's clothing is a chaotic and infuriating mess and it does not help that I'm six feet tall as a woman. A sturdy six feet tall. Elaine is a whirlwind of arms as she grabs things and holds them up to me. I learn that there are no real standard across the board sizes. None. Well, kind of. I'm also just difficult to fit - things are too tight in the hips or too short in the arms and legs. And too tight. The damn clothing is made for fragile or fat women, it seems. Nothing much in-between. And not much for a six foot tall farm girl body type.

I like green. Light green. I will never, ever admit it to anyone else but I like the way a light (but not pastel) green top looks with my blond hair and hazel (a little more golden in the light today) eyes. Sometimes I hold up a top in the mirror and just get enthralled by the beautiful woman looking back at me. I look at her and nearly want to cry at what it feels like. That's ME. That's me in the mirror. With the heart shaped face, blond hair and amazing figure. Elaine stands quietly next to me when that happens. Just letting me soak it in. She knows what I'm doing and why.

I like slacks still more than dresses or skirts. Honestly, I thought I'd have more of an issue with a dress than I actually do. They're pretty and they make me look amazing - especially when showing off my legs. Perhaps it's because I still see the woman looking back at me rather than me as a man? Or something? I just seem to prefer pants. However, to placate Elaine and keep her from pouting all day, I let her pick out one skirt and one dress. Both happen to be slightly different shades of green so I'm not the only one to notice how nice I look with the color. I get quiet catcalls from Elaine when I come out of the tiny dressing room while wearing the various outfits. I blush. Seriously. I can't help it. It's embarrassing. She even has me turn in a little circle so she can see the whole thing. My little show elicits a 'hubba hubba' that sounds odd coming from a small pretty girl.

"So," I ask, "Should we find some bras and panties here, too?"

"Oh god, no. No no no. Never buy used underwear. It's cheaper but so not worth it. You... right. Okay. Your... gah. Why is it hard for me to talk about this? I've never had to give the talk so it's weird to me. Your vagina isn't like a penis. It's, umm, picky. Temperamental. It doesn't just work all day every day. The wrong kind of fabric or detergent or, heck, a different penis can make your vagina all upset and grumpy. And then you're dealing with a yeast infection or interesting smells and liquids and... oh." Elaine stops mid-sentence looks down from my eyes.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Can..." She pauses again and then touches my arm. Leaning in close she lowers her voice. "Can you get pregnant?"

Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa WHOA. No. Absolutely not. No. What the fuck, no. I hadn't... no. But... but what if I can? I'm a woman. I'm a goddamned woman and it's not for show. I can remember the feel of my guts rearranging. I can remember the rush of emotions and wondering at hormones and other things. Oh my god. Oh my god, no. Stephen. I've had sex with Stephen without condoms. I can remember him fumbling for a condom that first night when he was changing into the wolf. I can remember growling at him to hurry and rubbing my sopping pussy against his furry wolf's cock. I can remember the feeling of his cum flooding me. Loving it. Wanting it. Wanting to taste it. Even now, remembering all of this, I feel my insides loosen slightly at the memory. I feel a flush of desire at the memory of his cock filling me. At the taste of his cum in my mouth. I have no doubts. None. No doubts that I'm fully a woman inside.

"Elaine. Elaine, holy shit. I never even... holy shit, Elaine!" My own whisper is fierce and loud to my ears. "I can't get pregnant! I mean, I probably can but no. I'm not ready for that. I can't!" She's patting my arm and looking around to see if anyone is listening.

"It's okay. It's okay. Look, it's easy. We'll just use condoms and I'll see if I can get some extra birth control. It's tricky because there are different kinds but you can't just buy them in the store. And we'll just wait until it kicks in and then... No, hey, it's okay. Hey."

My body is in a cold sweat. Birth control. Me. On. Birth. Control. So I don't get pregnant. What. The. Fuck. Birth control. I can't. I can't breathe. I can't. I sit. Hard. Against the wall. A thousand million thoughts circle around in my brain. Pregnancy. Birth control. Cum. Babies. Nursing babies. Being a mom. Children. BIRTH CONTROL. Elaine is stroking my hair and talking to me in a very obvious "You're a small scared child" voice but I'm alternating between sweating and having cold sweats. My heart is in my throat and I feel sick to my stomach. My ears are ringing. What if I'm already pregnant? What if there's a baby right now? Stephen's baby? Am I going to throw up? Here? Right here in the store? Oh my god. How could I be so stupid? How could I be so fucking... oh. Great. I'm crying. Now I'm crying. Jesus wept. Fat hot tears rolling down my cheeks while Elaine pets my hair. I don't know how long I'm down on the ground crying but I hear Elaine tell several people that I'm okay and I just need a moment. And, eventually, it passes. Something else kicks in and now I'm just sniffling and rubbing at my eyes. I have to fix this.

"Okay," I say. My voice is a bit shaky. "I'll just get a pregnancy test and we'll use condoms and, yeah. Birth control. Okay. This is okay. I am okay. I'll be okay." Elaine's eyes obviously see the lie but I've got nothing else. I'll deal with what comes and just roll with it. That's all I can do. "I'm sorry for crying. I feel stupid."

"Shhh, it's okay. It's a big huge deal suddenly. Let's just check out and go. Maybe we can grab some food, too? I'm starving. And we'll talk. I'll tell you all about the stroppy vagina and how easy it is to muck it up. Oh! And then we can go to Macy's and grab some panties. Yes? Panties? Can I watch you try them on?"

I laugh and feel better. I still feel the worry and stress and my stomach is full of acid but, well, hell, a week ago I was just a guy living out my life. I will take all of these issues in stride if it means I stay like this. Any day of the week. I'd bear the pain of the change from man to woman every single day if that's what it took. "Wait, 'stroppy'? What the hell does that mean? What's a stroppy vagina?"

Elaine makes an ambiguous hand motion. "Stroppy. You know. Cranky. I read it once and I love the way it sounds. Try it! Stroppy. It sounds English and fancy so I use it when I can. And I think it works perfectly fine with vaginas. Wait until you've had a yeast infection for no good reason and then you'll see what I mean. Effin' stroppy. Is a thing. Stroppy." More vague hand motions follow her faux accent (English? Cockney?) when she says the word.

"Oh my god! Stop with the stroppy! My vagina is magical and so far from stroppy that it's... it's... fuck. Magical. There. I hear 'stroppy' and think of like, I don't know, thick white goopy stuff. I don't want to even think about it."

"Well, there is that, too. Sometimes. Kind of. You'll see. Vaginas are amazing things but they move in mysterious ways. I mean, not really move but they're odd. And mysterious. And stroppy."

I storm off while Elaine giggles quietly and makes her little wavy hand motion that is apparently needed to accentuate the stroppiness of said vaginas. Freaking women.

Here's something new - when I go to check out, I purposefully pick the register with the old skinny woman rather than the younger scrawny boy. Part of me wants to pick the boy's register just to see if he stares and to stare right back but the larger part doesn't want to deal with it. Unfortunately, I have to deal with an entirely different kind of harassment with the lady. Behind her stained white counter with an old style register, the lady stands in what looks like a potato sack painted with flowers. She has her hair pulled back fairly tightly and her half-circle glasses sit on the tip of her nose with a chain barely holding the glasses in place. She smells like old woman, mold, stale old forgotten sex, bad breath and prunes. Oh, and something that makes me angry. I'm guessing by the way she's frowning (she has about 15 million forehead wrinkles), pursing her lips and looking between myself and Elaine that she thinks we're lovers. And she doesn't approve. Oh, I get it. Tall, strong lady, smaller lady. Stereotypical. Right in this case but for the wrong reasons. She stares a bit more and then slowly, very slowly checks us out. Not like, checks us out checks us out but scans our items. Slowly.

Past me would stand patiently and semi-embarrassed. But I don't like the judgment. I don't like the way she's thinking about me and my mate. I don't like the way she's mentally treating us like shit. I can imagine the crap going through her mind and I don't like it. At all. So, I hook my arm around Elaine and feel her startle for a moment before she snuggles closer. Her heart is beating fast in time to my anger.

"Hey sweetheart," I tell her. "Rather than getting something to eat, why don't we just go home?" I watch the lady the entire time. She hesitates and I see her mouth move in something that looks suspiciously like she's mouthing the word 'slut.' My lips go back in a snarl mixed with a grin and I tighten my hold on Elaine. I feel her fingers dig into my side in response. "And then, maybe I can eat you out instead. What do you say, beautiful?"

Before Elaine can answer, the old lady simply drops our clothes and walks off. She opens a small 'Employees Only' door and I hear the muted buzz of some angry, low conversation from inside. I can almost pick out words but it doesn't sound happy. After a bit, a dour middle-aged man with a paunch walks out of the room and heads towards our register. Without an apology or explanation, the man picks up the clothes on the counter and continues ringing up the purchases. He never looks up the entire time. With the last item (my dress... MY dress... weird) scanned, the man takes Elaine's card, runs it and hands her the receipt. The man tells the counter in front of us to have a nice day but I assume he's talking to us because I'm nice like that.

I grab the bag of clothes and we leave. I'm actually excited to try everything on again. Oh crap. Okay. I'm excited to try on the dress and skirt for Stephen. There. I admit it. I want to wear the dress with whatever bra and panties we find so I can look like a proper, actual woman for my man. For my mate. My other mate. Jesus. Did I seriously think 'my man' like it was no big deal? Now I'm thinking of that thick penis of his and it's alternating between his human dick and that knotted wolf's cock and, dear God, I want them both. Badly. Suddenly. I inexplicably suddenly want to feel his cock spreading open my pussy lips. I almost gasp at the sudden need of it.

I put my hand on my chest, between my breasts as I refocus. And then a sudden shouted "HEY!" brings me entirely back into the present. The two men from earlier are closer. They were just walking down the street but the older one is stopped and looking our way. I feel the wind at my back. Taking my scent towards the two men. They're about three hundred feet away and there's nobody else around the area. A single car passes in the distance.

The older man drops to his hands and feet and runs. Clothing tears away from his body to expose fur growing through the gaps. He doubles and triples in size while I watch. In an instant. Clawed feet tear through his Converse sneakers and I catch a glimpse of his dick before black fur grows to hide it away. His friend reaches and yells for him before throwing down his jacket and running, his own change tearing his clothes apart.

So fast. I've never seen anything in real life move so fast. I see small sparks where his claws strike the concrete. My heart rate is spiked and I hear Elaine scream behind me.


There has been a few times in my years on this planet where I've been actually afraid for my own life. As a teenager, I panicked while swimming in a large lake and almost drowned. When I was a child, I stepped out in the street to chase a ball and I watched as a speeding car came within two inches of hitting me. Both times I was terrified. Not in the sense of being scared while watching a horror movie. No. I mean actually terrified. I felt the black gulf opening before me and had a taste of what it would mean to die. Both times.

This thing coming towards us with a clear intent to kill is another one of those times. I'm terrified. I can taste my own death and it's a mixture of bile and blood and oblivion. I am a human. I am six feet tall and probably much stronger than a normal woman my size but I am nothing compared to the drooling, raving beast that is barreling my way.

I don't want to die.

And then I remember. I remember what my uncle told me when he pulled me from the edge of the river - it is how you handle your fear that is the clear difference between bravery and cowardice. I think he got that from somewhere else and I'm very much paraphrasing it but I've never forgotten the basic meaning. I repeat it to myself sometimes when facing a challenge.

I don't want to die. I really, really don't. But, more than my own life, I don't want Elaine to die.

I sprint towards the werewolf and I feel how strong I am. Elaine yells for me but all I can hear is my own breathing and the thud of my feet on the ground as I tackle the creature. Well, no, not tackle. It's immensely strong and it slams into me. We roll together and I try to get my arms and legs around its body so it can't strike me. For one glorious moment, I have it. I have my arms under its armpits and it's growling and snapping at me uselesslly. And then it flexes and breaks my hold. I fall away and immediately feel a burning pain along the side of my stomach. I didn't see its claws move but I see my blood fling away from the tips of the thing's black claws. I think I scream. Or yell. It hurts bad. The sun goes black and I feel rough skin against my face. Rough padding. And claws. And then I want to throw up. My ears are ringing and my head hurts. Oh. Okay. He's slammed my head- I black out for a moment as the side of my head hits the concrete again.

Thoughts are hard. I want to sleep and throw up and cry. And then I feel the boiling rage. The wolf is coming. Finally coming. I feel a surge of adrenaline and a little tell-tale burning sensation that lets me know I'm changing. Too late. A few more kisses from the concrete and I'll be dead. Too late to change.

I wince when the sun suddenly blooms into view. A red blur flies over me and then vanishes. The pain in my head winks out and I roll onto my stomach. I'm growling and I feel my canines scratch against my other teeth as they grow.

Elaine. Elaine is there with the other werewolf. My beautiful mate - my beautiful red she-wolf has her fangs into the other wolf's shoulder and she has a grip on his left wrist as she suddenly slams him down to the ground. He pushes and she moves back, faster than he can follow. Elaine's red and dotted-white muzzle is a mix of crimson blood and black fur. She's growling at the man (wolf) on the ground and I see her body tensing for another leap. The werewolf on the ground has his right paw against his shoulder as it makes a hacking-cough noise to spatter blood on the ground. It staggers to its feet and crouches, ears back. Elaine jumps but is taken mid-flight by the second man (wolf). This one is smaller than the first but still black-furred. And still larger than Elaine. Elaine and this new werewolf land hard and slide along the ground. I wince at the trail of blood and fur they leave behind. He hit her so hard.

My nails are growing out and I can see the fair skin on my forearm darkening with a growth of fur. I'm trying to force the change to happen faster but I have no idea what I'm doing. Elaine and the new werewolf are up and facing each other. The first wolf is on its knees and trying to stand with shaky legs. Elaine growls, stalking slowly towards the second wolf. She's got her arms down to her sides and her red tail is held nearly straight out behind her. She's sleek and small compared to the two males but still taller than I am currently and powerful looking. She's the most magnificent thing I've ever seen. I wince as my spine cracks under the strain of muscles growing. Come on! Come on, you stupid wolf! My shirt splits and I feel my freed breasts touch the hot concrete.

The second wolf is slowly walking backwards while Elaine follows. Her slow dance ends when the second werewolf reaches the first. The smaller wolf growls low and crouches beside his fallen comrade. And then, he grabs the first one by the back of the neck and pushes him down, hard. The first one yelps and growls but stays where he is - prostrate on the ground. The second wolf touches the ground with his free palm and lowers his head. Slowly, he picks the first wolf up and they stand. With his head still down, the second wolf makes an odd nod to Elaine and then pulls his friend away. They back away and then turn to run. The first stumbles once or twice before vanishing out of sight.

My change has stopped. I didn't ask it to do it but I watch my claws pull back into my body and I know it's reversing. Elaine pads over to me and butts her head gently against mine. I reach up and carefully touch the side of her muzzle, pushing it against my face and then rubbing against her back and forth. I smell the blood on her and feel the stickiness of it mixed with her fur. When she pulls away, her long thick tongue laps at my face to clean it off. I stand and immediately topple over. My side hurts badly and I can't decide which way is up. Elaine catches me and easily holds me up. Her thick red fur is soft against my breasts and, right now, I just want her to fold me up and hold me tight. My head is still swimming. We have to get out of here. Even as empty as this area is, someone could drive past.

We're further onto the street than we were a moment ago so I look for the nearest alley and point. It takes a moment for Elaine to understand but she eventually does and then we walk towards the space between two old buildings. Well, Elaine walks on the pads of her feet and I get gently dragged with her. Once we're deep in the alley, I push away from Elaine and sit back against the wall. She whines and lies down on my lap. Jesus, she's heavy. And soft. And warm. And hugely comforting. The fur on the tips of her ears tickle my breasts but I ignore them and stroke her muscular back. She's careful with her claws and I'm thankful for it. Her thick tail is tucked between her legs and she has her eyes closed while her husky breathing slows. My side hurts less and my head is starting to even out. The hearing in my left ear is gone but I think I can hear a faint whining sound with it so I hope it's not too long before that's fixed.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I bury my face in the fur of Elaine's shoulder and cry. Tears of relief and frustration and terror. I almost died. Elaine could've died. And I couldn't do anything about it. She changed where I couldn't. My body heaves as I cry in quiet restraint. Elaine changes under me. Slowly. Painfully. I hold her while she changes. Feeling her muscles shift and contract. Bones moving in horrifying ways. I wonder that I don't remember the changes so well but I'm thankful that I don't because it's terribly painful looking. Eventually I'm able to pull Elaine into my lap to hold her. Her face is the last to change back and she whimpers with each crack of her skull and jaw. Her body is slick in sweat and she feels like she's burning from fever. It's a strange sight to see a small woman with a hairless wolf's muzzle but I still find her beautiful. Mostly. Mostly beautiful. I'm sure I look just as odd so I'm not going to start judging.

Five minutes after she's fully human again, Elaine's eyes flutter open. "H... hey you..." She whispers. Her voice is weak but she smiles and I hug her tightly.

I'm about to cry again. I feel them at the corner of my eyes. The tears. "Oh god, Elaine. You were so incredible. I..."

The petite woman in my lap leans over and vomits violently. Blood and food and black fur and some pinkish, greyish thing that looks like skin and muscle spew out of her mouth. She's shaking and in a full body cold sweat. "I... I... That... I remember... I remember some of it... Is that... Is that fur? Mine?"

"No, honey. Not yours. The other one. You saved us. You should've seen it. You saved us." I hold her head to my shoulder and find myself rocking slowly. My voice is low and quiet while I talk.

"I'm... I'm sorry for throwing up. 's gross. Sorry. Mouth tastes bad."

"We'll get you cleaned up. Come on. Let's get home before someone sees us. Come here with me." The world is where it's supposed to be when I stand up and I pick Elaine up with me. She's so light in my arms now and she's still out of it enough that she doesn't bat an at being carried. I peek around the corner and wait while an older man walks across the street to the thrift store. After another few minutes, I run for my car. My keys are still thankfully in my pants so I'm able to unlock the door and carefully put Elaine in the passenger seat. I almost jump into the driver's side before remembering her clothes and purse. It takes a moment to find them but I do - torn clothing covered in light red fur. Her purse has a hole in it - probably a claw - and it looks like her cell phone is broken. I take all back with me to the car.

Elaine is out of it. She tosses and turns in her seat, mumbling to herself. I get a huge amount of double and triple looks on the drive home - truck drivers riding higher than my car. Naked pretty red-headed girl in the driver seat and Amazonian large-breasted woman in the driver's side. My shirt is in tatters from my near transformation and my breasts show through. After the second guy in the truck whistles and honks, I get mad and just rip the shirt off the rest of the way. Fuck them. If they want to look, they can look at all of me. I just wish I had something to cover Elaine. She's shivering and sweating, tossing and turning as if in the middle of a bad dream.
When I finally make it home nobody is around and I make a mad dash to the door, tits swinging in the breeze. I thought going commando as a guy was odd but being in the open air with my breasts not covered is really really odd. I kind of like it. A lot. It just feels different. If I weren't distracted by everything right now I'm sure I'd have thoughts of sex outdoors. In the woods. Or a park. Against a tree. With Stephen's dick pressed against my hot opening. Moaning and pressing back on him. Wanting to feel him filling me up. Wanting to feel his hard knot against my pussy, threatening to open me wide until we're connected and locked in - fuck. There I did it anyway.
Shirt. Shirt. Shirt. Gotta find a shirt. I grab a loose top, struggle to get it on and then rush back out. And then back in again to grab a towel. And out again. I wave like a crazy person at a passing car. I don't even know them but I'm in that hyper "I'm not doing anything wrong!" mode where I overcompensate.
Elaine is smacking her lips and sitting up, blinking and looking at everything. She grins weakly at me when I wrap her in a towel. She hooks her arm around my neck and kisses my cheek while I carry her inside.
"Aren't we supposed to get married before you carry me up the stairs and into your home?" Her voice is quiet but happy and I relax a lot more. If she can joke then she's better. "Can I get some water, please? I'm really thirsty. And a toothbrush. God. I would murder someone for a toothbrush right now."
I grab water from the tap and let her drink as much as she wants. I have to refill the cup twice. When she's finishing the third cup, I hear a key in the door followed by the door opening. Stephen's voice calls out "Hello, I'm-" The door crashes closed and Stephen is in the bedroom in less than five seconds. He's gone home at some point earlier in the day and dressed himself in a gray Polo shirt and brown slacks with a brown simple belt. He looks dangerous. He's breathing hard and I can smell his anger. His eyes are flashing golden and his canine teeth are far sharper than they should be. He stands at the door opening and closing his large hands. Hands that held me down. Hands that held my hips as he mounted his mate.
"What happened?" His voice is flat and gravely; nearly a growl. "Something happened. Tell me."
As I watch, he grows a five o'clock shadow and his eyes turn solid gold.
I go to him. I know what he waited for this morning. What he awkwardly wanted before he left. I kiss him. Without hesitating. Without wondering whether I'm a man or a woman. This is my mate. This is my man. He is worried and stressed and I will calm him. Because I love him. Because I want him to relax. Because I don't want him to worry. Mostly, I love him. He is surprised - very surprised. But, his arms wrap around me and I can feel his anger fade as our tongues meet. I feel a sense of completion. We're all here. I pull back and feel Stephen's arms tighten briefly before he lets me go. I press my forehead against his (we're nearly the same height) and then rub my cheek on his cheek. His beard is scratchy but feels good against my smooth, soft skin.
I whisper to him as we rub cheeks. "Welcome home, love. Lay down with us and we'll tell you what happened. We're okay. Just lie with us." I strip naked and, after a moment, Stephen also strips. I want him but, more than that, Elaine needs us. And, honestly? I need both of them and their touch right now. I lead him to the bed and pull him down to the side of Elaine. I lie on the other side of her and we hug her close, our hands touching and twining together as I tell him what happened. His hand grips mine painfully towards the end but he stays calm. Mostly calm.
"What do we do," he asks. "Will it happen again? What should we do?" We're whispering, stroking Elaine's body and each other.
"I don't know. It's a big city and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there's more of us. More like us. I mean, if we exist then it follows that we can't be the only ones. But-" I stop. There's a scratching at the window near the bed. A squirrel is standing at the window, slowly scratching up and down against the glass. A small white tube is tied around its waist. I sit up on my elbows, breasts falling across my chest. "What the fuck is that squirrel doing? Is everyone else seeing this?"
Stephen nods and Elaine's eyes sparkle. "Oh my gosh! Can we keep it? Can we let it in?!"
The squirrel continues to slowly scratch up and down over and over. What the hell, right? It’s a squirrel. We can handle a squirrel, right? Unless it gets loose and the wolves decide they want to chase and play. That can't happen, right? The window sticks sometimes but I'm pretty damn strong these days so I pop it open. The squirrel's paw drops and it just stands there, staring straight at me. The tube looks like a small piece of paper so I grab it. As soon as I take it off of the little thing, the squirrel blinks rapidly, screeches and runs away. I hear Elaine's "awwwww!" behind me but I'm reading the note and not paying attention.
"Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger," I tell both of them. I clear my throat with an overly dramatic 'ahem.' "Dear Sir or Madame. Heh. Your presence is requested in one hour at St. John's Park. Please find me on a bench facing the duck pond. Bring your two friends. Questions will be answered." I look at Stephen and Elaine. They're both sitting up, staring. Waiting for me.

I look at the note and then back to them. "I guess we're going out."
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