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Unread 05-24-2017   #61
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Collider: The BE Particle #4

May starts to lament that maybe she was wrong to judge Sam. Everything seems to be fixed. Sam really did it. Then without warning, May’s boobs start to grow. Everything is definitely not okay. May rushes to find Sam to figure out what is going on. The scene May finds will surprise her to no end. Sam is sitting amongst a mass orgy with her being at the center. May laughs that Sam is way more sexual than she ever was. May’s orgy wasn’t nearly as big. Then an idea hits May, the particle must still be unstable within Sam. If May can be there when Sam orgasms, then she can take back the particle . May quietly sneaks in the orgy and pushes a sex slave aside. Sam is too into her pleasure and is completely unaware. Sam starts to cum and May absorbs the particle as reality bends and ships around the two women.

After a long hiatus, Bo Saget picks up the old author’s reigns and continues the Collider story with Collider: The BE Particle. The events of Collider created a god particle using the large hadron collider. That god particle has the power to warp reality in what ever image the owner of the particle wishes. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the reality is more often than not a fulled fever dream full of giant breasts and sex. Collider: The BE Particle has plenty of breast growth and sex that Bo Saget is known for. Additionally, the story features some amazon and giantess sized women and penis growth for good measure. Readers are sure to enjoy the reality bending ride Collider: The BE Particle offers.

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Unread 05-31-2017   #62
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Re: The Breast Expansion Story Club Updates

Picture unending orgasmic bliss. Picture someone taking that incredible pleasure away from you. You’d probably be upset. Natalie is. And she’s going to take it out on Karen.
But it is about time. Karen’s completely missed out on the hot-bodied fun so far and that’s not fair. If anyone deserves a super-sexy make-over, it’s Karen.
But Doctor Bey is getting closer. And he has a plan.

The Three Wish War has been a labour of love for Bill Pratt and it shows. The story asks the question of why do genies do what they do and why stop at three wishes? And how far are they willing to go to maintain the status quo?
This time around, the genie is bound by the new rules, and he hates them. Worse, his attention is divided by a rebellion turned bloody back in his homeland. He can’t do his job with a paltry three wishes, but a bloodbath to win back the right to perform his job as he sees fit is not what he had in mind.
His clients this time around are three roommates: the quiet one, Karen, wants to be an actress. The pretty one, Melanie, enjoys a life of easy leisure, but always wants more. And Natalie just wishes her two friends could get along. Literally.

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Unread 06-07-2017   #63
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Freshly Squeezed

Two women, Krista and Valerie, travel to the remote village of Boobaya for their final thesis assignment. They are lead by two natives, Martin and Darrien. The two girls have not seen much, at least, nothing that would warrant an A+. The one note Krista has noticed is that all the women of the village have huge breasts. When Krista’s fed up after only seeing some mountains, she asks Martin to show her something worthwhile. Valerie’s more concerned with her increasing hunger. They arrive at their place of stay, and find a bowl of an unknown fruit outside their door. A bowl of fruit that is deathly poisonous to men. Krista eats only a bite while Valerie downs one and a half fruits. This leads to some unexpected events. Featuring breast expansion, plenty of lactation, boobjobs, blowjobs, and good old fashion sex, Freshly Squeezed is a fun, sexy one-shot comic.

Freshly Squeezed is the debut, one-shot comic from new author SupremeD. The setting, characters are all typical of a growth victim storyline. The straight and narrow girl with the loud, somewhat slutty friend both alongside the two men who are only there to provide their dicks. The story makes quickly paces past the introduction of characters, location, and your typical setup to quickly get to breast action. Since there is very little dialogue, we quickly get to growth and the growth is focused on with little interruption. The difference between the two girls’ breasts allow for them to be interacted with differently. Right after the growth process is the sex scenes, again quickly reached and with very little interruption. It has it all: boobjobs, blowjobs (with huge dicks by the way), and good old sex. It is a very quick, and to the point comic that is a pleasure and oozes sexy once it needs to.

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Unread 06-14-2017   #64
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Educational Endowments #8

In a Breakfast Club type situation, six students who barely graduated high school have to take a special class to determine their placement in college or if they have to repeat senior year of high school. Separated into three male/female partnerships, they have to work together to reach the best grade. As extra incentive, their teacher Miss Hooters added a special side effect where breast growth or shrinkage results from their exam scores! Can the students put aside their differences to pass? Or will they get MUCH MORE than they anticipated with this class? Note: This story features graphic sex and BE from the tiny to GIGANTIC proportions!

Being the fifth breast expansion series from acclaimed adult comic writer TJ Hunter, Educational Endowments is a fun and lighthearted story of six students crippled in some way by their high school experiences, forced to move past their previous personas to become well rounded college students. If you like your stories well written and filled to the brim with humour, fun characters, various varieties of sex, and breast enlargements that go from tiny/normal to EPIC/GIGANTIC proportions, buy a copy of Educational Endowments today!

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Unread 06-28-2017   #65
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Re: The Breast Expansion Story Club Updates

The two busty goddesses sex causes time and space to rupture. The break in time creates a opening for the nefarious Dr. Smith to escape limbo. Dr. Smith then sees a chance to get the god particles from the unsuspecting women.

Bo Saget continues the Collider story with Collider: The BE Particle. THe story has plenty of breast growth nad sex that the author is known for. Additionally, the story features some amazon sized women and penis growth for good measure. Readers are sure to enjoy the reality bending ride Collider: The BE Particle offers.

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Unread 06-28-2017   #66
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Re: The Breast Expansion Story Club Updates

The cover for the BE Particle is probably the most effective cover on the site. Full props to the artist and designer.
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Unread 07-05-2017   #67
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Chloe's Open House

Chloe is preparing for an open house. As she puts on the finishing touches around the place she thinks about all the bad publicity that the listing has had. According to rumor, its previous owner was an evil witch who performed dark magic. Chloe accidentally breaks open a small board, revealing a hidden space underneath. Upon investigating, she’s shocked to find a beautiful ruby necklace. What she doesn’t know is that it’s cursed. After hearing a knock at the door she hastily puts the necklace on and welcomes in her clients, the Kensingtons. She then proceeds to go through her usual selling spiel, highlighting the house’s positives. After a short while she begins to feel strange and grows faint. Waving off her client’s concerns she does her best to continue with the tour before her breasts rapidly expand, bursting open her blouse! Again she dismisses the worried expressions from the Kensingtons and insteads rushes the tour along, pushing them upstairs. By the time they get to the upstairs bathroom she begins to appear completely different, no longer her normal looking self. With red skin, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth, she is demonic looking. The necklace glows brightly against her exposed chest. Desperate to make the sale she pushes through with the tour still. Things only become worse for her though, and soon she has become completely bimbofied, lost in her changing experience. In fear the Kensingtons flee, but Chloe manages to stop them. She proceeds to forcefully have her way with them, transforming them into creatures that resemble herself. At the end of the night all three of them are on the floor in a stupor, covered in one another’s post-lust juices. Needless to say, Chloe makes the sale.

Chloe is a real estate agent in desperate need of some good fortune. After having a string of bad luck, this is her last chance to make a sale, and unfortunately for her the property comes with a reputation for being haunted. Not much is known about the house’s previous owner, but rumor has it that she was an evil witch who performed dark magic. It is said that her influence can still be felt roaming the halls. But Chloe doesn’t believe in such nonsense. Not even when she accidentally discovers a bewitched ruby necklace. This gem is the catalyst for an evening that Chloe will never forget. Despite her continuing best efforts to make the sale after her clients arrive, she begins to feel stranger and more bizarre. Things quickly spiral into madness and chaos for Chloe, and she progressively feels less like herself. She becomes lost, going through both physical and mental changes, the ruby necklace glowing bright. By the end of the day, she will have transformed into something powerful right before her client’s eyes, and none of them will be the same ever again.

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Unread 07-05-2017   #68
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Flatty Patty has been hanging out on a forum for lovers of busty women under the name Patty Peaks, and she’s been telling tall tales to match her forum identity as an exceptionally busty woman. But what’s she going to do now that she’s pushed her luck too far and been challenged with the age-old Internet threat of Pics or GTFO? Well, Annie, a friend of a friend, does prosthetics for low budget Hollywood productions and a little Anime Cosplay on the side. Maybe Annie would like to do something other than zombie makeup for a change? Maybe she would. Totally she would! Anything but more zombies! Besides turning a twig like Flatty Patty into a busty bombshell is going to look GREAT in her portfolio.

Pics or GTFO has been a threat on the Internet almost since the beginning, and it’s nice to see that finally someone is doing something about it! In a story pulled almost out of real life, William Pratt introduces us to Flatty Patty, a girl who has found a family of sorts on The Swelling Chest, a forum devoted to the appreciation of women with large breasts or small breasts getting much, much larger. Perhaps her attraction to the site is simply Dren, a guy she likes, or perhaps the fantasy of having large (as in really, really large) breasts fills a hole in her flat-chested life. Regardless, when she pushes one of the legitimately busty women at the site too far… Well, it’s pics or GTFO time.

Patty’s not taking that sitting down, so off she goes to at least LOOK like she has big breasts, be it morphing her head onto the body of a big bust model or getting prosthetic enhancements from a friend of a friend who does make up for movies and TV.

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Unread 07-12-2017   #69
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Master PC: Greek Drama #5

Do not adjust your PDF reader! William Pratt is back with another chapter of digital mayhem as Monica comes to grips with Master PC, breasts the size of her head, and an unquenchable thirst for… Ah, but that’s getting ahead of things. Anyway, Monica’s gone and gotten herself zapped but good. Can she still save herself and rescue Penny? Download it. Read it. Find out.

William Pratt provides a race against time that no one is taking seriously. The bad guys are stuck in a traffic jam. The heroes are screwing each other’s brains out. Tactically this is poor planning, but it does make for more enjoyable reading. So this is where the game gets more interesting. A lust-addled slut is loose on Master PC. Can anyone see how this could be a problem? No? Can’t be much worse than a crew of horny nerd frat boys, right? Well it can because Monica is really, really horny. And Steve is still in cold pursuit.

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Unread 07-19-2017   #70
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Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula

Dina and Mary are your typical art-school nerds. While they are lamenting their love troubles in their local mall. Dina wants to attract the attention of the actor, Jimmy, while Mary wants the attention of the basketball star, Luke. Suddenly, they stumble upon the store “Spells R Us!” Inside, the seemingly all knowing Warlock provides the ladies with a potion called The Sexy Formula. He promises them that within a few hours, their bodies will transform to the sexy beings they always wanted to be. HOWEVER, if they are called sexy, something very, very drastic happens to them. Dina decides she will be the first to drink the potion. Overnight, her body completely changes! She immediately informs Mary who downs some of the potion just before school. Right in the middle of art class, Mary’s body completely changes as well! And it seems that no one really notices! The two girls both decide that they can’t wait to get laid!

Spells R Us: The Sexy Formula is the first part of another addition to the legendary series. SupremeD sets this part up perfectly as the two loser girls become totally smoking hot bimbos by the end! The setup is also a different way the series triggers growth, since it’s the girls who drink the potion instead of their lovers. We get not just one, but two bimboficiations in one comic! That’s my money’s worth right there! I especially LOVE Mary’s transformation since it takes place in the middle of class! There’s so much growing that takes place in this issue, I don’t even know how there will be more growth in the sequels! The plot moves quickly enough that we get to both growth sequences with no pause in between. And it’s especially risky that everyone wants to call the new hotties sexy! I can’t wait to see what the sequel brings in store!

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Unread 08-02-2017   #71
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Massive #6

Vera had a crush on a co-worker, but on the night before deciding to ask him out, her breasts began to grow full cup sizes at random moments! From busting out of her blouse at an outdoor restaurant, Vera ends up in random embarrassing moments and explicit sex as she looks for love during her MASSIVE journey from B-cup to Taboo proportions! For everyone who likes EXTREME BREAST EXPANSION and HUMOROUS SEXUAL SITUATIONS, this story is for you!

In the eighth breast expansion series from lauded adult comic writer TJ Hunter, “Massive” is a semi-realistic take on what might actually happen to a woman who experiences breast expansion and the extreme situations and decisions that might need to be made for her to survive the experience. For those who like well written stories with well rounded characters, dramatic situations, sexual situations, and slow BE over a length of time, then this is a story you need to read ASAP!

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Unread 08-09-2017   #72
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Collider The BE Particle #6

Sam awakens in a disgusting world full of Dr. Smith imagery akin to the Nazi’s of Germany. Something feels off to Sam, like things have not always been this way. Before she can ponder further, May urges her to go to the ceremony. The feeling still nags Sam, something is very wrong. She is not Dr. Smith’s wife and this realty is very is a egocentric asshole’s wet dream. Then it hits her. A sudden rush of memories flood Sam’s mind as she has sex with Dr. Smith. The god particle inside Dr. Smith must have awoken Sam’s particle fragment. Sam surmises that she still must have some of the particle within her since she is able to comprehend the change in reality. Sam thinks that maybe May has some of the particle in her too. The only “problem” is the only way to get it out through sex. It is a risk Sam must take though, their powers combined is the only way that they can defeat the man turned god, Dr. Smith.

After a long hiatus, Bo Saget picks up the old author’s reigns and continues the Collider story with Collider: The BE Particle. The events of Collider created a god particle using the large hadron collider. That god particle has the power to warp reality in what ever image the owner of the particle wishes. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the reality is more often than not a fulled fever dream full of giant breasts and sex. Collider: The BE Particle has plenty of breast growth and sex that Bo Saget is known for. Additionally, the story features some amazon and giantess sized women and penis growth for good measure. Readers are sure to enjoy the reality bending ride Collider: The BE Particle offers.

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