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Unread 04-25-2008   #1
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Re: The Bored Website

Just a delay. I haven't been able to get round to doing some more of the story. But when I have, I've had writers block and couldn't think of anything. So could you guys throw some ideas at me please?

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Unread 04-26-2008   #2
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Re: The Bored Website

Random idea, but what if in future events they all went on a vacation (somewhere sunny, you know) and started taking TBW orders from there, perhaps somethings relevant to the place. Say the place had a large ocean, perhaps someone could get turned into a mermaid with anther piece of clothing?
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Unread 04-26-2008   #3
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Re: The Bored Website

Maybe ordering food off of TBW that alters them somehow? (object, food tf maybe?) As for Jessie, still being made of the putty she could be "shaped" into other things that could possibly be of use to the others or she might even be able to shape herself to fit certain situations?
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Unread 04-27-2008   #4
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Re: The Bored Website

How about something, like a clock or slow loading computer program, that causes changes while they are somewhere else, unable to stop it?

Also, I have found a new kick of insperation. got 6 pages worth of Times New Roman 12 point down, and still clicking along pretty well.

Last edited by cannonfodder; 04-27-2008 at 05:50 PM. Reason: Forgot something.
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Unread 04-28-2008   #5
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Re: The Bored Website


I am currently writing the next chapter in the story so expect it up very soon, might be a couple of days. Also, if anyone wants to take a shot at drawing any of the characters, or use the webiste in their own work, give me a PM.

Edit- Actually, I lie. The next chapter is here NOW!!! Wooo, well, yeah.....

Chapter 5- Three Months Later

Three months passed by. All the family easily were multi-millionaires, with the exception of Holly, who was a multi-trillionaire. The club had become so popular, that Jona and Holly had to expand the business, and start another club up at another location. They chose a city called Azelthorpe, with a big population. It was near the sea and was a very popular tourist hotspot. The two of them decided that one of them should move out there to manage the club first hand. Holly offered to do this. The thought of living by a beach appealed to her as she loved to swim and sunbathe. This also went down well with Robyn, Hannah and Rachel. Robyn had become accustomed to being stuck in the body she now had. Jona had tried, rather reluctantly, to change her star performer back to male, but none of the spells worked. It seemed as though there was a greater magic preventing the change back from happening. Hannah and Rachel had started at their new college, and became popular instantly. They showed up each day wearing new clothes, sometimes with bigger boobs underneath them. All of the boys at the college had tried to ask them out on dates, but none of them surpassed the boyfreinds that the girls currently had. Hannah's boyfriend was called Mark and Rachel's was called Alex. Both were twins themselves, but looked nothing alike. Mark was tall with ginger hair and Alex was shorter and had black hair.

Holly started to look at the market for a new house in the area, right next to the beach.
"Aww man, there aren't any properties next to the beach. They're all thirty minutes from it"
"Well" Robyn said, "Why not ask Jona?"
"How do you mean?"
"Well, cant she cast a spell or put something on the website to get us a house next to the beach"
Holly bought up the website and looked on it
"Nope, can't see anything. I'll ring Jona"
Thrity minutes later, Holly came back to find Robyn playing on the first game they got for the console, Virtual Reality. Robyn now had lime green hair, blue skin, a pair of wings, four legs and four pairs of huge breasts sat on top of another pair of arms that extened out from her waist
"Sorry, got bored wating for you"
"Just change back to normal"
"Fine" Robyn pressed a couple of button and Holly watched as, at first, three pairs of breasts disappered back into her body, her skin change back to a rosy pink, wings receding, a pair of legs seemingly vanish along with the pair of arms.
"And the hair?"
"I like it, I'm going to keep it"
"Urgh, fine, anyway, Jona said that she knows the perfect place for our new house. And we are to go to look tomorrow at it"
"How we getting there?"
"Private jet of course"

The next day, the family boarded the aircraft that Redneck was to be piloting and set off. The trip took an hour and they touched down not far from the beach
"Jona said that we would recognise the place straight away when we set foot on the beach"
"YAY, THE BEACH!" Hannah and Rachel screamed, and they ran off towards the blue lagoon that could be seen straight down the road. Holly and Robyn followed them, and noticed all the stunned faces that would have seen two big pairs of breasts bouncing about as the grils had ran past them. When they got to the beach after helping a teenage boy up after he had fainted, they saw the girls had already found a place to sunbathe.
"Well, do you see the house?"
"Me neither. What was it Jona said? You would recognise it when you set foot on the beach"
They both looked at each other, smiling, and both out their feet into the golden surface. They looked around and saw a house that hadn't been there before, right next to them. It was huge. A proper mansion. They waked up the front sets to the porch and saw a note pinned to the door. It said

Hope you like the new place, and sorry for the bad spell. Anyway, the key is in the envelope. Enjoy. Jona xxxx

They found the key, put it in the lock and unlocked it. Hannah and Rachel had seen them going into the house and had joined them. Inside was a massive entrance hall with lots of doors along the sides and stairs leading both up and down. There was also an elevator. They went into the elevator and pushed the buton for the top floor. G, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 "Have a nice day" rang out over the intercom. They got out and saw they were on the roof. On it was a pool that alomst covered the floor. Their faces lit up as they saw it.
"It's like a TARDIS this place. Bigger on the inside" Robyn joked
And it indeed was. They had arrived at 9am, and by the time they had been to every room on every floor, it was getting dark at 9pm
"Woah, can we stay here tonight? I dont think we should go home now"
"Well, this is home, sweetie"
Holly and Robyn went to the master bedroom, and to call it master was an understatement. With the four poster bed that took up twelve foot of space in the room looking small, it put the size of the room into context. In the room was a laptop, which was obviously for ordering items from the website
"I love this place" Holly said as she jumped on the bed. Robyn joined her
"Yeah, Jona did good, didn't she?"
"Don't you think we should christain the new place?" Holly said with a glint in her eye
"Hehe, yeah"
With Robyn asleep, Holly crept over to the laptop and opened it. The website's logo flashed onscreen and up came the site. She skimmed through the pages and found what she was looking for. She clicked order and crept back into bed after turning the laptop off.

The next day, Robyn took the girls into the city to do some shopping and Holly stayed at the new house. A knock came from the front door and Holly opened it to see Redneck standing the, holding a small box.
"Hi Redneck, how was the drive? Or flight?"
"Yeah, flew over, if I drove, I wouldn't have gotten here til early morning. Anyway, here you go, Jona wants me back at the other club. There's a party going on tonight for the staff so there's going to be someone who trys to outgrow another"
"OK, have fun. Thank you" Holly said as Redneck walked away. Holly ran into the kitchen and tore through the packaging and saw the smooth black surface of her new one piece swimsuit glistening in the sunlight. She ripped off the layers covering her body and slid into the one piece. It fit like a dream. Holly giggled and studied herself. But something else caught her eys. Her E cup breasts were starting to push out further under the swimsuit and Holly smiled. Her breasts stopped growing after the had overflown out of the swimsuit. Holly turned her back to the mirror on the kitchen door, looked over her shoulder and winked, admiring her new form.
"I think Robyn will like the" she said and ran out the front door, grabbing a towel. As she ran for the sea, her breasts bounced happily about, which made Holly giggle again. She threw the towel down and dived into the sea.

Later, Robyn and the girls came home to find Holly missing. The twins went to look round the house as Robyn went to scour the beach. She didn't have to look for long though, as a figure popped up out of the sea.
Robyn ran as fast as she could and dived into the sea and swan out to Holly. She was floating in the water, yet her hair didn't seem wet. For a matter of fact, her top didn't either. Robyn dragged Holly to shore and saw why. The top she was wearing was a slick black colour and it covered her giant boobs. But that wasn't the end. From her waist down, there seemed to be what looked like fish scales all the way down her new tail, which ended with a fin. Holly was now a mermaid.

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Last edited by flango; 04-28-2008 at 04:52 PM. Reason: Adding the story
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Unread 04-28-2008   #6
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Re: The Bored Website

Not bad. I thinkk you might want to slow the pace down a touch, like I siad, a bit more decription. But I enjoyed the hell out of it, none the less.
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Unread 05-08-2008   #7
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Re: The Bored Website

awesome new chapter. I wonder what will hapen next?
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Unread 06-02-2008   #8
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Re: The Bored Website

I know it's been a bit of a while since I updated this. Haven't had time what with working nights, and nightime is when I try to do stuff. Anyway, heres the next section of the story-

Chapter 6- The Mermaid's Two Minds

Robyn lifted Holly onto her shoulders and carried her back to the house at a fast pace. She had to get Holly to the pool quickly before she dried out. Holly's tail was flapping about as Robyn raced up to the house, carrying the unconcious mermaid on her shoulders. She leapt through the front door and ran straight towards the elevator. She lay Holly down on the floor, who was panting more than Robyn even though she hadn't ran carrying a mermaid on her back. Holly looked deprived of moisture. Her hair lacked any shine and her tail was a dull black shade. She quinted up at Robyn and mouthed Thank you. The elevator shot up through the floors and arrived on the roof, where Robyn dragged Holly by her shoulders to the pool and pulled her in with her. The water took effect instantly. Holly's hair now shone as though someone was holding a torch underneath. Her tail fin shone with a mystical turquoise colour and her skin had reverted to a normal human shade of pink. She swam around the pool a couple of times, trying to get used to her tail until she swam straight into Robyn, who was beaming down at her above the surface of the water. The look of terror on Holly's face when she saw Robyn was not unlike those seen in horror movies. She swam away as fast as she could to the other side of the pool, bemusing Robyn
"Holly? What's the matter?"
Holly's head broke the surface of the water silently, "Who are you? How do you know my name? Where am I?"
"I'm you're boyfriend, Holly. We've lived together for a few years now. We have two daughters. How could you forget?"
"I've never seen you before in my life, and I don't have any children"
"But Holly, we love each other" It didn't seem to work, Holly screamed and went back underwater and swam to the bottom of the pool and sat there, glaring at Robyn with a 'get out of the pool or I'll hurt you' look.
Robyn climbed out the pool, not wanting to aggrivate Holly anymore. She sat down on one of the seats by the pool and watched Holly, who had now swam to the middle of the pool, still watching Robyn. They stared into each others eyes, Robyn with a loving stare, but Holly with an angry stare, like a lion in captivity, ready to pounce. The elevator pinged and Hannah and Rachel stepped out and saw their mother sitting at the side of the pool and staring into the water.
"Mum? You found Mum yet?" Rachel asked as they walked round the pool to their mother, who started to cry. The girls comforted her, as Robyn lifted her hand and pointed into the water. Holly had moved slightly closer to them now, but with a curious look on her face, wondering who the newcomers were. Robyn explained to the children what had happened and that Holly seemed to have lost her memory. Hannah turned around and watched her mother in the water, and Holly looked back. Holly broke the surface of the water, again silently "Who are you? I've seen you somewhere before"
"We're you daughters, Mum"
"But thats impossible! I've never had sex with a floppy mammal. I'm engaged to be married to the prince of my city. He won't be happy that I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!!" she shouted, as to try to alert her fiance to her whereabouts.
"But you're our mother? Can't you remember?"
Holly stayed silent whilst she surveyed Hannah, who was now sat on the edge of the pool
"Come here" she instructed, as a parent would ask their child to. Hannah slid in, hoping that she had tweaked a memory. She swam over to her mother. Holly place her right hand on Hannah's cheek, looked into her eyes, as though trying to read her mind, then suddenly, pulled her under the water
"HANNAH!!" screamed Robyn and Rachel. They tried to jump into the water, but there was a sort of force above the water, blocking their way in.

Under the water, Hannah opened her eyes. She screamed as she saw water all around her and gasped. But she noticed something was different. She could easily breathe down here. She looked up and saw her mother and sister looking into the water, a look of terror similar to the one Holly had etched across their faces. She looked around for Holly and saw her floating near the far side of the pool, seemingly crying. Hannah swam over to her mother to comfort her. She stopped as Holly leapt up and hugged her.
"Oh my god, Hannah. I'm so sorry for scaring you, dear. Sorry sorry sorry"
"It's alright, Mum" she patted Holly on the back. Holly seemed to have recognised her
"Well of course I recognise my daughters" she said through teary eyes, "And my girlfriend"
"So why are you acting like you don't know who we are"
"It seems as though when I am above water, I lose all memories of being human, and get some artificial memory given to me by the swimsuit I got delivered earlier!
"Swimsuit? Where's the box for it?"
"In my room, on the bed, if it hasn't been moved"
"Right. Stay here and I'll go and get it. Also, where's the magic book?"
"Under the bed. Why?"
"To see if there is a reversing spell. If not, we'll ring Jona"
Hannah left her mother at the bottom of the pool and swam as fast as she could to the surface. She climbed out of the pool, soaking wet and Robyn wrapped a towel around her.
"Need to get the box. Turn Mum back human" she splurted out as she made for the elevator.

She returned five minutes later from the staircase panting as though she had just ran up them all
"It'" she gasped and she fluttered a piece of paper in her hand, "Mum got the S.L.A.F.S"
"The what?"
"Swim Like A Fish Swimsuit. S.L.A.F.S. Anyway, to change her back, we have to remove the swimsuit above the water by cutting it off her"
"How are we going to do that? What with her not trusting us?" asked Rachel. Hannah explained to her the Holly had a different mind above the water, but below, she had her normal mind
"I'll go and tell her how to do it" Hannah said as she dived into the water. She resurfaced a minute later
"Mum says to use the spell book to put her to sleep. Then cut off the swimsuit"
"Right then" Robyn flicked through the pages and found the sleeping spell. She walked to the waters edge and gave an OK sign to Holly, and it was returned. Robyn cast the spell and Holly suddenly started to float upwards, eyes closed. If the hadn't known she was sleeping, she would have looked like a dead fish when she pushed through the top of the water. Robyn jumped in and pulled her to the edge of the pool, where Rachel had a pair of scissors in her hand and tried to snip the swimsuit off. But no matter how had she tried, she couldn't get through the material. Hannah watched, thinking, then picked up the spell book, fliped through the chapters and found the cutting spell. She shouted it out load "Snippus swimsuit!" The swimsuit tore down the back and flopped onto the floor beside Holly, whose breasts were gently pulsing up and down due to her slow breathing. They watched as Holly's tail fin started to split into two, feet forming on the end, and it kept splitting, forming two shapely long legs. The turquoise colour slowly faded away whilst Holly's legs split in two. The splitting stopped after forming her lost vagina. She was back to normal, except for her breasts still being the same size still.. She murmured and slowly sat up. Upon seeing her family, she jumped on them, crying.

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Unread 07-15-2008   #9
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Re: The Bored Website

Woah, didnt realise I hadn't updated for so long :S

Anyway, I did a Meme for the website for fun

Also, on my DA, there is a small story and picture involving Holly, Robyn and Jona

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Unread 07-19-2008   #10
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Re: The Bored Website

And finally, after ages not writing any of this story, I have written some of this story. HAve fun

Chapter 7 - Introducing Brooke

A week had passed since Holly's return to being human, and not once had they ordered anything from the website. It seemed as though whenever they got delivered a parcel from Jona, something potentially dangerous happened to them. Robyn, well, the obvious, turning into a girl, Holly, turning into a mermaid and Hannah, with collosal sized breasts. Only Rachel seemed to be staying out of the way of the major transformations.

Not ordering anything from the website meant that they hadn't ordered any food, especially none of the, as Holly called it, 'the special food' which had random effects on the eater. Only Robyn had been brave enough to try the last thing they ordered from the site, and ending up with an extra pair of arms, which, Holly didn't mind, especially in bed.

So they had to go to the local supermarket for their normal food. The money wasn't a problem, what with most things rising in price, but the looks that Holly and Robyn recieved when they entered were ones of loathing and gawping. The women were jealous of their bodies, except for a few who were interested if Robyn's breasts were real. Robyn went as far as letting them feel her boobs in the middle of the store to check if they were real. This action made the men in the vicinity either fall over or stare at the event. The girl who had been the lucky one and touched Robyn's breasts looked fluched and ran to the bathroom. Obviously, something had happened in her panties.

Holly and Robyn usually went to the shop together, to ward off anyone who tried to hit on them. To avoid this, they would kiss each other regulary, to tell onlookers that they were taken. This dissappointed many of the men and a few of the women, especially the orgasm girl.

After purchasing all of their groceries, they jumped into their Ferrari, pleasing the men in the store. Hot girls and fast cars, wowzah. They sped off home

They pulled up onto the driveway five minutes later.
"Heh, did you see that one guy who got a nosebleed when I bent over and gave him a full cleavage shot?" Robyn asked
"I did, and I didn't like it" Holly said, trying to look stern, but a grin spread across her face and then started to laugh. They walked up to the front door and froze.
The door was open, and Hannah and Rachel were at school. Someone was in the house
Robyn placed the grocery bags down and walked slowly inside. A clatter came from the kitchen, followed by an exclamation "SHIT!" followed by a can lid pop. Robyn peeked around the door frame and saw something that gave her feelings of thankfullness and fear at the same time.

Sat on the kitchen worksurface was a girl Robyn knew well. She had short ginger hair, was about 5ft 6inches in height and, the thing which had shocked Robyn. She was completely naked, and she had bigger breasts than the last time they had set sight on each other
"Brooke?" Robyn asked the naked girl
"Hello, who are you? Do you know where Rob is? I was told this was where he lived now, but I don't see any photos of him around the place. All I see is four girls, with breasts bigger than my beauties" she wiggled her front. Obviously, she wasn't bothered that she was naked. Or wasn't aware, thought Robyn.

When Robyn was Rob and was 15, before he got together with Holly, Rob had been very close friends with Brooke. Best friends infact. They did everything together. Sport, shopping, going out, anything you can think of. But they weren't a couple. Many people thought that they were, but they laughed it off. But one day, things turned on their head when Brooke's mother announced that she had been offered a new job in France and that she had taken it. Brooke was distraught, as was Rob.

The leaving day came round and Rob rushed around to Brooke's house for one last goodbye. He got there just in time. Brooke had insisted in waiting for Rob to come, by locking herself in her empty room. She watched at the window as Rob came rushing up the driveway, and stopped to talk with her parents, and then came inside. Brooke ran from the window and unlocked the door with a quick motion that she had obviously practiced on for fifteen years. Rob was stood at the top of the stairs, panting, out of breath. He looked up and saw Brooke. Tracks of tears were running down her face
"I thought you weren't going to come"
"No..nothing would have stopped me" Rob coughed out, "Except Mr. Mason's dog chased me. Probably thought I was playing"
Brooke hiccoughed
"You're silly Rob. Yet you make me feel happy"
"And you me" And they hugged tightly. They broke apart and stared into each others eyes. Bright green into vivid blue. Then Brooke kissed Rob. Rob was shocked. His best friend was kissing him! He didn't know what to do, but Brooke broke off the kiss and ran down the stairs, crying. Rob stood there, shocked until he heard the car enigne start up, and darted down the stairs, taking five at a time, and fell down the last few. With a gash running up his shin, he ran as good as he could through the front door to see the car setting off down the road. He chased after it, forgetting about the pain of his leg, and shouted "I LOVE YOU" to the face of Brooke in the back of the car. The car turned onto the main road at the end of the street and was gone. Rob fell down onto his knees, crying. Crying because of the pain in his leg that had caught up to him when he stopped, and for the pain in his heart, at seeing his best friend, the girl who had just kissed him drive away, to be never seen again.

That vision flashed in Robyn's mind, of her fifteen year old male self on his knees and crying, as a tear broke its way through and down her cheek
"Why are you crying? Are there any onions around?"
Robyn chuckled, "No, no onions. But you always know how to make me laugh"
"How to make you laugh? But I've ne...." Brooke stopped, "Oh my god, Rob, is that you?" Robyn nodded, "But, wha, how?" splurted Brooke. She jumped off the counter, her breasts bouncing as she did and walked over to Robyn. Brooke placed her hand on Robyn's cheek and looked into her eyes. Bright green into vivid blue. Then Brooke started crying and hugged Robyn, who in turn returned the hug.

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Unread 07-21-2008   #11
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Re: The Bored Website

So, whaddya think?

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Unread 07-21-2008   #12
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Re: The Bored Website

A picture to go along with Chapter 7
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