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Unread 03-28-2013   #1
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A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

A completed story that I will be releasing in chapters. Around 20,000 words. I had an idea to do a story with a very small amount of shrinking. Focusing instead on the effect of a very tall woman becoming a very short one. With that in mind I let the scenario lead me where it would. Honestly the process is very subtle, much like the shrinking. With lots of flashbacks comparing how she is now to what she was then. Enjoy and, as always, feedback is appreciated.

A Change in Perspective

By Merritstone

If a tree shrinks in the forest…


She was officially short.

Awake, Judy refused to open her eyes- at least for the moment. She could feel the sheets twisting and covering her in a way they never used to. It had been a cool spring. A week ago she would’ve been complaining that her feet were cold as they hung off the end of the bed.

Her tiny fingers slid fumble-blind and found her breasts. They had never been mountains, but now they were definitely molehills. Another week like this and she’d be lucky to have a pair of anthills. Jude’s nipples- also tiny- were surprisingly hard on the top of her slight, firm mounds.

Marching the short trip south down her ever-thinning waist, Judy’s fingers found her narrow hips. From there they slid down the V-shaped path to land at the top of her increasingly teeny-tiny pussy. The inviting wetness encouraged her digits to take a short break from their trek, but almost regretfully they moved on. Across her short toned legs, slipping past delicate calves, and finally stopping at her child-sized feet.

This had become her morning ritual, and like every morning since it began she found herself further reduced. Before looking at herself, she had feel how much smaller she had gotten. Part of Judy’s brain told her that this was psychosomatic. Sure, everything felt smaller but how could it? The hands touching her were smaller, too. To her own touch, everything should have felt the same… but somehow it didn’t.

She felt like a Russian nesting doll. Every night, giant hands would pull her apart leaving the smaller doll inside. Would it ever end? Was there a final doll, or was she dolls all the way down?

She opened her eyes and hopped out of bed.

“Yep,” Judy said to her unkempt bedroom, “Officially short.”

When she had closed her eyes last night she had been 5 feet 5 inches tall. As small as that had felt, it was an average height for an American woman. Unless she missed her guess she lost another three inches during the night. She was going to be shopping in the petite section next time she went clothes shopping. Hell, if she waited too long it would be in the pre-teen department.

A hard look in the mirror told her she was definitely getting smaller, and not shorter. She still had more or less the same body and proportions that she had 5 days ago. She had been tall (very tall) and athletically slender. If only the room was smaller she could have almost convinced herself nothing had changed. Maybe her legs were a little shorter and curvier, and she could swear her butt looked a touch rounder, but mostly she looked like her old, tall self.

Only pint-sized.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the white noise of the shower shut off. Walking into the bathroom she tried to prepare for the next phase of accepting her new shortness. Casually, she tossed a towel over the curtain rod. Not being used to her size, she miss judged the height, missed, and tossed it again.

A warm masculine voice came from the other side, “Thanks for the towel, babe. I didn’t know you were up.”

“Actually, I guess I’m kinda down,” Judy said quietly.

Busy toweling his hair dry Mark didn’t hear her response. A moment later he threw the towel back over the rack and slid the fogged glass open. He stepped out of the shower completely naked, water dripping off his lean body onto the bathroom rug.

Judy gasped up at the sight on him. He was so tall! Mark was only 5 foot 9 and she was used to him being much, much shorter than she was. Craning her neck to stare at his smiling face felt… wrong.

Looking down Mark’s smile faltered. “Whoa,” he said. “Something wrong, hun? You looked kinda scared for a moment there.”

“N-no, not scared,” Judy replied. “Can’t a girl be awed by her hubby’s god-like physique?”

His smile returned as he struck a muscle-man pose. To be fair, Mark wasn’t a muscle-man, but he was in fine shape. Judy stared at his chest for a moment, but then couldn’t help herself. As if weighed down by gravity, she let her gaze slide lower to where his cock flaccidly flopped against his leg.

She gasped. She couldn’t help herself.

“Now that’s a sound I like to hear,” Mark said.

Judy kept staring. Despite wearing white at the wedding, she had seen other penises. Mark had always been a fairly average size. Average length. Average girth. It was Judy’s parts that had come in extra, extra large. Fortunately where Mark didn’t fill her physically, he made up for it by being the poster child for ‘size doesn’t matter’.

He certainly didn’t look ‘average’ anymore. And then, god help her, it got even bigger. Her husband was beginning to get aroused under her undeflected gaze.

“You know I’d love to, but work waits for no man,” he said. With a shake of his head, Mark paused and pondered out loud. “Wait. Sorry, it’s early. My brain is putting stupid things in my mouth.”

He leaned over and kissed her small lips. Fortunately she looked up in time or else he might have kissed her forehead. A kiss reserved for children and the very petite. She wasn’t sure she was ready for this suddenly very tall man to kiss her like that. A lip to lip connection was much more preferable. Even so, the touch of his large hands made her flesh tingle.

“What I meant to say was: work can go screw. I’ll race you to the bed.”

“No,” Judy said. “Go to work. You’ve got that thing.”

“I’ve also got this thing,” he gestured in a downward fashion. “I’m ready. I’m willing.”

He was, too. She gasped again at his now fully erect cock. It was no good, she had to have it. Without another word she dropped to her knees and pulled the swollen tip of her husband’s penis to her lips.

“Ha, ha. Judy,” Mark said. “That is- My guh-ahhhhhh...”

She had felt small and vulnerable in front of this giant of a man. She had done her best to hide it. If she showed how scared she was it would have hurt him. But now, as her lips parted and the mushroomed head of Mark’s member slid into her mouth she felt powerful again. Once again in control of her life. With a simple intimate act her worries receded. Leaving her feeling wonderful, beautiful, sexy, loved, and loving.

Her jaw opened wider and Judy marveled anew at the size of her husband’s cock- only now from a very tactile perspective. If she kept shrinking this was going to become a real challenge in a couple of days. Of course, with the way this made her feel, that was a challenge she just might be willing to tackle.

Less than 2 minutes later she was rising back to her feet. I might be teensy, but I’ve still got it, she thought.

With a few kind words, she sent her pleasantly befuddled lover back to bedroom to finish getting ready for work. Judy returned to her morning duties. Trying to make her life seem normal. She brushed her teeth with a giant toothbrush. Took a shower with a showerhead far above her own. Dried herself with a king-sized towel, and then got herself dressed in perfectly fitted clothes.

She was used to being able to inspect her outfit in the bathroom mirror, but this morning she could only see herself from the neck up. Tomorrow it would only be the top of her auburn-haired head.

Her husband was just finishing a donut and walking out the door as Judy came downstairs. She stopped before she reached the bottom to kiss him goodbye. Even two steps up she was still only a smidgen taller than he was. Tomorrow she’d be looking up.

“Honey,” she said. “How tall do you think I am?”

“What?” he said around a mouthful of donut. “What’s this sudden obsession with your height? This is the third time this week you’ve asked me the same question.”

“Tell me again,” she smiled nervously. “How tall?”

He cocked a hard eyebrow and then shook it off.

“5’2”,” he said. “Just like I said yesterday, and the day before.”

Not true. Yesterday when she asked he had said 5’5”, the day before 5’8”.

“Are you sure? Take a good look.”

“Positive,” he said. He continued, over-enunciating. “You. Are. Five. Foot. Two. Now give me a kiss, shortstuff.”

Momentarily ignoring other problems, Judy happily complied. Eyes shut, she basked in the false height the stairs gave her.

“You OK?” Mark asked.

“Yeah,” she smiled. “Now get to work.”

He did, but as he turned away Judy opened her mouth to speak again. Using the preternatural bond between husband and wife, Mark could sense the words unspoken on her tongue. He spoke before she could get out a sound.

“5’2”,” he repeated and shut the door behind him.

Judy stood quietly and stared at the closed door, her smile slowly fading.

“But I’m 6’5”,” she said to no one at all.
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Unread 03-28-2013   #2
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Office Politics


Life was full of surprises for Judy recently, and they kept coming. As she walked outside to go to work, she found out someone had stolen her car. Well, not exactly stolen… replaced. Instead of her black SUV there was a bright yellow Volkswagen Bug parked on her side of the driveway. Judy walked around it twice before she even thought to try the key that she had reflexively drawn when she walked outside.

Looking down she saw a distinctive VW imbedded in the plastic key fob.

Slowly the wheels began to turn, she had always loved the look of the Bug, but she had never even spent a moment thinking of buying one. It was too small and impractical for a woman of her height. Of course she no longer was a woman of her height. Quite the opposite, Judy was now a petite little thing and the Bug might even seem roomy.

This shouldn’t seem odd. Not after five days of getting shorter, only to find the world one step ahead of her, but… but this was a whole car!

Each day the world got bigger, but her clothes still fit. Everything in her wardrobe changed to match her new physique. Today she had found high heels mixed in with her other shoes. Judy had never worn high heels before. She never needed to. Of course, it wasn’t just her clothes, her driver’s license flatly declared her new shorter height, old photos had changed, even her husband didn’t seem to notice. There was so much evidence to suggest she had always been the size she was currently (even though that size kept getting smaller) the most logical answer was that she was just going crazy.

Well, maybe it was the crazy talking, but Judy knew she wasn’t nuts.

The key slid into the lock and the bolt popped up. So, it was her car. Shrinking aside, Judy had to admit this she was the first thing that was nothing but positive. She had never loved her SUV. It had been a necessity. This car was just so much cooler. She liked the way it purred on her way to the office, and she didn’t even need to adjust the seat or move a mirror.

It was one of those days at work where she was basically just filling a seat. Everything was typed and everyone on her contact list was called by lunchtime. The rest of the day was spent observing the social network.

A week ago she had been the single tallest person at the company. Well liked, but not connected directly to any of the office clicks. The occasional leer would linger on her thighs or backside, but no one seriously pursued anything with her, even before she was married. This never seemed unusual to Judy, as it more or less reflected the rest of her life. She had a few hardcore friends, but had never casually hung out, or dated much. She had always assumed that it was her height. Judy couldn’t count the number of times she watched a man’s face fall as he watched her rise and rise off of a bar stool. The day Mark worked up the courage to ask her out after he knew how tall she was still one of the most surprising and wonderful things to ever occur to her.

As she shrunk, she found office life warming to her. At first she hardly noticed, until two days ago when she walked into work standing 5’8” and suddenly found herself deeply immersed in the lives of her fellow co-workers. She was flirted with, confided to, and invited to lunch. Carol, Betsy, and Jenny in particular seemed to be tight knit with her, which was awkward. They all acted like they had known her for years, the best of friends. Sadly, it was a one-way street and Jude had to fake it.

Although it was true that they had worked in the same office for some time, Judy had problems separating their names. She thought of them as short girls- she had thought of almost every woman as short- separating them mostly as the redhead, the brunette, and the cleavage monster. From her former lofty height it was impossible to not look down the scoop neck of Jenny’s immodest work attire where she prominently displayed her ample charms.

Jude wasn’t gay but even she marveled that any straight man working with Jen ever managed to get anything done. Even Mark had taken an eyeful the few times he had visited her in the office. Not that she blamed him. Her theory on men and marriage was this: If you stop looking, you’re dead. If you touch… you’re dead.

The biggest surprise was how much range there was in the girls’ heights. Carol was 5’5”, Betsy 5’8”, and little Jen was about 5’3”. At full size Judy knew they were different heights, but it didn’t seem important. It certainly did yesterday. Yesterday, Judy stool 5’5”- Carol’s height. She could feel the unspoken camaraderie with Carol as a like-sized person. How tall Betsy felt (especially in her 2 inch heels) and how Jen still felt like a shorty. These were a matter of 2 or 3 inches of difference in their heights. ‘Insignificant,’ she thought or would’ve before this started happening to her.

Today was once again, new. Today she was the shortest girl in her click, possibly the shortest woman in the office. Even if she wasn’t it felt like she was. Despite having heels in her closet, Judy had zero experience walking in them and refused turn a heel or wobble like a teenager, so she chose flats. Almost – no, make that- All of the other short girls wore heels. Most wore modest one and two inch pumps, but a few wore four inches of clicking, clacking impracticality.

Even Jenny the cleavage monster, who was now a natural inch taller than Judy, wore 2 inch heels. This only served to bring those twin Jello molds that much closer to Judy’s face. Over the course of the day, she caught herself staring more than once. One time even Jen saw her looking, but she laughed it off by grabbing her big boobs and jiggling them ludely in Jude’s direction.

Judy had always wished her own breasts were a little bigger- OK, maybe a lot bigger. She didn’t need anything quite on the scale of Jen’s shelf-like rack, but…

Instead of shrinking, why couldn’t it be her boobs getting bigger everyday? Jude quietly admitted to herself that she’d totally be into that. Mark was definitely a fan of big tits and then she could-

Or Mark could be the one shrinking. He’s shorter than she was anyway (normally). Everyday he’d be a little smaller, a little cuter, and only she’d know. She’d be a kind and loving giantess, gentle and maybe just a bit teasing. Eventually he’d dwindle to fit in her hand and she could take off her top, lie back, and give him bigger breasts then he’d ever dare imagine- Ah, a girl can dream.

She had to shake her head to clear the fantasy. Only to be lightly disappointed to notice how when she sat back in her chair her feet didn’t quite lay flat on the ground. She tried adjusting it, but the stupid thing was as low as it got.

The pecking order had also changed. Two days and six inches ago, Judy seemed to be co-leader of their little group, a title shared with Betsy. She wasn’t sure at the time, but it seemed that Jenny and Carol looked expectantly at Judy more often than they led the conversation. Judy was new to this course of events, but Betsy certainly wasn’t. Judy flummoxed and tripped in her role as leader, only to have Betsy pick up the slack. In a private moment when the two of them were in the lady’s room, Betsy went as far to ask if Judy was feeling OK. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but Betsy asked because they were obviously closer to each other than they were to the other two.

When she got to work today Jenny was her new best friend, while Betsy was slightly more aloof. The chain of command had also changed. It now definitively went Betsy, Jenny, Carol, Judy. One could only assume that Jenny’s over-inflated front is what bumped her ahead of Carol despite being 2 inches shorter. Beautiful, but without any particular out-standing assets herself, Judy could only rely on her height, and that left her at the bottom. Truth be told, Judy did have some impressive assets. Two super-long wonderfully toned legs, but at 5’2” no one seemed to be noticing.

The world was size-ist.

She didn’t really mind her new social standing. Mostly she felt like an observer in her own life, and if nothing else, it was interesting. First she was too big to be included, just some bizarre giantess to be mostly ignored and vaguely respected. Socially speaking, slightly taller than average was ideal. Tall enough to be impressive, but still short enough to be one of ‘them’. Short was OK, too. She was still part of the group but free from the responsibility of leadership. It should get really interesting in another day or two.

What was going to happen when she was a midget? Would she keep shrinking? What about being toddler height? Or doll-sized? What about the size of a bug? There weren’t any people that small, would she still even be technically human, or would Judy become her own specialized race. A race of one.

She just hoped Mark still loved her, regardless of height. She could make it through this as long as that remained true.

The rest of the day was spent looking most women in the chin and men in the chest or collarbone. The office was filled with lumbering ogres and she found herself constantly amazed at the size of everything. Toward the end of the day she was in the supply closet hopping to grab a box of paper clips off the middle shelf. The middle! Betsy happened by and helped out.

“Don’t strain yourself, Judy. Just ask one of us tall girls to get it for you,” Betsy laughed, “At least my height can be good for something.”

A giggle escaped Jude’s lips, getting an odd look from the taller woman. The majority of their interaction before Judy’s diminution involved her getting things off the top shelf for Betsy. In heels Betsy was 5’10”, a full seven inches shorter than Judy… should have been. Instead, Betsy was now eight inches taller.

“Thanks,” Judy said smiling up at Betsy. “Maybe tomorrow you can help me reach something off the bottom shelf.”

“Oh Judy,” Betsy said, eyebrow raised. “Honey, you’re not that short.”

“Didn’t you hear?” Judy said conspiratorially, “I’m shrinking.”
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Unread 03-28-2013   #3
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Nikki Next Door


Maybe it was staring into the shoulder blades of the guy in front of her at the bank. Maybe it was being boxed between two amazons (who probably weren’t more than 5’7”) fixing their makeup in the library’s bathroom. Maybe it was the slightly condescending smile the clerk- a pretty Latino girl who could not have been a day past 16- gave as she helped Judy get the 2 liter of Sprite off the top shelf. Maybe it was just how big and heavy the soda felt in her hands as she hefted it into the shopping cart, or the way the cart was so awkward that she needed to push against it with her whole body to get it rolling. Maybe was the way the shopping cart’s handle bumped against her breasts instead of being down by her hips.

Take any one of those reasons, or any of fifty more, but by the time she finally pulled into her driveway Judy wanted- no, needed- to feel tall again, or at least taller. Taller than somebody. Anybody.

Luckily she knew just the person. Mark was going to be late. That thing did not go as well as he had hoped, and the whole office was jumping, trying to make the most of it. Sad for him, but that left Judy a little time to be selfish and petty. Plenty of time to visit with ‘The Rack’.

Her real was name, Nicollet Rachmaninoff, but everyone called her Nikki. It was Judy’s husband that added, ‘the Rack’ as an unofficial surname. Crude, but Judy had to admit, descriptive.

Nikki the Rack was beautiful there was no denying that. Dark haired, olive skinned with high, wide cheekbones and a perfect complexion. Giant eyes, so dark brown as to be nearly black. She obviously had bloodlines tied to the old word. Greek, Italian, something like that. Gypsy Princess was the first thought whenever Judy laid eyes on her.

No, that’s not true. It was the third.

Nikki was in possession of two very distinctive physical characteristics that pushed to the forefront. They surged forward and overflowed the viewer’s mind. The first was her… height. Nikki was tiny, though she would never be mistaken for a child. Slender with a narrow waist that flared into wide womanly hips, Nikki couldn’t of stood more than 4’9”. Although, as already noted, Judy was not the best of estimators. From her previous elevation everyone was merely short, or at least shorter than her. Still, Nikki was probably the shortest person Judy had ever known, so that had to count for something.

The second was her breasts. Nikki’s boobs had once caused the mailman to face-plant onto Judy’s driveway.

Having come from Nikki’ house, he was in the process of delivering Judy’s mail. There was something to sign, so Judy was chatting with him about nothing while she did so. It was at this point that Nikki stepped outside dressed in yoga pants and a powder blue tank top. She had obviously been working out and she was flush from excitement, sweaty (but in that sexy way only a few infuriating women ever manage to pull off), and her large nipples erect under the thin top. Amazingly she appeared to be braless. Amazing because breasts that big were not supposed to be so damn perky without a masterwork of industrial engineering, but there they were. Bouncing and bobbing and shockingly natural looking, despite their immense size and afore mentioned perkiness.

It was at that moment that Nikki noticed Judy standing on her porch and gave an exuberant wave. The wave and its astounding after-shocks proved to be entirely too much for the mail carrier. He proceeded to walk off the porch, left foot entirely missing the steps causing a spectacular fall. Luckily he was unhurt, and the two women rushed to his aid.

As they saw him wander away befuddled, Nikki looked up at Judy, “I can’t get over how tall you are.” There was more than a little wonder in her voice. Judy’s reply was joking, but true.

“I can’t get over your boobs.”

Nikki gasped as though shocked and then winked because she wasn’t. “Neither can the mailman.”

Both women laughed as their friendship deepened slightly.

Their houses were only the width of a driveway apart. They had enough yard, but it was all front-to-back with almost no side-to-side. Judy had a flight of stairs on the east face of her home. Right at the junction where they turned 90 degrees to become the upstairs hallway there was a large window. She left it open in the summer to increase airflow but Judy hardly paid it any mind… until one early fall evening last year.

Judy had been walking down stairs after brushing her teeth to see if Mark was going to be much longer. It was the sight out her window that dragged her to a halt. A dull light gleamed next door and there was a distinctive flicker of movement. Across the narrow driveway Nikki’s house also had a window, but hers opened to her bedroom. Inside she had just pulled her t-shirt over her head exposing her absolutely, mind bogglingly, beautiful breasts.

They were so big that they should’ve drooped, but they didn’t. Neither did they float unrealistically like the proud products of a plastic surgeon. Judy somehow knew at a glance that these twin miracles of nature were exactly what she had always assumed… all natural. But how? Nikki’s boobs were so wonderfully large and perky they should’ve been a bit comical, like the drawings of a talented teenage boy. Despite Nikki’s cartoon-ish proportions, Judy didn’t feel like laughing. She had an entirely other, almost slippery, sensation slowly growing in her loins.

Even more amazing were her nipples. Anyone who had ever seen Nikki on a cold day knew she had large nipples. It made a kind of sense, breasts that big would naturally have large nipples. However, uncovered as they were Jude now had a clear view of the top-heavy girl’s areolas, which were a bit on the small side. These undersized pinkish disks made Nikki’s already large breasts seem even bigger by contrast. Almost like an optical illusion of forced perspective.

“I am so glad I caught you doing this and not the other way around.”

Judy jumped at the voice, and at 6’5” even a little jump is a lot of movement. Mark come up the stairs and found her looking at Nikki’s naked breasts.

Nikki was now performing a series of dancer-like stretches wearing only a pair of panties that all but disappeared between her luscious butt cheeks. The dull glow of her room lit her swaying and bouncing form as romantically and erotically as any candlelight. The couple both knew they should look elsewhere, but neither of them did.

“Wow, looks to be quite the show this evening,” Mark chuckled. “Should I make popcorn?”

Jude positioned herself behind her shorter husband, wrapping her long arms around him. Judy had been easily tall enough to see over Mark’s head. She squeezed a little – a display of strength. She wondered if he could feel just how hard her nipples were as they pressed into his back. What would he make of that?

“How often have you watched this particular ‘show’?” she mock-growled.

“A few times, but for modesty’s sake I try to move on quickly. That girl needs to invest in some curtains.”

“And why didn’t you tell me?”

Mark smiled, from her position she couldn’t see it but she knew him too well. “Sure… ‘Hey, honey. I’m upstairs, staring at the neighbor’s tits! They’re amazing! You should really see this’,” he paused. “No, thank you.”

He turned in her arms and looked up at her, “And why am I getting the third-degree. I caught you staring at another woman. So fess up, you think she’s prettier than me don’t you!” Mark had tried to act fierce and hurt but he couldn’t pull off the delivery. Too much of his good humor slipped through.

“As long as she doesn’t have one of these,” Judy grabbed Mark’s cock through his pants making him gasp, “you’ve got nothing to worry about.” She can’t say she was surprised to find him already more than half hard.

In an example of perfect universal alignment, Nikki finished stretching and whisked her underwear down her thighs revealing a dark, well groomed bush… but no cock. Mark was safe… sort of.

As Nikki’s light flicked out, Judy looked down at her lover with smoldering eyes. “Come on to bed, lover, my tits might not be as big but at least you’ll get your exercise climbing up to reach them.”

“Hey! I am not that short,” Mark complained but unquestioningly followed his Amazon wife to the bedroom.

“You’re not that tall,” She had responded the words bringing her back to present situation.

“And now, neither am I.”

With that said Judy got up and marched her 5’2” body over to pay a visit on her even shorter neighbor. She was the only person left that could make Jude feel tall again, even if only a little, and only for tonight. If she waited until tomorrow it might be too late.
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Unread 03-28-2013   #4
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Punching Judy


The last thing Judy had expected when Nikki’s door opened was a wall of boobs, but that is exactly what she got.

The door opened inward as Jude looked slightly down, expecting to match eyes with her very petite neighbor. This vision was so clear in her head that when she was instead presented with an absolutely massive pair of breasts she… well, she panicked. They seemed to leap out from behind the swinging door, thrusting toward her face with no signs of stopping. She had nothing against big breasts, of course (far from it). It was just that this was such a disjunction from what she had expected that she pushed it away from herself both physically and mentally. Without hesitation, Judy pulled away from the surging mounds of womanhood.

Next thing she knew she was falling. Falling away from this massive woman and her mighty bosom. She had only meant to find her petite and busty neighbor, Nikki, not some ogress. She fell and realized with horror she was falling right off the porch.

Mailman : Take two.

A long arm and a strong hand shot out and wrapped around Jude’s dainty wrist and suddenly her meager 100 pounds stopped its descent as if she weighed nothing at all. The shock of those boobs, the terror of falling, were now replaced with something new. Where the hand, an attractive and very large woman’s hand Jude noticed, grabbed her there was a cold tingle of connection. An ebb built quickly inside herself. An ebb that was somehow familiar, and then Judy found that she was flowing into this giant woman. A woman who somehow appeared to be Nikki- her tiny, little, next door neighbor.

Nikki moaned at the connection and wobbled a bit on her feet, but did not let go. In fact, Nikki pulled Jude back to her feet and Judy continued to flow in her. Already much taller than Mark, Nikki seemed to swell, growing larger and larger before Judy. Nikki’s chest filled Jude’s wavering vision. In turn, Judy was falling again. Only this time she was falling into herself. Shrinking before the giantess Nikki. Becoming smaller and smaller until the darkness swallowed her whole.

She woke up on in Nikki’s living room. Her giant-sized neighbor was gone, but Judy could feel her close. Rolling off the unfamiliar couch Jude slipped and fell onto her butt. Thankfully the sound she made was as small as she was and got up to her feet quietly.

“Oh no!” she gasped.

She was shorter than she was before. The ceiling, the door frames – even though this wasn’t her house there are certain features that appear with regularity and those features were all taller. It wasn’t even 7pm and Jude had experienced a full night’s shrinkage, maybe even more than normal. She was the size of child.

Memories of the porch swam to the surface of her mind. Nikki was had been positively Amazonian, and something happened when she made contact with Jude’s wrist. She looked around in terror, and gasped.

“Nikki’s stealing my height.”

“Well, yes and no,” came a strong feminine voice from behind her.

Judy spun and bolted to the door, or at least that was what she meant to do. The sight of Nikki stopped her dead. The tall- no, giant- raven haired girl stood under the doorframe between the kitchen and living room. Her head was only an inch from bumping against its peak. She wore a pair of comfortable-looking yoga pants and a form-fitting sports top that barely managed to contain her appreciable assets. These articles of clothing looked like they were built to fit, meaning Nikki was receiving the same reality altering perks as Judy. No one would remember the almost Muppet-sized girl she used to be. If you asked anyone on the street, Nikki would have always been… 6’5”.

“6 foot 5?” Judy said accusingly, “6 foot 5! You stole my height!”

Nikki threw up her hand in a calming gesture that did not work at all. “Would it help if I said I didn’t mean to?”

“You stole my height!”

Somehow it was made even more wrong because Nikki was supposed to be so tiny. Judy felt extra small standing in front of this midget giantess. Judy felt her tiny hands ball into tiny fists.

Nikki gestured to the couch with one of her long, long arms. “It’s not like that. Let’s sit down and talk about it. I made coffee.”

“No, I’m getting out of here!” The words came out in a rush. “I’m going home, and somehow convince Mark what happened, and…”

Judy had begun backing to the door, but Nikki closed in on her in 4 easy strides her too-tall legs.

“You’re not thinking clearly. I don’t think that would-“ but Nikki didn’t get any farther.

Nikki bent toward Judy like an adult would bend to speak to a child. One of her hands reached out to take a hold of the small woman’s wrist, and that’s when all hell broke loose. The memory of herself shrinking under this woman’s touch shot through Judy’s base thoughts and she reacted like she had never reacted to anything before. A blind panic ripped through her as she envisioned herself growing smaller and smaller. A doll at the mercy of a titan.

“Don’t touch me, don’t you touch me!” she screamed and flailed.

It caught Nikki off guard, but in the long run it did little. After taking a few punches the giant raven-haired girl grabbed one swinging arm and then the other and then lifted Judy’s flailing body off the ground, pressing tiny tigress into herself to still the small woman’s kicks and twitches.

“You can’t have any more! Give it back!” Judy’s screams were almost incoherent.

The helplessness, despair, confusion, the anger- it all started bubbling out of Judy. Tears she didn’t know she had rolled down her face. Tears of the unknown, and of fear. Not knowing why she was shrinking. Fear that she wasn’t, that she had simply gone mad. Terror that she would shrink away to nothing and the world would simply forget her. Until now Judy had been afraid to show her fear because no one else seemed to notice anything was even wrong. Her calm acceptance had been the last stitch keeping the fabric of her life from falling apart. She had to hold it all in check, and did until Nikki saw it, too.

Nikki was part of it. Proof that Judy wasn’t mad. Worse, Nikki had somehow taken it from her, making her the focus of Judy’s fury.

Nikki responded to Judy’s tirade without any violence of her own. Nikki was far larger and stronger of the two and Judy’s efforts proved futile. Powerful arms pinned Judy against her neighbor’s expanded form at first forcibly but then with more and more tenderness as the fury drained out of the little woman.

It had all been too much to contain for long. Soon Judy was slumped in Nikki’s embrace, sobbing into her chest, letting all of the fears she had refused to acknowledge wash away until there was nothing left.

Judy didn’t even notice when they journeyed to the couch. Content to be held with her head resting against one of Nikki’s enormous breasts. It was comforting a way that few things had been since she was a small child. Normally no one ever thought a girl as big as Judy ever just needed to be held. Held by the Enemy or not, it was a cathartic experience for her. There is something to be said for surrender.

“D-did I shrink anymore?” Judy finally asked not raising her head from Nikki’s boob.

“No, you’re still 4’9”.”

“How do you know?”

“’Cause that’s how tall I used to be,” Nikki sighed. Her voice was both in the air and vibrating through her chest. Judy found it soothing.

“Are you the bad guy?”

“What?” Nikki asked and then chuckled. “No, I’m not the bad guy.”

“Good. I was pretty sure you weren’t when we started cuddling. I don’t think bad guys are big on cuddling.”

This was met with more laughter that caused sensuous jiggles in Nikki’s bosom. Jude enjoyed the waves.

“Sorry about freaking out like that,” Judy said. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

Nikki chuckled a bit. “No worries, I’m not the bean pole you were. I’ve got curves,” Nikki smiled, “Plus I work out a lot. I’m probably triple your weight now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. It was like wrestling a 6 year old.”

“Thanks,” Judy said with as much sarcasm as she could muster. It wasn’t much.

“Nikki?” Judy asked.

“Judy?” Nikki responded.

“What happened to me?”

Nikki’s breasts rose like twin zeppelins and then deflated slightly with a huge sigh.

“Let me start at the beginning.”
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Unread 03-28-2013   #5
The Governor
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

I was just reading this posted on another site and was thinking to myself, I really hope merritstone posts this here. You are one of my favorite storytellers, thank you for still being out there!
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Unread 03-30-2013   #6
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Just want to say that I'm loving this story so far. Can't wait to read the next chapters!
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Unread 03-30-2013   #7
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Wait, the beginning of the story is in the middle?

The Twins


The story began with the Rachmaninoff twins. No, not Nikki’s breasts, but rather Nikki and her sister, Maya. Identical twins born with a touch of the wild streak in them. Like many girls they went through a alternative beliefs stage when they were teenagers. Unlike many girls Nikki and Maya unknowingly had a long history of Russian witches in their lineage, so when they tried their first spell… it actually worked.

Sort of.

They started simple with a little beauty spell. Every teenage girl can see some part of their body that they wish was different, and the twins saw a way to change that. Cast a harmless spell that would allow them to tinker a little with their body images. Sadly, like with fire, there is no ‘harmless’ in magic.

The problem became two-fold.

One - Much like the rest of the world, magic tends to treat twins like one person with two bodies. Not fair but that’s the way it is. This allowed them to tap into more energy than any single person ever could and with more precision of purpose than even the closest of covens. In their untrained hands, more power proved to be problematic.

Two – The girls had been so alike of thought on so many levels. In that way that only twins can, Nikki and Maya felt like they shared a sisterly telepathy. So when they prepared that first spell they never bothered to discuss what each other thought of as ‘beautiful’.

Turns out both girls had a very different idea.

When the magic was called it found two distinct visions of ‘beauty’. In Maya it saw a tall woman with long legs, towering above most other women and the equal with many men. In Nikki it saw smooth, firm curves. Wide hips that swayed with an eye-catching rhythm and breasts so full and round and womanly.

Magic is shaped by thoughts but is, in itself, not intelligent. Their unique nature and the twins’ lack of expertise created the pull of a single powerful witch, but with two distinct voices of command. Each voice was equally compelling, each equally powerful. Ringing with over-lapping and confusing commands.

Nikki screamed as she watched her sister’s breasts begin to deflate under her tight pink nightshirt. Maya felt it too and looked down in shock, and then down and down and down. Soon her sister wasn’t just looking at her own flattening bosom, she was looking down at Nikki as well.

Even as her breasts were shrinking, the rest of her was growing. With a small shriek of her own Maya’s arms reached up and pushed on the low ceiling as if to push herself back down to earth. Her legs stretched comically out of her too short pajamas, while her watch squeezed painfully on her wrist.

Nikki could not believe her eyes.

After a lifetime of seeing her sister a living mirror, Nikki fell backwards from the tall, slender girl she had become. Strangely, her ass hit the edge of her bed instead of landing squarely on top of it and Nikki slid to the floor with a thud.

With the landing came an unexpected bounce and movement on her chest. She screamed again to see her own nightshirt stretched and disheveled. Previously the garment had barely reached her navel. Now the under-curve of each breast was exposed. Their buxom weight laid heavily against her tan skin. Her shirt had been displaced by the jiggle of her now huge tits almost as if they had tried to shrug off the confining clothing.

Her shock intensified as the sight of her own breasts caused her nipples to harden. Already over-stretched fabric tented to accommodate the pair of marble-sized and marble-hard new-comers.

It was as she stood that the second part of the equation kicked in. Where her top was uncomfortably tight, her bottoms were literally sliding down her thighs. With her first step the cuffs of her pants slipped over her feet nearly causing her to fall again. The entire room was wrong- too big- not just her newly giant sister.

“Oh my god,” the twins said in unison.

The two girls stood facing each other. One in clothes far too small for her, some of the seams on the edge of bursting. She looked like a college girl trying to fit into her grade school clothes. The other made a fist in the loose waistline of her pants to keep them from hitting the floor. The pressure of her constrictive top forced Nikki did her best to take shallow breaths despite the shock she felt.

Moments later a ripple passed through the world and their clothes again fit comfortably. Maya was dressed in a long and elegant nightshirt that stopped a few scant inches below her pert buttocks. Nikki wore a tight, but comfortable tank-top that showed off her prodigious chest and more or less the same bottoms she had on before… only in a much smaller size.

The whole room had changed, too. Small things mostly. There were subtle differences to photographs and posters. Nikki noticed her shelf was hung much lower on the wall than before. She also had a wide, low dresser for clothes instead of the tall cabinet she remembered. Her room- her life- was now matched her new body.

On instinct Nikki pulled open her underwear drawer to find it filled with bras made to perfectly hug her new build. Maya did the same but found her old bras were gone. Her drawer contained nothing but frilly panties and silky tank tops.

They would’ve kept exploring their new world and selves, but the door to their room burst open.

Their mom had heard the ruckus and charged upstairs, but if she noticed the changes in her daughters she hid it like a pro. Nikki cupped her breasts and started blathering to her very tall seeming mother, and was met with bewilderment. Luckily Maya figured it out and wrapped a long fingered hand around her shorter sister’s mouth before they got dragged to the loony bin.

They had tricked the world into thinking they were different and the world was playing a long. It was best if they did the same.

The spell had ended leaving them both forever changed. Maya was now 6’1” tall with no breasts to speak of, while Nikki had been reduced to 4’9” with a double D bust line. They had once been nearly identical, teenage girls, but now they were separated by 16 inches and 5 cup sizes.
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Unread 03-30-2013   #8
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Very nice story! Def got me excited. OHYEAH!
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Unread 03-30-2013   #9
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Well. This is interesting. Curious to see how her magic abilities have caused this latest development, since she said it wasn't intentional... Maybe Nikki seeing her Amazonian neighbor changed her perception of beauty and the old spell reactivated? Hmm...
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Unread 03-30-2013   #10
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

This line had me LOLing:

The story began with the Rachmaninoff twins. No, not Nikki’s breasts...
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Unread 03-30-2013   #11
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)


Claire's Project
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Unread 03-30-2013   #12
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Re: A Change in Perspective (SW, gentle, slow, Amazon, BE, BR)

Really fun stuff! I especially love the exploration of her small inconveniences, like how people treat her differently as she shrinks. Very true to life.
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