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Unread 01-24-2011   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 39
To Better Understand (Incomplete)

Hey, I'm working on a TG story heavy in process. I just finished the first half, which ended up being about 8,000 words. So I have two questions. 1, Where or how can I find an editor? And 2, would you like to edit? I literally spent the last 9 hours writing and I want to make sure the story is alright before I share it. Let me know if anyone can help.

Last edited by Ranmakun; 01-24-2011 at 10:21 PM. Reason: Added story, would still like some feedback.
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Unread 01-24-2011   #2
Process Fan
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 39
Re: Story Editor?

Guessing I won't get volunteers, so I'll just post the story. I would like any constructive criticism that I could use to clean it up and put into the second half. The first part deals entirely with the change while the second will deal with the experiences. Enjoy.


To Better Understand?
by Ranma-kun

?Please have a seat?, the receptionist says as she turns back to file the paper work. Looking around, this is my first time in a place like this. Motivational posters on the wall, year old magazines on the small book shelf, and a few plants scattered around. A pretty typical waiting room. You see, I have a problem? About 80 years ago, there was a classic comedy called 40 year virgin, or something. Anyways, it kind-of hit close to home for me. I?m 33 going on 34 and still haven?t been able to find a steady girlfriend. Sure I?ve had dates, but nothing serious. My father passed away when I was young, and my mother isn?t doing too well. They didn?t have me until they were in their 40?s and I was their only hope for grandchildren to carry on the family name. I had hoped to find someone and have children of my own before my mother passes too, but it looks like that will be impossible unless they can help me.

?Mr. Foster,? the nurse calls out, ?The doctor will see you now. Please follow me.? I get up and follow the nurse through a door into another room adorned with degrees from various universities in a variety of fields including medicine and psychology. The walls are lined with books which stretch to the ceiling, I wonder if he?s actually read them or if they?re just for decoration. ?Please have a seat here and the doctor will be right in.? the nurse says point to a couch reminiscent of the kind you?d see in any psychiatric office.

The door opens and a man, with quite striking good looks, and who?s a little younger than myself walks in. ?Mr. Foster? I?m Dr. Sam Benton. Please just call me Sam.?

?Hi, I?m Ken Foster.?

?So how can I help you today Mr. Foster??

?Well,? I hesitate. Saying this kind of thing is hard enough, but looking at this guy who must have no troubles with women makes it extra embarrassing. ?The thing is, I?m almost 34 and I still haven?t had a steady girlfriend. I mean, I like girls, but things never get past the first few dates. I don?t seem to know how to act, or what women want.?

?Alright,? the doctor says, taking on the role of a psychiatrist he asks, ?Why do you think that is??

?I?ve been thinking for a long time, I don?t understand what a woman feels. Well, for example if you?re a girl sitting at a bar with some friends, do you want to be hit on or left alone? I think they would want to be left alone to talk with their friends. Just because you?re out with friends, doesn?t give you the right to get hit on, right??

?But women go to bars to meet people sometimes too,? he replies, ?Why can?t you talk to them??

?I just feel like I?d be a nuisance, like I?d ruin their evening.?

?What about your dates??

?Well, I?m not sure, but that boils down to intimacy. No, no, not romantic, just, well, closeness. Holding hands, touching, shoulders, back? My parents always raised me to treat women with respect, my dad died when I was young so I just had my mother giving me advice. We had to move a lot too so I didn?t have many male friends in high-school.?

?So you didn?t have very many male role models in your life then.?

?Exactly, and it?s hard for me to treat women like a confident guy would.?

The doctor gave me a once over with his eyes, inspecting me then he says, ?Well, objectively speaking, you?re not bad looking for a guy, meeting women shouldn?t be much of a problem. I could recommend some programs you could take to build confidence or maybe another doctor to give you appropriate counseling in this field. What do you think??

?No,? I reply, ?I?ve already tried some courses and there should be records in my file from my last psychiatrist. The problem still remains. I don?t understand how women feel, and even with the advice, I feel on principal that I?d be violating them somehow. I just want to understand what a pretty girl thinks, and feels when guys do what they do.?

?Ok, I understand. This is a big decision, are you sure you want to go through with it??

?I do have some questions, like I heard that it is reversible. I mean, I?m doing it to better understand women to get a good girlfriend, not because I want to be one forever. And what about periods and stuff??

?Yes, the procedure is 100% complete. After it?s finished there is no distinction between a girl who was born that way. As such the procedure is reversible. We?ll keep a copy of your original record on file so you can return to your own body. There is a cool down period of at least 6 months between, and the change itself will take about five days. So that means you will experience at least 5 periods. Does that frighten you??

?No, I think it?s important to understand women. Their bodies go through a lot and the hormones? As a guy I can?t begin to imagine how they feel.?

?Good. Any other questions??

?Well, I don?t want this to sound vain, but can you have some input to how you look afterwards? I want to get a good looking girlfriend, so I really want to know what a beautiful girl feels like so I know how to treat them.?

?Yes and no,? The doctor replies. ?We can input some variables into the serum, but it uses your DNA as a source to remodel. So you can essentially make alterations but your own DNA is the starting point. For example, if you want to be tall, we can?t guarantee you?ll be 5?10, but we could add an inch or two to what you would have had if you were born a girl. Also, since the procedure works with your own DNA, you don?t have any issues with rejection as each part changes. Do you know how the change works??

?Kind of, I know it?s not all at once.?

?This is important, so I?ll describe it thoroughly. It?s important to understand what?s going to happen. We?ll mix the serum with the specific variables. After we inject the serum, it will start to replicate and build up in different parts of the body. Now, we can?t predict where and how fast or slow, everyone?s circulation system is different so it?s random for everyone. You may see signs like a general soreness just prior to a change, but it?s so slight that most people don?t even recognize it before the change begins. Once it starts, that area will change completely within a matter of minutes. And since the changes are spread out over five days, that means we can?t administer pain killers. Some changes, especially large changes like the genitals and skeleton can hurt. Breast growth usually depends on the size, but most report it to be more pleasant than painful.?

Some of the information the doctor was saying I had heard before, or read on the net, but the pain was new for me. I guess people going through the procedure feel that pain is justified, or something. Like a rite of passage, or maybe just not something you want to talk about. The doctor finished talking about the preparations I would need including warnings about being out in public during the change as you never know when it may start.

?Any more questions?? he asked.

?No, I?m ready. When can we start??

?Today, if you want. But first I?ll need to send the nurse in with some paperwork that needs to be processed including the transfer of your paperwork from your old doctors as well as your parents? records to look for any hereditary traits which may impact the change.?

?Well. Like I said, the point of me doing this isn?t to change forever, so I?ve told my mother that I?ll be moving overseas for business and my friend will be taking care of my apartment and bills while I?m gone, can we just do it with my father?s records? He?s already passed so we won?t need a release right??

?I prefer to have both parents? records. I can apply for your mothers file with some personal information redacted, that way we won?t need a release from her. I do understand your request for privacy.?

?Please.? I say, a little relieved that I can get through this part with as little embarrassment as possible.

?Alright, the nurse will bring the forms, and I?ll begin the modeling process using the biometric scans from you and your parents? records. That way we can estimate what you will look like and make your adjustments from there.?

?Ok.? I reply, and with that he leaves me alone again. I feel really lucky that this procedure is available in my lifetime. Just 50 years ago they had to perform an incomplete surgery that was irreversible, and I want to get back to being a guy so I can finally land the women of my dreams. And, as unsuccessful I was at love, I was equally successful at business. I own my own company and have already made the arrangements to take a year sabbatical, leaving a very trusted friend in charge. This gave me the time I need to follow through with my experiment. As I was thinking about this, the nurse walked in with a small stack of papers for me to fill out. Once I finish, I call the nurse back in to collect the paperwork.

?Perfect timing, the doctor is ready for you in the design room.?

?Oh, thanks.? I reply, and follow her down the hall to a large room that looks like a cross between a computer server room and a laboratory with monitors and chemicals lining the white tiled walls and counter tops. The doctor calls me over to an access panel located in the center of the room. The table is over 6 feet long and is displaying the three dimensional results of my last biometric scan.

?I?ve had your parents? records transferred but they only go back to the early 2020?s when we switched from using CT to the biometric scans. We have the redacted version of your mother?s files, but there was a procedure that was removed prior to the scans. Do you know what that was? It would help to determine if there were any other factors we need to consider in the modeling.?

?No, none that she?s ever talked about at least.?

?Ok, we?ll work with what we have. Using your current scan and your parents?, we will be able to approximate what you will look like. This is accurate within 96% according to the latest results, and the differences are usually caused by artificial procedures like getting a nose job, for example.?

And with that, he brought up a series of models, organs, from myself, my father and my mother and started the genetic calculations based on the scan data to create a new model. Slowly my figure started changing from a 6? tall man weighting 185 pounds into a 5?6? woman weighing about 115. Other than my gender change, the model looked a lot like me, still my parents? child. I guess the most accurate way to describe it would be my twin sister. The model showed my hair changing from a sandy brown, almost blond, into a sweet honey blond stretching down to the middle of her back. When I asked about the length, the doctor said that it was a standard programmed growth, and it would be up to me to get it cut to whatever length I wanted to after that. He also said the same thing would happen with my finger nails when my hands change, to give me the choice to cut right away or style how I see fit.

?So, is there anything you would like to change??

?What about hair patterns??

?Well, we can alter where hair does or doesn?t grow. If you would like, we can exclude your legs and arms??

?Can you do the genitals too??, I asked, still uncomfortable talking about a vagina. ?It?s just for a year and I would rather not have to go through the hassle of shaving all the time.?

?Yes, we can do that. Anything else??

?With height, can you make me a little more, petite? I want the experience of being shorter, so I know what it?s like to wear heels and look up to people.?

?Yeah, remember, this isn?t exact, so I?ll lower your height by about 3 inches.? The doctor entered the new information and the model shrank to 5?3 with the new weight reading 105 pounds.

?Anything else??

?Well, this is a little embarrassing, but I would like bigger breasts and larger hips and butt. It?s not because I want to sexualize women,? I feel the need to explain, ?But that?s the kind of women I want to attract. I need to know how to treat a beautiful, womanly woman, so that?s what I need to be.?

?Don?t worry,? the doctor says reassuringly, ?I?m not here to judge what you want. You have to be as honest with me and you are with yourself. My job is to make sure that you?re not only physically healthy, but mentally too.?

And so he started inputting the changes. The model had started with small A-cup breasts, through a short discussion we talked about how big they should be and decided that adding two cup sizes to about a C-cup would be good. And around the hips and butt, we added another 2 inches to give the new model a nice hourglass figure.

?Any last changes you want to make??

Looking over the model, I see what would be my ideal girlfriend. She is perfect, but unfortunately I would soon be her. Declaring the model done the doctor entered the final commands to begin creating the serum. He also printed out a new size chart on a small card so I would be able to buy what I needed from the store to get ready for the transformation. He recommended buying only a few sport bras until I finished changing so that I could be properly sized. And finally, after an hour of waiting, the serum was ready.

?Any last questions??

?No, I?m ready.? I said nervously as the doctor injects the mixture into my arm, consigning myself to this, determined to better understand women.

?All done. Now the first changes won?t take place for at least 24 hours, so you?ll have time to get your affairs in order before you should be at home. Make sure you have enough food so that you don?t have to go out during the transitioning. And call me if you have any questions, any time. This number is for my cell phone and is exclusively for use during a patient?s transition. If you need to make an appointment, please call the office number.?

?Ok, thank you Doc.?

I gather up all my paperwork along with a few brochures that the doctor provided and made my way to the super center near my house. I wanted to pick up some starter clothes, general stuff that I can wear around the house as I change.
Also some food, I wanted to make sure that I wouldn?t need to go out during the change. Shopping in the women?s section for some clothes made me feel a little uncomfortable, but all the sizes would be impossible for me to wear, yet. At least they wouldn?t think I was a crossdresser. I also picked up some men?s track suits for lounging around and some other essentials like cosmetics and toiletries. The bill was pretty expensive, but it would probably cost more to get real designer outfits after the change.

I got home and unpacked my bags, made dinner and sat down to watch the news. I put in a call to my replacement at the office, Don Harbour and made sure he was all set before I left. We talked about business and the plans for the next year, I really trusted him and I knew he would do a great job. I told him about a new consultant I had hired so assist with planning decisions.

?You didn?t need to hire anyone, we can manage, honest!?

?I know you can, you barely let me do anything while I?m there. But I trust her, I?ve used her services off the books for a while now.?

?Used her services did you? Heh, heh??

?Not like that, strictly business.?

?Does Ms. Strictly Business have a name??

?Kelly Foster, no relation, so don?t even ask. It was a big surprise to me too when I found out she had the last name as me. She?s from out of state so she?s going to be using my apartment while I?m gone. I trust her as much as I trust you so take her advice as if it were coming from me.? Thinking to myself that, it would be coming from me, just in a different form.

?Will do boss. Enjoy your trip to? Where was it again??

?Um??, I pause for a second, almost forgetting where I had said myself. The lies were getting hard to remember. ?Thailand, a small temple near Korat. I was fortunate to find out about the temple there, no electricity, phones. Complete solitude.? I should really write that down somewhere?

?Well good luck, I hope you find what you?re looking for.?

?Me too. Take care.?

?See you.? Don says and hangs up.

The next day, I started to pack up some of my male clothes to make way for the new female ones I?d need. I needed to get everything into boxes and down into the storage. I got the injection yesterday around 2pm, so I should still have a few more hours before the first change hits. Getting close to the deadline, I load of the last of my clothes and prepare to take them down to the storage lockers in the basement of the condominium building. My arms are pretty sore from lifting and moving the boxes around so I decide to take a short break before I head downstairs. Sitting on the boxes I stretch and massage my muscles, when I notice that my fingernails seem a little long. As I watch I can imagine that they are growing longer.

?Oh god, it?s starting.? I say to myself. Just like the doctor had said, I completely mistook the pain from the transformation as simply being tired, but now it had reached what would be the first of a series of crescendos. Slowly the pain in my joints built as my arms reduced in length by a few inches, the pain in my fingers was especially bad as my hands took on a new smaller size while my fingers still looked long in comparison. My muscles melted away leaving graceful arms as the hair fell to the floor leaving only a soft downy layer. Tears in my eyes, the first change was complete. I now had the arms of my new self. Before any other changed happened I quickly grabbed the boxed and started down stairs.

I don?t know which stood out first, but I definitely noticed three things. First was my nails, they made it hard to hold onto the handles of the boxes, they stuck out from my fingers by about half an inch and were poking into the bottom lip of the handle. Next was the skin of my hands, the hard plastic was cutting into the skin making them feel extra soft and sensitive. Finally was my strength. Before lifting all those boxes down only made my arms slightly tired, I wasn?t even to the elevator yet and they were already at their limit. The nails came up again when I tried to press the elevator button only to jab my nail, I would really need to be more careful.

I finished packing up and got back to my room. The doctor had recommended that I take the opportunity to practice some female things as I changed. Part of the documentation included tips for handling a female body, which I read. When I came across the section about makeup, I decided to try painting my nails. There were many different sections about length, shape, styles and artificial nails, I wasn?t sure where to start. I decided to watch some TV while I flip through a magazine to see if I can find a style I liked. In the end I decided to try something called French Tips. They weren?t too long and I thought looked sexy. So I got to work with the nail clippers and file, shaping my nails while I watched some daytime TV.

Later in the day, I was relaxing in the bathtub, enjoying the water when I felt the next change build up. This time it was in my legs, and again I didn?t put together the sore feeling with the transformation. Next time I would have to pay more attention to the signs my body is telling me. Sitting in the tub with my back against one side and my feet on the other, I keep getting an urge to push. Pushing against the far wall as my bones themselves ache, I notice that my once bent knees are getting straighter and straighter, as they get shorter and shorter. Finally, the ache disappears, just like with my arms leaving the same kind of feeling you have after a good workout.

Getting out of the bathtub, I start to notice my new size, looking in the mirror is a little discomforting as my torso doesn?t quite match my new height or my arms. The do look good though, I admit to myself. The thighs have a really nice shape and the calves are small, smaller than my arms used to be. I was a little unsteady walking at first but soon I headed to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the phone ringing, without thinking I picked it up and mumbled a hello into the receiver, just as I realized I should be on a plane out of the country.

?Hi honey, it?s your mother.?

?Oh, hi mom. ? I reply, mentally making a note to disconnect the phone.

?I?m glad I got you, I forgot when you said you were leaving and I wanted to say good-bye.?

?Thanks mom.? I say, sitting up on my bed, trying to get comfortable.

?I hope you have a great time and hope you put that time to use. Maybe you will find a special girl to bring back with you.?

?Maybe mom, you never know.? This was really distracting me, sitting down felt so weird, and that?s when I noticed that my hips had changed overnight. Nothing too drastic, since as a guy I already had a 28? waist. But now it was definitely at a different angle and there was a lot more padding, so to speak. They kind of looked swollen.

?Are you there sweety??

?Yeah mom, sorry, what did you say??

?I asked when your flight leaves.?

?This morning, I?m leaving for the airport in about an hour. I was just going to call you.? I lied.

?Well, I?m glad we could talk. Have a safe flight.?

?Thanks. Love you.?

?Love you too. Bye Ken.?

?Bye mom,? I start, then remember, ?Oh wait, mom??

?Yes Ken??

?When I went to the doctor to get, um, vaccinations for the trip,? patting myself on the back for thinking of a good excuse on the fly, ?he checked the medical records and mentioned that you had an operation in the 20?s. But he didn?t know what it was. Could you tell me? It might be important while I?m gone.?

?I doubt that very much Ken, honey.?

?Please mom, it might be important.?

After a short pause and a long sigh, she said ?Well, this is embarrassing, but I had mammoplasty surgery. You never knew your grandparents, but the women in our side of the family have been very large chested. I had the surgery to reduce my size so that men would take me seriously, and I raised you respect women so they wouldn?t feel objectified like I had been.?

This was a shock, I was trying to process what she was saying and what it might mean for me in the next few days. I had a million questions and what popped out was, ?How big were you??

?Kenneth, that?s not a polite thing to ask a mother or a women. You should know better.?

?Sorry, I was just surprised. Listen mom, I?ve got to go.?

?Alright Ken, have a nice flight and take care of yourself in Taiwan.?

?Thailand Mom,? I corrected, before stopping to think if I originally said Taiwan. I really need to write that down?

Immediately after getting of the phone, I jump out of bed and start flipping through all the papers looking for the card Dr. Benton gave me with the emergency number. Finding it I plug it into my phone and call.

?Dr. Benton speaking.?

?Hi, Dr. Benton? This Ken Foster.?

?Is there something wrong??

?I don?t know, maybe? You remember that procedure that was on my mother?s record? Well I asked her today, and she had her breasts reduced, what does that mean for me??

?Ok, calm down. Do you know what her size was before the reduction??

?No, she wouldn?t tell me.?

?This is why I prefer to have full access to the files before the procedure starts.?

?What should I do??

?Nothing you can do really. It depends on your base size how big you?ll end up.?

?So if my Mom was a C, that?s where I?ll be??

?No, remember, we decided to add two cup sizes. So if your mother was a C, you?ll probably end up closer to an D or DD-cup, which is rather large. What?s changed so far??

?Just my arms and my legs,? I say as I sit back down on my bed. ?Oh, and my hips. Almost forgot.?

?Seems like you?re right on track with the changes. Any other questions??

?What happens if they?re too big?? I say, absently touching my chest.

?You?ll have to live with them. I wouldn?t recommend any kind of surgery since you?re planning to change back. My advice is just enjoy them.?

?Gee, thanks.?

?Get some rest Mr. Foster. Call again if you have any more problems or find out more information.?

?Ok, good bye Dr. Benton.? I say and hang up the phone.

I take a big breath and calm myself down, finally taking a look at my hips in the mirror. I definitely have a woman?s shape, but I?m still very manly between the legs. Bending over, turning all around trying to catch glimpses of myself in the mirror before finally deciding to have a shower. My ass felt really soft and sensitive when I was washing it, but it also kind of felt good to rub. I imagined that I was feeling up my new girlfriend and started to get hard, for the first time since this started. My new feminine hands felt really good wrapped around my penis and my imaginary girlfriend masturbated me while I felt her up. Feeling the pressure rise, I gasp and moan and shoot all over the shower wall. Afterwards, I kind of thought that may be my last time for a while.

I finish in the shower and dry off. As I?m rubbing the towel against my back, I feel a light tickle on the back of my thighs. My back hair was falling out. I quickly hop back into the bathtub and sit down, waiting for the change. Now that I know it?s coming I can feel the aching in my spine that I had ignored before. The ache spreads around to my ribs and through my chest, it almost feels like my organs are being squeezed. I start breathing rapidly, very short breaths with grunts of pain mixed in. Not only was my spine shrinking, but my chest was getting smaller. Ask my skin smoothed and the last of my chest and back hair fell into the tub, the ache left my chest and continued up my spine to my head which started to change right away. The hair on my head started to grow as my beard fell out leaving a smooth face. My skull started to shrink and reshape. Pushing my face into my hands, squealing in pain. My voice changed as my skull changed shape, but still stayed a little low. My hair tickled down over my shoulders before reaching the small of my back. I feel my cheeks and lips plump up as my teeth and mouth changes.

Slowly, the pain subsides and I slowly stand up and check out the changes in the mirror. I immediately noticed the height difference since my entire skeleton is now changed. I step out of the tub and approach the mirror to get a good look at my face. My eyes have changed to a greenish-blue, and my hair is now very blonde. My lips look full and inviting, making me laugh and I see what I would say is the most perfect smile if it weren?t on me. My stature and skin was finished, but my shape wasn?t, and I still have a very prominent Adam?s apple on my otherwise feminine neck. I look like a young, undeveloped girl, but now definitely a girl.

?Wow?? I say, realizing I still sound like a guy.

I shower again to wash off all the hair from the change, which clogged the drain and took a while to clean out. I pat my new, sensitive skin dry and start to dry my hair. With it as long as it was, it took nearly an hour to get dry. I couldn?t wait to get it cut. I opened the new women?s track suit and laid it out on my bed. I pulled on a pair of boxers only to have them nearly slide off. I do have the new hips, but not the new ass yet. I slipped on the pair of panties which was a little constricting in front, but was much more comfortable around my hips. I pulled on the exercise pants over the panties and a stretchy black camisole and went back to the bathroom. Since my face had changed too, I got out the make-up kit and practiced. The doctor?s office had given me a whole book on different styles of make-up. After a few hours and a ton of wasted make-up, I finally got it to a point which doesn?t look too bad.

And just in time too, my stomach growled at me reminding me that I had spent the entire morning just getting ready and missed both breakfast and lunch. I go into the kitchen and make myself some lunch, just a small salad and some water. I sit down on the couch and watch some more TV while I read a magazine. After a few hours I started coughing. Once, then again until I start coughing non-stop. With each cough, I could hear my voice was slowly climbing into a higher pitch. Rubbing my throat I could feel my Adam?s apple getting smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared. As the coughs stopped and I could finally breath, I walked back to the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge and drank it all down.

?Hello, hello, testing?? I said cautiously, to see how it sounds. My new voice is a very high and cute, I can now pass as a woman in public if I had to. I spent the next few hours trying different things, like painting my nails, toenails, and doing make up and different hair styles. I had less than 48 hours before the changes would finish, and what remained were the things that most sexually identify a woman. Her breasts, her ass and her vagina. Soon to be my vagina. But that wasn?t what came next.

As I was walking down the hall, I kept getting a wedgie and as I reached around to pull my panties out, I realized there was much more of me there. I ran back into my bedroom and pulled down my pants and watched as my ass started to get bigger and bigger. Unlike the previous changes, as the pressure build, so did the pleasure. As it grew and I rubbed the pleasure built, and built until finally a release, almost like an orgasm, but I didn?t cum, and I didn?t care. I moaned and collapsed on the bed, licking my lips and rubbing all over my skin, that felt amazing! I fell asleep on my bed, with my panties around my ankles and a satisfied grin on my face.

When I woke up the next morning, nothing else had changed, but once again, my stomach ached. I missed dinner last night and I had only eaten a salad yesterday. I got up and showered, did my make-up and got dressed as quickly as I could. I put on a skirt, the pants showed my bulge in front but the skirt was loose enough to still look appropriate. As I put on a women?s t-shirt, I looked down at my chest and wondered when they would make their appearance. And how big an appearance it would be. As I approached the kitchen I noticed a strange smell, and probably my worst nightmare at this point. Having eaten only one meal in two days, the door to my fridge was wide open, probably from when my voice changed. Most of the food inside looked or smelt pretty bad, and I didn?t want to risk getting sick. So I grabbed a large garbage bag and took out everything that could spoil, which left me nothing to eat, and even hungrier after that exercise. Could I go out? Should I stay? I had at most another 30 hours until the change would be finished, but when would I change next.

I thought about it for 10 minutes, and realized I had to try. I double checked myself in the bathroom to make sure I looked presentable and grabbed my keys and wallet, through it all into my new purse and headed out to the store. I wanted to go as fast as possible, the last two changes are both things that I don?t want happening, but I was starving. The superstore down the street was the closest, so I headed there. Trying to feel my body for the hint of a change so I could hide. I walked into the store and picked up a few basic things. Then, I don?t know what I was thinking, but the moment I was walking by the Jewelry counter, I was completely distracted. For the past few days I had been looking at all the necklaces and earrings, bracelets and other accessories the models were wearing in the magazine and regretting not buying any to try myself. Before I knew it, I had spent nearly an hour going through all the isles, trying to choose things to match other things, a new purse here, and new watch there. I was obsessed.

That was until I felt a pressure?

?Oh shit...? I thought to myself.

?Excuse me,? I asked in my feminine voice, ?Where is the ladies room??

?There?s one in the back of the women?s wear department, just go over there,? the clerk replied pointing, ? You can?t miss it.?

?Could you watch my cart for me??

?Sure, no problem.?

And with that I grabbed my purse and as fast as I could I went into the bathroom, almost into the men?s but I quickly noticed. I hoped what I was feeling was a simple need to urinate, I hoped?

I went in and found an empty stall, pulled up my skirt, pulled down my panties and peed like I had never peed before. The pressure started to go away and I was relieved in more ways than one. It wasn?t the change. Soon I finished, and I needed to shake off. As I reached down, I shook and started to feel strange again. What I felt next is hard to describe. You know that sudden jolt you get when you hiccup? Well, I started to feel that kind of a spasm. Each jolt left a little ache in my groin, until with one big jolt, I felt like I had been kicked in the balls. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, and luckily there was no one else in here and the store intercom was playing the music pretty loud. Still, a scream from the women?s restroom would bring a lot of unwanted attention.

The pain and the pulling continued, I had never let go of my penis and now I could feel it changing too. Between my fingers the width and length slipped away leaving behind a little stub of its former self. And as it got smaller the area between my legs, once occupied by my balls got tighter and tighter. With the foreskin wrapped around the former head of my penis, under my fingers I feel a sensitive burst of pleasure, as my glans becomes my new clit. The foreskin, still covering my new clit begins a path down my body revealing a shallow pink slit, my scrotum splitting right down the middle forming the lips on either side as it becomes my hood and inner lips. The pain was intense, but I had no choice but to grit my teeth and bear it.

Inside my belly, my testicles had reached their new destination and completed their change into ovaries, while my prostate grew into a fully functional vagina. There was no pain here, just a very uncomfortable sensation. At this point I was glad I hadn?t eaten anything, otherwise I might have thrown it up from the nauseous feeling of having your guts rearranged. My new vagina was merely a shallow valley for now, but as the nauseous feeling subsided and my internal organs finish their development, and new feeling starts to build. This time, I only feel pleasure, and it?s growing. My hands are clenched on the hem of my skirt, with my nails digging into the palms as the pleasure increases. And as it grows so does the canal, connecting my new uterus to the new pussy. I imagine that this is what sex must feel like, the opening, the spreading, the pleasure. Now instead of trying to restrain my cries of pain, it?s my cries of pleasure which I must hold in. And as this transformation reaches its climax, I do to. My clit tingles and this warm flush of pleasure runs from my head to my toes as I let out a satisfied moan under my breath.

The door to the bathroom slamming open snaps me out of my reverie. I grab some toilet paper and for the first time, I wipe myself. I try to remember what the brochures had said about hygiene, and was very careful to wipe from the front to the back. I stand up and pull up my panties, and as the material hugs my new pussy for the first time, I get a chill all over my body. I flush, go out to the sink and wash my hands, noticing just how flush my cheeks look. I hope the clerk doesn?t notice. I get back to the jewelry counter and pick up my cart. Knowing what change remains, that would be very hard to explain in public. I quickly paid for my purchase and head back to my car.

Back at home I made lunch to satisfy my long empty stomach. This time I had a bagel with some cream cheese, and a salad. I need to watch my weight if I?m going to keep this figure for the next year. I finished my lunch and cleaned the dishes. I was going back to my bag when the phone rang. This time I was careful to check who it was before I answered. It was Dr. Benton?s office, so I picked up.


?Hello, is this Mr. Foster??

?Speaking, well, Ms. Foster now.?

?I see, how far along are the changes, you should be in the last stretch.?

?I?m almost completely changed, I just have my chest left.?

?Wait, so your genitals have already changed??

?Yes, is that a problem??

?No, no problem. Remember how I said that every patient was different??

?Yes, something about it taking time for the serum to build up in a place to create the change, and everyone has different blood vessels??

?Correct. Well there are generally accepted orders to the transformation. Your extremities are usually first, since blood pools most easily in your legs and arms, the serum grows the fastest there. Then the organs like your heart and lungs change along with your brain. Where it takes the longest is where it has the most to change. Usually, breast growth happens soon after your chest changes.?

?What does that mean??

?Well, to put it simply, you must have a lot to change there if it hasn?t started yet.?

?Oh?? I say, unsure of what to ask.

?Don?t worry too much about it, remember the reason why you?re doing it, the better you look the more attention you?ll get and the more you?ll understand how to treat a beautiful woman such as yourself.?

?I guess so. Thanks for calling.?

?No problem, but please call the office to schedule an appointment as soon as you finish changing.?

?I will, thanks.? I say, hanging up the phone.

I make my way back to the bag where I pull out the accessories including a range of clip-on earrings. I don?t want to pierce my ears because I don?t know if they?ll heal up after I change back. Pulling out different styles I make my way into the bathroom and start trying them on. I brought the guide from the clinic and a fashion magazine for some ideas. I spent the next few hours again trying different hair styles, make-up and this time jewelry too. I was getting better and better at doing my make-up, and to be honest I was starting to turn myself on a little too.

As I stood there, looking in the mirror with my hands on my hips, I start to feel a pleasant tingling between my legs, I slowly reach down and start to explore through my panties as the feelings build. Rubbing your clit through silk feels like a dream, let me tell you. Before I get too far into it, I go back to my bedroom and stand in front of the full length mirror. I turn from side to side and play with my hair, checking out my ass, hips and feminine belly before finally slipping my thumbs in my panties and sliding them down my legs.

Now I may have been a virgin, but I have looked at my share of porn, and I did get to third base with a few women, but this was nothing like that. The feeling I was getting looking at myself, touching and feeling was nothing like what I had seen or experienced before. I was a beautiful woman, albeit a little flat up top, but I knew that wasn?t going to last. I work my way back to my bed, keeping my eyes fixated on myself in the mirror. Slowly I sit down on the bed and spread my legs. Watching myself in the mirror I start exploring my hours old gender. I start to feel a pressure, similar to a male orgasm, and reminiscent of the pleasure I left when my vagina grew. The pleasure keeps building, my heart is pumping, I can feel my pussy lips plum and the heat simply radiating out. My skin tingles and my face goes flush. I can feel it all over my body until finally everything tenses, and pleasure melts all over me. Washing over my body from my toes, to the tip of my head and back again. I can even feel it in my nipples.

My nipples? Yes, I can feel them now. They feel hard and tense on my chest. I open my eyes and look down, they still look like small, masculine nipples, but they?re standing straight out from my chest. Then I remembered reading that during sex, a woman?s body increases circulation to their chests, making them swell. And that?s what was about to happen to me. As I watched, my still hard male nipples started to grow. The feeling was like pain and pleasure combined. There was so much pressure from them swelling out, but it felt so good. I couldn?t even touch them the pleasure was so great. I watched them swell into large, thimble sized nipples, pulsing with pleasure on my still flat chest.

Then I felt the pressure under my skin, it too was building and pulsing, giving pleasure and the feeling of pressure building up. Slowly my chest started to rise, and as it did, my orgasm started to build again. The pulsing of my chest sending waves down to my clit. I roll over onto my bed with my face buried in my pillow, my hips in the air with my legs spread and my growing tits rubbing against the sheets. My right hand creeps between my legs and starts rubbing my clit as my left hand sneaks under my body to cup the right side of my chest. My breasts are small, but I can feel them growing into my hand. I keep rubbing my clit and squeezing my growing tit. It?s up to an A-cup now, and the pleasure grows. I?m screaming into the pillow as I feel a mini-orgasm, and my tits swell into B-cups. I start rocking back and forth on the bed, rubbing my nipples across the sheets as I feel my tits bulge out into large C-cups. My pussy is so wet now that I drag my left hand away from my chest, leaving it to rub up against the sheets as I rock and start moving it between my legs as well. I can feel the pressure as my tits continue to grow between my body and the bed. My left hand finds its destination between my legs, slipping two fingers into my wet cunt as I massage my clit with my right hand. Within seconds I push myself over the edge and cum on the most spectacular manner, collapsing down on the bed.

Lying on the bed with my face panting into a pillow as I slowly come down from that feeling, I start to notice the pressure between my chest and my bed. Lying there, slowly gathering the courage to look, I begin to push my shoulders up. Higher and higher I go, and the pressure lessens, but my tits are still firmly resting on the bed. It?s not until I?m resting my elbows on the bed does the pressure disappear, only to be replace by the sensation of my new nipples lightly scraping along the sheets as my tits jiggle back and forth, to put it simply I was huge.

Easing myself back onto the bed, I lie down on my side, breasts pressing against each other, and I slowly rub my nipples as I fall asleep. I really hope the doctor can do something for me tomorrow.


Authors note: I started writing this and I got pretty carried away. This is my first attempt at a story and it?s only about half done. The understanding part I feel will be almost as long working towards the conclusion. This world is about 80 years in the future where they have the technology to change genders. The doctors at these centers are both medical doctors as well as psychiatrists who manage the patient?s physical and mental well-being. The serum can be customized by alteration (+/- Breasts), not through specific changes (36C), and the changes happen randomly. People can feel free to use this world however they see fit. Changes could be punishments for crimes, or to get good jobs (need money? Be a stripper), or any reason you want.
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Unread 01-25-2011   #3
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Re: Story Editor?

A good beginning for your story. Do watch your tenses; you're flipping back and forth between past and present - "I say" versus "I said". Given that most of your story is present tense, I'd stick with that.

Are you going to depict the reverse TF? We don't see a lot of F2M TGs and it would be interesting.
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 01-25-2011   #4
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Re: Story Editor?

you might want to check femurs forum
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Unread 01-25-2011   #5
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Re: Story Editor?

Originally Posted by CNash View Post
A good beginning for your story. Do watch your tenses; you're flipping back and forth between past and present - "I say" versus "I said". Given that most of your story is present tense, I'd stick with that.
I noticed I was doing that, and at times decided to keep it one way or the other. It made sense to me at the time, but I think my mind was just spewing at that point. I'll go back and patch it all one way, and probably present tense. I wanted to tell the story as if it were happening now, not being told after the fact.

Originally Posted by CNash View Post
Are you going to depict the reverse TF? We don't see a lot of F2M TGs and it would be interesting.
The story has been very organic, and while I have a plan I don't know where it will go and how it will end for sure yet. I started writing with just an idea, expecting to give up like I have done in the past after a page or so. I have about four or five routes that the character could go down.
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Unread 01-26-2011   #6
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Arrow Re: Story: To Better Understand

Originally Posted by Ranmakun View Post
Where or how can I find an editor?
You can try Literotica. They have a bunch of volunteer editors and a forum you can contact them on.
Other options include ASSTR, Crystal's Story site, BigCloset TopShelf and possibly others.

If you do find one (or more) willing to edit a TG story, please mention them in this thread. It may help others.

* The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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Unread 03-20-2011   #7
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Re: Story Editor?

I hope you would continue the story, it looks promising.
However, If you stuck on thinking what to pick from those endings, you could do a
multiple ending choice for the reader

Last edited by jato; 03-20-2011 at 09:26 PM. Reason: <No longer drunk and being polite>
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Unread 03-28-2011   #8
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Re: Story Editor?

Enjoyed the detailed descriptions of the transformation. Nice job.
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Unread 03-29-2011   #9
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Re: Story Editor?

This is a rather interesting tg story you writing here
Horror is just one thing that comes in transformation. A shadow like creature haunts your dreams, He is the nightmare king, Mr.October.
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Unread 03-29-2011   #10
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Re: Story Editor?

Thanks, I had an editor helping but they disappeared. I may just finish on my own.
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