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Unread 01-13-2018   #25
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Here is a new piece done for me by an artist named Saxxon. One thing about this is that this time I don't need to write a story for it, please enjoy and check out more of his work here.
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Unread 01-16-2018   #26
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Slowly Sabine began to wake up and her head felt very fuzzy. For a moment she had no memory of where she was or what had happened. It was only when she began to open her eyes did she realise that she somewhere that she didn’t recognise. The last thing she remembered was that she was in a forest. Now she could see a metallic wall with a similar style flooring.

Suddenly she began to remember that she had been attacked by Trandoshans and that Attichitcuk was in danger. This made her eyes widen and quickly she sat up but this only led to her experiencing a sharp and sudden impact on her head. This caused her some pain and she quickly ducked and rubbed her head. When she looked up she could see the ceiling above her. Even sitting down, she was still tall to sit up straight in wherever she was. This only added to her confusion.

Just as Sabine looked down she did at least see something that made her feel better. She could see Attichitcuk sitting there and he seemed to be quite sad. However, the sight of her waking up had given him some renewed hope but there was something that she did notice and that he was wearing a collar. She then began to feel something around her own long neck, she was just able to see that she too had a collar just like him.

“Attichitcuk are you alright?” asked Sabine as she stretched her hands toward him. Gentle she grabbed him and allowed him to sit in the palm of her hands.

“I’m sorry Sabine,” replied Attichitcuk. “I tried to get away from them but they captured me. I told them not to take us but they wouldn’t listen.” He was doing everything that he could to try and not cry.

“It’s ok.” She did have a glum look on her face as she made sure that he was comfortable. “I’ll protect you, you won’t have to worry.” This did reassure him that things would be fine but he knew what was ahead for them. That was when she saw a Trandoshan standing next a wall. He was holding a staff and he didn’t seem to be moving beside the rhythmite breathing. A wave of anger struck her and she placed Attichitcuk on the ground and glared at the Trandoshan. “You!” Her voice was very stern and angry, Attichitcuk did feel afraid but he was just glad she was not the target of her rage. “You did this to us!”

Quickly she moved her hand toward the Trandoshan and went to grab him. She didn’t notice that he didn’t really move but there was one thing that she noticed. She suddenly felt a powerful surge of electricity shoot through her body. It caused her intense pain and it stopped her from reaching the Trandoshan. She began to breathe deeply as she had no idea what had just happened.

“It’s no use,” said Attichitcuk. He knew what was happening and he still felt sad about it. He did point to the collar on his neck. “These collars are designed to keep us in line, if we try to rebel or take them off then they’ll shock us. They’re powerful enough to kill, even you can’t survive them.”

“Where are we going?” replied Sabine. By now she knew that they were on a ship but that was as much as she knew. Her voice had also changed, she no longer sounded angry and instead sounded disheartened.

“I don’t know but wherever we go we’ll be put to work until they either kill us or we work ourselves to death. Many Wookies who are taken never come back alive.” He wanted to cry and he felt Sabine’s gigantic hands grab onto him. He thought that she would be angry at him but instead she brought him to her chest.

“It’s ok, you’ll get home to your parents like I promised you. Don’t give up hope and we’ll be fine.”

It was only then that Attichitcuk truly began to cry. He knew that it was not the Wookie way to cry but with everything that had happened he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He was at least thankful that he still had Sabine with him and that she was doing everything that she could to make him feel safe. However, he knew that when they landed that they would likely be torn apart and he would never see her again.
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Unread 01-22-2018   #27
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Before long both Sabine and Attichitcuk were brought to a planet that neither of them were familiar with. On a couple of occasions Sabine had tried to ask about the planet that they were taken to. All this got her was an electrical shock through her colour that ran through the entirety of her gigantic and stretched frame. It caused her much pain and was a reminder of where her place was for now.

All that the pair knew about the planet was that it was rich with minerals that would be beneficial to both the Trandoshans and the Empire. Because of this there was a small Imperial garrison located on the planet. However, since the Trandoshans had been very loyal to the Empire they were given greater freedoms than most species under Imperial rule.

Despite his young age Attichitcuk was sent down into a mine to work, his size and strength equalled that of an average human so it seemed to be the best place for him if the Trandoshans wanted to get the most out of him. However, Sabine was much too large to fit inside of the mine.

Instead she was sent to a facility nearby where her great size could be used to greater effect. It was where all Wookies were brought to once they were captured by the Trandoshans. Some would be taken to mines that were littered around the planet while others would be taken off world to work in other parts of the galaxy. It was Sabine’s responsibility to load the caged Wookies into whatever transport was needed.

This was a job that she hated on many levels but she knew that if she refused to do her job she would be shocked again by her collar. She would prefer to die rather than carry on being a slave for the Trandoshans but she knew that she was the best chance that Attichitcuk had of returning home. If she died it would more or less be a death sentence for him as well and that was something that she couldn’t allow.
Every time she moved one of the cages filled with Wookie slaves she would apologise to those inside. Many marvelled over her size and they thought that the Walking Tree myth might actually be true. Most were too demoralised to really notice her and her apologises seemed to fall on deaf ears.

One thing that Sabine did notice was that ever since she was captured she had not experienced any kind of growth spurt. Not a single part of her body had grown and she checked fairly regularly. She thought that she should have been much larger by now but the fact that she was still the same only puzzled her. She wasn’t sure exactly why she hadn’t grown but she was thankful for it. At least for the time being she didn’t have to worry about any part of her body suddenly growing against her will. Although she wouldn’t mind growing out of her collar and freeing herself. If she were free it was unlikely that the Trandoshans could stop her before she dealt some real damage.
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Unread 01-28-2018   #28
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Two weeks went by and Sabine still found herself enslaved by the Trandoshans. Every attempt that she made to free herself had resulted in her being given an electrical shock. Her latest attempt had led to a shock that was so powerful that it almost killed her. Thankfully her giant, elongated body had been able to endure it but she was beginning to think that she would never be free.

There were two other things on her mind besides freedom. The first was that she hoped that Attichitcuk was still in good health. She had still not seen him since he was taken to the mines and she sometimes shed a tear as she thought about what he was going through. She was also thinking about the fact that she hadn’t grown since she had been enslaved. She hoped that it was simply the fact that her body had just stopped growing by itself. She dreaded the thought that the collar that she was wearing and her growth spurts ending were not linked.

On that fateful day Sabine was working away with moving the caged Wookies. At this point apologising to them was pointless in her mind and she just got on with the work. However, she noticed that there was a large amount of commotion between the Trandoshans. She didn’t fully understand what was being said but she heard the words rebels in their conversation. This gave her a spark of hope for the first time in a good while.

Just then she heard the usual buzzing sound of her collar cease. She wasn’t sure at first what it meant but she took a chance and placed her long fingers around it. She noticed that she wasn’t given an electrical shock and she closed her eyes as she pulled the collar with all of her might. She expected to feel a shock at any moment but instead she felt the collar beginning to tear apart. It took a last piece of effort for it to finally tear completely and she dropped the pieces on the ground.

“I’m free?” said Sabine to herself in disbelief. It took her a few moments for her to finally realise what this meant and she began to smile. “I’m free.” Her words had not gone unnoticed by the Wookies that were still in their cages. They crawled to the walls and looked up at her. “The collars are deactivated, you can rip them off!”

Her voice was heard by the Wookies and one by one they began to tear off their now deactivated collars. The Trandoshans keeping guard noticed what was happening and they pressed the button on their devices to try and shock their captives. Unfortunately, it didn’t work and they could see the Wookies forcing the cage doors open and they began to leave their cages.

A few minutes earlier the Trandoshans had found themselves in complete control of their slaves. Now they had a small army of Wookies and a very, very tall Mandelorian Woman who ere free and not too happy with how they had been treated. Despite the fact that the Trandoshans were armed with strong electrical pods they were quickly overwhelmed by the escaping Wookies.

For Sabine she did consider getting involved in the insurrection but she could see that the freed Wookies were doing the work for them. Instead she looked in the direction where she knew that the nearby mine was located. Her footsteps could be heard for a fair distance as she ran as fast as her long legs could carry her. She also did look at where she was placing her feet just so that she didn’t step on an escaping Wookie.

It only took the gigantic Sabine a few minutes to reach the mine and already she saw many of the enslaved Wookies escaping as they too had realised that their collars had been deactivated. There were many of them trying to run for their freedom, many of them noticed her and they had heard about the gigantic human that had been enslaved as well. None of them really took that much noticed as they continued to run.

“Attichitcuk!” said Sabine in a loud voice. She looked in the crowd but she couldn’t see the young Wookie at all. She was about to lose hope when she heard her name called out in a series of roars and growls. She quickly turned her head to where the sound was coming from and she could see Attichitcuk waving at her through the crowd of moving Wookies. She smiled down at him and was able to lower her hand so that she could pick him up. She quickly brought him up to her level and although he did look a little scruffy he seemed to be in good health. “Attichitcuk, I’m so glad to see you again. Are you alright? They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

“I’m fine,” replied Attichitcuk. There was some joy in his voice as he knew that he was going to be safe now. Although he had been protected by some of his fellow Wookies in the mine he had never felt as safe as he did when he was with her. “They roughed me up a little at first but overall I’m fine.”

“That’s so good to hear, I’ve been worried about you day and night. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t prevent us from being captured.”
“It’s alright, what’s important is that we’re free now and we can try to get back home.” This caused Sabine to smile and he smiled back at her. Everything seemed to be fine but then he noticed something odd about her. Her smile seemed to disappear in an instant and her cheeks began to puff up as if she had stuffed her mouth with food. He could also hear a sound that sent a chill down his spine. “Sabine what’s wrong?”
Suddenly without warning her mouth was forced open and Attichitcuk expected to see the contents of her stomach coming back up. Instead he could see her tongue that was now too long to remain in her mouth. He could see it stretching further before his eyes and he could see it reach the bottom of her chin. However, her tongue continued to elongate for a few more seconds before the stretching and the noise finally subsided. By now her tongue almost reached the bottom of her incredibly long neck.

Sabine was as surprised by this as Attichitcuk as she looked down at her now unbelievably stretched tongue. She tried to speak but found it impossible with her tongue at its current length. Even Attichitcuk had turned away for a moment as he had seen the tongue growing, now he was looking at her with disbelief.

Unfortunately, it confirmed to Sabine what she had been fearing. The collar that she had been wearing had not only kept her subdued for the Trandoshans but it had also halted her growth. Now that the collar was gone she had gained her freedom but now she was growing again. Her tongue might have been the first body part but she knew that the rest of her would soon follow. She even had a feeling that keeping her growth spurts subdued most likely had done more harm than good.
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Unread 02-07-2018   #29
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Both Sabine and Attichitcuk could do nothing but look at her still elongated tongue. Attichitcuk didn’t know what to say but he could feel her hand trembling. It was through no fault of her own that the trembling was taking place. He began to hear the same stretching sound that always seemed to accompany one of her growth spurts.

Before Attichitcuk could say another word, he felt Sabine’s hand growing around him. Her fingers stretched at a frightening pace and the flesh of the hand covered more and more of his body. She wanted to say his name in panic but she still couldn’t speak thanks to her elongated tongue. That was not her only concern as she looked down at her left foot beginning to stretch and grow as well.

Sabine suddenly found her vantage point suddenly increase as she felt her neck grow even longer. As it grew her tongue seemed to retract into her mouth and she could feel Attichitcuk in her still growing hand. She noticed that her arm was stretching as well and she felt her free hand strike the ground as her arm had grown practically as long as her entire body.

Over the course of the next several seconds Sabine continued to grow as she stretched taller and taller. Each body part would grow to a great size in comparison to the rest of her but then it would catch up. She groaned every time in discomfort as her torso and vital stretch and expand. She did make sure to keep a grip on Attichitcuk so that he didn’t fall. As she grew taller the fall only increased.

Eventually Sabine’s body seemed to stop growing for the moment. She still looked very stretched but at least her body was in proportion to itself. She looked at Attichitcuk who was still in her hand. From her point of view, it looked like he had shrunk as he seemed to only be a few inches tall. She knew the truth although she wanted to deny it as much as she could.

“Attichitcuk are you alright?” asked Sabine. Her voice was much louder than she expected thanks to the fact that her vocal cords had grown as well.

“I’m fine but look at you Sabine,” replied Attichitcuk. He couldn’t help but feel some fear toward her. He knew that she wouldn’t hurt him but her sheer size was almost too much for him to handle. “You’re gigantic!”

“That’s not important right now. I need to get you back home but I think I’m too big to fit on a ship now.” She groaned for a moment as she felt her torso stretch which only added to her height. “And even if we do find a ship I think I’d only be able to fit on it for a few minutes. I don’t want to say this but I can’t get you home.”

“Don’t say that, you’ll figure something out.” He was afraid that they would be apart again. For the last two weeks he wanted nothing more than to be with her for protection. Now he was facing the prospect of being away from her again and this time there didn’t seem to be any chance of them reuniting.

Sabine was about to try and reassure him but she began to hear a familiar sound. It was not of her body growing but of a vehicle. A vehicle that was often the last thing that many pilots and civilians would hear. It was the unmistakable roar of an Imperial TIE Fighter. She quickly looked up and she could see several coming down to the surface of the planet.

When the Trandoshans had lost control of the Wookies they had requested assistance from the Empire. The Wookie slaves were of great value to them and didn’t wish to allow them to escape. Because of this the Empire had sent a squad of TIE Fighters ahead of a small invasion force.

Sabine looked up at the approaching TIE Fighters and she knew what she needed to do. She could feel her shins beginning to stretch upwards and although the TIE Fighters were too high for her she knew that it wouldn’t be a problem soon.

“Listen to my words carefully,” said Sabine. “I’m going to put you down now, make your way to any Wookie that you can find and tell them where you’re from.”

“But what about you?” replied Attichitcuk. There was some fear in his voice. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“It’s too dangerous to be around me right now. I need to deal with those TIE Fighters and soon I’m going to be too big to protect you anymore. It’ll be dangerous to stay around me.” She squatted down to the ground but she was careful as she could feel the unevenness of her body. “Now run, I promise you that everything will be fine.”

Attichitcuk looked up at her for a few moments as he felt his feet touch down onto the ground. He was afraid but he couldn’t argue with what she was saying. In the end he did as he was told as ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He saw the direction that the other Wookies had taken and he hoped to find some soon.

With Attichitcuk out of the way Sabine focused on the task at hand. As she stood up to her full height she could feel various parts of her body stretching and expanding. In a matter of a few seconds her height more than tripled and she realised just how fast she was growing. It seemed that the collar had stopped her growth spurt but now that it had been removed it was making up for lost time. She shuddered to think how tall she would become when she finally stabilised.

Sabine’s growth spurt had allowed her to be at a suitable height to engage with the TIE Fighters. The pilots inside of them were surprised by her sudden appearance and they began to engage with them. She began to remember how many people she cared about who had been killed by such fighters. This filled her with anger and she quickly raised her arm to swat away at an incoming TIE Fighter.

Fortunately for the pilot he was able to dodge out of the way and the others began to fire at her. They were just out of her reach but that changed when she felt her arms beginning to elongate again. In a matter of seconds, they were significantly longer than her legs and the unexpected TIE Fighters were caught by surprise. One was unfortunate to fly into her forearm. It was instantly destroyed on impact and she could see the TIE Fighters remaining. The pilots were now extra vigilante of Sabine as they could see that she was still growing before their eyes.
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Unread 02-08-2018   #30
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Sabine took out at least one TIE Fighter with every swing of her arm. However, in her mind she wasn’t making much. It seemed that with every TIE Fighter she destroyed another two would appear. They were firing at her regularly and her constantly growing body made her one big target. It also didn’t help that her vantage point was increasing every time that her body grew and stretched taller.

The battle could be seen by the Wookies who were getting onboard ships that they had liberated from the Trandoshans. One of these Wookies was Attichitcuk who could see Sabine fighting for their lives. Common sense was telling him to get to a ship and fly back home as soon as possible. His heart was a different story, he didn’t want to leave her as she had done everything she could to help him. Against his better judgement he ran toward the battle and he ignored the calls from the other Wookies.

Every now and again Sabine was forced to move one of her feet. Every time one of her enormous feet came down to the ground it caused an earthquake that could be felt in every direction. With each growth spurt the tremors would increase, the ground below her feet was also cracking as it was struggling to support the weight of the colossal woman. For now, she didn’t notice this as she just continued to destroy the TIE Fighters.

After several minutes the TIE Fighters had suffered heavy losses and were ordered to retreat. More than fifty of them had been destroyed while Sabine had suffered only very minor injuries. It also gave her a moment to catch her breath and it was only then that she realised just how big she was. The clouds around her were and she thought that she must be as tall as a mountain.

She looked down to the ground and she could see that everything looked incredibly tiny. Buildings were almost nothing in comparison to her. She gave a sigh as her hopes for a cure to her condition seemed to have disappeared. But there was one thing that she did notice. There was a speck on the ground that seemed to draw her attention. She squatted down and placed her finger next to the speck. She saw it struggle to climb on before she rose her finger back up to level.

“Attichitcuk is that you?” asked Sabine. She purposely whispered as she knew that her voice was loud enough to deafen him. Although she couldn’t see him clearly it was indeed Attichitcuk. He tried to shout something to her but his voice was now too quiet for her to hear. “I know that it’s you there, the Empire is gone now, you’re safe.”

Suddenly Attichitcuk could feel the ground he was standing on trembling. He could hear the stretching sound but now it was much, much louder than before. He then felt her flesh beginning to move as Sabine’s finger began to stretch. There were several creaking sounds as the bones and flesh in her finger stretching moving him upwards. The process only lasted for a few seconds but by then it was more than twice as long in comparison to the rest of her body.

“Where did you go?” asked Sabine as for the moment she lost sight of him. He stood there and waved his arms as much as he could but he was still too small for her to see properly. “I’m going to put you down now, this is your last chance to get back home. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there when you see your parents again. I broke my promise but as long as you’re brave you’ll be fine. If you’re ever scared just ask yourself what I would do and no matter what happens you’ll always be in my mind. Please just go now and live the rest of your life in happiness.”

With that she lowered her finger to the ground and with some difficulty Attichitcuk climbed down to the ground below. He looked up at her and from his perspective it was hard to see her head as it was so far up. He ran as fast as he could and he could feel the ground shaking as parts of Sabine grew.

Attichitcuk ran toward the closest ship that he could see. It was close to lifting off but he was able to reach it in time. He was grabbed by one of the Wookies who ensured that he was on properly. No sooner was he safely aboard it began to lift off as the Wookies wished to return back to Kashyyyk where they would be safe for now.

The ship lifting up did catch the notice of Sabine who watched as it quickly rose up into the air. She gave a smile as she knew that Attichitcuk was onboard and that he was with his people. It was then that she felt a surge run through her body which caused her to tremble. She knew that a growth spurt was coming and from how she was trembling she knew that it was going to be a big one.
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Unread 02-09-2018   #31
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Sabine felt her body rocket up faster than ever before. For one of the few times every part of her body was growing at the same rate. The clouds that had been swirling around her head was now at her chest, then her hips and then down to her knees. The ground cracked under her growing feet and she closed her eyes as she grew larger and larger.

From the ship flying away from the planet, Attichitcuk looked out of a window. The ship was about to go into hyperspace and he looked down to the planet. He wondered if Sabine would be alright now, he knew how large she was and he didn’t think that the Empire possessed any weapons that could hurt her.

Just as he was about to turn away he saw something odd on the surface of the planet. It was a small speck that could clearly be seen. He could see that this speck was growing bigger, at first, he thought that was impossible but after a few moments he began to see certain characteristics. He could see several bright colours from the figure and in his mind, it could only be one person.

“Sabine?” said Attichitcuk to himself.

This drew the attention of many of the escaping Wookies as they began to crowd around the window. They could see Sabine growing at an alarming rate. At first, she was only a tiny figure on the surface of the planet but as the seconds went by she seemed to grow bigger and bigger. She was so tall that her head had more than left the stratosphere of the planet but what surprised her more than anything was the fact that she was still breathing. She didn’t know how it was possible but it was saving her from dying.

It also didn’t stop her body from growing as she found herself unable to stay standing on the surface as she had simply become too large. She continued to grow and within seconds she was as large as the planet itself. She continued to grow bigger and bugger much to the disbelief of anyone watching.

Sabine groaned as she felt the growing sensation leave her body. She had become larger than the planet but she still found herself able to sit on it much like a normal person could with a boulder. She looked at herself and although she still had her stretched appearance she still couldn’t believe how large she had truly become.

One thing did catch her attention. It was a bright light that she recognised as a ship about to enter hyperspace. She knew that Attichitcuk was on board and she couldn’t help but rest her chin on her hand and smile at the ship. The young Wookie inside placed his hand on the window as he knew that this was the last time that he would see her.

“Be free little guy,” said Sabine. She watched as the light disappeared as the freed Wookies entered hyperspace. In a small space of time the ship could be lightyears away from this location.

Now that the ship was gone Sabine felt truly alone. She wondered what she was going to do with her life. She thought that her size would be more than the Empire could deal with but there was something else in her mind. She began to feel like the war against the Empire didn’t matter to her anymore. The conflict seemed to be beneath her as she knew that soon enough she would be bigger than a solar system, then the galaxy and then eventually the universe itself.

When that happened, she did wonder what was beyond it. Would she just find herself growing in an endless void or would she grow into another universe? If that was the case she did wonder how long it would be until she grew out of that one as well. Would the process keep repeating itself in an infinite loop? She did smile a little and she felt the familiar stretching feeling overtake her legs once again.

The End.
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Unread 02-11-2018   #32
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

After many restless months of fighting the Empire Sabine Wren was more than ready to take a break. Although the war was ongoing she knew that she needed to have some rest and relaxation in order to recharge. Her recently increased height had made her a sight to see for the Rebels she still wanted somewhere to relax.

Eventually Sabine was told about a relatively uninhabited planet with tropical beaches that seemed perfect for what she needed. She was given leave by the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and decided to go to the planet for a much needed rest. When she arrived everything seemed to be perfect as there were beautiful beaches as far as the eye could see without a person in sight. She even felt the need to remove her Madelorian armour that she was rarely seen without and slipped off a bikini that she had specially made for her. The bottom was not the problem but the top had very long straps which fit her elongated body.

Once the bikini was on Sabine stepped into the water which felt nice on her large feet. She continued to walk through the ocean as it grew deeper and deeper. However due to her great height the water didn't seem any deeper than her shins. Suddenly she took another step and she fell forward as the ocean suddenly became deeper. For a few moments her head was below the water but eventually she was able to recover. She placed her feet firmly on the sea floor and stood up properly. Her head and a small part of her long neck was above the water but the rest of her was below. She thought that it felt nice on her body and at least for the next few days she could forget about the war and the Empire.

For the next hour Sabine swam in the ocean without much of a care in the world. She made sure to stay in the deeper parts so that she could swim more comfortably, it did feel odd swimming again with everything that had happened it was a luxury that she thought that she would never feel again. The freedom that she felt reminded her of when she was younger when life seemed much simpler. She did eventually tire of swimming and wanted to give her tanned skin some much needed sunlight.

"Hey you there," said a Voice. This caught Sabine by surprise who for a moment had been standing on the sea floor near where she had fallen in around an hour before. It took her a moment to notice a man standing in the water not too far away from her. Since he seemed to be standing comfortably in the water she knew that he was in the shallow part.

"Who me?" asked Sabine with some confusion. Her entire body was below the water line with only a small part of her neck and her head peaking above.

"Well there aren't any other pretty ladies around here." He had great confidence in his voice and she admitted to herself that he did look quite handsome. "I just happened to be going for a swim when my eyes just happened catch that lovely face of yours. And I was thinking that maybe you'd like to join me on my yacht that's set down not too far from here. It's the fasted and most luxurious ship in the galaxy, it can take us to practically anywhere we want."

"As appealing that sounds I'm going to have to pass." She wanted to stretch her arms up but decided not to for the moment. She didn't want to unintentionally scare him.

"The problem is that I'm not the kind of guy to take no for an answer. I promise you that it'll be an experience that you'll never forget."

"I don't think that's for the best. You see I doubt that I'm your type."

"You don't happen to go for the female demographic do you?" This caused Sabine to raise an eyebrow as she didn't know what was coming. "I can easily find someone who more fits your tastes, maybe we can work something out that can benefit us both."

Sabine fell silent for several moments as she couldn't believe who this man was. He seemed very arrogant in his pursuit of her and she imagined that he likely did this to many women before discarding them and moving onto the next one. It was also obvious to her that he didn't realise just how tall she was. The truth was with the vast majority of her body below the water line it was impossible for anyone to tell. An idea did pop into her mind, she could see that this man wasn't going to leave her alone any time soon and she thought that she should have a little fun with the situation.

"On second thoughts maybe I can accompany you to your yacht," said Sabine as a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "The very least I can do is see it."

Art this time is from my old friend Teaquill

Last edited by a0040pc; 02-11-2018 at 06:30 PM.
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Unread 03-01-2018   #33
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Sabine continued to chuckle to herself as she knew that she was going to have a little fun. For the time being it was still only her head that was above the waterline. She watched as he turned to walk away and she intended to follow him. Quickly she moved toward him and soon came into contact with the elevated seafloor in front of her. She easily climbed up it and now the sea wasn't even up passed her shins. For now he didn't seem to notice what was happening.

"I guarantee you that you'll love my yacht," said the Man. He hadn't looked back yet as he was supremely confident in his own abilities. "You'll never experience luxury like that."

"I bet," replied Sabine. She continued to walk but she made sure that her pace was a slow one so that she didn't overtake him at any point in time. Within seconds they reached the shore of the beach and he began to turn toward her.

"Now why don't we..." He suddenly feel silent as he realised that he was looking at Sabine's knee. Slowly he began to look up and up as he saw her thighs, then her torso before getting up to her long neck. Only above that he saw her head that was held above him as if she was in a tree but her large feet were planted firmly on the ground.

"What's wrong?" She knew full well what was happening and it only made her smile. "I want to see your yacht, you do have one don't you?"

"I...I...I." He was completely dumbstruck by what he was seeing. He had seen plenty of tall women in his life but none measured up to her. She was without a shadow of a doubt the tallest human that he had ever seen.

"Is it my height? Yeah I forgot to mention that I'm super tall, I hope that doesn't mean you don't want to have a but of fun."

"A-Actually I've just remembered that I need to go to a business arrangement in another system. It's been nice talking to you, I'll see you later."

With that the man quickly moved away and Sabine couldn't help but laugh at what had happened. She was glad that she had put him in her place and now she had the beach to herself once again. Although her extremely long body had given her much heartache in her recent life but she was glad that she could have some fun with it as well.
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Unread 04-02-2018   #34
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

In-between fighting the Empire and helping others across the galaxy Sabine Wren often takes a little time to relax and kick back every now and again. In the past she used to create art in her room in order to impress her fellow members of the Ghost Crew. Unfortunately in recent times Sabine had gone through a series of growth spurts that made her extremely tall with stretched features. She had no idea exactly why she had grown so much but slowly she had adjusted to it.

Thanks to her great height Sabine now had to relax outside of the Ghost in order to fully stretch her legs and not be confined to the small spaces of the ship. She loved to be able walk around and not to worry about accidentally knocking into things or banging her head on a ceiling or doorframe. The fresh air also felt good to her and on this particular day she found herself lying down in the grass and looking up at the sky.

Above her she could see the clouds and it reminded her of her younger days when she would do the same. She tried to make out shapes out of them and she found this to be fun. One in particular looked like a great beast that she had once seen while she and her crewmate Hera were exploring an old Republic base used during the Clone Wars. The memories sent a shiver down her very long spine but that was all it was a memory.

One thing that Sabine didn't notice at first was that the Ghost Crew's droid named Chopper was approaching her. Even though the ground was a little uneven it was able to keep itself upright. It moved directly toward her and only when it had actually reached her did the stretched woman even notice her. She gave it a smile and looked toward it, as she was lying down she needed to look up at it.

"Hey Chopper, what's up?" asked Sabine. She heard it respond in a series of mechanical noises that she did understand. "Just looking at the clouds." She stretched her hand up and pointed toward a particular cloud. "Hey, that one looks like you." Chopper responded again but this time it didn't seem to be too flattered. "It's not stupid, it's just a bit of fun. You should try it one day, you might enjoy it." It began to respond again and this caused Sabine to sigh. "Ok I'll be there in a moment."

Knowing that her time to herself had come to an end she slowly rose to her feet. Chopper watched as she moved up and up and up. By the time she had stood up to her full height Sabine was so tall that Chopper didn't even hope to come up to her knee. She looked down at the small droid and she was still getting used to seeing things from a higher vantage point. She even thought that she might have grown an inch or two since she had lay down but she thought that this was in her head.

"Ok Chopper, just don't trip me up please. I still have bruises from the last time." Chopper responded once more but this time it felt like it was laughing at her.

With that Sabine began to walk back toward the Ghost. Her long legs made such a journey much shorter than what was normal, Chopper did follow her to the best of its ability but even the droid had problems keeping up. She did notice this and slow her pace but she knew that things were going to get serious very quickly.
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Unread 05-02-2018   #35
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

Sabine had been practicing with the Dark Sabre a lot since she had been given it to help fight against the Empire but that had seemed so long ago now, back then she had been a different woman in more ways then one. Back then she could fit in with a crowd and most would call her normal despite her choice of hair colour.

After suffering what seemed to be a fatal accident Sabine was thought to be as good as dead but miraculously she had survived. That wasn’t the only thing that had happened though, it took a couple of days later before she realised that she was taller. At first it was only a few inches but as time went by the growth spurt continued.

In the space of a few days she had grown to double her normal height and she kept on going. Rather than completely enlarging her body just stretched upwards as if she was being pulled up. This made her body incredibly long but also looking thin despite the fact that she was still as wide as she was when she was normal. Every part of her body was being stretched to impossible lengths. Her neck in particular was being stretched and it made her look very odd.

The only part of her body that wasn’t being stretched as her head. Every other aspect of her body was abnormally elongated but the head stayed the same, she didn’t know whether to be thankful for this or not. It did make her seem even more weird as her body was incredibly stretched but her head was perfectly normal for everyone to see.

Despite what was happening to her Sabine decided that it was best to practice again with the Dark Sabre. She was able to locate it and when she activated it she looked at it with some awe. She thought that it looked smaller than it had before, she remembered it being a blade that was almost as long as her leg. Now it seemed no more than a knife in comparison to her.

Even though it looked smaller now Sabine tried to use it like she had before the growth spurt. One problem she had was that with her limbs now stretched it made her very clumsy. She would try to thrust the blade she would find herself tripping over her big feet and taking a long tumble to the ground.

This annoyed Sabine as she knew that the problem was only going to get worse. However, by practicing she would get used to her new body and she would master the blade once again no matter how long it would take.
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Unread 05-10-2018   #36
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Re: Super Tall Sabine Wren From Star Wars Rebels

I really like the stretched-out growth style as well. Keep it up!
She smiled. ...The fragrant breeze drifted up from the sea again. A magician wandered along the beach, but no one needed him.
-Douglas Adams
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