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Unread 12-19-2014   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 35
Post Polyphylon Girls - Chapter 15 - Insurrection

Chapter 15 - Insurrection

“Christy wake up!” Niesa shouted slapping her friend's face as Tamara tried to tear the packaging off of her.

“What? Where am I?” Christy asked groggily as she looked around the basement confused. She was still wearing her bar maid's outfit, black pantyhose and wooden clogs, and as soon as she felt Tamara tickle her legs through the sheer hosiery as the twist ties unbound her from the cardboard packaging the memories of her imprisonment came flooding back to her. “Tehehhhee, stop that tickles … I feel so weak … The evil bitch drugged me with something ...”

“I know,” Niesa said, “but you have to fight it, we need your help to free the rest of them.

“I can barely move ...” Christy said sighing as her body began to stiffen again.

“Tickling seemed to work,” Tamara said as she slipped off Christy's clog and began tickling her toes through her thin stockings. Christy sat up in an instant.

“Stop! Okay, I'll get up, just give me back my shoe!”

“Okay,” Tamara said putting the clog back on, “but if you stiffen up again I'm taking your shoes off and tickling you again.”

“No fair,” Christy said trying to stand on wobbly legs, “... taking advantage of a helpless … woah ...” Niesa watched her friend 's feeble attempts to walk with concern. “How are we going to escape this mansion if all of them are drugged like this? We'll never make it.”

“I guess we'll just have to tickle them out of here,” Tamara said as she tickled the back of Christy's knee before she stiffened and fell over again. Christy literally jumped out of her clogs and would have fallen flat on her face had it not been for Penelope who caught her in the nick of time.

“It'd be easier to just leave them in their packages and try to carry them out,” Niesa said as she watched Lucy and Faye tear open more packages as the rest of the shrunken party assisted by waking them up and detaching them from the cardboard, “do you have any ideas on how we should do this Penelope?”

“Jasmine may know a way to counteract the effect of the drug,” Penelope answered as she helped Christy back into her shoes, “have you heard from her yet?”

“No,” Niesa sighed, “I'll try again though. Dr. Cole! Jasmine! Come in! We need your help!” The girls waited a moment but there was no response. “Do you think something happened to her?”

Penelope had no answer, “It's too late to change plans now,” was all she said with a hint of doom in her voice, “come on Christy, you have to help us or we're all screwed.”

Niesa looked at the seemingly endless shelves of packages in despair, “this is going to take forever,” she sighed.

“Niesa?! Niesa is that you?!” a familiar voice shouted from below.

“Beth!?” Niesa responded excitedly as she looked down at the source. Beth was standing below the shelf looking up at her friend with a huge smile on her face. Niesa jumped off the table and gave her old friend a big hug, “Oh my god it is you! How did you get here?! Were you captured as well?”

“No, actually, I came to rescue you! But it looks like you're the one doing the rescuing.”

“Rescue me? How in the world did you get in here? Well, we need all the help we can get. See all these 'dolls'? Well they're real girls that the 'doll collector' captured and drugged. We're trying to rescue them. You wouldn't happen to know anyone full sized who can help us open all these packages.”

“Well, I can grow to full size if I tell Kevin to … no wait Kevin, at least let me go somewhere private and … arggghhh” Beth cried out in pain and slowly began to grow. Niesa backed away in fear. Her clothes began to rip apart at the seams, her toes burst through her boots. Kevin was careful not to make the growth spurt happen too quickly or the pain would become too unbearable and Beth would lose consciousness. So he kept it slow and drawn out, lasting over the course of five minutes. But it was a very entertaining five minutes. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched in awe as the beautiful red head poison ivy slowly tore out of her clothes and boots like a green she-hulk and stood naked in green sheer body stocking now full sized. Beth fell to her knees when it was all over trying to catch her breath, “... and change out of my clothes,” she finished.

The whole ordeal was followed by thunderous applause by the onlookers. “Beth! You've figured out how to return to your normal size! You've done it!” Niesa said giving her another hug, although now she could only hug Beth's stocking foot.

“Stop, that tickles,” Beth said kicking her away gently, “Well, now I'm naked again. That outfit only lasted me ten minutes it seems. That's too bad, I was kind of growing to like the Poison Ivy costume. But I guess I should just get used to being in just this body stocking. That's my real costume.”

“There's another Poison Ivy costume in this box here,” Gwen said from behind as she pulled some doll sized clothing out of a torn open package. Beth closed her eyes and shook her head sighing. “And look, this one comes with a grappling hook accessory!”

“Wait, that might come in handy,” Tamara said “do any of the other dolls come with grappling hooks?”

“Just the Batman related action figures,” Gwen said freeing a batgirl costumed girl from her package and noticing another grappling hook.

“Who's she?” Niesa asked eyeing the girl dressed up as Alice in Wonderland.

“A former prisoner who agreed to help us out. So far she seems trustworthy,” Beth said, “Oh and Sarah and Lisa came with me. Come on girls, stop hiding, Niesa's here.”

“Hi Niesa,” Lisa said stepping out from behind a shelf followed by Sarah.

“Lisa! Sarah! I was about to give up hope, but seeing you guys again makes me feel like we still have a chance at getting out of here alive. Come on help us open these packages! You have to tell me everything!”

And for the first time in a long time, there was hope, as the newly reunited group friends helped to rescue the captured dolls trapped in their packages. Beth told Niesa all that had happened since they had parted ways, and Niesa did the same. In that time they had freed over one hundred girls.

“Who is this?” a male voice suddenly said loudly taking everyone by surprise. It came from Niesa.

The room fell hushed as the voice continued, “This is Dr. Sedgewick, I will ask again, who am I communicating with?”

Kevin did not hear this, however, and he was still smiling in reaction to hearing Beth's reunion with Niesa when he quickly had to switch channels as it appeared one of the rooms he had bugged in the warehouse was picking up a conversation. After he had learned that Vanessa had not been taken aboard the airplane, he decided to map out the warehouse. The office part of the complex was too large and too dangerous to explore room by room, so he decided to bug the main lobby using a computer hack on Gwen's computer. He hid out in an abandoned cargo container just outside the warehouse trying to gather as much information as he could using his shrinker as his link to the computer in the office until he could find the whereabouts of Vanessa. It seemed he had finally hit the jackpot in this one conversation.

“The girl doesn't know anything, we should have just sent her to the doll collector with the rest of them,” he heard one of the minions say.

“She came to this warehouse, she has to know something about our operation,” the other one said.

“It was the other ones she was with who were the brains. She was just along for the ride, I tell ya.”

“That story she gave us about the aliens is BS. I swear this whole Micky Mouse tickling interrogation technique is kid stuff. Give me an old fashioned hammer to the teeth and that will get her telling the truth right away.”

“It won't work, she's wearing stockings, it will protect her from that sort of thing.”

“I know … but maybe she doesn't know that it does. Let's move her to the workshop. Maybe we can scare the truth out of her, and who knows, if we can get that damn polywhatever thing off of her than we can really do some damage.”

The two minions laughed and continued talking about various methods of torture they enjoyed administering, but Kevin had heard enough. He knew where the workshop was. It was easy enough to reach. The question was whether or not he could rescue her in time.

No one spoke for a full minute, finally Kevin's voice broke in, “Sis, I'm going to shrink you back down to size. I know where Vanessa is and I have to rescue her so I might be unavailable for awhile. I'm going to need the shrinker's other features and you're probably going to need to be small to get out of there.”

“Goddammit Kevin, why now of all times!” Beth thought to herself as the pleasurable sensations of the shrinking effect began washing over her.

Sedgewick broke in again “I don't know who you are, but I advise you to surrender to the Mistress immediately. I know you are hiding out in the basement and I am about to alert security. If you surrender now the Mistress may see fit to show you some mercy.”

The girls all looked at each other fearfully too afraid to even say a word. “Grow me back, Kevin!” Beth ordered whispering into her body stocking, but Kevin did not respond.

“We need to get out of here,” Penelope said at last tugging at Niesa, “ something's happened to Jasmine!”

“But what about the rest ...” Niesa said as she frantically tried to free another girl from her package.

“It's too late! They're coming!”

Just then the door burst open and everyone froze. High heeled shoes could be heard walking down the steps followed by a voice, “We don't know how many they've freed so keep your eyes peeled. They could be hiding anywhere.”

“It's Angelica,” Gwen whispered fearfully.

As the footsteps approached, Niesa looked around the table looking frantically for anything they could use to stop them. She noticed something on the table that looked familiar. A petrie dish with a pair of shoes glued to it … her old shoes. Looking behind it she saw the tub of glue the Doll Collector had used to glue her shoes to the dish. “Help me knock that tub of glue over!” she exclaimed as she ran to it.

The light of their flashlights could be seen probing under and around shelves as their footsteps got closer. Angelica, with her high heeled shoes clicking on the marble floor made the loudest noise, while the regular footsteps of her minions followed behind. Although the basement was well lit enough to see without the flashlights, the many shadows that shelves cast certainly made it easy for the tiny girls to hide.

“Got one! Haha, she's dressed up like Chun Li!” one of them said as a tiny squeak could be heard as a poor Chun Li was lifted quite cruelly off her feet. Beth recognized the woman's Northern European accent. Evie was her name. “And I just saw another scurry under the shelf. They're crawling around here like rats. We should have brought the guards to help us catch them.”

“The guards don't know about the Mistress's … collection, and she wants to keep it that way, so it's just us for now, I'm afraid,” Angelica said.

“What'll I do with her? She's squirming quite a bit.”

“Just hold onto her for now, we're going to have to drug her and repackage her. The tables along the walls have the syringes we need. Usually the Mistress likes to do that sort of thing herself so we'll probably have to wait for her after we get the situation under control.”

“Ow! Her kicks hurt! I'm taking her boots off,” Evie said as pulled Chun Li's boots one by one off her ticklish stocking feet, “There. Now you're not so tough. How do you like that. Tickle tickle!” Chun Li's tiny squeaky giggle could be heard from the table where Niesa and Beth were hiding.

Meanwhile Niesa had put her plan into action. Being still the largest in size, Faye and Lucy had taken the hint from Niesa and decided to help spill some glue on the floor in front of the table. They only had one chance to splash a good long streak that would cover as much floor as possible in front of their approach. They moved as quickly and quietly as possible, but the sound of the spill was not quiet enough.

“What was that?” Another voice asked. The Brooklyn accent was quite recognizable as well to Beth. It had to be Mindy.

“Look!” said another, unrecognizable English girl's voice as a flashlight was turned their way, “There's big'uns, near one of the tables!”

“It's Lucy and Faye! Get them!” Angelica ordered.

The three minions ran right into the glue trap that was laid for them. The English girl got her boots stuck and couldn't move an inch further. “What the 'ell!” she shouted as she tried to pull her feet free, but quickly realized there was no way could do it without taking off her boots.

Mindy, who never tied her sneakers properly, ran completely out of them when she stepped in the glue. With her pink stocking feet exposed, she stepped into the glue, but the polyphylon didn't stick. Instead, it had the opposite effect, as she slipped backwards and fell on her butt into the glue with her ticklish feet in the air. “Shit! My shoes! I'm stuck!”

Evie's sneakers got stuck too, but her sneakers were tied more tightly than Mindy's. She tripped, nearly falling out of her sneakers as well, but barely managing to keep them on. But now her knees and hands were stuck in the glue. Worse still, she could feel her heels popping out of her shoes as her ticklish teal clad stocking feet were slowly exposed. “Eeee!” she squealed at the vulnerability of her situation. She had totally forgotten about the tiny Chun Li that was still under her hand also now stuck in the glue.

“You idiots! How could you so incompetently fail at following an order!” Angelica shouted as she approached.

“No don't!” they all said as Angelica's 300 dollar designer heels stepped into the glue.

As soon as Angelica felt her heel slip from her shoe she realized her folly. “Oh ...” was all she said sighing.

“Get them! Swarm them!” Beth shouted as she charged at Angelica with reckless abandon. Other girls echoed her shout. Her battle cry had awoken an anger in the shrunken girls that had been dormant for too long. Despite their drugged state, they seemed to awaken from their malaise and adrenaline coursed through them.

They all charged, heedless of the glue that covered floor. Although shoes and articles of clothing were lost as they got stuck in the super adhesive, the girls did not care, the polyphylon did not seem to get stuck, indeed it only seemed to be more slippery on the glue. This came as a surprise to Niesa, who had avoided the glue when she first encountered it and had used her gymnastics skills to prevent her stocking feet from getting stuck permanently. Had she known polyphylon was immune to the glue's effects things might have gone differently. She stayed behind with Penolope, Lisa and Christy, who helped free more girls from packages that Faye and Lucy were still opening to help join in the Fray.

Angelica's eyes widened as a swarm of tiny shrunken girls came upon her. She abandoned her shoes and tried to run away, but found the floor to be much too slick for her stocking feet. She slipped and fell and soon was overrun as tiny hands tore at her clothing and tickled her feet and body. “Mercy! Mercy! Hahahahaheehahaha!' Angelica shouted. Sarah, who had lost her boots in the glue, stood triumphantly on Angelica's belly as she tickled her with her silky toes.

Another contingent of girls consisting of Tamara, Amanda, Luvia, Morrigan and Joyce took to the top of the shelves using various grappling hook accessories that came with some of the action figures. They found a control room for a system of cranes with a hook attachments used to move heavier packaging to the top of shelves.

Chun Li, meanwhile, had managed to crawl out from under Evie's hand, even though it had cost her most of her dress. “Time for a little revenge tickling!” she said as she went around to Evie's feet. Evie's sneakers had already popped off her heels. She hopped into her sneaker and tickled her sole relentlessly.

“Need a little help?” Morrigan asked as she descended from above and hopped into the other shoe. Evie roared with laughter and lifted her feet completely out of her shoes in an attempt to pull them away from the relentless tickers, but that only exposed her stocking clad toes for a tickle assault and soon they too were tickled. Since Evie was still stuck on her hands and knees in glue, there was nothing she could do but endure the tickling.

There was no escape for Mindy either. Her hands and her butt were stuck in glue, she did her best to squirm away from the relentless tiny hands of the dozens of miniaturized ticklers, but there was no escape. Her pink stocking feet twitched and kicked as she tried to keep them in the air and out of reach of the swarm. But the action figures were packaged with all sorts of neat accessaries like grappling hooks and parachutes that allowed the living dolls to coordinate their assault from above.

The third minion, who had managed to keep her boots on so far, soon found herself the victim of an elaborate snare. While a team on the ground worked to unzip her boots, the team in the control room managed to use the hook controls to lift her right out of her boots. Before she knew it she was suspended just a few inches off of the ground, just high enough for their tiny hands to tickle her toes through her sheer striped black stockings.

It was clear that the dolls were winning and Angelica's forces were outnumbered and overmatched. The tickle assault was taking its toll on the beleaguered minions and they were beginning to shrink. But Penelope knew it was only a matter of time before reinforcements arrived. “We need to leave now, Niesa!”

Niesa was still opening more packages as she spoke, “But we're doing so well, I think this will buy us more time to free some more girls. Beth, help me open this one.”

“We can't win this fight, more will come and we will eventually lose!” Penelope warned, “We have to find Jasmine, she's our only hope.”

Just then the door burst open again. “Angelica? What's going on here?” The Doll Collector's voice boomed.

“Get her! Kill the Doll Collector!” Tiny voices shouted. The mob was out of control now. There wasn't much organization anymore, but they still had numbers on their side. The Doll Collector hadn't come alone though, she had brought four more minions with her, and they were a bit more prepared than Angelica's host.

“Net them!” The Doll Collector ordered as the swarm came at them. Two pretty blond minions spread out a large net and scooped a large chunk of the charging swarm. They hadn't counted on the crane, however, which was still in control of Luvia, Tamara, Amanda and Joyce. The hook managed to grab onto the net and lifted two of the minions over the glue, which was starting to dry up, but was still rather sticky. The blonds let go of the net and were dropped right into the glue. They soon realized that their boots were stuck.

A few of the miniaturized girls who hadn't been netted went for the Doll Collector's boots. No one had seen her debooted yet, and no one had seen if she even wore polyphylon at all under all that clothing. But they were determined to find out. She stomped and kicked them away while her two remaining brunette minions did their best to help her out. The tiny girls went flying as they were kicked away.

Only one shrunken girl managed to get past her defenses. Braving her devastating kicks, Sarah managed scurry under The Doll Collector's long dress and grab onto her boot lace. Climbing up onto the top of her boot she saw a hint of stocking in between her boot and knickers. It was very sheer and white with a little pink stripe, but it was definitely polyphylon. Whether it was one of the original body stockings from the aliens, or one of the doll collector's own makings was too hard to tell, but at least she had confirmation.

“Now to get her boots off!” Sarah said as she wrestled with her laces, but they were knotted way too tight. “We're going to need to cut these laces off!” She tried tickling the Doll Collector on the bit of stocking that was exposed on her calf just above her boot, but soon found this was a big mistake. Feeling the tickle, the Doll Collector kicked Sarah off of her foot so aggressively that Sarah flew halfway across the room hitting the wall and landing on the table in front of Niesa and Lisa. She was out cold.

The two pretty blond minions who had landed in the glue were busy trying to trudge their way out of it without stepping out of their ugg boots. But the shrunken girls beneath them weren't making it easy for them as they grabbed onto the boots and tickled their black stocking feet as they slid out of them. Meanwhile, the net that was still caught on the hook was beginning to tear and the girls caught inside were beginning to hop free.

The Doll Collector was getting frustrated. “Forget about your shoes! Just get that net and catch the rest of them.”

“Do you know how much these uggs cost?!” the blond twins responded.

“Okay, that's it, I've had enough incompetence, Angelica, get over here!”

“Yes, Mistress, heheheeee!” Angelica gasped as she tried to shake off her her ticklers, who were fewer now, but still relentless. She stood in front of the Doll Collector and saluted, feeling quite foolish in her shoeless disheveled state. There was still one tiny girl holding onto her torn uniform tickling her armpit when she saluted.

“Assemble your team and catch them! Use the nets, use whatever means necessary, catch them all and get this under control!”

“Sarah, wake up!” Niesa said lightly slapping her friend in the face, “Sarah?”

“Is she dead?” Lisa asked nervously.

“No,” Niesa said, “I think the Polyphylon protects against blows like that, but that was a hard kick.”

“Ugh,” Sarah moaned, “That bitch almost killed me.”

“Same old Sarah,” Lisa smiled.

“What were trying to do?” Niesa asked.

“I was trying to get her boots off ... the Doll Collector's … to see if we could bring her down like the others. She is wearing polyphylon under all those layers. We're going to have to cut those laces off though.”

“I don't think we're going to get the chance,” Penelope said pointing at the doll collector's minions. They were tearing themselves free of the glue and assembling into groups of two, each with a large net. “Do you have any more tricks up your sleeve Niesa?”

All of the minions were in their stocking feet now except for the brunette twins, who were still wearing their ugg boots. The blond twins had abandoned their uggs and had managed to detach the hook from the crane, rendering the crane useless. But their stocking feet were now vulnerable to tickle attacks which made them quite ineffective at catching anyone else.

“Hehahaa, we can't catch anyone while they tickle are feheheeeet!” one of the blonds complained trying to kick a tickling attacker off her foot.

“Garin twins, protect the Dobson twins, hahaheeeahwaw, protect all of us, you're the only ones who still has shoes on!” Angelica ordered as she tried to kick some more tiny ticklers aways from her feet.

The brunette Garins did as they were told, using their large Uggs to ruthlessly stomp and kick away the swarms of tiny ticklers. Gwen saw Beth become victim to one particularly vicious crushing stomp. Had she not been wearing polyphylon she'd surely been nothing more than red splat on the ground. Needless to say it was enough to knock her unconscious. She was about to be scooped up by one of the nets before Gwen dragged her away to safety.

Evie and Mindy had also gotten their act together after freeing themselves from the now dried out glue trap. They turned to their British colleague, who was still hanging from the hook, and freed her. It was then that they followed the crane to it's source, and found the four tiny operators. Luvia, Joyce, Tamara and Amanda tried to escape as the three women cornered them in the control room, but there was nowhere for them to go. They had no choice but to run past the giants, tickling their shoeless stocking feet as they passed. But the giants were prepared for this, they raised their feet and stomped on them hard, knocking them out cold.

Now there were only a few miniaturized girls left to swarm and tickle the shoeless giants and the brunettes and the doll collector still had their boots to stomp and kick away would be attackers. It was only a matter of time before the insurrection was put down. The tide of battle had certainly turned.

There was one last ditch attempt to deboot The Brunette Garin Twins and The Doll Collector. Faye and Lucy had been playing hide and seek in and out of shelves this entire time all the while freeing more girls from their packages to aid them in the cause. In their search through the shelves they had managed to find another tub of glue. Perhaps a little too overzealously, they laid another trap hoping their victims would fall into it.

“Come and get us!” Faye shouted as she ran around a corner trying to lure the brunettes into the glue.

“Save them for last,” Angelica ordered, “they're too big for us tohehehheeee … son of a biheheheeee,” Angelica looked down at her foot and saw Morrigan tickling her foot. She picked her up angrily. “Why you little succubus! Still have your boots on? I can change that.” One by one she stripped Morrigan of her boots and tickled her feet with her tongue.

While Angelica was distracted, Faye and Lucy continued to lure the Brunettes by having a group of miniaturized girls run toward them on the other side of the glue trap. “There's more,” one of the Garin twins said readying her net as she approached. When the first Brunette walked into the glue trap she walked completely out of her loose fitting uggs. But the second girl stopped short and only set one foot in the glue trap. “Oh shit! My uggs!”

“Haha, tickle them!” Faye laughed. And the small swarm of miniaturized girls attacked.

“Aah, run!” The Garin twin in front turned tale slipping in her stocking feet as she ran away, while the brunette in back was forced to step out of her boot as they both ran away from the tickling swarm.

“Don't retreat! You're ten times the size of them! I swear you girls lose your footwear and you lose your courage.” Angelica shouted.

“I got this boss,” Evie said bringing up a net with her partner Mindy, and with that they scooped up the entire swarm that was chasing the Brunettes.

It was getting pretty clear now that the Doll Collector was winning. There were only a few stragglers left and it was getting impossible to put together the intimidating swarms they had before.

“If we don't escape now, it will be too late!” Penelope warned again, “we've lost!”

“Okay, okay!” Niesa said conceding defeat, “let's get everyone out of here while we still can.”

Using one of the grappling hooks Niesa led Penelope, Christy, Sarah, and Lisa down off the table and back towards the ventilation shaft. As they descended Niesa looked around to see if there were any other girls they could regroup with. It looked pretty hopeless. The nets were were being filled and any free girls left were scattered. There was no sign of Beth, Gwen, Joyce, Luvia, Tamara, Amanda, Chun Li or Morrigan. “We need to somehow signal the others to head to the ventilation shaft,” Niesa said after they had landed.

“No,” Penelope said adamantly, “we need to get out now. I know it sounds cruel, but if we try to save them all, we'll all get caught, and then there's no chance for us to save anyone. But if at least a few of us make it out, we still have a chance of getting to Jasmine and fighting another day. Jasmine is our only hope for a solution.” Niesa had to admit that Penelope was right. It was time to make a beeline for the vent. This was easier said than done. The nets were out in force and there weren't many stragglers left to distract them away from Niesa's little band. “Come on, it's only a matter of time before we become targets!” Penelope said. So they ran, Penelope taking the lead.

“Check under the shelves!” The Doll Collector ordered, “I have a special vacuum for each of you, it should help you suck up the rest of them.”

“That doesn't sound good,” Niesa thought to herself as she ran after Penelope. Then things went terribly wrong. Penelope ran out of her shoes and slipped and fell. Niesa felt her own shoes coming off as she ran onto a sticky substance. Her stocking feet slipped on what had to be the glue that Faye and Lucy had recently spilled on the floor and soon she felt herself sliding into Penelope. “Wait! Don't step here!” Niesa warned. Sarah, who was too close behind, still slipped in the glue, but she was already bootless. Fortunately, the other three girls managed to save their shoes and avoided stepping in the glue.

Niesa took stock of the situation. She and Sarah were still on their feet and could carefully “skate” out of the glue in their stockings, but Penelope had fallen on her belly and looked pretty badly stuck. “Can you get up?” she asked.

“Shit … I'm going to have to take off my dress … it's stuck to the glue completely,” Penelope said as she tried to pull herself free.

“I can help you get it off,” Niesa said as she tried to unbutton Penelope's beautiful victorian dress, it was a lot more complicated to undo than a normal dress, though.

“No, just go, there's not enough time! I'll catch up with you!”

“You'll never get this dress off by yourself, not in the position you're in, let me at least get it started!” Niesa said doing her best to tear the dress off of Penelope's body. Just then the sound of vacuum cleaners could be heard firing up and tiny voices could be heard screaming as they were sucked up into the void.

“Niesa let's go!” Christy said as she maneuvered her way around the glue, hugging one of the nearby shelves closely.

“I can't leave her behind!” She said as she continued to struggle with Penelope's dress.

“Listen to her, Niesa,” Penelope said, “You have to get to Jasmine, you're the only one who knows the way.”

“I don't remember! You know the way much better than me! You led me through the walls one time! How am I supposed to remember all that? I need you!”

“I have faith in you, it'll all come back to you, now go before it's too late!”

“More over here!” Mindy said pointing her vacuum at Niesa's band.

“Oh shit!” Sarah, said pulling Niesa out of the glue and toward the shelf, “hold on!” Niesa slid on her stocking feet toward the shelf and grabbed onto it with both hands. Suddenly, she felt her feet lift as the sucking action of the vacuum pulled her back in the opposite direction. Lisa and Christy, who were already hugging the shelf, grabbed on as well, and also felt their feet lift. Christy's clogs flew off her feet as the force of vacuum increased. Sarah, unfortunately, did not have time to grab onto the shelf after pulling Niesa to safety. She felt herself sliding towards the vacuum and grabbed the only thing within reach, Lisa's booted foot.

“Sarah, no, my boot is coming off!” Lisa warned as she felt her boot slide off her smooth stocking foot. But there was nothing Sarah could do. There was nothing else she could grab onto. The boot slipped off Lisa's foot and Sarah was sucked into the vacuum.

The vacuum was relentless. It was all the girls could do to hold on as Mindy got closer and closer. It seemed as though she was intent on sucking them up at point blank range if necessary. Niesa's fingers could barely hold onto the shelf any longer. Just as she was about to give in and let go, she felt her feet touch the floor again. The vacuum had changed directions! She looked up and saw that Lucy had run out and grabbed the vacuum away from Mindy!

“Go Niesa, run, get away!” Lucy shouted as Mindy gave chase. Niesa didn't have to be told twice, she Lisa and Christy made their final dash for the vent. Tears welled up in Niesa's eyes when she realized how many she was leaving behind. But they had made it to the ventilation shaft, and were climbing through. Behind them the last of the girls were being sucked up in the vicious vacuums. Lucy and Faye had been caught and knocked unconscious. It was over. But Niesa, Christy and Lisa had escaped. Christy, at least, had been rescued. But at what cost?

As the three girls moved through the ventilation shaft voices could be heard ahead of them, Niesa gasped, “Beth!” she said joyfully.

“Niesa?” Beth asked in the darkness, “is that you?”

“Yes! Oh thank god you made it! Is anyone else here?”

“Just Gwen. She's the one who rescued me. She dragged me to safety after I'd been knocked unconscious.”

“You don't understand how grateful I am, Gwen,” Niesa said hugging her.

“She would have done the same for me,” Gwen said humbly.

Come on now, we have to get to Jasmine, she's our only hope now,” Niesa said pulling Beth to her feet.

The door opened and Vanessa drew back in fear. Were they going to torture her again? They had just banged her teeth pretty hard with a hammer. Her teeth didn't budge and she strangely felt no pain but the experience left her traumatized. She did not want to go through that again. But when the door opened, she saw a familiar face, it was Kevin!

“Are you alright?” he asked consolingly.

“They didn't hurt me, but psychologically I think I'm permanently scarred,” she said shaken.

“I heard them talking about what they were going to do to you, I can't believe those monsters actually did it. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. They're gone now, though, I can get you out of here. Thank god you're wearing the polyphylon or you'd have no teeth left.”

Vanessa just shuddered at the thought. “Just untie me, I wanna go home right now.”

“What did you tell them?” Kevin asked as he untied the ropes tying Vanessa down. She was almost full sized again. Her tormenters had tickled her down to a few inches, then regrown her, so that they could repeat the process several times already. As of right now she was about four foot tall. Kevin wondered how anyone could have endured what she endured for so long.

“I just made up a story about a rival company sending us to steal secrets of their nylon business. They seemed to buy it.”

“It figures that they wouldn't buy the true story but would believe a fake one.”

“Yeah, right now they're out investigating a company called 'fantomaz, Inc.' but I'm glad you're here because that will lead to a dead end sooner or later, because I don't think that company exists anymore, I think they're called 'bosArt' now or something.”

“I'll have you out of here soon, I also brought some clothes for you, it may be a little big, but it's better than running around in just your pantyhose,” Kevin said handing her some sweats, a t-shirt and sneakers.

“Thank you so much, Kevin,” Vanessa said standing on her tippie toes to give him a kiss, “You're my hero!” Kevin's face reddened.

After getting changed, Vanessa and Kevin made their way out of the warehouse. At this time of night, the place was pretty much abandoned so the escape was made without incident. “I'm going to have to call my dad to pick us up, I don't have enough money for a cab,” Kevin said as they walked along the highway.

After turning his phone back on, Kevin noticed that he had several missed calls from his father as well as several text messages. He knew he was in trouble.

“Kevin? Thank god!” His father said upon answering the phone, “Where have you been?!”

“Hi Dad, sorry I haven't called, it's a long story, can you pick us up?”

“Listen Kevin, your mom's in the hospital. Something terrible has happened to her. She's shrunken to a very small size and they don't know what's wrong with her, but they think it has something to do with that body stocking you found in the attic. I don't want to leave her alone, but we need you here right away. I'll send a cab for you. Where are you and where's Beth?”

Last edited by Mandrake; 12-19-2014 at 11:13 AM. Reason: Tried to delete it because it was redundant, but I couldn't so I put it back.
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