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Unread 03-05-2017   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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My first TF story

Finally decided to actually try to do something. Pretty generic werewolf story, but I tried to focus on romance. Adult stuff, no actual sex though. It's rough, but I'm happy with it for a start. Would appreciate any feedback or criticism.


Gabriel had met Nora at an art exhibit downtown. Normally he wasn't the type of person to frequent art exhibits, but a friend of a friend of a friend had a piece on display. Instead of ducking out or coming up with an excuse—an excuse called Breath of the Wild—he had reluctantly decided to go along with the invitation.

He thought it was a rather boring painting. Misty woods. Light rain falling. Pretty little flowers blah blah bullshit. But there was a rather cute girl staring at the thing and he could tell it was something she was enjoying. Not one to strike up a conversation, he made himself known by tripping over his own two feet, spilling his soft drink all over the girl's coat, and nearly knocking over the painting she was admiring so intently.

Didn't want to go. A painting he didn't care for. Falling on the floor in front of a couple of dozen people. A nearly-destroyed painting. A nearly-injured attractive onlooker. Any of these things would've kept Gabriel from meeting his future girlfriend. He would think later on this many times over the next few months. He almost missed out on something special. Everything was working against him. But he supposed that was how these things usually went. Something to tell your grandchildren one day.

Jesus, he was already thinking about that after a few months.

After apologizing several hundred thousand times and offering to commit ritual suicide to restore her honor, Nora settled on grabbing a cup of coffee with Gabriel. She seemed sweet, and had a shyness that he found cute. Well, shyness might not have been the word. After he had bumped into her and the initial surprise had died down, Nora seemed borderline terrified. She kept glancing around as though she expected another Diet Mountain Dew wielding assassin to assault her. Even when she had calmed down, she would stutter and glance nervously at the entrance to the exhibit. She was even shaking a bit. He got the feeling that the reason she agreed to coffee was less of a way to accept his apology and more to get away from the attention he had caused and sit down for a while.

But they seemed to have a good bit in common. Gabriel's father owned a nearby convenience store that was close to Nora's house. Gabriel considered this a bit odd, as the gas station was about as far from any house as one could get. It was a small BP station off of Interstate 65 that led to the capital of the middle of nowhere. Maybe she lived in a rural area and didn't get out much. It would go a little ways towards explaining her nervousness.

Aside from their mutual need for dead dinosaur liquid material, Nora was a fan of the outdoors, the Braves, and bad horror movies. True love like this comes around only once a generation.

Nora said that the only real reason she was even at the exhibit that night was because her bus was late and she wanted to get out of the rain for a while. Something about that particular painting had got her attention though. Gabriel though it was a pretty run of the mill, Bob Ross-esque landscape portrait but Nora really liked it. She said that she found it pretty and stared sadly out the window at the rain that had steadily increased.

She said this in a way that made Gabriel think that it wasn't often that this young woman had pretty things in her life.

They had gone out a few times after that. Hollywood never had a shortage of shitty movies, and over the next few weeks they enjoyed watching early-20s D-listers be attacked by gruesome CG monsters. Nora seemed to genuinely like having Gabriel around, and he was suspecting—hoping—that this might be the start of something deeper.

On one particular three-day weekend, Nora agreed to go camping—provided it was in a spot near her house. Gabriel figured Nora might not be as outdoorsy as she let on and wanted to be near a place with indoor plumbing. That thought didn't need to cross his mind at all.

“Hurry the fuck up! We're not even halfway to the falls yet!”

Gabriel was panting like a dog by the time he got to the top of the hill. Nora certainly knew a thing or two about the outdoors and was in much better shape than he was. He could barely gasp a few words in between drowning himself in the water from his Camelbak (purchased yesterday from Target like any true outdoorsman).

“Not even?”

“You said you wanted to see it,” she said smiling. “You drove allll this way just to see a waterfall that I'm pretty sure isn't on any map.”

“Well, that and for the glory that is accompanying such a fair maid as yourself as she treks across her domain.” That was what he meant to say. It came out as “Yeah and you.”

This confused Nora, and Gabriel again felt like he had no idea what he was doing. Nora was out of his league. She wasn't pretty in the standard way. Her skin was pale in a way that a girl that spends lots of her time outside shouldn't have been. Her hair was always a mess. Her eyebrows were bushy and she hadnoticeable little hairs on her forearms. When she went to wipe the sweat from her brow, Gabriel caught a glimpse of some hair underneath her armpits. Well, he was officially dating a hippy. Not exactly Taylor Swift.

But to Gabriel she was gorgeous. When she smiled in her shy little way it made Gabriel happy down to his core, and made him want to do anything it took to keep her smiling. She was witty, caring, and funny. And for some reason she enjoyed having him around. Gabriel really liked Nora, and hoped she was feeling the same way. He even dared to dream on the way the the cabin that perhaps she intended for them to maybe stay the night at her place.

Instead, Gabriel was horrified to learn that she did really enjoy the outdoors and he would be enduring a grueling hike over the next few days.

“I mean,” he wheezed. “Fuck ...”. Gasp. “Thanks!” Wheeze.

Truly, this was a man with an air of passion and a romance that could melt the coldest of hearts.

“It's been a few hours. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yeah, no problem. This is fun.”

She looked past him up into the sky. “Look, this might have been a bad time. I didn't think it would take you this long to get here and we kind've got a late start. We could head back and maybe try this another day?”

“No no no, I'm fine. But if we're nearly halfway there, we're not going to get to see the waterfall before it gets dark, right?”


“So we could just camp here, right?”


“I mean, then we could get an early start tomorrow, right?”

“I suppose. But don't think I don't notice this is your way of getting the chance to sit down for a while.”

As they set up their gear for the night, Gabriel thought that a big contributor to his being so tired was the large tent he was carrying. He wan't sure if Nora was okay sleeping in the same tent as he did, but he thought he'd bring a larger one along anyway. He noticed Nora wasn't really bringing a tent with her, so he assumed he had made a smart purchase from the Target clearance aisle.

Actually, Nora wasn't bringing much of anything. She carried only water, a blanket, and a bag of beef jerky. This seemed to fit in with Nora's sparse alifestyle pretty well. When he had first pulled up to her house, he thought he had taken a wrong turn. It was a tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere. Small front porch, a little well to one side, and a single vehicle carport that was strangely lacking a car. How the hell did she live out here like this? He wasn't even sure if there was electricity running to the place.

And how the hell did she get into town at all? She had said that she had taken the bus into town, but she would have to hike a few miles just to get to his dad's station and the bus stop nearby. He supposed it was an easy enough trek, but having to do that every day would take a long time. How did she get this place? Did she work from home?

Gabriel decided to press her for answers to these mysteries after she had shown him how to go about setting up a tent.

They had managed to scrounge up enough firewood to get a small fire going. Gabriel took pride that he had at least contributed to this outdoor tradition, even though it was only because he had brought along a small bottle of lighter fluid.

They sat together near the fire while they watched the sun fall off the edge of the world. Already a few stars had started to appear and the breeze was nice at the top of the hill where they made camp. Gabriel thought of how many times he had played some stupid fantasy videogame, playing as a hero wandering the countryside looking for adventure or to end the plans of some ancient power. None of that compared to actually being in the outdoors enjoying a quiet moment next to someone hereally cared for.

“This is nice,” he said. It wasn't a profound statement, but it did the job.

“This is my favorite spot up here. My dad used to take me and my sister fishing in the stream that comes out of the waterfall. After mom left it was like coming to paradise.”

“Is that how you came to own your cabin? Did he own the land up here?”

Nora stared into the distance without a word. Maybe she hadn't heard him, but he got the feeling like she had known he was going to ask the question and he was just playing out a script she had already created in her head. “Yeah. He left all of it to me after he passed on.”

“Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't know.”

“It's fine. It's a very old wound.”

Something about the way she said this made him think that it was anything but.

“Well, it's a nice place. I wish I had somewhere like this growing up. Does your sister still come to enjoy it too?”

Pause. “Yeah.” He could tell this was a lie. What was going on?

“Can I ask you something,” he said. “Not trying to be nosy or anything, but you've never really told me where you work. Do you work from home or do you hike to the bus stop every day?”

“I work from home. I write articles for a nature magazine. I ride the bus to town to mail my notes in.” This answer seemed practiced. Too flat to be true. Something she had replayed in her head a few times for when this question inevitably came up.

Two lies in a row.

“I'm sure my dad would let you use his mailbox. Could save you a trip now and then.”

She winced. He hoped he hadn't said something he shouldn't have. He noticed she was still sweating. His frame was custom-built by the couch-smiths of Hyrule, but he had caught his breath by now.

Then he caught something else. Nora had started to smell. They were both in need of a shower, but there was something off about her smell now. He didn't know how to describe it, but his mind just told him it was wrong.

Nora apparently thought something was wrong too. “Oh fuck. What's today?”

“The fifteenth I think. Why?”

Nora silently did some math. “It's not tonight. What the fuck is …?”

“What's not tonight? Nora, what's not tonight? Are you—”

She screamed. She screamed like someone had just twisted their ankle in a very bad way. Like something was causing her pain. She leaned forward and sweat dropped from her forehead. Too much sweat. Something was very wrong.

“Fuck, are you okay? Do we need to get back? Should I try to call for help?”

“Get out of here. Right now. Right fucking now.”

“Nora, what--”

“NOW!” she screamed as she shoved his shoulder. It hurt more than he expected and sent him off balance. He quickly got to his feet.

“Nora, what the fuck?”

“Go. Just go. Don't come back here. I thought it was okay, but … just go. Don't ever come back here again.”

Gabriel stared at her, confused and …

“I don't want you up here. I don't want you near me. Get the fuck out of here and I never want to see you again.”

… hurt. No, not hurt really. At least not hurt because of what she was saying. Hurt because of why she was saying it. She wanted him out of here, yes, but she wanted him to hurt his feelings. She was trying to get rid of him by saying something hurtful she didn't really mean to get him to leave as fast as possible.

“O-kay. I guess I'll head back to my car then. Thanks for a lovely evening. You can keep the tent I guess. I'll guess I'll be going now.”

His turn to lie.

He turned his back and started walking down the path they had ascended earlier. Even through her now-constant painful moaning he could somehow tell she was looking at him as he went.

But he wasn't going anywhere. Something was going on. If Nora had a stomach virus or was having an epileptic fit or something that would be one thing. He would be sprinting down the mountain right now to call an ambulance. She didn't want him to see something and she was willing to lie and even hurt him to keep him from seeing it.

Gabriel slowlyleft the path after he was sure he was out of her sight. He heard another loud gasp of pain that made him want to run back to her, but he resisted the urge. If she was in trouble, the best way he could help her would be to stay close by.

Her moaning continued as he crept back to the edge of the clearing. What he saw was something he would never forget.

Nora had removed her shirt and was leaning forward, dry heaving onto the ground. The light was still dim, but the crappy fire he had set up was enough to cast a good light. Something was on Nora's back. Were those cuts on her shoulder? Yes, but there was something else. It was hair.

His girlfriend had a hairy back. Well, not his girlfriend. They were still more like really good friends, but he was hoping it was going to why the FUCK does she have hair on her back?

Nora's spine suddenly swelled and could be seen pressing against her back. She feebly tried to rub it, but this was probably hard to do with what was happening to her fingers. Thick black claws extended from every digit. Nora brought her hands back down to the earth and arched her back up. She tried to grab at the waist of her pants, but didn't seem to to be able to find the button.

Crying and moaning, she fell forward onto the dirt. Gabriel was afraid she was too close to the fire but couldn't bring himself to run forward and help. He was afraid of what was happening to her, but he was also afraid of her seeing him. Gabriel had seen enough horror movies to realize what was going on. It was impossible, but obviously it wasn't if it was happening right in front of him.

As she writhed her back onto the dirt, sweat continued to drip from her every pore. Dark hairs were growing on her breasts and down in a line to the crotch of her pants. Tiny red dots were appearing on her chest as well in a straight line of two rows below her breasts. Hair grew around them as they swelled to nearly an inch long and started to turn a darker color. Nora briefly rubbed her hand slowly down her chest before slipping her thumb underneath her waistband and tearing her jeans open.

Theimmediate problem taken care of, Nora held her head in both hands, revealing dark hair growing under her pits and slowly moving up her arm to join the thicker hair on her forearms. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as a cracking sound came from her jaw. Her teeth were extending, turning into yellow points as drool dropped from her mouth and joined the sweat that wasstaining the dirt beneath her.

Nora's hair was growing wilder, lengthening quickly until it would have come down to her waist if she was standing up. Gabriel heard a popping sound as Nora's shoes started to burst, pushing the soles away from the bottom of her feet. Through the gap between the leather and the rubber, Gabriel could see her feet growing larger and longer.

Nora suddenly sat up, and Gabriel was afraid she might see him. Instead she rolled over onto her side and pulled her jeans apart in two quick motions. Dark hair now covered her legs and she screamed in pain as her legs started to shift, her feet extended as her ankle was pushed upwards until it was halfway between her knees are the balls of her feet.

Gabriel felt stupid for doing it, but he looked into the sky expecting to see a full moon. Instead there was barely a moon at all. The moon wasn't causing Nora to change into some sort of monster. As he watched her nails grow longer and longer, Gabriel felt dread in the pit of his stomach as his mind started to dwell on something she had said.

Her sister doesn't come around any more. Why wouldn't she come up some of the time? It was beautiful area, and Gabriel assumed her father would have left the cabin to the both of them. Does her sister know what Nora is? Her father is dead. Is her sister dead too? Nora was rapidly becoming something out of a nightmare, more animal than human. More monster than animal. Did Nora do something to her family?

A scream halfway between a woman's voice and a wounded animal returned Gabriel to the scene before him. Nora was on her back again, leaning forward and staring at her body. Other than the few strips of denim clinging to her legs she was naked. Dark hair grew in a line down from her neck, between her newly developed, still swelling breasts before exploding into a thick carpet across her vagina. A look of shame mixed in with the pain already present on Nora's features as she surveyed her pretty body becoming that of a monster. But there was another emotion that was choosing this moment to make itself known.

Nora's moans continued to get deeper and deeper, but started to take on another tone altogether. Nora collapsed onto her back as her clawed hands began to roam across her chest. Her breasts had grown several cup sizes, both her original ones and the six new ones that trailed across her belly before swelling on both sides of her crotch. The hair on her body had now covered covered her chest. Thick nipples—teats—still poked out of the hair—fur—in an obscene display. One of Nora's hands switched from her breasts to her midriff, slowly inching toward her pussy but seemed almost afraid of what it would discover there.

A sharp crack snapped both Gabriel and Nora back to the horror of what was happening to her. Nora seemed to be growing, new vertebrae popping into existence in her lengthening spine. The hair on her arms and legs was now covering up toned muscle as she took on the body of an Olympic athlete, strong but still strangely feminine. She seemed to grow several feet over the next few minutes, moaning wordlessly as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

Nora's hand flew to her mouth as her face seemed to pulse and push forward. Gabriel couldn't see her face anymore, but saw her ears rising through the shaggy mass of hair atop her head, rising in points towards the darkened sky. Nora seemed to make a noise between a growl and a sob and her hands were slowly being pushed aside by her lengthening maw. Gabriel noticed that her eyes now reflected the light of the fire, shining like yellow gems in a way that made the primitive part of his mind want to run away and hide in a cave.

Nora's misery wasn't at the forefront for very long before she returned to her pleasure. Rolling onto her hands and knees, Nora rocked her body back and forth, husky moans escaping her drooling lips in quick bursts. Nora seemed to be trying to say something, but only sounded more and more like an animal in heat. She brought one deformed hand—not quite a paw, but definitely not a hand—between her legs and started rubbing her clitoris. But it seemed that even that comfort was to be taken away from her. Nora's pussy started pulsing on its own, slowly pushing away from her crotch and took on a shape more befitting of a presenting wolf. Nora moaned in frustration, and again Gabriel felt afraid of what would happen when the monster in front of him finally realized he was nearby.

Nora's canine vagina continued shifting until it was closer to her anus. Despite her clitoris beginning to swell with need, she still wasn't able to touch herself in the way she wanted in this position. Nora started moving her ass back and forth, seemingly humping the air before Gabriel realized what was going on. The final stage of her transformation was happening. A small nub appeared at the base of her spine, growing longer and longer until she had a tail. A tail that marked her as something inhuman, even as the howl echoing across the countryside marked her orgasm.

Rolling onto its back, the beast curled itself into a ball, covering its face as if it could escape from what it had become. Gabriel knew that this wasn't the person with whom he had climbed this hill. At best it was a mindless animal. At worst it was a monster that had killed its own family.

Gabriel's dark thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from behind the monster's deformed hands. It was a single syllable that struck Gabriel more cruelly than anything he had witnessed tonight. “Gabe.”

It was still her. Nora was still there. Was she calling for him? Did she know he was still nearby? He assumed she could smell him, but she was giving off a strong enough musk that he doubted she could smell anything but her own needy body. No, it was just that his name was the first thing on her blackened lips. She had transformed into a thing, a—use the word—a werewolf, but she was still saying his name, enough sorrow in her voice that Gabriel knew part of Nora was still trapped within the body of an animal.

Gabriel slowly stepped out of the trees into the clearing. “N-Nora?”

And then Gabriel knew he had made a mistake that would cost him his life. The monster sprang to its feet, hunched over nearly on all fours and growled so loudly that it seemed to make the ground vibrate. Drool fell from Nora's mouth as she turned her eyes towards him. Two golden fires burned into her eyes, and Gabriel felt like he was staring down an elemental, a force of nature given form, something from which primordial man had taught his children to be afraid of before the civilization emerged from the wild.

And then it was Nora. The light faded and was replaced by a look of sorrow and shame. “Oh god ...” she moaned. Her voice was deep, and she seemed to have trouble making the words. She leapt into the darkness of the trees, even as Gabriel yelled out her name.

“Wait! Don't go!”

Too late. Nora had disappeared, and only the faint rustle of trees marked her trail. Gabriel was alone, and he was certain that Nora was too.

Smokey the Bear had instructed even city kids to help prevent forest fires. Gabriel's tenuous grip on sanity found it strangely funny that a large humanoid animal wanted him to practice good camping etiquette even as another large humanoid animal had been masturbating in front of him a good hour ago.

Gabriel packed up the gear, including Nora's unopened bag of jerky. He felt like he should be terrified by what he had just witnessed, but instead he was thinking he had wasted a lot of money on camping gear and should probably not leave it sitting on the top of this hill. What he had witnessed seemed so unbelievable that it was easier toabsentmindedly go about packing up the tent than it would be to go screaming off the edge of a cliff.

After attempting to put the tent away and finally admitting defeat, he made his way back down the trail. It took nearly twice as long heading back in the dark, but at least it was mostly downhill. The reality of the night's events refused to enter his mind until he was staring at his crappy Civic parked next to the sad cabin. His eyes strayed from his car to the dark windows which even now might hide a wild beast, hiding in solitude, afraid of the world finding out what it was. Gabriel wasn't even surprised when he saw Nora standing slightly hidden from view around the corner of the cabin, watching him silently.

Gabriel stared for a moment, then popped the trunk of his car and made an exaggerated show of tossing his backpack carelessly inside. He closed the trunk and then took a few steps towards Nora, intent on showing her that he wasn't going to run away or try to hurt her. She took a few steps forward, and in the faint light of the new day he was able to see her more clearly.

Nora stood about eight feet tall on two legs, but looked as if she could more easily run on four. Her fur was black and grey, shaggy and dripping crimson from some small creature that Gabriel would rather not think about. She was slightly hunched over, her eight breasts gently rubbing against each other as her breath quickened. He doubted very much she was out of breath because she was winded. Dirt clung to her here and there, and she rubbed her muzzle with the back of her long hand-paws that no longer seemed capable of lifting a cup of coffee in a warm shop somewhere out of the rain. Tears fell from her eyes as she lowered herself to the ground, sitting with her tail curled around her and resting in her lap. She put her hands on top of it, which seemed like some sort of nervous habit she had picked up. Now that she was sitting she was about at eye height with Gabriel.

He took in a sharp breath, and spat out much too quickly, “Thanks for bringing me along on my first camping trip. That was … yeah … Hi.”

The words came slowly, and almost seemed like it caused her physical pain to say them. “We … were … attacked.”

Gabriel's fake smile turned into a real frown. “We? Were attacked? Who?”

Nora looked at her tail, silently kneading it between her hands. “Up there … We …”

Gabriel realized what she meant. “Your family.”

She nodded.

“It was … another ...” He forced himself to say the word, as absurd as it was even after tonight. “Werewolf?”

“Yes … it … attacked.”

“It attacked you. But your dad must have tried to fight it off.”

She didn't nod, and he could tell he was right.

“He wasn't able to. It killed your sister and your father. Shit. Jesus.”

“He … hurt it … It ran … And … bit me … on ...” She looked at her shoulder. The cuts he had noticed before were now a rather pretty pattern of lighter fur that stood out from the rest covering her body.

“It bit you on the shoulder. And it got away? Fuck, is it still out there?”

She made no response.

“Are … are you going to--?”

She looked afraid of what I was about to say next. “No … never. Never … have.”

“Okay. Okay, good. Do you think we … can talk? About what happened?”

She shook her head. “No … You … leave … I can't … Look … at me!” Her voice took the same tone as it had taken last night, and Gabriel felt like he should have been scared but he really wasn't. She hung her head and glanced into the trees.

Gabriel slowly took a step toward her. She looked in his direction but not at his face. Satisfied he wasn't about to be mauled, he took another few steps until he was standing face to face with her. Her put her hand on her shoulder, the spot where she had been cursed to live this way. Her ears flattened in the way a dog's would. He held his other hand out, offering to help her to her feet. She went to take his hand, probably out of reflex, but dropped it again to her lap. He realized she didn't really have thumbs now, so it was a hollow gesture, but one that seemed to be appreciated as she stood up.

They started to walk toward the cabin slowly, both of them seeming very tired from the night's events. As they passed by the car, her yellow eyes fell on something sitting in the back seat. Misty woods. Light rain falling. Pretty little flowers.

“Oh. I went back to the exhibit after we got coffee that night. You seemed to like it so … surprise, um ...”

Tears fell to the ground as her eyes slowly looked into his.

“Come on,” he said. “You must be cold.”
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Unread 03-05-2017   #2
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Re: My first TF story

Very nice.

I did find one tiny mistake in the perspective though.

She looked afraid of what I was about to say next.
Accidentally went to first person for one sentence. That one slip aside a very enjoyable read.

Last edited by TF-Viewer; 03-05-2017 at 06:41 PM.
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Unread 03-05-2017   #3
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Re: My first TF story

Nice story.
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Unread 03-06-2017   #4
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Re: My first TF story

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer View Post
Very nice.

I did find one tiny mistake in the perspective though.

Accidentally went to first person for one sentence. That one slip aside a very enjoyable read.
Crap. Went through it a few times hoping I didn't do that and still let one slip.

Overall I feel it's okay but I didn't spend enough time on descriptions or dialogue. It was more or less a test run to see how much I could get done in about an hour and a half. I'll definitely flesh things out in the future, maybe even rewrite this one some day.

Appreciate the good words. Any advice?
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Unread 03-07-2017   #5
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Re: My first TF story

Very nice, actually. Like, aside from liking it because it features my favorite thing (fuzzy ladies getting way fuzzier), there's actually a spark here. I'm curious about the characters and what happens next, which is not typical for the usual TF story. Aside from some of the technical stuff that came from writing this very rushed as you said, I felt you left some loose ends. What caused her to transform? Nerves? Excitement over Gabe? If it was meant to be mysterious, I thought it felt more just incomplete. I also thought the conversation between Nora in wolf form and Gabe was hard to follow. I assume Gabe was asking if she had ever killed a human before, but it wasn't obvious. I do appreciate how you tried to not spell everything out for the reader, but just a little more assistance would have been good. I also enjoyed the touch of humor from Gabe's point of view.

I definitely look forward to reading more from you, especially any continuance of this story.
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Unread 03-08-2017   #6
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Re: My first TF story

We all have to start somewhere.
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Unread 03-08-2017   #7
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Re: My first TF story

Originally Posted by cvb View Post
Very nice, actually. Like, aside from liking it because it features my favorite thing (fuzzy ladies getting way fuzzier), there's actually a spark here. I'm curious about the characters and what happens next, which is not typical for the usual TF story. Aside from some of the technical stuff that came from writing this very rushed as you said, I felt you left some loose ends. What caused her to transform? Nerves? Excitement over Gabe? If it was meant to be mysterious, I thought it felt more just incomplete. I also thought the conversation between Nora in wolf form and Gabe was hard to follow. I assume Gabe was asking if she had ever killed a human before, but it wasn't obvious. I do appreciate how you tried to not spell everything out for the reader, but just a little more assistance would have been good. I also enjoyed the touch of humor from Gabe's point of view.

I definitely look forward to reading more from you, especially any continuance of this story.
Thanks! Yeah, everything that I left open ended was more or less intentional, but it's a fine line between intentionally leaving it vague or open to interpretation and not having a real answer in mind. That's probably the thing that worried me the most about it. Nora's trigger was thinking about what had happened to her family. I always love it when a subject regularly transforms under expected conditions (like the full moon), but the change can also be spurred on by something else (attraction, fear, anger, libido, etc.). At the end I tried to have her speaking to Gabe about the attack kind've drop a hint about what caused the change, but I don't think I did a very good job with it. I think if I spent more time with it I could've had that be a bit more clear, but it did what it needed to do in that it makes me want to try to churn out something better next time. But if it ended with you wanting to learn more about what happens next then I'm pretty happy, as that was more or less what I wanted to go for.

I've had a number of people ask about a sequel (or assume that this is the first in a series). I don't plan to go any further with this storyline, but the general plot is something that kind've has a lot of meaning to me on a personal level and so I definitely will be rewriting it at some point. Probably not for a while. If I do write a sequel someday, it'll be called Colder or Cold 2: Judgment Day.

Next I plan to just hash out some TF and sex scenes. No real plot whatsoever, I just feel like I need to work on that for some another story I'm working on. I don't know if I'll post them anywhere, I'll probably just reuse them for actual stories somewhere down the line.

Anyway, thanks so much. At this point I really like hearing "I liked this and this, but this needed work." Let's me know where my strengths are and where I need to improve.
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