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Unread 11-28-2008   #1
Hugo Prosperio
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Pixie Dust (Complete)

I don't tend to post a lot of stuff here, mainly because most of the content I make (either for my site or elsewhere) doesn't have a whole lot of process. I do love process though, and it's always part of my here is something for you all to read. I hope you enjoy.

Pixie Dust

Chapter One: A Strange Old House

Caitlin regretted ever stepping foot in the old house she found down the street from her new apartment. As she looked over to a pile of her giant clothes, she contemplated what had happened to her. She had wandered into the house, and found a door that was unlocked, and slightly ajar. Inside she found what seemed to be a normal bedroom, except for a small box sitting on the dresser. Inside the box was a fine dust. A note on the inside cover of the box simply read Pixie Dust.



?Pixie Dust? she said, with an arched eyebrow. She closed the box, and walked away, looking out of the window of the room, which gave way to a view of a beautiful garden.

?Nice Place.? She said as she smiled. I wonder who lives here.? She asked to no one in particular as she gazed out into the garden.

?I do.? Said an older man, looking like a cross between your father and actor Vincent Price. ?I am a butler here in this mansion?welcome. I am sorry I was unable to greet you at the door. You are??

?Uh?Caitlin Miller?? she said quickly, still shocked by the sudden appearance of the man.

?Well, Caitlin. Welcome... Feel free to stay as long as you like. This room is open?? he remarks.

?Oh, I don?t need a place to stay. I live just down the street. I thought this place was abandoned. I just was curious what was inside.?

?Curious as all?23 year old women are, of course. You are 23, correct??

Shocked at his correct guess, she only nodded.

?I am usually pretty good at guessing someone?s age. Now, I have other business to attend to, so I do hope you?ll enjoy the house. A word of advice. Don?t bottle up your curiosity?let it roam free, for this mansion is not what it seems, and curiosity in this house will lead you on many adventures, I can assure you.?

?Uh, thank you, sir.? Caitlin stammered as the man left, leaving the door slightly ajar still as he went.

?Strange man.? She said as she looked out the window. ?the house is stranger, though.? She mumbles as she left the window and wandered back over to the dresser. He had said not to bottle up her curiosity, and that box of supposed Pixie Dust had left her mighty curious.

She picked up the box, no bigger than say, a jewelry box, and held it in her hand. The box was fairly plain, except for a red ruby set right in the middle of the top of it. She slowly hinged it open and stared at the fine golden powder that rested inside.

?Wonder what it?s for?? she said as she pinched a bit of the dust between her fingers and raised it abover her head. Setting down the box, she started to whistle ?You Can Fly? from Disney?s Peter Pan as she began to sprinkle the dust onto her head. She sighed, disappointed in her own gullible nature. The dust was probably colored sand or something, said a thought running through her head?or it was until a strange numness took over her entire body?

?Oh?wow, I don?t feel so?? she started to say as the numbness gave way to a tingle, like a foot that had ?fallen asleep? waking up. The tingle, however, wasn?t located in one single area, it covered her whole body.

?The Dust!? she gasped?She picked up the box again, looking for some sign of what is going to happen?the tingle were getting stronger, and suddenly she felt fuzzy. The box fell to the ground, oddly not spilling any of the dust, and she staggered around trying to catch her balance on the near by bed post.

Once she got her balance settled she noticed something?something very odd?the room seemed to be larger?

?but?that, that couldn?t be could it?? she said as the tingling got stronger, and the room got larger again.

?What in the blue?? she said, and then noticed that her clothing seemed to be larger as well. Her shirt, which was fairly tight to reveal her ample cleavage was now loose, her breasts sticking out of the top.

?What the hell? What is going?? she paused as her mind flashed back to the dust and everything suddenly became clear. The dust, the Pixie dust wasn?t making her fly or anything like that, it was going to make her small, like a pixie!

?Oh No?? she said as the tingling got stronger, and the room started to get larger, much faster. She could see in a nearby mirror that she was indeed getting smaller. Shrinking was the term, she believed. She stepped forward, trying to get a closer look at herself, and she stepped right out of her Converse shoes, and her socks tripped her. She landed on the floor with an ?Oomph? and as soon as she could she got back up, and watched in horror as her skirt and panties fell to the floor, far too large for her body, now just a tad less than half her former height. Her shirt stayed on, resting on her shoulders for a few more moments, before droping to the ground, joining the other garments, leaving the dwindling Caitlin completely naked.

If she had to guess, she?d say she was about two feet tall now, no larger in height than a toddler, and the tingling had yet to stop.

?Why did I ever come into this house? she sobbed as she looked over at her clothes. Her mind reeled back to her finding the room, the box of dust, the old man, and her stupidly trying out the dust?and now here she was, shrunk, now reaching the size of your average doll.

The room was now gigantic to her, and she gazed up at the dresser which had held the box of dust, and was wowed by it?s sheer size, like that of a large building in the city. The bed towered aboved her too, looking like a sports arena or something.

?Good Christ, I am so small? she said, still not coming to grips with the situation. The tingling had stopped, and she would guess she was around a foot tall or so, but she couldn?t be sure.

She walked over to her shoes, which were now humoungous. She could fit her entire body into one of them if she wanted, which she didn?t. She marveld at how something that was almost too small for her feet merely moments ago was now the size of a large bus.

?This is great?just fucking perfect. What am I gonna do now?? she yelled aloud.

?Hello?? answered back a voice. It seemed to be coming from underneath the bed.

?Is someone there?? asked Caitlin, being very timid.

?Of course there is!? said a very cheerful voice. Out of the shadows of the bed stepped a beautiful girl, about half of Caitlin?s height, probably six inches tall or so. The girl smiled and ran over and hugged the stunned Caitlin.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Last edited by Hugo Prosperio; 12-19-2008 at 02:26 AM.
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Unread 11-28-2008   #2
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

thats really gd, i liked it, simple and believeable (in a creative way>
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Unread 11-28-2008   #3
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

I liked it. It had a really good process scene.

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Unread 11-29-2008   #4
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

glad you guys liked it, especially you, liveordie83. I personally find your stories inspiring, so you can count yourself among my influences in this story. (I tend to wear influences on my sleeve)

Here's Part Two. Not a whole lot of process until the end, but the third chapter will be full of it, and other processes as well, I think.


Chapter Two: Meeting a Pixie

Caitlin looked down at the little thing that had just hugged her with disbelive?someone else had tried the pixie dust, maybe, but before she could ask question, the redheaded short girl spoke.

?Welcome to my room. It?s been so long since I?ve had visitors? she said, and from behind her back, a pair of wings unfolded, and flapped, raising her off the ground, bringing her eye level with Caitlin.

?I am Jadaris! This is my home.?

?You?re?a fairy!? Caitlin gasped.

?Yep?of the Pixie variety?? Jadaris smiled.

?Like Tinkerbell?? Caitlin asked

?No, silly. That?s just a story. I am a real pixie. Of course there are similarities, but?I digress. I thought I heard you say your name was Caitlin?is that right??

?Uh?Yes? Caitlin said, looking over the redheaded girl who hovered in front of her.

?I see you found my dust? The pixie said smiling ear to ear. ?Most humans never do, hence why I never get any visitors. They usually move on to other rooms, or leave all together.? The pixie said, seeming slightly disappointed in this fact.

?Wait, you did this to me?? Caitlin said, gesturing with her hands that she used to be?not tiny.

?Well, technically, you did it to you. I didn?t sprinkle the dust on you, now did I??

?No, but?? Caitlin started to say, but is cut off.

?But the dust is mine, and I had hoped that someday someone would use it. I get lonely sometimes, and I love having visitors??

?I don?t mind visiting, but I am not meant to be this size!? Caitlin says, exasperated.

?You don?t like it?? The pixie asked, a frown upon her face. ?I thought most humans would find it exhilarating to try out a new size.?

?Exhilarating? Maybe. Terrifying. Absolutely!? Caitlin said. ?You can turn me back, right??

?Of course I can, what kind of pixie would be if I couldn?t.? Jadaris huffed, her hands firmly placed on her hips.

Caitlin sighed. At least she wasn?t stuck this way.

?That?s good to hear?? she said, sounding very relieved. ?I didn?t mean to insult your powers?I was just curious if I could get big again.?

?Oh, it?s very easy. Size changing is an age old tradition. Many pixies have made humans pixie-sized?either for experimentation or amusement.? Jadaris mentioned offhand.

?Oh, and which was I?? Caitlin said, imitating Jadaris by placing her hands on her hips.

The pixie smiles, giggles a bit, and responds ?A little bit of both. You don?t seem all that scared by the concept anymore.?

?Well, I?ve gotten used to it a bit, I guess? Caitlin admited as the pixie hovers around

?So?you wanna stay this way, just for a bit? I?d love a touch of company? she said as she landed and folder her wings back down.

?You know what? Why the hell not. It could be fun, being friends with a pixie.? Caitlin said.

?Indeed it can!? Jadaris smiled as she motioned for Caitlin to follow her under the bed.

?This is so weird? Caitlin remarked as she ducked her head slightly to enter the area under the bed. She watched as the naked figure of the pixie bounded over to a large glowing red button, which you knew to be the switch to a surge protector. She opened her wings, flapped up and stepped on the switch, and with a flash, the whole under the bed area was filled with light, all emanating from what appeared to be Christmas lights.

?Welcome to my humble abode? the pixie stated as she skipped over to a couch, a toy couch to be exact.

?Oh?? she said catching Caitlin?s eyes on the couch. ?Used to be a Barbie?s?but I modified it a bit. Have a seat. ?

Caitlin did as she was told, but the couch was a tad to small for her, seeing as she was about half as tall as Jadaris.

?I don?t think I quite fit? Caitlin laughed.

?Yes, I noticed that the dust didn?t bring you down to my size?? Jadaris said as she rung a bell. Loud Footsteps suddenly entered the room, and for a moment, Caitlin felt nervous?who was in the room with them, when she saw a face poke it?s head under the bed. It appeared to be the butler?

Caitlin quickly covered her ample breasts with her arms and did her best to keep her privates covered. Jadaris noticed this and laughed at her shy nature.

?Ah, Ms. Miller, you found the dust, very good..." he said to the shrunken Caitlin. She nodded her head, and smiled slightly, still nervous at the sight of the large head.

"Mistress Jadaris, how can I be of service?? he asked.

?Uh, two drinks. My usual, and?uh, Caitlin, what do you want? Soda, Water, you name it, we got it!?

?Uh?Pink Lemonade?? She asked softly.

?Right. My usual and a Pink Lemonade.? Jadaris said firmly.

?As you wish, m?lady? he said. As he left, Jadaris, looked over in his direction.

?Thank you, Alfred.?

Caitlin giggled as she let her arms down. ?His name is Alfred??

?Why do you humans find that so funny. The few of you kind enough to stop by think that is very humorous. I just don?t get it.?

?Do you read Comic Books?? Caitlin asked

?Comic Whats?? the pixie responded.

?Figured. Anyway, so you said that the dust didn?t bring me down to your size?was it supposed to??

A strange humming noise was then heard, and Caitlin was taken aback when two drinks appeared on the make shift table in front of her. One was bright pink in a tall glass, and the other was golden, and fizzy.?

?Ginge Ale!? the pixie said in delight ?My favorite! Oh, yes. The dust usually brings them down to my size, around six inches??

?Why didn?t I shrink that small?? Caitlin asked, making small talk as she sipped what had to be the best Pink Lemonade to ever touch her lips.

?Oh, probably the dosage. The whole Sprinkling thing isn?t an exact science you know? she says, sitting down next to the larger woman.

?Oh, good, I was afraid it was because you sucked.? Caitlin joked. Not amused, the pixie narrowed her eyes, and held out her hand flat. She then blew on it, and a fine dust, sparlking in the lights rushed over to the human sitting next to her. It engulfed her, and she turned and looked down at the pixie?

?What was that?? she asked as she began to feel odd again.

?Just making sure you know I don?t suck at what I do.? The pixie smiled.

Caitlin feared the worst, and closed her eyes for a moment, but opened them again, and saw that nothing had changed.

?Well, looks like you still might need to work on it, little one? Caitlin said, her cocky side coming out a bit.

?Oh, I am not so sure? Jadaris added as she playfully sipped her Ginger Ale through a straw that she had conjured out of thin air.

?What do you?? Caitlin began to say, but was caught off guard by a tickling sensation at the back of her nose.

?Ah?ah?AHCHOO!? she sneezed, and suddenly a massive tingle erupted in her body. She had gotten smaller, she knew it?but it wasn?t much smaller?but Jadaris looked closer to her than before, that was for sure.

?Maybe you aren?t so bad after all?but I didn?t shrink all that much? Caitlin admitted.

?Not yet, you haven?t?? Jadaris mused.

?No, please don?t make me any?ACHOO!? she sneezed again, and again the rush of tingles broke forth. She felt herself drop yet again, about the same amount as the last time. Jadaris was getting closer to her eyelevel, and she knew what was going on.

?You mean every time I sneeze, I?m gonna get smaller!?

?Yep. One inch for every sneeze?until I stop it, that is? The pixie smiled and took another sip from her fizzy drink.
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 11-30-2008   #5
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Thanks. It means a lot to know that I've inspired someone with my stories. I might add that your second chapter is very nice. There's almost nothing better than a couple of random sized SW's.


I'd like to see how small Caitlin gets!

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Unread 11-30-2008   #6
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Here is the next chapter. Plenty of slow(ish) shrinking, and some Breast Expansion (and Reduction) as well.

Chapter 3: Gesundheit

?No! Please, I was kidding, I don?t want to be any smaller!? Caitlin pleaded as she felt another sneeze coming on.

?Really?? The pixie teased ?because, it seemed to me, that you were a touch disappointed you didn?t shrink to my height...?

?What?!? Caitlin shrieked. ?What gave you that?Iahhh?.CHOOOOO!? she said with a massive sneeze, and she felt her world, once again, telescoping outwards ever so slightly. She was still looking down on Jadaris, but not by nearly as wide a margin by now.

?Just think, soon you?ll fit much better on my couch.?

?This is so weird.? Caitlin admitted as she felt her body finish it?s shrinking spurt. To say it didn?t feel good would be lying.

?See, it?s not all that bad?? The pixie said, fluttering over to her makeshift bedroom. ?I?ve been small all my life, and I am just fine.?

?Yeah, but I am?meant to be tall!? Caitlin shuttered as her nose tickled again, and she sneezed once more, bringing her down another notch, almost like she was on a train, trying to leave the station, one inch at a time.

?Why does it feel so good?? The steadily tinier girl asked.

?Because I want my new friends to be happy?and by making it pleasurable, well, the results are obvious.? She said as Caitlin?s hand found it?s way into her vagina.

?Oh, goodness?I think I feel another one coming? Caitlin said, causing Jadaris to snicker at the unintentional innuendo. Caitlin sneezed again, and her drop in height was visible to Jadaris who watched in amazement as the Giant who became a smaller giant, was now getting closer to her own height.

?One more sneeze outta do it, my girl? Jadaris said as she came back over to her new friend.

Now, Caitlin had never had any fantasies of being shrunk, or anything like that, but she really did love the feeling the shrinking was causing. She, for the first time since entering the strange old house, was thrilled to be there. The familiar tickle in her nose singled the coming of another sneeze, and she felt her whole body quiver with excitement, as she shrank down, no exactly the same height as her fairy friend.

?Welcome to Pixie Size!? Jadaris giggled and hugged Caitlin, and Caitlin returned the hug.

?Thank you Jadaris. I never knew that this was possible, but I love it.?

?You do?? the pixie exclaimed, almost surprised. Her joy was evident by her sudden hovering.

Caitlin smiled, but as she did she suddenly sneezed again, and like before, her world started to get slightly bigger. The pixie giggled and landed, standing a whole head taller than Caitlin.

?Oops, forgot to stop the spell? Jadaris said as she raised her hands, only to be stopped by Caitlin.

?No. I don?t mind.? Caitlin smiled up at her now taller friend, and giggled. ?I was always taller than my friends?it?s neat to be the shorter one for a change.?

?You might get real tiny, though? Jadaris warned.

?Really?? Caitlin asked, playfully biting her lip.

?Oh, yes. The spell is quite powerful. If you want to be smaller, I suggest we do something else?all that sneezing can?t be good. Doesn?t it stop a human?s heart for a second, or something??

?I dunno? Caitlin said as she stifled another sneeze, which, in turn, continued her downward journey. ?I never saw that episode of Mythbusters?

?What is?Mythbusters?? Jadaris says, curiously, as she waves her hands, causing a numb feeling to well up inside Caitlin, and then reside just as quick.

?Oh, just a TV show??

?Ah?wait, what?s TV?? The fairy asks tilting her head down to look at you.

?You don?t know a lot about humans, do you?? Caitlin asked as she hopped up to sit on the couch that was, moments ago, too small for her. Jadaris sat next to her and sighed.

?Well, That?s why I am here. I love humans, and when we fairies come of age, we are allowed to pick a field of studies. I chose humans, but to be honest, I?m not very good at it. I?ve been in this house for years?and I?ve only met a few of your kind. I?ve only shrunk two, besides yourself, one convinced herself I wasn?t real, and another got scared and ran away before I could restore her height.? Her head hung low at this statement. ?The council tells me I?ll never be a good fairy if I don?t smarten up?they say I should forget about humans?but I don?t want to.?

Caitlin smiled up at Jadaris. ?Well, I think you just haven?t had good luck, that?s all. I?ll be your friend, Jadaris. Hopefully our friendship will be one step in the right direction for you?as scary as it was, not many people can say they are shorter than a Pixie??

?You?ll let me study you?? the pixie asked, her mood starting to brighten

?Why not?I mean, it?s not like you mean me any harm.? Caitlin said, almost asking a question.

?No! Of course not. I haven?t a cruel bone in my body!?

?Then, Jadaris, my friend, Class is in session?What do you want to learn??

?Well, you seemed very intrigued by the process in which you were shrunk?? the pixie said ??so, let?s say we continue our experiments. Any Requests??

The human girl, smiled, fiddled with her auburn hair, and said ?Well, what have you got??

?All sorts of magic. I may not be good at interacting with humans, but I am good with my spells.? The fairy said, patting herself on the back.

?Care to share?? The now curious human asked.

The pixie?s wings extended, and she flew up towards the bottom of the bed. She looks above one of the support beams, and grabs a small box, and flits back down.

?Watch this? she said excitedly as she moved the makeshift table out of the way, and placed the box, no bigger than a ring box, on the ground. She waved her hands, and more of the fairy dust shot out and engulfed the box, and it suddenly began to grow?Larger and larger, it stretched and expanded until it was the size of a cabinet?in fact, it WAS a cabinet.

?This is where I store all the Pixie Dust.? She said. ?I left out the basic stuff for anyone to find, but this stuff, this stuff is special.?

She opened the doors to the cabinet, and inside there was hundreds of glass jars, all filled with sparkling powder?

?So Pixie Dust does more than just shrink things?? Caitlin asked. Jadaris smiled and went into the cabinet, grabbed a handful of powder from one of the jars and proceeded to blow it in Caitlin?s face.

Coughing, the human sputtered ?What was that stuff??

?Not something to shrink, that?s for sure? the pixie giggled. Caitlin then felt a new sensation, similar to the numbness from the shrinking but it was localized, in one area?her breasts.

?Wait?? Caitlin asked. ?That stuff?is it gonna make my??

?Breasts Bigger?? The fairy finishes? ?Oh, yes. My specialty is body modification dust. Many of my pixie friends wanted me to open a beauty parlor??

?Oh?goodness? Caitlin said as the tingling swelled in her chest, until her chest started to do some swelling of it?s own. Her already decent sized chest started to expand?Going from her usual C cup, to a DD in seconds?and they weren?t done either.

?Most pixies are unhappy with their natural mother-given breasts, can you imagine?

?Oh, same with humans? Caitlin added, though she had never really had issues, but it was neat to watch them grow, now in the E range.

?Really?? the pixie asked ?I would never have guessed. You all seem so cheerful??

?Wow, you really don?t know humans that well. I think this good, now, thought? Caitlin says pointing at her now cartoonishly large breasts.

?Right. Back to normal, then?? Jadaris asked.

?Yeah, that?d be good??

?Alrighty? the pixie said, grabbing some more dust from a jar and blowing it over to Caitlin. The growing stopped instantaneously, and like watching a movie in rewind, they started to recede backwards, getting smaller.

?That?s a pretty neat trick. If you did open that parlor, you?d be rich? Caitlin said as her boobs reduced to D cups, almost back to their original shape.

?Yeah, possibly, but we don?t have a real use for currency in our world?

?Uh, Jadaris? Caitlin said, noticing that the reduction wasn?t stopping. She was already a tad smaller than usual.

?When you have magic, you don?t need to buy things, really? The fairy continued ?You can just make it appear? Caitlin?s eyes were getting wider as she watched her chest, which she was always proud of start to shrink smaller and smaller. ?Um?? she said, the pleasant feelings stopping her from saying much more?Soon her breasts had descended into B cup territory, and Jadaris was still going on about the Fairy world.

?We don?t eve have Grow-ery stores, that?s what you call them right??

?Grocery? Caitlin corrected as she watched her breasts get smaller, and smaller, now an A cup. Having been an early bloomer, she couldn?t remember her chest ever being this small.

?Yeah, we have no use for?Oh my goodness? the fairy squeals as she watches your chest reduce, becoming flat as a board.

?I am so sorry?? she says as she reaches for some dust.

?No, it?s?it?s okay. I?ve always wondered what it was like to be small chested?? she said admiring her nipples ??but do go ahead and fix it? she added hastily.

A little while later, Jadaris had restored Caitlin?s chest to normal, and they were enjoying a lunch that Alfred had prepared for them

?He?s good!? Caitlin said. ?How did you find him?

?Came with the house?? Jadaris said, munching on her sandwich. ?This house has been owned by my family for ages. Used it as a summer home, until my grandfather passed on. He left it to my mum, and she gave it to me. She?s not real fond of Humans, you see?but Alfred has been here as long as I can remember.

?Do you like living in this house?? Caitlin asked

?I do, now that I have an interesting neighbor? The fairy smiled.

?So, what shall we do after we eat?? Caitlin asked, eating one of her miniaturized chips.

?I have an idea, you may not like it.? Jadaris stated.

?Try me?

?How would you like to be Pixie-sized?to a Pixie??
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-01-2008   #7
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

let me start off by saying i need a new desk after reading this story my jaw dropped threw it. it is awmazing story and it is VERY interaning (sorry for all the mis spelling i am still in aw of this story
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Unread 12-02-2008   #8
Balls Montgomery
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Possibly the best SW story I've read in years. YEARS! Really excited for the next chapter.
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Unread 12-02-2008   #9
Hugo Prosperio
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Originally Posted by rabbit_king View Post
let me start off by saying i need a new desk after reading this story my jaw dropped threw it. it is awmazing story and it is VERY interaning (sorry for all the mis spelling i am still in aw of this story
Thank you very much...I think. I hope I don't ow you anything for the desk

Originally Posted by Balls Montgomery View Post
Possibly the best SW story I've read in years. YEARS! Really excited for the next chapter.
Thank you! I am glad you like it so much...
- Hugo Prosperio
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Unread 12-02-2008   #10
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

Here is Chapter four. Some more slow(ish) shrinking

Chapter Four: A Tiny Experiment

Elsewhere, a small crystal ball showed two tiny ladies, sharing lunch together, and chatting, laughing. A purple haired female stared at the glass orb in contempt.

“This must be stopped…”


“You are sure about this?” Jadaris asked holding up the jar of dust?

“Yep. I mean, it’s for the sake of learning, right?”

“When you put it that way” The pixie giggled and took a pinch of the dust, and sprinkled it down onto the head of her willing test subject.

The dust billowed around Caitlin causing her to cough. Jadaris simply chuckled and watched as a magical glow surrounded her short friend.

“Now this stuff is far more potent than the stuff you found on the dresser. It will shrink you just the same, but it will pack a wallop. Just want to warn you”

“I’m good with it!” Caitlin smiles. Always the adventurous spirit, she was up for any new challenge, and being real tiny seemed like quite the challenge indeed. Her mind didn’t even stop to think of all the horrible things that could happen to her at such a size. Suddenly she lurched downwards, the magic had begun. She was now face first with the pixies bare breasts. Caitlin was then reminded that she too was naked, had been since she first shrunk. Her mind reeled…why had she not really noticed, or cared for that matter. Was it the magic, was it just her being comfortable around Jadaris…she wasn’t sure, but it was certainly strange. Even now that she noticed it, her mind told her it wasn’t a big deal, and that this was a once in a lifetime chance for adventure.

“Hmmm, seems to be going a little slower tha usual” Jadaris says.

“It’s okay!” she said, noting a comical change in the pitch of her voice. “It’s more fun this way”

“Oh my, the dust is effecting your voice!” Jadaris said, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, I noticed.” Caitlin said, a little bemused. She then felt another lurch downwards, like she was being pulled. She was now looking at the flat stomach of the fairy, and she laughed in spite of her situation.

“Enjoying it, are you?” Jadaris asked.

“You bet!” Smiled the shorter girl.

“It seems you humans like trying new things, that’s for sure”

“Not all of us” Caitlin remarked as she felt her shrink again, this time putting her at about crotch height on Jadaris. “God. I am like child sized to you know, aren’t I?!”

“Roughly. So…not all of you like it…is your kind of human rare?”

“I wouldn’t think so. A lot of people love adventure…not sure how many of them would be up for being shrunk down to pixie size, but…yeah, there are a lot of us humans who love the thrill of the new and exciting.” She said, as she lost even more height.

“Oh. I’ll keep that in mind. I guess you and me have a lot in common” Jadaris said as she watched her friend become no taller than her leg. “I am very adventurous…but that happens to be quite rare among fairies and pixies from my colony. They’d rather stay in their own little world and not explore. I personally blame the High Magistrate. She’s always warning about the dangers of humans and the outside world. She tried to bar me from leaving to do my studies.”

“That’s terrible” Caitilin says, experiencing a very large busrt of shrinking, loosing height very fast, now shorter than the makeshift soda cap table, and only reaching up to about the knee on Jadaris’ massive leg.

“I think she’s afraid of being wrong, really. She doesn’t want to loose her seat of power, so she makes things appear to be the way she says it. I fell for it for years, and now…Now I see the truth. You humans can be brutish and mean…”

“Gee thanks…” Caitlin said as Jadaris reached down and picked her up like a doll and set her on the table.

“…you didn’t let me finish! Humans can be brutish and mean, but most have hearts filled with kindness, and they are worth getting to know. You’ve shown me that, just in your few hours here, Caitlin. No human has showed me friendship, and it proves my theories correct. Lesson Over!” she exclaimed.

“But not the shrinking, huh?” Caitlin said with a giggle as her height dwindled once again, the once small pixie becoming a giant.

“Not quite yet…but almost.”


Deep in the woods, on the outskirts of the city, there was a tree…this tree held a secret…a colony of fairy folk. Deep in the heart of the tree Mabia, the High Magistrate was sitting on her throne, looking into her crystal ball. The images she saw made her eyes widen, and her brows furrow in fustration. Soon, another fairy, a girl with a slim figure, and bright pink hair entered the room, bowing to Mabia.

“Thank you for coming Siri, Now, I am to understand you went to school with Jadaris Pevnock?”

“I did, your majesty. Why do you ask?” the girl asked

“I have heard that there was something of a rivalry between the two of you…am I correct?”

Ashamed the pink haired pixie shook her head “Yes, your majesty. I knew it was wrong, but she flaunted her powers in my face…all the time”

“I understand, child…and now you will have your chance to prove that you are in fact the better Fairy. All you need to do is help me put a stop to her insufferable connection with the humans…”

“She made contact?” Siri asked, amazed.

“Worse.” Said the Magistrate. “She made a friend.


Caitlin had finished shrinking, and now stood firmly in the palm of her friend, a now giant looking Jadaris.

“This is so cool. I am not sure many other humans would let me do this…hell, most faries won’t let me do this…” the pixie remarked, leaking in for a closer look.

“I trust you, for whatever reason.” Caitlin said up to the billboard sized face of Jadaris.

“That means a lot, you know.” Jadaris said.

“Not a problem. I hope will can be friends for a long time to come.”

“Me too.” Jadaris said, taking the index finger of her other hand and offering it to Caitlin to shake. The two did shake, and for the next hour or so, Jadaris let Caitlin have fun being little. She laid down on the couch and let Caitlin explore her body, which tuckerd the little thing out. Jadaris made a make shift bed out bread from the remaning half of her sandwich, and watched at the tiny girl drifted into a sleep.

When Caitlin awoke, she was no longer on the sandwich, but on the bed that she had seen when she entered the room, and she was no longer pixie sized to a pixie, nor was she six inches tall, or even a foot tall…she was back to normal. Her clothes were even back on, except for her shoes.

“I couldn’t figure out how to tie them” the voice of Jadaris said. Caitlin saw the pixie fluttering around and smiled.

“I figured you’d want to go home for a little bit, you know…and be normal sized”

“Thank you. You did a great job”

Truth be told, she hadn’t…Caitlin was now a good three inches shorter than she had been when she first entered the house, but Jadaris didn’t feel the need to mention it.

Caitlin looked out and the window, and she could swear it looked earlier than she remembered it being.

“How long was I out…” she asked

“All night…It’s morning now. You aren’t late for anything, I hope?” Jadaris asked.

“Oh no, I don’t start school for two weeks.”

The now normal sized girl walked up, and walked towards the doorway. She glanced at the dresser and saw the box, restored to it’s rightful place, still alluring, and this gave her an idea.

“Hey Jadaris…you know what you need…to help you with your human skills, that is?”


“A Sleepover!”
- Hugo Prosperio
Owner, The TransforMansion

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Featuring stories of Bodily Transformation and Wonder
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Unread 12-02-2008   #11
lord to all rabbits
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

am i to understand
A she is going to shrink again.
B is she going to bring some of her friends.
awesome no matter what.
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Unread 12-02-2008   #12
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: Story: Pixie Dust

This is very good.

Claire's Project
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